About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W #
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Most useful EPA documents
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See also Aviation, Motorcycles, Railroads and Rapid Transit, Trucks.
1976 Reassessment of Noise Concerns of Other Nations - Volume I - Summary and Selected topics
Carl Modig; Ghalib Khouri; John Stepanchuk; George Cerny
August 1976
A review of the noise abatement programs of countries around the world (except the U.S.) including laws, regulations, guidelines, criteria, research, governmental organization, plans, etc., with bibliography and contact addresses to facilitate further inquiry. Also includes international organizations involved in noise control. Both environmental and occupational noise are covered. Topics: Community noise, airport, aircraft, surface transportation, construction noise, occupational noise, noise from factories, noise in buildings. A summary finds that compared to a similar 1971 review, the U.S. has "caught up", information has increased geometrically, many nations now compensate citizens for noise from airports or roads, and noise limits in industry are becoming stricter. Vol. II contains country-by-country reviews.
1981 Vehicle Makes and Models and Component Specs, Commercial Car Journal, October, 1980, Pages 229-278
40 CFR Part 205 {1483-2} Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors; Technical Amendments
Airport Access Study - Impact of Airport-Oriented Vehicle Trips on Highway Facilities
July 1972
This study was initiated by the Federal Highway Administration's Urban Planning Division for the primary purpose of developing a method to assess the impact of airport-oriented vehicular trips on highway facilities. This was accomplished using existing urban transportation study data files and computer programs available from the Federal Highway Administration.
Environmental Noise Measurements on Interstate 57 During and After Strike
P.D. Schomer; B.L. Homans
June 1974
Noise and traffic-count data were recorded and analyzed during and immediately after a nationwide strike of independent truckers. This report presents statistical noise levels, equivalent sound level (Leq), and day-night level (Ldn) for a two-week data-gathering period. From these results, it is possible to infer the truck contribution to highway noise.
Population Distribution of the United States as a Function of Outdoor Noise Level - Volume 2
June 1974
This appendix provides a description of each of the 100 measurement sites utilized during this project. The computer output listings for each of the sites are also presented. Data are presented by city, in alphabetical order. Figures B-1 through B-14 show maps of the fourteen cities in which noise measurements were obtained. On each map the specific measurement locations are indicated. Figures B-15 through B-114 provide data for each of the sites. The first page of each figure, labeled Figure B-xx(a) provides a physical description of the site. A photo and vicinity map are shown, and the address, population density, and measured Ldn value are given. Also listed are various parameters of the traffic flow in the general vicinity of the site. The street on which the site is located, and the street in the vicinity of the site, are both classified into one of four categories: freeway, arterial, collector, and local. Also indicated are the types of vehicles that traverse these streets. Noise sources other than traffic that affect the noise environment at the site are also listed. The second page of the figure, labeled Figure B-xx(b), lists various statistics and noise levels for each hour of the day. Tabulated are the maximum and minimum values occurring during the hour, the noise pollution level (NPL), the standard deviation (SIG) of the distribution of levels occurring during the hour, the L-equivalent level (LEQ), and the traffic noise index (TNI). Various percentile levels ranging from L1 to L99 are also listed. Similar noise measures are tabulated for the daytime (0700-2200 hrs.) and nighttime (2200-0700 hrs.) periods on the final page, labeled Figure B-xx(c). Plotted at the top of this page is the distribution of levels for the daytime and nighttime periods. Also, the weighted 24-hour L-equivalent value, with weighting factors of 0, 8, 10, and 12 decibels for the nighttime period, are listed. Note that the weighted L-equivalent value for a weighting factor of 10 decibels is the day/night sound level (Ldn).
Federal Aviation Administration - Analysis of a Single Event Noise Metric for Airport Noise Assessment
April 1991
The Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 authorizing the establishment of a voluntary program of local airport noise compatibility planning, and directed the standardization of the procedure for representing and evaluating airport noise. Specifically, the Act directed the Secretary of Transportation, through regulations, to: a. Establish a single system of measuring noise, for which there is a highly reliable relationship between the projected noise exposure and surveyed reactions of people to noise, to be uniformly applied in measuring the noise at airports and the areas surrounding the airports; b. Establish a single system for determining the exposure of individuals to noise which results from the operations of an airport and which includes, but is not limited to, noise intensity, duration, frequency, and time of occurrence; and c. Identify land uses which are normally compatible with various exposures of individuals to noise. (Public Law 96-193, Sec. 102.) In response to this legislative mandate, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Part 150 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning (14 CFR 150) in 1980. THis procedure adopted A-weighted Sound Level as the "single" unit for measureing noise, designated Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) as the "single system" for determining the exposure of individuals to airport noise, and included a table of land uses which were considered to be normally compatible ot incompatible with various levels of Yearly DNL. The selections of A-weighted Sound Level, DNL, and the normally compatible land uses were based on the best scientific information available at that time (References 1 to 3). In general, DNL was also adopted by the FAA for its environmental assessments under the National Environmental Policy Act (Reference 4), and by most other federal agencies in their environmental reviews. Recent research has supported these findings (Reference 5). In recent years, there have been indications of increasing dissatisfaction with the accepted airport noise evaluation methodology and the compatibility guidelines designed above. In particular, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has raised a number of issues concerning the present federal process for evaluating airport environmental noise effects. The USEPA's concerns focused on the adequacy and applicability of current methodologies and metrics, the definition of full disclosure, and the extent of mitigation measures which should be considered in an environmental document. Of particular concern to the USEPA, and one of the subjects of this report, is the evaluation of impacts at levels of impact below a DNL of 65 decibels (dB). The purpose of this report is the quantification and documentation of airport noise impacts using a noise exposure metric based on single-event noise levels, rather than the equal-energy concept embodied in the DNL metric.
EPA Analysis of the Amendment to Delete "Engine Brake" Deceleration Testing from the Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Regulation
May 1977
A presentation of the questions posed and an assessment of the issues related to the consideration of the amendment to delete deceleration testing from the medium and heavy truck noise regulation (40 CPR 205) is reported. Although noise emissions from engine brake operation are inique in character, it appears that noise control using engine exhaust muffling for the vehicle acceleration mode also reduces engine brake deceleration sound levels. Economic impacts of vehicle deceleration testing using engine brakes appear minimal if engine brakes are installed at the point of manufacture. The report contains EPA Regulatory Docket No. ONAC 77-3 exhibiting all comments submitted by interested parties.
Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Draft Environmental and Inflationary Impact Statement
November 1977
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued proposed noise emission regulations for newly manufactured motorcycles and motorcycle replacement exhaust systems. These proposed regulations are intended to alleviate the problem of motorcycle noise not only in cities and on highways, but in off-road environments as well. This draft Environmental and Inflationary Impact Statement (EIS-IIS) presents in summary form benefits to be gained from the proposed motorcycle noise standards, and the economic implications of this action. Also presented are the principal regulatory options which were considered by EPA. The information contained in this document will provide an understanding of the issues involved with this proposed rulemaking, and of EPA's strategy in promoting a quieter, more livable environment for all Americans.
Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Background Document
November 1977
This background document was prepared in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Proposed Noise Emission Regulations for New Motorcycles and Mew Motorcycle Replacement Exhaust Systems. These Regulations have been proposed to the mandate of Congress as expressed in The Noise Control Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234).
Federal Research, Technology and Demonstration Programs in Aviation Noise
March 1978
The Noise Control Act of 1972 directs EPA to establish the effective coordination of Federal research and development activities in noise control, and to compile and publish periodic reports on the status and progress of these actions. The Federal noise research coordination activity was initiated in early 1974. Four interagency research panels were established in the areas of: (1) Aviation, (2) Surface transportation, (3) Machinery, and (4) Noise effects. The panels issued reports in the March-June 1975 time period summarizing the fiscal year 1973 through 1975 ongoing and planned noise research, technology, and demonstration (RT&D) programs within the various agencies of the Federal Government. During 1976, the four panels were reestablished to develop an up-to-date summary of Federally-sponsored noise RT&D programs, to assess their adequacy to meet national objectives for noise abatement, and to identify technology needs to support a national noise abatement strategy. The Federal Interagency Aviation Noise Research Panel included representatives of the agencies principally concerned with aviation noise abatement and research. They include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); the Department of Defense (DOD), Departments of the Air Force, Army, and Navy; and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/ONAC). The Department of Housing and Urban Development was also represented because of their interest in aircraft noise abatement through land use planning and noise attenuating building practices. HUD sponsors no research in aircraft source noise reduction. Mr. Harry W. Johnson, Directior of NASA's Aeronautical Propulsion Division, served as chairman of the panel. NASA currently sponsors the bulk of aviation noise research programs within the Federal Government. EPA served as the secretariat. The information, assessments, conclusions, and recommendations in this report are the consensus of the panel members and are not necessarily the official views of the agencies.
Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Background Document Appendix
November 1977
This background document was prepared in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Proposed Noise Emission Regulations for New Motorcycles and Mew Motorcycle Replacement Exhaust Systems. These Regulations have been proposed to the mandate of Congress as expressed in The Noise Control Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234).
Federal Noise Research - EPA Summary and Assessment
June 1978
The United States Government is involved in research, development and demonstration (RD&D) activities related to aviation, surface transportation, machinery and construction equipment noise abatement and control through a number of its Agencies and Departments. In addition, considerable effort is expended in noise effects research to help identify and categorize the adverse health effects of noise. These programs vary in size and complexity, and objectives vary according to overall Agency charters, statutory authorities and other priorities. One of the purposes of the Noise Control Act of 1972 was to establish a means of effective coordination of Federal research and development activities in noise research and noise control. The Act directs the Administrator of the EPA to compile and publish, from time to time, a report on the status and progress of Federal noise research and noise control programs. In early 1974, the Federal noise research coordination activity was initiated in accordance with Section 4 of the Act. Four interagency noise research panels were established in the areas of: -Aviation, -Surface vehicles, -Machinery, -Effects. Reports were issued by the panels in the March-May 1975 time period (Ref. 1-4). The reports summarized the FY 1973-75 ongoing and planned noise research, development and demonstration programs within the various Agencies of the Federal Government. During 1976, the four panels were reconvened to update the data base and also: -Assess the contribution of past, current and planned Federal Noise RD&D Programs, and -Identify technology and noise effects needs to support a long range National Noise Abatement Strategy. The Chairman selected for each panel was a senior representative of the Agency having maximum program content in the specific panel...EPA provided secretariat support to each of the panels. The panels developed specialized reports covering the Research and Technology Development and Demonstration programs related to their area of concern (Refs. 5-8). The individual report formats were generally consistent with minor variations between them based upon the perceived needs of the Panel Chairman and Panel participants. This summary report presents an EPA overview and assessment of the results of the panels' deliberations. Each of the Panel Chairman, as well as the panels' members, were provided an opportunity to comment on, (1) a preliminary draft and, (2) a final draft copy of this report. ALl of the coments were carefully considered and reviewed with the commenters. The final report includes those points deemed appropriate for inclusion herein. However, the findings, conclusions, & recommendations in this assessment are EPA's and not necessarily those of any other agency.
Federal Register
September 1977
Environmental Protection Agency - Buses - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment
Foreign Noise Research in Aviation
December 1977
This is one of three reports which summarize foreign noise abatement research efforts, based on an appraisal carried out by Informatics Inc. for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, as part of their noise research coordination efforts. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has reconstituted interagency noise research panels covering three areas: aviation, surface transportation, and machinery and construction equipment. THe purpose of the panels is to assemble a total picture of U.S. Federally-sponsored noise abatement research recently completed, in progress, or planned, and provide recommendations fffor additional research which should be performed to meet the goals embodied in the national noise abatement strategy. The three panel reports are scheduled for release in early 1978. The three reports on research abroad are to supplement the information provided in the panel reports by providing a broad overview of the international research effort underway in noise abatement and control.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment - Motorcycles and Motorcycle Replacement Exhaust Systems
March 1978
Foreign Noise Research in Surface Transportation
December 1977
This is one of three reports which summarize foreign noise abatement research efforts, based on an appraisal carried out by Informatics Inc. for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, as part of their noise research coordination efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reconstituted interagency noise research panels covering three areas: aviation, surface transportation, and machinery and construction equipment. The purpose of the panels is to assemble a total picture of U.S. Federally-sponsored noise abatement research recently completed, in progress, or planned, and provide recommendations for additional research which should be performed to meet the goals embodied in the national noise abatement strategy. The three panel reports are scheduled for release in early 1978. The three reports on research abroad are to supplement the information provided in the panel reports by providing a broad overview of the international research effort underway in noise abatement and control.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment; Interstate Rail Carriers
April 1979
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Information in Support of the Proposed Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors - Part 1. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement Part 2. Background Doc.
August 1977
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement, and Background Document were prepared in support of the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed regulation which sets noise emission standards for newly manufactured truck-mounted solid waste compactors. The proposed regulation has been published pursuant to the mandate of Congress as expresses in the Noise Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234).
Guidance Manual for Police in State and Local Noise Enforcement Procedures
The purpose of this manual is to provide law enforcement personnel with the necessary technical skills and procedures to enforce State and Local motor vehicle noise laws. The manual has been written for use by the police officer charged with the enforcement responsibilities, as well as his supervisor.
Preliminary Estimates of the Health and Welfare Benefits of State and Local Surface Transportation Noise Control Programs
Michael A. Staiano; Robert A. Samis
November 1979
The actual reduction in traffic noise exposure level for a given control measure can be conceptually considered a function of: the potential level reduction of the control, its applicability, the extent of its enforcement, and the effectiveness of its enforcement. A survey of the available literature yielded a reasonable amount of information regarding the potential level reductions of control measures, a limited amount of information regarding the observed exposure level reductions of control measures, and virtually no information regarding the applicability of controls, the extent of enforcement, or the effectiveness of enforcement. EPA's National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) was used as a means of estimating the benefits of various state and local surface transportation noise control measures for the year 1985. Somewhat coarse simulations of the various controls gave the following results: -Various low speed vehicle noise control measures, applied nationwide, roughly halved of the surface transportation noise impact. -Upper estimates of high speed vehicle noise control measures (snow tire regulations and roadway surface treatment) yielded roughly a 2/5 reduction in impact. -The exclusion of noisy vehicles from residential areas, applied to cities with greater than 50,000 people population, has a potential for the reduction of impact by about 1/4. -Motorcycle enforcement resulting in the partial to total elimination of modified motorcycles has the potential for reducing impact between 1/5 to 1/4. -Reducing local speed limits, in cities of greater than 50,000 people population, was estimated to yield a maximum impact reduction of 1/5. -More stringent speed limit enforcement for highways, on a nationwide basis was estimated to have a maximum benefit of about 1/5 impact reduction. Recommendations for future work include refining NRTNEM itself to more realistically describe vehicle behavior at intersections, refining the simulations themselves to yield more accurate estimates (e.g., considering snow tire controls only for "snow states" and their exclusion only for summer months), and the simulation of simultaneous multiple complementary controls. Finally, any estimates must be considered in the light of reasonable expectations for the applicability, effectiveness and the extent of enforcement of control measures. In the absence of a data base for these parameters, sensitivity tests should be conducted.
Assessment of Ground Surface Corrections for Motor Vehicle Noise Measurements
Donald B. Pies
February 1977
In 1974, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a regulation limiting the noise levels produced by trucks operated by motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. A measurement methodology was included in the background considerations for this regulation that allowed measurements pf truck noise levels to be made over hard (i.e., concrete, asphalt, packed dirt or gravel) or soft (i.e., grass or similar absorbent material) surfaces, with an adjustment factor of 2 dB to be added to the latter to account for the effect of ground attenuation. The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) has the task of enforcing this regulation, and has published an enforcement procedure that includes the 2 dB adjustment factor. The provision of the adjustment factor is predicated on simple geometry of ground coverage and does not necessarily apply under other more complex conditions. Also, it appears that a systematic study has not been made of all available data in order to justify the numerical value of the correction factor. The purpose of this program is to study existing data and present recommendations as to the validity of the 2 dB adjustment factor.
Noise in Rail Transit Cars: Incremental Costs of Quieter Cars
June 1974
U.S. rail rapid transit systems, car operations, and the car building industry are described in relation to the procurement of quieter cars. The noise environment of passengers in rapid transit cars is discussed and the major noise sources and paths of noise transmission into cars are delineated. For essentially all combinations of car noise-control modifications deemed technically and economically feasible for implementation in new vehicles, estimates are presented of the associated noise reductions, initial costs, and operating costs. It is concluded that significant reductions in in-car noise under typical operating conditions can be achieved at incremental costs that are small percentages of the total car costs.
Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment - Proposed Bus Noise Emission Regulation - Part 1. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Part 2. Background Document
August 1977
This Draft Environmental Impact Statement addresses a proposed noise emission regulation for buses. In arriving at the proposed regulation, the Agency carried out detailed investigations of bus design and manufacturing and assembly processes, bus noise measurement methodologies, available bus noise control technology. costs attendant to bus noise control methods, costs to test vehicles for compliance, costs of record keeping, possible economic impacts due to increased costs, and the potential environmental and health and welfare benefits associated with the application of various noise control measures. Data and information generated as a result of these investigations are the basis for the statements made in Part 1 of this document. Part 1 has been designed to present, in the simplest form, all relevant information regarding the environmental impact expected to result from the proposed action. Where greater detail is required, the Agency encourages persual of Part 2, the Background Document.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment; Interstate Rail Carriers
January 1980
Airport-Land Use Compatibility Planning
January 1977
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a new advisory circular providing guidance for airport-land use compatibility planning at new and existing airports. The comprehensive planning approach discussed in the guidance stresses balance between the needs and tolerances of both the airport and its environs. A system of Land Use Guidance Zones is used to translate airport noise into categories of compatible land use. Reduction and/or containment of airport noise is an essential part of the program. Community goals, values, and needs are injected via a citizen involvement program to assure that the final plan and its implementation program accurately reflect the individual characters of affected communities. The circular furthers the objective of reducing noise impact as articulated in the Department of Transportation Aviation Noise Abatement Policy.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment; Interstate Rail Carriers
April 1979
Noise Source Regulation in State and Local Noise Ordinances
February 1975
This document has been prepared as a planning and reference guide for public administrators of environmental noise control programs. It presents a summary of noise source regulations encompassed in current state laws and local ordinances. Data have been extracted from only those laws and ordinances stipulating specific decibel levels. For the states, the laws summarized are grouped under the headings: motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, land use, and general. For localities, the headings are: motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, intrusive noise sources, stationary noise sources, construction noise, and miscellaneous noise regulations. Because of the many variations among local jurisdictional regulations, no attempt was made to list the specific noise level requirements for recreational vehicles, construction equipment, or land use.
Noise From Industrial Plants
December 1971
The objectives of this study included the following: (1) To identify as many sources of noise as possible in five typical indutrial plants. The plants selected for the field survey included the following types: (a) Glass Manufacturing Plant (b) Oil Refinery (c) Power Plant (d) Automobile Assembly Plant (e) Can Manufacturing Plant. (2) To measure the in-plant source noise levels. (3) To measure environmental noise in the communities adjacent to the above industrial plants. (4) To determine the community noise exposure and impact due to industrial plant noise. (5) To identify the human-related problems associated with the noise sources. (6) To identify the contributory reasons for initiating noise abatement programs and current attitudes toward noise legislation. (7) To identify the groups or organizations responsible for initiation of the noise abatement programs. (8) To assess the state-of-the-art for application of noise abatement technology to the noise sources identified above.
Highway Noise Criteria Study: Traffic Noise Data Base
Daniel R. Flynn; Carl R. Voorhees; Simone L. Yaniv
April 1980
This report documents a traffic noise data base that was obtained as part of a large research program developed to identify and quantify the important physical parameters which affect human response to time-varying traffic noise and to investigate various procedures for rating such noise so as to enable reliable predictions of subjective response to the noise. Fifteen-minute recordings of actual traffic noise were made at four microphone positions (7.5, 15, 30, 60 m from the centerline of the near lane) at several times of the day at each of seven sites, five representing nominally constant-speed traffic and two representing stop-and-go intersection traffic. The 107 recordings that resulted were subjected to extensive analysis. The analysis procedures are described and tables and graphs are included which document, for each recording, the 1/3-octave band spectra and numerous noise descriptors computed for the time-histories of the A-weighted sound level. As a separate part of this study, recordings also were made of the noise from single-vehicle passbys and from simulated traffic consisting of controlled drive-bys of up to ten vehicles. These recordings also were extensively analysed and the results of these analyses are given.
MBTA Rapid Transit System (Red Line) Wayside and In-Car Noise and Vibration Level Measurements
Edward J. Rickley; Robert W. Quinn
August 1972
Wayside and in-car noise and vinration characteristics of a late-model mass transit car making up 2-cand 4-car trains are tabulated and analyzed in this report. The MBTA Type 1 South Shore Rapid Transit Car, designed and built by Pullman Standard, Chicago Illinois and currently in operation on the Red Line of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) was measured. Wayside measurements had been made by the tracks of the South Shore Extension of the Red Line 58 days after the official September 1, 1971 opening of this extension. These wayside measurements were repeated six months later. In-car noise and vibration measurements are made in a selected 2-car train on a typical run over various sections of the Red Line.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment for Interstate Rail Carriers
September 1980
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Volume VIII Noise Abatement: Policy Alternatives for Transportation
The report is organized around two major topics: the range of alternative policy measures for transportation noise abatement and the benefits and costs of abatement. These two topics comprise Parts I and III of the report; Part II covers the measurement of noise, the current pattern of transportation noise and its effects, and the projected future pattern of transportation and the noise associated with it. The committee's recommendations are presented in the latter part of this summary chapter.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program - Summary of Progress Through 1988
This Summary of Progress is a compilation of information on all projects initiated under the NCHRP from its inception in 1962 through 1988. Annually, for 27 years, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program has issued a Summary of Progress comprised of up-to-date status reports on all on-going projects and brief statements on those that have been completed. With rising publication costs, and in the interest of keeping this book within manageable size, future summaries will not contain the completed projects that are found in this volume. Therefore, it is suggested that this edition be preserved as the last complete source of information on all NCHRP projects. Subsequent editions will update the Summary of Progress series, including only projects active after January 1, 1989.
Noise and Vibration Characteristics of High Speed Transit Vehicles
June 1971
The rapidly epanding problems of urban transportation have resulted in intensified activity in the development and construction of new fixed route, high speed rapid transit systems and equipment. The community noise and ground vibration cause by such systems and vehicles is a very important factor influencing public acceptance of these systems. Noise and vibration measurements obtained within modern operational and experimental transit vehicles provide a basis for determining the expected wayside or community airborne noise and ground-borne vibration levels for different types of new transit systems. Through the use of modern design concepts and equipment intended to provide reduced noise and vibration, the wayside noise and vibration caused by rapid transit system vehicles can be made acceptable and the operations can be much quieter than traditionally expected despite the general increase in speed of the newer systems which tends to increase noise and vibration. The purpose of this report is to present a review of the available information on wayside noise and vibration generated by rapid transit vehicles, primarily rail transit vehicles, including projection of the expected noise and vibration levels for highway speed vehicles being considered for future applications.
Laws and Regulatory Schemes for Noise Abatement
December 1971
I - Among the more significant findings and conclusions of this Report are the following: - The existing Environmental Noise Regulatory Structure is fragmented in organization and ad hoc in operation. Abatement functions are distributed among Federal, State, and local governmental levels but are largely uncoordinated. - The environmental noise problem context is composed of a wide variety of discrete noise sources and noise environments. Numerous partial efforts have been made to regulate "excessive" or "unnecessary" noise through regulatory schemes directed to abatement at the source, reduction of the effects of noise, and to remedies (by private action) to abate the source or to reduce the effects. - Regulation by the Federal government has been slight. Even with respect to aircraft noise the pace of abatement at the source has been gradual with no short term prospects for substantial relief. - Regulation by the states has for the most part been limited to selected noise sources although some states are now in process of enacting comprehensive noise abatement statutes. - Most noise abatement regulation has taken place at the local level by means of general noise ordinances or ordinances directed to specific noise sources or by the creation of "quiet zones". - Both State and local governmental levels are handicapped in police power regulation of some of the more critical noise sources as a result of preemptive Federal legislation (aircraft noise) or by the threat of impinging upon a strong national interest in maintaining the free flow of interstate commerce. - Very little attention has been given to construction equipment or site noise, or to domestic noise sources. - Enforcement of noise abatement State statutes and municipal noise ordinances has been notoriously spasmodic and uniformly weak; in general, noise control enforcement has been placed on already overburdened State highway patrols or local police officers. - While both the Federal government and State governments have been slow to intervene in the noise regulatory area, certain trends point to a substantially increased level of effort: Federal level: Noise abatement (occupational) of all businesses operating in interstate commerce, Construction site noise abatement under the Construction Safety Act, Highway design to reduce noise effects. State level: Enactment of comprehensive environmental quality statutes, including environmental noise abatement codes, Enactment of specific legislation designed to control the total noise emissions of vehicles and to regulate the noise level operations of vehicles. Local level: Initial efforts by a few cities to enact comprehensive Environmental Noise Codes covering all or most of the serious noise sources and noise environments subject to municipal regulation, Growing sophistication at all governmental levels in noise abatement and control techniques, including the establishment of decibel levels to replace or supplement verbal-subjective standards, Increasing disposition to broaden coverage of noise sources and noise environments by regulatory schemes and to disseminate through labelling or by other means useful information on noise dangers and abatement techniques to the general public. II - Among the more significant continuing problems in the regulation of environmental noise identified by the Report are the following: - Lack of officials and organized public interest in aggressive noise abatement programs. - Conflict of the social interest in noise abatement with other social values such as safety or free expression which are accorded higher priority in the scheme of social interests. - Intensification of the stress between Federal efforts and State/local noise abatement efforts, especially in those regulatory contexts where Federal preemptive legislation is involved. - Continuing difficulty by State or local authorities to regulate noise to the satisfaction of local conditions and needs where such regulation requires control over the noise source or effects of vehicles, equipment, and appliances regularly moving in or operating in interstate commerce. - Continuing difficulty, due to the multiplicity of noise sources and noise environments, of determining what noise sources or effects are to be controlled by what level of government with respect to the setting of standards or to operating procedures, having appropriate regard for the need of uniformity of regulation in some areas and the need for diversity of regulation to suit unique local conditions in others.
Diesel Engine Noise Conference
Effects of Noise on Wildlife and Other Animals
December 1971
In recent years the possible effects of noise on wildlife have become a matter of serious concern, for several excellent reasons. Our rapidly growing population and advancing technology result in ever increasing noise levels. Noise is an unwanted and at times a potentially dangerous by-product of virtually every aspect of modern-day life - construction, transportation, power generation, manufacturing, recreation, etc. Today we find that areas previously considered remote, and therefore relatively non-polluted by noise, are now being exposed or are in danger of exposure to various kinds of noise pollution. The effects that increased noise levels will have on wildlife in these areas are virtually unknown. Obviously animals that rely on their auditory systems for courtship and mating behavior, prey location, predator detection, homing, etc., will be more threatened by increased noise than will species that utilize other sensory modalities. However, due to the complex interrelationships that exist among all the organisms in an ecosystem, interference with one species might well affect all the other species.
Foreign Noise Research in Machinery/Construction Equipment
December 1977
This is one of three reports which summarize foreign noise abatement research efforts, based on an appraisal carried out by Informatics Inc. for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, as part of their noise research coordination efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reconstituted interagency noise research panels covering three areas: aviation, surface transportation, and machinery and construction equipment. The purpose of the panels is to assemble a total picture of U.S. Federally-sponsored noise abatement research recently completed, in progress, or planned, and provide recommendations for additional research which should be performed to meet the goals embodied in the national noise abatement strategy. The three panel reports are scheduled for release in early 1978. The three reports on research abroad are to supplement the information provided in the panel reports by providing a broad overview of the international research effort underway in noise abatement and control.
Model On-Road Light Vehicle Noise Enforcement Procedure Manual
August 1980
Noise from vehicular traffic has long been recognized as a potential health problem and has now reached such a point that in the recent Annual Housing Survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census,
(Buses) State/Local Programs and Capability for Noise Control
Studies in Urban Transportation - Transportation Systems: Noise Generation and Abatement
Frank B. Hartl
February 1974
The report deals with the noise impact of transportation systems and methods that can be used for lessening that impact. An introductory discussion of the physics of noise and noise measurement is given to help the reader in understanding how the noise impact is analyzed.
Federal Research, Development and Demonstration Programs in Surface Transportation Noise
February 1978
The Surface Transportation Noise Research Panel included representatives of the Department of Transportation (DOT); the Department of Defense (DOD); the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards (DOC/NBS); the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and the Department of Energy (DOE). With the exception of HUD and DOE, these agencies sponsor and/or conduct the majority of surface transportation noise research development, and demonstration activities in the Federal Government. In addition, the Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service (USDA/USFS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) provided the panel with pertinent noise research information. Mr. W Harry Close of DOT, the lead department within the Federal Government for surface transportation noise RD&D, was chairman of the panel; EPA served as the secretariat.
(Buses) Appendix B - Related New Clippings
February 1982
First Report on the Federal Urban Noise Initiative
February 1980
In his Environmental Message to the Congress on August 2, 1979, President Carter announced a new Urban Noise Initiative. The Initiative established an Interagency Connittee on Urban Noise to carry out a five point urban noise program: 1. Initiation of programs to achieve soundproofing and weatherization of noise-sensitive buildings such as schools and hospitals. 2. Promotion of the use og quiet-design features in the planning, design and operation of proposed urban transportation projects. 3. Encouragement of noise-sensitive developments, such as housing, to be located away from major noise sources. 4. Help to Federal, state and local agencies to buy equipment and products. 5. Support of neighborhood self-reliance efforts to address local noise problems. Important progress has been made since the Presidents' Message was issued. The purpose of this report is to briefly indicate those actions which have been taken and plans for future action. It fulfills the President's requirement for a report by February 1, 1980.
Report on: The Contribution of Medium and Heavy Trucks to Community Noise on a National Scale
J.D. Allen; M.D. Kurre
March 1981
Some of the community noise modelling techniques developed by Battelle for the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Association over the past three years have been applied to the problem of calculating the benefits, in terms of community noise reduction, of various promulgated, proposed, and hypothetical medium and heavy truck noise emission regulations. The study involved modelling the national traffic noise exposure, initially for a baseline case, and then for a sequence of different cases in which the model inputs corresponding to the medium and heavy truck noise emission levels were varied to simulate the effect of the regulations on community noise levels. It was found that the contribution of medium and heavy truck powertrains in a pre-regulatory national scenario accounted for nearly one-third of the total community noise exposure resulting from road traffic of all kinds. The 1978 (83 dBA) regulation potentially removes nearly half of the noise exposure of medium and heavy trucks. The 1983 (80 dBA) regulation brings about a less pronounced additional benefit, potentially removing somewhat more than one-fourth of the noise exposure. Still more stringent regulations bring about smaller and smaller additional benefits. The medium and heavy truck noise emission data base was compiled from recent literature. The remainder of the comprehensive data base employed was taken from a single source (EPA, Reference 12) and included: (1) noise emission characteristics of automobiles, light trucks, buses and motorcycles, (2) physical description of road types, including lane number and spacing, (3) attenuation rates for noise propagation through the community, (4) driving characteristics for all vehicle types on all road types, (5) traffic densities, (6) total miles for each road type, and (7) population densities. No attempt was made to verify the data given in Reference 12. It was expedient to perform the calculations with conditions similar to those assumed in EPA's modelling efforts. Not only in the case of input data was it desired to maximize the overlap with EPA calculations, but also in the reporting of the results. Therefore, the number of people exposed to average day-night weighted outdoor community noise levels (ldn) in excess of 55 decibels (A-weighted) was the number used to quantify traffic noise exposure on a national scale. However, because we believe that this method of quantification is insufficient when used alone, our national traffic noise exposures were further defined i terms of exceedance levels and other criterion values for Ldn. The EPA is currently modifying its community noise modelling methodology to make it more sensitive to community noise characteristics not well represented by Ldn.
Issues in Transportation-Related Environmental Quality
Code of Federal Regulations - Transportation - 49 - Parts 200 to 399
October 1982
Tilted Parallel Barrier Program - Application and Verification
Van M. Lee; Robert A Michalove; Simon Slutsky
There are increasing situations in the nation's urban and suburban highway system where noise barriers are considered to protect residences on both sides of a roadway. The scheme if two vertical parallel barrier walls constitutes the parallel barrier problem where in addition to the sound waves that reach the reciever by diffraction over the near barrier, additional sound waves caused by complex pavement-barrier-ground reflection and diffraction mechanisms can reach the reciever, thus degrading the effectiveness of the near barrier. This paper presents the results of a first application of the Tilted Parallel Barrier Program (TPBP) to a highway project and attempts to verify aspects of the model through comparisons with data existing inthe literature. The model provides excellent agreement for the classical problem of an impedance boundary. It also meets reasonable expectations for parallel vertical, tilted parallel, and parallel absorptive barrier performance where a frequency dependent optimum design can be selected.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment; Additional Testing Requirements for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems; Proposed Rulemaking
December 1980
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment; Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems; Final Rule
December 1980
Public Hearings in Noise in Alberta - Reports and Recommendations
July 1982
The report begins with the Council's recommendations. Opposite each recommendation is a brief outline of the reason for the recommendation. Following there are the Council's proposals for alleviation of traffic noise. The main part of the report, which follows immediately after the recommendations and proposals, contains much more detail. It should be read to understand the scope of the study, the development of the recommendations, the physics of sound, and the effect of noise on health of the individual. A glossary of selected technical terms appears in the Appendix. Points in the text of the report which were mentioned in briefs presented at the public hearings may be marked by footnote numbers. A list of briefs relating to each number is located at the end of each major section.
Design Guide for Reducing Transportation Nois and Around Buildings
David S. Pallett; Robert Wehrli; Roger D. Kilmer; Thomas L. Quindry
April 1978
This design guide presents a unified procedure for the selection of noise criteria in and around buildings, for the prediction of exterior and interior noise levels arising as a consequence of transportation systems operations, and for the evaluation of the adequacy of building designs with regard to environmental noise. Noise criteria levels are suggested in terms of equivalent sound levels (Leq). Simplified predictive methods enable the estimation of noise levels arising as a consequence of highway, railway, and aircraft operations. The sound isolation provided by the building shell is estimated by means of a new single-figure rating system. Finally, design manipulations which may make possible the improvement of the acoustic conditions in and around buildings are suggested.
Wyle Research Report WCR 75-2 - Community Noise Countermeasures Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Robert Rackl; Louis Sutherland; Jack Swing
July 1975
The objective of this study is to provide supporting informations for use in formulating motor vehicle and higway noise policies within an overall national policy of community noise abatement. In the course of the research work, a comprehensive community noise exposure model capable of evaluating and optimizing noise reduction countermeasures, especially as related to ground transportation noise sources, has been developed. The model has been evaluated for a defined future time period (1978), and refined on an actual experimental city (Spokane, Washington) which has been selected as a typical U.S. city from a noise exposure standpoint. Hence, results obtained in the analysis conducted for Spokane are applicable to a broad category of U.S. cities, with certain specific cautions, which are further defined later.
Wyle Research Report WR 79-23 Light Vehicle Noise: Volume V - An Urban Driving Study to Determine the Operating and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Light Vehicles
Eric Stusnick; Peter K. Kasper
August 1979
Transportation Noise and Noise From Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines
December 1971
The outdoor noise environment for man today is the summation of noise energy generated by all of the machines used to transport people and goods, machines used to make and build things or save human labor, machines used by the consumer for leisure activity, machines to make the other machines run, and people in their various activities. Development of this machinery has been fostered by growth in technology itself, as well as by pressures induced by changes in our lofestyle and by population growth. This report presents a detailed evaluation of noise of transportation vehicles including those used commercially, as well as many of the private and non-industrial devices powered by internal combustion engines.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205; Noise Abatement Programs: Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; and Medium and Heavy Trucks (Transportation Equipment_; Effective Date Defferal; Final Rule
January 1986
Highway Traffic Noise
September 1980
In recent years, highway traffic noise-the unpleasant, unwanted siunds generated on our Nation's streets and highways-has been of increasing concern both to the public and to local, State, and Federal officials. At the same time, modern acoustical technology has been providing better ways to lessen the adverse impacts of highway traffic noise. The purpose of this pamphlet is to explain some of these acoustical techniques which are now being employed by government agencies, highway planners and designers, construction engineers, and private developers.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205; Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks; Proposed Rule
June 1985
Highway Noise - A Design Guide for Highway Engineers
B. Andrew Kugler; Colin G. Gordon; William J. Galloway
January 1970
Examination of Selected Alternative Means of Achieving Significant Aircraft/Airport Noise Reduction
Robert D. Rudich
May 1973
This report, the product of thirteen man/days of research of currently available documentation, analysis and preparation, proposes to produce most of the answers to most of the same questions toward which the Department of Transportation's Office of Noise Abatement has been addressing many, many times the same amount of manpower and hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past four years. It is recognized that some of the data herein have been derived as a result of that effort; however, it must concomitantly be realized by the reader that a good portion of the aforecited effort is not yet complete. Therefore what follows is the writer's best assessment of the values, shortcomings, costs, time-framing and feasibility of the aircraft noise abatement and prevention alternatives examined. This is particularly true in the section of the report dealing with recommended combinations of selected strategies.
Inter Noise 72 - International Conference on Noise Control Engineering
October 1972
Proceedings of the 1972 International Conference on Noise Control Engineering held at Washington D.C. on October 4-6, 1972. Sponsored by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) in Cooperation with the Acoustical Society of America, the International Acoustics Commission of IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) and six agencies of the U.S. Federal Government: Department of Health Education and Welfare, Department of Houseing and Urban Development, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Bureau of Standards.
Fundamentals and Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise
During recent years there has undoubtedly been an increase in environmental noise. In addition, everyone has become more aware of noise. Although the growth of noise may be a symbol of growth in technology, the increased awareness of the public toward noise has brought on a rapid response everywhere in trying to abate noise. Highway traffic noise is one of the identifiable problem areas; this has been caused by (1) increased vehicular size and quantity, (2) greater concentration of traffic on major highway routes, and (3) increased use of land near highways to fill the residential and commercial needs of a growing population. In recognition of this problem, on 26 April 1972, the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA") of the U.S. Department of Transportation issued an advance copy of its Policy and Procedure Memorandum ("PPM") 90-2 on "Interim Noise Standards and Procedures for Implementing Section 109 (i) of Title 23, United States Code." This was updated by the 8 February 1973 final version of PPM 90-2, entitled "Noise Standards and Procedures", a copy of which is included at the end of this textbook. To assist in the understanding and implementing of PPM 90-2, the FHWA has made provision for conducting a one-week training course in the "Fundamentals and Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise." This course is being given in 1973 in each of the Field Regions of the FHWA and is available to qualified, selected personnel from the various State highway agencies and the FHWA field offices. The training course has been prepared and is being given by the staff of Bolt Beranel and Newman Inc., acoustical consultants. This manual serves as the textbook for the training course.
Aeroacoustics of Flight Vehicles: Theory and Practice - Volume 1: Noise Sources
Harvey H. Hubbard
August 1991
This document is oriented toward flight vehicles and emphasizes the underlying concepts of noise generation, propagation, prediction, and control. Authors are from government, industry, and academia in the United States, England, and Canada. This volume includes all the chapters that relate directly to the source of flight vehicle noise: Propeller and Propfan Noise; Rotor Noise; Turbomachinery Noise; Jet Noise Classical Theory and Experiments; Noise From Turbulent Shear Flows; Jet Noise Generated by Large-Scale Coherent Motion; Airframe Noise; Propulsive Lift Noise; Combustion and Core Noise; and SOnic Boom.
Highway Noise - A Reprint of "The Audible Landscape: A Manual for Highway Noise and Land Use"
August 1976
Model On-Road Light Vehicle Noise Enforcement Procedures Manual
January 1980
National Automobile Dealers Association - Comments on Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
April 1981
Technical Expertise in Support of Regulations of Noise From Transportation and Recreational Vehicles
July 1974
SAE Highway Tire Noise Symposium - Proceedings
Wyle Research Report WR 79-22 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume IV - The Effect of Pertial Engine Enclosures on Light Vehicle Noise Levels and Operating Temperatures
Kenneth J. Plotkin; Donald B. Pies
October 1979
Insulation of Buildings Against Highway Noise
Bruce A. Davy; Steven R. Skale
The purpose of this manual is to provide members of the highway engineering field with the necessary tools to assess the noise insulation requirements of buildings. This analysis will enable the highway engineer to determine the effectiveness of existing buildings in insulating interior spaces against highway noise. It will also allow an evaluation of proposed modifications to the building to increase insulation effectiveness.
Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction and Mitigation
Jerry A. Reagan; Charles A. Grant
In early 1976, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) initiated a two-part program designed to study, evaluate and provide guidance in the area of construction noise. Part one was a short-range effort to prepare a manual for use by highway oriented groups and individuals in coping with construction noise during the various stages of project development. The manual would be a state-of-the-art review dealing with measurement, prediction and mitigation. Part two was the sponsorship of a workshop on the mitigation of construction noise. The purpose of the workshop was to develop long-range strategies for controlling construction noise. This manual represents the completion of part one of the program. This manual does not represent FHWA policy. It is an attempt to summarize the rapidly evolving technology in controlling and mitigating construction noise. This manual represents a logical starting point into the evaluation and control of highway construction noise. Users of this manual are encouraged to update this material as better information becomes available.
Wyle Research Report WR 79-20 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume III - Identification of Noise Source Components and Evaluation of Noise Reduction Techniques
Kenneth J. Plotkin; Donald B. Pies; Roger S. Helizon; Ben H. Sharp
October 1979
Handbook for Motor Vehicle Noise Enforcement
Gale R. Hruska
Often a police officer's only introduction to noise enforcement is when someone puts a sound level meter in one of his hands and a copy of the town noise ordinance in the other, and he is told to :go out and quiet those %*!!!&*! motorcycles." The purpose of this booklet is to provide some elementary instruction in the fundamentals of motor vehicle noise enforcement. The three main topics to be covered are: (1) sound and its characteristics, (2) the sound level meter, and (3) enforcement procedures.
Wyle Research Report WR 78-13 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume II - Implementation and Evaluation of a Test Procedure to Measure the Noise Emissions of Light Vehicles Operating in Urban Areas
Ben H. Sharp; Paul R. Donovan; Vijay K. Kahli
November 1978
Wyle Research Report WR 78-2 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume I - Development of a Test Procedure to Measure the Noise Emissions of Light Vehicles Operating in Urban Areas
Ben H. Sharp; Paul R. Donovan
November 1978
An Evaluation and Assessment of Existing Data and Procedures for Tire Noise Measurement
R.D. Kilmer; W.A. Leasure Jr.; T.L. Quindry
November 1975
This report reviews existing tire noise measurement procedures with regard to their usefulness in the regulation of tire noise as well as the availability, extent and applicability of existing data. On the basis of this review, probable or potential measurement difficulties are identified that could hinder the promulgation and/or enforcement of future EPA regulations to control the noise emission from tires.
Calculation of Day-Night Levels (Ldn) Resulting From Highway Traffic
Myles A. Simpson
August 1982
Two calculation procedures are described in this manual for estimating the day-night sound level (Ldn) at locations near major roadways. Both procedures include the use of simple charts and graphs which are designed for individuals who do not have any experience or training in noise prediction or analysis. The Direct method is a quick-look method designed to yield an approximate estimate of traffic noise exposure, which takes into account only major traffic and site characteristics. The Component method is a more detailed method designed to yield more accurate estimates, as well as the contribution of each category of vehicle on the roadway to the day-night level; it takes into account a variety of traffic, roadway and site characteristics.
Engineers Core Curriculum - Highway Traffic Noise
Numerous studies indicate that the most pervasive sources of noise in our environment today are those associated with transportation. Traffic noise tends to be the dominant noise source in our urban as well as rural environment. In response to the problem associated with traffic noise, FHPM 7-7-3, "Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise," establishes a requirement for a noise study for any proposed Federal or Federal-aid project. This regulation specifies procedures that State transportation agencies must follow in preparing assessments for highway noise for proposed projects. The purpose of this document is to provide a simple and concise discussion on how to implement these procedures. Two individual 1-week long training courses are available for instructing FHWA field staffs and State highway agencies (SHA) in the detailed technical methodologies for analyzing and abating traffic noise impacts. This document is intended to provide information necessary for FHWA Regional and Division office staffs' reviews of SHA noise analyses.
An Assessment of the Federal Noise Research, Development, and Demonstration Activities FY73 - FY 75
Eugene E. Berkaup; Stephen R. Cordle; Franklin D. Hart; George R. Simon
June 1975
The Federal noise research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities during fiscal years 1973 through 1975 are examined to determine the contribution of these efforts to the control of environmental noise and to the understanding of the effects of noise. An analysis is made of the research activities in the areas of noise effects, aircraft noise, surface vehicle noise, and machinery noise. The principal sources of information used are the EPA interagency noise research panel's reports on the Federal noise RD&D activities during the FY 73-75 time period and the major noise source candidates which have been identified or are under consideration by the EPA.
Interim Report by Federal City Council Task Force on National Airport
June 1980
In January, 1980, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Goldschmidt proposed operating rules for National Airport which would sharply limit its growth, reduce noise, alter the mix of aircraft, eliminate late night operations, and possibly increase the number of cities served. The purpose of these rules and the accompanying environmental impact assessment was to define operating limits which will allow master planning for physical improvement of the Airport's facilities. The Federal City Council offered to play a facilitating role in bringing about some consensus on the Airport's future. Since early this year, a Task Force of forty Council members has been involved in an intensive examination of the issues and options. More than two dozen meetings have been held with governmental officials and representatives of citizen groups, private aircraft owners and operators, and airline organizations. Orientation visits have been made to the three major regional airports and 900 pages of background material have been reviewed. The Task Force has focused on the proposed rules, preliminary plans for physical redevelopment and financeing alternatives. As a result of this review, the Task Force believes the FAA's proposed rules for National Airport's operation reasonably accommodate the competing interests at stake - significantly reducing noise while setting the stage for more convenient passenger service. A passenger ceiling should be set somewhere between 16 and 18 million passengers annually. National should primarily serve short haul traffic from relatively nearby cities. When two flights are competing for the same slot, the shorter flight should have priority. To maintain the new annual limit in the face of increasing demand, the frequency of major airline flights should be reduced through cutbacks in slot allocations and admittance of wide-bodied aircraft, after demonstration of their ability to operate safely at National under adverse weather conditions. Commuter aircraft, generally serving close-in communities, should be awarded up to seven additional slots on an as-needed basis. Construction of additional general aviation facilities at Dulles should be expedited and shared use of existing facilities at Andrews AFB, Davison Airfield, and the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center should be explored. The proposed 10:30 p.m. closing time for all aircraft operations should be implemented, although scheduled aircraft that depart in time to land at National before 10:30 but are delayed enroute should be allowed to land. The Task Force believes the perimeter rule is probably no longer necessary because airplane limitations, the annual passenger limit, fewer airline slots, and a short haul preference rule - if adopted - will serve to limit traffic in to the Airport. If one is to be kept, however, the existing 650 mile perimeter with seven grand-fathered exemptions is a reasonable one, as demand sometimes already exceeds the number of available slots. Improvements in the physical condition of Airport facilities to better accommodate both aircraft and passengers should be made as quickly as possible, with costs recovered over time through user charges.
Procedures for Estimating Sound Power from Measurements of Sound Pressure
Curtis I. Holmer
January 1975
This report describes investigations of the accuracy and precision of various measurement methodologies for determining the estimated sound power output of "large" machines in the free field over a reflecting plane. One purpose of this investigation is to place empirical error bounds on many of the free field measurement procedures currently proposed or in use; and in particular, compare the results of "near-field" and "far-field" measurements. The sources used for the investigation included 17 portable air compressors of various types (powered by internal combustion engines), a "reference" sound source, and a loudspeaker driven by a pure tone source. The data recorded include sound pressure level (A-weighted, linear, and 1/3-octave band) on an 84 point hemispherical array of seven metre radius, and "near-field" measurements, sampled every square metre, on a rectangular surface one metre from the machine surface. These data were reduced to provide information on the deviation of "near-field" sound power determinations from "far-field" power level (using subsets of the data as appropriate to various methodologies). The measured data for seventeen sources suggests that the value of a sound power estimate based on "near-field" sound pressure level measurements may be an upper bound to the sound power level estimated from far field measurements, subject to the limitations of sampling error. Estimates of total achievable measurement error of A-weighted sound power level of near field determinationsrelative to far field determinations are made for several measurement methodologies, based on the experimental data.
Community Noise Ordinances: Their Evolution, Purpose and Impact
Clifford R. Bragdon
March 1973
In the United States most municipal noise ordinances initially regulated street related activities, however, these early provisions were generally non-quantitative and consequently unenforceable. The first ordinances containing specific permissible noise levels regulated either activities fixed to the land (industrial activity being the primary source) or automobile and trucks operating on roadways. Today more comprehensive ordinances are evolveing and these regulations are the basis for expanded municipal noise control programs. Their impact has varied due to the quality, content and administration of these ordinances. Recently approved Federal noise legislation (Noise Control Act of 1972) will have a profound influence on the quality and quantity of municipal ordinances.
Passenger Noise Environments of Enclosed Transportation Systems
June 1975
To determine the extent to which noise environments of enclosed transportation systems are deleterious to passenger health, an analysis was made of both information collected by past transportation studies and of new data collected for this project. The analysis consisted of identifying trends among various transportation modes, noting areas of data deficiency, calculating the effect of noise exposure on health under various assumptions of travel duration and workplace noise exposure levels, and assessing measurement methodologies.
National Measure of Aircraft Noise Impact Through the Year 2000
Carroll Bartel; Larry Godby; Louis Sutherland
June 1975
This program was undertaken for the Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Environmental Protection Agency, to evaluate the nationwide community impact of aircraft noise through the year 2000, considering a number of aircraft/airport noise reduction alternatives. The study was based on the evaluation of operations of three airports - Los Angeles International, St. Louis, and Washington Dulles. Primary noise reduction alternatives were applied at each of the facilities for the 1987 and 2000 time periods. Secondary abatement alternatives were evaluated for 1987 only. The effectiveness of the various alternatives was measured in terms of the total area impacted under the NEF 30 and 40 contours at the three airports. This area was then increased by a constant factor to obtain an estimate of the impact at the national level. The report also contains an estimate of the total area within the NEF 20 contours and the impacted land area for NEF 20, 30, and 40 exclusive of airport property and water. This study utilized, in part, the much more detailed results for 23 airports from the "Airport Noise Reduction Forecast" study recently completed by Wyle for the Department of Transportation. However, this study differs substancially from the Department of Transportation program in that it is based on analysis at only three airports, includes no cost or population data, extends beyond the year 1987, and focuses only on estimating trends in aircraft noise impact to the year 2000 in order to evaluate the potential requirement for research on new aircraft/airport noise reduction alternatives which may not currently be under development.
First Report on Status and Progress of Noise Research and Control rams in the Federal Government - Volume 2 Research Panel Reports
June 1975
Issued in compliance with Section 4(c)(3) of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (PL 92-574), this report describes Federal noise control and research activities and establishes a baseline of agency program information that may be used in subsequent years to assess progress in the Federal Government's noise control efforts. Thirty-nine Federal agencies were requested to submit information on their noise related activities to EPA. Volume I of the report contains a summary and assessment of reported activities which are described both by agency and by the following functional areas: noise standards and regulations, noise abatement, hearing conservation, technical assistance, and research. Volume II consists of four reports describing Federal agency noise research, development, and demonstration programs in the areas of surface vehicle noise, aviation noise, noise effects, and machinery noise. The reports include project descriptions and fiscal data and were prepared jointly by the membership of four interagency research panels, formed in 1974 by EPA.
First Report on Status and Progress of Noise Research and Control rams in the Federal Government - Volume 1 Report on Status and Progress
June 1975
Issued in compliance with Section 4(c)(3) of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (PL 92-574), this report describes Federal noise control and research activities and establishes a baseline of agency program information that may be used in subsequent years to assess progress in the Federal Government's noise control efforts. Thirty-nine Federal agencies were requested to submit information on their noise related activities to EPA. Volume I of the report contains a summary and assessment of reported activities which are described both by agency and by the following functional areas: noise standards and regulations, noise abatement, hearing conservation, technical assistance, and research. Volume II consists of four reports describing Federal agency noise research, development, and demonstration programs in the areas of surface vehicle noise, aviation noise, noise effects, and machinery noise. The reports include project descriptions and fiscal data and were prepared jointly by the membership of four interagency research panels, formed in 1974 by EPA.
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Regulatory Analysis of the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
August 1979
This document presents the technical data and analysis used by EPA in developing the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors. The information presented includes a detailed description of the truck-mounted solid waste compactor industry and the product; baseline noise levels for current compactors; a description of the measurement methodology; an analysis of the health and welfare impacts and potential benefits of regulation; the noise control technology available; an analysis of the costs and potential economic effects of regulation; the enforcement procedures; existing local, state, and foreign regulations applicable to compactor noise emissions; an analysis of comments to the public docket; and a description of the participation of the public throughout the development of the regulation.
The Economic Impact of Noise
December 1971
A study has been undertaken to survey the economic impact of noise. Data available on the entire subject of noise and its abatement are so rudimentary that they do not lend themselves to even the most primitive economic analysis. It is demonstrated that the number of sources of noise in homes, in industry, on the highways, and in the air. It is growing at a dramatic rate. These noise sources are heterogeneous and transient, and, therefore, a universal solution for abatement of noise at the source is not available. From the economic viewpoint, it has been demonstrated that substantial costs are associated with noise and its abatement. Costs such as those associated with equipment redesign, right-of-way, and receiver insulation are discussed in detail. The most glaring data gaps highlight the need for research into the relationship between noise, its abatement, and its impact on: wages, prices, productivity, production costs, employment, balance of payment, real property values, and health. Research using the principles of economics must identify and analyze the most cost-effective alternative solutions to noise. A discussion of spending for noise research is included in the study.
Engineering Guidelines for the Analysis of Traffic-Induced Vibrations
F.F. Rudder, Jr.
February 1978
These guidelines present a methodology for assessing the potential for adverse environmental impact resulting from seismic vibrations induced by traffic operating on highways. Vehicle/pavement interaction, propagation of vibration, response of building structure, and evaluation criteria are presented in quantitative engineering terms. Abatement strategies, measurement, and analysis of traffic-induced vibration are discussed. Pavement surface roughness, vehicle speed, and vehicle gross weight are the important parameters describing traffic-induced vibration. Example problems and analyses are presented. Highway engineers and planners familiar with techniques used to evaluate traffic noise impact should easily understand and use these guidelines.
Field Test of a Quieted Ford CLT 9000 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
October 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted Ford CLT 9000 heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 77.1 to 72.3 dBA. The field test showed the noise control treatments to be effective and durable in over 100,000 miles of service. The treatments had no adverse impact on the vehicle's operation and appear to have had negligible effect on fuel consumption. Incremental maintenance time of 2.5 hours was attributable to the treatments' impact on normal annual vehicle maintenance.
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a Mack R686 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
December 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a Mack R686 heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.6 dBA to 73.2 dBA. The noise control treatments consist primarily of a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission, an exhaust silencing system, and two-stage engine mounts. These teatments increase the vehicle weight by 398 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1296.
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for an International Harvester F-4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; R.L. Bronsdon; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of an International Harvester F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.1 to 72.2 dBA. The noise control treatment consists primarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. The noise treatment increases the vehicle weigh by 332 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1302. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within generally acceptable limits.
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a General Motors Brigadier Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a General Motors Brigadier heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.7 to 71.6 dBA. The noise control treatment consists primarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. The noise treatment increases vehicle weight by 340 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1174. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within manufacturer's specified limits.
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a Ford CLT 9000 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.W. Ernest; J.A. Kane
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a Ford CLT 9000 heavy-duty diesel truck from 77.1 to 72.3 dBA. The noise control treatment consists prmarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within manufacturer's specified limits. The noise treatment increases the vehicle weight by 397 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1309.
Program Summary: Truck Noise Reduction
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report presents a comprehensive overview of an EPA-sponsored program to demonstrate the technology and costs of reducing the noise of four heavy-duty diesel trucks to 72 dBA. The program comprised engineering development and service evaluation phases. Noise control treatments were developed and installed on each truck to reduce its noise to the target level. The treatments included partial engine and transmission enclosures, exhaust silencing systems, and two-stage engine mounts for 2 of the 4 trucks. Three trucks entered fleet service where they accumulated 230,000 miles. The treatments proved to be durable and effective and did not have any adverse impact on the operation of any vehicle. Maintenance labor time increased by 1.4% because of the need to remove enclosure pabels while performing some maintenance procedures.
Traffic Noise Analysis - An Intensive Seminar on State-of-the-Art Methods for Analyzing Traffic Noise and Preparing a Noise Study Report
Louis F. Cohn
The seminar will utilize the latest computer tools available anywhere for traffic noise studies, including several developed at Vanderbilt University. The Vanderbilt computer facilities will be used by the attendees in an interactive fashion, to provide hands on experience. Also, the controversial I-440 urban freeway, currently under construction in Nashville, will be the focus of several workshop and field sessions.
Determinations of Impact From Vibrations Related to Highway Use
F.F. Rudder; Jr.0
June 1978
This report documents the detail results of the study. The study comprised eight tasks. The objectives of the study were to clarify the nature and the extent of the traffic-induced vibration problem and to develop guidelines to preclude or control environmental vibrations related to highway use. The study was successful in both aspects. A companion report summarizing the technical results of tis study is entitled: "Engineering Guidelines for the Analysis of Traffic-Induced Vibration" Report FHWA-RD-78-XX. The report is organized with a summary main text. Details supporting the results in the main text are presented in the Appendices.
Aeroacoustics of Flight Vehicles: Theory and Practice - Volume 2: Noise Control
Harvey H. Hubbard
August 1991
This document is oriented toward flight vehicles and emphasizes the underlying concepts of noise generation, propagation, prediction, and control. Authors are from government, industry, and academia in the United States, England, and Canada. This volume includes those chapters that relate to flight vehicle noise control and operations: Human Response to Aircraft Noise; Atmospheric Propagation; Theoretical Models for Duct Acoustic Propagation and Radiation; Design and Performance of Duct Acoustic Treatment; Jet Noise SUppression; Interior Noise; Flyover-Noise Measurement and Prediction; and Quiet Aircraft Design and Operational Characteristics.
Report to Congress - Effects of Airport Noise on a Neighboring State
October 1980
This report is submitted to Congress in response to Section 8 of the Quiet Communities Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-609) which resulted from Congressional concern that aircraft noise from some airports may impact communities located in another State. The question was whether the communities in the other State could effect change at the airport to provide relief for their citizens. The Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency were directed to study jointly this issue and determined that Philadelphia International Airport satisfied the selection criteria in the Act. The Act further directed that the study be conducted in cooperation with the airport operator, appropriate Federal, State, and local officials, and the Metropolitan Planning Organization which, in this case, is the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC). This led to formation of an Advisory Committee under the auspices of the DVRPC to assist the Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration. This study illustrates that regional advisory bodies can work effectively on problems which cross political boundaries. The study included three semi-independent programs: (1) Noise Measurement, (2) Noise Modeling, and (3) Community Response. The objective of the measurement program was to obtain actual aircraft noise levels in selected residential areas around the Philadelphia International Airport. These data were used to verify the results of the Noise Modeling Program. The FAA's Integrated Noise Model (INM), a computerized noise simulation, was used to predict aircraft noise levels around the airport as a function of all of the pertinent parameters, i.e., types and numbers of aircraft operating at the airport (both current and forecast for 1990 and 2000), flight tracks, operating procedures, and time of day of aircraft operations. The Community Response Program made the public aware of the noise study through standard public information techniques, a toll-free telephone complaint service, conduct of a community opinion survey to determine how people feel about the airport and its environmental impact, and establishment of an Advisory Committee to assist in the selection of noise control options. The telephone complaint service registered 296 complaints during the 118 days in which it was operated. One thousand seven hundred and twenty-three interviews were conducted among residents within approximately 20 miles of Philadelphia International Airport, of whom 447, or 26.0 percent, lived in New Jersey and the remainder in Pennsylvania. Crime was identified most often as the most serious environmental problem, while noise (from all sources including aircraft) was fifth among the eight categories specified. The noise exposure conditions, and the relative effectiveness of alternative noise control actions, were investigated for the existing 1980 operations and for projected 1990 and 2000 operations. Alternative noise control actions were grouped into five categories: airport layout; airport and airspace use; aircraft operations; land use; and noise program management. Detailed results of these analyses are reported, in terms of the population impacted by several values of Average Day-Night Sound Level (Ldn), which includes a 10-decibel added penalty on nighttime aircraft operations. On this basis, the most effective noise control option for Philadelphia International Airport appears to be a reduction in nighttime operations, in combination with a preferential runway use program to keep the remaining nighttime flights away from populated areas. These actions would reduce aircraft noise impacts in the affected areas of both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Before any such use restrictions should be considered by the operator of Philadelphia International Airport, however, a more detailed syudy should be made to account for all economic factors which could be affected by those restrictions. Any aviation-related options should be complemented by a continuing citizen involvement program and a broad land-use planning program.
National Exposure to Highway Noise Through the Year 2000
Kenneth J. Plotkin
July 1979
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model - Model Description and Data Base
Fred Rudder Jr.; Larry Ronk; Barbara Hutchenson
November 1979
This report describes the National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model. This Model is a computer simulation of the national roadway network, the noise generated by traffic on the network, and the predicted effects of the noise on the national population. The Model simulates time-varying conditions, using input data, to characterize traffic conditions and population growth from the baseline year (1974) to user-defined future years. To characterize the effects of noise on the national population, the Model is subdivided into two sub-models: the General Adverse Response Model and the Single Event Model. The report describes each sub-model and the common data base used by the sub-models. The structure of the models and the interaction with the various elements of the common data base are described. Example vehicle noise emission standards are presented to illustrate the use of the Model. Predictions resulting from the Model simulation are compared with available empirical data.
Information Brief on Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) Truck Noise Data for Interstate Motor Carriers
June 1982
As mandated by the Noise Control Act of 1972, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued noise emission standards and regulations for interstate motor carriers. The noise emission standards were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the DOT on September 12, 1975. As part of the enforcement activity, the DOT's Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) established a truck noise measurement program which included data collecting, organizing and reporting functions.
Health Effects of Noise - Literature Survey Update
S. Martin Taylor; Susan E. Birnie; Fred L. Hall
June 1982
In September 1980, the authors submitted a report to the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association which reviewed the literature existing at that time concerning the health effects of noise. This report is an update and extension of that literature review, covering material published on that topic since January 1, 1980, and extending the coverage to include infrasound. The time period covered with reference to the effects of infrasound is from 1972 to the present. This report is a brief summary of the findings, based on the same procedures and the same criteria described in full in the 1980 report.
Comparison of Noise and Vibration Levels in Rapid Transit Vehicle Systems
Edward W. Davis
April 1964
Regulatory Analysis for the Final Noise Emission Regulation for Buses
July 1980
This document presents the technical data and analysis used by EPA in developing the Noise Emission Regulation for Buses. The information presented includes a detailed discussion of: buses and the bus industry; baseline noise levels for current buses; the noise control technology available; the adverse health and welfare impacts of bus noise and the potential benefits of regulation; the expected costs and potential economic effects of regulation; the measurement methodology; the enforcement procedures and existing State, local, and foreign noise regulations applicable to buses
Hush Program - (Barrier Component) - Guidance Material
August 1981
The National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) is comprised of a collection of on-line datasets, some containing programs and others containing data. This manual describes the NRTNEM system as it existed on the NCC (EPA's National Computer Center) in December 1981, under user ID EPADYN. NRTNEM actually consists of two models: The General Adverse Response Model ("GAR"), and the Single Event Model ("SEM"). Only one of them can be executed by a job at a time. The User's Manual describes job submission procedures. This manual describes the NRTNEM system in more detailso as to facilitate program maintenance. This manual is organized from two points of view: present first those items the user first comes into contact with, and go from the general to the specific. Accordingly, the general properties of files and datasets are described first, and the coding details are last.
Urban Traffic Noise - Strategy for an Improved Environment
Measurements of the Impulsiveness and Annoyance of Compression - Release Engine Brake Noise
Sanford Fidell; Richard Horonjeff
December 1981
The research described in this report was undertaken to evaluate the potential contribution to the overall annoyance of heavy truck noise of the impulsive character of exhaust noise created by engine compression-release braking devices. Although growing numbers of trucks are likely to be equipped with these safety devices in the future, current methods for assessing health and welfare effects of traffic noise on residential populations make no specific provision for annoyance associated with impulsive noise sources.
Traffic Safety '76 - A Digest of Activities of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
The national traffic safety effort is based upon the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act of 1966. Each of these Acts requires that the Secretary of Transportation submit an annual report on the administration of the statute to the President for transmittal to Congress.
Development of Noise Measurement Techniques for New Trucks
R.A. Hedeen; R.S. Norman; J.W. Kopec
January 1980
The current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency specification for new truck models requires a passby noise measurement for certification. Since passby tests can be influenced by wind, rain, humidity, ground condition, driver performance, truck position, and engine operation, other measurement techniques have been suggested. The idle-maximum-idle (IMI) test for a stationary vehicle is one possible alternative. To date, comparisons between passby and stationary tests have been incomplete. Therefore, the objective of Phase 1 of this program was to establish an accurate data base for comparison of different measurement techniques. For this initial study, a small vehicle was chosen to simulate a larger truck. The smaller vehicle was easier to modify and more compatible with existing facilities. General Motors selected and supplied the appropriate vehicle for measurement: a 1979 Chevrolet Chevette.GM engineers also selected four methods to modify the vehicle so that its noise signature was substantially changed. This vehicle, with appropriate modified parts, was then shipped to IITRI's Riverbank Laboratory in Geneva, Illinois (50 miles west of Chicago). Our staf made acoustical measurements on the vehicle in its five configurations under the following conditions. 1. EPA passby test, 2. IMI measurements outdoors in a free field environment, 3. IMI measurements in Riverbank Reverberation Room No. 2, 4. IMI measurements in Riverbank Reverberation Room No. 5. Based on the favorable results with the Chevette measurements, three heavy-duty truck tractors were sent to the Riverbank facility and measured in Room 5. In the following sections, results are presented for the two series of measurements.
Appendix A, Highway Construction Noise Field Measurements, Site 4: I-75 (Florida)
William R. Fuller; Ron Brown
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. Reports (Part D through Part G) contain field data gathered at the field demonstrations at highway construction sites in: Route I-201, California; I-205, Oregon; I-95/I-395, Maryland; and I-75, Florida. They contain noise data on single and multiple pieces of equipment, provide general description of highway site activities, and activity analyses of equipment.
IBM 360/System Batch Version of Highway Construction Noise Model
Kenneth J. Platkin
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. This report provides additional information to the Part B report on the highway construction noise model installed at DOT's Transportation Computer Center on an IBM 360 computer. It delineates the difference between the version of the model as installed on the IBM 360 and the two models (HINPUT and HICNOM) operating on the Wyle Computer (PDP-11). The report has additional user's manual information for use on the IBM 360, a programmer's manual describing changes in going from the PDP-11 to the IBM 360, and a maintenance manual.
Highway Noise
November 1974
A Model for the Prediction of Highway Construction Noise
Kenneth J. Platkin
December 1980
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. This report (Part B) presents a complete description of the highway noise prediction model. The report contains a description of the model's formulation and construction, a description of the program, and a user's manual.
Analysis and Abatement of Highway Construction Noise
William R. Fuller; Ron Brown
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. This report (Part A) contains all of the information from the engineering study phase of the project. It gives information on highway construction procedures, highway construction site noise characteristics, available abatement measures, and results from field demonstrations or noise abatement.
Noise Analysis of Selected Rail Corridors for the Proposed ATSF/SPT Operations Merger
Hugh J. Saurenman; David A. Towers; Carl E. Hanson
June 1986
This report summarizes the detailed analysis of noise impact that will result from the proposed merger of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company (ATSF) and the Southern Pacific Transportation Company (SPT). Four of the corridors identified in the November 11, 1985 environmental assessment prepared by the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) have been evaluated....
Demonstration of Noise Control for the DDA 6V-92TTA Heavy Duty Truck Diesel Engine
Richard G. DeJong; Natan E. Parsons; Jerome E. Manning
May 1982
This report presents the results of an engineering study to design and demonstrate methods of reducing diesel engine block vibration and radiated noise. The Detroit Diesel Allison 6V-92TTA heavy duty diesel truck engine was selected for the demonstration. This engine was structurally modified to reduce vibration and noise due to the unit injectors and piston-slap. The modifications were designed so that the noise reduction was achieved without degrading engine performance, fuel economy, or emissions. A 4 dBA reduction of overall engine noise reduction was demonstrated.
Demonstration of Noise Control for the Cummins NTC-350 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
Natan E. Parsons; Richard G. DeJong; Jerome E. Manning
June 1982
This report presents the results of an engineering study to design and demonstrate eto of reducing piston-slap noise for an in-line, heavy duty truck diesel engine. The Cummins NTC-350 engine was selected for the demonstration. The engine heads and cylinder liners were structurally modified to reduce the vibration transmission to the engine block and the radiated noise. The modifications were designed to achieve a 5 dBA noise reduction without degrading engine performance, fuel economy, or emissions.
Analysis and Control of Mechanical Noise in internal Combustion Engines
Natan E. Parsons; Richard G. Dejong; Jerome E. Manning
July 1982
This report reviews the state-of-the-art for internal combustion engine noise reduction and presents new techniques for reducing engine block vibration and radiated noise. A vibration analysis technique based on measured mobilities was developed as a diagnostic tool foidnfying noise sources and vibration transmission paths. This technique makes it possible to identify and rank order the sources of noise within the engine. New design techniques using resilient bearings and modified cylinder liners are also described.
Evaluation of a Simulated Road Texture for the Testing of Tire/Road Noise
Eric Stusnick; Kenneth J. Platkin
March 1982
As part of a project to study tire/road noise, a laboratory roadwheel facility was equipped with replica road surfaces. The replica surfaces, of a design first developed by Dunlop, Ltd., consisted of fiberglass and epoxy resin shells clamped to the roadwheel. The outer surface of each shell was molded from a rubber impression taken from a real road surface, thus replicating the texture. To evaluate the effect of pavement texture, and to establish the realism of the replica surfaces, a series of near-field measurements of noise from four heavy truck tires were made on the replica surfaces and on moving tests on the real surfaces. Moving tests on a flat steel surface were also made. Data from these same tires on a smooth steel roadwheel were available from a previous program. A comparison between these three sets of data shows that the replica surface provides a good simulation of real pavement, and is more realistic than a plain steel drum. The conclusion was also reached that in laboratory facilities it is more important to duplicate the road texture than the curvature of the surface.
Field Test of a Quieted International Harvester F-4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted International Harvester F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 81.1 dBA to 72.7 dBA. The truck accumulated 36,000 miles in 5 months of service. The treatments were effective and durable, and the noise level of the truck did not increase. The treatments did not have an adverse impact on vehicle operations and there was no evidence that the weight of the treatments displaced payload. The treatments did not have a measurable effect on fuel consumption. The treatments had a minimal impact on maintenance time.
Highway Noise Impact
Ben H. Sharp; Kenneth J. Plotkin; Patrick K. Glenn; Robert M. Stone Jr.
May 1977
A manual has been prepared which presents a procedurrre for reviewing noise impact of proposed highway projects. The manual reviews Federal Highway Administration policy for noise impact, and includes specific steps for reviewing environmental impact statements and noise study reports prepared for proposed highway projects. The noise policy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and noise levels identified by the Environmental Protection Agency are also reviewed, so that a complete assessment of the impact of expected noise may be made. A noise prediction model, consisting of charts, nomograms, and simple equations, is presented so as to enable an independent check of predicted levels presented in an EIS. The noise model (which includes barriers) is itself suitable for predicting roadside noise levels.
Field Test of a Quieted General Motors Brigadier Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted General Motors Brigadier heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 81.7 dBA to 71.6 dBA. The 12-month field test showed the noise control treatments to be effective and durable, although the noise level of the truck did increase slightly. The treatments did not have an adverse impact on vehicle operation and there was no evidence of payload displacement. The vehicle's fuel economy was better than that of comparison vehicles, but this was not caused by the noise treatments. Incremental maintenance time of 2.25 hours was attributable to treatment removal and interference while performing regular maintenance during the 12-month period.
Design Guide for Reducing Transportation Noise in and Around Buildings
David S. Pallett; Robert Wehrli; Roger D. Kilmer; Thomas L. Quindry
April 1978
This design guide presents a unified procedure for the selection of noise criteria in and around buildings for the prediction of exterior and interior noise levels arising as a consequence of transportation systems operations, and for the evaluation of the adequacy of building designs with regard to environmental noise. Noise criterion levels are suggested in terms of equivalent sound levels (Leq). Simplified predictive methods enable the estimation of noise levels arising as a consequence of highway, railway, and aircraft operations. The sound isolation provided by the building shell is estimated by means of a now single-figure rating system. Finally, design manipulations which may make possible the improvement of the acoustic conditions in and around buildings are suggested.
Before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Comments of American Trucking Associations, Inc. on Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model
T.M. Barry; J.A. Reagan
December 1978
This report presents the FHWA method for predicting noise generated by constant speed highway traffic. The report is intended to be a users' manual as well as a reference document detailing the development, use, and limitations of the prediction method. In the main body of the report, the prediction procedure is presented in a step-by-step fashion and includes numerous example problems designed to highlight important concepts and features. For those interested in the theoretical development of the model, an extremely detailed derivation is presented in the appendices. The basis of the model is the equivalent sound level, Leq, although an adjustment for conversion to L10 is provided. The method incorporates three classes of vehicles - automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks. Adjustments for absorptive ground covers and finite length barriers are also included. Certain special topics such as nonuniform highway sites and determination of equivalent day-night levels, Ldn, are also included.
Sound Procedures for Measuring Highway Noise: Final Report
William Bowlby
August 1981
This revised manual presents noise measurement procedures for use by Federal, State, or local transportation departments. Methods are included for the measurement of traffic/existing sound levels, vehicle sound levels, barrier field insertion loss, non-traffic noise source sound levels, construction equipment noise, building noise reduction, and worker noise exposure. The required instrumentation, test site restrictions, step by step measurement procedures, and computational methods are included. This revision incorporates two measurement procedures issued after the interim report was published: "Determination of Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels," Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Report No. FHWA-OEP/HEV-78-1, which replaces chapter 4, and "Determination of Noise Barrier Effectiveness," FHWA Report No. FHWA-OEP/HEV-80-1, which replaces chapter 5.
Potential Noise Reduction From - And The Cost Of - State and Local In-Use Motor Vehicle Exhaust Noise Enforcement Programs
September 1981
The results of the study and analyses performed indicate that on-the-street enforcement can reduce ambient traffic noise and mitigate the number of potential instrusive events (which lead to complaints) due to vehicles with faulty exhaust systems. Using the State of FLorida enforcement statistics, in the 1976 to 1980 time frame, it is estimated that ambient traffic noise levels have been reduced by 1.7 dB overall and the potential daily intrusive events reduced by over 4,000 occurrences per day for all vehicle types. Of several ways to perform on-the-street enforcement of vehicles with faulty exhausts, the use of the human ear to detect - and human eyesight to confrim, appears to be the most cost effective method. Greater effectiveness of the ear as a detector over the meter has been demonstrated. The cost of enforcement has been shown to vary with community size, ranging from about $.03 per person for communities of 2 million and greater persons, to about $.50 per person for communities of 5 to 25 thousand people. Thus, as a first approximation, a community of 25,000 people could provide on-the-street motor vehicle enforcement for $12,500, whereas a city of 7,000,000 could provide on-the-street enforcement for $200,000. In the case of Florida, a 4,000 per day reduction in potential intrusive events has been achieved with an annual noise enforcement budget of around $200,000.
Surface Transportation - Information Group
Regulatory Impact Analysis, Oxides of Nitrogen Pollutant Specific Study and Summary and Analysis of Comments
March 1985
As required by Executive Order 12291, this document has been prepared to summarize the results of all analyses conducted in support of the final rule for gaseous emission regulations for 1988 and later model year light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks, and heavy-duty engines and for particulate emission regulations for 1988 and later model year heavy-duty diesel engines. In addition, this document also provides a summary and analysis of most of the comments received in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (49 FR 40258 October 15, 1984). Included here is a consideration of the technological feasibility, economic impact, environmental effects and cost effectiveness of the standards along with the development of data on the impacts of several regulatory alternatives. The remaining issues raised by commenters to this rulemaking are reviewed and responded to in the preamble. These include the proposed averaging program, allowable maintenance provisions and high altitude standards. The oxides of nitrogen (NOx) environmental impact analysis contained in this document also serves as the NOx pollutant-specific study required by Section 202(a)(3)(E) of the Clean Air Act. The material presented in this document deals primarily with those areas of the draft Regulatory Impact Analysis-[L] which were the subject of public comment. Areas of analysis which were not commented upon are repeated here only where needed to aid the understanding of material being revised. The draft analysis is therefore incorporated into this document by reference for treatment of topics not specifically re-addressed herein.
Noise Source Regulations in State and Local Noise Ordinances
Vijay K. Kohli
August 1979
The Noise Control Act of 1972 authorizes the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide technical assistance to States and local communities to facilitate development and implementation of their environmental noise control programs. To insure that the EPA technical assistance program is responsive to needs of States and local communities, EPA periodically updates a summary of State and local noise regulations. This document updates EPA 550/9-75-020, entitled "Noise Source Regulations in State and local Ordinances", February 1975. It is prepared as a planning and reference guide for State and local officials engaged in the development and implementation of environmental noise control programs. The information included in this report is taken largely from noise ordinances submitted to EPA as part of the response to the 1977-78 Environmental Noise COntrol Program Survey, but is supplemented by other source material available at the time of writing. No attempt has been made to solicit copies of ordinances from states or communities not included in the survey. Therefore, the information contained in this report is not all-inclusive. For further information, the reader should refer to specific laws or ordinances. The State laws summarized in this report are arranged under the following headings: -Motor Vehicles (or Self-Propelled Vehicles), -Recreational Vehicles, -Land Use. The local ordinances are presented under the following headings: -Motor Vehicles (or Self-Propelled Vehicles), -Recreational Vehicles, -Land Use, -Construction, -Intrusive Sources.
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) - Programmer's Manual
December 1981
The National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) is comprised of a collection of on-line datasets, some containing programs and others containing data. This manual describes the NRTNEM system as it existed on the NCC (EPA's National Computer Center) in December 1981, under user ID EPADYN. NRTNEM actually consists of two models: The General Adverse Response Model ("GAR"), and the Single Event Model ("SEM"). Only one of them can be executed by a job at a time. The User's Manual describes job submission procedures. This manual describes the NRTNEM system in more detail so as to facilitate program maintenance. This manual is organized from two points of view: present first those items the user first comes into contact with, and go from the general to the specific. Accordingly, the general properties of files and datasets are dexcribed first, and the coding details are last.
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) - User's Manual
December 1981
The National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) is comprised of a collection of on-line datasets, some containing programs and others containing data. The manual describes the job submission procedures required to run the NRTNEM as it existed on the NCC (EPA's National Computer Center) in December, 1981, under user ID EPADYN. The NRTNEM actually consists of two models: The General Adverse Response Model ("GAR"), and the Single Event Model ("SEM"). Only one of them can be executed by a job at one time. The Programmer's Manual describes the NRTNEM system in more detail to facilitate program maintenance. The NRTNEM was designed for and runs on an IBM/370 computer under MVS, with TSO (the Time Sharing Option) and WYLBUR, the latter two being conversational direct-access systems.
Effect of Acoustical Engine Enclosures on Truck Cooling System Performance
Robert A. Major; Michael A. Staiano; William H. Benson
January 1981
The airflow through a truck engine compartment consists of a complex system of series and parallel flow paths. This system can be modeled in terms of a network of equivalent ductwork elements. The detailed description of engine compartment airflow provided by this model can be used as a means of predicting the effect of acoustical engine enclosures when the ductwork element parameters are altered. The initial implementation of this model will require the performance of a number of component and truck wind tunnel tests; this data should be obtained to permit the use of the model. In-service monitoring of either engine or gearbox temperature performance requires the recording 8 to 10 parameters plus clock time for an adequate description of vehicle behavior. This monitoring should be initiated at engine shutdown. A total daily test period of approximately 10 hours is expected. The sampling data rate of 1/min for each parameter is sufficient for monitoring purposes. This monitoring requirement can be met by a relatively inexpensive data logger plus suitable transducer signal conditioning.;
Effect of Cooling System Design on Truck Noise
Michael A. Staiano; Robert A. Major
January 1981
Improving cooling system performance, thus, reducing the fan aerodynamic requirement is a key to quieter fans. Relative to an existing gasoline-engined medium truck cooling system, increased top tank temperature permits an airflow reduction estimated to allow an 11 dB reduction in fan noise. Use of a multi-pass radiator in this configuration adds a further 1.5 dB reduction, as estimated in a non-optimized case. Fan aerodynamic and acoustical performance is most significantly improved by reducing blade tip-to-shroud clearance. Fan designs which include integral (rotating) shrouds provide the best aerodynamic performance and least noise. Alternatively, low tip clearance fans using fixed engine-mounted shrouds or radiator-mounted fans (driven by a flexible coupling), will also provide superior performance. Aerodynamic test data provided by ,amufacturers tends to use tip clearances much smaller than obtainable in practice. Standard test procedures are also unavailable for acoustical testing of engine cooling fans. Consequently, current production fan noise performance is almost completely undocumented. Aerodynamic and acoustical fan test procedures for vehicle applications which reasonably represent installed fans should be developed and performance data on commercially available fans be catalogued to permit rational fan selection and encourage fan development.
Foreign Research in Tire Technology and Tire Noise Propagation and Abatement
August 1979
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is promoting research that will help to develop quieter tires. In order to do this, the U.S. EPA needs to be cognizant of the current state of the art and planned future activity in tire noise research and tire technology, both inside and outside of the United States. The U.S. EPA therefore requested Informatics Inc. to compile and update the available information on foreign tire noise research and tire technology.
Foreign Noise Research in Surface Transportation 1978-1981
May 1981
Revised Analysis of the Benefits and Csts of the 80 dB Noise Emission Regulation for Medium and Heavy Trucks
August 1981
The Agency has committed to review the medium and heavy truck noise emission regulation. This commitment was developed in the context of Secretary Lewis' Task Force on the automotive industry earlier this year. This report presents the results of an updated analysis of the benefits and costs of the 80 dB noise emission regulation for medium and heavy trucks which was originally promulgated in April 1976 (41 FR 15538 - see attached Appendix). The 80 dB regulation is scheduled to become effective January 1, 1983. In updating the analysis, the Agency relied largely on data supplied by the truck industry. Other cost data were derived from the Agency's first-hand experience in quieting and operating trucks in its Quiet Truck Demonstration Program. We developed improved estimates of the health and welfare benefits of the 80 dB regulation by performing computations using the Agency's surface transportation noise computer program which models the Nation's roadway system and population. The relative economic impact of the 80 dB regulation was determined in terms of uniform annualized cost which represents the equal annual (annuity) payments made on a hypothetical loan borrowed byn truck users to pay for the anticipated additional capital expenditures and operating costs resulting from compliance withhe 80 dB regulation.
Appendix D, Highway Construction Noise Field Measurements, Site 4: I-75 (Florida)
William R. Fuller; Ron Brown
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. Reports (Part D through Part G) contain field data gathered at the field demonstrations at highway construction sites in: Route I-201, California; I-205, Oregon; I-95/I-395, Maryland; and I-75, Florida. They contain noise data on single and multiple pieces of equipment, provide general description of highway site activities, and activity analyses of equipment.
Noise Source Regulation in State and Local Noise Ordinances
March 1973
As more noise control regulations are enacted at the state and local levels, it has become more difficult to get an accurate overview of those regulations. What is needed is a planning and reference guide fro public administrators and other officials engaged in developing and implementing noise control programs. To aid in satisfying the need, the Office of Noise Abatement and COntrol of the US Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this document. Presented herein is a summary of noise source regulations encompassed in current state laws and local ordinances. Data has been extracted from only those laws and ordinances stipulating specefic decibel levels. For information on the measurement procedures used, refer to the specific law or ordinance. The state ordinances summarized in this report deal primarily with ground transportation systems. The local ordinances, on the other hand, deal with several different aspects of the noise problem, such as restricting noise from transportation systems and from construction equipment and limiting the noise transmitted across property lines. Because of the many variations among local regulations, no attempt has been made to list the specific noise level requirements contained in local zoning laws and building codes. Because new ordinances will continually be enacted, this publication will be updated at appropriate intervals.
Appendix C, Highway Construction Noise Field Measurements, Site 3: I-95/I-395 (Maryland)
William R. Fuller; Ron Brown
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. Reports (Part D through Part G) contain field data gathered at the field demonstrations at highway construction sites in: Route I-201, California; I-205, Oregon; I-95/I-395, Maryland; and I-75, Florida. They contain noise data on single and multiple pieces of equipment, provide general description of highway site activities, and activity analyses of equipment.
Appendix B, Highway Construction Noise Field Measurements, Site 2: I-205 (Oregon)
William R. Fuller; Ron Brown
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. Reports (Part D through Part G) contain field data gathered at the field demonstrations at highway construction sites in: Route I-201, California; I-205, Oregon; I-95/I-395, Maryland; and I-75, Florida. They contain noise data on single and multiple pieces of equipment, provide general description of highway site activities, and activity analyses of equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations - Transportation - 49 - Parts 200 to 399
An Evaluation of Strategies to Control Noise From Refuse Collection Vehicles
Sat Agrawal; Donna McCord Dickman; Steve Larson
October 1981
This report investigated four potential noise control approaches to the control of noise from refuse collection vehicles. These included: (1) the potential impact of a legislative alternative requiring stationary compactors for all new high-rise developments; (2) the effect of a collection curfew; (3) the incorporation of noise into an annual inspection program and (4) the impact of taking no local action and allowing federal regulations to serve as the only control. It provides a mechanism for routine monitoring and isolation of particularly noise vehicles. As this study was performed in Prince George's County, Maryland, where high-rise development is minimal, further consideration for the first alternative was not given.
A Method for Assessing Automobile Noise
N.P. Miller
June 1980
This study presents a methods that can be used to examine and quantify each factor contributing to motor vehicle noise produced by automobile accelerating on city/suburban streets. It is based on data collected in six different jurisdictions subject to a range of noise control programs and was developed to assisst State/local jurisdictions to formulate or refine motor vehicle noise control programs.
A Unified Set of Models for Tire/Road Noise Generation
Kenneth J. Platkin; Eric Stusnick
July 1981
A set of theoretical models has been prepared which describes the noise generated by tire/road interaction. The mechanisms considered are air pumping and carcass vibration. The models begin with a set of thin shell equations describing the motion of the belt of a radial ply tire, as derived by Bohm ("Mechanisms of the Belted Tire", Ingeniur-Archiv, KKKV, 1966). Structural quantities required for these equations are derived from material properties of the tire. The rolling shape of a tire is computed from the steady-state limit of these equations. Air pumping (monopole radiation from tread voids) is calculated by assuming that tread elements move passively on the deformed tire. Vibrational response of the tire is treated by the full time-dependent shell equations. The force input at the tire/road interface is calculated on the basis of tread geometry and distribution of contact patch pressure. This input is physically equivalent to the impulse distribution models widely used in the tire industry for tread pitch randomization. Subsequent radiation of sound is calculated by a Raleigh integral. These models have been embodied into a unified set of computer programs. Using the programs, the effect on noise of various tire design variations is computed and discussed. Trends which lead to low noise design are identified. A series of experiements are planned which will test the validity of the models, and provide a basis for their refinement before final documentation and dissemination.
Noise Impact Evaluation Manual - Task 1
August 1985
EPA is required to review EISs involving major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. Noise impact is one of the parameters that EPA reviews in the EIS review process. The purpose of this work assignment is to prepare a comprehensive noise impact evaluation guidance manual for the EPA EIS reviewers to promote more consistent and effective response to noise impact in EISs. This report is the product of Task 1. In Task 1, SAIC reviewed over 75 documents dealing with EPA, FHWA, FAA and HUD's noise programs. We interviewed representatives from FHWA and FAA. The result is a summary of each agency's noise policy, noise impact criteria, and mitigation measures. Exhibit D of this report also lists States and local communities that have adopted noise criteria and/or regulations. The primary emphasis of the report is on transportation-related agencies since the majority of EISs with noise impacts are primarily highway and airport projects. Evaluating the noise impacts of the overall project are discussed in more detail than the specific noise standards for a particular aircraft or vehicle. Other products of the work assignment will be a detailed guidance document and bibliography of key references.
Transportation Noise - Federal Control and Abatement Responsibilities May Need to Be Revised
October 1989
This report discusses transportation noise and the control and abatement activities of the Environmental Protection Agency currently and prior to eliminating its noise program in 1982. It also discusses the transportation noise control and abatement activities of the Department of Transportation and state and local agencies.
Current Environmental Research in Transportation
Technical Analysis - Alignment of the Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Regulation
June 1982
Since passage of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-574, 86 Stat. 1234) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been actively concerned with abatement and control of noise from medium and heavy trucks. Section 18 of the Act directed the Administrator to establish noise emission regulations for motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. In October of 1974 the Agency promulgated an Interstate Motor Carrier (IMC) noise regulation (40 CFR 202). The regulation prescribed in-use operating noise limits, effective October 15, 1975, for all vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) in excess of 10,000 pounds. On September 8, 1975 the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), which has the Federal enforcement responsibility for the IMC regulation, issued a regulation (49 CFR 325) that prescribed test procedures for determining compliance with the (IMC) noise emission standards. The effective date of the DOT regulation also was October 15, 1975. A number of states and local jurisdictions have adopted and enforce the "in-use" noise standards of the IMC regulation as part of their individual noise control ordinances. Subsequent to the IMC regulation, the Agency promulgated a regulation (40 CFR 205) under the authority of Section 6 of the Act, that established not-to-exceed noise levels for medium and heavy trucks (MHT) manufactured after January 1, 1978. When the Agency promulgated the IMC regulation, it recognized that certain adjustments to the noise limits would be required in the future to ensure that the benefits anticipated from any "new product" regulation would be realized throughout the operating life of new trucks. This document analyzes the potential effects of aligning the levels of the "in-use" IMC regulation with the not-to-exceed levels of the "new-product" MHT regulation. In such an alignment, the IMC noise levels for trucks manufactured on or after January 1, 1978 would be consistent with the noise emission standards of the MHT regulation. Trucks manufactured prior to January 1, 1978 would not be affected. The analysis of the potential effects of aligning the IMC and MHT standards is based on extensive field data on in-use truck noise levels, supplemented by tire noise and vehicle noise degradation data that were not available when the IMC regulation was promulgated in 1974. The analysis assesses the degree of compliance with the IMC standards by interstate motor carrier vehicles. It further evaluates the change in the in-use noise levels of trucks since promulgation of the IMC regulation and the in-use noise levels of trucks manufactured after January 1, 1978. The analysis concludes with an assessment of the potential costs and benefits of an alignment of the IMC regulation with the MHT regulation for post-1977 trucks.
Report to the Chairman Subcommittee on Aviation Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate - Airport Capacity - Civilian Use of Military Airfields Has Added Little to System Capacity
April 1991
Environmental Impact Statement for the Final Noise Emission Regulation for Buses
July 1980
This document presents an assessment of the expected benefits and impacts of the Final Noise Emission Regulation for Buses. The information presented includes a description of the bus noise problem, the statutory basis for the action, a summary of the regulation, State and local programs complementary to Federal noise emission standards for buses, the alternatives considered, the expected benefits of the regulation, the potential economic effects of the regulation, public comments on the draft environmental impact statement, and conclusions.
The Effect of Noise Barriers on the Market Value of Adjacent Residential Properties
Fred L. Hall; J. Douglas Welland
August 1986
This paper addresses the problem of how highway noise affects house prices, and how highway noise barriers alter that effect. The project began with a set of house price data available in the Property Office of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications. These data were augmented with housing characteristics and sales data obtained from the Toronto Real Estate Board. All of the data were from three residential areas of Toronto situated behind highway noise barriers. In a multiple linear regression, in which a variety of other housing characteristics are controlled for, the coefficient on noise level (in 1981 dollars) varies from -312 $/dB at one site, to -356 $/dB at a second site, to -1971 $/dB at a third site, all of which coefficients are statistically significant at the .05 level. The pooled sample estimate is -788 $/dB. The first two values are generally consistent with results of earlier studies, although perhaps a bit lower. Non-linear regressions on noise level, and functions which ignored noise until it was in the mid-60's, were also investigated. These results supported neither a quadratic function, nor any clear threshold effect. Close inspection of the data at the site with a -2971 $/dB value suggests that these data may not be representative of the relevant population, in that expensive houses in high noise environments are not properly represented in the sample. As a result, the extremely large estimated noise penalty is probably a statistical anomaly. Since the pooled sample noise penalty of -778 $/dB reflects in part the data from that site; it too may be non-representative of the population noise penalty. It is clear from these data that house sales in areas protected by noise barriers reflect the same kind of valuation of noise as do houses in unprotected noisy areas.
Docket Analysis for the Final Noise Emission Regulation for Buses
July 1980
This document presents all comments received from the public regarding the proposed Bus Noise Emission Regulation and the Federal government's responses to each comment. The comments include those received during the 90-day public comment period and testimony recieved at two public hearings. The comments and Agency responses address: health and welfare benefits of the regulation; bus interior noise; school buses; possible economic effects of the regulation; noise control technology; enforcement of the regulation; test procedures; Acoustical Assurance Period and Sound Level Degradation Factor; Transbus; transit malls; and general comments. The document also lists: those organizations and individuals that commented during the 90-day public comment period or testified at the hearings; other organizations and individuals with which the Agency had contact during the development of the regulation; and those organizations and individuals that the Agency will contact in order to inform the public of the benefits and impacts of the regulation.
Average Noise Levels for Highway Vehicles
Kenneth J. Plotkin
September 1979
Noise emission data are presented for 14 vehicle categories representing the nation's highway vehicle fleet. The data are presented in a format supporting idealized noise versus speed relations for acceleration, deceleration and cruise operating modes. The kinematics of these modes are presented. Noise data, collected from a variety of sources, represent the most recent available 50 foot (15 meter) passby levels. The purpose of this data collection is to provide vehicle input parameters for EPA's national highway noise exposure model. This model requires energy averaged quantities over each operating mode. The emission model was therefore integrated to give the required calculated model emission levels. In addition to the baseline (pre-regulatory) levels, calculated model levels are presented for a variety of new vehicle regulatory standards.
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Questions and Answers
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Fact Sheet
The Balance Sheet Technique - Volume I: The Balance Sheet Analysis Technique for Preconstruction Review of Airports and Highways
Sarah J. LaBelle; Albert E. Smith; Dorathea A. Seymour
February 1977
Federal Noise Program Report Series Volume III - Noise Policy and Related Environmental Procedures
February 1978
This report discusses the Federal Highway Administration's noise policy and related environmental procedures. Its purpose is to serve as an aid to persons concerned with noise abatement and control activities in the Federal Government. The report is the third in a series of documents discussing various Federal agency noise programs to be published by the Environmental Protection Agency in partial fulfillment of its responsibility under Section 4 of the Noise Control Act of 1972.
Procedures for Estimating Sound Power from Measurements of Sound Pressure - An Experimental Investigation with Application to Noise From Portable Air Compressors
Curtis I. Holmer
January 1975
This report describes investigations of the accuracy and precision of various measurement methodologies for determining the estimated sound power output of "large" machines in the free field over a reflecting plane. One purpose of this investigation is to place empirical error bounds on many of the free field measurement procedures currently proposed or in use; and in particular, compare the results of "near-field" and "far-field" measurements. The sources used for the investigation included 17 portable air compressors of various types (powered by internal combustion engines), a "reference" sound source, and a loudspeaker driven by a pure tone source. The data recorded include sound pressure level (A-weighted, linear, and 1/3-octave band) on an 84 point hemispherical array of seven metre radius, and "near-field" measurements, sampled every square metre, on a rectangular surface one metre from the machine surface. These data were reduced to provide information on the deviation of "near field" sound power determinations from "far-field" power level (using subsets of the data as appropriate to various methodologies). The measured data for seventeen sources suggests that the value of a sound power estimate based on "near-field" sound pressure level measurements may be an upper bound to the sound power level estimated from far field measurements, subject to the limitations of sampling error. Estimates of total achievable measurement error of A-weighted sound power level of near field determinations relative to far field determinations are made for several measurement methodologies, based on the experimental data.
State and Local Guidance Manual for Police: Motor Vehicle Noise Enforcement
This guidance manual for state and local police officers and law enforcement personnel was prepared for the Office of Noise Abatement and Control of the United States Environmental Protection Agency as part of its mandate under the Noise Control Act (P.L. 92-574, 42 U.S.C. 4901 et seq. Supp. 1978). The purpose of the manual is to provide law enforcement personnel with the necessary technical skills to enforce State and Local Motor Vehicle Noise Laws. The proper enforcement of motor vehicle noise violations requires the noise enforcement officer to develop specific technical skills, both in the use of noise measuring equipment as well as in the application of police practice to noise enforcement officer is utilizing a sound level meter to measure the violation.
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model - Part IV: Programming User's Manual; Level 1
March 1979
The User's Manual for the National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model consists of two volumes: Level I, which describes the system and provides basic information for regular users of the system; and Level II, which describes in detail how the system works. As described in Section 4 of the Level I Manual, a regular user may change the Regulation Scenario, time stream net and other control strings. In addition to running the Model, the system also provides for easy data file construction and a comprehensive job record system, including an interrogator. The Level I Manual is the "how-to" manual; the aim is to allow one to use the model with minimum pick-up time. The Level II Manual contains a detailed description of the system, and consists of nine sections: Section 1 is this Scope of the Manuals, Sections 2 through 7 are the documentation ofthe Min Code, and Sections 8 and 9 are the documentation of the Support Procedure System (SPS). Section 8 contains a detailed description of the inner workings of the SPS, including full I/O specifications for the procedures and default values. Many error messages are also explained.
Code of Current Practices for Enforcement of Noise Ordinances
F.M. Kessler; M. Alexander
July 1981
This report provides communities interested in adopting a noise control ordinance with measurement procedures for effective enforcement. The first segment discusses the theory of sound, terminology, and computation methods. Vibration measurement and criteria are also presented. The second segment of this report presents the current measurement procedures. Noise and vibration measurement procedures are presented for stationary noise sources. These include statistical sampling and steady sound techniques, both weighted and octave band. Both roadway (passby) and stationary sound level measurement methods are provided for automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Sound measurement procedures are also included for buses, construction equipment, model vehicles, recreation vehicles, and refuse collection vehicles. Sketches of the measurement sites and forms for reporting measured data are provided for each measurement procedure.
Background Document to Proposed Interstate Motor Carrier Regulations
November 1973
Through the Noise Control Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234), Congress established a national policy "to promote an environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health or welfare." In pursuit of that policy, Congress stated, in Section 2 of that Act, "that, while primary responsibility for control of noise rests with state and local governments, Federal action is essential to deal with major noise sources in commerce, control of which requires national uniformity of treatment." As a part of that essential Federal action, Section 18 of that Act (86 Stat. 1249) directed the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish proposed noise emission regulations for motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. Motor carriers subject to such regulations include common carriers by motor vehicle, contract carriers by motor vehicle and private carriers of property by motor vehicle as these terms are defined by paragraphs (14), (15), and (17) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303 (a).
Potential Effectiveness of Barriers Toward Reducing Highway Noise Exposure on a National Scale
Kenneth J. Plotkin; Vijay K. Kohii
July 1978
Calculations have been performed to assess the potential effectiveness of barriers toward reducing noise exposure from the federal-aid highway system. Noise exposure, in terms of the numbers of people exposed to Ldn greater than 60, 65, 70, and 75 dB, from the primary federal-aid system was computed to present traffic flow and projected traffic through the year 2000. Reductions in noise exposure were computed for several scenarios of constructing barriers along urban interstate highways. It was found that significant reduction of noise exposure would require barriers along most of the urban interstate system. The benefit (in terms of reduction of exposed population) per mile of barrier construction was found to be greatest at high noise levels (Ldn greater than or equal to 75 dB). It was concluded that barriers would not provide relief in extremely noisy local applications.
Six Indices for Predicting Speech Interference Within Aircraft
Donald C. Gasaway
December 1970
Acoustic noise within aircraft during flight often causes some degree of interference with aural communication. Several methods have been used ove the years to identify and predict degrees of speech interference. Six of these methods are discussed: four involve octave-band averaging; two use frequency weighting. The assessment is based on application of each of the six indices to noise levels measured within the cockpits of 191 fixed-wing and 58 rotary-wing aircraft, grouped into 11 categories by engine type. Equivalent speech interference levels obtained from the use of each of the six indices are provided for the acoustic spectra developed for the 11 classes of vehicles. The operational considerations which influence speech interference values are described. Noise attenuation provided by headset devices commonly used by Air Force aircrew members is shown for different groups of noise spectra. Criteria are given for evaluating protected and unprotected exposures to noise that compromise communications.
Federal Noise Program Report Series, Vol. III - Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Noise Policy and Related Environmental Procedures
July 1978
This document discusses the important features of FHWA's noise policy and related environmental procedures. It also identifies associated problems with the policy without attempting to present an "evaluation". No examination of how the policy actually works in the field was undertaken. The purpose of the report is to serve as aid to persons concerned with noise abatement and control activities in the Federal Government.
Federal Noise Research - EPA Summary and Assessment
June 1978
The United States Government is involved in research, development and demonstration (RD&D) activities related to aviation, surface transportation, machinery and construction equipment noise abatement and control through a number of its Agencies and Departments. In addition, considerable effort is expended in noise effects research to help identify and categorize the adverse health effects of noise. These programs vary in size and complexity, and objections vary according to overall Agency charters, statutory authorities and other priorities.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment - Medium and Heavy Trucks
April 1976
Noise Source Abatement Technology and Cost Analysis Including Retrofitting
July 1973
This report reviews the technological developments that have contributed to the historical growth of the civil aviation industry and looks to the present and future technology to nurture its continued growth. Future expansion of air transportation is now dependent upon resolving the problem created by its Achille's heel - aircraft generated noise. One of the principal avenuse available for reducing noise impacted areas resulting from aircraft operations is by treating the source of the noise - the aircraft and its contributing components.
Report on Operations Analysis Including Monitoring, Enforcement, Safety and Costs
July 1973
This report analyzes a number of noise abatement flight and operational procedures which are presently in use in one form or another in scattered parts of the air transportation system. For the most part the use of these procedures is not required by the FAA. The discussion in this report concentrates on the noise reduction potential, the costs, and other advantages and disadvantages of these noise abatement procedures. The attractiveness of procedural methods of noise reduction is that they can be accomplished in a short time (0 to 5 years) and at a low costs (often no cost). This is in contrast to aircraft or engine modifications or land use conversion which can provide more substantial long term benefits (3 to 15 years) but at greater cost.
Federal Research, Development and Demonstration Programs in Surface Transportation Noise
February 1978
This report is a compilation of the research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities of Federal agencies and departments in the area of surface transportation noise from FY 75-78. It also contains assessments of these activities and recommendations for future areas of work.
Memo to EPA from International Harvester - Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Foreign Noise Research in Aviation
December 1977
This is one of three reports which summarize foreign noise abatement research efforts, based on an appraisal carried out by Information Inc. for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, as part of their noise research coordination efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reconstituted interagency noise research panels covering three areas: aviation, surface transportation, and machinery and construction equipment. The purpose fo the panels is to assemble a total picture of U.S. Fedrally-sponsored noise abatement research recently completed, in progress, or planned, and provide recommendations for additional research which should be performed to meet the goals embodied in the national noise abatement strategy. The three panel reports are scheduled for release in early 1978. The three reports on research abroad are to supplement the information provided in the panel reports by providing a broad overview of the international research effort underway in noise abatement and control.
Updating a Dosage-Effect Relationship for the Prevalence of Annoyance Due to General Transportation Noise
Sanford Fidell; David S. Barber; Theodore J. Schultz
September 1990
More than a decade has passed since a relationship between community noise exposure and the prevalence of annoyance was synthesized by Schultz {T.J. Schultz, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 64. 377-405 (1978)} from the findings of a dozen social surveys. This quantitative dosage-effect relationship has been adopted as a standard means for predicting noise-induced annoyance in environmental assessment documents. The present effort updates the 1978 relationship with findings of social surveys conducted since its publication. Although the number of data points from which a new relationship was inferred more than tripled, the 1978 relationship still provides a reasonable fit to the data.
Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance
Theodore J. Schultz
March 1978
Since noise was first recognized as a serious environmental pollutant, a number of social surveys have been conducted in order to assess the magnitude of the problem and to develop suitable noise ratings, such that, from a measurement of certain physical characteristics of community noise, one could reliably predict the community's subjective response to the noise. Recently, the author has reviewed the data from social surveys concerning the noise of aircraft, street traffic, expressway traffic, and railroads. Going back to the original published data, the various survey noise ratings were translated to day-night average sound level, and an independent judgment was made, where choices were possible, as in which respondents should be counted as "higly annoyed". The results of 11 of these surveys show a remarkable consistency. It is proposed that the average of these curves is the best currently available relationship for predicting community annoyance due to transportation noise of all kinds.
Memo to Charles L. Elkins from the U.S. Department of Transportation
July 1985
Memo to Charles Elkins from ASHA - Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment; Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Memo to Charles L. Elkins from the U.S. Department of Transportation
April 1985
Memo to EPA from Mack Trucks, Inc. - Docket No. OPMO-0184 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 40 CFR Parts 202 & 205 Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
National Surface Transportation Noise Strategy - Medium and Heavy Trucks, Light Vehicles, Motorcycles, and Snowmobiles
October 1978
This surface transportation substrategy is a follow-up to Toward a National Strategy for Noise Control. The strategy document sets forth the extent of the noise problem in the United States and the general framework for its abatement and control. This substrategy identifies the specific noise problems which stem from surface transportation vehicles (excluding railroads), and suggests the noise abatement controls which should be used to halt this growing problem.
Background Document/Environmental Explanation for Proposed Interstate Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulations
June 1974
The study of railroad noise is relatively new. Most of the information and data contained in this report has been generated during the past year. It is important to note that this report and the proposed regulations are an initial step in a continuing effort to understand and reduce railroad noise. The Agency wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of a multitude of parties and to extend its appreciation for their efforts. These parties include, but are by no means limited to, The Department of Transportation, Association of American Railroads, the Department of Commerce, and the National Bureau of Standards.
Helicopter Noise Characteristics for Heliport Planning - Technical Report
Dwight E. Bishop
March 1965
Noise data and simplified procedures are presented for estimating the percieved noise levels produced by current civil and military helicopters (piston- and turbine-powered) during takeoff, landing, flyover and hover operations. Noise data and procedures are also presented for comparing helicopter noise with other vehicle noise and with ambient noise found in typical urban and suburban areas. The procedures permit an assessment of the compatibility of helicopter noise with typical land uses near heliports. Generalized helicopter noise data are presented in the form of noise contours and in perceived noise level distance charts for different helicopter categories. The generalized noise charts are based upon measurements of a number of military and civil aircraft. Analysis of these measurements, discussed in Appendix A, shows that: a) for most helicopters the spread in perceived noise levels for takeoff, landing, flyover and hover operations is of the order of 5 dB or less, a spread in noise levels much less than encountered for fixed-wing aircraft. b) piston-powered helicopters are noisier than turbine-powered helicopters of comparable size. No consistent difference in noise levels between single and dual rotor helicopters was noted. c) perceived noise levels for turbine-powered helicopters show greater changes with size of aircraft than do noise levels for piston-powered helicopters. d) for planning purposes, noise radiation from helicopters can be assumed to be non-directional in both vertical and horizontal planes.
Background Document/Environmental Explanation for Proposed Interstate Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulations
March 1974
The study of railroad noise is relatively new. Most of the information and data contained in this report has been generated during the past year. It is important to note that this report and the proposed regulations are an initial step in a continuing effort to understand and reduce railroad noise. The Agency wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of a multitude of parties and to extend its appreciation for their efforts. Those parties include, but are by no means limited to, The Department of Transportation and the Association of American Railroads, and the National Bureau of Standards.
User Taxes and Allocations of United States Airport and Airway System Costs
Paul F. Dienemann; Armando M. Lago
January 1976
The United States government supports a vast network of air traffic control and safety for aviation users throughout the country and across the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. This Airport and Airway System is operated not only through the Federal Aviation Administration, but also through a number of other federal agencies. In the late 1960s the rapid growth in air traffic was straining the capacity of the Airport and Airway System and causing serious delays and airspace congestion. To help remedy this, the U.S. Congress passed the Airport and Airway Development and Revenue Act of 1970, authorising a long-range programme for expanding and improving the nation's airports and airways. The Act directed the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to undertake a cost allocation study with the following objectives: 1. To determine the costs of the federal Airport and Airways System. 2. Too determine how these costs should be allocated among the various users, i.e., air carrier, general aviation, and military aviation. 3. To recommend equitable ways for recovering these costs. In the fall of 1970 DOT launched the cost allocation study, which was undertaken by DOT personnel and supported by contract research personnel. This paper, based partly on work carried out by the authors for the Department of Transportation, summarises the results of this inquiry and describes the separable costs/remaining benefits method for allocating costs to air carrier, general aviation, and military users. The paper also provides a direct comparison of the allocated costs and user revenues from existing airport and airway charges. Large shortfalls in tax recovery are revealed, particularly in the general aviation sector, and the need for changes in the tax structure becomes apparent from the study results.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Buses Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment
September 1977
Background Report on Outdoor-Indoor Noise Reduction Calculation Procedures Employing the Exterior Wall Noise Rating (EWNR) Method
Gary E. Mange; Steven R. Skale; Louis C. Sutherland
March 1978
This background report on the procedure for evaluating outdoor-indoor noise reduction of structure in terms of the single number metric Exterior Wall Noise Rating (EWNR) first reviews the basis of previous single number ratings emphasizing the Sound Transmission Class (STC). It is shown that the latter was initially designed to try to account for the relative loudness of interior noises in typical residences as heard by adjoining neighbors on the other side of a common party wall. In a similar, but quite independent manner, the EWNR metric was developed so that the A-weighted indoor noise level, due to highway noise sources outdoors, could be roughly estimated directly fromt he value of EWNR and the A-weighted outdoor noise level. The basis for this is defined, first in terms of the basic theory for noise reduction from outdoors to indoors at one frequency. The result is then summed over all frequencies to give the overall effective noise reduction. The EWNR single number rating replaces this complex summation and, as shown by recently conducted field tests, provides a valid method with an accuracy of about +/- 3 dB for predicting levels inside buildings due to outdoor transportation noise sources. This background report also briefly reviews the basis for the tables of EWNR values and tables of various EWNR adjustment factors used to evaluate the composite noise reduction of A-weighted noise levels for a wide range of practical residential structural assemblies which may include walls, windows, doors, roofs, and ceilings.
Guide to the Soundproofing of Existing Homes Against Exterior Noise
October 1977
This manual was prepared for the city of Los Angeles Department of Airports and is reprinted and distributed with their permission. This manual should be of help to the designer in selecting and conceptualizing various methods of soundproofing existing homes. The manual would be useful with the previously distributed TechShare Report No. TS-77-202, "Insulation of Buildings Against Highway Noise," and the current distribution of TechShare Report No. FHWA TS-77-220 titled "Background Report on Outdoor Indoor Noise Reduction Calculation Procedures Employing the Exterior Wall Noise Rating (EWNR) Method." This guide presents the various successful methods used in a 1970 pilot project to increase the noise reduction capabilities of existing houses for the Los Angeles Department of Airports. Three categories of modification from minor to extensive are covered. The guide also provides a basic understanding of the elements of noise control and the systematic method of soundproofing houses. This guide expands the repertory of methods and techniques of reducing the impact of highway traffic noise on its neighbors.
Foreign Noise Research in Machinery and Construction Equipment
December 1977
This is one of three reports which summarize foreign noise abatement research efforts, based on an appraisal carried out by Information Inc. for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, as part of their noise research coordination efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reconstituted interagency noise research panels covering three areas: aviation, surface transportation, and machinery and construction equipment. The purpose fo the panels is to assemble a total picture of U.S. Fedrally-sponsored noise abatement research recently completed, in progress, or planned, and provide recommendations for additional research which should be performed to meet the goals embodied in the national noise abatement strategy. The three panel reports are scheduled for release in early 1978. The three reports on research abroad are to supplement the information provided in the panel reports by providing a broad overview of the international research effort underway in noise abatement and control.
Memo to Kenneth E. Feith from the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association
June 1984
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment Medium and Heavy Trucks
April 1976
Proceedings Surface Transportation Exhaust System Noise Symposium
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Noise Abatement and Control (EPA/ONAC) has initiated studies pursuant to requirements established under Section 8 of the Noise Control Act of 1972 which may lead to Federal requirements for the labeling of surface transportation vehicles and mufflers with respect to noise. One study is designed to assess the methodologies available to measure and communicate the noise reduction characteristics of surface transportation vehicle exhaust systems. The information communicated may be actual sound levels or information relative to sound levels (i.e., verification that a vehicle with a particular aftermarket muffler installed will meet an applicable standard), or other information such as warranty claims, proper maintenance and operator instructions, etc. The information would be used by dealers, repair facilities, enforcement personnel and the general public.
Reauthorization of the Noise Control Act of 1972 - Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation, and Tourism of the Committee on Energy and Commerce - House of Representatives
February 1981
The Urban Noise Survey
Sanford Fidell
August 1977
Most of the existing social survey data base on community annoyance has been in character and has been concerned primarily with airport and highway related noise. An essential element in assessing the impact of noise in urban areas away from airports and highways is the evaluation of the attitudes of people concerning the noise in the residential environment. A social survey was conducted to sample opinion over the entire range of noise exposure and population density characteristics of non-rural America.The objective of the Urban Noise Survey was to develop a first order relationship between noise exposure and human response as a function of situational and attitudinal variables associated with the life styles of people in various urban environments. This survey differed from prior surveys in the general area of noise pollution in several important aspects: (1) it was specifically designed to study noise exposure not directly related to airport and highway sources; (2) the social survey was made in conjunction with simultaneous physical measurements of noise exposure at sites with widely different noise environments; (3) it was national rather than local in character and was addressed to a broad rather than narrow range of noise exposures and respondents' life styles. Some of the major conclusions are that: (a) exposure to noise typical of many urban (non-aircraft and non-highway) environments produces widespread annoyance, speech interference, and sleep disturbance; (b) a strong relationship was demonstrated between exposure level and the proportion of a community highly annoyed by noise; (c) the prevalence of speech interference is an especially good predictor of annoyance; (d) the number of complaints about noise is a poor predictor of the prevalence of annoyance; (e) demographic factors alone are relatively poor predictors of noise annoyance; (f) freedom from noise exposure is a component of a neighborhood satisfaction, and quiet is highly valued; (g) noises associated with automotive sources are the most pervasive sources of annoying noise in urban areas; (h) annoyance associated with intrusive noise sources may be related to measurable noise exposure from such sources, even when their magnitudes are not as great as the level of overall exposure in a community; (i) there is some evidence that human response to noise exposure at Ldn values in excess of 70 dB is more acute than at lower levels.
Proceedings Surface Transportation Exhaust System Noise Symposium
Truck Noise Degradation - Final Report
Jerry Thompson
January 1980
This report is the final submittal of data for a test program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and aimed at evaluating the potential degradation of medium and heavy truck noise emission levels over a vehicle's life. This test program was first described in detail in Interim Technical Report I, submitted to EPA by Wyle Research in November 1978 in support of a technology impact analysis for revision of the interstate motor carrier emission regulations. This document presents the results of measurements and analyses performed since the first report. A detailed description of the full test program and a summary of the complete data base is provided in this report, therefore no reference to the original report is necessary....
Calculation of Day-Night Levels (Ldn) Resulting From Highway Traffic - Supplement
Myles A. Simpson
November 1979
Two calculation procedures are described in this manual for estimating the day-night sound level (Ldn) at locations near major roadways. Both procedures include the use of simple charts and graphs which are designed for individuals who do not have any experience or training in noise prediction or analysis. The Direct method is a quick-look method designed to yield an approximate estimate of traffic noise exposure, which takes into account only major traffic and site characteristics. The Component method is a more detailed method designed to yield more accurate estimates, as well as the contribution of each category of vehicle on the roadway to the day-night level; it takes into account a variety of traffic, roadway and site characteristics.
Memo to Kenneth E. Feith form the EPA - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 40 CFR Part 202 and 205 Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards. Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Calculation of Day-Night Levels (Ldn) Resulting From Highway Traffic
Myles A. Simpson
October 1979
This manual presents calculation procedures for estimating the day-night sound level (Ldn) resulting from motor vehicle traffic on highways and other major roadways. Using the procedures in this manual one can estimate the day-night sound levels at individual locations which are exposed to the noise of automobiles, medium trucks, heavy trucks, and motorcycles.
Memo to EPA from the Rubber Manufacturers Association - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205 (FRL 2818-4) Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment; Noise Emission Control; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Calculation of Day-Night Levels (Ldn) Resulting From Highway Traffic
Myles A. Simpson
August 1982
Two calculation procedures are described in this manual for estimating the day-night sound level (Ldn) at locations near major roadways. Both procedures include the use of simple charts and graphs which are designed for individuals who do not have any experience or training in noise prediction or analysis. The Direct method is a quick-look method designed to yield an approximate estimate of traffic noise exposure, which takes into account only major traffic and site characteristics. The Component method is a more detailed method designed to yield more accurate estimates, as well as the contribution of each category of vehicle on the roadway to the day-night level; it takes into account a variety of traffic, roadway and site characteristics.
Environmental Noise Assessment Lawton, Oklahoma
Robert M. LaBreche; Michael L. Mendias
April 1976
Using a simple methodology employing inexpensive equipment as described in this report, Lawton, Oklahoma, assessed environmental nois elevels in their community during the summer of 1975. They measured equivalent sound levels at eleven sites within the city and identified major sources of noise. The results showed only two areas in Lawton with probable adverse noise impacts, both in the vicinity of local airfields. Small aircraft, automobiles, and helicopters were the most prevalent sources of intrusive environmental noises. Jet aircrafts were the most intense.
Memo to EPA from the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association
July 1985
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Backgrounder
Noise From Heavy Vehicles, Results from Stationary Noise Measurements
K.A. Abrahamsen
February 1981
Stationary noise measurements have been carried out on 12 of the most sold trucks in Norway. The results are discussed with reference to the influence of the various vehicle designs on the noise emitted from the major noise sources and on cabin noise. The state of the art of noise control on typical production vehicles has been assessed and a forecast of possible further noise reduction in the near future made.
See also Garbage Trucks, Transportation.
40 CFR Part 205 {IMI-FRI. 1738-7} Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
40 CFR Part 205 {1483-2} Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors; Technical Amendments
40 CFR Part 205 {FRI. 1624-2} Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards, Technical Amendments
Letterfrom the New York State Executive Chamber, Acknowledging a One Year Deferral of Proposed Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Trucks
February 1981
Memo from David Coleman, Overdrive Magazine to Tim Barry on the Clarification of the Truck Regulation Deferral
February 1981
Environmental Noise Measurements on Interstate 57 During and After Strike
P.D. Schomer; B.L. Homans
June 1974
Noise and traffic-count data were recorded and analyzed during and immediately after a nationwide strike of independent truckers. This report presents statistical noise levels, equivalent sound level (Leq), and day-night level (Ldn) for a two-week data-gathering period. From these results, it is possible to infer the truck contribution to highway noise.
Freightliner Corporation's Letter to the EPA, Petitioning the 1982 Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Emission Regulations
March 1981
EPA Analysis of the Amendment to Delete "Engine Brake" Deceleration Testing from the Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Regulation
May 1977
A presentation of the questions posed and an assessment of the issues related to the consideration of the amendment to delete deceleration testing from the medium and heavy truck noise regulation (40 CPR 205) is reported. Although noise emissions from engine brake operation are inique in character, it appears that noise control using engine exhaust muffling for the vehicle acceleration mode also reduces engine brake deceleration sound levels. Economic impacts of vehicle deceleration testing using engine brakes appear minimal if engine brakes are installed at the point of manufacture. The report contains EPA Regulatory Docket No. ONAC 77-3 exhibiting all comments submitted by interested parties.
Index - Proposed Withdrawal of Truck Transport Refrigeration Units (TTRU's) Docket ONAC-01-82
EPA Letter to the Trucking Industry on Rescinding the One Year Deferral of the Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Trucks
March 1981
Truck Transport Refrigeration Units - Summary Report
March 1982
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has conducted a review of the draft noise emission regulation planned for Truck Transport Refrigeration Units (TTRU's). This review was performed from the standpoint of the prevailing conditions of the national economy, the economic difficulties being experienced by the truck and TTRU industries, the President's policy to reduce the burdens of Federal regulations, and the changes in the Agency's regulatory priorities due to national need and budgetary constraints.
State of California DOT Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks)
March 1981
Truck and Component Nois Levels - Final Report
March 1979
Among the challenges of developing a quiet truck, the problems associated with location, identification, and measurement of component source levels are the most difficult. Various approaches have been utilized by truck and component manufacturers. Each approach is limited by either technical or cost constraints. Two major approaches have been investigated. These are: Coherence: Near and far-field microphones are used to compute the contribution of a source by subtracting the near-field levels from the far-field measurement. Selective Operation: This method requires the silencing of all major sources by lead wrapping and installation of super quiet mufflers and air induction systems. After baseline measurements are obtained, individual components are restored to the original configuration for measurement of the noise level of that component. A technical problem is associated with the coherence method. When the near-field microphone is placed near one component (i.e. muffler) other components (engine, fan, etc.) are nearby and can contribute to the near-field level. As a result the calculated component source level may be in error. The method of selective operation is, or course, time consuming and expensive because of the requirement to develop enclosures, mufflers, and air induction systems, and the need to conduct extensive before and after tests of each component. A new approach is discussed in this report. This approach utilizes: a.) a directive array of microphones for location and measurement sources; and, b.) near-field probes for the identification of the specific source. In particular the report contains a discussion of the directive array approach and the near-field probe approach. Section 2.0 provides a discussion of the test procedures for component source measurement. The measurement technique has been applied in a test of one truck in order to measure component noise levels as a function of speed and load. Section 3.0 provides a discussion of a test of a Ford heavy-duty tractor. The truck is a model CLT 9000, with a Cummins NTC 350 engine, dual STEMCO mufflers, a viscous fan clutch, and a 13-speed Road Ranger transmission. In addition, Section 3.0 provides a detailed description of the truck, dynamometer, test equipment, test methodology, and the test results. Section 4.0 provides the conclusions and recommendations.
The Washington Star - A Better Garbage Truck
James J. Kilpatrick
January 1981
Purchasing Guidelines for Medium and Heavy Trucks
May 1982
These guidelines have been prepared to help state agencies, cities, and other governmental units purchase better medium and heavy trucks at competitive prices. Specifically, they suggest an approach for purchasing quieter, cleaner, more fuel efficient trucks with a lower total cost of ownership through the competitive bidding process.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards
October 1979
Background Document for Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Regulations
October 1974
In March, 1974, in accordance with Section 5(a)(2) of the Noise Control Act of 1972, EPA published a document in which levels of environmental noise requisite to protect public health and welfare were identified(1). Since EPA studies have shown that actual environmental noise levels in many parts of the country exceed the levels identified as desirable, a Federal strategy is being developed to control environmental noise.
Assessment of Ground Surface Corrections for Motor Vehicle Noise Measurements
Donald B. Pies
February 1977
In 1974, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a regulation limiting the noise levels produced by trucks operated by motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. A measurement methodology was included in the background considerations for this regulation that allowed measurements pf truck noise levels to be made over hard (i.e., concrete, asphalt, packed dirt or gravel) or soft (i.e., grass or similar absorbent material) surfaces, with an adjustment factor of 2 dB to be added to the latter to account for the effect of ground attenuation. The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) has the task of enforcing this regulation, and has published an enforcement procedure that includes the 2 dB adjustment factor. The provision of the adjustment factor is predicated on simple geometry of ground coverage and does not necessarily apply under other more complex conditions. Also, it appears that a systematic study has not been made of all available data in order to justify the numerical value of the correction factor. The purpose of this program is to study existing data and present recommendations as to the validity of the 2 dB adjustment factor.
Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks Technology and Cost Information
September 1974
The subjects addressed in this document are intended to provide background information on various aspects associated with the development of regulations relative to noise emission from newly manufactured trucks.
Background Document for Proposed Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Regulations
October 1974
The subjects addressed in this document are intended to provide background information on various aspects associated with the development of regulations relative to noise emission from newly manufactured trucks.
Vanderbilt University's Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and heavy Trucks)
April 1981
Paccar Inc. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Information in Support of the Proposed Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors - Part 1. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement Part 2. Background Doc.
August 1977
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement, and Background Document were prepared in support of the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed regulation which sets noise emission standards for newly manufactured truck-mounted solid waste compactors. The proposed regulation has been published pursuant to the mandate of Congress as expresses in the Noise Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234).
Comments of General Motors Corporation with Respect to Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks
April 1981
Regulatory Impact Review of Noise Regulation for Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
May 1982
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted a review of the noise regulation for truck-mounted solid waste compactors (40 CFR Part 205 Subpart F). This review was performed in accordance with the guidelines for regulatory relief recently announced by the President and in response to requests from the industry that the regulation be reconsidered based on excessive costs of compliance.
Eaton Corporation Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
IVECO Trucks of North America Incorporated Rseponse to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
City of Des Plaines, IL Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
A Primary Teaching Pack - Noise - Based on the Darlington, England Quiet Town Experiment
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, has purchased this teaching package and its reproduction rights for your use. The package is one output of a Quiet Town Experiment conducted in Darlington, England. Throughout the book you will find words and phrases which are typically British in use and which may sound strange to American schoolchildren. Among the best examples of these are: lorry (truck), mecano set (erector set), wendy house (doll house), aerodome (airport). In addition, you will notice references to British organizations and activities, as well as the expected spelling differences between British and American English. The editors elected not to make substantial semantic changes, partly to insure that the integrity of the original package is preserved and partly because exposure to these cultural differences is instructional in itself. Please be alert to these differences and be prepared to explain unfamiliar words, phrases, and references to your students. On the whole, this package is an excellent resource for teachers of elementary grades. It can be used in whole or in part and adapted in any way you deem appropriate. Projects are outlined for students of every age and grade level.
State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks_ ANR-490
April 1981
Department of Environmental Quality Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
State of California Department of Health and Services Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Jack T. Knuepfer, Dupage County Board Chairman Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Report on: The Contribution of Medium and Heavy Trucks to Community Noise on a National Scale
J.D. Allen; M.D. Kurre
March 1981
Some of the community noise modelling techniques developed by Battelle for the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Association over the past three years have been applied to the problem of calculating the benefits, in terms of community noise reduction, of various promulgated, proposed, and hypothetical medium and heavy truck noise emission regulations. The study involved modelling the national traffic noise exposure, initially for a baseline case, and then for a sequence of different cases in which the model inputs corresponding to the medium and heavy truck noise emission levels were varied to simulate the effect of the regulations on community noise levels. It was found that the contribution of medium and heavy truck powertrains in a pre-regulatory national scenario accounted for nearly one-third of the total community noise exposure resulting from road traffic of all kinds. The 1978 (83 dBA) regulation potentially removes nearly half of the noise exposure of medium and heavy trucks. The 1983 (80 dBA) regulation brings about a less pronounced additional benefit, potentially removing somewhat more than one-fourth of the noise exposure. Still more stringent regulations bring about smaller and smaller additional benefits. The medium and heavy truck noise emission data base was compiled from recent literature. The remainder of the comprehensive data base employed was taken from a single source (EPA, Reference 12) and included: (1) noise emission characteristics of automobiles, light trucks, buses and motorcycles, (2) physical description of road types, including lane number and spacing, (3) attenuation rates for noise propagation through the community, (4) driving characteristics for all vehicle types on all road types, (5) traffic densities, (6) total miles for each road type, and (7) population densities. No attempt was made to verify the data given in Reference 12. It was expedient to perform the calculations with conditions similar to those assumed in EPA's modelling efforts. Not only in the case of input data was it desired to maximize the overlap with EPA calculations, but also in the reporting of the results. Therefore, the number of people exposed to average day-night weighted outdoor community noise levels (ldn) in excess of 55 decibels (A-weighted) was the number used to quantify traffic noise exposure on a national scale. However, because we believe that this method of quantification is insufficient when used alone, our national traffic noise exposures were further defined i terms of exceedance levels and other criterion values for Ldn. The EPA is currently modifying its community noise modelling methodology to make it more sensitive to community noise characteristics not well represented by Ldn.
Memorandum for the Environmental Protection Agency - EPA's Legal Authority to Act on Pending Rule-Making Petitions Seeking Deferral of Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
February 1984
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205; Noise Abatement Programs: Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; and Medium and Heavy Trucks (Transportation Equipment_; Effective Date Defferal; Final Rule
January 1986
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205; Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks; Proposed Rule
June 1985
Chrysler Corporation Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks)AN-490
April 1981
National Solid Wastes Management Association Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
KHD Canada Inc. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Donaldson Company, Inc. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Ford Motor Company's Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Ohio EPA Response to the ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks)
April 1981
MVMA Response to EPA Federal Register Notices of January 27 and March 19 Regarding "Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors"
April 1981
MVMA has prepared this response to both present its considered position and clear up misstatements presently in the public record on this issue. It would appear from the thorough examination given by MVMA to the issues in the public record that the naton's environmental and industry interests could be best served by withdrawing the 80 dB medium and heavy truck noise standard.
State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection - Comments on Proposed Rescinding of 80 dB Truck Noise Standard
National Automobile Dealers Association - Comments on Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
April 1981
Memorandum to William D. Ruckelshaus from American Trucking Associations, Inc.
January 1984
Memorandum to William D Ruckelshaus - Petition for Reconsideration - Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Part 205 Transport Equipment, Noise Emission Control, Medium and Heavy Trucks
September 1983
Memorandum to John Topping - EPA's Legal Authority to Act on Pending Rule-Making Petitions Seeking Deferral of Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
February 1984
Information Brief on Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) Truck Noise Data for Interstate Motor Carriers
June 1982
As mandated by the Noise Control Act of 1972, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued noise emission standards and regulations for interstate motor carriers. The noise emission standards were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the DOT on September 12, 1975. As part of the enforcement activity, the DOT's Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) established a truck noise measurement program which included data collecting, organizing and reporting functions.
Memorandum for the Environmental Protection Agency - EPA's Legal Authority to Act on Pending Rule-Making Petitions Seeking Deferral of Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
February 1984
The Heil Co. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Field Test of a Quieted Ford CLT 9000 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
October 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted Ford CLT 9000 heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 77.1 to 72.3 dBA. The field test showed the noise control treatments to be effective and durable in over 100,000 miles of service. The treatments had no adverse impact on the vehicle's operation and appear to have had negligible effect on fuel consumption. Incremental maintenance time of 2.5 hours was attributable to the treatments' impact on normal annual vehicle maintenance.
Mack Trucks, Inc. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a Mack R686 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
December 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a Mack R686 heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.6 dBA to 73.2 dBA. The noise control treatments consist primarily of a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission, an exhaust silencing system, and two-stage engine mounts. These teatments increase the vehicle weight by 398 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1296.
Oshkosh Truck Corporation Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for an International Harvester F-4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; R.L. Bronsdon; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of an International Harvester F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.1 to 72.2 dBA. The noise control treatment consists primarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. The noise treatment increases the vehicle weigh by 332 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1302. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within generally acceptable limits.
National Association of Noise Control Officials Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a General Motors Brigadier Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane; P.J. Remington
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a General Motors Brigadier heavy-duty diesel truck from 81.7 to 71.6 dBA. The noise control treatment consists primarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. The noise treatment increases vehicle weight by 340 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1174. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within manufacturer's specified limits.
Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for a Ford CLT 9000 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.W. Ernest; J.A. Kane
October 1981
This report discusses the technology and costs required to reduce the noise of a Ford CLT 9000 heavy-duty diesel truck from 77.1 to 72.3 dBA. The noise control treatment consists prmarily of a dual exhaust silencing system and a partial enclosure for the engine and transmission. Wind tunnel tests on the completed truck show that temperatures of engine coolant and oil remain within manufacturer's specified limits. The noise treatment increases the vehicle weight by 397 lb and estimated vehicle price by $1309.
American Trucking Associations, Inc. Correction of their Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Program Summary: Truck Noise Reduction
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report presents a comprehensive overview of an EPA-sponsored program to demonstrate the technology and costs of reducing the noise of four heavy-duty diesel trucks to 72 dBA. The program comprised engineering development and service evaluation phases. Noise control treatments were developed and installed on each truck to reduce its noise to the target level. The treatments included partial engine and transmission enclosures, exhaust silencing systems, and two-stage engine mounts for 2 of the 4 trucks. Three trucks entered fleet service where they accumulated 230,000 miles. The treatments proved to be durable and effective and did not have any adverse impact on the operation of any vehicle. Maintenance labor time increased by 1.4% because of the need to remove enclosure pabels while performing some maintenance procedures.
Grove Manufacturing Company Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Experimental Study of the Effect of the Difference Between "Hard" and "Soft" Ground Surfaces on Truck Noise Measurements
November 1978
Data on truck noise measurements have been gathered for two trucks, operating in accordance with the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety Noise Regulations, over "hard" and "soft" sites, and for various intermediate surface conditions. The results, averaged for all operating conditions, indicate a difference between hard and soft sites that increases with both the percentage of site hardness and with microphone distance. The generally accepted difference of + 2 dB(A) between hard-site and soft-site data specified in the BMCS regulations is seen to be approximately correct for IMI tests, but about 1 dB(A) low for passby tests at 50 ft. These results confirm those reported by other investigators.
Synopsis - March 29, 1984 Meeting
In response to EPA's March 20, 1984 invitation to petitioners requesting a deferral of the 80 decibel noise emission standard for medium and heavy trucks, a meeting was held at 2:00 p.m., on March 29, 1984 at the Agency's heagquarters, 401 M. Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., Room 908 West Tower.
Cost and Price Impacts of an 80-dBA Truck Noise Regulation
E.K. Bender; R.L. Bronsdon; J.A. Kane
June 1981
This report deals with the incremental price and cost impacts of implementing an 80-dBA noise regulation for medium and heavy duty trucks. The incremental impacts represent the price and cost differential of moving from the current 83-dBA regulation to an 80-dBA regulation. The results are based on updated estimates from the original Background Document, product verification reports, and estimates developed from the Quiet Truck Demonstration Program.
Jesse O. Borthwick Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
FWD Corporation Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Before the EPA - Noise Emission Control Regulations for Medium and Heavy Trucks 40 C.F.R. Part 205 - Comments opf American Trucking Associations, Inc.
Nelson J. Cooney; Alan J. Thiemann; Larry W. Strawhorn; James R. Barr
April 1981
Demonstration of Noise Control for the DDA 6V-92TTA Heavy Duty Truck Diesel Engine
Richard G. DeJong; Natan E. Parsons; Jerome E. Manning
May 1982
This report presents the results of an engineering study to design and demonstrate methods of reducing diesel engine block vibration and radiated noise. The Detroit Diesel Allison 6V-92TTA heavy duty diesel truck engine was selected for the demonstration. This engine was structurally modified to reduce vibration and noise due to the unit injectors and piston-slap. The modifications were designed so that the noise reduction was achieved without degrading engine performance, fuel economy, or emissions. A 4 dBA reduction of overall engine noise reduction was demonstrated.
League of Minnesota Cities Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Demonstration of Noise Control for the Cummins NTC-350 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
Natan E. Parsons; Richard G. DeJong; Jerome E. Manning
June 1982
This report presents the results of an engineering study to design and demonstrate eto of reducing piston-slap noise for an in-line, heavy duty truck diesel engine. The Cummins NTC-350 engine was selected for the demonstration. The engine heads and cylinder liners were structurally modified to reduce the vibration transmission to the engine block and the radiated noise. The modifications were designed to achieve a 5 dBA noise reduction without degrading engine performance, fuel economy, or emissions.
Evaluation of a Simulated Road Texture for the Testing of Tire/Road Noise
Eric Stusnick; Kenneth J. Platkin
March 1982
As part of a project to study tire/road noise, a laboratory roadwheel facility was equipped with replica road surfaces. The replica surfaces, of a design first developed by Dunlop, Ltd., consisted of fiberglass and epoxy resin shells clamped to the roadwheel. The outer surface of each shell was molded from a rubber impression taken from a real road surface, thus replicating the texture. To evaluate the effect of pavement texture, and to establish the realism of the replica surfaces, a series of near-field measurements of noise from four heavy truck tires were made on the replica surfaces and on moving tests on the real surfaces. Moving tests on a flat steel surface were also made. Data from these same tires on a smooth steel roadwheel were available from a previous program. A comparison between these three sets of data shows that the replica surface provides a good simulation of real pavement, and is more realistic than a plain steel drum. The conclusion was also reached that in laboratory facilities it is more important to duplicate the road texture than the curvature of the surface.
Field Test of a Quieted International Harvester F-4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted International Harvester F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 81.1 dBA to 72.7 dBA. The truck accumulated 36,000 miles in 5 months of service. The treatments were effective and durable, and the noise level of the truck did not increase. The treatments did not have an adverse impact on vehicle operations and there was no evidence that the weight of the treatments displaced payload. The treatments did not have a measurable effect on fuel consumption. The treatments had a minimal impact on maintenance time.
Field Test of a Quieted General Motors Brigadier Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
E.K. Bender; J.A. Kane
December 1981
This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluation of a quieted General Motors Brigadier heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 81.7 dBA to 71.6 dBA. The 12-month field test showed the noise control treatments to be effective and durable, although the noise level of the truck did increase slightly. The treatments did not have an adverse impact on vehicle operation and there was no evidence of payload displacement. The vehicle's fuel economy was better than that of comparison vehicles, but this was not caused by the noise treatments. Incremental maintenance time of 2.25 hours was attributable to treatment removal and interference while performing regular maintenance during the 12-month period.
Before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Comments of American Trucking Associations, Inc. on Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model
T.M. Barry; J.A. Reagan
December 1978
This report presents the FHWA method for predicting noise generated by constant speed highway traffic. The report is intended to be a users' manual as well as a reference document detailing the development, use, and limitations of the prediction method. In the main body of the report, the prediction procedure is presented in a step-by-step fashion and includes numerous example problems designed to highlight important concepts and features. For those interested in the theoretical development of the model, an extremely detailed derivation is presented in the appendices. The basis of the model is the equivalent sound level, Leq, although an adjustment for conversion to L10 is provided. The method incorporates three classes of vehicles - automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks. Adjustments for absorptive ground covers and finite length barriers are also included. Certain special topics such as nonuniform highway sites and determination of equivalent day-night levels, Ldn, are also included.
Community Noise Ordinances: Their Evolution, Purpose and Impact
Clifford R. Bragdon
March 1973
In the United States most municipal noise ordinances initially regulated street related activities, however, these early provisions were generally non-quantitative and consequently unenforceable. The first ordinances containing specific permissible noise levels regulated either activities fixed to the land (industrial activity being the primary source) or automobile and trucks operating on roadways. Today more comprehensive ordinances are evolveing and these regulations are the basis for expanded municipal noise control programs. Their impact has varied due to the quality, content and administration of these ordinances. Recently approved Federal noise legislation (Noise Control Act of 1972) will have a profound influence on the quality and quantity of municipal ordinances.
Experimental Study of the Effect of the Difference Between "Hard" and "Soft" Ground Surfaces on Truck Noise Measurements
November 1978
Data on truck noise measurements have been gathered for two trucks, operating in accordance with the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety Noise Regulations, over "hard" and "soft" sites, and for various intermediate surface conditions. The results, averaged for all operating conditions, indicate a difference between hard and soft sites that increases with both the percentage of site hardness and with microphone distance. The generally accepted difference of + 2 dB(A) between hard-site and soft-site data specified in the BMCS regulations is seen to be approximately correct for IMI tests, but about 1 dB(A) low for passby tests at 50 ft. These results confirm those reported by other investigators.
Final Environmental and Economic Impact Statement - Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
August 1979
This document presents an assessment of the expected environmental benefits and economic effects of the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors. The informations presented includes the statuatory basis for the action, a summary of the regulation, a description of the existing truck-mounted solid waste compactor environment, the alternatives considered, the expected environmental benefits, the expected economic effects, and conclusions.
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Regulatory Analysis of the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
August 1979
This document presents the technical data and analysis used by EPA in developing the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors. The information presented includes a detailed description of the truck-mounted solid waste compactor industry and the product; baseline noise levels for current compactors; a description of the measurement methodology; an analysis of the health and welfare impacts and potential benefits of regulation; the noise control technology available; an analysis of the costs and potential economic effects of regulation; the enforcement procedures; existing local, state, and foreign regulations applicable to compactor noise emissions; an analysis of comments to the public docket; and a description of the participation of the public throughout the development of the regulation.
Stephen E. Saunders Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Dempster Systems Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Effect of Cooling System Design on Truck Noise
Michael A. Staiano; Robert A. Major
January 1981
Improving cooling system performance, thus, reducing the fan aerodynamic requirement is a key to quieter fans. Relative to an existing gasoline-engined medium truck cooling system, increased top tank temperature permits an airflow reduction estimated to allow an 11 dB reduction in fan noise. Use of a multi-pass radiator in this configuration adds a further 1.5 dB reduction, as estimated in a non-optimized case. Fan aerodynamic and acoustical performance is most significantly improved by reducing blade tip-to-shroud clearance. Fan designs which include integral (rotating) shrouds provide the best aerodynamic performance and least noise. Alternatively, low tip clearance fans using fixed engine-mounted shrouds or radiator-mounted fans (driven by a flexible coupling), will also provide superior performance. Aerodynamic test data provided by ,amufacturers tends to use tip clearances much smaller than obtainable in practice. Standard test procedures are also unavailable for acoustical testing of engine cooling fans. Consequently, current production fan noise performance is almost completely undocumented. Aerodynamic and acoustical fan test procedures for vehicle applications which reasonably represent installed fans should be developed and performance data on commercially available fans be catalogued to permit rational fan selection and encourage fan development.
Revised Analysis of the Benefits and Csts of the 80 dB Noise Emission Regulation for Medium and Heavy Trucks
August 1981
The Agency has committed to review the medium and heavy truck noise emission regulation. This commitment was developed in the context of Secretary Lewis' Task Force on the automotive industry earlier this year. This report presents the results of an updated analysis of the benefits and costs of the 80 dB noise emission regulation for medium and heavy trucks which was originally promulgated in April 1976 (41 FR 15538 - see attached Appendix). The 80 dB regulation is scheduled to become effective January 1, 1983. In updating the analysis, the Agency relied largely on data supplied by the truck industry. Other cost data were derived from the Agency's first-hand experience in quieting and operating trucks in its Quiet Truck Demonstration Program. We developed improved estimates of the health and welfare benefits of the 80 dB regulation by performing computations using the Agency's surface transportation noise computer program which models the Nation's roadway system and population. The relative economic impact of the 80 dB regulation was determined in terms of uniform annualized cost which represents the equal annual (annuity) payments made on a hypothetical loan borrowed byn truck users to pay for the anticipated additional capital expenditures and operating costs resulting from compliance withhe 80 dB regulation.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks; Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
February 1982
Summary Index to Docket 81-02: Medium and Heavy Trucks
Docket Analysis - 80 dB Noise Emission Standard for Newly Manufactured Medium and Heavy Trucks - Docket 81-02
Pennsylvania State University Respone to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
June 1981
General Motors Corporation Letter to EPA Regarding Noise Cost Data re Recission of the January 1, 1983 80 dB Noise Emission Standard for Medium and Heavy Trucks
June 1981
Mack Trucks, Inc. Letter Regarding Request for Information Concerning the 80 dB(A) Noise Emission Standard for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
June 1981
Analysis of the Health and Welfare and Economic Impacts of Revision of the Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Standard Coincident with a 2-Year Delay in the 80dB Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Standard
March 1985
Under the authority of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-574) (amended by the Quiet Communities Act of 1978) the Environmental Protection Agency promulgated two key noise regulations for trucks: The Noise Emission Standards for Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce (40 CFR Part 202) effective October 15, 1975; and the Noise Emission Standards for Medium and Heavy Trucks (40 CFR Part 205, Subparts A and B) effective January 1, 1978. For brevity, these regulations are referred to in this document as respectively, the IMC (for Interstate Motor Carrier) and the MHT (for Medium and Heavy Trucks) regulations. The IMC regulation set two noise standards for trucks used in interstate commerce: a low-speed limit of 86 decibels and a high-speed limit of 90 decibels. The MHT regulation set a not-to-exceed noise standard of 83 decibels (measured in a low-speed acceleration test) effective January 1, 1978, and a reduced limit of 80 decibels, effective January 1, 1982. As a result of various economic developments and associated industry comments submitted in response to President Carter's initiatives to minimize the burden of regulations, in 1980, the EPA Administrator made a decision to defer the effective date of the MHT 80 dB standard to January 1, 1983. Subsequent contentions by the industry that economic efficiences would be achieved by making the 80 dB MHT standard coincident in time with updated exhaust emission standards for trucks led to further deferral of the 80 dB standard to June 1, 1986. Recently it hes abeen apparent that the revised exhaust emission standards originally scheduled for 1986 would not be promulgated in time for 1986 effectively. Instead, current projections are for a January 1, 1988 effective date for the updated exhaust emission standards. Accordingly, the industry has petitioned for further deferral of the 80 dB MHT standard to retain coincidence with the exhaust emission standards. Recognizing the logical consistency of this petition, the Agency is proposing to defer the 80 dB standards further, to January 1, 1988. In reviewing the Health and Welfare impact of this further deferral of the MHT standard, the Agency finds that there is a modest, but significant loss of benefits. At the same time, the Agency has experienced a renewed awareness of its obligation under the Noise Control Act to update the IMC noise standard to reflect "best available (noise control) technology." Available data on the noise levels of in-use trucks suggests that lowering the IMC noise limits to achieve consistency with the MHT 83 dB standard would provide some improvement in the noisiest portion of the truck fleet. Such improvement in turn is expected to provide health and welfare benefit gains that would compensate at least in part for the benefit losses expected from the MHT deferral. This analysis examines both the economic and the health and welfare impacts of the proposed regulatory actions. It presents the economic effects of these changes in reducing industry costs and the changes in health and welfare benefits resulting from the revised regulations.
Technical Analysis - Alignment of the Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Regulation
June 1982
Since passage of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-574, 86 Stat. 1234) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been actively concerned with abatement and control of noise from medium and heavy trucks. Section 18 of the Act directed the Administrator to establish noise emission regulations for motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. In October of 1974 the Agency promulgated an Interstate Motor Carrier (IMC) noise regulation (40 CFR 202). The regulation prescribed in-use operating noise limits, effective October 15, 1975, for all vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) in excess of 10,000 pounds. On September 8, 1975 the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), which has the Federal enforcement responsibility for the IMC regulation, issued a regulation (49 CFR 325) that prescribed test procedures for determining compliance with the (IMC) noise emission standards. The effective date of the DOT regulation also was October 15, 1975. A number of states and local jurisdictions have adopted and enforce the "in-use" noise standards of the IMC regulation as part of their individual noise control ordinances. Subsequent to the IMC regulation, the Agency promulgated a regulation (40 CFR 205) under the authority of Section 6 of the Act, that established not-to-exceed noise levels for medium and heavy trucks (MHT) manufactured after January 1, 1978. When the Agency promulgated the IMC regulation, it recognized that certain adjustments to the noise limits would be required in the future to ensure that the benefits anticipated from any "new product" regulation would be realized throughout the operating life of new trucks. This document analyzes the potential effects of aligning the levels of the "in-use" IMC regulation with the not-to-exceed levels of the "new-product" MHT regulation. In such an alignment, the IMC noise levels for trucks manufactured on or after January 1, 1978 would be consistent with the noise emission standards of the MHT regulation. Trucks manufactured prior to January 1, 1978 would not be affected. The analysis of the potential effects of aligning the IMC and MHT standards is based on extensive field data on in-use truck noise levels, supplemented by tire noise and vehicle noise degradation data that were not available when the IMC regulation was promulgated in 1974. The analysis assesses the degree of compliance with the IMC standards by interstate motor carrier vehicles. It further evaluates the change in the in-use noise levels of trucks since promulgation of the IMC regulation and the in-use noise levels of trucks manufactured after January 1, 1978. The analysis concludes with an assessment of the potential costs and benefits of an alignment of the IMC regulation with the MHT regulation for post-1977 trucks.
Measurements of the Impulsiveness and Annoyance of Compression - Release Engine Brake Noise
Sanford Fidell; Richard Horonjeff
December 1981
The research described in this report was undertaken to evaluate the potential contribution to the overall annoyance of heavy truck noise of the impulsive character of exhaust noise created by engine compression-release braking devices. Although growing numbers of trucks are likely to be equipped with these safety devices in the future, current methods for assessing health and welfare effects of traffic noise on residential populations make no specific provision for annoyance associated with impulsive noise sources.
Development of Noise Measurement Techniques for New Trucks
R.A. Hedeen; R.S. Norman; J.W. Kopec
January 1980
The current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency specification for new truck models requires a passby noise measurement for certification. Since passby tests can be influenced by wind, rain, humidity, ground condition, driver performance, truck position, and engine operation, other measurement techniques have been suggested. The idle-maximum-idle (IMI) test for a stationary vehicle is one possible alternative. To date, comparisons between passby and stationary tests have been incomplete. Therefore, the objective of Phase 1 of this program was to establish an accurate data base for comparison of different measurement techniques. For this initial study, a small vehicle was chosen to simulate a larger truck. The smaller vehicle was easier to modify and more compatible with existing facilities. General Motors selected and supplied the appropriate vehicle for measurement: a 1979 Chevrolet Chevette.GM engineers also selected four methods to modify the vehicle so that its noise signature was substantially changed. This vehicle, with appropriate modified parts, was then shipped to IITRI's Riverbank Laboratory in Geneva, Illinois (50 miles west of Chicago). Our staf made acoustical measurements on the vehicle in its five configurations under the following conditions. 1. EPA passby test, 2. IMI measurements outdoors in a free field environment, 3. IMI measurements in Riverbank Reverberation Room No. 2, 4. IMI measurements in Riverbank Reverberation Room No. 5. Based on the favorable results with the Chevette measurements, three heavy-duty truck tractors were sent to the Riverbank facility and measured in Room 5. In the following sections, results are presented for the two series of measurements.
Preliminary Cost and Technology Information on Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
June 1974
This document contains preliminary cost and technology information that is being used to develop noise regulations for newly manufactured medium and heavy duty trucks. The information presented here does not represent an EPA position nor does it represent all the technical information that will be used to develop the regulation. Medium and heavy duty trucks have been identified as a major source of noise, and public participation in the regulatory process is desired by EPA. Accordingly, comments on all aspects of medium and heavy duty truck regulations are welcome.
International Harvester Letter Regarding the Petition for Reconsideration - 1982 Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Emission Regulation
May 1981
NADA Regulatory Affaris Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
May 1981
Freightliner Corporations Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Effect of Acoustical Engine Enclosures on Truck Cooling System Performance
Robert A. Major; Michael A. Staiano; William H. Benson
January 1981
The airflow through a truck engine compartment consists of a complex system of series and parallel flow paths. This system can be modeled in terms of a network of equivalent ductwork elements. The detailed description of engine compartment airflow provided by this model can be used as a means of predicting the effect of acoustical engine enclosures when the ductwork element parameters are altered. The initial implementation of this model will require the performance of a number of component and truck wind tunnel tests; this data should be obtained to permit the use of the model. In-service monitoring of either engine or gearbox temperature performance requires the recording 8 to 10 parameters plus clock time for an adequate description of vehicle behavior. This monitoring should be initiated at engine shutdown. A total daily test period of approximately 10 hours is expected. The sampling data rate of 1/min for each parameter is sufficient for monitoring purposes. This monitoring requirement can be met by a relatively inexpensive data logger plus suitable transducer signal conditioning.;
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Fact Sheet
Environmental News - EPA Sets Noise Ceiling for Garbage Trucks
September 1979
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards
October 1979
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Special Local Determinations Procedures for Interstate Railroad Noise Emission Standards and Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Standards and Guidelines for State and Local Governments on the Filing and Processing of
November 1976
Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Compliance Regulations
September 1975
Akron Community Service Center & Urban League, Inc. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Appendix C - Market Share Analysis by Truck Manufacturer and Weight Class
Code of Current Practices for Enforcement of Noise Ordinances
F.M. Kessler; M. Alexander
July 1981
This report provides communities interested in adopting a noise control ordinance with measurement procedures for effective enforcement. The first segment discusses the theory of sound, terminology, and computation methods. Vibration measurement and criteria are also presented. The second segment of this report presents the current measurement procedures. Noise and vibration measurement procedures are presented for stationary noise sources. These include statistical sampling and steady sound techniques, both weighted and octave band. Both roadway (passby) and stationary sound level measurement methods are provided for automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Sound measurement procedures are also included for buses, construction equipment, model vehicles, recreation vehicles, and refuse collection vehicles. Sketches of the measurement sites and forms for reporting measured data are provided for each measurement procedure.
Background Document to Proposed Interstate Motor Carrier Regulations
November 1973
Through the Noise Control Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234), Congress established a national policy "to promote an environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health or welfare." In pursuit of that policy, Congress stated, in Section 2 of that Act, "that, while primary responsibility for control of noise rests with state and local governments, Federal action is essential to deal with major noise sources in commerce, control of which requires national uniformity of treatment." As a part of that essential Federal action, Section 18 of that Act (86 Stat. 1249) directed the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish proposed noise emission regulations for motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. Motor carriers subject to such regulations include common carriers by motor vehicle, contract carriers by motor vehicle and private carriers of property by motor vehicle as these terms are defined by paragraphs (14), (15), and (17) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303 (a).
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment - Medium and Heavy Trucks
April 1976
Memo to EPA from International Harvester - Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Memo to EPA from the Oshkosh Truck Corporation
July 1985
Memo to Charles Elkins from ASHA - Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment; Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Memo to EPA from Hino Motors, Ltd. - Submission of Comment on EPA Concurrently proposed actions for '86 Noise Abatement for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
July 1985
Regulatory Impact Analysis, Oxides of Nitrogen Pollutant Specific Study and Summary and Analysis of Comments
March 1985
As required by Executive Order 12291, this document has been prepared to summarize the results of all analyses conducted in support of the final rule for gaseous emission regulations for 1988 and later model year light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks, and heavy-duty engines and for particulate emission regulations for 1988 and later model year heavy-duty diesel engines. In addition, this document also provides a summary and analysis of most of the comments received in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (49 FR 40258 October 15, 1984). Included here is a consideration of the technological feasibility, economic impact, environmental effects and cost effectiveness of the standards along with the development of data on the impacts of several regulatory alternatives. The remaining issues raised by commenters to this rulemaking are reviewed and responded to in the preamble. These include the proposed averaging program, allowable maintenance provisions and high altitude standards. The oxides of nitrogen (NOx) environmental impact analysis contained in this document also serves as the NOx pollutant-specific study required by Section 202(a)(3)(E) of the Clean Air Act. The material presented in this document deals primarily with those areas of the draft Regulatory Impact Analysis-[L] which were the subject of public comment. Areas of analysis which were not commented upon are repeated here only where needed to aid the understanding of material being revised. The draft analysis is therefore incorporated into this document by reference for treatment of topics not specifically re-addressed herein.
Memo to EPA from Mack Trucks, Inc. - Docket No. OPMO-0184 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 40 CFR Parts 202 & 205 Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
National Surface Transportation Noise Strategy - Medium and Heavy Trucks, Light Vehicles, Motorcycles, and Snowmobiles
October 1978
This surface transportation substrategy is a follow-up to Toward a National Strategy for Noise Control. The strategy document sets forth the extent of the noise problem in the United States and the general framework for its abatement and control. This substrategy identifies the specific noise problems which stem from surface transportation vehicles (excluding railroads), and suggests the noise abatement controls which should be used to halt this growing problem.
EPA 40 CFR Part 205 - Deferral of Effective Dates
This is an advance copy, as signed by the administrator fo the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on January 19, 1981 of a one year deferral of the effective dates of the medium and heavy truck and truck-mounted solid waste compactor noise emission regulations.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Equipment Medium and Heavy Trucks
April 1976
Reference Material for the Truck Manufacturing Industry Outlook
Truck Manufacturing Industry Outlook
Comments of American Trucking Associations, Inc. In Support of Petition for Reconsideration of Section 205,52(a), the 1982 Standard
Nelson J. Cooney; Allan J. Thiemann; William E. Johns; Larry W. Strawhorn
January 1981
Technology, Cost and Economic Impact Analysis for the Revision of the Interstate Motor Carrier Emission Regulations
May 1978
Truck Noise Degradation - Final Report
Jerry Thompson
January 1980
This report is the final submittal of data for a test program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and aimed at evaluating the potential degradation of medium and heavy truck noise emission levels over a vehicle's life. This test program was first described in detail in Interim Technical Report I, submitted to EPA by Wyle Research in November 1978 in support of a technology impact analysis for revision of the interstate motor carrier emission regulations. This document presents the results of measurements and analyses performed since the first report. A detailed description of the full test program and a summary of the complete data base is provided in this report, therefore no reference to the original report is necessary....
Medium and Heavy Trucks Noise Emission Standards
Memo to Kenneth E. Feith form the EPA - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 40 CFR Part 202 and 205 Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards. Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Calculation of Day-Night Levels (Ldn) Resulting From Highway Traffic
Myles A. Simpson
October 1979
This manual presents calculation procedures for estimating the day-night sound level (Ldn) resulting from motor vehicle traffic on highways and other major roadways. Using the procedures in this manual one can estimate the day-night sound levels at individual locations which are exposed to the noise of automobiles, medium trucks, heavy trucks, and motorcycles.
Memo to EPA from the Rubber Manufacturers Association - 40 CFR Parts 202 and 205 (FRL 2818-4) Motor Carriers Engaged in Interstate Commerce; Noise Standards and Transportation Equipment; Noise Emission Control; Medium and Heavy Trucks
July 1985
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Backgrounder
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Questions and Answers
Noise From Heavy Vehicles, Results from Stationary Noise Measurements
K.A. Abrahamsen
February 1981
Stationary noise measurements have been carried out on 12 of the most sold trucks in Norway. The results are discussed with reference to the influence of the various vehicle designs on the noise emitted from the major noise sources and on cabin noise. The state of the art of noise control on typical production vehicles has been assessed and a forecast of possible further noise reduction in the near future made.
Background Document for Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Emission Regulations
March 1976
On March 31, 1976, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation governing noise emissions from medium and heavy trucks. That regulation was issued under Section 6 of the Noise Control Act of 1972. This document presents and discusses the background data used by the Agency in setting the standards contained in the regulation. Presented here is a comprehensive exposition on the most up-to-date available information on the environmental, technological, and economic aspects of medium and heavy truck noise.