About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W #
Single page lists: authors subjects titles
Most useful EPA documents
The Wall Street Journal - Makers of Construction Gear Altering Strategy to Survive
October 1981
The Washington Post - "Shh! The Law is Counting Your Decibels"
May 1980
The Washington Star - A Better Garbage Truck
James J. Kilpatrick
January 1981
Who's Who in Federal Noise Programs - A Directory of Federal Professionals Involved in Noise Abatement and Noise Research
December 1977
This document is a directory of Federal Noise Personnel engaged in noise abatement and noise research activities. Its purpose is to facilitate communication among members of the Federal Noise Community. The Environmental Protection Agency is publishing it in partial fulfillment of its responsibilities under Section 4 of the Noise Control Act of 1972.
Woman's Day - "Shhh - How to Live in a Noisy World"
Lucy Kavaler
June 1980
Workshops on Purchasing Quieter Products and Services
To be conducted in Baton Rouge, LA, Inglewood, CA, and Atlanta, GA.
Workshops on Purchasing Quieter Products and Services
To be conducted in Denver, Colorado and Bettendorf, Iowa
Workshops on Purchasing Quieter Products and Services
To be conducted in Nashville, TN, St. Paul, MN, and Arlington, TX.
Wyle Research Report WCR 75-2 - Community Noise Countermeasures Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Robert Rackl; Louis Sutherland; Jack Swing
July 1975
The objective of this study is to provide supporting informations for use in formulating motor vehicle and higway noise policies within an overall national policy of community noise abatement. In the course of the research work, a comprehensive community noise exposure model capable of evaluating and optimizing noise reduction countermeasures, especially as related to ground transportation noise sources, has been developed. The model has been evaluated for a defined future time period (1978), and refined on an actual experimental city (Spokane, Washington) which has been selected as a typical U.S. city from a noise exposure standpoint. Hence, results obtained in the analysis conducted for Spokane are applicable to a broad category of U.S. cities, with certain specific cautions, which are further defined later.
Wyle Research Report WR 78-13 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume II - Implementation and Evaluation of a Test Procedure to Measure the Noise Emissions of Light Vehicles Operating in Urban Areas
Ben H. Sharp; Paul R. Donovan; Vijay K. Kahli
November 1978
Wyle Research Report WR 78-2 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume I - Development of a Test Procedure to Measure the Noise Emissions of Light Vehicles Operating in Urban Areas
Ben H. Sharp; Paul R. Donovan
November 1978
Wyle Research Report WR 79-20 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume III - Identification of Noise Source Components and Evaluation of Noise Reduction Techniques
Kenneth J. Plotkin; Donald B. Pies; Roger S. Helizon; Ben H. Sharp
October 1979
Wyle Research Report WR 79-22 - Light Vehicle Noise: Volume IV - The Effect of Pertial Engine Enclosures on Light Vehicle Noise Levels and Operating Temperatures
Kenneth J. Plotkin; Donald B. Pies
October 1979
Wyle Research Report WR 79-23 Light Vehicle Noise: Volume V - An Urban Driving Study to Determine the Operating and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Light Vehicles
Eric Stusnick; Peter K. Kasper
August 1979