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Most useful EPA documents
See also Trucks.
40 CFR Part 205 {1483-2} Transportation Equipment Noise Emission Controls; Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors; Technical Amendments
40 CFR Part 205 {FRI. 1624-2} Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards, Technical Amendments
40 CFR Part 205 {IMI-FRI. 1738-7} Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Regulatory Analysis of the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
August 1979
This document presents the technical data and analysis used by EPA in developing the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors. The information presented includes a detailed description of the truck-mounted solid waste compactor industry and the product; baseline noise levels for current compactors; a description of the measurement methodology; an analysis of the health and welfare impacts and potential benefits of regulation; the noise control technology available; an analysis of the costs and potential economic effects of regulation; the enforcement procedures; existing local, state, and foreign regulations applicable to compactor noise emissions; an analysis of comments to the public docket; and a description of the participation of the public throughout the development of the regulation.
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Questions and Answers
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Fact Sheet
Code of Current Practices for Enforcement of Noise Ordinances
F.M. Kessler; M. Alexander
July 1981
This report provides communities interested in adopting a noise control ordinance with measurement procedures for effective enforcement. The first segment discusses the theory of sound, terminology, and computation methods. Vibration measurement and criteria are also presented. The second segment of this report presents the current measurement procedures. Noise and vibration measurement procedures are presented for stationary noise sources. These include statistical sampling and steady sound techniques, both weighted and octave band. Both roadway (passby) and stationary sound level measurement methods are provided for automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Sound measurement procedures are also included for buses, construction equipment, model vehicles, recreation vehicles, and refuse collection vehicles. Sketches of the measurement sites and forms for reporting measured data are provided for each measurement procedure.
Environmental News - EPA Sets Noise Ceiling for Garbage Trucks
September 1979
Noise Emission Standards for Surface Transportation Equipment - Information in Support of the Proposed Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors - Part 1. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement Part 2. Background Doc.
August 1977
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Economic Impact Statement, and Background Document were prepared in support of the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed regulation which sets noise emission standards for newly manufactured truck-mounted solid waste compactors. The proposed regulation has been published pursuant to the mandate of Congress as expresses in the Noise Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234).
An Evaluation of Strategies to Control Noise From Refuse Collection Vehicles
Sat Agrawal; Donna McCord Dickman; Steve Larson
October 1981
This report investigated four potential noise control approaches to the control of noise from refuse collection vehicles. These included: (1) the potential impact of a legislative alternative requiring stationary compactors for all new high-rise developments; (2) the effect of a collection curfew; (3) the incorporation of noise into an annual inspection program and (4) the impact of taking no local action and allowing federal regulations to serve as the only control. It provides a mechanism for routine monitoring and isolation of particularly noise vehicles. As this study was performed in Prince George's County, Maryland, where high-rise development is minimal, further consideration for the first alternative was not given.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards
October 1979
Final Environmental and Economic Impact Statement - Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
August 1979
This document presents an assessment of the expected environmental benefits and economic effects of the Noise Emission Regulations for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors. The informations presented includes the statuatory basis for the action, a summary of the regulation, a description of the existing truck-mounted solid waste compactor environment, the alternatives considered, the expected environmental benefits, the expected economic effects, and conclusions.
The Washington Star - A Better Garbage Truck
James J. Kilpatrick
January 1981
MVMA Response to EPA Federal Register Notices of January 27 and March 19 Regarding "Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors"
April 1981
MVMA has prepared this response to both present its considered position and clear up misstatements presently in the public record on this issue. It would appear from the thorough examination given by MVMA to the issues in the public record that the naton's environmental and industry interests could be best served by withdrawing the 80 dB medium and heavy truck noise standard.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks; Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
February 1982
Noise Emission Regulation for Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors (TMSWC) (Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) or Garbage Trucks) (40 CFR Part 205) - Backgrounder
EPA 40 CFR Part 205 - Deferral of Effective Dates
This is an advance copy, as signed by the administrator fo the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on January 19, 1981 of a one year deferral of the effective dates of the medium and heavy truck and truck-mounted solid waste compactor noise emission regulations.
National Automobile Dealers Association - Comments on Noise Emission Standards: Medium and Heavy Trucks and Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
April 1981
Regulatory Impact Review of Noise Regulation for Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors
May 1982
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted a review of the noise regulation for truck-mounted solid waste compactors (40 CFR Part 205 Subpart F). This review was performed in accordance with the guidelines for regulatory relief recently announced by the President and in response to requests from the industry that the regulation be reconsidered based on excessive costs of compliance.
Federal Register - Environmental Protection Agency - Truck Mounted Solid Waste Compactors: Noise Emission Standards
October 1979