About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W #
Single page lists: authors subjects titles
Most useful EPA documents
Handbook for Measuring Compliance With the Interstate Rail Carrier Noise Emission Standards
June 1980
This handbook describes procedures for measuring compliance with EPA's Noise Emission Standards, which set limits on the noise of locomotives, switcher locomotives, rail cars, active retarders, car-coupling impacts, and locomotive load cell test stands. The Federal Railroad Administration will be promulgating compliance regulations in the near future for enforcement of the EPA Emission Standards. This handbook specifically addresses noise measurement procedures and is directed towards compliance officers, railroad personnel, local residents, and others to permit an assessment of the noise emissions from a railyard.
Handbook for Motor Vehicle Noise Enforcement
Gale R. Hruska
Often a police officer's only introduction to noise enforcement is when someone puts a sound level meter in one of his hands and a copy of the town noise ordinance in the other, and he is told to :go out and quiet those %*!!!&*! motorcycles." The purpose of this booklet is to provide some elementary instruction in the fundamentals of motor vehicle noise enforcement. The three main topics to be covered are: (1) sound and its characteristics, (2) the sound level meter, and (3) enforcement procedures.
Handbook for Regional Noise Programs
April 1974
This handbook is intended as a working reference manual for Environmental Protection Agency region program managers and staff personnel. A loose leaf format is utilized, thereby allowing for periodic update. No information is contained herein which has not been previously disseminated to the regions in a different format. Furthermore, no attempt has been made to delineate all activities of the EPA Office of Noise Abatement and Control (referred to as ABN); this information is available to the regions in the work plans and reports which are forwarded periodically. This guide contains eleven sections. Bibliographic references are given throughout; appendices include a glossary of terms, a list of EPA noise documents, a compilation of ordinances, and a schedule of EPA noise workshops. Many different sources were utilized in the preparation of this guide. Among the most important were the various EPA technical documents and the manual, prepared by Dr. W.S. Gatley and Mr. E.F. Frye, entitled "Regulation of Noise in Urban Areas."
Handbook for the Review of Airport Environmental Impact Statements
Kenneth E. Nelson; Sarah J. LaBelle
July 1975
The principal objective of this report is to supply airport planners and reviewing agencies with guidelines for the technical review of airport environmental impact statements. The guidelines contain both procedural and technical guidance for the comprehensive review of air, noise, water and wastewater, solid waste, land use, hazardous materials, and ecological impacts. The report includes discussion of the evaluation of environmental impact statements and the airport development process. A classification system was developed to rank projects according to their impacts. The major thrust of the report deals with assessment techniques for airport-generated pollutants. This includes a discussion of standards and procedural guidelines, the identification of sources, and evaluation of state-of-the-art assessment techniques, and description of abatement strategies. Finally, the assessment for the overall airport project used by the EPA, along with an explanation of viable alternatives to an airport project, is presented.
Handbook of Noise Ratings
Karl S. Pearsons; Ricarda L. Bennett
April 1974
The Handbook of Noise Ratings has been compiled to provide information in a concise form describing the multitude of noise rating schemes which are in use today. Although most of the information contained herein can be found in other references, it is hoped that by describing the noise rating methods in a single volume the user will have better acess to the definitions, application and calculation procedures of the current noise rating methods. The format used in this handbook divides the measures into four chapters: I. Direct Ratings of Sound Level, II. Computed Loudness and Annoyance Ratings, III. Communication Interference Ratings, IV. Community Response Ratings. The first page for each noise rating contains the title of the measure, the units used, the definition of the measure, associated standards, geographical usage, and purpose. On the following pages, the additional information on a given noise rating is divided into such headings as: BACKGROUND, CALCULATION METHOD, EXAMPLE, EQUIPMENT AND REFERENCES.
Hazardous Exposure to Impulse Noise
June 1905
Health Effects of Noise - Literature Survey Update
S. Martin Taylor; Susan E. Birnie; Fred L. Hall
June 1982
In September 1980, the authors submitted a report to the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association which reviewed the literature existing at that time concerning the health effects of noise. This report is an update and extension of that literature review, covering material published on that topic since January 1, 1980, and extending the coverage to include infrasound. The time period covered with reference to the effects of infrasound is from 1972 to the present. This report is a brief summary of the findings, based on the same procedures and the same criteria described in full in the 1980 report.
Hearing Loss - Hope Through Research
The Heil Co. Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Helicopter Noise Characteristics for Heliport Planning - Technical Report
Dwight E. Bishop
March 1965
Noise data and simplified procedures are presented for estimating the percieved noise levels produced by current civil and military helicopters (piston- and turbine-powered) during takeoff, landing, flyover and hover operations. Noise data and procedures are also presented for comparing helicopter noise with other vehicle noise and with ambient noise found in typical urban and suburban areas. The procedures permit an assessment of the compatibility of helicopter noise with typical land uses near heliports. Generalized helicopter noise data are presented in the form of noise contours and in perceived noise level distance charts for different helicopter categories. The generalized noise charts are based upon measurements of a number of military and civil aircraft. Analysis of these measurements, discussed in Appendix A, shows that: a) for most helicopters the spread in perceived noise levels for takeoff, landing, flyover and hover operations is of the order of 5 dB or less, a spread in noise levels much less than encountered for fixed-wing aircraft. b) piston-powered helicopters are noisier than turbine-powered helicopters of comparable size. No consistent difference in noise levels between single and dual rotor helicopters was noted. c) perceived noise levels for turbine-powered helicopters show greater changes with size of aircraft than do noise levels for piston-powered helicopters. d) for planning purposes, noise radiation from helicopters can be assumed to be non-directional in both vertical and horizontal planes.
Helicopter Noise Exposure Curves for Use in Environmental Impact Assessment
J. Steven Newman; Edward J. Rickley; Tyrone L. Bland
November 1982
The FAA has been conducting controlled helicopter noise measurement programs since 1976. The data have been used for a variety of purposes, including evaluation of proposed U.S. and international noise standards and validation of helicopter noise prediction methodologies. This report documents the results of FAA measurement programs conducted in 1976, 1978, and 1980 in a single report with data formatted specifically for environmental impact analyses. In recognition of growing public concern over potentially adverse noise impact associated with helicopter operations, the FAA encourages helicopter and heliport operators to analyze noise impact as part of the normal heliport planning process. The data base contained in this report provides the noise input information necessary to develop helicopter noise exposure footprints or contours using a computer such as the FAA Integrated Noise Model (INM).
Helicopter Noise Survey for Selected Cities in the Contiguous United States
Robert Main; Andrew Joshi; David Couts; Leslie Hilten
March 1985
The FAA has conducted a series of noise surveys in the following urban areas: Chicago, IL; Long Beach, CA; New Orleans, LA; Portland, OR; and Seattle, WA. In each metropolitan area, noise measurements were made at three of four heliports or helipads. Land use surrounding the heliports ranged from residential to industrial. Noise levels for Lmax were recorded during each test at each heliport. Also recorded were ambient noise levels which were used as a basis for comparison of noise associated with helicopter operations versus urban background noise levels.
Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction and Mitigation
Jerry A. Reagan; Charles A. Grant
In early 1976, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) initiated a two-part program designed to study, evaluate and provide guidance in the area of construction noise. Part one was a short-range effort to prepare a manual for use by highway oriented groups and individuals in coping with construction noise during the various stages of project development. The manual would be a state-of-the-art review dealing with measurement, prediction and mitigation. Part two was the sponsorship of a workshop on the mitigation of construction noise. The purpose of the workshop was to develop long-range strategies for controlling construction noise. This manual represents the completion of part one of the program. This manual does not represent FHWA policy. It is an attempt to summarize the rapidly evolving technology in controlling and mitigating construction noise. This manual represents a logical starting point into the evaluation and control of highway construction noise. Users of this manual are encouraged to update this material as better information becomes available.
Highway Noise
November 1974
Highway Noise - A Design Guide for Highway Engineers
B. Andrew Kugler; Colin G. Gordon; William J. Galloway
January 1970
Highway Noise - A Reprint of "The Audible Landscape: A Manual for Highway Noise and Land Use"
August 1976
Highway Noise Criteria Study: Traffic Noise Data Base
Daniel R. Flynn; Carl R. Voorhees; Simone L. Yaniv
April 1980
This report documents a traffic noise data base that was obtained as part of a large research program developed to identify and quantify the important physical parameters which affect human response to time-varying traffic noise and to investigate various procedures for rating such noise so as to enable reliable predictions of subjective response to the noise. Fifteen-minute recordings of actual traffic noise were made at four microphone positions (7.5, 15, 30, 60 m from the centerline of the near lane) at several times of the day at each of seven sites, five representing nominally constant-speed traffic and two representing stop-and-go intersection traffic. The 107 recordings that resulted were subjected to extensive analysis. The analysis procedures are described and tables and graphs are included which document, for each recording, the 1/3-octave band spectra and numerous noise descriptors computed for the time-histories of the A-weighted sound level. As a separate part of this study, recordings also were made of the noise from single-vehicle passbys and from simulated traffic consisting of controlled drive-bys of up to ten vehicles. These recordings also were extensively analysed and the results of these analyses are given.
Highway Noise Impact
Ben H. Sharp; Kenneth J. Plotkin; Patrick K. Glenn; Robert M. Stone Jr.
May 1977
A manual has been prepared which presents a procedurrre for reviewing noise impact of proposed highway projects. The manual reviews Federal Highway Administration policy for noise impact, and includes specific steps for reviewing environmental impact statements and noise study reports prepared for proposed highway projects. The noise policy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and noise levels identified by the Environmental Protection Agency are also reviewed, so that a complete assessment of the impact of expected noise may be made. A noise prediction model, consisting of charts, nomograms, and simple equations, is presented so as to enable an independent check of predicted levels presented in an EIS. The noise model (which includes barriers) is itself suitable for predicting roadside noise levels.
Highway Traffic Noise
September 1980
In recent years, highway traffic noise-the unpleasant, unwanted siunds generated on our Nation's streets and highways-has been of increasing concern both to the public and to local, State, and Federal officials. At the same time, modern acoustical technology has been providing better ways to lessen the adverse impacts of highway traffic noise. The purpose of this pamphlet is to explain some of these acoustical techniques which are now being employed by government agencies, highway planners and designers, construction engineers, and private developers.
Hillsborough County, Florida - Case History of a County Noise Control Program
August 1979
This technical case study of the noise program in Hillsborough County, Florida, was developed to enable noise officials from other counties and communities to benefit from Hillsborough County's experience in developing and enforcing a noise ordinance (rule). This study was prepared under the direction of the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Study of this county's noise control program was conducted not only because it is typical of active programs in the southeastern United States but also because hillsborough County officials demonstrated that numerical noise limits are preferable to nuisance noise laws in resolving noise problems. However, the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) which enforces the noise rule also enforces air and water rules so that EPC staff works only part-time on the noise program on a limited annual budget. Partly because of these limitations, and partly because of legal procedures required for disposition of a willful noise violation, voluntary compliance is relied upon for resolving the majority of noise problems. In spite of current limitations and past program development problems, support for enforcement of the county noise rule continues to grow.
Hip Talk - The Hearing Is Priceless (HIP) Program
A set of multimedia educational materials on noise pollution and hearing protection.
Honolulu International Airport
Houston Intercontinental Airport - 1978 Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) 30/40
Hush Program - (Barrier Component) - Guidance Material
August 1981
The National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) is comprised of a collection of on-line datasets, some containing programs and others containing data. This manual describes the NRTNEM system as it existed on the NCC (EPA's National Computer Center) in December 1981, under user ID EPADYN. NRTNEM actually consists of two models: The General Adverse Response Model ("GAR"), and the Single Event Model ("SEM"). Only one of them can be executed by a job at a time. The User's Manual describes job submission procedures. This manual describes the NRTNEM system in more detailso as to facilitate program maintenance. This manual is organized from two points of view: present first those items the user first comes into contact with, and go from the general to the specific. Accordingly, the general properties of files and datasets are described first, and the coding details are last.