Noise Pollution Clearinghouse

NPC Resources

The NPC Resources Page is an asset to people who wish to become directly involved with noise issues. Below you will find tools for activists, educational resources, and resources that address specific types of noise. Also see the "Related Sites" Pages to see what other noise-concerned individuals and groups are doing!

The Resource Library is sponsored by Super Soundproofing Co, Kinetics Noise Control, Resolution Law Group, St. Cloud Window, Inc, and Acoustical Solutions, Inc.

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    Resources For Activists

    Design or amend your community noise ordinance. If you are interested in improving your living environment by creating or amending the noise ordinance in your community, these "Guidelines For An Urban Noise Ordinance," by Federico Miyara, will help lend understanding to ordinance purposes and ways noise can be addressed. Mr. Miyara is a noise expert from the Acoustics Laboratory in Rosario, Argentina. This comprehensive treatment of noise classification and tool for noise abatement will help you create an ordinance that is appropriate to your community.

    Examine the existing noise ordinances for many large U.S. cities. Cities are some of the noisiest places on Earth. Here you can find out how some U.S. cities regulate noise pollution.

    Activist Basics Here is a short list of ideas to help your voice be heard and work toward a quieter environment.

    Internet Noise Discussion Group
    The Quiet List is an internet mailing list and forum for the discussion of noise pollution issues. To subscribe, send an email to saying you would like to subscribe to the Quiet List. Then, whatever you send to the Quiet List will go out to everyone else on the list and you will begin receiving messages from others as well.

    Successful Tactics Used By Noise Groups and Individual Activists
    Below you will find stories, descriptions, and tools such as ballot initiatives used by neighbors who organized to fight proposed or existing noise sources in their communities. Their efforts brought them success. You can mirror their tactics in your own fight.

    This Montana anti-noise group used recordings of racetrack noise -- available from the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse -- to successfully block the construction of a racetrack.

    BLAST (Ban Leafblowers and Save Our Town) Residents of Santa Barbara, California, fought leafblower noise for fifteen years before citizens recently voted to ban leafblowers. This page contains the actual documents that were circulated in Santa Barbara: a "ballot argument" stating BLAST's position, bumper sticker, an "initiative measure" containing the ordinance purpose, summary and language; and the "notice of intent" stating the reasons for the ban.

    Right to Quiet Right To Quiet, a citizen's group from Vancouver, BC, sells this "I [Love] Quiet" bumper sticker for a nominal price. Commonly used items such as bumper stickers and T-shirts help educate people about the issues, spread the word, and raise money for "quiet" campaigns.

    ROAR (Residents Opposed to the Auto Racetrack) Citizens of Staten Island, New York challenged the construction of a huge "Autodrome," facing endorsements from a large faction of supporters and the local newspaper.

    Educational Resources

    New York City Noise Curriculum Interactive, multi-disciplinary, STEM lessons and activities introduce students and teachers to the study of the New York City sound environment, New York City’s Noise Code, and the public health issues, both mental and physical, associated with noise.

    Teaching Sound Hygiene at School Throughout history, the most popular approach in the fight against noise has been to regulate noisy activities, punishing and deterring noise violators by fines and closures. This article focuses on encouraging sound hygeine through education. Through education from an early age, it is possible to give individuals hard facts regarding noise, as well as to teach principles and habits of environmental care including care for the acoustic environment. Learning these principles from a young age encourages voluntary observance of noise laws and regulations. Authors Federico Miyara, María Victoria Gómez, María Susana Flores, and Lorena Lorenzo are noise experts and education specialists from Argentina.

    Teaching Acoustics This substantial list of websites provides many resources and demonstrations that can be used in teaching different aspects of acoustics.

    Quiet Classrooms Quiet Classrooms is an alliance of non-profit organizations working to create better learning environments in schools by reducing noise.

    Resources For Specific Noise Sources

    These links provide information helpful in strengthening arguments against sources of noise in your community.

    Air Bags

    Barking Dogs

    Boom Cars

    Construction Noise

    Effects on Wildlife

    Jet Ski Noise

    Leaf Blowers

    Noise in Our National Parks

    Personal Computer Noise (PC Noise)

    Racetrack Noise

    Swimming Pool Filter Motor Noise

    Transportation Noise