[NPC Clearinghouse]

"Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves."

Soundproofing Resources

Traffic Noise Impact Technical Report for State Route 101L (Pima Freeway) - Appendix C - Alternative Mitigation: Further Details
This appendix includes further details about alternative noise mitigation measures that might be considered along the Pima Freeway corridor in Scottsdale, AZ.

Traffic Noise Impact Technical Report for State Route 101L (Pima Freeway) - Appendix D - Property Enhancements: Sound Insulation of Homes and the Use of "Sound Masking"
Where highway noise is not severe, more-pleasant sounds can sometimes be used to partially "cover up" the highway noise and thereby reduce its annoyance. The technical term is "sound masking." This small booklet describes what steps you might take to "mask" highway noise, both outside and inside your home.

Traffic Noise Impact Technical Report for State Route 101L (Pima Freeway) - Appendix E - Property Enhancements: Sound Insulation of Homes - A Very Approximate Self Diagnosis
Sound insulation of homes can reduce interior sound levels from nearby highways. As described more fully in an accompanying booklet, your home is like a tow chain - the kind you attach to your rear axle to tow another vehicle. If you have a weak tow chain and wish to improve it, you must start by replacing its weakest links. This booklet contains a very approximate measurement method to identify your home's weakest acoustical links, from outdoors to indoors - using a calculator, an inexpensive sound level meter, and a child's rubber ball.

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