International News

Calgary Night Club Owner Promises Little Late Night Noise (Apr. 20, 2000). The Calgary Herald reported on that the owner of a new sports night club has promised neighbors that his night club will not disturb them with late-night noise problems like a previous nightclub did.

Chicago's O'Hare Expansion Plans Fuel Debate Between Wealthy Corporations and Concerned Citizens (Apr. 20, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reported that a proposed new runway at O'Hare International Airport received support from wealthy corporations known for supporting political campaigns, but not from residents who live nearby.

Construction Company in Tuen Mun, China Pays $400,000 for Repeatedly Ignoring Noise Complaints (Apr. 20, 2000). South China Morning Post reported that the Chevalier Construction Company so often over the past two years that when it ignored four separate days of complaints because of jackhammering on Sundays and late at night, the Environmental Protection Department fined the company almost $400,000.

Illinois Towns Neighboring O'Hare International Angry Over United Airlines Recommendation for O'Hare Expansion (Apr. 20, 2000). According to the Chicago Tribune, United Airlines (the world's largest airlines) dropped a bombshell when it recently recommended construction of a new runway at O'Hare International Airport. According to the article, United has long stated that the airport could meet the demands of increased air traffic without expansion.

Canadian Mayor Backs Skytrain Tunnel Option to Reduce Noise in Small Town of Port Moody (Apr. 19, 2000). The Vancouver Sun reported on a proposed tunnel extension under Port Moody, a self-described backwater town. At issue is the noise and visual impact that the SkyTrin has on the small city. They town's mayor told a capacity audience at a public hearing (sponsored by the Rapid Transit Project Office-RPTO) that a tunnel extension would reduce the impact.

Local Officials in Canada Meet With Federal Minister to Discuss Train Noise (Apr. 18, 2000). The Montreal Gazette printed an article about noise and pollution from trains that pass through Canadian cities. Town officials from Cote St. Luc and Hamstead are appealing to federal Transport Minister David Collenette for help.

France Close to Developing New Age Super Concorde: Noise Under Consideration (Apr. 17, 2000). According to the Aviation Week & Space Technology, the French are examining whether a successor to the Concorde would be feasible and competitive in the near future. Besides considering the financial feasibility, a task force overseeing five groups will focus on noise and emissions.

India Says It Must Control Population to Save the Environment: Noise Among Major Issues (Apr. 17, 2000). An article in Business Line printed an article regarding the primary cause of pollution in India--overpopulation. Noise was a major concern.

Newer Classrooms Noisy and Impede Learning in New Zealand (Apr. 17, 2000). According to the Press in New Zealand, a study resulting from teacher complaints showed that newly constructed school buildings are noisier than older ones, and listening conditions in the older builders were unsatisfactory.

UK City Officials Promote Tourism and Nightlife but Residents Say No (Apr. 17, 2000). The Journal reported that residents and restaurant/pub owners have two different views of Newcastle, England. Residents want more peace and quiet but the business community says the positive economic impact the nightlife brings is critical to the town's finances.

Compromises Help to Make Canadian Military Ships Quieter (Apr. 16, 2000). A report in Jane's Defence Upgrades states that after a three-year analysis of noise abatement to Canada's Halifax-class ships, a compromise solution may be the only solution.

EU Must Respond to Ban on American Hush Kits (Apr. 15, 2000). An article by the Associated Press reported that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has given the European Commission (EU) until the end of June respond to the United States' complaints over its ban on hush kits--noise reducing technology for noisy jets.

US Files Complaint With ICAO Over EU Ban on Hushkitted Aircraft (Apr. 14, 2000). The Associated Press reports that the United States government filed a complaint last month with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) over a proposed European Union (EU) ban on aircraft outfitted with "hushkits," which are mufflers that reduce noise on older planes. The ban is to take effect May 4. The ICAO has given the European Commission a deadline of June 30 to respond to the complaint.

Residents Near Canberra, Australia Complain About Racetrack Noise (Apr. 14, 2000). The Canberra Times in Australia reports that residents near the Fairbairn Park car racetrack have complained repeatedly about high noise levels to the ACT's Environment Management Authority, but have not received satisfactory action.

United Kingdom Noise Association Asks Government to Enact Stricter Aviation Noise Regulations (Apr. 14, 2000). The Evening Standard in London, England reports that the United Kingdom Noise Association used International Noise Awareness Day to publicly ask the Government to make noise pollution a priority when drafting a new aviation strategy report that will be published next year. The Association based its request partially on a report by Friends of the Earth that states that hundreds of thousands of people living near airports are adversely affected by noise.

Noise From Pump Station in Wanaka, New Zealand Annoys Neighbors (Apr. 14, 2000). The Southland Times in New Zealand reports that two residents in Wanaka, New Zealand have appealed to the Environment Court about noise emitted from a pump station that adjoins their property. The court has decided not to close the station, but rather, to limit nighttime noise from the pump station to no more than 40 decibels.

London Property Owner Loses Lawsuit Over Surveyor's Failure to Advise About Aircraft Noise (Apr. 14, 2000). The Times of London reports on a Court of Appeals case concerning a contract between a chartered surveyor and a prospective purchaser. The court's task was to determine whether the purchaser could receive damages for "non-physical distress and annoyance" resulting from the high level of aircraft noise that he was subjected to on the property. The contract stipulated that the surveyor was to advise "whether the property might be affected by aircraft noise." The court decided that the property owner was not entitled to a monetary award because the noise was an annoyance, rather than something that caused physical damage or distress. The judges explained that a surveyor's contract does not cover "non-physical stress and annoyance."

Australian Combat Submarines Becoming Less Noisy (Apr. 14, 2000). The AAP Newsfeed (Australia) reports that the Collins-Class submarine project is finally showing good results. The noise problems that have plagued the Australian submarines are now better under control, meaning that the submarine combat system is closer to being considered combat ready.

Residents Near U.S. Naval Air Facility in Atsugi, Japan Complain About Military Jet Noise (Apr. 13, 2000). The Asahi News Service in Japan reports that residents near the U.S. Naval Air Facility in Atsugi are asking the U.S. government to address the noise pollution problems at the base. The residents believe that Japan should not listen to the American government's demand that Japan deal with the dioxin problem in the area until the noise problems at the base are solved.

New Anti-Noise Organization Formed in United Kingdom (Apr. 13, 2000). The Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail reports that a new anti-noise organization has formed in the United Kingdom. The group, called the United Kingdom Noise Association, plans to unite various organizations that oppose neighborhood noise, loud music, airplane, and traffic noise so that citizens fighting excessive noise can be assured of positive results.

Cheltenham, England Outdoor Festival to Proceed Despite Noise Complaints from Residents (Apr. 13, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo reports that residents near the Cheltenham racecourse in England are concerned about a four-day outdoor event to be held in August called the Greenbelt Festival, which brings in 8,000 festivalgoers. The borough council will decide tomorrow whether to grant the event an entertainment license for this year's festival. Most public officials have no opposition to the event. Many residents complained about the event at a recent public meeting.

Scottish Research Team Studies Hospital Noise (Apr. 12, 2000). The Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail reports that a group of researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland are studying whether high noise levels in hospitals are adversely affecting patient recovery times and increasing nurses' stress levels. Part of the study will include installing special sound-absorbing ceilings to see if they make a difference.

New National Anti-Noise Organization Launched in United Kingdom (Apr. 12, 2000). The Press Association Newsfile reports that British individuals and groups against noise are supporting the formation of a new national organization called the United Kingdom Noise Assocation (UKNA.) Members of the new group have appeared before the House of Commons, asking that the British Government create a noise strategy and enforce anti-noise laws.

New Zealand Researcher Believes Noise May Reduce Infant Crib-Death Incidents (Apr. 12, 2000). The Press in Christchurch, New Zealand reports that an Auckland, New Zealand clinical psychologist has released a controversial study that says that infants at risk of crib death have an easier time breathing if they are exposed to background noise while they are sleeping.

World's First Noise-Reducing Automobile Wheels Developed (Apr. 12, 2000). The Jiji Press Ticker Service out of Tokyo reports that Bridgestone Corporation and Topy Industries, Ltd. have come together to create the first automobile wheels that substantially reduce noise. The wheels accomplish this because of shock-absorbing rubber installed between the rim and the disc.

Edinburgh, Scotland Residents Oppose Summer Fair in Local Park (Apr. 11, 2000). The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland reports that residents in an Edinburgh, Scotland neighborhood near a park are protesting a fair that is slated to take place there in May. In previous years, the fair, they say, has produced too much noise, litter, vandalism, and other crimes. They have asked the City Council to refuse to give the promoters a license to hold the fair this year.

Resident in Droitwich, England Fined for Violating Residential Noise Abatement Notice (Apr. 11, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail in England reports that Darryl Knight of Droitwich, Worcestershire, England was found guilty of violating a noise abatement notice that had been issued to him by Wychavon District Council's environment protection department. He was fined pounds 300 for causing a noise nuisance in his neighborhood after playing music and operating his TV at excessively high noise levels.

Homeowners in Exeter, England May Apply for Government Compensation Because of Exposure to Noise from Newly Opened Highway (Apr. 11, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that residents living near a newly opened highway, the A30, may apply for compensation from the government through the Highways Agency. The homeowners are eligible for compensation under the Land Compensation Act 1973, which states that "there is a right to compensation when property is devalued by more than GBP 50 as a result of physical factors such as noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke and artificial lighting."

Trains Annoy Reader in Malaysia (Apr. 11, 2000). The New Straits Times in Malaysia published a letter to the editor from a reader who is bothered by noise from LRT trains. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Surrey, British Columbia (Canada) Involved in Zoning Dispute with Wood Mill Following Noise Complaints from Adjacent Residential Neighborhood (Apr. 11, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in British Columbia, Canada reports that Adler Forest Products Ltd. in Surrey has encountered difficulties as a result of noise and dust complaints by residents in a neighborhood adjoining one of its factories. Some people have questioned why the city of Surrey has allowed industrial zoning areas to be placed alongside residential areas. The president of Adler Forest Products is Rod Hoffmeister, the son of Bert Hoffmeister, a well-known British Columbia businessman and leader of local forestry organizations.

East Devon Dog Kennel's Construction Might Not be Approved (Apr. 10, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that a community in an East Devon parish has been wrestling with the issue of whether a dog boarding kennel that may be built will cause too much neighborhood noise.

Residents in Scottish Community Protest Later Closing Time for Outdoor Summer Festival (Apr. 10, 2000). The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland reports that the Midlothian Council will soon make a decision about whether or not to extend the evening hours of this year's "Hunter and Lass" summer festival. The outdoor festival takes place in Penicuik public park, and residents who live nearby oppose the later closure because of noise.

Former Military Employee Sues Irish Government over Hearing Loss (Apr. 10, 2000). The Irish Times reports on a recent court case. Mr. Seamus Kinlan sued Ireland's Minister for Defense and the Attorney General for noise-induced hearing loss that he incurred during his years working as a member of the Defense Forces. He wanted the government to pay for hearing aids. The court decided that his hearing is not currently bad enough for hearing aids, but he would be compensated for probable future hearing loss.

Common Household Noise Dangers (Apr. 9, 2000). The Sunday Mercury in Birmingham, England reports that our hearing can be damaged by exposure to all types of seemingly harmless things in the home and in our everyday lives. Loud music is usually the first offender that comes to mind, but there are many others as well.

Hong Kong Tenants Consider Filing Lawsuit Against Landlord Over Construction Noise (Apr. 9, 2000). The South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reports that most tenants in Kam Yuen mansions on Old Peak Road have decided to move from their apartments because of ongoing, intolerable construction noise in the buildings. During the construction, they have continued to pay $40,000 per month in rent, and some of them are now considering suing the landlord for $250,000 each for damages.

Proposed Noise Bylaw in Central Elgin County, England Difficult to Draft Because Some Residents Tolerate More Noise Than Others (Apr. 9, 2000). The London Free Press in England reports that people have varying degrees of tolerance for noise, based partly on where they live, and also on their particular personalities. This makes noise issues difficult to regulate and enforce.

Bar in New Plymouth, England Focus of Noise Complaints (Apr. 8, 2000). The Daily News in New Plymouth, New Zealand reports that a bar owner in New Plymouth is upset about a noise abatement notice that he received from the New Plymouth District Council for having violated the 55-decibel noise limit. The owner of the Salvation Bar on Powderham Street, Cameron McKay, believes that a 55-decibel limit is too low, and he is worried about being able to continue his business.

New Zealand Research Finds That Classrooms Are Too Noisy (Apr. 8, 2000). The Dominion in New Zealand reports that the Speech-Language Therapists Association held a conference recently in Napier, New Zealand. One of the topics discussed was excessive noise in the classroom and its negative effects on the teaching and learning process.

Road Project in Aranda, Australia Will Bring More Traffic and Noise (Apr. 8, 2000). The Canberra Times reports that residents in Aranda, Australia, led by John Kovacic, president of the Aranda Residents' Group, are concerned by the $20 million Gungahlin Drive parkway extension project. They fear it will bring increased traffic and noise to their community. Kovacic recently appeared before the Legislative Assembly's urban services committee to plead the residents' case.

Bar in Ashby, England May Not Be Allowed to Continue Operating as a Nightclub Because of Excessive Noise (Apr. 6, 2000). The Leicester Mercury in England reports that an entertainment locale in Ashby, England called "Desires" has been operating illegally as a nightclub. However, until the North West Leicestershire District Council makes a decision about its license, the establishment can stay open until 2 AM on weekend nights. The noise from the club has been extremely bothersome to one of its neighbors, who is elderly.

New Concrete Highway in Exeter, England Draws Ire from Residents (Apr. 6, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that the final stretch of the new A30 highway has been completed. The new "M5 junction" opens today. Next week the Highways Agency will begin noise testing on the new road.

Nightclub in Coventry, England Fined For Loud Music (Apr. 6, 2000). The Coventry Evening Telegraph in Coventry, England reports that a nightclub that had been accused of producing too much noise was fined pounds 3,000.

Column Writer in Sarasota, Florida Compares Local Grievances Against Airport with European Court Case (Apr. 6, 2000). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune in Florida published an editorial column from Waldo Proffitt concerning a recent court case involving Heathrow Airport in England. Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport is struggling with noise problems as well.

Farm Family in Erewash Borough, England Wants to Build Road Embankment to Shield Farm from Traffic Noise (Apr. 5, 2000). The Derby Evening Telegraph in England reports that a farm family in the Borough of Erewash wants to build their own sound berm to protect their farm from the noise created by the busy road along which the farm is located.

Reader in Gloucestershire, England Opposes Height of Construction Sound Barrier (Apr. 5, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo in England recently published a letter to the editor by a reader concerned about a government construction project near her residential neighborhood. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Yearly Car Race in Canberra, Australia Draws Criticism for Loud Noise (Apr. 5, 2000). The Canberra Times in Australia reports a controversy over noise levels from a V8 Supercar race to be held in June.

Controversial Wall in Czechoslovakia Used Against Gypsies is Purchased by Zoo as Noise Control Wall (Apr. 5, 2000). AP Worldstream reports that a zoo in the Czech Republic is purchasing an infamous concrete wall that had been used to separate Gypsy families from the rest of the inhabitants in their town. The zoo intends to donate a portion of the wall to a museum, and to use the rest of it as a noise barrier between the zoo and the road that runs alongside it.

Outdoor Festival in Port Glasgow, Scotland Cancelled Because of Noise Concerns (Apr. 5, 2000). The Herald in Glasgow, Scotland reports that a summer festival that was to be held in Port Glasgow this summer will probably not take place. The organizers will likely not proceed with the event because they have been told that residents in Dunbartonshire will be bombarded with high levels of noise from the festival.

Researchers at University of Western Ontario, Canada Study Noise Reduction in Hospital MRI Machines (Apr. 4, 2000). The London Free Press in Ontario, Canada reports that researchers at the University of Western Ontario are undertaking a study to reduce noise from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines. MRI's are extremely effective in detecting many types of disease by using radio waves and magnetic fields. However, the machine contains a magnet whose gradient coil generates significant amounts of vibration and noise. The noise is bothersome, and possibly damaging, to both patients and technicians.

Amusement Arcade in Wales Will Likely Be Denied Permission to Relocate Because of Fears of Young People Making Noise (Apr. 4, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reports that businesses in Carmarthen, Wales are objecting to an amusement arcade that would like to relocate to an area that falls within the town's conservation area, and which would bring noise and undesirable clientele to the neighborhood.

Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) Residents Protest Noise From "Rave" Concerts (Apr. 3, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in Canada reports that "rave" concerts in Richmond, on the outskirts of Vancouver, have been annoying residents in Vancouver and preventing them from being able to sleep.

Reader in Plymouth, England Disagrees With Those Who Complain About Airport Noise (Apr. 3, 2000). The Evening Herald in Plymouth, England printed a letter to the editor from a reader who does not feel that residents should complain about noise from nearby Plymouth Airport. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

A Primer on Hushkit History and Worldwide Stage 3 and Stage 4 Air Emissions and Noise Standards (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World reports on the two-year continuing battle between the United States and the European Union over emissions and noise standards in the airline industry. In particular, the article covers the controversy over hushkits and their restricted useage in clear, chronological terms.

Causes of Hearing Loss and Deafness (Apr. 1, 2000). The Financial Times in London reports on hearing problems and how they develop. In the United Kingdom, 8.5 million people have hearing difficulties, some of which can be treated. All people should be taught to avoid loud noises that do permanent damage to the ear.

Dutch Firm Receives Noise Abatement Contracts for British and Dutch Airports (Apr. 1, 2000). Jane's Airport Review in England reports that HITT Special Products BV, a Dutch firm, has received a contract to supply a LogIT noise and track monitoring system to East Midlands Airport in the UK. The company has supplied similar systems to Leeds-Bradford Airport in the UK and to Valkenburg Military Airfield in the Netherlands. Eindhoven Airport in the Netherlands has ordered a flight route monitoring system that will aid its noise mitigation efforts.

UK Tests "Scimitar" Aircraft Propellers; Finds Substantial Noise Reduction (Apr. 1, 2000). Business and Commercial Aviation reports that, in the United Kingdom, "scimitar" propellers have been installed and tested on a Britten-Norman BN2B Islander, reducing noise by up to 7 dBA. The propellers could have other important applications. Testing the new propellers is part of a United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry effort to reduce noise from piston-powered light aircraft.

Wooden Flooring Can Be an Annoying Conductor of Sound in Apartment Buildings (Apr. 1, 2000). The Financial Times in London reports that many city apartment dwellers are at loggerheads with their neighbors over noise. An environmental health officer explains that much of the problem can be fixed with the installation of the proper type of flooring and insulation.

Worldwide Cooperation Needed in Adopting More Stringent Air Noise Controls (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World published an article about the history during the past 23 years of the airline industry in adhering to Chapter 3/Stage 3 noise rules, both in North American and in Europe. The writer believes it is time to begin discussing more seriously defining and adopting Chapter 4/Stage 4 noise rules.

Canadian Hunter's Guide, Widely Distributed to Children, Makes No Mention of Importance of Ear Protection (Mar. 31, 2000). The Toronto Star in Canada reports that the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the ministry of natural resources recently distributed a Hunter's Guide to Ontario schools. Nowhere in the guide was ear protection discussed. The Deafness Research Foundation says that shotgun blasts register at 130 decibels.

Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) Resident Says Stop Complaining About Airport Noise (Mar. 31, 2000). The Ottawa Citizen printed an indignant letter from a reader who believes people should stop complaining about airport noise. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Metal Fabrication Plant Approved in Estover, England Despite Resident Noise Concerns (Mar. 30, 2000). The Evening Herald in Plymouth, England reports that the city council in Estover, England has granted approval for West Wise Manufacturing, Ltd. to build a new factory, despite concerns by residents over noise.

North Lincolnshire, England Council Must Pay Compensation to Resident for Failing to Take Timely Action Against Noisy Club (Mar. 30, 2000). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph in England reports that the North Lincolnshire Council has been required to apologize and to pay GBP 750 to a local woman after failing to take action on a noise complaint against a working men's club located next door to her home.

Scientific Research on Sound Has Many Possible Worldwide Applications (Mar. 30, 2000). The Daily Telegraph in London reports on many scientific studies being conducted on sound and its applications.

United States and European Union Attempt to Reach Hushkit Compromise (Mar. 30, 2000). The Journal of Commerce in London, England reports on another effort between the European Union (EU) and the United States to settle the controversy over hushkits. The EU law banning hushkitted aircraft takes place on May 4. This would affect more than 700 US aircraft.

Muslims in Oslo, Norway Allowed to Use Loudspeaker to Broadcast Calls to Prayer (Mar. 29, 2000). The Associated Press Worldstream reports that a neighborhood council in Oslo, Norway has granted permission to the World Islamic Mission to broadcast calls to prayer on outdoor loudspeakers every Friday.

Planning Officer from Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department Responds to Complaints About Airport Noise (Mar. 29, 2000). The South China Morning Post printed a letter to the editor from a reader about excessive noise from a new airport in Hong Kong. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Protesters Would Like New Highway in Exeter, England to be Resurfaced to Make it Quieter (Mar. 29, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that a newly-opened highway, the A30 running east from Exeter to Honiton, has been the focus of many complaints from residents who say that the noise from the road is excessive. They want the brushed concrete road to be resurfaced with bitumen, which is quieter.

EU and US Negotiate Hushkits and Ban on Older Aircraft (Mar. 28, 2000). According to London's Financial Times, talks between the US and the European Union may lead to a compromise over "hushkits" because EU officials may delay the registration date for non-EU airplanes equipped with the engine mufflers to fly I into the 15-nation bloc.

Neighbors of US Air Base in Okinawa File Lawsuit Against Japanese Government Over Noise (Mar. 28, 2000). The Daily Yomiuri reported that almost 6,000 neighbors of the U.S. Kadena Air Base in Okinawa filed a lawsuit against the government because of jet noise from night and early morning flights, twenty-one of whom are demanding that the Japanese government order the U.S. to stop the flights. According to the article, the residents seek 6.2 million zen.

US Base Too Noisy for Okinawans: Court Action Taken (Mar. 28, 2000). The Mainichi News reported a story about jet noise from the US Kadena Air that has prompted over 5,500 residents near the base to sue the Japanese government and are asking for 6.2 billion zen in damages and calling for a ban on night flights after 7pm.

Hong Kong Legislator Calls for Noise Reduction on City Streets (Mar. 27, 2000). An article in the Hong Kong Times reported that a survey on noise in that city revealed that of the people interviewed, over 90 percent voiced their complaints over the city's traffic noise, and half of those people said that noise disrupted their sleep and caused stress.

Noise Dispute in Canada Results in Controversial Police Action (Mar. 27, 2000). The Vancouver Sun reported on a noise dispute that resulted in a police arrest in which the subject's arm was broken. The Supreme Court in British Columbia ruled that the police officer is not liable for damages.

Residents in Aberavon, Wales To Experience Construction Noise From Morning to Night (Mar. 27, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported that Baglan Moors Hospital is scheduled to begin construction and its neighbors were warned at a public meeting to expect noise from pile driving 11 hours a day.

Fairlee, New Zealand Man's Complaints Over Noisy Machine Forces Company to Act (Mar. 25, 2000). The Press reported on the success one Fairlee man experienced in his determination to regain the peace and quiet of his tranquil home. He complained to the right people and got results in one week.

London's Heathrow Airport Faces Legal Challenge of Night Flights (Mar. 25, 2000). The Daily Telegraph reported that flying into Heathrow airport at night could be a violation of one's right to undisturbed sleep, and a test case on "unacceptable night noise" affecting a million people will heard in the European Court of Human Rights in April of 2000. Plaintiffs are asking the court to cut back night flights to before 1993 levels.

Pilot Training at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida Includes Dropping Live Bombs (Mar. 25, 2000). An article from the Associated Press reported on a live bombing exercise on Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle--that was moved from Puerto Rico because of complaints against the Navy's use of the island for the bombing.

UK Officials Change Noise Rules With Support from Neighbors (Mar. 25, 2000). The London Free Press printed an op-ed challenging a recent column that criticized city officials for changing noise rules at outdoor concerts because of complaints.

UK Promises Residents in Scotland to Help Soundproof Homes Against Military Jet Noise (Mar. 25, 2000). The Glasgow Herald reported that the British government promised to review soundproofing "arrangements" for residences around the UK's most northerly fighter base, Leuchars in Fife.

UK Residents, Town Council and Environmental Group Fight Noise and Pollution With Trees (Mar. 25, 2000). An article from the Press Association Newsfile reported on a local effort by residents and environmental group Trees for London to fight noise and fumes from a major highway, the A102(M).

British Government Invests ƒ760,000 on Road Noise Reduction (Mar. 24, 2000). The London Evening Standard reported on a 760,000ƒ noise abatement grant from the Government to reduce road surface noise on a major highway, A52.

Search for Loch Ness Monster Means No Royal Airforce Training (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the Herald, a scientist studying Loch Ness in search of the lake's famous monster, Nessie, complained that jet noise was adversely affecting sensors beneath the water's surface and pilots were requested to avoid the lake while "the hunt is on."

Canada Should Pay More Attention to Noise Pollution (Mar. 23, 2000). The Ottawa Citizen printed this letter to the editor regarding jet noise over residential areas. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Local City Council in UK Calls for Public Forum on Airport Noise (Mar. 23, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail reported that a Midland city councilor asked for a public forum for residents to discuss Birmingham International Airport.

New Zealand Government Has No Plans to Monitor Noise Around Homes Near Bypass (Mar. 23, 2000). The Nelson Mail reported that the New Zealand government says it won't monitor noise from the proposed widening of a bypass. It will, the article said, consider complaints on a case by case basis.

New Zealand Homeowner Moves Because of Noisy Church (Mar. 23, 2000). The Press reported that a New Zealand man sold his house and moved because the church next door was too noisy and adversely affecting his marriage.

Town in South Wales Implements Faster Noise Complaint Policy (Mar. 23, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported on plans by the Swansea Council to find a newer and faster noise complaint policy.

Machine Control Noise Levels in Singapore Hospital (Mar. 22, 2000). According to the Straits Times of Singapore, Tan Tock Seng Hospital has installed a machine that warns to be quieter when a certain decibel is reached.

NY Home Depot Too Big, Too Noisy, Too Much Traffic for Neighbors (Mar. 21, 2000). According to an article from Newsday, the new 24-hour Home Depot bordering Forest Hills and Glendale attracts so much vehicular traffic that its neighbors can no longer open their windows or get a good night's sleep.

Residents in UK Town Protest New Construction Project (Mar. 21, 2000). The Leicester Mercury reported that residents in this small town oppose a new warehouse because the building is a huge, ugly structure towers over their homes. They also state they were not informed of its significant size.

English Businessman Files Appeal with the English Government Against a Local Government Ban Prohibiting Him From Constructing and Using a Personal Helicopter Landing Near his Home (Mar. 20, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that Mr. Simon Farmer, a local resident and businessman, is concerned by the refusal of his local town councilors to allow him to build a helicopter pad on his property and use it to take off in and land his privately-owned helicopter. He has filed an appeal with Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who is Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. The government's Planning Inspectorate will handle the appeal.

Owens Corning Announces Use of its Silentex (tm) Noise Control System on Many Mufflers of European-built DaimlerChrysler Automobiles (Mar. 20, 2000). Canada Newswire reports that Owens Corning has announced that Silentex (tm), its new noise control system, has been chosen by DaimlerChrysler for use in the manufacture of muffler systems on many of its European-built vehicles. The Silentex (tm) system will be used on the mufflers of several Mercedes-Benz models.

Rugby Superstar Jonah Lomu of New Zealand Plans to Attempt to Break World Car Audio Sound Pressure Record of 176 Decibels (Mar. 20, 2000). The Dominion (Wellington) reports that rugby star Jonah Lomu attended the Car Audio New Zealand sound-off central regional finals. He plans to attempt to break the world record in six months. The sound-off is a competition to create the loudest sound-pressure level using a car stereo.

U.S. State Department Files Petition with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Concerning Possible International Law Violation by European Union for Banning Hushkitted Transports (Mar. 20, 2000). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the United States is concerned that the European Union's ban of hushkitted transports is illegal. The U.S. hopes that the petition it filed with the ICAO on March 14 will help settle the dispute. Hushkits are devices that were developed to help powerplants and aviation companies comply with the ICAO's Chapter 3 noise-emissions standards. Most hushkitted aircraft have been built in the United States. The United States claims that by banning hushkitted aircraft, the EU is unfairly penalizing U.S. aircraft companies, while simultaneously favoring European manufacturers who do not install hushkits, particularly Airbus Industrie.

Navy Moves Live Bombing Test Site from Puerto Rico to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida (Mar. 19, 2000). AP Worldstream reports that many residents who live near Eglin Air Force Base are not opposed to the Navy's recent decision to move its live bombing test site from Puerto Rico to Eglin. Most are used to the noise and realize that the military is important to the Florida Panhandle area.

Alleged "Throat Clearing" Noise in London, England Audience Actually Electronic Noise From Science Exhibit (Mar. 18, 2000). The Daily Telegraph reports that an intrusive noise from the audience during a speech delivered by the Princess Royal was thought to be throat-clearing, but it was actually an electronic noise coming from a science exhibit.

Coventry, England Nurses Concerned About Lessening Night Noises for Patients (Mar. 18, 2000). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reports that Coventry nurses have implemented a Night Noise Standard to help ensure that patients get a good night's rest. They believe that patients will recover faster in a quiet, less stressful environment. Some of the noise-control measures include having the nurses wear soft-soled shoes and speak as quietly as possible. Other efforts will include oiling squeaky trolley wheels and offering patients earplugs if they are disturbed by snorers. Patients who disturb others may be moved to a side room.

Fans Complain About Rules on Remaining Quiet During Football Matches (Mar. 18, 2000). The Mirror reports that spectators at Old Trafford football matches must remain quiet. Fans have a history of being boisterous at football matches, and think it's not right to have to remain quiet during a game.

French Hotel Chain Promotes Quiet for Guests (Mar. 18, 2000). The Calgary Herald reports that there is a French hotel chain, started in 1968, that promotes a noise-free stay for guests. The chain, based in Paris, is known as Relais du Silence, or Silencehotel. Its 302 independently-owned hotels are located in 12 European countries, and there is now one in Canada: the Domain of Killen in Haliburton, Ontario.

Reader Has Question About Traction Control System and Anti-Lock Brake System Noises (Mar. 18, 2000). The Montreal Gazette reports automotive questions from readers that are answered in a column by The Car Doctor. A reader, S. Cournoyer of Beloeil, complains about an odd Traction Control System (TCS) noise in his/her Honda Odyssey.

Stonehaven, Scotland Restaurant Owner Requests Permission to Build Apartments Above Restaurant (Mar. 17, 2000). The Aberdeen Press and Journal in Scotland reports that a restaurant owner has asked the Stonehaven council to approve his request to add apartments upstairs from his restaurant. The council has been hesitant to grant approval because of noise concerns. The restaurant owner says, however, that only he and his family will be occupying the apartments and will be unaffected by the noise from their own restaurant or surrounding areas.

Construction Project on Vancouver, Canada's Cleveland Dam to Be Delayed One Year; Residents Concerned About Construction Noise (Mar. 16, 2000). The Vancouver Sun reports that work on the Cleveland Dam has been delayed and will begin in March 2001 instead of this year. The delay is due to continuing questions about the dam upgrade's effect on the nearby Capilano salmon hatchery. There have also been complaints about the noise that will be generated by the construction project and the district engineers are attempting to address the concerns.

European Union Disappointed that United States Filed Complaint Over Upcoming EU Hushkit Ban (Mar. 16, 2000). The Xinhua News Agency reports that the European Union is disappointed that the United States filed an Article 84 complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) concerning the EU's ban of older non-EU aircraft outfitted with hushkits (airplane engine noise reduction mufflers.) The EU said that the action will make it more difficult for the EU and the U.S. to arrive at any type of agreement on this issue.

Floating Nightclub Might Be Moved to Different Dock Mooring to Reduce Noise (Mar. 16, 2000). The Bristol Evening Post reports that a nightclub aboard a ship moored at the Bristol, England City Docks might be moved to a different mooring because of noise complaints from nearby residents.

Reader in Bristol, England Comments on Low-Level Low Frequency Noise (Mar. 16, 2000). The Bristol United Press in Bristol, England printed a letter by reader M. Ashby concerning low-level low frequency noise. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Residents Concerned About Size of Earthen Noise Shield at Gloucestershire, England Construction Site (Mar. 16, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo in England reports that the "doughnut building" construction project at the GCHQ spy center is angering area residents. It is the largest construction site in Europe, costing GBP 300 million.

Residents in Plympton, England Bothered by Noise From Nearby Industrial Park (Mar. 16, 2000). The Plymouth, England Evening Herald reports that there have been many noise complaints lodged by Plympton residents against businesses at the Valley Road Industrial Estate. Residents says that the noise has become increasingly loud over the last few years.

United States Government Officially Protests European Union Proposed Ban Against Hushkitted Aircraft (Mar. 16, 2000). The M2 Presswire reports that the United States government today filed a formal "Article 84" action with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union (EU). The complaint concerns ongoing controversy surrounding the EU's proposed ban of aircraft that use American hushkit technology to make the planes quieter.

Noise Complaints Lodged Against Local Pub (Mar. 15, 2000). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that residents in Belper, England have lodged letters of complaint against a local pub because of excessive noise.

Noise From Vehicle Sound Systems Annoys Business Owners (Mar. 15, 2000). The Manawatu Standard reports that police in Palmerston North, New Zealand, do not believe that they should be dealing with complaints about loud music coming from vehicles as they drive through the city. They would rather see the city council deal with the problem.

Proposed Dog Kennel Causes Concern by Neighbors in Aberdeenshire, Scotland (Mar. 15, 2000). The Aberdeen, Scotland Press and Journal reports that plans for a dog boarding kennel at New Pitsgligo have met with resistance from neighbors who are worried about increased traffic and noise.

Street Drummers in Bath, England Annoy Residents (Mar. 15, 2000). The Bath Chronicle in England published a letter from a reader who complained about the noise from a drumming group that was collecting for charity on the streets of Bath. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Application for Building of New Wildlife Park in Jeopardy Due to Noise and Other Concerns (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Herald of Plymouth, England reports that the South Hams, England city council is not recommending approval of a 104-acre wildlife park to be built in the community. The park is planned to be located on the site of the National Shire Horse Center in Yealmpton.

Hutt, New Zealand City Council to Test Noise Levels At Church (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Post in Wellington, New Zealand reports that a neighbor has complained that the congregation of Taita's Hosanna Baptist Church creates too much noise. The Hutt City Council plans to test the noise level, but has been unable to conduct the tests so far because of winds.

New Hearing Aid Can Better Distinguish Voices From Background Noise (Mar. 14, 2000). The London Daily Mail reports on a new type of hearing aid that more closely mimics the function of the human year. The new hearing aid is called "Claro," and is manufactured by Phonak, a Swiss company.

Newcastle, England Stadium Considering Adding Stock-Car Racing; Residents Protest Over Noise (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Chronicle of Newcastle, England reports that residents near Brough Park are vehemently protesting plans to add stock-car racing there. North East Stockcar Promotions is seeking a lawful development certificate, which would allow them to legally add stock-car races to the park

Palmerston North, New Zealand Police Need to Do More to Enforce Speeding and Noise Violations (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Standard in Palmerston North, New Zealand reports that the Palmerston North City Council is concerned that police in the city are not doing enough to enforce speeding vehicles and noise offenders.

Reader Bothered By Noise From All-Night Discos (Mar. 14, 2000). The New Straits Times published a letter to the editor from a reader who has been bothered by the noise from all-night discos. The letter is reprinted below in its entirety:

Anti-Noise Group in England Finds Quiet Vacation Hideaways for Stressed-out Brits (Mar. 13, 2000). The Birmingham Post in England reports that the Noise Network, a voluntary group headquartered in Kent, England, is putting together a list of quiet vacation retreats around the country.

Business Owner in Torbay, England Forced to Go to Court Over Loud Bird (Mar. 13, 2000). The Western Morning News of Plymouth, England reports that Derek Sharp, owner of the Alpine Lodge residential home in Torbay, has had to go to court over his noisy cockerel. This is not the first time that Sharp has been served with orders to silence his cockerels.

Delta, British Columbia Residents Want Town to Construct Sound Barriers to Block Traffic Noise (Mar. 13, 2000). The Vancouver Sun reports that Delta, British Columbia residents Miles and Lois Barker are concerned about traffic noise that they can hear in their home, and they want the town to construct an earthen berm or a sound-barrier fence to decrease the noise.

Noise Bylaw Exemption Requested for Filming of Movie in West Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) (Mar. 13, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in Canada reports that a movie filming project needs a noise bylaw exemption from the West Vancouver district council in order to film before 7:30 AM, after 5:30 PM, or on Sundays. The council will vote tonight.

Noise, Water, and Air Pollution Levels in Hanoi, Vietnam Reach Unacceptable Levels (Mar. 13, 2000). The Vietnam Investment Review reports that the city of Hanoi is suffering from increasing and unacceptable levels of water, air, and noise pollution. High pollution levels are due to the fact that businesses are mostly unregulated, and the city is overpopulated. The country wants to modernize, and the government is willing to sacrifice the environment for increased growth and industrialization which would allow Vietnam to compete in world markets. Meanwhile, citizens' health is being risked as they are exposed to carcinogens and to loud noise.

Reader From England Complains About Motorbike Noise (Mar. 13, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo in England published a letter to the editor from a reader who is concerned about motorbike noise near a cemetery. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Residents in Bristol, England Annoyed by Noise from Local Pub (Mar. 13, 2000). The Bristol Evening Post in England reports that residents who live near to the George Pub in Chipping Sodbury are disturbed by the noise from the pub. The South Gloucestershire Council has investigated the complaints.

Hong Kong Residents Subjected to Thunderous Traffic Noise Daily; No End in Sight (Mar. 12, 2000). The South China Morning Post reports that the noise from traffic, especially trucks, on Hong Kong streets keeps increasing. It is an annoyance and a health danger to residents, and computer models indicate that the problem will get much worse in coming years.

UK Residents Complain Until Excavation Noise is Reduced: Company Makes Offer (Feb. 22, 2000). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reported on an excavation company's plans to reduce noise at its Nuneaton site as a result of residents' complaints.

British Airways Head of Environment Reports on Airline's Pollution Control Measures (Feb. 19, 2000). The London Daily Telegraph reports that British Airway's head of environment discussed the steps the airline takes to attempt to reduce the pollution it generates. He notes that the public will need to compromise in some areas in order to have a cleaner industry that also provides convenient flights.

Soundproofing Your Home (Feb. 19, 2000). The Evening Chronicle of Newcastle, England reports on ways that homeowners can soundproof their houses in order to reduce noise levels around the home.

UK Residents Angry Over Noise Pollution from US Electronics Plant (Feb. 19, 2000). The Journal reported that a crowd of angry residents in England challenged security guard warnings at a US electronics plant in England, and blocked the plant's entrance for 30 minutes, protesting noise pollution from the plant.

Indian Government to Enforce New Noise Rules Under Environment Protection Act (Feb. 18, 2000). According to an article from the M2 Presswire, the Ministry of Environment and Forests is getting tough on noise pollution, a significant problem in India's cities and urban areas. The article said that the Noise Pollution Rules 2000 aim to regulate and reduce noise at the source.

UK Environmental Minister Maps City Noise (Feb. 18, 2000). According to an article in the Daily Telegraph, England's environmental minister Michael Meacher said that 12 million people in his country are victims of intolerable noise from traffic, railroads, airports or industry, and he has a way to target the problem and help politicians act to solve it.

UK Planning Council Member Responds to Noise Complaint Against US Company (Feb. 18, 2000). The Journal printed this letter from a planning council member in England responding to a letter complaining about noise from Viasystem, a US electronics plant. In question are two fume abatement chimneys. The letter is printed in its entirety and defends the planning council's permitting process.

UK Residents Mobilize to Get New Noisy Highway Resurfaced (Feb. 18, 2000). According to the Express and Echo, residents of two towns in England are vociferously upset about traffic noise from a newly completed stretch of highway near their towns. They joined a 2,000-member protest campaign calling for the new 13-miles stretch of road to be resurfaced.

US to Discuss Aircraft Noise With EU (Feb. 18, 2000). The London Financial Times reported on plans for the US to join in a discussion with the European Union on aircraft noise in order to settle the controversial issue on "hush kit" technology. [Editor's Note: "Hush Kits" are not so quiet as the newer Stage 3 aircraft, and they pollute more.]

Birmingham, England Becomes First City in the United Kingdom to Publish a City Noise Map (Feb. 17, 2000). Press Association (P.R.) Newsfile reports that the city of Birmingham, England today has become the first U.K. city to release a city "noise map," which will plot the sources of disturbing noise within the city.

Five Resident Opinions Concerning Planned Alterations to Plymouth City, England Airport and Surrounding Roads (Feb. 17, 2000). The Evening Herald, Plymouth, England has printed letters from five residents of the Plymouth area who have varying opinions on proposed changes to Plymouth Airport and alterations to surrounding roads. The letters are printed below in their entirety:

New Zealand Resident Says Noise Caused Health Problems and Sale of Home (Feb. 17, 2000). The Nelson Mail (New Zealand) reports that John Dearden, who lives near the new coastal highway in Nelson, has been severely affected by traffic noise on the new road. Dearden, who first voiced his protests a year ago, complains of health problems and states that he now will be unable to sell his home. The stretch of road that he is concerned with runs south of Mapua, between Maisey Road and Bronte Road.

Proposed Legislation Would Allow Local British Authorities More Power Over Noise Control at Provincial Airports (Feb. 17, 2000). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reports that Parliament will soon discuss possible legislation to control noise at provincial airports, including Baginton Airport in Coventry.

Resident Group in Exeter, England Continues to Protest Highway A30; Calls for Resurfacing of New Roadway to Reduce Noise (Feb. 17, 2000). The Exeter, England Express and Echo reports that over 2,000 people have joined the resident group Resurface The A30 (RTA30) to complain about traffic noise from the newly-opened stretch of Highway A30. The group has circulated a petition asking that the new road be relaid with a blacktop surface, which would be substantially quieter than the present brushed concrete surface.

Solutions to Reducing Effects of Neighbor's Loud Stereo (Feb. 17, 2000). The Toronto Star reports that a reader of Ian G. Masters "Sight 'n' Sound" column wrote about a problem he has with his neighbor's noisy stereo.

Applications for Tavern Licenses in New Zealand Questioned Because of Excessive Noise (Feb. 16, 2000). The Southland Times reports that two restaurants in Wanaka have applied for tavern licenses, which would allow them to serve and sell alcohol and to provide live entertainment until 2:30 A.M. The applications have been questioned because noise complaints have been lodged in the past against both restaurants.

Press Release Report of the 2240th Meeting of Agriculture Council of the European Commission (Feb. 16, 2000). The Agriculture Council of the Commission of the European Communities recently issued a press release of its meeting on February 16, 2000. M. Luas Capoulas Santos, President of the Agriculture Council, spoke about "the main priorities of the Portuguese presidency for the next six months." He spoke about labeling, food safety, forests, animal health, the hops market, fisheries, energy, labor and social affairs, and finally, about noise emissions. The section on noise emissions is reprinted here in its entirety:

UK Puts Noise on the Map (Feb. 16, 2000). According to an article from Hermes Database, 12 million people in England are victims of intolerable noise levels from transportation and industry, and the Environment Minister, Michael Meacher announced the nation's first noise map of one city.

Manawatu, New Zealand District Council to Begin Imposing Fines For Excessive Residential Noise (Feb. 15, 2000). The Evening Standard of Manawatu, New Zealand reports that the Manawatu District Council will begin fining people in Feilding and elsewhere in the District who refuse to comply with noise abatement notices.

Plymouth, England Planners to Conduct Noise Reduction Survey of Proposed Manufacturing Plant (Feb. 15, 2000). The Evening Herald of Plymouth, England reports that the planning council in Plymouth, England will not approve an application by West Wise Manufacturing, Limited to build a new factory at Darklake View in Estover until they inspect the building site and conduct a noise survey. Nearby residents are concerned that the new metal fabrication plant would create excessive noise.

UK Residents Oppose New Nightclub Because of Noise and Rowdiness (Feb. 5, 2000). The Newcastle Chronicle and Journal reported that residents in the English town complained to the Newcastle City council about plans for a new nightclub near their homes. They don't want to listen to noise or disturbances and promise to fight the plan.

UK Residents Suffer From Highway Road Noise (Feb. 5, 2000). The Daily Telegraph of London reported on residents in one English town who say their quiet, pastoral life has come to an end because of a new highway that recently opened near their town.

Alternatives to Airport Noise in Australia Easy To Do (Feb. 2, 2000). The Canberra Times printed this letter to the newspaper regarding airport noise and possible alternative solutions. The letter is printed in its entirety.

London's Theater District Too Noisy for Soho Residents (Feb. 2, 2000). An article from the Press Association Newsfile reported that Soho residents have taken political action against Westminster City Council's decision to allow another new night café in London's theater. Resident's claim that there are just too many night cafes, loud music and entertainment in the West End, London's theater and entertainment center, and that they interfere with their sleep.

London's Theater District Too Noisy for Soho Residents (Feb. 2, 2000). An article from the Press Association Newsfile reported that Soho residents have taken political action against Westminster City Council's decision to allow another new night café in London's theater. Resident's claim that there are just too many night cafes, loud music and entertainment in the West End, London's theater and entertainment center, and that they interfere with their sleep.

UK Government Panel On Sustainable Development Lists Noise Among Priorities (Feb. 2, 2000). The Hermes Database reported on a governmental panel in England that met recently to look at sustainable development, the environment and how that country views its own resources. What's remarkable about the panel is that it lists noise as one of the priorities, along with such topics as energy strategy, genetically engineered organisms, world trade and the ethics of biotechnology.

Londoners Will Tolerate Noise if Construction of Main Thoroughfare Speeds Up (Feb. 1, 2000). According to the London Evening Standard, telecom cable contractors are disrupting traffic and business because they begin work on the Strand, London's main thoroughfare, from 7:30 am to 5pm. The article advocates a choice of working 24 hours a day until the work is finished or extending the hours from 6am to 8pm, stopping just in time for curtain at nearby theaters.

Noisy Neighbors Turn Down the Volume Before UK Environmental Officer Can Act (Feb. 1, 2000). According to the Leicester Mercury, an attempt by the local environmental health officer to act on noise complaints because the disruptive neighbors turn down the volume of their stereo before he arrives.

South Korean Residents Sue Government Over Airplane Noise (Feb. 1, 2000). The Korea Herald reported on residents who sued the government and a government-run airport operator because of airplane noise from nearby Kimpo International Airport. Residents seek compensation for "physical and mental damage" because of airport noise.

UK Local City Council Member Objects to Noise in Neighboring Industrial Park (Feb. 1, 2000). The Evening Herald printed this letter from a City Council member in Plympton, England regarding commercial and industrial noise near residences. The letter is printed in its entirety.

UK Town Council Grants Entertainment License After Noise Reduction (Feb. 1, 2000). The Herald Express reported that the public entertainment licenses for two inns have been granted only after the owners squelched the noise.

Exeter, U.K. Recording Studio Owner Threatened With Eviction Because of Noise Complaints, Although Noise Officials Say the Noise Is Legally Acceptable (Jan. 31, 2000). The Express and Echo reports that the owner of a recording studio in Exeter, U.K. is being threatened with eviction because of noise complaints. Local noise officials visited the studio and said that the noise was in legal limits, but the landlord still insists on eviction.

Scaled-Down Housing Development in Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. Receives Approval Despite Concerns that Nearby Shot-Blasting Operation May Prompt Noise Complaints (Jan. 31, 2000). The Sentinel reports that the city council of Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. approved a scaled down housing development near a noisy plant. Representatives of the nearby engineering company say they worry that noise complaints may still jeopardize the future of the plant.

Mayfield, Scotland Senior Citizen Sleeps In Her Car to Escape Neighbors Music; Neighbor Counters that Senior's Saint Bernard Snores (Jan. 30, 2000). The Sunday Mail reports that an elderly woman in Mayfield, Midlothian, Scotland has taken to sleeping in her car because of music that comes through her walls from her neighbors. Her neighbor says the music is not too loud, and counters that he loses sleep from her snoring, which she blames on her dog.

Bitton, United Kingdom Residents Say Despite Courteous Discussions, Factory Continues to Make Noise (Jan. 29, 2000). The Bath Chronicle reports that Bitton, U.K. residents are getting fed up with noise from a factory. Planners say that it's just a matter of enforcing delivery hours and parking rules. Factory officials say that they are doing everything they can.

Noise Warnings May Be Buried in Contract When Purchasing a Home or Condo in Canada; On the Other Hand, Certain Noise Mitigation Measures Are Required of the Builder (Jan. 29, 2000). The Toronto Star reports that when buying a house or especially a condominium in Canada, warnings about noise may be buried in the contract. Mandatory noise-reduction measures for homes include double-glazed windows and central air-conditioning.

Ilkeston, United Kingdom Historic Police Station to Become a Pub, Despite Residents' Concern Over Noise (Jan. 28, 2000). The Nottingham Evening Post reports that a century-old building in Ilkeston, U.K. that formerly housed a police station will become a pub despite residents' concerns over potential noise.

Edinburgh, Scotland Residents Oppose Temporary Housing for Homeless, Saying Existing Noise and Vandalism Problems Will Get Worse (Jan. 27, 2000). The Evening News reports that residents in Edinburgh, Scotland's Fountainbridge neighborhood are opposing a plan to create temporary housing for homeless young people and people with special needs. They argue that noise and vandalism will become more of a problem than it already is.

Newcastle, U.K. Residents and Council Members Worry that Noise Will Worsen If More Pubs Gain Approval In the Quayside District (Jan. 27, 2000). The Evening Chronicle reports that residents and council members are worried that noise problems and other nuisances could worsen in the Quayside area of Newcastle, U.K. if more pubs are approved there.

Midland, U.K. Man Fined 600 Pounds for Six Violations Following a Noise Abatement Notice (Jan. 26, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that a Midland, U.K. man who violated a noise abatement notice six times was fined 600 pounds.

Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith International Airport Will Insulate More Houses After Updated Software Reveals Higher Noise Levels than Previously Thought (Jan. 26, 2000). Air Transport Intelligence reports that Sydney, Australia has promised to insulate more homes against noise from Kingsford Smith International Airport, after it was considered that the land around the airport slopes upward.

Airline Industry Organizations Applaud U.S. Decision to File a Complaint Against the European Union with the International Civil Aviation Organization Over It's Proposed Hushkit Ban (Jan. 25, 2000). M2 Presswire reports that several Airline industry groups applauded the U.S. decision to file a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed ban on hushkitted aircraft. They emphasized that hushkitted aircraft meet international standards already set by the ICAO.

Residents in Somerset, U.K. Fear Slaughterhouse Extension Will Create Noise and Odor Problems (Jan. 25, 2000). The Western Daily Press reports that residents in Somerset, U.K. are worried that a slaughterhouse extension that was recently approved will cost noise, traffic and odor problems. Local officials say that strict rules will deal with those problems.

Kenyan Disco Noise Leads to Violence (Jan. 16, 2000). According to an article from the Agence France Presse, the husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco, and some of his friends beat the owner of disco and hotel, who is now in intensive care because of loud music.

Streetsweeper Too Noisy in English Town (Jan. 15, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo printed a letter that appeared in the environmental section of the newspaper concerning noise from a local mechanical streetsweeper. The letter appears in its entirety.

UK Go Kart Track Subject of Noise Complaints and Controversy (Jan. 13, 2000). According to The Journal, Sunderland residents are so angry about the noise from the expansion of a nearby go-kart track that they've organized to challenge not only the noise but also the procedure for the track's getting a permit to open. Representatives from the Warden Law Action Group say the process was not democratic.

Belgian Express Mail Company Seeks Solution to Ban on Night Flights at Brussels Airport (Jan. 13, 2000). According to an article in AFX European Focus, the CEO of a Belgian express mail company pledged to find a solution to the Belgian government's proposed ban on night flights to Brussels National Airport.

Australian Airport Bans Airlines Because of Noise and Safety Concerns (Jan. 13, 2000). According to an AAP Newswire bulletin, the Victorian government banned Virgin Airlines from establishing its headquarter and barred it from temporarily using the city's Essendon Airport for an 18 month-interim until a new airport is built in Tullamarine. Governmental officials said the airline's 737 jets would create noise and safety risks in the suburban residential area.

UK Airport Fights Residential Developments: Local Officials Angry (Jan. 12, 2000). The Canberra Times reported on the opposition to residential housing by the owner of the Canberra International Airport. The article said that the airport owners want a cross-border agreement among local governments ensure that no houses are built under the airport's flight path

UK Kennel Owner to Pay Town for Noise Violations (Jan. 12, 2000). According to the Leicester Mercury, the owner of a dog kennel was fined 100ƒ and must pay 75ƒ in costs because he failed to comply with a noise abatement order on his barking dogs.

Local Residents in UK Divided Over Train Whistle (Jan. 12, 2000). According to the Calgary Herald, about 20 residents signed a petition against whistles from trains owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).

London Architect Supports Proposal to Landscape Ugly, High-Noise Spots Along Transportation Lines Into Greenspace, As Paris Has Done In Past Years (Jan. 8, 2000). The Times reports that London is considering a plan -- similar to one used in Paris, France -- to reclaim green space and fight noise at the same time. A noisy section of rail line or highway was covered; then, the cover was made into a park. The prime minister of England wants to reclaim greenspace, and this proposal would do it for about 20 million pounds per mile.

Screams from Bungy Ride in Wellington, New Zealand Upsets Clients of Sexual Abuse Trauma Center Nearby (Jan. 7, 2000). The Press reports that a therapist at a counseling center for sexual abuse victims in Wellington, New Zealand says his clients are upset at screams from a nearby thrill ride. Measurements taken in the last few days suggested that some screaming did exceed noise limits, contrary to previous estimates. City council members are discussing the issue with the operator.

Stonehaven, U.K. Bar Is Granted Later Operating Hours, Despite Resident's Objections (Jan. 6, 2000). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the Aberdeenshire Council granted permission for later operating hours at a Stonehaven bar. A neighbor had said the hours would cause noise problems, but police officials said there had never been any problems.

Resurface the A30 Activists Perform Noise Tests to Supplement Highways Agency's Planned Tests in April (Jan. 5, 2000). The Western Morning News reports that activists from the Resurface the A30 group in Exeter, U.K. have hired a noise expert to measure noise levels along the A30 -- in addition to official measurements planned for April -- to "substantiate... claims that the noise levels are unacceptable at all times of the year."

Vogeltown, New Zealand Couple Says Millennium Concert Was Too Loud and Lasted Too Long (Jan. 5, 2000). The Daily News reports that a couple living in Vogeltown, New Zealand thought the Millennium concert on New Years' Day night was too loud and went too long. Local officials thought that most people wouldn't mind the once-in-a-millennium exception.

Brussels' Night-Flight Ban Is Latest in European Trend of Noise Restrictions; Policies Hurt Cargo Companies the Most (Jan. 5, 2000). The Journal of Commerce reports that Belgium's proposed ban on flights between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. at Brussels Airport is the latest in a European trend of noise restrictions. Other airports have lost or gained cargo customers based on their noise restrictions.

European Express Association Denounces Belgian Move to Ban Night Flights by 2003 (Jan. 5, 2000). Air Transport Intelligence reports that the European Express Association (EEA) has denounced a move by the Belgian Government to ban night flights starting in 2003. The EEA says that express companies need to fly at night to maintain their competitive edge, and to continue benefiting the European economy.

Brussels, Belgium Will Ban Night Flights After 2003 (Jan. 3, 2000). AFX European Focus reports that Brussels, Belgium will ban all nighttime flights starting in mid-2003, as well as restricting noisy flights after 11 p.m starting in 2001.

Singapore Education Officials Notes Schools Are Being Designed to Place Classrooms in Quieter Sections of Buildings (Jan. 1, 2000). The Straits Times prints a letter to the editor in which the writer notes that new schools in Singapore are being built with the intention of keeping classrooms in quiet sections of the building.

U.S. Threatens to File Complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization to Pressure the European Union to Modify or Withdraw Its Hushkit Ban (Jan. 1, 2000). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the United States may file an official complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed hushkit ban, although a compromise may be reached before that. The U.S. says that when the ICAO eventually tries to work on Stage 4 standards, European companies won't want its equipment devalued any more than the U.S. does now.

U.S. Noise Reduction for Aircraft Take Effect in 2000 (Dec. 14, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that beginning January 1,2000, new U.S. noise reduction rules take effect for aircraft. It's the deadline for cargo and passenger aircraft to comply with Stage 3 noise rules for take-offs and landings at U.S. airports, the article says.

UK Underground Noise On Trial (Dec. 13, 1999). The Lawyer reports that the rights of local council to monitor underground rail noise are on trial in High Court.

US Claims European Union's Ban on Aircraft Noise Law Costs Billions: US Seeks Ban on EU Voting Rights (Dec. 10, 1999). The London Financial Times reported that the US may ask the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to revoke the voting rights of European Union States if agreement is not reached next week at the US-EU summit in a dispute over aircraft noise.

European Union and US Battle Over Aircraft Noise Law (Dec. 10, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reported that the United States warned the European Union that it may retaliate against a controversial EU law that would limit aircraft noise.

Wellington, New Zealand Reverse-Bungy Attraction Called "Sky-Screamer" Has Nearby Businesses Worried About Noise, But Attraction Officials Say Noise Is Negligible (Dec. 7, 1999). The Evening Post reports that business owners in downtown Wellington, New Zealand are worried that a proposed attraction called the "Sky-Screamer" -- a reverse-bungy ride -- would be noisy, and the city council has yet to grant permission for the attraction.

Protesters In the United Kingdom Who Want A Noisy Concrete Highway Resurfaced Say Money Spent On Roadside Plantings Designed To Encourage Wildlife Could Be Better Spent On Resurfacing the Road (Dec. 7, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that residents in East Devon, U.K. are upset that the government is spending 8 million pounds on roadside plantings designed to encourage wildlife rather than on reducing noise. A spokesperson for the government said that the money will go to roads nationwide, and that the resurfacing question is under consideration.

Exeter, U.K. Woman Charged With Assault After Striking Two Women Who Came To Her Door and Complained About Noise From a Party She Was Hosting (Dec. 7, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a woman from Exeter, U.K. was charged with two counts of assault after slapping two women who complained to her about noise from a party she was throwing. The hostess was "given a 12 month conditional discharge."

Mexico Plans to Reduce Noise from Aircraft (Dec. 6, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that Mexico plans to make improvements in its commercial fleet with regards to safety and noise.

Noise from Future High-Speed Rail Link in Korea Must Stay Under 68 Decibels, Although Sound Walls Will Be Lower Than Expected to Allow a Better View (Dec. 6, 1999). The Korea Herald reports that the Ministry of Construction and Transportation in Korea agreed to a 68-decibel noise limit for a new high speed rail link. Noise walls will be erected along 14% of the rail line; some walls will be 2.6 meters high, but others will be less than two meters high to allow for a better view.

Operation of Supersonic Concorde Jet Creates Substantial Noise in New York City (Dec. 5, 1999). Newsday reports that noise from the supersonic Concorde jet, which uses JFK as its only American airport, has been irritating New Yorkers since 1979 when the European-based aircraft began operating in America. The plane causes significant noise, and some call it a "stretch fighter jet." It is specifically exempted from noise-reduction efforts because its engine design doesn't allow for standard noise-reduction technologies. Congressional representatives believe that the FAA should make the Concorde play by the noise rules that all other airlines have to follow.

Drivers on Exeter, U.K.'s A30 Complain About Noise From Concrete Surface, Joining Residents in Battle for Asphalt Resurfacing (Dec. 4, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a motoring organization has officially complained that the A30 in Exeter, U.K. is too noisy. Residents along the road have already been campaigning for a resurfacing of the road.

Greenbelt Festival in Gloucestershire, U.K. Plans to Return Next Year; Locals Want Better Noise Control (Dec. 4, 1999). The Gloucestershire Echo reports that the Greenbelt Festival plans to return to Gloucestershire, U.K. next year, and officials say noise will be better monitored.

After One Noise Warning, Birmingham, U.K. Police Seize Stereo and CDs From 17-Year-Old Noise Offender (Dec. 3, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that after giving a warning to a 17-year-old noise offender back in July, police seized stereo equipment and CDs from the noise-offenders house after continued complaints.

Bus Terminal in Bath, U.K. -- Which Already Has Neighbors Upset About Noise -- Will Expand (Dec. 3, 1999). The Bath Chronicle reports that a bus terminal in Bath, U.K. will expand its 134-bus facility by 16 spots. Neighbors have been complaining about noise from constantly-idling buses and maintenance since the terminal opened in July. Local officials say noise shouldn't get worse.

City Council Approves Construction at Hull, U.K. Chemical Plant, Despite Previous Noise Concerns (Dec. 3, 1999). The Hull Daily Mail reports that the city council of Hull, U.K. has approved the construction of a new chimney at and increased production at a local chemical plant. The council approved the plant's plans after the plant has said noise will not increase. The plant has pinpointed six cooling towers that are responsible for most of the current noise, and promise to keep working towards a reduction in noise levels.

Housing Development Proposal that Would Place Residences Near Noisy Granite Firm Was Rejected in Aberdeen, U.K. (Dec. 3, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the Aberdeen city council rejected a housing development proposal that would have placed residences near a noisy granite firm in an industrial area.

Residents in Plymouth, U.K. Want Annual Festival -- Involving Gunfire and Fireworks -- To End Earlier (Dec. 3, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that residents in Plymouth, U.K. want the cut-off time for the annual Music of the Night spectacular to be moved back to 10:30 p.m. After a meeting between residents, event organizers, and local officials no agreement was reached. As it stands, the event will end by 11:30 p.m.

Swansea, Wales City Council Warns Public that Industrial Noise Is No Longer Under Their Jurisdiction (Dec. 3, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the government of Wales has transferred the power to enforce industrial noise limits to the Environment Agency, meaning that local councils no longer have the power to enforce noise laws when it comes to industrial noise.

Noise Pollution -- Including Unwanted Muzak -- Is Growing in the U.K. (Dec. 1, 1999). The Guardian reports that noise pollution seems to be growing in the United Kingdom, in forms including unwanted muzak. Noise complaints have increased by over 25 times from 1971 to 1996. Noise may intensify many health problems. Some politicians want to ban piped-in music in public places where people can't escape the noise, such as in hospitals.

Resident Says Cleveland Should Take a Lesson From the French and Make Noise Walls More Attractive (Dec. 1, 1999). The Plain Dealer reports that a resident of Cleveland, Ohio believes -- after traveling to France and observing their noise walls -- that the Ohio Department of Transportation could make their noise walls more effective and just as attractive.

Rolls Royce Sets Up New Technology Center at University of South Hampton in the U.K. (Dec. 1, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that Rolls Royce will invest 1.6 million pounds in a new technology center at the University of Southampton in the U.K. to reduce noise from aircraft engines.

Several Pubs in Bath, U.K. Apply For Live Music License; Letters of Opposition and Support Have Been Received By the Local Council (Dec. 1, 1999). The Bath Chronicle reports that several pubs in Bath, U.K. have applied for a live music license, amid differing neighbors' opinions.

United States Asks European Union for Another Delay --This Time Indefinite -- of Anti-Hushkit Legislation; EU Says Delay -- If Any -- Will Have a Time Limit (Dec. 1, 1999). The Tulsa World reports that the United States is demanding another delay -- this time indefinite -- of anti-hushkit legislation that would require American airlines to use aircraft that comply with Stage-3 noise standards without the assistance of hushkits when in Europe. Officials here say the EU's real motivation is increased revenue for European airlines and manufacturers, not the protection of residents from noise pollution. Postponing the legislation until after newer international standards are due may keep pressure on the U.S. to continue cooperation, although the EU has said that any delay will not be indefinite.

A Day In the Life of a London, England Environmental Health Officer (Nov. 30, 1999). The Evening Standard prints a report on a day in the life of a Westminster, London, England Environmental Health Officer. Most of the article is anecdotal, but some statistics regarding noise complaints are revealed.

Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Recognizes Importance of Sticking to International Civil Aviation Organization Guidelines for Noise As it Continues to Grow (Nov. 30, 1999). The New Straits Times reports that the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines, which is made up of airline officials from Asia Pacific, agreed at a meeting in Malaysia that noise standards set out by the International Civil Aviation Organization must be adhered to as growth continues for aviation in the region.

Messingham, U.K. Resident Says New Flying Club Won't Cause Noise Problems (Nov. 30, 1999). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph prints a letter to the editor that supports a new flying club in Messingham, U.K. The writer notes that grass strips of this type rarely cause noise problems.

U.K. Introduces Plan to Work "Towards a Balance with Nature" on Motorways (Nov. 30, 1999). The Hermes Database/Highways Agency reports that the United Kingdom has introduced a plan called "Towards a Balance with Nature" that aims to protect and improve environmental quality along the nation's highways. "The strategy covers a wide range of issues including air pollution; waste management; noise reduction; water pollution; biodiversity and protecting [the U.K.'s] geological and historical heritage."

Health Report from Scotland Notes 80 Percent of "Youngsters" Already Show First Signs of Hearing Loss (Nov. 29, 1999). The Daily Mail reports that a new study, released from the Institute of Hearing Research in Scotland, has noted that the popularity of the personal stereo has increased the number of youths who will have hearing problems early. The researchers are advocating for decibel limits for personal stereos and clubs in Britain.

Residents and Environmental Health Officer Worry that Granting a Late-Night Entertainment Licence to a Yeovil, U.K. Bar Would Cause Noise Problems (Nov. 29, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports that a neighbor of a Yeovil, U.K. bar worries that a late-night entertainment licence -- which the establishment has applied for -- would worsen noise for her and other residents. The local environmental health officer agrees.

Mt. Cook, New Zealand Recreationists and Residents Complain Less About Aircraft Noise; Airline Industry Appears to Be Voluntarily Cooperating (Nov. 27, 1999). The Timaru Herald reports that the Department of Conservation in Aoraki/Mt Cook, New Zealand believes that airlines have been voluntarily cooperating to reduce noise, by trying to use alternative flight paths that keep planes "high and wide" of populated areas and recreational sites.

Nightclub in Nelson, New Zealand Cited for Loud, Repetitive Bass; Club Says It's Being Singled Out (Nov. 27, 1999). The Nelson Mail reports that the Artery nightclub in Nelson, New Zealand has been served with a noise abatement notice after neighbors complained about a loud, repetitive bass thumping. The club believes it is being picked on, but the local environmental officer says that he is simply applying the local noise limits -- which is 50 decibels at the property line for bass -- to the club's noise.

Owner of Pizza Restaurant in Bishopston, U.K. Pays 200 Pound Fine for Noisy Exhaust System that Was Not Repaired In Allotted 90 Days (Nov. 27, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that the owner of a pizza restaurant in Bishopston, U.K. was fined 200 pounds for failing to repair a noisy exhaust system in accordance with a noise abatement order.

Protesters In Birmingham, U.K. Blast Birmingham Airport Manager's House With Noise To Express Concern Over Approved Doubling of Airport Capacity (Nov. 27, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that about a dozen activists in Birmingham, U.K. trucked a large sound system to the house of the Birmingham Airport Manager and blasted the house with noise. Protesters hoped that the manager would take better note of widespread resident concern over noise.

Gloucester, U.K. Officials Wrestling with Solutions to Reduce Noise from Trucks (Nov. 26, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports that as residents call for a ban on heavy trucks in Gloucester, U.K., officials wrestle with possible solutions. They are looking into a weight-limit of 3.5, 77, or 17 tons.

Luton Airport Leads London Airport in Environmental Commitment (Nov. 26, 1999). The Times reports that Luton Airport in London, England has prioritized protection of the environment. The noise policy is strict: the toughest in London. A new rail line is scheduled to open, and should reduce automobile traffic to the airport. Other areas considered are air quality, waste, energy, water protection, and ecology.

U.K. Government Plans to Test Noise Levels -- In Response to Residents' Outcry --from Highway In Exeter Next Easter, When Traffic Is Back to Previous High Levels (Nov. 25, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that the British government plans to conduct noise tests -- in response to resident complaints -- along the noisy A30 highway in Exeter next Easter. Independent noise tests last summer showed that the surface exceeded expected noise levels that were referred to in public hearings.

London's Heathrow Airport Extends Runway Alternation Policy Into Nighttime Hours (Nov. 24, 1999). The M2 Presswire reports that London, England's Heathrow Airport will extend its policy of runway alternation into the night hours. Runway alternation -- which designates a particular runway each week to allow residents predictable periods of quiet -- has taken place at Heathrow since the 1970s, but night flights have not alternated to allow for night-maintenance on whichever runways were in need. The government is still trying to decide on details of the policy.

Resident of China Says District Candidates Should Quiet their Amplified Campaign Rhetoric (Nov. 24, 1999). The South China Morning Post prints a letter to the editor from a resident of Tuen Mun, China who says that district council candidates should not be allowed to use amplifiers to blare their campaign messages.

Resurface the A30 Campaign in Exeter, U.K. Raising Funds to Hire Noise Expert (Nov. 24, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that members of "Resurface the A30" in Exeter, U.K. plan to employ an expert to help their campaign, and are raising funds that could be used to pay that expert.

Derby, U.K. Resident Fined 500 Pounds for Having TV Too Loud (Nov. 23, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that a man in Derby, U.K., who played his TV so loud that neighbors could mute the same program on their own set and still follow the program, was fined 500 pounds for failing to heed a noise abatement notice.

Hearings Over Airport Noise Rules In Palmerston North, New Zealand Result In New Guidelines for Airport Operation and Development Nearby (Nov. 23, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that after a series of hearings regarding airport noise in Palmerston North, New Zealand, new guidelines have been established for noise abatement. Ground engine-testing rules, land uses, and noise limits were set.

Noise-Hearings Commissioner in Palmerston North, New Zealand Admits that Even After Noise Rules, Airport Noise May Still Exasperate Residents (Nov. 23, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that the commissioner of recent airport-noise hearings in Palmerston North, New Zealand admits that "adverse effects" from airport noise may still be present even after the recent establishment of noise rules. The commissioner refused to totally ban nighttime engine testing, saying that occasional, unavoidable nighttime testing was essential to the airport's operation.

Silent Roads Campaign Gathering Support in United Kingdom (Nov. 23, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a "silent roads" campaign has been started by the RAC Foundation and the Refined Bitumen Association. Residents calling campaign officials can learn of techniques to pressure government officials as well as other localities where a similar fight is occurring. Six petrochemical companies are funding the campaign.

Sussex, U.K. Road -- Who Have Protested Concrete Highway There for Years -- Joins Fight Against Exter's A30 Concrete Surface; Asphalt Organization Launches Quiet Roads Campaign (Nov. 23, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that West Sussex, United Kingdom residents -- who have been fighting for resurfacing of a loud, concrete highway for 11 years -- have expressed their outrage that the government has used the same material to build the A30 in Exeter, U.K. The current campaign in Exeter, which has included a 2,000 signature petition, has finally prompted an investigation into the noise there. The Refined Bitumen Association has begun a silent road campaign to unify residents with similar highway-noise problems across the country.

Swindon, U.K. Plan to Transform Clocktower Building Into a Nightclub Worries Residents (Nov. 23, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports that a proposal to turn a 131-year-old clocktower building in Swindon, U.K. into a nightclub is drawing protest from residents who think that noise will be too much of a problem. Residents fear screaming patrons and honking cars at the nightclub, which would operate from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursday through Saturday and 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday.

French Officials Say Pollution-Reduction to Comply with Kyoto Conference Global Warming Protocol Should Be Coupled with Noise Reduction (Nov. 22, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that French environmental officials believe that in working towards the carbon dioxide limits set by the U.N.'s global warming conference in Kyoto, researchers should also prioritize noise reduction. Turbines are 40% quieter than they were in the 1970s, and many further gains in noise reduction will result from work on non-engine components.

Law Lords in U.K. Rule that Landlords Aren't Responsible for Soundproofing Apartments to Protect Tenants from Sounds of Everyday Life from Neighbors (Nov. 22, 1999). The Lawyer reports that the U.K.'s House of Lords ruled that landlords are not responsible for soundproofing their properties just because tenants can hear sounds of everyday life from their neighbors. The lords clarified the definition of "quiet enjoyment," saying that "in the eyes of the law "quiet enjoyment" had nothing to do with freedom from the noise of normal domestic activities." Quiet enjoyment could theoretically be affected by noise, but it would be noise more abnormal than that cited in the case.

Oadby, U.K. Resident is Dismayed that Noise from the Local Aerodrome Seems to Be Under No One's Jurisdiction (Nov. 22, 1999). The Leicester Mercury prints a letter to the editor that expresses concern over noise from a local aerodrome. The writer is dismayed because no agency has any jurisdiction over the noise.

Okinawa Governor -- Wary of Residents' Noise Complaints and Upcoming Summit -- Proposes Less-Populated Site for U.S. Military Heliport (Nov. 22, 1999). The AP Worldstream reports that the governor of Okinawa, Japan has proposed a new site for the heliport currently located on a local U.S. Marines Base. Residents around the base complain currently, but some officials in Naga, the new location for the heliport, are upset that the public there wasn't consulted.

Residents of Park Terrace, New Zealand Worried About Potential Noise from Pile-Driving Construction Project (Nov. 22, 1999). The Press reports that a pile-driving construction project -- the second this year for the area -- is proposed in Park Terrace, New Zealand. Officials say that when possible, screw-type non-impact piles will be used in this four-month project to reduce noise and vibration impacts. Residents are still worried.

Swansea, Wales Club Is Denied a 4 A.M. Weekend Extension By the Local Council (Nov. 22, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the local council has rejected an application from a Swansea, Wales club for a two-hour extension of their operating hours. Police feared the time would cause a sudden exodus that would draw noise complaints. Club owners said that noise issues could be dealt with, and said the exodus would not be sudden.

Environmental Organizations Lend Support to England Campaigners for the Resurfacing of the A30 (Nov. 21, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that two prominent environmental organizations are showing their support for campaigners who want the noisy A30 in Exeter, U.K. resurfaced. Noise levels are up to 10.4 decibels louder than promised, and the pits in the concrete surface -- which allows for the noisy expansion of air -- is double the prediction. Both groups voiced their concerns at public hearings back in 1992, but were ignored.

Columnist Advises Plymouth, U.K. Resident Who Says Neighbors Make Too Much Noise to Keep Diary for Local Council (Nov. 20, 1999). The Evening Herald prints a question about neighbors who create noise. The columnists suggests that the resident keep a month-long diary of the noisy incidents. Then, send the diary to the local council asking what can be done. Also, the Environmental Health Department may be able to investigate the noise.

New Homeowner in Surrey, U.K. Asks If Seller -- Who Didn't Disclose Traffic Noise -- Can Be Sued; Columnist Says Yes, If You Wouldn't Have Bought the Home If You'd Known (Nov. 20, 1999). The Daily Telegraph prints a legal column, including a question from a new Surrey, U.K. homeowner wants to know if the people who sold the house -- who didn't tell him about a traffic noise problem -- can be sued. Although the columnist says decreased property value can't be claimed, damages can be sought if the homeowner would not have otherwise bought the home.

Scottish Paper Notes Health Dangers of Noise (Nov. 20, 1999). The Scotsman prints an article relating to the health risks of noise exposure. While it talks about stress, high blood pressure, and other problems noted in many articles, it does talk about a few local statistics and specific disorders worth mentioning here.

East Devon, U.K. Residents Are Dismayed to Learn that a New Law Banning Noisy Concrete Highways Don't Apply to the A30; Residents There Have Campaigned to Resurface the Road, but Traffic As Measured By the Number of Cars Don't Meet the Law's Required Minimum (Nov. 19, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that a new law passed in the United Kingdom bans noisy concrete highways, but the law doesn't apply to the controversial A30 because of a traffic minimum. Residents say that the law should have taken into account bothersome noise that isn't arbitrarily defined by traffic volume.

Entertainment License Was Denied to Torquay, U.K. Pub After the Venue Failed to Lower Noise Outputs In the Eight Months Since Its First Warning (Nov. 19, 1999). The Herald Express reports that a pub in Torquay, U.K. was denied the renewal of its entertainment license because it has not lowered its noise output since it was first warned in March. Pub operators said they had done all that needed to be done, but noise officials disagreed.

Gloucester Pub Owner Promises to Cooperate with Environmental Health Officers Who Want to Test Noise from the Premises After Complaints (Nov. 18, 1999). The Gloucester Citizen reports that the owner of a Gloucester pub which received numerous noise complaints recently has said he will cooperate with environmental health officers who want to test the venue.

Highways Agency Noise Tests In Exeter, U.K. Confirm that Traffic from A30 Is Louder than Predicted (Nov. 18, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that after official noise tests by the Highways Agency, Exeter, U.K.'s A30 has been proven to be 1.5 decibels higher than officials had predicted the noise would be fifteen years from now. The tests were forced by 2,000 residents of East Devon who say the road has been unbearably loud since its opening in August. Activists plan to begin working more closely with the agency in deciding what can be done now.

Trade Unions in Singapore Consolidate, Find Model in Cooperative Reduction of Occupational Noise Hazards (Nov. 18, 1999). The Straits Times reports that the consolidation of 17 trade unions in the engineering and finance industries in Singapore has resulted in two, stronger union groups. Proponents of the consolidation point to reductions in occupational noise hazards through the strength of the new groups.

Bar in Werrington, U.K. Granted License to Host Musical Events Up Until 11:30 P.M. on Weekends, Despite Residents' Noise Concerns (Nov. 17, 1999). The Sentinel reports that a license to host musical events until 11:30 p.m. Thursday through Sunday was granted to a bar in Werrington, U.K. despite residents' concerns about potential noise.

Burton, U.K. Man Fined for Loud Music and Voices In His Home (Nov. 17, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that a Burton, U.K. man was fined 2,596 pounds for loud music and voices that came from his home.

Exminster, U.K. Mental Hospital Renovation Underway; Use of Noisy Trash Compactor On Site Limited (Nov. 17, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that a window company in Exeter, U.K. will build a sound-wall around a loud trash compactor that has drawn numerous complaints from residents. The company agreed to use the compactor only between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. during the week and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

Residents Campaigning for 15 Years to Resurface the Long Eaton, U.K. M1 Highway Plan to Travel to London to Be Heard (Nov. 17, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that a group of residents who have been campaigning to have the noisy M1 highway near Long Eaton, U.K. resurfaced for fifteen years are planning to go to London to be heard.

Derby, U.K. City Council Considers Applications for Late-Night Parties on Millennium Eve (Nov. 16, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that in Derby, U.K. at least 23 clubs have asked to stay open later than usual on New Year's Eve. One hotel, located in a residential area, has drawn criticism from residents who say noise is bad enough already.

Brisbane, Australia Group Tells Senate Inquiry that Proposed Parallel Runway at Brisbane Airport Would Make Learning Difficult for Children, Exacerbate Health Problems for All (Nov. 15, 1999). The Australian General News reports that a statement from Ban Aircraft over Residential Brisbane (BARB) was presented to a senate inquiry in Brisbane, Australia on problems associated with the proposed parallel runway at Brisbane Airport; potential problems include increased learning difficulties in schoolchildren and health problems.

Legislator's Half-Serious Proposition to Tear Down Hong Kong Stadium -- Which Has Flopped Because Noise Laws Prohibit Pop Concerts -- Re-Ignites Debate Between Noise Concerns and Economic Benefits (Nov. 14, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that Hong Kong Stadium is used for international sports events, but promoters have been unwilling to book concerts there since they could be fined up to $300,000 for a noise violation that disturb nearby luxury apartment residents. Promoters were expected to take the chance of paying fines on occasion as a cost of doing business, but tests suggested that there would likely be consistent fines that would be more costly.

South Zeal, U.K. Residents Say They Have Dealt with Highway Noise for Ten Years, and Urge Exeter Residents To Keep Up their "Resurface the A30" Campaign To Avoid a Similar Fate (Nov. 14, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that residents of South Zeal, U.K are urging Exeter campaigners to keep up their fight to resurface the new A30 with a quieter pavement. They say if Exeter campaigners don't keep up their fight, they would be forced to listen to highway noise for the rest of their lives.

China Makes Company Executives Liable for Noise Breaches Made By Their Companies (Nov. 13, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that an amendment to the Noise Control Ordinance will make company executives liable for any noise violations that their company creates. While companies say making one person liable is unfair, government officials say that someone has to be made responsible since the current system isn't working well. Fines will range up to $200,000 for each offense, about ten times the current fines.

Newcastle, U.K. Residents Oppose Proposed Stock Car Racing at Nearby Speedway (Nov. 12, 1999). The Evening Chronicle reports that residents of Newcastle, U.K. are opposing a proposal to revive stock car racing at a community speedway. Stock car racing was first proposed in 1981, and was subsequently stopped by the council for being too noisy

People Against Intrusive Noise (PAIN) Issue Demands to East Midlands Airport and North West Leicestershire Council (Nov. 11, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that an anti-noise group in the U.K. called People Against Intrusive Noise (PAIN) has issued a list of demands to officials at East Midlands Airport and North West Leicestershire Council. Demands include installation of a noise monitoring system, restricted flying at night, and designated flight paths that disturb fewer residents. The airport plans to extend their runway soon, which has spurred the residents to action.

Those Protesting Noise from A30 in East Devon, U.K. Gain Support of Transport Minister; Article Examines History of the Problem (Nov. 11, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that those protesting noise from the new A30 in East Devon, U.K. gained the support of the Transport Minister this week; he called for investigation into the noise and cooperation between the noise consultants and residents. The article discusses the history of the problem including a similar successful campaign elsewhere in England, and details about the surface.

Roofing/Trucking Business Owner Says Noise Complaints that Threaten to Force His Businesses to Move Are Not Caused By His Businesses (Nov. 11, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that a Bishopsworth, U.K. businessman -- who runs a roofing business and a trucking business off of one site in the area -- is being told it will have to move within six months because of noise problems. The businessman asserts that the noise is coming from other businesses around the area, and not from his own. He may appeal the decision.

Mutley Plain, U.K. Sports Bar Receives Karaoke Permit for Thursday Nights, As Long As Nearest Neighbors Can't Hear Noise (Nov. 11, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that a Mutley Plain, U.K. sports bar has been granted a license to hold karaoke nights on Thursdays. The owner said that even though noise levels will be relatively low, neighbors might be able to hear sound. Neighbors were concerned about the noise, and the license rests on the promise that "noise could not be heard by the closest residents."

Plans for Fish Market in Peterhead, U.K. Delayed While Council Investigates Possible Noise Problems; Vendors Say They've Already Waited Too Long (Nov. 10, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that approval of a proposed deep-water fish market, proposed for Peterhead Harbour in the U.K., has been delayed by at least three weeks to allow for further investigation into potential noise disturbances there. Harbour trustees are upset, saying they've already waited long enough already, and that they won't know how to best mitigate noise until the market is built.

Lord Whitty Announces that Traffic Noise Will Be Reevaluated On the A30 with Residents' Involvement (Nov. 10, 1999). The Express and Echo reports the Roads Minister in Exeter, U.K. has initiated the reevaluation of traffic noise along the A30. This article offers little information not covered in other summarized articles on this site, but it does differ in the reported depth of the brushed concrete ridges: an aspect of the surface that makes it noisy.

Coventry, England Parliament Member Backs Campaign to Allow More Local Regulation of Noise (Nov. 10, 1999). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reports that a Labour MP of Rugby and Kenilworth, U.K. is backing a campaign to give local authorities more power to regulate airport noise.

Ockbrook and Borrowash, United Kingdom Resident Gathers 500 Signature Petition and Support of Parish Council In Asking for Noise Control Along the A52 (Nov. 9, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that a resident near Ockbrook and Borrowash, U.K. has gathered 500 signatures and the support of the parish council in calling for noise control along the A52.

Nelson, New Zealand Arts Center Says It Is Singled Out Over Noise Problems (Nov. 9, 1999). The Nelson Mail reports that "The Artery", a community arts center in Nelson, New Zealand claims that it is being singled out in disputes over noise pollution. Artery officials say that the complaints are prejudicial because the music in question is techno music. Officials have spent $145,000 to soundproof the building to be under 45 decibels, but the city is now lowering the noise limits to 40 decibels because the bass notes are still disturbing residents.

A30 Neighbors May Receive Compensation for Lost Property Value Due to Noise, but Lost Views Will Not Be Considered (Nov. 8, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that not all homeowners who live near the new A30 in Exeter, U.K. will be entitled to compensation for lost property value due to the road. Property value losses from noise and light will be compensated, but losses due to affected views will not.

Warwick, U.K. Shooting Range Appeals Noise Abatement Notice that Would Limit Them to Several Days a Week for Shooting Activities (Nov. 8, 1999). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reports that a shooting range in Warwick, U.K. will finally get to appeal a noise abatement notice in court this coming February.

Anti-Noise Groups in United Kingdom Question Validity of Aviation-Sponsored Study On Financial Benefits of Aviation (Nov. 8, 1999). The Birmingham Post reports that anti-noise groups in the U.K. are questioning the validity of an aviation-sponsored report on the financial aspects of the aviation industry to the U.K. economy. An anti-noise group says that "The airline sector only accounts for 0.8 per cent of UK gross domestic output."

UK Soundscape Community, the Intellectual Wing of the Anti-Noise National Society for Clean Air, Aims to Expose Muzak As Intrusive Noise (Nov. 7, 1999). The Sunday Herald reports that the new UK Soundscape Community wants to create a society of more active listeners, saying that more active listeners will recognize Muzak and related sounds as intrusive noise.

Brixham, U.K. Woman Is Fined -- and Her Stereo Equipment Is Confiscated -- for Repeated Noise Disturbances (Nov. 5, 1999). The Herald Express reports that a Brixham, U.K. woman was fined for repeated late-night disturbances. Three stereo systems were also confiscated. She offered to electronically limit the volume on her stereo for 50 pounds, but officers said it was too late.

Residents Near Escot, U.K. Worry that Second Phase of A30 Will Disrupt Their Lives and Businesses Just As First Phase Has Disturbed People In Exeter (Nov. 4, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that residents near Escot, U.K are worried that the second phase of the A30 highway will be as noisy as the first phase, which has prompted substantial protests.

Garforth, U.K. Campaigners Who Won a Fight to Resurface Noisy Road Near Their Homes Encourage Exeter Activists to Keep Pushing For Resurfacing of the Noisy A30 (Nov. 3, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that activists who campaigned for the resurfacing of a highway near Garforth, U.K. are encouraging those campaigning for the resurfacing of the A30 to push on. They say that the A30 activists now have evidence similar to what allowed their success earlier this year.

U.K. Roads Minister Will Examine Noise Report -- Which Shows A30 in Exeter is Too Loud -- Before He Meets with Activists Next Week (Nov. 3, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that U.K. Roads Minister Whitty has requested a copy of a noise report to examine before a meeting with Resurface the A30 activists next week. The report shows that the A30 is louder than predicted, and could be quieted if resurfaced.

Approval of Proposed Hotel and Housing Development In Aberdeen, U.K. Is In Question Due to Potential Rail and Airport Noise (Nov. 2, 1999). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports that planners say a proposed hotel and housing development in Aberdeen, U.K. may be too near to a noisy railroad and airport, and worry that future complaints will be directed at airport noise, or noise from established area businesses.

North Connel, U.K. Residents Fear a Motorcross on Grazing Land Would Create Noise Complaints and Traffic Issues (Nov. 2, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that in North Connel, U.K. a community council and other residents believe that a proposed motorcross track would create noise complaints and traffic problems. Planning officials have recommended to the area committees that the proposal be rejected at a meeting tomorrow.

Police Unable to Monitor Toronto Rave -- Attended By 15,000 -- Effectively Due to Weak Bylaws (Nov. 2, 1999). The Toronto Star reports that a noisy rave in Toronto, attended by about 15,000 people, was too much for police to effectively monitor under current local bylaws. Residents accused police of ignoring the problem, but they did what they could, asked for the volume to be turned down, and called noise abatement officers. Many people see the cities bylaws as putting profit before safety.

Columnist Derides Montreal's Molson Centre Hockey Arena for Its Noise (Oct. 17, 1999). The Gazette prints a column, which derides Montreal's Molson Centre Hockey Arena as being too noisy. The scoreboard -- which spews annoying commercials -- and rock music played at the game are too loud. A doctor that was interviewed said hearing damage could result from repeated attendance at the hockey games just as it could at frequent rock concerts.

Crewkerne, England Noise Officials Bust Late-Night Party Held by Several City Officials (Oct. 16, 1999). The Birmingham Post reports that Crewkerne, England noise officials busted the Mayor, the town councillor, and the chair of the noise abatement committee for a 1:15 AM noise violation. The town postmaster, who left his home to complain about the noise, wants the three to resign.

Montreal Resident Angry at Aeroports de Montreal for Ignoring Citizen Concerns about Pollution and Noise (Oct. 16, 1999). The Gazette prints a letter to the editor that questions why Aeroports de Montreal (ADM) consistently ignores resident concerns over noise and pollution from area airports. The author criticizes ADM for blaming aircraft manufacturers and keeping takeoff and landing information away from the public. His main concern is that Mirabel Airport, which has a larger buffer zone for crashes, noise, and pollution, is being ignored as an alternative to overusing Dorval Airport.

Frankfurt, Germany's Airport Takes Proactive Stance on Noise as Part of Its Expansion Plan to Stay Number One Cargo Hub In Europe (Sep. 21, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that the Airport in Frankfurt Germany, which is currently the number one cargo-hub in Europe, is trying to insure that it will stay at the top. Future expansion plans may add a fourth runway, new aircraft parking, and a new terminal. Noise measures that were undertaken to stem noise-related objections to expansion have resulted in 98% of the airports aircraft being in the quieter category. The Airport's location, and the fact that the second-largest air-cargo company in the world is based there, helps to keep Frankfurt competitive.

Electioneering and Religious Festivals in Madras, India Fill the Air with Noise, and Police are Slow to Enforce Limits (Sep. 20, 1999). The Hindu reports that amplified sound from electioneering and religious festivals in Madras, India is getting worse., and the "touchiness" of religion in India means that police are often slow to act. Cars with altered mufflers or loud horns also cause disruption. Laws that exist include rules against cone speakers, and maximum noise levels in different zones.

Environment Department of South Gloucestershire, UK's Council Will Hire New Staff for Responding to Noise Complaints (Sep. 20, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that the Environment Department of South Gloucestershire, UK's Council plans to hire more staff to handle noise complaints during peak hours. Noise causes half of all complaints for the department. Complaints peak between 11 pm and midnight during the week, and from 10 am to midday and 8 pm to 2 am on the weekend. The staff will cost 106,000 pounds, and should be active by next year.

Representative in Canberra, Australia Proposes Independent "Aviation Noise Ombudsman" to Investigate Noise and Pollution Complaints, Instead of the Current System of Complaining to Biased Airline Representatives (Sep. 20, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports that an Australian legislator has proposed an independent "aviation noise ombudsman" as an alternative to the current system that sends complaints to biased airline officials.

Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Reveals Surprisingly High Levels of Noise; Public May Now Become More Aware of Associated Health Risks (Sep. 20, 1999). The Independent reports that a study on the presence of noise pollution in Dhaka City, Bangladesh revealed that many parts of the city have high levels of noise. Noise in the city exceeded World Health Organization recommendations in many places. Factors that contribute to the problem include densely packed structures, construction, loudspeakers, and lack of green spaces to absorb sound waves. Ailments such as tinnitus, vestibular symptoms, irritability, blood pressure and stress may result from continued exposure to noise above 65 decibels; exposure to noise higher than 80 decibels can permanently damage hearing.

US Urges EU to Reconsider Noise Law that Will Forbid Additional Stage 2 Aircrafts -- Even When Muffled with 'Husk-Kits' -- from Operating in Europe; US Says Companies Have Already Lost $2.1 Billion in Aircraft Resale Value and Hush-Kit Sales (Sep. 20, 1999). The Business Times reports that the US is urging the European Union (EU) to reconsider noise laws that would ban additional Stage 2 aircraft from operating in Europe. The US says that the laws discriminate against older US Stage 2 planes with hush-kits which meet noise standards. The EU has already postponed implementation of the law. Now the US wants withdrawal of the legislation, and the EU seems willing to consider it if the US makes commitments to developing new Stage 4 international noise standards in the near future; talks on the new standards are currently at a stand still.

US and EU Nearing a Resolution to Tension Over EU's Aircraft Noise Regulations that US Says Would Unfairly Hurt Resale Market for Noisier Planes (Sep. 20, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the US and the European Union (EU) are closer to an agreement that would resolve tension over proposed airport noise regulations in Europe. The regulations would forbid noisier Stage 2 aircraft from being used, which the US says would unfairly hurt the resale market for their aircraft. The EU may agree to withdraw or modify the regulations if the US commits in writing to a definitive timeline for development of the next phase of noise standards: Stage 4. The US is already working with the European Commission to outline principles and "an appropriate level of economic protection for the existing Stage 3 fleet," although the EU wants more assurances that the US will remain committed.

Research on Noise in Dhaka, Bangladesh Presented at Meeting Suggests Measures to Quiet the City (Sep. 19, 1999). The Independent reports that noise research, gathered in Dhaka, Bangladesh and presented there yesterday, discussed the dangers of excessive noise in the city and some possible solutions. Noise in the city ranges from 68 to 106.2 decibels, although the World Health Organization has said that 65 decibels is the highest acceptable level. The article notes that attendees of the seminar included several government leaders.

Gloucestershire, U.K. Woman Irritate by Noise from Airport Says Noise Is A Form of Pollution (Sep. 18, 1999). The Gloucestershire Echo prints a letter to the editor from a Cheltenham, U.K. resident which criticizes the tendency of many to ignore noise as a real form of pollution. She says that noise pollution is just as bad as any other kind of pollution. She responds to a recent letter to the editor which said that noise from Staverton Airport is not annoying.

Major Entertainers are Forgoing Stadium in Wellington, New Zealand Because Night Performances Are Limited to Six Yearly (Sep. 17, 1999). The Evening Post reports that WestPac Trust stadium in Wellington, New Zealand is losing the chance to host major performers because of a rule that limits night performances to six each year. The six are already booked, owing to several unusual opportunities to book world-class acts, and stadium officials say that any other promoters who are turned down because of the rule may be reluctant to try again next year. They claimed that the city will no longer be known as a world-class venue, and the community will lose millions when people who normally travel there to see concerts stop coming.

Noise and Light from Bus Depot in Bath, UK is Disturbing Residents; Local Planning Officer Says Mutual Compromise is Only Solution (Sep. 16, 1999). The Bath Chronicle reports that a bus depot in Bath, UK is upsetting residents with nighttime noise and light. The company did not consider the potential disturbance that could be caused by the lights before they put them in, as they were required to do. Planning officials say the site is not the best for the depot -- which includes an all-night maintenance building -- but claim that the depot is a benefit to the whole community. They admit that the lights are bothersome, but that some noise is inevitable due to the necessary maintenance building.

Noise-Weary Residents From Two More Communities in Quebec Joined Class Action Suit Against Two Canadian Railways (Sep. 16, 1999). The Gazette reports that at a public hearing in Cote St. Luc, Quebec regarding railway noise, dozens of residents learned about a class action suit that they may be able to join. The suit, instigated by a man in a nearby community, will try to force the railways to compensate residents for the noise and reduce noise and pollution. Currently, the man is asking for $25,000 in damages. A similar case was recently won against CN, ruling that the rail company must reduce noise.

Politicians in North Yorkshire, U.K. Push for Resurfacing of Highway Bypass that Could Reduce Noise for Residents (Sep. 16, 1999). The Northern Echo reports that the government in North Yorkshire, U.K. has agreed to study the possibility of resurfacing a particularly noisy concrete bypass. Normally resurfacing would be considered only after seven years, but the bypass may be eligible earlier if it is deemed to be in a "particularly sensitive location."

FAA Asks Congress to Hold Off on Filing Complaints Against EU's Anti-Hushkit Legislation, Saying that Productive Negotiations for Next Generation of Noise Standards May Encourage EU to Withdraw Legislation Themselves (Sep. 14, 1999). Air Transport Intelligence reports that the FAA has asked Congress to hold off on filing an official complaint against the European Union (EU) and its recent legislation that bans new planes from using hushkits to meet noise limits after May 2000. The EU is eager for U.S. participation in the development of new noise standards, and may be willing to withdraw their legislation if a proposed standard is being developed to otherwise address their concerns about noise. The anti-hushkit legislation -- as it now stands -- would prevent the addition of noisy, hush-kitted planes to European fleets after May 2000.

Residents in Worcestershire, U.K. Oppose Opening Local Police's Firing Range to Outsiders, Thus Allowing More Noise (Sep. 14, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that residents in Worcestershire, U.K. oppose the proposed lifting of a rule at the local police's firing range that would allow outsiders to train there. Officials say that training with other area officers is important for public safetey, but critics don't want noise to increase.

Darlington, U.K Residents Upset at Noise from Racetrack Even Though the Track is Complying (Sep. 10, 1999). The Northern Echo reports that Darlington, U.K. residents near Croft Circuit racetrack are still upset at noise levels even after the track implemented noise-reduction measures. 600 complaints over the last three years prompted a 1997 abatement notice, but the notice was withdrawn after the track agreed to noise-reduction measures. The district council has determined that a nuisance still exists even with the measures in place, and plans to pursue another abatement notice.

Residents of Hamilton, New Zealand Seem Satisfied After Dairy Plant Promises to Stop Noisy Generator Testing Until Soundproofing is Installed (Sep. 10, 1999). The Waikato Times reports that in Hamilton, New Zealand, a dairy factory will stop testing of a noisy generator while it installs soundproofing. The fifty residents who attended a public meeting called by the factory had complained of the noise, but seemed satisfied that the factory was being responsible in its decision to hold off on testing until soundproofing was installed.

Gloucestershire, U.K Resident Writes Letter to the Editor Noting that Noise from Gloucestershire Airport Is Increasing Not From Passenger Flights But Because of Training and Recreational Flights (Sep. 10, 1999). The Gloucestershire Echo prints a letter to the editor from a Springbank, U.K resident. The author is responding to a prior letter, and says that although residents that live near airports must expects some noise, recent increases are in excess of what one should expect from an airport of its size. She believes that recreational and training flights -- not passenger flights -- are largely responsible for the increases, and thinks they should be taken elsewhere.

Hong Kong Government Proposal Designed to Evenly Distribute Noise by Limiting Night-Time Flight Activity to the Southern Runway Is Blocked by Southern Suburb (Sep. 10, 1999). The Hong Kong Standard reports that one southern suburb near Hong Kon's Airport blocked a government plan to limit all night-time air traffic to the use of the South runway. The measure was intended to limit the noise in northern suburbs -- where the noise is generally louder -- by shunting it to the quieter suburbs in the south. The southern suburb disagreed, saying that "Residents in both [communities] can at least share the noise burden when both runways are used."

Torbay, U.K. Railway Agrees to Limit Tree-cutting -- Necessary Every Year Along the Tracks -- to Daytimes on Monday through Saturday (Sep. 10, 1999). The Herald Express reports that tree-cutting along railroad tracks in Torbay, U.K. must now be performed between 7:30 AM and 10 PM on non-Sunday mornings. It normally takes up to four days of work with flailing machines along the seven-mile section of track to finish the job. Work at night, necessitated by train schedules, has prompted resident complaints. The railway was originally slapped with a noise abatement order, but the last minute deal avoided the need for an appeal.

Trade Officials Urge European Union to Revisit Regulation that Discriminates Against U.S. Planes with Hushkits (Sep. 10, 1999). The Financial Times reports that the U.S. undersecretary of commerce asked the European Union (EU) to withdraw a regulation that restricts some U.S. aircraft -- outfitted with noise-dampening hushkits -- from flying in the EU. The U.S. could lose $1.5 billion if the measure -- which would prevent hushkitted aircraft from flying to the EU by May of 2002 if they hadn't operated in the EU prior to May 1999 -- is put in place. The regulation was intended to phase out noisier aircraft over the densely populated EU, but the U.S. claims that the agreement doesn't meet international standards, since U.S. aircraft would be discriminated against while other noisier aircraft still operated.

Police in Birmingham, U.K. Institute Rapid Response Team to Answer Late-Night Noise Complaints (Sep. 9, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that police in Birmingham, U.K. have instituted a rapid response team to respond to late-night noise complaints. The team, which will respond to calls up until 1 AM, will have the authority to "initiate prosecutions" and seize sound amplification equipment. A pilot-program saw 167 noise complaints answered over 25 weeks, resulting in five prosecutions and the seizure of equipment.

Soundproofing Company Opens New Research Facility in Scotland (Sep. 9, 1999). The Scotsman reports that "one of the most advance facilities of its kind in Europe to improve and develop acoustic products for the construction industry opened this month" in Perthshire, Scotland. The company will market floor and wall-insulation products that will help developers market their buildings and help homeowners cope with noise.

South Gloucestershire, U.K. Council Institutes a Noise Response Team During Peak Noise-Complaint Hours (Sep. 9, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that the South Gloucestershire, U.K. Council will create a noise response team to deal with noise complaints during peak times. Council officers will operate in pairs, and will be available to respond to noise complaints during peak times. Violations will include "noisy parties, loud music, and barking dogs".

Proposed Racetrack in Aruba Opposed By Environmentalists (Sep. 9, 1999). The Associated Press Worldstream reports that a proposed $15 million racetrack in Aruba is being opposed by environmentalists concerned about air pollution, noise, and the possibility of the track's weight and vibrations collapsing a phosphate mine below the track. Environmentalist supporters will honk their car horns at certain times on Monday, and sport T-shirts and bumper stickers. The Environmental Director in the area said the mine shafts are strong enough to support the track, and claims that the regular wind on the island will reduce noise to the level of a vacuum cleaner

Phone-Answering Jobs in UK and Elsewhere May Be Dangerous to Employees' Hearing (Sep. 7, 1999). The Times reports that people who answer telephones for a living in the UK and elsewhere may be damaging their hearing. Workers, who often sit less than two feet apart in a noisy room with over 100 other employees, experience symptoms including tinnitus, rushing sounds, and certain frequencies that cause pain. Earphones must be turned up loud because of the noisy environment, and piercing beeps indicate when a call is about to come through. Also, unexplained noise shocks -- which reach 140 decibels -- sometimes come through earphones and may cause significant damage after even one exposure.

Birmingham, UK Reporter Explains When an Annoyance Is an Official Nuisance, and How to Act Against It (Sep. 7, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail prints some questions and answers regarding when an annoyance is an official nuisance in the UK, and what action can be taken. Anything that injures land or enjoyment of land is a nuisance, including smells and noise. The same noise is also more or less likely to be a nuisance depending on the time of day and the type of zone it is in. An official nuisance may result in a noise-abatement notice, and court action of the notice isn't heeded.

North Tyneside, UK's Lawsuit Against Noisy American Electronics Plant Adjourned Until Next Year (Sep. 7, 1999). The Evening Chronicle reports that in North Tyneside, UK a lawsuit levied against an American electronics company has been adjourned until next year. A 500-signature petition from residents complaining of 24-hour noise coming from the factory caused the local council to present a noise-abatement notice, which was not heeded. The factory won the adjournment by claiming that it was currently making changes at the factory.

Neighbors of a Metal Fabrications Plant in Swansea, South Wales Are Upset By Noise (Sep. 6, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that residents living near Magnaforce Metal Fabrications Plant in Swansea, South Wales are upset by the plant's noise. Residents have noticed no reduction in noise after they talked with the business and had officials monitor plant noise. The plant manager claims that they have recently purchased a quieter machine and have reduced noisy work in the mornings an on Sundays.

National Noise Act in England Encourages Local Councils to Set Up Late-Night Teams of Noise Inspectors; Few Councils Take the Opportunity (Sep. 5, 1999). The Independent reports that Britain's Noise Act -- which encourages local councils to set up teams of late-night noise inspectors who patrol around the clock and issue immediate fines -- has been ignored by 94% of councils who say those programs are unnecessary and expensive. The Act encourages the use of teams between 11 PM and 7 AM to respond to noise violations; noise over 35 decibels can draw an on-the-spot 100 pound fine.

Vancouver Residents Ousted from Homes by Noise from Annual Indy Race (Sep. 4, 1999). The Vancouver Sun prints an editorial by a Vancouver resident who believes that the Molson Indy road race should be moved from the residential area where it is now held. The city gains substantial revenue and publicity from the race. Noise reaches up to 130 decibels at peak intensity, and residents want accommodations during the race; in the long term, they want the race relocated and are pursuing a lawsuit that claims their charter rights are being violated.

Devon, U.K. Resident Told to Quiet His Rooster After Complaint; 100 Neighbors Sign Petition Saying He Shouldn't Have To (Sep. 3, 1999). The Press Association Newsfile reports that after a man in East Budleigh, Devon was issued a noise abatement order to quiet his rooster, over 100 of his neighbors signed a petition in support of the bird. The bird's father provoked similar complaints and was gotten rid of, but neighbors didn't want to see any further "erosion of country life." The man has darkened the rooster's cage in the early morning in response to the order, and the crowing has lessened, but he says that he will fight any further actions in court.

District Board Proposes Steeper Descent Into Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok Airport (Sep. 3, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that the Sha Tin Provisional District Board's Health and Environment Committee is considering a proposal for steeper aircraft descents -- already used in Britain -- at Hong Kong's Check Lap Kok airport. A committee member said that hills in the area would make it harder to correct flight path deviations inherent in steeper approaches. Since the airport opened a second runway and began round-the-clock operation, noise complaints have increased. Since then, the most disruptive northeast approach has seen less use but has not been eliminated as the committee has demanded.

Head of the Virgin Empire Holds Annual Party For Employees, Draws Numerous Noise Complaints (Aug. 31, 1999). The Press Association Newsfile reports that a party in Oxon, U.K. held for all Virgin employees around the country drew many noise complaints. A spokesman for Virgin said that when one environmental health officer showed up to note the excessive noise, the volume from music was turned down immediately. The spokesman apologized for any nuisance that was caused to residents.

Local Council in Killingworth, U.K. Takes U.S. Electronics Manufacturer to Court Over Constant Noise From Its Manufacturing Plant (Aug. 31, 1999). The Evening Chronicle reports that a U.S. electronics manufacturer -- Viasystems -- is being taken to court by the local council in Killingworth, U.K. over constant noise from its plant. Plant officials did install mufflers on the noisiest outdoor equipment, but the noise continues to be a problem.

London Columnist Tells Citizens What Laws Exist For Use Against Noise Offenders (Aug. 31, 1999). The Times prints a piece by a London columnist discussing the citizen's recourse against noise offenders. While relying on local bylaws can result in buck-passing between understaffed police and the local council, the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 provides a national law for citizens to use. In addition, the 1997 Harassment Act protects the public from nuisance behavior, and the two laws together can be used to levy fines and jail terms to noise offenders.

Company Develops Quieter System to Cool Computer Systems, Making Noise Virtually Undetectable (Aug. 30, 1999). The Korea Times reports that Major Research and Development has produced an anti-noise system for computers that reduces a typical noise level of 30 decibels to a nearly undetectable 20.

India Faces High Noise Levels From Many Sources, Especially Traffic (Aug. 30, 1999). India Today reports that India has a noise pollution problems that take many residential areas above the acceptable 55-decibel level. Loud motorists do what they want and get away with it because of a lack of police time. In addition to hearing loss, noise can cause irritability, cardiac problems, insomnia, and less proficient sexual performance. Noise may exacerbate learning disabilities in children, and damage the immature ear in fetuses. One important obstacle to better regulation is public apathy. Soon, manufacturers of household appliances will have to note how loud their equipment is.

Residents Near a London, England Incinerator Say the Facility Is Producing Too Much Environmental Pollution and Noise (Aug. 30, 1999). The London Free Press reports that residents near a London, England incinerator are upset over increasing air-pollution "exceedances" and noise from the facility. No details were given about the noise problems. Air pollution exceedances increased from 61 hours in 1996 to 191 hours in just the first half of 1999. Activists are asking for a public meeting to be scheduled to discuss concerns over the plant.

250 Residents Attend First In Series of Protests to Resurface a Concrete Exeter, U.K. Highway with Quieter Asphalt (Aug. 29, 1999). The Express & Echo reports that 250 residents attended the first in a series of planned protests over a noisy Exeter, U.K. highway. Concrete was selected because it lasts long but, it is much noisier than asphalt. Residents want the road resurfaced now, and say that if officials do nothing, they will step up their campaign.

Madrid, Spain -- Officially Europe's Loudest City -- Torn Between Late-Night Summer Revelers and Those Who Want Sleep (Aug. 29, 1999). Scotland on Sunday reports that officials in Madrid, Spain are torn between those who enjoy late-night revelry and those who want sleep. In a particularly loud district, officials have passed a law that requires bars to close by 2 a.m., but bar owners say they should be allowed to stay open late since their real business only begins at midnight. 80% of those living in Madrid are exposed to noise levels above the 65 decibel average that is acceptable according to the World Health Organization. A a noise law that was promised in 1993 is still undrafted.

Use of Mediation in Neighbour Disputes Growing in United Kingdom (Aug. 28, 1999). The Independent reports an article that discusses disputes between neighbours in the United Kingdom. In the U.K., approximately 90 percent of neighbor conflicts result form personality differences; one owner's enemy could be the next owner's friend.

Grape Farmers in Ontario Use Many Noise-Based Technologies to Keep Bird from Eating their Crops; Loud "Bird-Bangers" Can Annoy Human Neighbors as Well (Aug. 27, 1999). The Ottawa Citizen reports that grape farmers in Ontario use many noise-based technologies to scare birds away from their grapes. Gas-powered cannons called 'bird bangers' are the loudest, and many complaints about them come from nearby residents. If the cannons go off too often or are too close to neighbors, officials may suggest changes, but "farmers are allowed to use all methods 'within reason' to protect their crop."

Jerusalem Experienced Increased Complaints About Loud Air Conditioners During This Hot Summer (Aug. 27, 1999). The Jerusalem Post prints several news items centering on the Jerusalem region, including one one noise. This summer there was a 100% increase in complaints over loud air conditioners in Ra'anana, Israel. Offenders can be charged NIS 100 for officials that measure the noise. They are usually cooperative in relocating or quieting their air-conditioners.

Letter to the Editor in Dorval, Canada -- Near Montreal -- Says Noise Pollution Since Runway Closure Is Intolerable (Aug. 27, 1999). The Gazette prints a letter to the editor from a resident of Dorval, Canada near Montreal. The author says that he was stonewalled when he tried to obtain information on the number of operations at Dorval Airport. After failing to obtain official data, he made assumptions and calculated intolerable numbers of flights that pass over Dorval now that a key runway has been closed.

Blainville, Canada Resident Petitions for Right to File Suit Against Montreal's Metropolitan Transport Agency Over Loud, High-Speed Trains; Two Other Communities Destined to Have Similar Trains Watch with Interest (Aug. 26, 1999). The Gazette reports that a Blainville, Canada resident will attempt to file a class-action suit for $30,000 against the Metropolitan Transport Agency (MTA), as officials of nearby of nearby communities follow the case in hopes of learning what they can do if similar noise problems develop for their new rail lines. The communities are planning a public meeting that will inform residents of available recourse before the train lines are even installed.

Hamilton, New Zealand Manufacturer is Told that Its Power Plant Is Too Loud (Aug. 26, 1999). The Waikato Times reports that a power plant located on a manufacturer's property in Hamilton, New Zealand is disturbing residents. The company has 6 weeks to lessen the noise to 42 decibels at the property line.

Ireland's Minister for Public Enterprise Tells Legislators She Hopes European Union Aircraft Noise Rule Will Be Amended; Her Spokesperson Says Ireland Neither Supports Nor Opposes the Rule (Aug. 26, 1999). The Irish Times reports that Ireland's Minister of Enterprise told legislators that she hoped for " an alteration to the European Union (EU) aircraft noise directive." Her official position says Ireland neither "champions nor opposes" the rule. According to statements after the fact, she meant to say that she hoped talks between the U.S. and the E.U. are progressing well. She has met with other EU officials to emphasize the plight of Irish businessmen who may lose money under the rule which bans the use of hush-kits on louder airplanes.

Keith, U.K. Dairy Granted Temporary Consent to Continue Operation After Councillors Say Noise is Still Questionable; No Official Complaints Have Been Received (Aug. 26, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that a dairy in Keith, United Kingdom has been granted only temporary consent to continue its operation on grounds of noise pollution, although no official complaints have been filed. Disruptions to residents have included the unloading of big trucks as late as 2:30 a.m. and fowl language.

Public Meeting Over Proposed Stadium in Darlington, United Kingdom, Draws Hundreds of Protesters with a 2,000-Name Petition Opposing the Project; Residents Worry About Noise, Traffic, and Violence (Aug. 26, 1999). The Northern Echo reports that Darlington, U.K. residents turned out at a public meeting in force to protest a proposed 25,000-seat football stadium. Residents presented a 2,000 name petition against the stadium, and challenged developers to explain how they would avoid potential noise, traffic, and violence problems "from rival fans."

Construction at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Causes Too Much Noise; Cardiac Patients Were Given Only Earplugs, and Staff Were Subjected to the Noise Unprotected (Aug. 25, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that construction at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary has been stopped until a way can be found that reduces the noise that cardiac patients and staff have to endure. The only option proposed is moving the cardiac patients away from the noise but they must somehow remain close to cardiac equipment that is difficult to move.

Milk Depot In Keith, U.K. Will Be Granted Permanent Consent For Their Building, Now That Noise Levels Have Been Reduced As Requested in 1997 (Aug. 23, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that a milk depot in Keith, United Kingdom will be issued permanent consent for their development after two years of conflicts with the city council about noise levels. The depot has impressed council members with their noise mitigation efforts, and no further noise complaints have been issued.

Wellington, New Zealand Tourism Officer Pushes Review of Restrictions that Limit Number of Loud Shows at Westpac Trust Stadium; Famous Act Could Sell Out Two More Shows If Permitted (Aug. 23, 1999). The Dominion reports that there is a push for review of restrictions that limit the number of loud shows at a local stadium, since a performer already scheduled for three nights could likely sell out two more shows if permitted. The tourism officer blames a few vocal residents for the limits, but a neighborhood resident said that residents simply accepted an offer from the stadium. There is always the chance that the performer will not exceed the decibel limit.

Active Noise Control Technologies that Could Reduce Traffic Noise Under Development at Japanese Universities (Aug. 20, 1999). The Daily Yomiuri reports that Japanese universities are developing active noise control (ANC) technologies that could reduce traffic noise not blocked by traditional highway walls. ANC -- which "instantly measures traffic sounds and blares out soundwaves whose peaks and troughs cancel out the peaks and troughs of traffic" -- could be more effective than the traditional solution: adding height to the walls. A second technology consists of ducts that produce waves that counteract common traffic wavelengths without the use of electricity.

Calgary, Canada Company Creates Noise Reduction Materials for Industry From Steel Instead of Traditional Concrete (Aug. 20, 1999). The Calgary Herald reports on a Calgary company called ATCO Noise Management Ltd. that helps industry quiet its operations. Their steel-based products are catching on in Europe and elsewhere around the world, where they have developed 25 types of "industrial noise -reduction materials used in the construction of various buildings," and have "virtually corner[ed] the market for "turn-key" companies that do all three aspects of noise reduction -- from engineering to supplying materials, on-site construction and field testing."

Pierrefonds, Montreal Landfill Site Monitored by City Committee to Address Citizen Complaints (Aug. 19, 1999). The Gazette reports that the community of Pierrefonds in Montreal, Canada has set up a committee to monitor a landfill facility. Citizens had complained, and the committee is there to serve as a go between. The landfill is used by a private company to dump construction debris, and the owner has been patient, "despite the lengthy delays and initial residents' mistrust of his operation." Two years ago, the project was almost rejected, but with stricter environmental restrictions were approved and changes in the board, the project was approved.

Residents of Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom are Petitioning to Have Loud Thrill Ride Closed (Aug. 19, 1999). The Sentinel reports that a thrill ride at a park in Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom is too loud for most neighbors, who are starting a petition to have it closed. The local council is requiring the systematic quieting of the noise, and the park is only allowed to run the ride for ten minutes out of every hour and only before 7 PM.

China May Make Top Executives Responsible for Noise Pollution Caused By Their Companies (Aug. 18, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that a proposed amendment to the Noise Control Ordinance in China would make executives eligible for prosecution in cases where there companies have caused noise pollution.

Official Celebration of Millenium in Bath, UK Must Not be Disruptive After 2 AM, Says Council (Aug. 18, 1999). The Bath Chronicle reports that the Bath, UK Council has demanded that the Millennium Ball not be the source of disruptive noise after 2 am. A noise consultant has said that to comply with the 2 am disruption limit, "patrons will be likely to express some dissatisfaction with both the level and character of the dance music."

Debate Rages Over Options for Second Airport in Sydney, Australia (Aug. 17, 1999). The AAP Newsfeed reports that Canberra, Australia politicians are divided between several alternatives that would increase air capacity near Sydney. A new airport is proposed just west of Sydney, but some are opposed because of the dangers of potential noise and environmental pollution. A second option is to make improvements at a nearby Bankstown airport that could then take some of Sydney Airport's flights. A third option would install a very fast train (VFT) link to a distant airport, but most say that would be unfeasible.

Noise From New Concrete Highway in Exeter, U.K. Bothers Residents; Officially, Noise Monitoring Won't Happen for One Year and Resurfacing Won't Happen for Twenty Years (Aug. 17, 1999). The Express & Echo reports that over 100 people attended a public meeting in Exeter, U.K. to protest excessive noise levels from a new concrete highway. Residents want a thin, tarmac coating to quiet the road; pressure from residents resulted in road resurfacing elsewhere in the U.K. despite official policy.

Public Health Report Regarding Greymouth, New Zealand Helipad Says Noise and Fumes Are Unreasonable, Sets Requirements for Improvement (Aug. 17, 1999). The Press reports that after Franz Josef, New Zealand's Westland District Council received a public health report requiring noise and fume mitigation at a local helipad, a special committee developed possible solutions. These could include limitation of total helicopters to 9, relocation of the pad farther from residences, limitations on flights before 7 am and after 9 pm, and mitigation of noise from "ground operations."

Letter to the Editor in London, Reprinted from 1940s', Addresses Disturbing Qualities of Noise (Aug. 16, 1999). The Times reprints a letter to the editor written by Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones (1857-1943), a London physician who often wrote to the paper first half of the 1900s. He was involved in finding new ways to treat those with mental diseases.

Plymouth, United Kingdom Physician Says Loud Movies Should Include Health Warnings (Aug. 16, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that according to a doctor in Plymouth, U.K., loud movies should include a health warning. Movies, trailers, and advertisements are getting louder, according to the British Standards Institution. In the U.K., employees must be warned of noise levels above 85 decibels, and hearing protection must be provided if the levels breach 90; three popular movies were mentioned that exceeded 100 decibels.

Traffic Policemen in India Subjected to Excessive Noise and Pollution (Aug. 16, 1999). The Hindu reports that in India, traffic police are exposed to high levels of noise and pollution. Many suffer from respiratory problems, and 'auto-rickshaws' with altered mufflers can damage hearing. Despite the prevalence of health problems, many police do not attend free check-ups offered to them. "Goggles, masks against dust, and ear protection" are being proposed as mandatory equipment for traffic police

Residents Near Noisy Expressway Construction in Westmount, Montreal Feel Ignored By Transportation Department; Construction Crews Have Already Been Fined $2,500 on Fifteen Occasions for Excessive Noise (Aug. 10, 1999). The Gazette reports that residents near expressway construction in Westmount -- near Canada's Montreal -- feel ignored by officials as noise forces them to lose sleep. Officials have measured sound peaks of up to 98 decibels, when the limit is 65 at night and 75 during the day. The expressway will be under construction until November. Residents took a petition to Transport Quebec offices when they learned that community police had no jurisdiction in the matter.

New Train-Maintenance Shop In Cote St. Luc, Canada May Be Noisy, City Officials Say (Aug. 10, 1999). The Gazette reports that city officials in Cote St. Luc, Canada are worried that noise from a new train-maintenance shop will cause complaints from residents. The mayor is scheduled to meet with the railroad companies to discuss potential noise impacts. Rail officials say the facility will not be any louder due to the repair shop.

Franz Josef, New Zealand Residents Want Noisy Helicopter Base to Relocate, but Operators Say That Would Hurt Business; Local Officials and Operators Have Tentatively Agreed to a Relocation Slightly Down-River (Aug. 8, 1999). The Sunday Star-Times reports that residents in Franz Josef, New Zealand want a noisy helicopter base -- which serves mainly to shuttle tourists to and from the Franz Josef glacier -- to relocate. Some say helicopters bring in tourists, others say noise drives them away. Operators say they don't want to move their operation too far out of town, but are open to moving further down the river. Health reports and local officials have also supported a relocation.

Plympton St. Maurice, U.K. Pub Fined for Noise Violations (Aug. 7, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that a pub manager in Plympton St. Maurice was fined 250 pounds for each of four noise violations after a noise abatement notice was served. The man admitted to the violations, but said the brewery was supposed to soundproof the walls.

Scottish Soldier's Claim that Army Damaged His Hearing Is Rejected (Aug. 6, 1999). The Herald reports that a claim from a former soldier in Scotland, who says his 53% hearing loss is due to excessive noise he was subjected to in the army, has been rejected. Since his army discharge was in 1990, the judge decided he had waited too long beyond the usual three-year period.

Calgary Rail Yard Should Not Create Noise Problem at Nearby General Hospital (Aug. 5, 1999). The Calgary Herald reports that a rail yard and repair shop -- which will be located within 600 feet of the General Hospital in Calgary -- should not create a noise problem. Repairs will be made inside, and whistles will not need to be blown when trains are shunting.

Japanese Government Foregoes Appeal and Agrees to Pay 170 Million Yen For Noise Caused By Military Airfield (Aug. 5, 1999). The Japan Economic Newswire reports that the Japanese government has decided not to appeal a High Court decision that required a payment of 170 million yen to 134 residents who live near a noisy military base. Residents filed a suit in 1984 that the noise caused by aircraft activity at the base caused substantial mental anguish.

Commons Representative From Leicestershire, U.K. Pushes For Regulation of Aircraft Activity Beyond Current Proposals, Including A Cap On Numbers of Flights (Aug. 5, 1999). The Leicester Mercury reports that a Commons representative from North West Leicestershire in the United Kingdom is calling for even more airport noise-control measures, especially at night, including restrictions on "the number of air traffic movements and the types of aircraft being operated, along with a control on the times of operation."

Toronto Letter to the Editor Criticizes Weekend Street Festivals as Inconsiderate to Those Residents Who Work on Monday (Aug. 5, 1999). The Toronto Star prints a letter to the editor from a Toronto resident who is fed up with noise from street festivals. She says that her busy work week leaves her exhausted, and weekend festivals make it impossible to relax and recover. She says street festivals should be at least 500 meters from residences.

Proposed Airport Near Dublin, Ireland Would Thrust Noise Upon Wealthy Suburb Residents (Aug. 4, 1999). The Irish Times reports that a proposed new airport in Baldonnel, Ireland would irritate residents of several upscale Dublin suburbs. The airports flight path would pass over suburbs at altitudes as low as 1,000 feet, and that even if the airline reduced its noise intensity, the frequency of flights "can be as disturbing as the actual noise, particularly at night."

Palmerston North, New Zealand City Council Supports Strict Noise Controls on New Night-Testing of Jet Engines, Now that Variance for Specific Tests Have Lapsed (Aug. 3, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that since an unpopular noise variance granted by Palmerston North, New Zealand's City Council has expired, the council is working towards stricter noise limits for night-time jet-engine testing. The council now supports a required enclosure for any night-time engine testing. Proposed limits include a maximum of 70 decibels as measured from a residential boundary, and a maximum hourly average of 55 decibels, "with an allowable rise one night a month to 60."

Posselt, New Zealand Resident Complains that Aviary Birds Were Disturbed By a Recent Motorcycle Race (Aug. 3, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that a resident of Palmerston North complained to the City Council and the SPCA that a recent motorbike race in the area "must have been distressed" by the noise. City officials said that the event was "fully assessed" and open to public comment, although none were made. The curator of the aviary "said there was no evidence the birds were stressed." The SPCA said it would investigate the matter when more information was available.

Army Weapons Range in West Melton, New Zealand to Be Upgraded; Upgrade to Include Trees and Berms to Increase Safety and Reduce Noise, But Some Residents Are Still Concerned (Aug. 3, 1999). The Press reports that an army weapons range in West Melton, New Zealand will receive trees and 3-meter as part of a $1-million upgrade to address residents' safety and noise concerns. Most residents were happy with the army's efforts, and thought that safety issues were well addressed, but they still worried about noise.

Noise Restrictions and Runway Layout Blamed for Congestion at Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport (Aug. 2, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA) is facing inefficiency and safety problems due in large part to noise restrictions. Regulations which encourage the frequent switching of runways to spread noise is "tiring, demoralizing and overwhelming [to] air traffic controllers." Pilots are often asked to land on runways against high winds, even when safer runways are available, for the sake of noise reduction. Flight-paths are often restricted in an attempt to reduce noise, which pilots say are futile and wasteful. Some successful noise-regulation measures have included maximization of flight-time over water, and a night curfew on passenger jets.

Tokyo High Court Grant Residents Living Near U.S. Air Base Monetary Compensation, But Won't Ban Night Flights; Residents Won't Appeal (Aug. 2, 1999). The Mainichi Daily News reports that the Tokyo High Court ruled that the government must pay 170 million yen to residents living near the U.S. Asugi Naval Air Facility who have been disturbed by aircraft noise. All night-flights will be allowed to continue, although even the lower courts were considering a ban on some flights. The residents will not appeal the ruling.

Complaints Over Noise From Aircraft Engine Testing Spurs Revision of Local Laws (Aug. 2, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that the planning commission in Palmerston, New Zealand may limit noise from aircraft engine testing. The limits wouldn't go into effect until January of 2001. The issue became controversial when a particular airline began routinely servicing -- and testing -- engines at night; that airline has since moved its servicing operation.

Protesters in Sham Tseng, China Stage Silent Sit-In to Urge Adoption of Noise Control Measures When New Runway Begins Operations (Aug. 2, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that protesters in Sham Tseng, China staged a silent sit-in to protest aircraft noise near their homes. Protesters want a noise law limiting aircraft noise in certain districts, but officials say that an environmental impact conducted before a second runway was added showed acceptable noise levels.

Two Noise Stories From Jerusalem, Israel: Woman Wins Lawsuit Over Noise at Retirement Community; Drag Club Forced to Move After Residents Complain (Jul. 30, 1999). The Jerusalem Post reports on several issues in communities surrounding Jerusalem, including a political race, new burial options, and several issues relating to noise. A woman who entered a retirement home in 1990 has won a lawsuit against the home which has changed from a peaceful, quiet place due to a nearby long-term construction project that began in 1994. Also in this article was information about a drag club that is being forced to move. Residents' complaints of noise forced the club to close first at midnight, and most recently at 11 PM. Club owners feel they must move because they will not be able to bring in enough money with such short operating hours. Club owners believe that residents' real complaints center around the club's clientele, which includes homosexual and cross-dressing people. Officials deny the allegations, saying that the club has been operating without proper permits, and that a non-drag club in the same building faces the same restrictions

Nelson, New Zealand Residents, Already Campaigning for Ban on Nighttime Logging Truck Runs On One Street, Widen Proposed Ban to Include All Residential Streets At All Times (Jul. 29, 1999). The Nelson Mail reports that Nelson, New Zealand residents, who were already campaigning against nighttime logging truck runs on Nile Street have widened the proposed ban to include all residential streets at all times. Complaints surrounding logging trucks have included noise and safety issues, made worse after a log fell from a truck recently. The logging company pledges increased safety but says they need to use residential streets. Residents plan to continue pushing the council, which is perceived in a cynical light.

New Flight Patterns Will Spread Aircraft Noise More Evenly Around Sydney Airport in Australia (Jul. 29, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports that Sydney Airport in Australia will be implementing its long-term operating plan which will spread aircraft noise more evenly around Sydney. The airport claims that residents will now bear the burden more evenly, while politicians representing the areas to be more affected claim that the changes have not been sufficiently researched and are an outrage.

Residents of Darlington, U.K. Complain of Neighbors Demolition Noise and Dirt Clouds (Jul. 29, 1999). The Northern Echo reports that residents of Darlington, U.K. are frustrated with a neighbor who is cutting up vehicles and renovating garages, causing noise and dust in the neighborhood. The owner of the property, who leases it, has said he will check into the tenant's activities.

Organizer of ECTS, Europe's Premier Trade Show, Vows to Police Noise from Booths (Jul. 28, 1999). The M2 Presswire reports that Europe's ECTS trade show will include 'noise police' this year. The noise experts will monitor noise and will be authorized to issue warnings, or pull the plug if warnings are not heeded.

Yomiuri, Japan Residents Disappointed in Court's Rejection of Night-Flight Ban; One Resident Particularly Angry Since Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Forced Her Son to Give Up His Dream (Jul. 24, 1999). The Daily Yomiuri reports that the Tokyo High Court rejected a bid by residents of Yomiuri, Japan to ban noisy night-flights at Atsugi Air Base. The court required the government to pay 170 million yen in damages for pain and suffering to residents and to continue soundproofing homes in the residential area, but set no date to move night operations to another location. The article goes on to tell the sad story of a particular resident's son, which included his being forced to give up his dream of musical arrangement because of noise-induced hearing loss caused by lifetime exposure to the airport noise.

Court Orders Government to Pay 170 Million Yen to Residents Suffering Anguish from Constant Noise at Atsugi Air Base near Tokyo (Jul. 22, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Tokyo High Court ordered the government to pay 170 million yen to 134 residents who sued over constant noise from Atsugi air base. The court dismissed the residents' demand that night flights from the base be halted, and their request to be compensated for future noise. Only those plaintiffs who experience an average perceived daily exposure of 70 decibels are being compensated, leave twenty or so uncompensated. The residents and the government both appealed the decision.

Australian Columnist Jokes About Her Experience of Going Deaf at 29 From Accidents, Discusses Toxic Noise as Another Cause of Hearing Loss for Young People (Jul. 20, 1999). The Evening Standard reports prints a humorous column, written about the author's serious problem of accident-induced hearing loss. Most hearing loss in young people is due to loud noise or music, and people under 30 are starting to show signs of hearing loss formerly found in those over 50. Danger of exposure to dangerous levels of sound is increasing, and Australia's medical community is launching a campaign to point out how dangerous noise can be. Neuro-toxins like cigarettes can also worsen hearing loss.

Swiss Air Warns Switzerland that Higher National Requirements for Compensation of Noise-Affected Residents Will Reduce Its Ability to Compete Internationally (Jul. 14, 1999). Flight International reports that Swiss Air has warned Switzerland's government that an increase in what they must pay to residents who deal with aircraft noise and must soundproof their homes will cripple their ability to compete nationally. Ticket prices would rise by about $5.25 each. Swiss Air says that it has invested heavily in newer, quieter aircraft and they shouldn't be asked to pay the additional money.

Vancouver, British Columbia's International Airport Concentrates Operations On One Runway As Two Others Are Repaired; Complaints Don't Increase (Jul. 12, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports that the north runway at Vancouver International Airport in British Columbia is being used more while two other runways are being repaired. The $4.25 million project will last 28 days, and will strengthen the runways, improve the electrical system, and resurface several areas. Airport officials say that many planes have taken off over the water, keeping increased noise away from residents, but some residents have definitely noticed the increase.

UK Town Councils Provide Noise Education For Neighborhoods (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the Sentinel, borough [town] councils in the UK have received so many noise complaints during the summer, prompting local officials to provide public education programs to help neighbors prevent noise before they make it.

Caged Dogs in UK Back Yard Cause for Concern Among Neighbors (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the South Wales Evening Post, residents in one community in South Wales is taking on its own town council because of one neighbor's hobby-- raising dogs, which are kept caged in his back yard.

Will Pleas For Quiet Go Unheard? (Jul. 8, 1999). The Herald Express reports that England's National Noise Action Day may only be a good idea.

Noise Action Day Celebrated in Smashing Ceremony (Jul. 8, 1999). An article in the Bristol United Press reports that one noisy rock fan in Gloucester lost his confiscated stereo system when it was crushed by heavy equipment in a ceremony to mark Noise Action Day.

Noise Action Day Prompts England's Environment Minister To Ask For Quieter, Gentler Neighbors (Jul. 8, 1999). An M2 Presswire article reports that England's Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, addressed an audience at a shopping center in Westminster on Noise Action Day, asking people to consider their neighbors and live quieter lives. Meacher told the audience that overexposure to noise has an adverse effect on our lives and our health.

Noise Activists in England Call For Stronger Ordinances (Jul. 8, 1999). The Birmingham Post reports that excessive noise ranging from quarreling neighbors and overly loud stereos to jet noises overhead have prompted an increase in noise activism in England.

Town Council In UK To Fine Noisy Neighbors (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the Bristol Evening Post, the town council has warned noisy neighbors to keep down the noise or go to court.

Scotland City Gets a Noise Complaint a Day (Jul. 7, 1999). The Aberdeen Evening News reports that the Aberdeen City Council launched the third National Noise Action Awareness Day to educate residents about noise and its impact on others.

London Student Designs Electronic "Curtain" that Filters Unwanted Noise From Soothing Frequencies (Jun. 30, 1999). Birmingham Evening Mail reports that a 25-year-old student at London's Royal College of Art has designed a "Smart Curtain" which combats irritating noise. The electronic device reduces sound intensity by up to eight decibels, and filters noise to allow only soothing frequencies to pass. The student received a prize of 2,000 pounds from the British Standards Institution for creating a design which promotes environmental best practice. The inventor notes that "Having control over a noisy environment makes people feel less stressed out and more comfortable."

Inventor of New Noise-Filtering "Smart Curtain" Wins 2000 Pound Prize from British Standards Institution (Jun. 29, 1999). The Press Association Newsfile reports that a 25-year-old student at the Royal Art College in London will receive a 2000 pound prize for his invention of the 'smart curtain.' The invention is a translucent rubber curtain, embedded with electronics disguised as a grid pattern, that cuts noise by up to eight decibels; it also transforms irritating noise into pleasant melodies and sounds such as the 'ocean' that you hear when putting a sea shell to your ear. The inventor is now searching for a company to back production of the curtain. The curtain is 2.4 meters by 1.2 meters, but weighs only six kilograms.

New "Noise Curtain" Brings Prize for Inventor, May Revolutionize Noise Reduction Strategies (Jun. 29, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that an industrial designer at London's Royal College of Art will receive a 2,000 pound prize from the British Standards Institution tonight for inventing the "smart curtain." The curtain is a rubber sheet embedded with electronics which reduces noise up to eight decibels, and transforms annoying noise into soothing sounds. 173,000 complaints were received by the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health Officers in 1997, and so such an invention could have a major impact on quality of life in London and elsewhere.

Sigapore's Land Transport Authority Defends Its Highway Noise Reduction Efforts (Jun. 17, 1999). The Straits Times (Singapore) printed a letter by Han Liang Yuan of the Land Transport Authority, defending the Authority's efforts to reduce road traffic noise.

Irish Soldier Receives Financial Award for Army-Related Hearing Loss (Jun. 16, 1999). The Irish Times reports a long-term Irish soldier successfully sued the Minister for Defense and State for the hearing loss he suffered while in the army.

North Tynsdale, UK Developers Told To Limit Construction Hours or Pay Fines (Jun. 14, 1999). The Evening Chronicle reports three housing developers at a Tynesdale, UK development have been formally warned that failure to limit their work hours will result in fines.

Water Enthusiast Writes of Noise, Stench Caused by Watercraft (Jun. 12, 1999). The London Free Press recently ran a letter to the editor complaining of the noise and smells generated by watercraft on England's lakes.

Annual Grand Prix Brings Money to Montreal, Noise to St. Lambert Residents Across the St. Lawrence Seaway (Jun. 9, 1999). The Gazette reports that noise from the annual Formula One Grand Prix -- held on Montreal's Ile Notre Dame -- has been irritating residents in Saint-Lambert across the St. Lawrence Seaway for years. While the event brings in $80 million to the local economy, St. Lambert says it doesn't benefit. One resident said "It is so unbearable because usually it's hot but you have to close all the doors and windows, otherwise it sounds like someone using a power tool right next to your ear." Even the Mayor of Saint-Lambert says that he knows many people who leave town to avoid noise from the event.

Government of India Will Regulate Noise Pollution (Jun. 8, 1999). M2 Presswire reports that the Government of India's Ministry of Environment and Forests will set regulations to control noise pollution. Noise sources targeted will include firecrackers, construction, P.A. systems, amplified music, generators, and loud vehicles. In the case of firecrackers, manufacturers will be targeted as well. The action is based on the understanding that noise has "an adverse effect on human health and affect[s] the physical and psychological well being of the people." Regulators will seek to insure that existing ambient noise standards are not exceeded, and will give police power to enforce these regulations.

Singapore Resident Challenges Environment Ministry to Deal With Noise from Construction Sites (Jun. 7, 1999). The Straits Times prints a letter to the editor from a Singapore resident who is tired of having family life disrupted by construction noise. She says many of her friends are in similar situations, and asks why the government -- who claims to be trying to attract tourism and foreign talent -- isn't cracking down on noise of over 70 dBs as late as 10:30 PM.

British Parliament May Give Municipalities the Right to Close Roads to Reduce Traffic, Noise, and Pollution on National Car-Free Day and Other Days (Jun. 7, 1999). Times Newspapers Limited reports that as England prepares for the upcoming National Car-Free Day, which encourages motorists to voluntarily give up their car for a day, Parliament is considering granting municipalities the right to close roads on car-free days. Ministers have been impressed by French successes with road-closings; thirty-five French towns closed roads last year, "cutting car traffic by up to a third, and reducing noise and pollution"; then, local councils create detailed reports about public response, and reductions in noise and pollution.

Queanbeyan Council in Australia to Ask Yarrowlumla Shire for More Land After Council Takes Heat For Approving Development Under an Existing Canberra Airport Flight Path (Jun. 4, 1999). The Canberra Times reports that Queanbeyan Council will meet with Yarrowlumla Shire in an attempt to obtain more land for residential development. In 1996, the Council approved a proposal for a 500-unit development under an existing flight path for nearby Canberra Airport. The transport minister criticized the approval then and now as irresponsible, since the current flight path has already been moved several times in response to resident protests. The Minister of Planning is to make a decision on the proposal in about a month.

Pile Drivers Move Residents Out of House and Home (May 31 1999). The Press reports that the incessant noise caused by pile driving at a highly controversial development area has caused people to move out of their homes. Some residents claim the city council willfully and knowingly deceived residents by issuing a construction permit without the public's knowledge. (May 31, 1999). The Press reports that Salisbury Street residents Jessica Gordon and Julie Robertson will move out of their flat because ever-present pile driving at a nearby controversial Park Terrace development has created unbearable noise. The article further reports that people across the road had also moved out, and other residents who work nights at a nearby casino couldn't sleep during the day. Residents contend that the construction is destroying the community, said The Press.

Pile Drivers Move UK Residents Out of House and Home (May 31, 1999). The Press reports that the incessant noise caused by pile driving at a highly controversial development area has caused people to move out of their homes. Some residents claim the city council willfully and knowingly deceived residents by issuing a construction permit without the public's knowledge.

Group Says Jet Skis Cause Great Harm to Air, Waterways (May 29, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that a Maryland conservation group and personal watercraft industry officials are clashing over pollution concerns caused by jet skis.

JET NOISE RATTLES AHWATUKEE FOOTHILLS; FLIGHT-PATH SHIFT ANGERS RESIDENTS (May 29, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that the residents of the Ahwatukee Foothill have complained that their once peaceful and serene neighborhoods are destroyed by increased noise from airplanes leaving Sky Harbor International Airport. The article says that although residents are pressuring local and federal officials for help, a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said the problem may lessen somewhat on its own. (May 29, 1999). Phoenix, AZ - The Arizona Republic reports that the residents of the Ahwatukee Foothills have complained that their once peaceful and serene neighborhoods are being destroyed by increased noise from airplanes leaving nearby Sky Harbor International Airport.

Jet Noise Distrubs Arizona Foothills and Angers Residents (May 29, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that the residents of the Ahwatukee Foothills have complained that their once tranquil neighborhoods are being destroyed by increased noise from airplanes leaving nearby Sky Harbor International Airport.

City Council Approves Noise Abatement Policy (May 27, 1999). According to the Bangor Daily News, Bangor city councilors on the airport committee approved a noise abatement policy for Bangor International Airport. (May 27, 1999). BANGOR - According to the Bangor Daily News, city councilors on the airport committee approved a noise abatement policy for Bangor International Airport (BIA).

City Council Approves Noise Abatement Policy (May 27, 1999). BANGOR - According to the Bangor Daily News, city councilors on the airport committee approved a noise abatement policy for Bangor International Airport (BIA).

Ontario's Mississauga East Election Issues Include Increased Noise from a New Runway at Pearson International (May 27, 1999). The Toronto Star reports that the candidates in the provincial riding in Mississauga East, Ontario are going head to head on the issues, including airport noise; noise-related complaints have doubled since 1997 when a new runway was introduced at Pearson International Airport.

Proposed Directive in Brussels, Belgium to Set Maximum Noise Levels for Lawn and Garden Appliances; Manufacturer Compliance May be Difficult (May 23, 1999). Times Newspapers Limited reports that a proposed directive in Brussels, Belgium will set limits on how much noise outdoor appliances can make. Manufacturers claim that a reduction of even two decibels could be disastrous for some products. A researcher at Southampton University's Institute of Sound and Vibration Studies said "To remove two decibels you have to remove half the sound energy. That would be quite an engineering achievement."

Canada's CN Rail Begins Appeal of Order to Abate Noise at Oakville Rail Yard (May 11, 1999). The Toronto Star reports that Canada's CN Rail, which moved some noisy operations to its Oakville railyard in 1998, is appealing a Canadian Transport Agency order to reduce noise in Oakville. A citizen's committee supported the March ruling, which requires CN to monitor noise at the yard twice each month and submit a long-term noise reduction plan. The Federal Court of Appeals will now determine if the appeal has legal grounds, and in the meantime CN will perform noise measurements in compliance with the order.

European Union Extends Deadline for Registering Hushkitted Aircraft; Hushkitted Aircraft Will Be Banned from European Union Airspace If Not Registered by April 1, 2000 (May 11, 1999). World Airport Week reports that the European Union has extended its deadline for registration of hushkitted aircraft. The deadline, pushed from April 1999 to April 2000, must be met by hushkitted aircraft if they wish to fly in European Union airspace after April 2002. The ruling is intended to require the use of newer, quieter jets, but compromises with the U.S. who argued their hushkit manufacturers were being discriminated against.

Street Sweeper In Brisbane, Australia Adjusts Truck and Dramatically Lowers Noise Intensity (May 5, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports that a street sweeper in Brisbane, Australia managed to cut the noise his truck makes from 86 to 73 dBs by making mechanical adjustments. His 2:30 AM rounds had been prompting complaints, but by speeding the brush speed while lowering the engine revolutions, noise was reduced dramatically. Normal ambient noise, including typical traffic, is about 55-60 dBs in the community.

Organization in Australia Seeks Ban on Jet Skis in Sydney Harbor and Restrictions Elsewhere (May 3, 1999). The Dominion reports that Australia's Sydney Coastal Councils Group is calling on the state government to ban jet skis from Sydney Harbor while restricting their use elsewhere. Water police reported 120 incidents last year -- a 30 percent increase -- and the risk to riders and others such as bathers who use the harbor is rising. Some councils in Sydney have received up to 10 calls a day complaining of physical danger and excessive noise.

New Nuisance Laws in Brisbane, Australia Carry Fines for Noise and Smells (May 2, 1999). The Australian General News reports that under new nuisance laws, complaints will first attract a warning. For second and third offenses $120 and $240 will be levied, respectively, though a spokesman said on-the-spot fines would likely be less than that. Nuisances covered under the laws would include noise and smells; currently, 47% of nuisance complaints relate to noise. Currently, it is difficult to enforce nuisance laws because it's difficult to get a prosecution.

European Union Postpones Implementation of Legislation Banning Hush Kits, Giving U.S. More Time to Resell their Hush-Kitted Aircraft (Apr. 29, 1999). The Financial Times reports that the European Union has agreed to postpone legislation by one year that would ban hush-kitted airplanes from EU airspace. Originally, the 2002 ban was to be applied to hush-kitted planes that had not operated in the EU before May 1999. The ban is aimed at quieting airplanes, since older hush-kitted airplanes -- like the Boeing 727, the DC-9, and early Boeing 737s -- are still louder than newer, quieter planes.

Canada's Montreal Urban Community Claims Police Helicopter is Valuable Tool Producing Low-Noise; Residents and At Least One City Counselor Want It and Its Noise Grounded (Apr. 27, 1999). The Gazette reports that the Montreal Urban Community (MUC) released a favorable report, touting the benefits of its single police helicopter, which costs between $80,000 and $110,000 each year. Some residents, along with Mile End city counselor Helen Fotopulos believe that the benefits are overstated and noise disruption is too much to justify its continued operation. The MUC believes that the public does not realize all of the benefits, and hopes that education could reduce objections.

Previous Decision To Require a Landlord in London, England to Soundproof His Apartments from Noise was Overturned Because Existing Noise Act Exempts Vehicles on the Street (Apr. 27, 1999). The Press Association reports on a successful appeal in London, England by a landlord who was ordered to soundproof his apartments against traffic noise. The High Court ruled that although environmental laws require that apartments not compromise the tenants health, noise from street vehicles is not considered a statutory nuisance that could compromise health. The landlord had refused to soundproof his apartments, and was taken to court; his successful appeal frees him of the order for the time being. The presiding judges noted that railway noise was not exempted, though it was not an issue in this case.

European Aircraft Muffler Law Tightened to Calm U.S. Fears (Apr. 26, 1999). The AFX News reports that European air transport legislation may be tightened in order to address U.S. concerns that planes not fitted with the proper muffler may be prohibited from flying into the EU and will lose value for resale.

Japan Environmental Agency Will Put the Pressure on the Auto Industry to Produce Low-noise Trucks and Motorcycles (Apr. 23, 1999). The Jiji Press Ticker Service reports that the final phase of a noise reduction plan in Japan will begin in 2001 with the tightening of regulations for truck and motor cycle noise.

U.S. Policy Makers Speak Out Against Ineffectual European Law Regarding Quieter Airplanes (Apr. 21, 1999). The International Herald Tribune recently printed an editorial by Rodney E. Slater, David L. Aaron and Stuart E. Eizenstat stating how they feel about the recent European Union "hush kit" rule that will supposedly bring more peace and quiet to airports on both sides of the Atlantic.

Letter: Singapore Citizens Urged to Reduce Noise Pollution (Apr. 16, 1999). The Straits Times (Singapore) published a letter from Ralph A. Lewin of California, USA, urging the citizens of Singapore to reduce noise pollution. Lewin writes:

US May Ban Concorde Landings in Retaliation for EU Hush Kit Restrictions (Apr. 16, 1999). The Financial Times reports the United States plans to ban landings of the Concorde airliner in the US if the European Commission restricts hush-kited aircraft in Europe.

U.S. Offers to Negotiate with EU to Avert Hush Kit Ban (Apr. 16, 1999). Reuters reports the United States said yesterday it had proposed a multilateral solution to prevent a retaliatory trade war over European Union plans to ban aircraft fitted with noise mufflers known as hush kits.

English Court of Appeals Upholds EPA Noise Nuisance Notice Regarding Barking Dogs (Apr. 14, 1999). The Times Newspapers Limited reports a Court of Appeal on March 3 in Colchester, England, upheld the serving of a noise nuisance notice established by the 1990 Environmental Protection Act.

Noise Barrier at Rifle Range in N. Warwickshire, England, Welcomed by Environmentalists (Apr. 10, 1999). The Birmingham Post reports the Defense Estates Organization has requested approval to build a sound wall at a rifle range near a nature conservation area in North Warwickshire, England.

British Columbia Town Restricts Noisy All-Night Dance Parties (Apr. 5, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports the town of Richmond, British Columbia, has drafted a bylaw that will restrict all night dance parties, known as raves, in response to residents' noise complaints and criticisms of other kinds.

Friends of the Earth Supports EU Directive to Ban Noisy Aircraft in Europe (Apr. 2, 1999). According to the European Report, two non -governmental organizations have criticized the European Union for giving in to pressure from the United States to delay a ban on older and louder "hushkitted" aircraft in European skies.

Canadian Race Officials Offer Compensation to Residents Hit Hardest by Noise from 3-Day Event (Mar. 30, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports in response to a health board's noise findings on last year's race, the Molson Indy is offering a noise compensation package to residents of a housing complex in Vancouver, British Columbia, during this year's three-day event.

EU Delays Hushkit Ban for One Month, Will Consult with US (Mar. 30, 1999). The New York Times reports the European Union today delayed for a month a law on aircraft noise that that has given rise to fears of a trade dispute with the United States.

EU Delays Vote to Ban Hushkitted Planes to Allow US to Propose Compromise (Mar. 30, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports the European Union's transport ministers have postponed a vote on the ban of older aircraft, giving U.S. officials more time to work with European Union executives on a compromise.

Pearson Official Pleased with Noise Trials; Rockwood Residents Cry, "Scam!" (Mar. 29, 1999). The Toronto Star reports while a spokesman for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority called the recent trial flight routes at Pearson International Airport "encouraging," residents of Rockwood, Ontario, see little hope of noise relief.

EU/US Continue to Disagree over Hushkit Regulations (Mar. 27, 1999). According to the European Report, the US Transportation Secretary told the press in Brussels that the airplane-hushkit dispute between the US and the European Union risks a new trade dispute

Noise Levels Rise in Europe to Unhealthy Levels (Mar. 27, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports noise is a problem in all major cities in Europe, and environmentalists and social scientists believe the shrieks and roars of urban life may cause serious long-term health effects.

Toronto Airport Authority will Test Departures over Industrial Corridors to Reduce Noise from Pearson International Airport (Mar. 24, 1999). Canada NewsWire Ltd. published a press release by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) detailing the planned departure trials for the new north/sough runway at Lester B. Pearson International Airport, (LBPIA). The press release reads as follows:

Classroom Noise Puts Primary Students at a Disadvantage (Mar. 23, 1999). The Waikato Times reports an international acoustics expert says elementary students are adversely affected by classroom noise.

US Transportation Secretary Headed to Europe to Tackle Airplane Noise Dispute with EU (Mar. 20, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the US Transportation Secretary will travel to Europe to tackle a US-European dispute over airplane noise.

Citing Noise and Increased Use, Neighbors Wants Restrictions Placed on Britain's Oldest Working Airfield (Mar. 18, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports a public meeting is being called over families' complaints that their weekends are being ruined by noise from light planes using Britain's oldest working airfield.

Ontario Board Rejects New Residential Development Near Pearson Airport (Mar. 18, 1999). Canada NewsWire Ltd., reports the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) celebrated victory with the Ontario Municipal Board's (OMB) decision to reject a residential development proposal in the City of Mississauga, which falls within the GTAA Operating Area.

BAA Says Fifth New Terminal at London's Heathrow Won't Increase Noise; Environmental Group Wants Flight Numbers Capped (Mar. 13, 1999). The Financial Times (London) reports BAA yesterday called for legislation to ensure the proposed fifth terminal at London's Heathrow airport did not lead to an increase in aircraft noise. However, a local environmental group said it still believes the additional terminal will unduly disrupt lives.

Canadian Transport Agency Agrees with Citizens, Orders CN Rail to Reduce Noise in Toronto Rail Yard (Mar. 11, 1999). The Toronto Star reports after listening to residents' noise complaints, the Canadian Transportation Agency has ordered CN Rail to reduce noise levels at a rail yard in Oakville, Ontario.

Environment Committee at Montreal International Airport(Dorval) Analyzes Noise Complaints (Mar. 11, 1999). The Gazette reports new procedures to reduce noise at Montreal International Airport (Dorval) have been in effect for one month, but it's too soon to judge their effectiveness.

Bowing to US Pressure, EU Agrees to Postpone Ban of Hush-Kitted Planes (Mar. 11, 1999). EIU ViewsWire reports the European Union has given in to intense pressure from Washington, DC, and delayed a decision on plans to outlaw new aircraft equipped with 'hush kits.'

Airlines Flying in Australia May Face Stiffer Fines for Violating Curfews and Breaching Safety Rules (Mar. 7, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports airlines breaching Sydney Airport's noise curfew could face bigger fines under a review of airport regulations, federal Transport Minister John Anderson announced today.

Noise Limits Placed on Dairy Herd by Town Planners in the UK (Mar. 5, 1999). Farming News reports a local planning authority in Wales has placed noise restrictions on a herd of cows as a condition of a permit for a new diary building.

US Finds EU Aircraft Ban Proposal Unacceptable; Threatens Retaliatory Ban (Mar. 4, 1999). USA Today reports the United States threatened the European Union with a retaliatory aircraft ban if Europe follows through with prohibiting some US aircraft from Europe's skies.

An Eye for an Eye: US and EU Trade Aircraft Ban Threats, Citing Noise and Air Pollution (Mar. 3, 1999). AP Online reports the United States House of Representative is considering a bill that could ban the Concorde from American skies if the European Union follows through with its plans to prohibit hush-kitted US planes from flying over Europe.

US Official Sees New EU Aircraft Standards as Attempt to Control Market (Mar. 3, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports at least one United States commerce official sees new European Union aircraft standards as a way to control the aircraft market.

EU May Postpone New Hush-Kit Rules that Would Ban Most US Aircraft from European Skies (Mar. 2, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports Undersecretary of State of Economics, Business and Agricultural Affairs Stuart Eizenstat said in Brussels Friday there were signs that European governments would postpone new rules that would ban some US aircraft from their airspace.

U.S. May Retaliate with Concorde Ban if EU Enacts Ban on Hush-Kitted Aircraft (Feb. 25, 1999). The Financial Times reports the U.S. is considering a ban of its own if the European Union goes forward with a ban on older hush-kitted aircraft.

Impact Statement 'Flawed" Says Group Against Airport Runway Expansion in Leicester, England (Feb. 22, 1999). The Leicester Mercury reports activists in Leicester, England, are pressuring their district council to reject an environmental impact statement addressing expansion at a nearby airport on the basis that it's too limited in scope.

US Calls EU Rule Against Hush-Kitted Planes Discriminatory (Feb. 22, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports the Undersecretary of Commerce, David Aaron, called the European Union's plan to prohibit hush-kitted planes in European skies pointless and biased.

Action Group Formed to Address Noise from Bars in Wellington, England (Feb. 20, 1999). The Evening Post (Wellington) reports tensions are mounting between inner-city residents and bar owners over complaints about loud music in Wellington, England.

US Charges European Union Ruling on Hush-Kitted Aircraft "Discriminatory" (Feb. 18, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the United States on Thursday condemned a recent move by the European Parliament to ban hush-kitted jet aircraft in the European Union.

US Could Outlaw Concorde if EU Proceeds with Ban on Hush-Kitted Planes (Feb. 18, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports flights to the United States by the Concorde may be prohibited if the European Union follows through with its ban on jets that use hushkits to reduce noise.

Ontario Judge Rules Excessive Noise Violations Fall Under Criminal Code (Feb. 17, 1999). The London Free Press reports a man from Stratford, Ontario, with a history of disturbing his neighbors with loud music was fined $1,700 and prohibited from owning a stereo for the next two years.

Leaders in Air Industry Disagree about Impact of New Noise Regulations (Feb. 16, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports tougher noise regulations possibly grounding a number of large aircraft was the topic of discussion at a transportation and aerospace conference in Naples, Florida, last week.

Resident's Letter Urges Action Against Proposed Upgrades at Australia's Canberra Airport (Feb. 16, 1999). The Canberra Times published a letter from Murray May, a resident of Hackett, Australia, urging residents to take action about proposed upgrades at Canberra Airport to preserve property values and their quality of life. Mr. Hackett writes:

Residents of English Town Fight to Keep Noise Restrictions on Factory (Feb. 16, 1999). The Western Morning News reports residents of Barnstaple, England, are objecting to potential noise pollution if a factory destroyed by fire is rebuilt.

Singapore Turns Noise, Air, and Land Pollution Rules into Law (Feb. 12, 1999). The Business Times (Singapore) reports the Singapore Parliament yesterday passed a new bill which gives the Ministry of the Environment (ENV) power to enforce many existing noise, air and ground pollution controls.

EU Refuses to Delay Hush-Kitted Aircraft Restrictions Despite U.S. Plea (Feb. 11, 1999). The Financial Times reports the European Union's transport commissioner yesterday rejected US attempts to delay EU legislation that would restrict the use of older, noisier aircraft in EU airspace.

EU Hush Kit Ban Means Revenue Loss for US Aircraft Industry (Feb. 10, 1999). Agence Presse reports a senior US trade official Tuesday forewarned that a European Union anti- noise directive, which could be approved Wednesday, could threaten one billion dollars' worth of US aircraft and aircraft engine orders.

English Residents Say Helicopter Noise Disturbing Their Lives (Feb. 10, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports complaints from villagers in the English countryside about helicopter noise from a nearby air base has prompted a meeting with local officials to address their concerns.

Environmentalism or Protectionism? The EU and the US Spar about New Aircraft Standards (Feb. 10, 1999). AP Worldstream reports the European Parliament, against the wishes of the United States, on Wednesday approved a European Union proposal for new standards aimed at reducing aircraft noise and pollution.

Editiorial: Japan Government Should Adhere to Current Noise Standards (Feb. 8, 1999). Asahi News Service published an editorial by Asahi Shimbun that says with traffic noise pollution in Japan shows no signs of abating, the government should not ease noise standards.

Night Flights to Continue; UK Anti-Noise Groups Blast Government Decision (Nov. 22, 1998). The Press Association Newsfile reports anti - noise groups in the United Kingdom today bitterly attacked the Government's decision not to ban night flying at major airports in and around London, England.

British Colombian District Requests Respect for Noise Laws from Region (Nov. 19, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports North Vancouver, British Columbia, has requested that Greater Vancouver regional district abide by local noise laws when they complete a number of projects next year beside Cleveland Dam.

British Government Deems Nighttime Flying Ban Impractical at Country's Busiest Airports (Nov. 17, 1998). Press Association Newsfile reports the British Government today declined to ban night-time flying at Britain's two busiest airports, but continue to consider proposals to reduce noise levels at Heathrow and Gatwick airports.

Violators of Noise Pollution Laws Convicted in South China (Oct. 21, 1998). South China Morning Post reports more than 100 companies and individuals were convicted last month of noise pollution and other forms of contaminating the environment in South China.

Man Says Bomb Threat Made out of Desperation for Peace and Quiet (Oct. 20, 1998). AP Worldstream reports a man in Budapest, Hungary, admitted to making a bomb threat when noise from construction project drove him to desperation.

Residents in England Join Forces to Limit Fireworks and Associated Noise (Oct. 20, 1998). The Evening Standard reports anti-noise protesters have recruited former education minister Sir Rhodes Boyson in an effort to restrict fireworks parties to the week of November 5, to celebrate Guy Fawkes night.

Singapore Government Offers Awards to Quiet Companies (Oct. 18, 1998). The Straits Times (Singapore) reports Singapore's government will award companies who reduce noise levels.

Hearing Experts in England Call for Restrictions on Noise Levels in Cinemas (Oct. 14, 1998). The Evening Herald reports hearing experts in Plymouth, England, say film-makers are turning up the volume to dangerous levels which could lead to hearing loss.

Outdoor Entertainer in Bath, England, Banned after Residents Complain of Noise (Oct. 14, 1998). The Western Daily Press reports a popular outdoor entertainer in Bath, England, recently received a citation for disturbing the peace.

Residents Say Generator a Noise Nuisance in England Town (Oct. 14, 1998). The Sentinel reports residents of Stoke, England, contend noise from a generator powering temporary traffic lights is making their life hell.

Tourists in Canada Find Banff Too Noisy; Business Owners Seek Solutions (Oct. 12, 1998). The article reports Bonar Hunter, Banff's senior bylaw officer, said the town's general noise bylaw does not specifically regulate or enforce bar noise and that his team of four full-time officers only works until 10 p.m. during the summer, and 6 p.m. in the off- season. Most bars close at about 2 a.m. and that's where the trouble starts, hotel and motel officials said. Hunter is investigating and will report to town council. "We want higher profile by RCMP . . ." said Lanz, adding the noise is also becoming a problem for Banff's permanent residents. Banff RCMP agree the problem of early-morning party animals is getting worse and they expect final statistics on jailed drunks this year to be up 20 per cent. "There wasn't a lot of bad weather to drive people indoors so the kids stayed out longer and seemed to party harder than they normally do," said RCMP Sgt. Bob Peterson.

European Study Shows City Noise Leads to Serious Ill Health Effects (Oct. 9, 1998). The Evening Standard reports Londoners were warned today that big city noise may be responsible for heart disease.

England's Birmingham International Airport Welcomes Quieter British Airways Planes (Oct. 7, 1998). The Birmingham Post reports British Airways has announced the purchase of new, quieter, and more environmentally friendly aircraft. The news is welcomed by England's Birmingham International Airport.

FAA Worried EU Will Limit Operation of Hushkitted Aircraft (Oct. 5, 1998). Aviation Daily reports the FAA is concerned that the European Union is getting ready to act unilaterally to limit the operation of hushkitted aircraft. According to the article, in a Sept. 14 letter, David Traynham, FAA assistant administrator for policy, planning and international aviation, told Michel Ayral, European Commission director for air transport, that a proposed EU regulation "would serve only to diminish the effectiveness of the ICAO process under a mistaken belief that U.S. carriers will transfer their Stage 3 hushkitted airplanes to EU registers after Dec. 31, 1999."

Activist Who is Hard of Hearing Uniquely Positioned to Advocate for Peace and Quiet (Oct. 2, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports how one man, Stephen Frazier, is speaking out against loud background music and other noise.

Police Called Repeatedly to Enforce Peace and Quiet in Los Angeles (Oct. 1, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports the calls pour in all night long to California's downtown Los Angeles police communications center from Angelenos desperate for a little peace and quiet.

European Union's Environment Commission Says it Will Propose Noise Pollution Legislation by the End of 1999 (Sep. 28, 1998). The Economist Intelligence Unit reports that the Environment Commission for the European Union has announced that it will propose, by the end of 1999, a legislative framework to extend ambient noise levels, beyond the current limits, for cars, lorries and aircraft.

Montreal Residents Suffer from Perpetual Transportation Noise (Sep. 28, 1998). The Gazette reports Montreal residents who are assaulted by noise from planes, trains and automobiles believe landlords and homeowners need to speak out about this quality of life issue.

Expanded Flightpaths in England Bring More Noise; Additional 1 Million Homes Will Be Affected (Sep. 27, 1998). The Times Newspapers Limited reports the British government faces an outcry from residents over its plans for a huge expansion of flightpaths that will lead to at least 1m more homes being disturbed by aircraft noise.

Residents' Group in England Continues to Fight Noise from Shouting Inmates (Sep. 27, 1998). The Leicester Mail reports a community action group in Leicester, England, claims it is still fighting for some peace and quiet more than two years after voicing its concern about noise from a nearby juvenile detention center.

How Quiet are the Neighbors? European Bank Advises Finding Answer Before Buying a Home (Sep. 25, 1998). The Daily Record of Europe reports noisy neighbors are the biggest drawback to buying a new home, according to a survey out yesterday.

Seasonal Flight Paths at Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok Shift Noise from Region to Region; Residents Take Turns Complaining about Noise (Sep. 25, 1998). The Hong Kong Standard reports Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok Airport shifts flight paths with the seasons, and affected residents everywhere complain of the noise.

European Commission Requires Towns to Create Noise Contour Maps (Sep. 24, 1998). The Leicester Mercury reports noise blackspots in Leicester, England, will be targeted as part of pollution research mandated by the European Commission.

Helicopter Pad at English Hotel Brings Noise Complaints from Neighbors (Sep. 24, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports a helicopter landing at a Birmingham, England, hotel is angering local residents who claim their peace and quiet is being shattered.

Montreal Airport Switch Brings Noise and Aggravation to Some Residents (Sep. 24, 1998). The Gazette reports Montreal, Canada, residents continue to call Aeroports de Montreal to rage about airplane noise since international flights were transferred from outlying Mirabel Airport to Dorval Airport a year ago.

New Zealand Residents Want Airport Noise Reduced Sooner than Later (Sep. 23, 1998). The Evening Standard reports at a meeting about airport generated noise attended by ratepayers and representatives from the Palmerston North city council, airport company, and Fieldair Engineering, New Zealanders' main message was, "Let's curb noise now."

Noise Complaints Rise as Tolerance for Noise Decreases in English Town (Sep. 23, 1998). The Grimsby Evening Telegraph reports noise pollution is becoming an increasing problem in East Lindsey, England, as residents become less tolerant of certain kinds of noise.

Residents in English Town Demand Relief from Road Noise (Sep. 22, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports residents of Evesham, England, are requesting a low noise surface be laid on a busy highway that creates constant and intolerable traffic noise.

European Union Mandates Noise Maps for Cities (Sep. 19, 1998). New Scientist reports every city in the European Union with more than 250 000 inhabitants will be required to draw up " noise maps" of their streets by 2002.

Maylaysia Limits Singapore's Use of Airspace; Could Mean More Noise for Both Countries (Sep. 19, 1998). Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports Malaysia's new restrictions on Singapore's use of Malaysian airspace could mean more aircraft noise for residents of both countries.

Anti-Noise Candidate in Australia Claims Death Threats-Continues Campaign Against RAAF Jet Noise (Sep. 18, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports an independent candidate in Australia campaigning against aircraft noise claimed today she and her family had been subjected to death threats.

Plan to Move Concert Stage Only Moves the Noise, Doesn't Solve Problem, Say Calgary, Alberta, Residents (Sep. 17, 1998). The Calgary Herald reports some Calgary, Alberta, residents believe a proposed permanent stage at the west end of Prince's Island Park would only direct noise away from one location and bother residents in another area.

Richmond, British Columbia, Establishes Restrictions for "Raves" after Neighbors in Vancouver Complain (Sep. 17, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports after numerous complaints about noise from a recent rave party in Richmond, British Columbia, town officials adopt restrictions.

Noise Complaints in the United Kingdom Decreasing (Sep. 16, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports environmental health officers in the United Kingdom announced the public may be becoming more tolerant of noisy neighbors.

Council in Stroud, England, Committed to Dealing with Noise Issues (Sep. 15, 1998). The Gloucester Citizen reports members of an environment committee in Stroud, England, are committed to dealing with noise complaints.

United Kingdom to Test Rubber Roads to Reduce Noise (Sep. 13, 1998). Times Newspapers Limited reports Colsoft, a new type of road surface, could come to the relief of United Kingdom residents plagued by traffic noise.

Town Council in England will Investigate Ways to Reduce Excessive Noise from Music Festival after Residents Complain (Sep. 12, 1998). The Evening Herald reports the Plymouth, England, City Council is determined to address the issue of excessive noise from a free festival in 1999 after complaints about this year's event.

Government Rejects Activists' Attempts to Restrict Night-Flights at England's Largest Airports (Sep. 11, 1998). Times Newspapers Limited reports anti-noise groups lost their fight to restrict night-time flying at England's three major airports.

Bangkok Will Enforce Noise Limits on Noisy Canal Boats (Sep. 10, 1998). Bernama, The Malaysian National News Agency reports China's Bangkok Metropolitan Administration plans to regulate noise levels of passenger boats after operators were found to suffer hearing damage.

Resident is Heavily Fined in England for Noise Disturbances (Sep. 8, 1998). The Nottingham Evening Post reports Richard Ramsey of Nottingham, England, has been fined for two breaches of a noise abatement notice.

Shared-Noise Strategy at Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport Criticized by Safety Experts, Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots and Others (Sep. 7, 1998). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports Australia's government shared- noise strategy significantly reduces capacity at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport while increasing safety concerns.

English Resident Breaks Noise Laws; Town Destroys Stereo to Deter Future Violators (Sep. 5, 1998). The Daily Telegraph reports a residents' music system was demolished in public in Grantham, England, as a warning to those who persistently defy noise laws.

Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport May Have to Close for Several (Aug. 19, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the busiest airport in the Netherlands, may have to close down for weeks at the end of this year if the government doesn't relax noise pollution guidelines.

City in East China Reduces Noise, Can Hear Birds Sing (Aug. 12, 1998). China Daily reports noise control measures have been used to reduce noise in Yantai, a coastal city in East China's Shandong Province. Cars are forbidden to blow their horns in the urban districts and no sirens are allowed to sound. Broadcasting music and advertisements outdoors has also been forbidden in commercial areas since June 1.

Commetary Says Stricter Rules Justified for Noise Reduction in Addis Ababa (Aug. 11, 1998). The Monitor published an editorial advocating the new strict noise regulations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The writer believes it's better to enforce controls now before the city becomes hopelessly polluted.

Court Orders Couple to Quiet Lovemaking after Neighbors Complain of Noise in Ipswich, England (Aug. 6, 1998). The Mirror reports an Ipswich, England, man has been ordered to keep his lovemaking sessions quiet or face eviction.

China Accesses the Number of People to be Affected by Proposed Flight Path (Jul. 31, 1998). South China Morning Post reports that officials are being urged to provide more details on flight paths and the people affected by aircraft noise.

Council of Staffordshire Moor-lands will Monitor Skate Ramp Noise (Jul. 29, 1998). The Sentinel reports that noise generated by a skate ramp in Biddulph has become an irritant for nearby residents.

Scottish Resident Upset About Neighbor's Plan for a Pigeon Loft (Jul. 27, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports that a resident in the Aberdeen, Scotland area has applied for permission to build a loft for racing pigeons in the shared back yard of his council apartment. However, the article says, the next-door neighbor is opposing the plan, saying the pigeons will create noise and make a mess. Planning officers at the Aberdeen City Council have recommended that councilors approve the plan, and the issue will be discussed at Thursday's planning committee meeting.

The Devastating Effects of Noise Pollution and Some Ways to Ease its Impact (Jul. 27, 1998). Time Magazine reports noise pollution is increasing across Europe. While noise can damage health and destroy peace of mind, there are ways to lessen its impact.

Canadian Columnist Gives Long-Term Strategies for Reducing Noise and Air Pollution (Jul. 25, 1998). The Gazette printed an editorial that argues to reduce noise and air pollution effectively, we need to price energy sensibly, pass common-sense environmental laws, and foster an aesthetic of peace and quiet. The editorial writer discusses some examples of noise problems and solutions in the Montreal, Quebec area.

Japanese Government Commission Recommends Rail Company Compensate Residents, But at Lower Level Than Previously Proposed (Jul. 25, 1998). The Daily Yomiuri reports that Japan's Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission announced Friday that it would urge Odakyu Railway Company to pay 9.56 million yen in noise pollution damages to 34 people living near the company's tracks in Tokyo. But, the article says, the Commission rejected claims by 266 other people. The decision is seen as a victory for the rail company, the article notes. Some of the plaintiffs said they would appeal the decision to the Tokyo District Court.

Japanese Commission Says Railway Company Should Compensate Some Residents Near Track, But Residents Vow to Take Matter to Court (Jul. 24, 1998). The Asahi News Service reports that Japan's Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission has said the Odakyu Electric Railway Company should compensate 34 Tokyo residents who experience noise levels of 70 decibels or more from nearby rail tracks. But the Commission said the rail company doesn't have to compensate many more residents who have complained about the noise and asked for a ruling from the Commission. According to Yasuyuki Kinoshita, a spokesperson for the residents, the residents will take the case to court to stop the company's plan to elevate the rail line.

Columnist Argues That Hong Kong Residents Don't Have a Case on Jet Noise From New Airport, But They Should Have Been Told About Flight Path Routes (Jul. 23, 1998). The South China Morning Post printed an editorial in which the writer argues that residents complaining about jet noise coming from the flight paths of the new Chek Lap Kok airport in Hong Kong don't have a case against the government. But, the editorial says, the government should have informed residents about the flight path routes, or at least provided a channel through which they could easily find out the information.

Airline Companies Place More Orders for Hushkits to Meet Noise Regulations (Jul. 22, 1998). Flight International reports that AvAero Aircraft Noise Reduction and the Nordam Group, two companies that specialize in installing Boeing 737 hushkits, have collected orders and options for more than 500 hushkits, used to quiet jet engines. The article notes that both companies have reported a new flurry of activity in the hushkit market as deadlines for meeting the Stage 3 noise regulations approach.

Columnist Ridicules Noise Rules Governing Canadian Folk Fest (Jul. 22, 1998). The Calgary Sun printed an editorial that ridicules the noise rules governing the upcoming Calgary Folk Music Festival on Prince's Island in Calgary, Alberta. The columnist says the folk festival is singled out by residents in upscale neighborhoods, who have made local officials impose unnecessarily stringent regulations.

Hong Kong Resident Belittles Outcry Over Jet Noise From New Airport (Jul. 21, 1998). The South China Morning Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Andrew Lee, a Kowloon City, Hong Kong resident, regarding noise from the new Hong Kong airport:

Residents in Ontario Start Picketing Courier Warehouse Over Noise, While City Takes Company to Court (Jul. 19, 1998). The Ottawa Citizen reports that residents in the Blossom Park area of Gloucester, Ontario are planning a week-long protest against Dicom Express, a courier warehouse located near their homes, over noise that comes from the facility's trucks. Meanwhile, the city of Gloucester last week decided to take the courier company to court for violating the city's noise law. But officials with Dicom Express said the suit will be thrown out, as an earlier suit by the city was, because the company is located in an industrial zone.

Montreal Police Monitor Neighborhood by Helicopter, Angering Residents (Jul. 17, 1998). The Gazette reports that police in Montreal, Quebec have been regularly patrolling the Mile End district of the city by helicopter for the past several weeks to secure the area from crime. But residents are complaining about the helicopter's noise, saying it keeps them from sleeping and the searchlights make them feel like they're in a war zone.

New Hong Kong Airport Generates Noise and Protests (Jul. 16, 1998). The British Broadcasting Corporation reports that, according to a Radio TV Hong Kong audio web-site report on July 14th, about 30 residents demonstrated outside Central district government offices over jet noise from the new Hong Kong area airport. Meanwhile, Christine Loh, the new chair of the Environmental Panel, said jet noise at the airport will be the top priority for the panel.

Proposal for Police Shooting Range in England Draws Concern (Jul. 16, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that the police force in County Durham, England has proposed using the site of an old quarry at Running Waters, three miles southeast of Durham City, for an outdoor shooting range. But, the article says, some residents and councilors are objecting to the plan.

Hong Kong Residents Propose Alternative Flight Path to Cut Noise, But Government Says There's Little Hope for Change (Jul. 15, 1998). The South China Morning Post reports that an activist group in Hong Kong, China is protesting against jet noise at the Hong Kong area airport, saying that an alternative flight path would solve the problem. But meanwhile, officials with the government's Civil Aviation Department say there is "little scope" for change.

Proposed Noise Controls on Aircraft Testing at New Zealand Airport May Be Relaxed (Jul. 15, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that the city council resource management and regulatory committee in Palmerston North, New Zealand voted Monday to proceed with the public notification of a variation to the proposed district plan that would allow noise from the testing of aircraft engines at Palmerston North Airport to be louder than the district plan proposes.

Electronic Monitoring System Used in Grimsby, England, to Combat Noise Nuisances (Jul. 14, 1998). The Grimsby Evening Telegraph reports an English town of Grimsby is using an electronic monitoring system to combat noise pollution.

Hong Kong Residents Complain About Jet Noise, But Officials Refuse Compensation for Residents Outside Noise Contour (Jul. 14, 1998). The South China Morning Post reports that China's Civil Aviation Department has received about 300 complaints from residents since the Hong Kong airport opened. While residents continue to protest, government officials say that compensating residents who live outside the "noise contour" is out of the question. Meanwhile, decibel levels on the ground below the flight path range from 60 to 70 decibels.

Hong Kong Residents Complain About Jet Noise (Jul. 14, 1998). The Emerging Markets Datafile (Hong Kong Standard) reports that residents in Hong Kong, China are complaining about jet noise from the Hong Kong International Airport. The article says that at a public forum held near Tai Wai on Monday, residents living in the area expressed anger at the Civil Aviation Department for bringing the jets over their neighborhoods. Meanwhile, airport officials said the flight path would be difficult or impossible to change.

Scottish Planning Committee Delays Ruling on Noise Problems at Quarry (Jul. 11, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports the Highland Council's Ross and Cromarty area planning committee, near Aberdeen, Scotland, has delayed a ruling on noise problems by the quarry operator Leiths, on its Tor Achilty quarry near Contin, until September. The committee is set to consider a breach of the quarry's planning conditions related to noise levels. Committee members delayed their ruling in order to allow the quarry to finish work which is intended to minimize the noise.

Irish Man Takes Neighbor to Court for Crowing Rooster; Now Neighbor Blares TV and Radio Noise (Jul. 10, 1998). The Mirror reports that an Irish man, Mr. Masterson, took his neighbor, Mrs. Gallagher, to court to stop her rooster from crowing every morning at 4:30 a.m. in the summer. Now, the article says, Mrs. Gallagher has started to blare her radio and television at all hours of the day.

Airport Noise Shifts from One Town in China to Another; Environmental Groups Demand Compensation for Residents (Jul. 9, 1998). The South China Morning Post reports airport noise has shifted from Kowloon to Lantau and Sha Tin despite promises that Chek Lap Kok would solve the problem, green groups said yesterday.

New South Wales Considers Curfews to Cut Road Traffic Noise (Jul. 8, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports the New South Wales government is considering night curfews on some roads to cut traffic noise, the Daily Telegraph reported today.

London Case Pending on Landlords' Liability in Noise Nuisance Matters (Jul. 7, 1998). The Lawyer reports judgment is pending in a London case which will determine landlords' liability in respect to noise nuisance.

Court of Appeal Will Hear Challenge of Noise Abatement Notice Served to English Pub (Jul. 7, 1998). The Lawyer reports a Gosport, England, pub is at the center of a pending test case over procedures to be followed by courts dealing with complaints of noise nuisance.

ElToro Airport Activists Network with Anti-Airport Groups Worldwide for Support and Lessons (Jul. 4, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that those fighting El Toro Airport in Orange County, California have found allies over the Internet in the U.K., South Africa, and Australia who are fighting the same airport problems.

English Town Promotes Noise Awareness Day with Education (Jul. 3, 1998). The Herald Express reports the Council in Teignbridge, England, went into action to spotlight Noise Awareness Day launched by the National Society for Clean Air.

Firefighter Landlords in England Protest Station Noise (Jul. 2, 1998). The Evening Post (Wellington) reports in England two firemen are complaining that the station where they work is too noisy for tenants in apartments next door. The two firemen happen to also be the landlords of the adjacent apartments.

Noise Pollution is a Growing Problem in United Kingdom (Jul. 2, 1998). The Sentinel reports that noise pollution is a growing problem in the Newcastle area in the United Kingdom, and residents are becoming more aware of their rights to have a peaceful life. The article goes on to detail the noise problems of two residents in the Stoke area, and to detail how officials at the Newcastle Borough Council advise people to deal with noise problems.

Some Montreal Residents Say Neighborhoods and Bars Don't Mix, Citing Noise and Traffic (Jul. 2, 1998). The Gazette reports bars and restaurants in residential area of Montreal have become controversial. Residents complain about noise. West End business owners say they are working to peacefully co-exist in neighborhoods.

UK Government's Aware of Misery Noise Can Cause; Promotes National Noise Awareness Day (Jul. 2, 1998). M2 Presswire published the following press release stating that the United Kingdom's minister responsible for environmental noise declared the government's support for National Noise Awareness Day. The press release read as follows:

City in Scotland Publishes Guide for Residents with Noise Problems (Jul. 1, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports the City Council of Aberdeen, Scotland, is addressing the growing noise pollution problem by publishing noise reduction guidelines for residents.

Sounds of Silence Rare in North Lincolnshire, England; Noise Complaints Increase (Jul. 1, 1998). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph reports complaints about noise pollution are on the rise in the English towns of North Lincolnshire. But the Health and Public Protection Committee can help residents bothered by noise.

Anti-Aircraft Noise Activists Win Concessions at Australia's Perth Airport (Jun. 29, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports Australia's Perth airport owners have given in to pressure from anti-aircraft noise activists, imposing several restrictions on the use of a proposed runway extension.

France will Phase out Noisier Jets at Charles de Gaulle Airport (Jun. 29, 1998). AP Worldstream reports the French government on Monday agreed to phase out noisier jetliners at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport by 2002.

Noise Complaints Increase 20 Percent in English Towns (Jun. 29, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo reports complaints about noisy neighbors are on the increase in the English towns of Vale of Evesham and Broadway.

Noise and Its Health Effects Need Attention in Malaysia (Jun. 29, 1998). The New Straits Times reports there is an urgent need to reduce noise pollution in Malaysia, according to the Society of Occupational Safety and Health.

Airport Noise Level Plans Require Future Homes to be Soundproofed (Jun. 27, 1998). The Evening Standard reports rural New Zealand residents living under flight paths are concerned about how proposed new noise level limits near Palmerston North airport will affect future homes and additions to existing properties.

New Zealanders Look to Preserve Natural Quiet in National Parks; Helicopter Buzzing is Main Concern (Jun. 27, 1998). The Press reports helicopter noise is annoying visitors and ruining the natural quiet in New Zealand's national parks. Conservation and park groups are taking measures to avoid the over-flying that has plagued the US's Grand Canyon.

German Court Rules in Favor of Neighbors; Enforces Quiet Times at Home (Jun. 26, 1998). AP Worldstream reports Germany's Constitutional Court refused Friday to hear an appeal of a controversial ruling that came from a neighbor's complaints about noise coming from a house for mentally handicapped men.

New RAF Flight Paths No Improvement for some in Scottish Villages (Jun. 25, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal of Aberdeen, Scotland, reports new flight paths designed by the RAF to reduce noise for villages around the Tain bombing range in Easter Ross are making life noisy and miserable for one farmer.

Noise Insulation Plans Revealed for Homes Near New Zealand Airport (Jun. 25, 1998). The Dominion reports residents who live near New Zealand's Palmerston North airport will hear tonight about new regulations that affect the noise insulation of new homes.

Resident Says Noise Ruins Lives in English Town (Jun. 23, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo published the following letter to the editor about the ill effects of noise from a resident of High Street, Cheltenham, England:

Is Living Under Heathrow Airport's Flight Paths an Asset or Loss for London's Homeowners and Purchasers? (Jun. 20, 1998). The Financial Times reports that some of Britain's most expensive houses lie on the flight paths into and out of Heathrow airport. The proximity to the airport is considered one of the property's virtues, at least until now. The article poses the question: With construction of the fifth terminal ("Terminal Five") looming on the horizon, will proximity to the airport continue to be an asset or will the proximity push buyers beyond the limits for noise and congestion?

Australian Prime Minister Concedes that the Government's Noise Plan Has Failed to Achieve its Goals (Jun. 19, 1998). The AAP Newsfeed reported that Australian Prime Minister John Howard admitted for the first time that his government could not meet its promises regarding aircraft noise.

Over 60 Families Suffering from Noise and Vibrations of Power Plant Since 1995 (Jun. 18, 1998). New Straits Times-Management Times reports that government authorities are paying attention to the noise and vibration created by a power plant in Taman NLFCS. Sixty families in Tanjung Gemok, Port Dickson have been affected by the power plant. The Negri Sembilan Governments recently requested that the State Department of Environment (DoE) to submit a detailed report on the problems faced by the surrounding residents.

City Councilors Angered at Limited Penalty Fees Required of Noise Nuisance Neighbor in Gloucester, England (Jun. 16, 1998). The Gloucester Citizen reports that angry city councilors agreed to explore new measures for dealing with people who create a noise nuisance.

Claim Made that a Labor Federal Government Would Ensure A Decrease in Noise Impact from Airport in Adelaide, Australia (Jun. 16, 1998). Australian General News reports that a spokesperson for the opposition transport, Lindsay Tanner, said today that a Labor federal government would decrease the impact of aircraft noise around Adelaide Airport. "A Labor government will ensure that every home in Australia seriously affected by aircraft noise is entitled to equal access to insulation," Tanner was quoted saying in the article.

Contemporary Annoyances of 'Unwanted Sound' in Great Britain (Jun. 14, 1998). The Observer published the following article concerning contemporary annoyances of noise as "unwanted sound".

Transalpine Highway Blocked by Austrian Anti-noise Protesters (Jun. 13, 1998). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that about 4,000 demonstrators shut down the Brenner Pass Friday, June 10 in protest against European Union policies that keep all highways open to huge trucks. Austrians are fed up with the noise and fumes of 1.2 million trucks using the pass each year. According to the article that number is a 50 percent increase since 1990 and is due to increased cross-border trade that is in line with European Union policies.

Malaysia's Environment Department to Submit Report on Noise and Vibration from Power Plant (Jun. 12, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that according to an article in The New Straits Times, Malaysia's State Department of Environment has been asked to submit a detailed report on the alleged noise pollution and vibration from a power plant. Residents of Taman NLFCS in Tanjong Gemuk, Port Dickson, say the noise and vibration have caused cracks in the roads of their housing development. According to Menteri Besar Tan Sri Mohamad Isa Abdul Samad, the State Public Works Department also will conduct tests to determine the cause of the problem in the roads.

Canadian Folk Festival Music Permit is Appealed by Residents Who Want No Late-Night Music (Jun. 12, 1998). The Calgary Herald reports that residents in the Hillhurst-Sunnyside area of Calgary, Alberta are appealing a festival permit of the Calgary Folk Festival that allows musicians to perform after 10 p.m. on two nights next month at Prince's Island Park, a festival site. The article says that the city waived its own noise bylaw to allow the music to play until 11 p.m. on Friday, July 24 and Saturday, July 25. The appeal will be heard before the city's license appeal board next Thursday, the article notes.

Austrian Noise Activists Block Major Highway to Protest European Union Policy That Allows Large Trucks on All Highways (Jun. 12, 1998). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that hundreds of noise activists in Austria on Friday blocked one of Europe's major alpine highways, the E45 motorway near Innsbruck and the Brenner Pass, in a 28-hour protest against European Union policies that keep all highways open to huge trucks. The article says Austrians are fed up with the noise and fumes in their scenic valleys caused by heavy trucks on their alpine highways en route between Italy and Germany.

Residents Object to New Nightclub in Scotland, But City Recommends Approval (Jun. 6, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports residents in Aberdeen, Scotland are protesting a bid to convert the Q Brasserie on Alford Place from a restaurant into a nightclub. Residents say there already are many nightclubs in the area, and another one would only increase the levels of late-night noise and disturbances. But, the article says, Peter Cockhead, the city's planning and strategic development director, has recommended that the change be allowed. The planning (development control) committee will consider the application next Thursday.

Japanese Residents Won't Appeal Jet Noise Compensation Ruling (Jun. 5, 1998). The Japan Economic Newswire reports that residents who filed suit against the Japanese government for noise from the U.S. Kadena air base in Japan will not appeal a high court ruling that ordered the government to compensate the residents for noise pollution from military aircraft. The ruling was issued by the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court on May 22, and it ordered the government to compensate 867 people of the 906 who requested compensation, but rejected arguments to halt night flights at the base.

Amsterdam Airport Raises Fees for Noisy Aircraft Starting in August (Jun. 4, 1998). AFX News reports that officials at the Schiphol Aiport in Amsterdam, Netherlands said they will raise the charges for daytime and nighttime landings and take-offs by the noisier Chapter 3 planes starting on August 1. The airport's actions come after the transport ministry approved the plans. The charges are intended to motivate airlines to fly quieter planes and to reduce night flights, according to airport officials.

English Residents Living Near Highway Get Money to Mitigate Traffic Noise (Jun. 4, 1998). The Sentinel reports the Highways Agency in the United Kingdom will spend more than 400,000 pounds on noise insulation to protect residents along a section of the new A50 highway in Stoke-on-Trent, England. The article notes that 164 residents have applied for noise mitigation measures, and the government will spend about 2,500 pounds per home for the insulation measures.

Scottish Hotel Owner Threatens Neighbors With More Noise After They Object to Hotel's Extended Hours (Jun. 4, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that a hotel owner in Ballater, Scotland threatened neighbors with loud music after the neighbors objected to plans to extend the hours of operation of the hotel. The Aberdeenshire (South) licensing board yesterday approved the hotel owner's application for extended hours for six months, on the understanding that the owner seeks advice from Aberdeenshire Council's environmental health department on noise control.

British Residents Say Cargo Airport Development Will Create Unacceptable Noise, Air Pollution, and Traffic (Jun. 2, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that residents in Britain's Northeast are fighting an airport development that would establish the country's second largest cargo handling center after Heathrow airport. A report created for the Darlington council has found that residents near the development will suffer more noise, pollution, and traffic congestion if the project goes forward. The report will be presented as evidence when a public inquiry into the project proposed by Moorfield Estates begins at the airport today, the article says.

Canadian Shakespeare Theater Company Wants Jet Ski Bylaw Enforced During Their Performances (Jun. 2, 1998). The Calgary Herald reports that members of the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan theater company in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan want the city police to enforce a bylaw that prohibits Jet Skis from using the portion of the South Saskatchewan River near the company's performance tents on the river banks.

Police Step Up Patrols in Public Parks to Curb Noise from Teenage Motorcyclists in Nottingham and Boxtowe, England (Jun. 2, 1998). The Nottingham Evening Post reports that teenage motorcyclists have been annoying residents in Nuthall streets and other areas around the city that are near Broxtowe Country Park in England. The article says police are stepping up patrols in the park to stop the youngsters who are riding there illegally.

Proposal to Turn Old Montreal's Main Street Into Car-Free Zone Upsets Residents (Jun. 2, 1998). The Gazette reports that city officials in Montreal, Quebec are studying a proposal to turn St. Paul Street in Old Montreal into a car-free zone on weekends. The idea has been proposed by several merchants on the street, who are fed up with traffic jams and want more tourists on the narrow street. But some residents on the street oppose the idea, saying it will turn the street into a zone of noisy late-night restaurants. The article notes that a city committee has been formed to study the proposal.

International Pilots Association Opposes Israeli Bill That Would Prosecute Pilots Who Violate Noise Abatement Procedures (Jun. 1, 1998). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA) is concerned about legislation proposed in the Israeli Knesset that calls for criminal prosecution of pilots who violate noise abatement procedures. The bill was sent back for review after concerns were raised by IFALPA and the Israeli Air Line Pilots Association.

European Commission Plans to Ban "Hush Kitted" Planes by 2000 (Jun.1 1998). Air Cargo World reports the European Commission plans to ban "hush-kitted" planes in the near future.

Scottish Council Turns Down Application for Off-Road Driving Center (May 29, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the council in Aberdeenshire, Scotland voted 5-3 to reject an application for planning permission for an off-road driving center in Deeside. The article says that the company Making Treks was asked earlier by the council to undertake an independent noise-pollution survey related to the proposed project. Company officials say they commissioned the survey, which concluded that there would be no noise pollution, but councilors ignored that information or were not given the results of the survey before voting. The company intends to appeal the decision, the article says.

Canadian Accordian Player Refuses to Lower the Volume at his Outdoor Performances (May 27, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that an accordion player in Bronte, Ontario has been asked by residents and police to lower the volume at his outdoor concerts at Bronte Harbor, just across from the Lakeside Marketeria on Bronte Road, and move to a new location. But the musician refuses to accommodate the requests. Police say they may ask a judge to impose restrictions on the musician's entertainment.

Japanese Court Upholds Decision to Compensate Residents for Noise from Air Force Base (May 27, 1998). Jane's Defence Weekly reports that the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court in Japan has upheld a 1994 court decision to compensate 867 residents who filed a lawsuit over noise pollution from Okinawa's Kadena Air Force Base. The article says that the court ordered the government to increase the amount of compensation to 1.37 billion [yen?] ($10.2 million), but rejected a request to ban flight operations between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Canadian Residents and Officials Protest for a Decade About Illegal Airfield, Without Resolution (May 26, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports that residents and officials in Surrey, British Columbia have been fighting to have the Airflow Ultralight Aviation airfield in the 4900 block of King George Highway shut down for a decade, without result. The article explains that the airfield owner has never had a business license and the land has never had proper zoning for an airfield since opening in 1981, but local politicians refuse to enforce a city zoning bylaw and shut down the airfield. Now, the article says, it may be too late for the city to get rid of the airfield because officials have allowed it to operate for so long. In the latest development, the Surrey City Council last week again postponed a decision on the airfield.

Australian Court is Told That Airport Flight Path Changes to Remove Noise from Neighborhoods Were Politically Motivated and Illegal (May 25, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports that the councils in Randwick and Woollahra, Australia have filed a lawsuit alleging that Environment Minister Robert Hill acted for political reasons last July when he made a decision to introduce a long-term operating plan (LTOP) for planes using the Sydney airport. The LTOP was introduced for the improper purpose of reducing noise from coalition-held federal electorates north of the city, according to attorneys for the plaintiffs. Former Transport Minister John Sharp is also accused of making politically motivated decisions, the article says. The case currently is being argued before the Federal Court, and is expected to last at least five days.

Two Czech Cities Decide to Wall Off Their "Problematic" Gypsies (May 25, 1998). The International Herald Tribune reports that officials in Usti Nad Labem and Pilsen, Czech Republic have decided to wall off what they call "problematic" public housing residents, mainly low-income Gypsies, because officials say they destroy the quality-of-life of their neighbors. The walled-off areas will be guarded by round-the-clock police patrols. Some say the walled-off areas will be the equivalent of a ghetto for the residents, the article says.

Japanese Court Orders Noise Pollution Compensation for Residents Living Near U.S. Air Base (May 23, 1998). The Mainichi Daily News reports that the Fukuoka High Court in Naha, Japan ordered the government Friday to compensate residents living near the U.S. Kadena Air Base for noise pollution caused by late-night flights. The court agreed with residents that the jet noise has inflicted psychological damage, but rejected a demand to have the flights banned.

Japan Awards Residents Damages for Airbase Noise; Turns Down Request for Night Time Ban (May 22, 1998). Agence France Presse reports an Okinawa, Japan, court ordered the Japanese government to award monetary compensation to citizens who suffer from aircraft noise.

Vancouver Airport Projects Mean Noisy Summer for Nearby Residents (May 20, 1998). The Vancouver Sun of British Columbia, Canada, reports a new runway-improvement project at Vancouver International Airport will result in noisy jets taking off over residential areas. Some residents are anticipating a lousy summer.

Opponents of El Toro Airport Point to Study of Health Problems in Children Exposed to Jet Noise (May 19, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that opponents of the proposed El Toro Airport in Orange County, California are citing a new study from Germany that shows children's health is negatively affected by noise. How applicable the study is to the El Toro situation remains to be seen.

Nelson Airport Upgrades Noise Committee (May 18, 1998). The Nelson Mail reports the Nelson, New Zealand, airport authority will form a committee to deal with noise issues arising from the airport.

Plans for Road Development through Welsh Gorge Brings Protests of Noise Pollution (May 17, 1998). The Independent of London, England, reports Clydach Gorge, a three-mile enclave of wildlife in South Wales, is under consideration for road development. Locals oppose the plan, citing environmental impacts and noise pollution.

Air Cargo Conference Held in Ottawa; Some Industry Members Say Ottawa Could Become Secondary Air Cargo Hub (May 16, 1998). The Ottawa Sun reports that the 7th annual International Air Cargo conference ended yesterday in Ottawa, Ontario. Some industry members said the Ottawa International Airport could be a location in the future for a secondary air cargo hub. But airport officials aren't sure that's a good idea, the article says.

Three Years into Inquiry, Two Sides No Closer on Heathrow's Terminal Five (May 16, 1998). The Financial Times of London reports the inquiry into Heathrow's Terminal Five has been going on for three years now which makes it the longest inquiry in UK history. Opponents are still vocal, although some are experiencing fatigue and financial strain.

Anti-Noise Group Asks Government to Fund Fair Fight Against Heathrow's Terminal 5 (May 14, 1998). Press Association Newsfile reports the Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise (HACAN) asked the government today for financial assistance in its fight to stop a fifth terminal from being built at Heathrow airport.

Calgary Bylaws Prevent New Noisy Businesses (May 12, 1998). The Calgary Herald in Alberta, Canada, reports the city's council approved new bylaws to regulate noise from bars and restaurants near residential areas. The article goes on to point out that the new bylaws don't govern existing facilities.

Toronto Columnist Relates Fight Against Leaf-Blowers (May 9, 1998). The Toronto Sun printed an editorial by Robin Ward, a resident of the Rosedale neighborhood in Toronto, Ontario, describing a personal fight against leaf blowers. The editorial details how the writer moved into the neighborhood and fixed up a deteriorating house, only to find that the area is assaulted by leaf blowers in the summer.

Vancouver Police Checkpoints to Inspect Noise Levels of Motorcycles (May 7, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports Vancouver police will check motorcycles for noise levels four times during the month of May.

Aberdeen Say New Takeout Business Will Increase Noise, Litter, and Traffic (May 7, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports local residents are irate over food takeaway plans, which they claim will make their lives miserable by adding to existing noise and traffic problems.

City in British Columbia Proposes "Anti-Nuisance Zones;" Includes Noise as Uncivil and Illegal Behavior (May 7, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports the New Westminster, British Columbia, city council has given a first reading to a new bylaw that would create "anti-nuisance zones" where civility would be required. Making noise that disturbs residents is one of the uncivil behaviors addressed in the new bylaw.

British County Planners Recommend Approval of Recycling Facility, Despite Residents' Objections (May 1, 1998). The Western Morning News reports that British county planners have recommended that plans for a recycling facility in East Devon, England be approved, despite objections by local residents and the parish council. The article notes that the project will be considered by the county's development control committee on Wednesday.

English Town Expands Noise Control Team as Noise Complaints Rise (May 1, 1998). The Sentinel of Stoke, England reports an extra officer is being added to the Stafford Borough Council's noise control team to help cope with the expected rise in complaints. The council faces its busiest period in the summer months.

New Zealand Advisor Advises Against Highway Upgrade, Citing Noise and Its Health Effects (May 1, 1998). The Evening Post reports a New Zealand senior advisor said widening a State Highway would add to already unacceptably high noise levels for residents and most likely result in serious health effects.

New Zealand Expert Advises Against Highway Upgrade, Citing Noise and Its Health Effects (May 1, 1998). The Evening Post reports a New Zealand senior advisor said widening a State Highway would add to already unacceptably high noise levels for residents and most likely result in serious health effects.

China's Labor Department Outlines Its Efforts to Protect Workers from Hearing Damage (Apr. 30, 1998). The South China Morning Post published the following letter to the editor from Wong Ching Kwok for the Commissioner of Labor about efforts made by the Labor Department to protect workers from hearing damage. Wong Ching Kwok wrote:

Residents Near UK's Teesside Airport Object to Proposed Freight Terminal (Apr. 30, 1998). The Northern Echo of the United Kingdom reports complaints about noise from light aircraft using Teesside International Airport have risen since plans were announced to build one of the UK's biggest freight terminals.

A Minute's Worth of Complete Silence a Rare Experience, Even in New Zealand (Apr. 29, 1998). The Dominion of Wellington, New Zealand, reports Auckland academics will allow citizens to experience blissful silence today in honor of Noise Awareness Day.

Noise Sharing Scheme at Sydney Airport Criticized (Apr. 29, 1998). Flight International of Cairns, Australia, reports airline officials, controllers and pilots are against noise sharing at Sydney's airport, citing safety and economic issues as well as mounting chaos.

EU Will Strive for Consistent but Flexible Nighttime Aircraft Standards (Apr. 28, 1998). Airports(R) reports the European Union plans to define a common approach to nighttime movements of aircraft and created a new policy, particularly for cargo shipments, at Europe's airports.

Japanese Residents File Lawsuit Against Japanese Government for Noisy U.S. Navy Air Base (Apr. 28, 1998). The Mainichi Daily News reports that a group of 1,607 people living near U.S. Navy Atsugi air base in Yokohama, Japan filed a class-action lawsuit Monday in Yokohama District Court seeking 1.27 billion yen as compensation from the Japanese government for noise from U.S. and Self-Defense Forces (SDF) planes. The Japanese government is in charge of the base, which stretches over seven municipalities. The article notes that the lawsuit is the third of its kind regarding noise from the Atsugi base.

Canadian Resident Considers Launching Petition Opposing Second Runway at Calgary Airport (Apr. 25, 1998). The Calgary Herald reports that the Calgary (Canada) Airport Authority voted Wednesday that a study be conducted to look at the feasibility of building a second north-south runway at Calgary International Airport to deal with increasing air traffic. In response, Fred Waterman, a Castleridge resident, said he may launch a petition drive opposing construction of the runway.

European Commission to Hold Conference on European Union's Noise Pollution Policy (Apr. 24, 1998). Agence France Presse reports that the European Commission, in cooperation with the Danish government, will hold a conference on May 4-5 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss the European Union's noise pollution policy. The conference will focus on bringing noise pollution regulations of member states up to a standard and creating European Union legislation on noise pollution.

Europe's Air Cargo Businesses Becoming More Heavily Regulated Due to Noise and Nighttime Flight Restrictions (Apr. 24, 1998). The Journal of Commerce reports that the air cargo industry in Europe is facing an increasingly regulated market due to restrictions on noise levels and night flights. The article notes that the limitations come as express carriers are reporting record volumes in business.

Montreal Airport Officials Offer Little Help to Neighbors Frustrated by Jet Noise (Apr. 24, 1998). The Gazette reports that more than 100 angry residents in the Montreal, Quebec area met with officials from Aeroports de Montreal Wednesday to discuss noisy takeoffs and landings at Dorval airport. According to residents, the noise has become unbearable since international flights were transferred to Dorval from Mirabel airport in September. But residents were disappointed with the meeting, the article says. Officials told residents that studies were underway and they were considering changes in takeoff procedures.

Toronto Area Residents Attack Government and Politicians for Allowing Increase in Jet Noise (Apr. 23, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that about 200 residents of the Rockwood neighborhood of Mississauga, Ontario attended a public meeting last night at which they said the new runway at Pearson International Airport is making their life hell. The residents also criticized the federal government and the local Liberal Members of Parliament for allowing the new runway, which opened late last year, to be built.

British Telephone to Blame for Acoustic Shock; Leads to Safety Devices for Workers (Apr. 20, 1998). The Leicester Mercury of England reports that British Telephone has admitted liability in twenty cases of acoustic shock in workers.

Government Panel in Japan Will Propose Raising the Noise Level Allowed Along Major Roads (Apr. 17, 1998). The Mainichi Daily News reports that a subcommittee of the Central Environment Council in Japan will propose raising the level of noise allowed along major roads at an April 21 meeting of the Council. The subcommittee will recommend that the maximum acceptable noise level near arterial roads should be 70 decibels during the day. The new proposal exceeds the current noise limit of 65 decibels recognized by the Supreme Court in 1995 in connection with a noise pollution lawsuit brought by residents in Kobe.

Scottish Residents Try to Block Comedy Club Festival Near Their Homes (Apr. 17, 1998). The Evening News reports that residents in Edinburgh, Scotland are angry about noise from a comedy club, the Gilded Balloon II Festival Fringe venue, near their homes. The residents accuse comedy club workers of bullying residents to ensure that residents don't oppose them. Now, residents are lodging complaints with the Edinburgh City Council in an attempt to block the club from holding a festival venue at Fishmarket Close from 11 am to 1 am between August 7 and 29. The comedy club has applied for a temporary theatre license to operate festival venue, and the City Council's licensing committee will discuss the issue at a meeting today.

Report Finds Six Million People in France Suffer From Excess Noise Pollution (Apr. 16, 1998). The Independent reports that the Economic and Social Council (CES) in France, a consultative body representing industrial, business and social groups, issued a report that finds six million French people suffer from excess noise, mainly from cars, railways, and planes.

Columnist Argues British Government Should Survey People About Noise Around Heathrow Airport Instead of Relying on Computer-Generated Noise Averages (Apr. 15, 1998). The Guardian printed an editorial that argues the British government should survey residents living near London's Heathrow Airport about the aircraft noise they are experiencing, rather than relying on computer-generated noise averages. The editorial argues that only by doing such a survey can the government make the noise consultation currently in progress over Heathrow's expansion worthwhile.

Few Noise Complaints in North Lincolnshire Require Formal Action (Apr. 15, 1998). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph of England reports more than 900 complaints about excessive noise were made to North Lincolnshire council last year, but few resulted in formal action.

Road Noise from New Bypass Drives Family From Home; Residents Ask for Road Resurfacing (Apr. 11, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo of England reports a resident says excessive road noise is forcing him out of his home near the new Cirencester bypass.

Britain Fights EU's Tough Anti-Noise Proposals (Apr. 11, 1998). The Independent reports that Britain is preparing to fight new anti- noise laws proposed by the European Commission.

Gloucestershire Protesters Block Road for Peace and Quiet (Apr. 10, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo of England reports protesters brought traffic to a halt as they staged a march against noise pollution from the new Cirencester bypass.

Staffordshire Relaxes Steel Company's Restrictions, Ignores Residents' Noise Concerns (Apr. 10, 1998). The Sentinel of Stoke, England, reports a Staffordshire steel company has been given approval to store stock closer to its boundary despite residents' fears of noise and late night working.

Wales' Residents Voice Noise Concerns Over Pub's Request for Music License (Apr. 9, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea community council is fighting a pub's application for a music license, citing noise concerns.

Beijing Takes Measures to Reduce Noise Pollution from Car Alarms (Apr. 9, 1998). The China Daily reports Beijing yesterday announced new regulations designed to curb noise pollution from car alarms.

Open-plan Office Space Makes for Noisy Work Environments that Can Create Stress (Apr. 8, 1998). Great Britain's Times Newspapers Limited reports open-plan office designs generates noise which can create employee stress.

Kennels in Wales Approved Without Conditions Despite Residents' Noise Fears (Apr. 1, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea farm has been given approval to build kennels despite fears about noise nuisance.

Noisy Neighbors Helped Drive English Man to Suicide, Coroner Finds (Apr. 1, 1998). The Daily Telegraph reports that Dr. Richard Whittington, a coroner in Birmingham, England, has ruled that noisy neighbors helped drive John Vanderstam, a 46-year-old Birmingham resident, to suicide last November. The neighbors reportedly played loud music and had domestic disputes frequently.

European Commission Proposal Would Prohibit Hushkits after April, 1999 (Apr.1 1998). The Airfinance Journal reports that a European Commission proposal for a directive on noise pollution would prohibit airlines from hushkitting aircraft after April 1, 1999. Originally, the deadline had been set for 2002.

British Neighbors Angry Over Construction Noise at Former Dairy (Mar. 31, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that residents in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom have complained to the Middlesbrough council that construction noise, dust, and vibration from the internal renovation of a nearby dairy are making their lives miserable. Councilor Ken Walker, the leader of the Middlesbrough council, is joining residents in their attack on the property owner, Shmshad Qurban. The council has told Qurban that he must restrict the hours of work to control noise.

Noise and Development Drives Away Turtles Laying Eggs on Beaches in Malaysia (Mar. 30, 1998). Emerging Markets Datafile reports the beaches of Rantau Abang, Malaysia became a popular eco-tourism site for tourists who wanted to see the majestic leatherback turtles lay their eggs. But extensive development and noise to accommodate more tourists has driven away the shy turtles. Now, as the Malacca Fisheries Department makes plans to designate Pulau Upeh as a turtle sanctuary, along with promoting it as an eco-tourism site, a better model of sensitive development is needed, the article says.

Tokyo Airport Monitors Airplanes to Mitigate Noise (Mar. 30, 1998). Airline Industry Information reports that officials at the Tokyo Airport have started to display the flight path of every aircraft taking off or landing at the airport at an information center. Aircraft that don't follow their designated flight path will be controlled in order to mitigate noise to local residents, the article says.

Residents Say Ottawa Airport Expansion Plan Failed to Consider Them (Mar. 29, 1998). The Ottawa Citizen reports that residents in neighborhoods near the Macdonald-Cartier International Airport outside Ottawa, Ontario say the airport authority failed to consult them when deciding on a major expansion plan. The expansion will decrease the quality-of-life of residents Nepean neighborhoods like Barrhaven, residents say. In addition, they say the airport authority did not consider plans that would route some aircraft over unpopulated areas.

New Building in Taiwan Dampens Noise From Jet Aircraft Testing (Mar. 28, 1998). The China News reports that a "hush house," designed to test jets while dampening noise, was unveiled in Taichung, Taiwan on Thursday.

Residents Beneath Ottawa Airport Flight Path Fear More Noise After Expansion (Mar. 28, 1998). The Ottawa Citizen reports that residents living near the MacDonald Cartier Airport in Ottawa, Ontario are afraid that the $250 million airport expansion project that includes a new terminal will bring more airline noise, especially over communities such as Barrhaven.

Australian Residents Organize to Oppose Canberra Airport Expansion (Mar. 26, 1998). The Canberra Times reports that residents in Jerrabomberra, Australia are preparing to mount a fight over aircraft noise and a major expansion at the Canberra Airport. The article notes that several days ago, the airport was sold to a local consortium for $66.5 million, and with a commitment by the new owners to spend $57 million on upgrades in the next 10 years. In addition, the article notes, there are plans to expand the airport to full international status before the Sydney Olympics.

Irish Residents Oppose Plan for Wind Farm Because of Noise and Other Potential Impacts (Mar. 26, 1998). The Irish Times reports that residents in Waterford, Ireland have lodged objections to a plan by the ESB to build 16 wind turbines on a 200-acre coastal site at Carnsore Point, County Wexford. The residents have formed an action group to oppose the plan because of concerns ranging from visual amenity, potential noise pollution, the impact on wildlife, and the wind farm's proximity to homes.

Children Near Munich Airport Stressed by Aircraft Noise (Mar. 23, 1998). The AAP Newsfeed in Overseas News reports that a German medical journal says aircraft noise stresses children according to the results of a study conducted around the new Munich airport.

Chinese Block Lukou International Airport Runway to Protest Noise (Mar. 23, 1998). The Agence France Presse reports that villagers living near the new airport in eastern China's Nanjing last week blocked air traffic in a protest against excessive noise levels.

Toronto Residents Protest New Bus Route Citing Noise and Fumes (Mar. 23, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that about 50 people walked in front of a Toronto Transit Commission bus along Moore Park Ave. in Toronto yesterday to protest the start of an altered route that they say will bring noise, pollution, and increased traffic to their neighborhoods.

Transport Minister Criticizes NSW Government Opposition to 2nd Sydney Airport (Mar. 23, 1998). The Australian General News from the AAP Newsfeed reports federal Transport Minister Mark Vaile accused the New South Wales government of mounting a cheap fear campaign against a second Sydney Airport. Vaile said new flight paths will distribute noise more evenly over Sydney.

Resident Groups in Belgium Threaten Action if Noise at Two Airports Doesn't Decrease (Mar. 20, 1998). Aviation Daily reports that resident groups in Belgium are threatening action against two airports in the Brussels area to protest what they say are lax noise standards. Residents living near the Brussels South Charleroi Airport are demanding a halt to night flights and training flights, and residents and city officials in Woluwe-St.-Pierre, a Brussels borough near Brussels Airport International, say the airport is not monitoring or enforcing noise rules for older aircraft.

Residents Oppose Turning Vacant RAF Airfield into International Airport (Mar. 16, 1998). The Press Association Newsfile reports that thousands of angry residents are fighting plans to turn an abandoned airfield in rural England into a 24 hour international airport.

EU Freezes Number of Hush-Kitted Aircraft; They're Legal, but Not So Quiet (Mar. 13, 1998). AFX News reports the European Commission is proposing a directive so that "hush-kitted" aircraft - aircraft with older engines muffled to meet tighter modern noise pollution standards - cannot be added to the registers of the EU after April 1, 1999.

North London Church Fined for Noise Violations (Mar. 13, 1998). The Press Association Newsfile reports a North London church has been fined for violating noise regulations.

European Commission Proposes Ban on Aircraft with Hush Kits (Mar. 12, 1998). The Journal of Commerce reports that the European Commission has moved to ban certain types of aircraft in a controversial move against noise pollution that has angered the Continent's express carriers and threatens trade relations with the United States.

Noise Pollution Study in Greece Demands Attention (Mar. 11, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that according to the Athens Pollution Control Program, or Perpa, 54 percent of Athenians live in areas with unacceptable levels of noise pollution.

Opera Lover Silenced in England (Mar. 10, 1998). The Daily Mail reports that neighbors in Cardiff, England are in dispute over loud opera music.

Canadian Company Markets Noise Pollution Solution in Europe (Mar. 9, 1998). Canada NewsWire Ltd. reports that John Barrett, President of ATCO Noise Management Ltd., announced the opening of the company's new branch office in Staffordshire, England.

Scotland's Environmental Health Department Should Enforce Noise Laws (Mar. 7, 1998). The Evening News of Edinburgh, Scotland, printed the following letter from a resident about which agency should enforce noise laws:

Motorsport Noise Issue Goes to Court (Mar. 7, 1998). The United Kingdom's Northern Echo reports a court hearing has been scheduled for June to address noise levels at a popular motorsport center in Sunderland.

Highway Improvements and Sound Barriers to Reduce Noise in Montreal's East End (Mar. 5, 1998). The Gazette of Montreal, Quebec, reports the Quebec government announced a $35-million plan to improve the road system around Highway 25. Those improvements will make life quieter for thousands of residents of Montreal's east end, Mayor Pierre Bourque said yesterday.

Cornell Study Measures Ill Effects of Airport Noise on School-Age Children (Mar. 4, 1998). BC Cycle reports Cornell researchers say that airport noise puts stress on children that may have lifelong effects. The article details the physiological effects of airport noise on a group of children living in Germany over a period of two years.

Paper on Nighttime Aircraft Restrictions Released in Britain (Mar. 2, 1998). M2 Presswire released a press release that reports a new consultation paper was issued today by Glenda Jackson, Britain's Minister for Shipping and Aviation, regarding night restrictions on aircraft movements at Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted Airports. Jackson also announced that a research trial will take place on sleep disturbance patterns by aircraft. The press release goes on to quote Jackson's answer to a Parliamentary Question from a Member of Parliament on the issue.

European Union Proposes Restrictions on Noise From Outdoor Equipment (Mar. 1, 1998). The Automotive Environment Analyst reports that the European Commission proposed a new directive on noise from outdoor equipment on February 24. The directive specifies noise levels for a range of equipment used outdoors, the article notes.

Meeting Between Air Force and Community Members on Jet Noise Held in New Zealand (Feb. 27, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that a meeting was held Wednesday night between officials at New Zealand's Ohakea Air Force Base and the Sanson Community Committee in the Palmerston North, New Zealand area to discuss noise from jets and from base operations. Also attending the meeting were two Manawatu District Council members and, by invitation, members of the Collier family who live off the Ohakea main runway's east end.

Review Period for Noise Limits at British Airports is Extended and Supplementary Paper is Published (Feb. 27, 1998). M2 Presswire released a press release saying that the consultation, or review period, has been extended on noise limits for jets departing from Britain's Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports. According to the press release, the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions has decided to publish a supplementary consultation paper, and has therefore extended the consultation period to eight weeks after the supplementary paper is issued. As a result of this action, the International Air Transport Association has withdrawn its application for leave to apply for judicial review of the paper.

Noise Wall Will be Built in Japan to Mitigate Noise Near U.S. Air Base (Feb. 26, 1998). The Japan Economic Newswire reports that Japan and the U.S. agreed Thursday to build a concrete noise wall north of the U.S. Kadena Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, in order to ease noise pollution near the base. The noise wall will be paid for by Japan, the article notes.

Beijing Adopts Noise Standards (Feb. 25, 1998). The Xinhua News Agency reports that Beijing is enjoying greater quiet since the adoption of noise pollution standards in 1984.

European Commission Adopts New Measures To Reduce Noise (Feb. 25, 1998). The Herald reports that the European Commission is currently creating new noise limits for outdoor equipment and other incentives for noise reduction in the European Union

European Union Cracks Down On Noisy Garden Machinery (Feb. 25, 1998). The Daily Mail reports that noisy lawnmowers could soon be outlawed under a crackdown being considered by the EU. Garden machinery would have to be sold with a label showing how loud it is under plans being considered by the European Commission.

Soundproofing Costs Mount Up In Chicago Area Schools (Feb. 25, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that soundproofing is underway at Chicago area schools to protect schools from airport noise, but the price is high.

England Restricts Boom Cars (Feb. 24, 1998). The Daily Mail reports that the British government is planning to create a specific offence outlawing "excessive" noise from in-car radios and tape and CD players.

European Commission Issues Noise Pollution Control Measures (Feb. 24, 1998). The 1998 Rapid issued the following press release concerning regulation of noise pollution in the European Community:

More Japanese Residents Join In Lawsuit Over US Aircraft Noise (Feb. 24, 1998). Kyodo News Service reports that a group of 648 residents in Kanagawa Prefecture joined another group in a lawsuit over aircraft noise at the US Atsugi Naval Air Station, appealing to the Yokohama District Court for 510m yen in damages from the Japanese government.

Britain Regulates Offshore Noise (Feb. 23, 1998). M2 Presswire issued the following press release concerning new regulations for offshore noise:

New Study Finds Aircraft Noise Harms Psychological Well-Being of Children (Feb. 23, 1998). The Des Moines Register reports that a team of international researchers has found that chronic exposure to airplane noise can affect the health and psychological well-being of children. The researchers studied children living in the flight path of a new international airport near Munich, Germany.

Dutch Anti-Noise Activists Protest Jet Noise (Feb. 20, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that a Royal Dutch airliner bound for Atlanta was stranded at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Thursday after anti- noise protesters climbed on to the fuselage and formed a human chain.

Singapore Resident Resents Construction Noise (Feb. 18, 1998). The Straits Times published the following letter to the editor regarding noise pollution from construction:

Study Shows Aircraft Noise Effects Health Of Children (Feb. 17, 1998). The Washington Post reports that chronic exposure to airplane noise can affect the health and psychological well-being of young children, according to a team of international researchers who studied children living in the flight path of a new international airport near Munich, Germany.

International Air Association Plans Legal Challenge to British Government's Plan to Cut Noise Levels at London Airports, While Airlines Predict London Airports Will Decline Under Rules (Feb. 11, 1998). The Travel Trade Gazette UK & Ireland reports that the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is preparing a legal challenge against the British government's proposal to cut noise levels at London's Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports. Meanwhile, airline executives are saying that Heathrow airport could lose its spot as Europe's most important airport if the government's noise rules are implemented.

English Government Considers Plan to Ban Incoming Night Flights at Heathrow (Jan. 25, 1998). The Independent of London, England, reports the government, as part of its effort to place limits on aircraft noise, is discussing a ban on all incoming night flights at Heathrow, the world's busiest international airport.

Will Hovering Airliners be the Answer to Air Traffic and Noise Pollution? (Jan. 25, 1998). The Sunday Telegraph Limited of London, England, reports that a new kind of aircraft which can take off and land like a helicopter but fly as fast as an airliner could "revolutionize" air travel. According to its manufacturers, this new technology is quieter than conventional aircraft.

Complaints of Too-Loud Movie Trailers in US and Canada (Jan. 23, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that increasingly loud noise from Hollywood movie trailers is making movie-goers and theater owners unhappy in the US and in Canada.

Vancouver Resident Questions Closing of Rifle Ranges (Jan. 22, 1998). The Vancouver Sun printed an editorial by Peter Hiebert, a resident of Coquitlam, Vancouver, in which he expresses his displeasure at the closing of the rifle ranges on Barnet Highway. Mr. Hiebert writes:

Malaysian Residents Says Noisy Cement Plant Polluting Food, Water, and Air (Jan. 21, 1998). WorldSources Online reports residents of Kampung Satu in Malaysia want Kuala Lumpur City Hall to halt operations at a cement batching plant which they claim has caused noise pollution as well as the pollution of their food and drinking water.

New Exit on Parkway Robs Lake Forest Residents of Sleep (Jan. 20, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that a truck route created by a new exit on Southern California's Interstate 5 has exposed residents in Foothill Ranch and Rancho Santa Margarita to high levels of noise that disrupts sleep.

Noise and Lead from Gun Clubs Incompatible with Urban Growth Decides Town in British Columbia (Jan. 20, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports that the city council of Burnaby, British Columbia, ordered three Burnaby Mountain gun ranges to close by the end of September.

Noise Seminar in Bangkok Reveals Harmful Levels of Noise Throughout City (Jan. 17, 1998). The Bangkok Post reports that inner city residents, traffic police, bus drivers, steersmen and workers at certain factories are at risk of losing their hearing due to traffic and construction noise.

Kennel Approved Despite Protest (Jan. 16, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that Darlington officials recently approved a controversial kennel operation. While area residents protested that noise and other nuisances from the dogs were unacceptable, the Darlington Councillors decided that a kennel was a permissible use of the rural landscape.

New Zealand Resident Conducts Survey On Jet Noise At The Palmerston North Airport (Jan. 15, 1998). The Evening Standard reports the results of a recent survey on jet noise from the Palmerston North airport.

Quiet Existence of Blueberry Farms, British Columbia Residents Destroyed When Drilling Rights Sold by Province (Jan. 14, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports the idyllic existence of residents of Blueberry Farms, British Columbia, Canada ended last summer when they discovered that Calgary-based Remington Energy had purchased the rights to oil and gas reserves under their property. The news came as a shock, because residents were unaware the province retained those rights when making land sales this century and can sell them without notifying or consulting the surface dwellers.

Bangkok, Thailand May Use Old Law to Fine Owners of Noisy Boats (Jan. 13, 1998). The World Times reports that Deputy City Clerk Wanchart Suphachaturas said that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is considering reviving a martial law imposing fines on owners of passenger boats that operate on canals and the river and generate excessive noise.

The United States Federal Aviation Proposes Civil Penalty (Jan. 12, 1998). The Record reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed that the Venezuelan air carrier, Servivensa, pay a civil penalty of $144,000 for conducting flights that violated FAA's aircraft noise regulations.

Committee Seeks Creative Ways to End Noise on Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Street (Jan. 6, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports that the Clinton Neighborhood Committee which is lobbying to reduce the noise and traffic on First Avenue in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada will hold a meeting Friday night to show city, regional and provincial politicians just how serious the problem is. The meeting will also discuss solutions to the noise problems.

Across The Nation, Jet Skis Are Making Waves (Dec. 30, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the increase in boating accidents involving jet skis are yet another cause for their regulation. Noise and other environmental damage are causing some states to regulate the use of jet skis.

Australian Racing Club Approved For Night Racing (Dec. 19, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the Sydney Turf Club (STC) won conditional approval from Canterbury Council to proceed with its development for night racing at Canterbury.

New Airport In Sydney Australia Would Disturb Children (Dec. 19, 1997). Australian General News reports that classes in 300 schools would be disrupted by aircraft noise if a second Sydney airport was built at Badgerys Creek in the city's west, New South Wales Environment Minister Pam Allan said today.

New Zealand Court Affirms Rights Of Gun Clubs (Dec. 18, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that a New Zealand court recently affirmed the rights of a local gun club.

Norway Labor Laws Outlaw Church Bells (Dec. 18, 1997). AP Online reports that state noise regulations have made it illegal to ring steeple bells in Norway.

Toronto's Pearson Airport Plans Major Expansion (Dec. 14, 1997). The Toronto Sun reports that the Greater Toronto Airport Authority has recently taken over the Pearson International Airport and is currently planning a major expansion of the facility.

New Zealand Residents Propose Extra Fees For Noisy Planes (Dec. 10, 1997). The Evening Post reports that proposals to charge noisy Boeing 737 aircraft more for landing at Wellington Airport in New Zealand have been deferred until February.

Noise Patrols Enforce London's Noise Act (Dec. 10, 1997). The Press Association News File reports that Christmas revelers are being targeted by 24-hour anti-noise patrols as councils get tough on noise pollution. Noisy neighbors face eviction and on-the-spot fines as several local authorities in London pursue a policy of "Silent Night, Holy Night."

Political Party in India Fined for Political Noise Pollution (Dec. 10, 1997). The Agence France Presse reports that a political party in India has been fined 10,000 rupees (256 dollars) for causing noise pollution, it was reported Wednesday.

Protestors Demand A Second Airport in Sydney (Dec. 10, 1997). The Agence France Presse reports that traffic was slowed to a crawl around the Sydney, Australia airport for several hours Wednesday because of a protest by officials from 11municipalities demanding a second international airport.

Ottawa Area Considers Airport Expansion (Dec. 10, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that more than 200 area residents expressed concerns last night about expansion at Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.

Ottawa Salvation Army Tones Down Holiday Bells (Dec. 9, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that things are a lot quieter than usual around Salvation Army kettles in Ottawa (Canada) this Christmas season, as volunteer fund-raisers seek to attract the attention of passing shoppers without irritating nearby merchants.

Japanese Residents Sue Government For Noise Pollution At U.S. Air Base (Dec. 8, 1997). The AP Worldstream reports that nearly 3,000 Japanese living near a U.S. Navy air base filed suit Monday, demanding that the government pay for allowing the noise of the base to disrupt their lives.

Bangkok Residents Complain That Boat Noise Causes Hearing Problems (Dec. 6, 1997). The Bangkok Post describes how residents of Bangkok, Thailand are weary of the noise pollution created by boats in Bangkok's canals.

Ottawa Plans Airport Expansion (Dec. 6, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that due to increased demand, the Macdonald-Cartier International Airport in Ottawa, Canada will need to expand soon. Citizens are concerned about noise traffic and the expense of the new facility.

Proposed Kennel Expansion in Britain May Be Rejected Due To Noise (Dec. 6, 1997). The Northern Echo reports that a proposal to expand a dog kennel in Copley, England may be rejected due to the concern for noise pollution that would be created by the additional animals.

Irish Employers Take Notice Of Growing Claims For Damaged Hearing From Work Related Noise (Dec. 5, 1997). The Irish Times reports that many businesses in Ireland are not aware of their vulnerability to claims for hearing loss.

Army Training Exercises Bombard New Zealand Residents With Noise (Dec. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that an Army training exercise in the middle of the night in Upper Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand has angered residents.

Vancouver Area Residents Plan Legal Action To Fight Airport Noise (Dec. 3, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that Vancouver, Canada area residents are preparing to take legal action to fight airport, noise and the third runway at the Vancouver International Airport which has prompted a rise in noise complaints.

Hong Kong Airport to Move; Massive Truck Convoy Will Cause Massive Noise (Dec. 1, 1997). The South China Morning Post reports that the Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon, Hong Kong is scheduled to close next year, and the city is expected to thunder with early morning noise from heavy trucks making hundreds of trips as equipment is moved to the new Chek Lap Kok Airport.

Hong Kong Airport Set to Close; Merchants Predict Losses, But Property Agents Expect Boom in Housing Market in the Area (Nov. 30, 1997). The South China Morning Post reports that the Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon City, Hong Kong is set to close in 1998 when the new Chek Lap Kok Airport opens. The article says that some merchants near Kai Tak expect their businesses to hang on after the airport is gone, while others expect their businesses to fold. Meanwhile, property agents are gearing up for new residential housing in the area, which will be more popular when residents don't have to deal with aircraft noise.

Residents Protest New Runway Opening in Toronto Area (Nov. 29, 1997). The Toronto Sun reports that a new runway at the Pearson Airport in Mississauga, Ontario (outside Toronto) opened yesterday. The opening was marked by a celebration at one end of the facility and a small protest by residents under the runway's flight path at the other end.

Study Finds That Speed Bumps to Slow Traffic in Britain's Villages Result in More Noise (Nov. 29, 1997). The Daily Telegraph reports that a British government study published in Traffic Engineering & Control magazine has found that vehicles driving over speed bumps in Britain's villages are so noisy they are annoying thousands of British residents. In many cases, the article says, the increased noise from the speed bumps is outweighing the benefit of quieter roads gained by reducing the speed of traffic. The study found that trucks are responsible for much of the louder noise, the article says.

Proposed Light Rail Transit Line in Canada Encounters Problems Related to Noise, Vibrations, Wildlife Habitat Disturbance, and Others (Nov. 28, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the Canadian government has released a report that identifies problems with a light rail transit link proposed to run between Vancouver (British Columbia) and Coquitlam. Problems include everything from noise and vibrations for local businesses and residents to a loss of traffic lanes to disturbance of a wildlife habitat in an important ravine.

New Zealand District Council Rejects Appeal for Expanded Co-Generation Plant with Weaker Noise Standards (Nov. 26, 1997). The Daily News reports that the South Taranaki District Council in the New Plymouth, New Zealand area has rejected an appeal from Kiwi Co-operative Dairies to expand its co-generation plant. The council's judicial committee earlier approved the expansion, subject to special noise conditions, which then were appealed by the company.

British Government Proposes Lower Noise Limits at Three Airports (Nov. 25, 1997). M2 Presswire released the following press release regarding a consultation paper published today by Britain's Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. The paper proposes more efficient noise monitoring and lower noise limits for aircraft at Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports.

Protesters Sleep Over at Brussels Airport to Protest Nighttime Aircraft Noise (Nov. 25, 1997). The Daily Record reports that hundreds of protesters dressed in pajamas bedded down for the night at the Brussels (Belgium) airport to protest nighttime aircraft noise. The article says that residents are demanding a cut in the 65 flights allowed at the airport every night.

Public Parks in India are Being Turned Into Noisy Celebration Venues, Columnist Complains (Nov. 24, 1997). Business Line printed an editorial in which the columnist argues that public parks in India are being converted into locations for one noisy personal celebration after another. The writer urges people to join the "quiet India" revolution in order to save the public parks for their intended use and protect human hearing.

Judge's Ruling on Building Rules for Homes Near New Zealand Airport Ends a Decade-Long Noise Fight (Nov. 22, 1997). The Dominion reports that a judge's ruling Thursday regarding building rules for new homes near the Wellington (New Zealand) airport ends a decade-long battle between airline and airport officials and residents. The article describes the long fight, focusing on the leader who organized residents and led a successful battle, Maxine Harris.

Court Ruling in New Zealand Ends Ten-Year Battle Over Airport Noise (Nov. 21, 1997). The Dominion reports that a ten-year fight over acceptable noise levels around the Wellington, New Zealand Airport ended with a ruling yesterday by an Environment Court judge which stipulates where and what kind of housing developments can be built near the airport. The court case involved four parties: the Residents Airport Noise Action Group, the Wellington International Airport, the Board of Airline Representatives, and the Wellington City Council.

Developer in New Zealand Wants to Build Near Airport (Nov. 20, 1997). The Southland Times reports that at a hearing in Queenstown, New Zealand yesterday, officials from the development company Remarkables Park argued that their proposed subdivision zoning near the Queenstown Airport should be allowed, in conjunction with acoustic insulation in the homes. The developer's comments came after two days of Queenstown Lakes District Council district plan hearings in which opponents of the proposed zoning change -- developer Terrace Tower and airlines Air New Zealand and the Mount Cook Group -- spoke.

English Boy's Complaint About Noisy Neighbor Leads to Neighbor's Eviction (Nov. 20, 1997). The Daily Mail reports that Jeanette King and her two children of Bournemouth, England have been evicted from their home after a 13-year-old neighbor complained that King's non-stop playing of Frank Sinatra and Dire Straits records were preventing him from doing his homework.

New Zealand Judge Sets Noise Insulation Rules for Housing Near Airport (Nov. 20, 1997). The Evening Post reports that Environment Court Judge Kenderdine ruled yesterday that new housing developments on industrial or commercial land around the Wellington (New Zealand) Airport will have to meet new planning rules, including the use of noise insulation. The article says that the ruling is an attempt to end an 11-year battle over noise at Wellington Airport. Meanwhile, residents that have been fighting for stronger noise controls said that the ruling passes the problem back to the community instead of to the noise-makers.

Development Around New Zealand Airport Would be Limited Under Proposed Plan (Nov. 19, 1997). The Southland Times reports that development surrounding the Invercargill Airport in Invercargill, New Zealand would be restricted to prevent noise complaints under the latest draft of the Invercargill District Plan released yesterday. The plan must be approved by the City Council, the article notes.

New Zealand Judge Hints that Rifle Range Use Might Have to be Restricted (Nov. 19, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that an Environment Court judge in New Zealand hinted yesterday that the use of the Turitea rifle range might have to be severely restricted in order to comply with the Resource Management Act. Judge John Treadwell made the comments at the conclusion of a hearing initiated by the Palmerston North City Council, which argues that the judge should grant a declaration stating that land owned by the rifle club is being used for activities contrary to the Act. The decision in the case was reserved, the article says. However, in closing, the judge said that any such declaration could be over-ridden by a section of the Act that stipulates that occupiers of such land must ensure that noise emissions don't exceed a reasonable level.

New Zealand Car Club's Noise Levels From Loudspeaker Are Under Review (Nov. 13, 1997). The Timaru Herald reports that officials are reviewing the resource consent (permit) for the loudspeaker system of the South Canterbury Car Club's Falvey Road site near Timaru, New Zealand. The car club had sought to raise the permitted noise level from 45 decibels to 50 decibels, but the council intends to review two conditions of that proposal.

New Zealand Residents Angry Over Car Race in Residential Area (Nov. 13, 1997). The Waikato Times reports that a car race was held over the weekend in the Hamilton, New Zealand city boundaries, and residents are angry about the excessive noise and smell of burning rubber. Residents have started a petition asking city councilors to move the competition out of the area. The competition was held by the Te Awamutu Rod and Custom Club and sponsored by the Te Rapa Tavern.

Taiwanese Mayoral Candidates Debate Local Environmental Issues, Including Noise Pollution (Nov. 12, 1997). The China News reports that four mayoral candidates in Taichung, Taiwan held a two-and-a-half hour debate yesterday on local environmental issues. The debate was sponsored by Global Views Monthly magazine and the Commonwealth Publishing Company, and the candidates were Hung Chau-nan, for the KMT party, Chang Wen-ying, the DPP candidate, Eric Soong, the New Party candidate, and Cheng Pang-cheng, a Taiwan Independence Party candidate. The candidates discussed improving enforcement of related laws, noise reduction around the North-South Freeway, environmental protection taxes, and increasing public confidence in government efforts.

New Zealand City Councilor Proposes Extra Fees for Noisy Air New Zealand Jets (Nov. 12, 1997). The Evening Post reports that officers of the Wellington (New Zealand) City Council are preparing a proposal that Air New Zealand be forced to pay extra charges every time its noisy Boeing 737 jets land at Wellington Airport. The extra costs paid by the airline would be used to insulate homes around the airport against noise. The proposal is being championed by Councilor Sue Kedgley, who said that if the idea was accepted by the City Council, it would ask Wellington International Airport Limited -- 34% of which is owned by the Council -- to impose the extra charges.

Airline Officials Complain About Noise Limits at Amsterdam's Airport (Nov. 12, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that officials from the airline Polar Air Cargo are complaining about the consequences of strong noise limits imposed by the Dutch government at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The noise limits will lead to airport-wide frequency reductions next spring, the article notes. Polar Air officials also are asking the U.S. Department of Transportation not to approve an application by KLM airlines (a subsidiary of Northwest Airlines) to place Northwest's "NW" code on KLM flights between Amsterdam and Calcutta. Meanwhile, KLM officials also oppose the Dutch regulations, but say they should be granted the code approval.

Amsterdam Airport's Noise Regulations Will Limit Flights and Runway Usage (Nov. 12, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that officials at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have submitted operational guidelines for the new noise regulations at the airport to the Dutch transport ministry. According to airport officials, the noise limits will require "far-reaching limitations on flights and runway usage" during 1998. Dutch carriers will have to reduce frequencies after April 1, airport officials said.

New Zealand Residents Object to Coal Terminal, Say Proposed Site Would Endanger Animals and Pollute Neighborhood (Oct. 30, 1997). The Press of Christchurch, New Zealand, reports Granity residents are opposed to a proposed West Coast Coal Terminal site. Yesterday, these residents were given the opportunity to address the hearing for the proposal. Residents cited a number of concerns ranging from endangerment of wildlife to increased noise and air pollution.

Noise Complaints in New Zealand Prompt Council to Rule Against Dog Owner (Oct. 30, 1997). The Evening Post of Wellington, New Zealand, reports that Lower Hutt dog owner, Michael Edney was ordered to remove all dogs from his property after numerous complaints from neighbors. After Edney's objection, he was told he could keep one dog. But Edney is not happy at having to put a collar on his dog that gives it an electric shock when it barks.

British Columbia Residents Object to New Bus Route on Grounds of Noise and Congestion (Oct. 29, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the British Columbia town of Coquitlam has received a 500-name petition calling for the shut-down of a Town Centre bus service. The residents of Town Centre Boulevard complain that the bus service adds noise, congestion and the potential for crime in the area.

Expansion of New Zealand Airport Raises Noise Issues (Oct. 29, 1997). The Southland Times reports that a hearing into controversial air noise and runway issues at Queenstown Airport in New Zealand was delayed when the Queenstown Airport Corporation asked for more time to put its case together. The corporation had been scheduled to present technical evidence in relation to air noise boundaries and flight paths.

Hong Kong Residents Complain About Army Shooting Practice (Oct. 29, 1997). The Ping Kuo Jih Pao of Hong Kong reports that residents in the New Territories have complained about shooting practice noise from the People's Liberation Army [PLA] Hong Kong Garrison. Recent shooting practice, conducted day and night, makes it difficult for them to get to sleep. Residents are also concerned about other dangers from the firing range. Despite their complaints, the police are at a loss to know what to do.

London Mayor should have Power to Regulate Aircraft Noise from Heathrow (Oct. 29, 1997). London's Evening Standard reported that Labor MP Tony Colman advocated that the new mayor should get the power to limit aircraft noise in the capital. Colman also urged London Minister Glenda Jackson to ban all night flights.

Noise Found to be Most Prominent Pollution in Prague (Oct. 29, 1997). CTK National News Wire reports that forty percent of the Prague, Czechoslovakia, population is exposed to noise levels exceeding 65 decibels during the day, compared to between 20 and 30 percent in other large towns in the Czech Republic, according to an Environment Ministry report submitted to cabinet and released to the press today. The report, which covers the year 1996, says that most noise pollution is caused by road traffic.

The International Union of Railway's Action Plan Includes Quieter Passenger Trains (Oct. 28, 1997). M2 Presswire published a press release from The International Union of Railway (UIC) announcing its Action Plan for the 21st Century in Europe. The UIC plans to focus on increasing freight business and satisfying its rail passengers with lower noise levels among other accommodations.

National Parks Chief in Thailand Bans Motor Rally From Nature Reserve (Oct. 26, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that according to newspapers on Sunday, Chamni Saisuthiwong, chief of the Mae Wong National Park in Thailand, banned a fleet of off-road vehicles from entering the wilderness core of the nature reserve on Saturday. The 127 vehicles in the "Caravan" motor rally were stopped from traveling along a 28-kilometer (17-mile) dirt track inside the park. According to the English-language daily, The Nation, local environmentalists had complained that the loud noise and music from the car rally would frighten the park's wildlife.

Off-road Vehicles Prohibited from Thailand Park; Noise Said to Scare Wildlife (Oct. 26, 1997). The Bangkok Post of Bangkok, Thailand, reported that about 300 off-roaders were barred yesterday from entering Mae Wong National Park by forestry officials who feared they would damage the environment and scare wildlife with their noise.

British Man Convicted of Damaging His Wife's Hearing (Oct. 25, 1997). The Guardian reports that a British man was convicted yesterday of damaging his wife's hearing by yelling, causing her bodily harm. Sentencing in the case was deferred, the article says.

Amsterdam Airport Announces Increase in Passengers (Oct. 24, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that officials from the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam announced Friday that more than 23 million passengers passed through the airport in the first nine months of 1997, an increase of 13.6% over the same period last year. Meanwhile, freight traffic increased 8.2% to about 845,000 tons in the same period. According to the article, more flights to North and Latin America, Africa, and Europe fueled the passenger growth, airport officials said. Environmentalists have decried the airport's continued growth, the article notes, saying that the increase in passenger numbers means more noise pollution for residents near the airport. The Dutch government acknowledges the problem, the article says, but doesn't want to harm the airport's growth. Various ideas are being considered to allow growth but control noise, the article concludes.

New Zealand Man Threatens to Shoot Down Air Force Jet Because of Noise (Oct. 23, 1997). The Dominion reports that a man in Palmerston North, New Zealand who threatened to shoot down a noisy air force jet flying over his home was given a 12-month suspended sentence in Palmerston North District Court.

Australian Resident Advises Building an Airport Between Sydney and Canberra (Oct. 20, 1997). The Canberra Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Dr. Colin Doy, a Kaleen resident, regarding a proposal to build an airport between Sydney and Canberra to solve the problem of noise and development at the Canberra Airport:

Bangkok Authorities Will Start Enforcing Noise Standard on Boats Traveling in City Canals (Oct. 20, 1997). The Bangkok Post reports that residents in the Klongside area of Bangkok, Thailand will get some relief from the noise generated by boats on the city's canals when authorities begin strong action against them in December. Boats which violate the noise standard of 100 decibels, as specified in the 1992 Environment Act, will face a fine of 1,000 baht, according to Sirithan Boriboon, director general of Pollution Control Department. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Pollution Control Department, the Harbour Department, and the police will combine efforts to instigate the crackdown, the article says.

Malaysian Resident Complains About Noise From Supermarket Air Conditioner (Oct. 20, 1997). The New Straits Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Luke Teoh Ipoh, a Malaysian resident, who discusses why Asians often fail to enforce noise and other types of regulations, and complains about the inaction on solving a noise problem resulting from a supermarket air conditioner near his home:

British Residents Seek Solutions to Deal with Noisy Neighbors (Oct. 19, 1997). The Sunday Times reports that due to poorly regulated residential property conversions in England in the 1960s, many people find themselves in the situation of being disturbed by the relatively quiet activities of their neighbors. The article goes on to interview several residents with problems, and to suggest measures that can dampen noise.

Montreal Resident Decries Jet Noise Problem and Insists Opposition Will Grow (Oct. 19, 1997). The Gazette printed a letter-to-the-editor from John MacLeod, a Beaconsfield, Canada resident, regarding a recent newspaper article about the increasing noise at the Montreal area's Dorval Airport:

Noise Levels at Construction Sites Tested in Singapore (Oct. 19, 1997). The Singapore Straits Times reports that newspaper reporters visited construction sites in Singapore to test noise levels, and found a variety of noise levels, but found no workers wearing ear protection.

Soundproofing Measures Exist for Insulation Against Neighbor Noise (Oct. 19, 1997). The Independent reports that according to the World Health Organization, noise is probably the most widespread of pollutants in Great Britain, and noise from neighbors seems to be the most common environmental complaint. The article notes that there were 164,000 noise complaints to local authorities during 1995-96, an increase of 24% over the previous year, according to figures released by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. The article goes on to discuss technical solutions to mitigating noise from neighbors.

One-Third of Traffic Police in Bangkok Have Hearing Problems (Oct. 18, 1997). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that according to Saturday's Nation paper, nearly one-third of all traffic police in Bangkok, Thailand have hearing problems because of their continuous exposure to noise levels above 70 decibels. The percentage of officers with hearing problems increases the longer they have been with the force, said Monthip Srirattana, director of the Science Ministry's environmental research and training center. All of the officers who have held their jobs for more than ten years have hearing problems, Monthip noted. The article notes that the Science Ministry will join with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) to create stricter noise control laws and extend "no- noise zones" to deal with the problem, according to Monthip.

Resident Argues that Overseas Jets are Quieter than Domestic Planes Over Montreal (Oct. 18, 1997). The Gazette printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Mike McDonald, a Dorval, Quebec resident, regarding noise from the new overseas flights taking off from Montreal's Dorval Airport:

British Government Drops Commitment to Cut Noise Levels at Heathrow Airport (Oct. 17, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that the British government has dropped its commitment to cut noise levels at London's Heathrow Airport, on the grounds that an improvement in noise levels cannot be guaranteed. The news came through civil service evidence in the public inquiry into the proposed fifth terminal at Heathrow. The news shocked residents opposed to the expansion, the article says

British Government is Accused of Caving on Aircraft Noise (Oct. 17, 1997). The Daily Telegraph reports that the British government was accused of caving in to pressure from British Airways yesterday after dropping a 12-year-old commitment to seek continual noise reductions at London's Heathrow Airport. The inspector leading the public inquiry into the planned fifth terminal at Heathrow and residents opposed to the development both criticized the Labor government for its action.

Czech Recycled Noise Barrier Manufacturer Secures Contracts with Sweden, Possibly Germany (Oct. 17, 1997). CTK Business News Wire reports that Bohemiaelast, a Czech producer of noise barriers made from recycled tires, has secured contracts with Sweden and currently is holding talks with the German area of Saxony, according to Zdenek Bohdanecky of Bohemiaelast.

Flight Restrictions to Address Noise at Amsterdam Airport Will Cost the Airlines (Oct. 17, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that according to the airline KLM, the flight restrictions imposed at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to reduce noise pollution could cost the airline as much as 1.2 billion guilders in eliminated flights under a worse-case scenario. The restrictions are scheduled to take effect January 1. Meanwhile, the article says, the officials from the National Aviation and Astronautics Laboratory said they have found a way to reduce noise by 50% with a combination of technical adaptations and new methods of taking off and landing.

Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Wins Noise Lawsuits (Oct. 16, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport and the Dutch government were the victors in lawsuits brought against the airport for not following noise regulations.

British Neighbors Near Auto Maintenance Shop Want Peace and Quiet on Weekends (Oct. 15, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that after a public inquiry yesterday that a bid by Kwik Fit, a tire and exhaust fitting chain, to expand its operations near a market town's conservation area would result in an unacceptable disturbance to residents. The district health officer said residents should not lose their freedom from noise on the weekends and holidays.

Editorial Writer Says Aviation Industry Should Promote its Current Commitment to Improving Air and Noise Pollution (Oct. 15, 1997). Flight International printed an editorial in which the columnist says that the aviation industry should do more to show how it is already making strides against air and noise pollution unless it wants to be faced with "increasingly irrational, and occasionally impossible," regulation. The writer goes on to discuss the new air emissions surcharge at the Zurich Airport and the new flight restrictions due to noise problems at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport as cases in point.

Netherlands Government Allows Amsterdam Airport to Violate Noise Standards Till End of 1997 (Oct. 15, 1997). Flight International reports that the Netherlands Government agreed October 3 to allow Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to violate its noise standards till the end of the year, but has said the airport will have to meet those standards in 1998.

Columnist Believes London's Heathrow Airport Will Face Continuing Expansion Pressures (Oct. 13, 1997). EIU ViewsWire printed an editorial in which the public inquiry into London's Heathrow Airport expansion, Britain's longest public inquiry ever, is discussed. The editorial writer talks about the disillusionment of all parties in the length of the inquiry, the fact that the airport owner has made two important concessions in the inquiry, and argues that Heathrow will face continuing pressures to expand and a site for a new airport should be considered.

Australian Green Party, City, and Residents Association Unite to Oppose Aircraft Noise (Oct. 11, 1997). The Canberra Times reports Australia's ACT Green Party, the Queanbeyan City Council, and the Jerrabomberra Residents' Association have formed a coalition to campaign together against the disruption of increased noise from the expanding Canberra Airport. The article says the formation of the coalition was encouraged by the statement of ACT Urban Services Minister Trevor Kaine that residents concerned about the noise could move.

Australian Tourism Minister is Condemned for Insensitive Comment on Airport Noise (Oct. 10, 1997). The Canberra Times reports that Australian Tourism Minister Trevor Kaine suggested yesterday on a radio interview that residents in Jerrabomberra, a community near the Canberra Airport, who are disturbed by aircraft noise should buy property elsewhere. Yesterday, local Members and the Queanbeyan Mayor angrily condemned Kaine's remarks.

Nighttime Curfew Proposed for Australian Airport Meets With Opposition (Oct. 6, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the Australian Democrat Senator Andrew Murray has proposed federal legislation that would place a midnight-to-6 am curfew at Perth Airport, similar to the curfews at the Sydney, Adelaide, and Melbourne Airports. While members of the public support the legislation, others are attacking it, including officials from Westralia Airports Corporation, the airport's new private-sector owner; Perth MHR Stephen Smith; and John D'Orazio, mayor of the noise-affected Bayswater.

Proposal for Nighttime Curfew at Australian Airport Raises Controversy (Oct. 5, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that Australian Democrats Senator Andrew Murray has introduced federal legislation that would impose a midnight-to-6 am curfew at the Perth Airport and a cap on the number of flights using the airport each hour. But Stephen Smith, MHR for Perth and a Labor Member of Parliament, today opposed the plan, saying it will have a negative impact on Western Australia, without improving the lives of residents near the airport.

Amsterdam Airport to Exceed Noise Limits (Oct. 4, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota reports that Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport - one of Europe's busiest - won a waiver from the government Friday allowing it to exceed noise limits.

Residents Near Montreal Area Airport Say Noise is Unbearable, While Officials Show No Sympathy (Oct. 2, 1997). The Gazette reports that residents living near the Dorval Airport outside Montreal, Quebec are complaining about an increase in jet noise after international flights were transferred from Mirabel Airport to Dorval on September 15. Residents of Dorval, Pointe Claire, and St. Laurent are especially affected by the changes, although communities around Montreal also are experiencing more noise. Last week, more than 80 Pointe Claire residents took over a city council meeting to vent their anger and demand action, the article reports, and the residents expect to do the same at the next meeting. Meanwhile, airport and local officials say the noise is not a problem and so far have refused to take action.

Dutch Airline Rejects Runways in North Sea for Schiphol (Oct. 1, 1997). Jane's Airport Review talks about the growth at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and the White Paper that sets down clear limits to the airport's future growth, specifying day- and night-time ' noise zones'; a maximum annual throughput of passengers; freight; and enhanced safety and emissions. The growth of the airport has already outgrown the projections on which the 1990 study was completed.

Anti-Noise Group Was Formed More Than 60 Years Ago in Britain (Sep. 30, 1997). The Times Newspapers Limited reports that more than 60 years ago, there was a growing feeling that action needed to be taken to reduce noise in Great Britain. The article says there were several letters written to The Times regarding noise, including the following two. The first letter announces the formation of the Anti-Noise League, formed by a group of public figures, including the physician Lord Horder.

France Plans to Add Two Runways at Paris Airport and Enact New Anti-Noise Standards (Sep. 30, 1997). International Market Insight Trade Inquiries reports that the French Ministry of Transport announced on September 23 that it plans to proceed with the addition of two new runways at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Anti-noise standards will accompany the project, the article says.

Australia Introduces Bill to Limit Flights at Sydney Airport (Sep. 26, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that Australia's federal government introduced the Sydney Airport Demand Management Bill 1997 yesterday that would limit the number of planes landing and taking off at Sydney Airport to 80 an hour and would limit the number of movements within five-minute periods. The bill was introduced by parliamentary transport secretary Michael Ronaldson, the article says. However, the bill has met with widespread criticism, both from a tourism lobbying group and from local officials whose towns are affected by jet noise.

Dutch Transport Minister Expresses Concerns About Future of Amsterdam Airport (Sep. 26, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that Dutch Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma Thursday told Members of Parlaiment that the economic development of Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport could be in danger as a result of recently imposed measures to curb noise pollution.

British Medical Association Recommends Curbs on Motor Traffic, Emissions, and Noise (Sep. 25, 1997). The Press Association Newsfile reports that a report has been released by the British Medical Association arguing that high levels of motor traffic and pollution are producing adverse effects on people's health. The study, called Transport and Health, was undertaken by the Association's Board of Science in response to the British government's green paper on transport and the environment. The report calls on the government to set national targets to reduce motor traffic, diesel emissions, and vehicle noise, the article says.

Aircraft Noise Becomes an Issue in South Australian Election Campaign (Sep. 23, 1997). The AAP Newsfeed reports that aircraft noise became an issue in the South Australian election campaign today, when the ALP (Labor party) called for the nighttime curfew at Adelaide Airport to become federal law.

New Noise Regulations at Amsterdam Airport Would Restrict Growth, Officials Say (Sep. 23, 1997). The publication Airports reports that new noise regulations proposed by officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands would permit only limited air traffic growth in 1998, according to an airport official. The article says that according to the Dutch business daily Financieele Dagblad, Schiphol Manager Hans Smits said demand will increase by 8% to 10% next year, but capacity will increase by only 1% until 2003, when the airport's fifth runway becomes operational.

Dutch Prime Minister Says Legal Noise Limits Must be Met at Amsterdam Airport (Sep. 19, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that the Netherlands' Prime Minister Wim Kok said on Thursday that the legal noise limits that apply to Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport must be observed, but that the cabinet will look into any leeway possible within the law. He added that no decision has been made yet on the new daytime flight restrictions proposed for the airport, but that no solution was possible within the law, there will be little the government can do besides approve the restrictions. The prime minister also said that eventual changes to legislation have not been ruled out.

German Cabinet Approves New Plan to Reduce Noise and Air Pollution from Jets (Sep. 19, 1997). The Journal of Commerce reports that the German Cabinet this week approved a new air-traffic environmental plan that calls for taxation of aircraft fuel and stricter requirements for aircraft to minimize harmful noise and air emissions. The plan was jointly proposed by the government ministries of Transportation and the Environment, the article notes.

Road Covering Absorbs Traffic Noise in Britain (Sep. 19, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that for residents of Bishop Middleham, England, noisy traffic could be a thing of the past after a local quarry company helped pay for road safety measures, including paving the road with a covering called whispering bitumen, which absorbs traffic noise.

British Residents Kept Awake by Noise from Cable Company Night Work (Sep. 18, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that residents of Darlington Borough, England, disturbed by noise from late-night work by a cable TV company brought their objections to town officials.

Canadian Airline Fleets Start to Install Hush Kits to Meet New International Noise Regulations (Sep. 18, 1997). The Financial Post reports that Canadian airline fleets have started to install hush kits in their older, noisier planes in order to meet new international noise restrictions. The article goes on to describe the noise regulations and hush kits, and to discuss which Canadian airlines are installing the kits.

British Government Announces Funding of New Research into the Health Effects of Noise (Sep. 17, 1997). M2 Presswire reports that Great Britain's Environment Minister Angela Eagle announced today that the government will invest about 600,000 Pounds into research of the links between health and environmental noise. The research will take three years, and will be run jointly by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the Department of Health. The former department also will conduct separate studies regarding the incidences of noise disturbances and attitudes towards noise, so that changes in the country's "noise climate" can be traced. These Noise Attitude and Incidence surveys are expected to be completed by the end of 1998, building upon two surveys that took place in the early 1990s.

Dutch Institute Finds that Compensation for Residents Near Amsterdam Airport is Cheaper Than a New Airport (Sep. 17, 1997). AFX News reports that according to the publication Het Financieele Dagblad, the Dutch economic institute NEI has released a study that concludes that compensating residents who live near Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport for noise pollution would be cheaper than building a new airport.

German Government Approves Aircraft Emissions and Noise Proposals (Sep. 17, 1997). AFX News reports Germany's federal cabinet has approved a collection of proposals from the transportation and environment ministries that aim to reduce aircraft emissions and noise, according to a joint statement from the ministries. The statement also said that aircraft noise and emissions reduction would be encouraged through financial incentives -- for example, the tax break for the use of jet fuel could be eliminated, and taxes on aircraft take-offs and landings could be restructured.

Air Freight Organization Opposes Noise Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport (Sep. 16, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that an organization of air freight companies, Barin, is opposing the restrictions on flights at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, scheduled to take effect October 1. The organization sent an angry letter to Dutch Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, claiming the restrictions designed to keep the airport within legal noise limits will compromise the safety and environmental standards.

Live Radio Show in Great Britain Offers Free Rustle-Free Cough Lozenges to Audience (Sep. 16, 1997). The Times Newspapers Limited reports that Great Britain's Radio 3 station is handing out rustle-free cough lozenges to audience members who attend their live recording concerts, in an attempt to reduce noise during the live broadcast. Many audience members take cough lozenges during the concerts to avoid coughing at the wrong moment, the article says. The rustle-free wrapping paper was developed by Grantham Manufacturing Ltd. in Lincolnshire and uses waxed paper, as well as a secret ingredient to reduce noise.

Noise Limits for Amsterdam Airport May Be Reviewed and Relaxed by Government (Sep. 16, 1997). The Financial Times reports that the Dutch government may consider relaxing legal controls on noise pollution at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, after airlines mounted a strong protest against recently announced flight restrictions. Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma favors a review of the noise legislation, the article says, and may gain the backing of a parliamentary majority in a debate expected this week.

Amsterdam Airport Proposes Daytime Flight Restrictions to Curb Noise (Sep. 15, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that officials at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport announced last week they would place daytime restrictions on flights, if approved by Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, in order to stay within the country's noise limits. The restrictions would result in only two of the airport's four runways being available at some peak times, starting on October 1.

Experts with British Government Say Residents Don't Lose Sleep From Heathrow Aircraft Noise (Sep. 15, 1997). The Independent reports that at the long-running public inquiry into a proposed fifth terminal at London's Heathrow Airport, government experts are submitting testimony that nighttime flights do not affect people's sleep.

New Noise Regulations Drafted in Malaysia (Sep. 13, 1997). The New Straits Times reports that three sets of new noise regulations and a set of guidelines have been proposed by the Malaysian government to control the country's worsening noise pollution. The regulations and guidelines address a wide range of noises and vibrations, and currently are being reviewed by the government's DOE.

British Council Uses New Powers to Quiet Noisy Neighbor (Sep. 12, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that a resident of West Cornforth, England, who held noisy, late-night parties has been ordered by a judge to stop the noise.

Canada City Adopts Resolution Opposing Night Flights at Toronto Airport (Sep. 11, 1997). Canada NewsWire Ltd reports that the Mississauga, Ontario Council adopted a resolution today that opposes night flights at the Toronto area Lester B. Pearson International Airport (LBPIA). The article goes on to print the resolution the Council adopted.

Airlines Complain About New Noise Regulations at Amsterdam Airport (Sep. 11, 1997). AFX News reports that three airlines said in a combined statement that the new regulations to mitigate noise levels at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport will have far-reaching, damaging consequences for them, and could severely damage the reputation of Schiphol as a high-quality European airport. The airlines that released the statement were KLM Royal Dutch Airlines NV, Transavia, and Martinair.

Amsterdam Airport Director Steps Down; Meanwhile, Residents Group Calls on Government to Reduce Noise Levels at Airport (Sep. 11, 1997). ANP English News Bulletin reports that Hans Smits, director of Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, announced Wednesday that he will step down from his position to become vice chair of the Rabobank. During much of Smits' five-year tenure at the airport, Schipol has been surrounded by cotroversy regarding expansion plans. In a separate move on Wednesday, the residents' group GEUS (Vereniging Geen Uitbreiding Schiphol) called on Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma to reduce noise from the airport by 20%, alleging that Jorritsma is not keeping the airport within the legal noise limits.

Amsterdam Airport Officials Consider Closing One Runway at Peak Times to Abate Noise (Sep. 9, 1997). Airline Industry Information reports that officials from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have announced that they may close one of the airport's four runways during peak times in order to stay within legal noise limits.

South Australian Government Will Monitor Noise Levels in Nightclubs (Sep. 9, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the South Australian government will monitor noise levels in nightclubs, hotels, and at concert venues in a project that will seek to improve the health of workers in the entertainment and hospitality industries.

Frustrated by Years of Noise from Foundry, British Residents Will Fight (Sep. 9, 1997). The Northern Echo of England, reports that residents of Tow Law, England are strengthening their fight against noise from a foundry after a local man was arrested and fined for protesting at the Bonds Foundry.

Canadian Judge Orders Federal Express Courier Depot to Stop Overnight Loading (Sep. 8, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that Federal Express Canada Inc. has been ordered by a judge to stop overnight loading operations at its courier depot in North Bay, Ontario, because the noise is keeping neighbors awake. Residents living near the depot took Federal Express to court for nighttime disturbance. Justice Michael Bolan of the Ontario Court, general division, last week gave Federal Express until November 1 to relocate its operations or stop loading and unloading trucks between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., the article says.

European Environmental Bureau Calls for Fuel Tax on Aircraft to Reduce Noise (Sep. 8, 1997). The Weekly of Business Aviation reports that the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) released a new policy statement to European Union members, saying that Europe's problem with increasing aircraft noise pollution is partly a result of the absence of a tax on aircraft fuels. The EEB called for noise mitigation measures to be funded by such a tax.

City Officials Say Proposed Noise Control Agreement Between Toronto Airport and Airlines Isn't Tough Enough (Sep. 4, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that officials in Mississauga, Ontario believe a proposed noise control agreement between the Greater Toronto Airports Authority and the airlines using Pearson International Airport isn't tough enough. City officials insist that restrictions on runway use should be more stringent than outlined in the proposed agreement.

European Environmental Bureau Calls for Aircraft Fuels Tax to Fund Noise Abatement (Sep. 2, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) released a policy statement to European Union members stating that noise abatement measures should be funded by a tax on aircraft fuels. The EEB report also called for strict rules against night flights at Europe's airports, the article says.

Local Authorities Are Granted More Power to Arrest Noisy Neighbors in England and Wales (Aug. 31, 1997). The Times Newspapers Limited reports that the government of the United Kingdom has given local authorities and housing associations in England and Wales the power to seek an injunction for the arrest of rowdy tenants. The new rules allow offenders to be arrested and charged with a breach of the peace or of their tenancy agreement, and prostitutes and drug-dealers will lose their tenancies, the article says. Neighbors who are arrested could spend a night in jail and appear in court the following morning.

Environmental Groups Set to File Lawsuits Over Legal Noise Limits at Amsterdam Airport (Aug. 29, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that Dutch environmental groups said Thursday they planned to take Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, a number of airlines, and the Transport Minister to court to demand compliance with legal noise restrictions.

Argument Over Noise Leads to Arson and Assault (Aug. 28, 1997). The Hong Kong Standard reports that a resident in Hong Kong set a building on fire and bit the ear of a fellow tenant after an argument about noise. The Court of First Instance heard the case on Wednesday, and sentencing was adjourned until September 9 pending a psychiatric report.

The Netherlands Government Approves Measures to Reduce Noise at Amsterdam Airport (Aug. 28, 1997). ANP English News Bulletin reports that a large majority of Members of Parlaiment in the Netherlands approved the cabinet's measures for reducing noise from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Tuesday. Only the opposition parties of the Green Left and the Socialist Party believed the measures to be inadequate, the article reports.

Canadian Police Say Noisy Motorcycles Are Hard to Measure (Aug. 26, 1997). The Vancouver Sun printed a question-and-answer column in which the question of why motorcycles are allowed to be so noisy is addressed. According to Staff Sergeant Garnet Salmond of the Vancouver (British Columbia) police traffic section, motorcycle noise is difficult to measure.

China Issues New Noise Pollution Regulations for Southern Province (Aug. 21, 1997). The China Business Information Network reports that new noise regulations expected to be approved next month will take effect later this year in Guangdong, an economically-developed province in south China. The Guangdong Provincial Regulations on the Prevention of Noise Pollution, which are expected to be passed by the Provincial People's Congress next month, will punish firms and vehicle-owners who create too much noise in residential areas, the article says.

British Police Will Enforce Noise Restrictions on Car Stereos (Aug. 20, 1997). According to The Northern Echo of England, government officials are preparing to award police with more powers to combat loud car stereos in England.

Groups Battling Over Noise Issues at New Zealand Airport Reach an Agreement (Aug. 20, 1997). The Dominion reports that the groups involved in an Environment Court hearing against provisions in the Wellington (New Zealand) City Council's district plan regarding acceptable noise controls for the Wellington Airport have signed a consent order, agreeing to settle their differences, after a week of court-ordered mediation. The Residents Airport Noise Action Group, Wellington International Airport Ltd, the Board of Airline Representatives, and Wellington City Council presented the consent order to Judge Shonagh Kenderdine, ending more than 10 years of dispute on the issue.

Province in South China Expected to Pass New Noise Pollution Regulations (Aug. 20, 1997). The Xinhua News Agency reports that according to today's China Daily, new regulations limiting noise pollution will take effect later this year in Guangdong, a province in South China. The provincial regulations are expected to be passed by the Provincial People's Congress next month.

British Residents Fear Noise While Airport Promises Jobs (Aug. 19, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that plans are going forward at Teesside Airport to build one to the United Kingdom's biggest freight distribution centers. The warehouse has been at the center of a controversy in spite of its promise to create thousands of jobs. Nearby residents object to the likelihood of unrelenting road and air traffic as well as noise and air pollution.

Court Rules That Amsterdam Airport Doesn't Have Authority to Limit Nighttime Flights (Aug. 18, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that a court in Haarlem, Netherlands ruled Friday that the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam did not have the authority to limit air traffic and control noise pollution levels by imposing a ban on night flights by wide-body planes. The suit was brought by a number of airlines, led by the charter airline Martinair.

Landing Slots at Amsterdam Airport to be Apportioned by Independent Administrator (Aug. 16, 1997). The Financial Times (London) reports that Annemarie Jorritsma, the Netherlands Transport Minister, said she would seek clearance from Brussels to declare Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport a "co-ordinated airport," with landing slots apportioned by an independent administrator, in an attempt to address noise problems. If the regulation goes through, airlines would be forced to surrender some of their present scheduled times at the airport and would be allocated other times. The announcement comes the day after a ruling by a Haarlem court that the airport must rescind a ban on night flights by older, noisier jets in an attempt to not exceed legal noise limits.

Amsterdam Airport Institutes Ban on Night Flights to Reduce Noise (Aug. 6, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Tuesday instituted a ban on night flights to avoid exceeding the country's noise pollution limits. The ban was approved late Monday by Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, who described the plan as insufficient and called for a revised plan to be presented by September.

Italy Places Partial Ban on Nighttime Aircraft Flights (Aug. 6, 1997). The Xinhua News Agency reports that the Italian Ministry of Environment issued a decree today that will partially ban aircraft takeoffs and landings at domestic airports at night, in an effort to curb noise pollution for residents near airports. The ban will go into effect next June 30.

Debate Over Aircraft Noise at New Zealand Airport Begins in the Environment Court (Aug. 5, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Environment Court in Wellington, New Zealand is being asked to decide how Wellington Airport and its neighbors can best live with each other. A three-week court hearing started yesterday to hear appeals against airport noise provisions in Wellington City Council's proposed District Plan. Judge Shonagh Kenderdine, assisted by three environment commissioners, is hearing the case.

Amsterdam Airport Accused of Negligence by Aviation Authority for Delay in Instituting Noise Mitigation Measures (Aug. 5, 1997). ANP English News Bulletin reports that civil aviation authorities in the Netherlands are accusing officials at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport of negligence because they delayed implementing noise mitigation measures that would prevent the airport from exceeding national noise limits. Civil aviation authority officials said the airport did not need to get approval from the government before implementing its latest plan to ban nighttime flights.

Europe Continues to Limit Aircraft Noise (Aug. 4, 1997). Aircraft Value News reports that several recent actions in Europe have continued to place limitations on aircraft noise. As a result, the article says, residual values for a number of aircraft types may be called into question.

Aviation Industry Angry Over Move by European Body to Place Further Restrictions on Chapter 2 Aircraft (Aug. 4, 1997). Commuter/Regional Airline News International reports that the aviation industry is reacting in anger over moves by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) to prevent the influx of hushkitted Chapter 2 aircraft into its 36 member countries after April 1, 1999, three years ahead of the date set for all Chapter 2 aircraft to be banned from ECAC countries. The article reports that ECAC officials also have said they intend to recommend that Chapter 2 aircraft not be allowed to join the ECAC fleet after April 1999, even if they are fitted with hushkits to bring them into compliance with Chapter 3 noise level standards. It is believed that ECAC has proposed the earlier date in order to stop Chapter 2 aircraft from flooding their market if, as expected, the aircraft are banned in North America before 2000, the article says.

Dutch Government Will Decide Next Week Whether to Impose Nighttime Flight Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport, Delaying the Target Implementation Date (Jul. 30, 1997). The Business Times reports that officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands will announce early next week if they will proceed with plans announced earlier to ban certain night flights and restrict others in order to meet the country's noise regulations. The airport's new rules were set to take effect August 1, but the government, which must approve the rules, currently is studying the issue. Meanwhile, airlines whose operations would be limited by the rules have raised strong protests and some reportedly have threatened to sue the airport, saying the restrictions would violate aviation treaties such as the open-skies agreements.

Two U2 Concerts Banned in Ireland Due to Neighbors' Noise Concerns (Jul. 30, 1997). The International Herald Tribune reports that two sold-out homecoming concerts by the Irish rock group U2, scheduled to be held in Dublin, Ireland at the Lansdowne Road rugby stadium, have been banned by the High Court because of residents' concern over noise, according to reports in Irish newspapers on Tuesday. Residents living near the stadium told the court that the Irish Rugby Football Union had no legal right to subject them to loud and persistent noise, the article reports.

British Residents Campaign for Quiet Roads (Jul. 29, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that thousands of North-East families are faced with a summer noise nightmare due to road maintenance neglect. But financially strapped officials say they are battling just to keep the region's roads patched up, and they don't have any money over for "extras" like quiet materials, according to an AA report.

Charter Airlines Threaten Price Increase if Nighttime Flight Restrictions Imposed at Amsterdam Airport (Jul. 29, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that charter airline companies have said fares may rise 30%-40% if nighttime noise restrictions are imposed at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The airport has proposed to limit nighttime flights starting August 1 in order to avoid exceeding the country's noise pollution limits.

New Invention in Britain Could Silence Outdoor Noise (Jul. 29, 1997). The London Times reports that a British inventor, Selwyn Wright of Huddersfield University, said he has produced a device capable of blocking outdoor noise.

What's the Quietest Lawn Mower? (Jul. 26, 1997). The Times printed an editorial that outlines which lawn mowers that can be purchased in Britain are the noisiest and the quietest. It also discusses the noise restrictions on lawn mower use in Germany, and talks about the fact that the European Community is considering new noise regulations for mowers. The writer concludes by giving a ranking of the types of mowers from noisiest to quietest.

Canadian City's Proposed Plan Faces Appeal from Airports Authority Because of Planned Land Uses (Jul. 24, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that the proposed new Official Plan in Mississauga, Ontario is being appealed by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority because it will allow development in high-noise areas near Pearson International Airport. The authority is afraid that such development will result in residents opposing future operations and expansion of the airport. The authority's appeal also is supported by the Air Transport Association of Canada, an umbrella group representing airlines and helicopter operators. The appeal will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board, the article reports.

Noise Awareness Day Highlights Pervasive Noise Problems in Scotland (Jul. 23, 1997). The Herald reports that today is Scotland's National Noise Awareness Day, with the aim of increasing understanding of noise issues and considering the effects our lifestyles, transport, and businesses have on noise pollution. The article outlines some of the ways noise pollution is on the increase, and what Scotland is doing about it.

Noise Awareness Day in Scotland Gets Support from Government (Jul. 23, 1997). The Scotsman reports that today is Scotland's Noise Awareness Day, and the government is calling for people to be more considerate of their neighbors to help control noise, the least recognized form of environmental pollution.

England Town Launches Noise Exposure Survey to Encourage Quiet Neighborhoods (Jul. 22, 1997). The Northern Echo of England escalating complaints of domestic noise from barking dogs, loud music and other sources have prompted the town of Sedgefield, England, to take action.

Study in Scotland Finds Only a Small Percentage of Localities Likely to Adopt New Strict Noise Standards (Jul. 22, 1997). The Herald reports that a survey by the National Society for Clean Air in Scotland has found that only about 8% of local authorities are likely to adopt new curbs on noise between 11 pm and 7 am which come into force this week, enabling environmental health officers to seize noisy stereos, radios, and TVs. The survey was released yesterday to coincide with National Noise Awareness Day tomorrow, the article says.

European Commission Pushes for Legal Action Against Italy and Belgium for Failing to Adopt Noise Limits on Construction Machinery (Jul. 21, 1997). The Occupational Health & Safety Letter reports that the European Commission (EC) has applied to the European Court of Justice, seeking legal retribution against Italy and Belgium for failing to adopt limits on construction workers' exposure to noise from construction machinery.

Noisy Stereos in Britain Seized by Local Authorities as a Result of Campaign (Jul. 20, 1997). The publication Mail on Sunday reports that more than a third of the local councils in Britain have seized noisy stereos from residents after a Mail on Sunday campaign. The article says that most local authorities have services to deal with nighttime noise, and nearly one-half plan to use the new confiscation powers they have been given by the government, according to a survey released today. However, the article goes on to say, less than a tenth of local authorities are likely to impose $100 on-the-spot fines, because they lack resources or believe existing measures are adequate.

36 Countries in Europe Agree to Limit Flights From Noisy Aircraft (Jul. 18, 1997). The publication Transport Europe reports that members of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), a group with 36 member countries, met in Strasbourg on July 2 and 3 and agreed to reduce the level of noise emissions from aircraft by the year 2002, and resolved to adopt a formal Recommendation on the matter by December 31. Meanwhile, express delivery airlines voiced concern about regulations limited to Europe and called for an international agreement.

Amsterdam Airport Announces Nighttime Restrictions to Reduce Noise (Jul. 15, 1997). The publication Airports reports that officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands announced new restrictions on nighttime flights Friday. The new rules, which still must be approved by the government, call for a ban on flights of DC-10s and Boeing 747-100s, -200s, -300s, and SPs between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. starting August 1. Flights which are scheduled before 11 p.m., but are delayed, will also be prohibited, the article says. Airport officials said the ban is necessary to comply with the Netherlands' legally defined noise limits, but cargo airlines operating at the airport are furious about the proposed restrictions.

European Countries Agree to Prohibit Hushkitted Chapter 3 Aircraft After April 1999 (Jul. 8, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that the European Civil Aviation Conference's 36 member countries (ECAC) agreed last week in Strasbourg to "take all necessary steps" after April 1, 1999 to exclude aircraft from their carriers' fleets that have been hushkitted only to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 3 noise standards. The decision sends a signal to current and future airlines not to increase their fleet's noise by using hushkitten airplanes, according to ECAC president-elect Andre Auer. The action comes as a result of a January 1996 environmental policy statement issued by ECAC calling for substantially lower noise levels at Europe's airports after Chapter 2 aircraft are phased out in 2002, the article reports.

Amsterdam Airport Considers Nighttime Ban on Takeoffs by Noisy Jets (Jul. 7, 1997). AFX News reports that the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands is considering a ban on takeoffs by the noisiest, wide-body aircraft between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am starting Aug. 1.

European Commission Backs Recommendations to Improve Aircraft Noise Standards (Jul. 7, 1997). Aircraft Value News reports in an editorial that the European Commission is supporting two proposals that would ban or restrict aircraft equipped with Chapter 3 hushkits in an attempt to move along strong aircraft noise standards. The editorial argues that the first proposal, which would allow European authorities to ban aircraft equipped with Chapter 3 hushkits, would significantly hurt values for older, noisier Chapter 2 aircraft. The second proposal would bar operators in European Civil Aviation Conference member countries (ECAC) from adding hushkitted aircraft to their fleets after 1999, and this also would depress values for older aircraft, the editorial says.

Flight Cap at London's Heathrow Airport is Only Sure Noise Solution (Jul. 3, 1997). The Financial Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Dermot Cox, chair of the Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise, regarding the proposed noise cap at London's Heathrow Airport:

Proposed Wind Farm Project in New Zealand Meets Opposition on Grounds of Noise (Jul. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Energy Corporation (ECNZ) wants to build a wind farm in Makara, New Zealand, and has met with opposition from residents in the area. At a Wind Energy Association and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority conference in Wellington this week, ECNZ Makara project manager Graeme Mills presented a paper on the proposed wind farm, and said the company is working to understand the potential nosie effects. He also urged Makara residents to understand and have faith in the input processes of the project.

Legal Costs May Prevent New Zealand Residents Group from Going to Court Over Airport Noise Control (Jul. 1, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Residents Airport Noise Action Group (RANAG), a group of residents in the eastern suburbs of Wellington, New Zealand, may have to abandon a fight over airport noise control because they cannot afford to go to the Environment Court for an appeal. The court hearing is estimated to cost the group $20,000, and is expected to last most of August.

Outdoor Enthusiast Champions Victory for Failed Helicopter Tour Scheme on a British Isle (Jun. 28, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed an editorial in which the writer celebrates the victory over a proposal to run sightseeing flights over Skye, an island in the Hebrides off Scotland's northwest coast. The writer says the noise from the tour flights would have destroyed "one of the last wild sanctuaries of silence" in Britain.

Noise Pollution is a Growing Problem in Great Britain (Jun. 22, 1997). The Independent reports that neighborhood noise has become a serious problem in Great Britain. Noise is the now most common reason for complaints received by environmental health officers, the article says. A two-part program on Radio Five Live called "Noises Off," starting tonight, will draw attention to noise issues.

British Judge Halts Construction Project Because Noise Interferes with Court Proceedings (Jun. 21, 1997). The Mirror reports that British Circuit Court Judge Patrick Moran yesterday halted a 3-million-pound building project because construction was interfering with court proceedings. The article says the construction company, Sisk and Co., are refurbishing the 150-year-old Courthouse in Washington Street. The judge warned the builders they would have to pay legal costs if the case had to be dismissed because the jury could not hear, the article says.

Parents in Wales to Sue Ministry of Defense over Damage to Children's Hearing From Low-Flying Military Jets (Jun. 20, 1997). The Guardian reports that a group of parents in Wales is planning to sue Great Ministry of Defense over their children's hearing problems which they blame on low-flying military jets. The parents are submitting research conducted in conjunction with the Federal Environmental Agency in Germany, which has found a link between low flying aircraft and hearing impairments.

German Acoustic Designer Transforms Bothersome Noise Into "Pleasant Sounds" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that Axel Rudolph, an acoustic designer in Cologne, Germany, designs sound systems that change irksome noise into sounds that people prefer to hear. According to Rudolph, noise profoundly influences people's feelings, but the field of acoustic design is in its early stages. The article goes on to outline some of Rudoph's projects and other applications for acoustic design.

Japanese Lawyers to Lobby U.S. Over Noise from Yokota Air Base (Jun. 17, 1997). The Japan Economic Newswire reports that a group of Japanese lawyers representing residents near the U.S. Yokota Air Base in Tokyo's western suburbs will visit the United States on Saturday for a nine-day tour to ask U.S. officials to respond to their lawsuit against noise from the air base. A group of Japanese residents named the U.S. government in a lawsuit last year, but Japan's court dismissed the suit in March of this year, saying Japanese jurisdiction doesn't cover the U.S. The plaintiffs have appealed the ruling to the Tokyo High Court, which has continued with the case. U.S. officials told the court last fall that the government would not respond to a lawsuit, because it is not subject to Japanese law.

Noise Levels at London's Heathrow Airport Are "Capped" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Times reports that BAA, the operator of the Heathrow Airport in London, has proposed that noise levels at the airport be capped at the levels that applied in 1994. The article says the proposal, which would require legislation, is an attempt by BAA to calm noise protests from residents and win approval for a fifth terminal.

Residents in New Zealand to Discuss Noise From Proposed Wind Farm (Jun. 17, 1997). The Dominion reports that residents in Makara, New Zealand who are fighting to oppose a proposed wind farm, have agreed to join an Electricity Corporation working party to address ways to mitigate unwelcome noise.

Bangkok Residents Experience High Levels of Noise Pollution; Noise Barriers Reduce Some Traffic Noise (Jun. 16, 1997). The Bangkok Post reports that in Bangkok (Thailand), where traffic jams are part of daily life, it is hard to escape noise pollution. And for people living near the expressway, escape is impossible, the article says. The article goes on to discuss where noise barriers have been built in the city, and what types are most effective.

Heathrow Airport Officials Pledge Noise Cap and Night Flight Limit if New Terminal is Approved (Jun. 16, 1997). The Extel Examiner reports that officials of BAA PLC, operator of London's Heathrow Airport, said they will introduce a legally binding noise cap on noise levels around the airport and will not allow the number of night flights to increase if the airport's proposed Terminal 5 is approved. The article says that BAA said in a statement that if Terminal 5 is approved, their pledge "would limit noise levels at the airport to an area no greater than that within the most recent air noise contours published by the government," and that if "the noise level around Heathrow will not get any worse."

U.K. Court Rejects Bid to Re-Launch Airport Expansion (Jun. 13, 1997). The Press Association Newsfile reports that the British High Court ruled today that British Aerospace cannot resurrect its plan for a commercial airport at historic Filton aerodrome near Bristol, England. The court upheld the joint decision by the former Transport and Environment Secretaries that refused planning permission to develop the 400-acre site after a public inquiry.

Mother and Two Children in England Die in Suspected Arson Attack Over Noise Dispute (Jun. 11, 1997). The Daily Mail reports that a dispute between neighbors over noise may have led to an arson attack in which a mother and two of her children were killed yesterday in Manchester, England.

European Parlaiment Debates Commission Response to Noise Reduction (Jun. 10, 1997). The Reuter European Community Report released a press release which states that some members of the European Parlaiment are critical that the Commission has not been sufficiently diligent in tackling the noise problem in Europe.

Calgary Should Crack Down on Noisy Motocycles (Jun. 8, 1997). The Calgary Herald printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Calgary, Alberta resident Thuy Nguyen regarding noise from motorcycles:

U.K. Minister for Transport Supports Environmentally Friendly Aviation Policies (Jun. 6, 1997). Universal News Services printed a press release from the United Kingdom's Department of Transport regarding a speech in which the Minister for Transport, Dr. Gavin Strang, urged top European airline executives to "think green." The press release says Strang's speech is a signal of the new government's commitment to environmentally friendly aviation policies.

Europe Moving to Impose Tougher Noise Restrictions on Airlines (Jun. 5, 1997). EIU ViewsWire printed a summary of a report in European Voice, a weekly newspaper of The Economist Group covering the European Union, which says that Europe is finalizing moves to impose tougher restrictions on noisy airplanes. The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) is expected to adopt a non-binding recommendation in July committing its member countries not to add any new aircraft to their fleets after 2002 which do not meet the quieter "Chapter 3" noise standards. According to the Association of European Airlines (AEA), the recommendation will eventually form the basis of binding European Union legislation.

Charter Airplane Operators Complain About New Nighttime Noise Rules at Brussels Airport (Jun. 4, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that charter airlines and other operators using noisy aircraft are complaining about new nighttime regulations at Brussels Airport International.

Japan Begins to Build Off-Shore Runway for U.S. Forces to Lessen Noise in Residential Areas (Jun. 2, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that workers began building an off-shore runway in southwestern Japan on Monday for U.S. military planes whose landings and takeoffs create too much noise in residential areas.

Aircraft Noise Policy Across the World Lacks Coherence (Jun.1 1997). Airline Business reports in an editorial that the failure of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to agree on a transition to Chapter IV noise standards is leading to a patchwork of policy making around the world on aircraft noise. The diverse policies will force airlines to face operational restraints, the editorial concludes.

TV of Scottish Man Confiscated Over Noise (May 28, 1997). The Herald reports that Michael McGinn of Kilmarnock, Scotland has had his television and radio confiscated because he played them too loudly. McGinn also has been fined 450 pounds by the Kilmarnock Sheriff Court.

Vancouver City Council Passes Noise Ordinance (May 28, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the Vancouver City Council Tuesday adopted a noise ordinance that will crack down on everything from motorcycles to weed-eaters in an effort to make big-city life more civilized. In a somewhat related move, the council also voted to put a halt to further major road construction in Vancouver and provide funding for more buses, trains, bicycles, and pedestrians, an action with benefits to traffic noise levels.

New Zealand Airplane Noise Fight in Court Will Begin in August (May 26, 1997). The Evening Post reports that New Zealand's Environment Court has set aside the month of August to hear appeals against Wellington City Council's noise rules, contained in the proposed district plan, that would regulate airport noise. Appeals will be brought both by residents groups and by airline groups.

Orchard Owner in New Zealand Must Reduce Noise Level of Wind Machine that Fights Frost (May 23, 1997). The Southland Times reports that an orchard owner in Arrowtown, New Zealand has been asked by a panel to significantly reduce noise levels from a frost-fighting wind machine, or remove it. The panel's decision came in response to neighbors angry about the noise and intrusion into the landscape of the machine.

Pilot in Great Britain Wins Case Over "Buzzing" a Village in a Military Jet (May 23, 1997). The Press Association Newsfile reports that a Royal Air Force pilot in Great Britain who was court-martialled for "buzzing" his parents' home village of Staple in his Hawk jet, was cleared by the Court of Appeal today.

Housing Under Flight-Path in Vancouver Worries Airport Officials (May 22, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the city of Richmond, British Columbia intends to develop a 14-hectare property it owns into a residential neighborhood, but officials at the Vancouver International Airport want to make sure the prospective buyers will be warned in advance that their homes are under a major flight path. They have proposed that an "air easement" be registered on the property's land title, which would prevent future owners from seeking damages because of aircraft noise.

Urban Noise Task Force In Vancouver Suggests Ways To Quiet Noise (May 22, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports in an editorial that the Vancouver (British Columbia) Urban Noise Task Force recently produced a list of 165 recommendations on ways to quiet the noise of urban life. The list ranged from motorcyclists who rev their engines, to leaf-blowers, to barking dogs, to the beeping of trucks backing up, to the fall of garbage can lids by careless workers. The list suggests controlling the hours one may mow the lawn, turning all parks into quiet parks, and eliminating the West Coast Expressway's whistle. Councillors will be reviewing the list next Tuesday.

Vancouver Task Force Presents Recommendations on Urban Noise (May 22, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the Vancouver (British Columbia) Urban Noise Task Force, a residents' committee, recently presented the city with a list of 165 recommendations to lessen urban noise. The article prints excerpts from the report, which includes recommendations with respect to harbor air traffic, transportation noise, and watercraft noise.

British Quarry Extension Proves Controversial; Resident Predicts Personal Ruin (May 19, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that a family who lives in Bishop Middleham, England, fears their lives will be ruined if a quarry is allowed to expand near their home. They say they will be tormented by relentless noise and dust.

Two British Airports Face Fierce Protests Over Noise (May 17, 1997). The Guardian reports that London's Heathrow Airport and Manchester's airport both face serious opposition in their expansion plans. The organized campaigners against the airports' expansions argue the expansions will bring too much noise and that Britain needs a national aviation strategy.

London Airport Pushes its Case for a Fifth Terminal (May 16, 1997). Origin Universal News Services Limited reports that the British Airports Authority (BAA), the operator of London's Heathrow Airport, said today it would not oppose a recommendation that there should be no increase in the quota of night flights permitted at the airport. The recommendation came from the Inspector of the inquiry regarding the construction of a fifth terminal at the airport. In addition, BAA circulated a newsletter to 500,000 homeowners surrounding the airport outlining the companies' position and discussing the results of a recent Gallup poll that showed most local residents support the fifth terminal.

Citizens Group Seeks Patch of Public Land in Lawsuit Against Toronto Airport (May 15, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that the Council of Concerned Residents, a citizens group that filed a court action against the Greater Toronto Airports Authority and the federal government over airport noise and a runway expansion at Pearson Airport, has asked the Mississauga Council to give the group one square inch of public land in a move to strengthen their case.

Airlines Challenge San Francisco Benefits Law, Saying They Are Subject Only to Federal Laws (May 13, 1997). Business Wire reports in an industry press release that the Air Transport Association (ATA) today filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco which challenges a local ordinance that would force U.S. airlines to offer employment benefits to the "domestic partners" of employees. ATA claims that airlines can only be governed by federal laws, not local laws. (Ed: This issue is relevant to airport noise issues because the airline industry uses the same arguments with respect to local noise ordinances as with San Francisco's domestic partner ordinance.)

London Airport Apologizes for Demolition Explosion that Frightened Residents (May 11, 1997). The Sunday Telegraph Limited reports that the British Airports Authority has apologized for a loud demolition explosion that occurred at London's Heathrow Airport. The 2 a.m. blast frightened thousands of residents, many of whom believed they were caught in a terrorist attack, the article reports.

Noisy Dogs See a Therapist and Legal Battle Ends (May 9, 1997). Times Newspapers Limited reports that a legal fight to quiet four barking dogs in Great Britain ended after the dogs were quieted through sessions with a pet therapist.

Britain's Noise Pollution Officers Experience Violence and Aggression (May 8, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that Great Britain's "environment police," who deal with issues involving noise, food hygiene, bonfire smoke, litter, and dumping are increasingly experiencing violent and aggressive responses from the people they deal with.

It's Not Always Quieter in the Country (May 7, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed an editorial in which the writer outlines why it is often noisier in the country in Great Britain than in the city, town, or suburbs.

Researchers Study Beluga Whales' Responses to Shipping Noise in Canadian Rivers (May 6, 1997). Newsday reports that a University of Connecticut researcher is studying whether shipping noise in the St. Lawrence and Saugenay Rivers in Quebec could damage the hearing and capacity for survival of beluga whales in the area.

Jet Skiers Banned from Great Yarmouth in England (May 4, 1997). The Sunday Mirror reports that jet skiers have been banned from using an area in Great Yarmouth, England on noise and safety grounds. Jet skiers have also recently been banned from Gorleston and a Norfolk seaside resort on the same grounds.

More People Back Newspaper's Campaign Against Jet Skis in Britain (May 4, 1997). The Sunday Times reports that its own Campaign for Safe Waters in Great Britain has produced letters from many residents who want to restrict jet skis (also called "wet bikes") as well as the support of David Bellamy, environmentalist and president of Coral Cay Conservation, and John Fowles, author and Dorset coast resident.

English Resident Insists Noise from Heathrow Airport is Growing (May 1, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed the following letter-to-the-editor from A.H. Catto regarding increasing noise from the Heathrow Airport in London:

Japanese Rail Firms Agree to Take Steps to Cut Noise (May 1, 1997). The Daily Yomiuri reports that the operators of two railway lines connecting downtown Osaka, Japan and the Kansai International Airport have agreed to introduce noise-reduction measures this year, in response to complaints about increased noise.

Columbian Airport Says New Runway Will Reduce Noise (Apr. 30, 1997). Flight International reports that the Colombian Aeronautica Civil (civil-aviation authority) says the addition of a runway to the Eldorado International Airport in Bogota will reduce noise dramatically, even though the runway will increase air-transport movement capacity by 70%. The new runway, which will be parallel to the current runway, will allow approaches and departures to occur simultaneously over the open countryside to the northwest, instead of toward the city to the southeast, the article says. Officials say that this will ensure that few local residents will be affected by aircraft noise.

Houston Neighborhoods And Representatives Push For Sound Barrier (Apr. 30, 1997). The Houston Chronicle reports that if a new bill is approved by House members, the state will build a sound barrier to protect neighborhoods from Loop 610 traffic. The Department of Transportation would be forced to build the barrier between the Loop and the Pleasantville and Shepherd Forest subdivisions. The Department of Transportation builds sound barriers along new or expanded highways, but older neighborhoods like the two mentioned above get ignored while noise levels increase around them. If the bill is approved it will go to the Senate.

Massachusetts Living Facility Air Conditioning System Creating Noise Pollution Lawsuit (Apr. 30, 1997). Gazette reports that the air conditioning system of Cortland House, a 60-unit living facility, has been exceeding city noise limits since it was built last May. The neighbors that immediately complained had Health Director Robert P. Carlson order the facility's owner, Max E. Jordan, to fix the problem. Cortland House Officials claim the noise problem has since been fixed, but city officials disagree and are considering taking legal action.

Suburban Consumerism Brings Noisy Trucks To Quiet Neighborhoods (Apr. 30, 1997). NBC News reports that the federal government states the number of trucks driving through the streets of cities and towns has increased twice as fast as the number of trucks using interstate highways over the past ten years. The economic growth of superstores and malls in suburban neighborhoods, and the move of manufacturing plants and distribution centers into smaller neighborhoods, are creating noise pollution and costing local governments $3.3 billion in street repair. 80% of what consumers want, including food and clothing, are brought by truck.

Bronz Community Discusses The Quiet (Apr. 29, 1997). The New York Daily News reports the second International Noise Awareness Day will be honored at a town hall meeting. Bronx residents will have the chance to state their opinion about local noise pollution. The Bronx Campaign for Peace and Quiet, a non-profit borough group that campaigns against noise pollution, will be attending the meeting. The group promotes public awareness and supports enforcing noise ordinances. Also involved in the meeting are psychiatrists and city officials.

Chicago Mayor Makes Effort To Quiet The Suburbs Affected By International Airport (Apr. 29, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that the complaints of suburban neighborhoods against O'Hare International Airport have culminated into an important political issue by suburban officials over the past two decades. Statewide political candidates have been supporting the fight against noise pollution since 1990, and Chicago and the airlines have been unsuccessful in their bid to build another runway.

European Commission Adopts New Airport Charges Principles (Apr. 29, 1997). The publication Airports reports that the European Commission last week adopted a proposal to create a new legislative framework for airport charges throughout the European Union. The proposal seeks to ensure that airport charges are cost-related, transparent, and do not discriminate between domestic and intra-EU air services. The proposal must now be agreed to by the Council of 15 EU Transport Ministers.

European Group Wants European Union To Set New Noise Rules For Airports (Apr. 29, 1997). The publication Airports reports that the European Center of Enterprises with Public Participation (CEEP), the union of public-owned enterprises in Brussels, Belgium, has said that the European Union should take a leading role in combating airport noise levels by issuing new rules on land-use planning for its 15 member states and tighter noise restrictions for aircraft. The CEEP's comments came in response to the European Commission's November 1996 "green paper" on noise pollution, the article says.

Electronical Devices Get Louder, May Even Cause "Beep Phobia" (Apr. 28, 1997). The Nikkei Weekly reports there is a rising number of complaints regarding the electronic tones emitted from devices such as electronic games and pocket pagers. Mobile phone use is spreading from businesspeople to students, however the phone users themselves may themselves be susceptible to a form of "beep phobia", researchers show.

Noisy New York Car Alarms May Become Illegal To Sell Or Buy (Apr. 28, 1997). Newsday reports that City Councilmen Anthony Weiner (Brooklyn) and A. Gifford Miller (Manhattan) have proposed a bill that would declare the sale or installation of noisy car alarms in the city to be illegal. Under the new legislation, cars that are built with alarms in the factory would still be permitted however. Miller states he wishes he could ban all audible alarms, but that would prove an unconstitutional action against interstate commerce. If the law is passed, first violations by installers or sellers will cost them $500 to $1,000, second violations will cost $1,000 to $2,500, and subsequent violations up to $5,000.

Researchers Work on Furniture That Cancels Out Neighborhood Noise (Apr. 28, 1997). The Singapore Straits Times reports that an article in the Sunday Times says researchers are now applying the latest theories on active sound control to armchairs and beds, which they hope will be able to shut out noise from loud neighbors.

Technology Fights Noise With... More Noise (Apr. 28, 1997). Singapore Straights Times reports that according to the London Sunday Times, that scientists and researchers are utilizing the latest theories on sound waves to produce armchairs and beds that can quiet outside noise. Speakers are incorporated within the furniture to emit an opposing tone which neutralizes the outside noise. The speakers simultaneously play back mirror images of outside noises, canceling out the outside noises. This active sound control has been successfully used in cars, aircraft and ventilation fans.

Life Is Getting Noisier, As Measured By The Houston Chronicle (Apr. 27, 1997). The Houston Chronicle reports that it conducted its own noise level study around Houston, finding many places noisier than 85 decibels. A decibel reading higher than 85 decibels can cause hearing damage to the human ear, depending upon the length of exposure time. The Noise Center, a national organization that promotes noise awareness and hearing conservation, is sponsoring the second annual International Noise Awareness Day The day aims to get the world to observe a minute of silence at 2:15 p.m. Wednesday.

New York City Helicoptors Increase In Noise Level (Apr. 27, 1997). The New York Daily News reports community residents are disturbed daily by the increase of tourist, weather, commuter, television news, and law enforcement helicopter flight. The Helicopter Noise Coalition of New York hopes to create a helicopter "no fly" zone across the five boroughs, excepting emergency flights. The coalition aims to eliminate heliports from residential areas and to enforce regulation on the industry. Meanwhile there is a helicopter repair and storage operation at The Brooklyn Navy Yard proposed to be built and the Giuliani administration is supporting plans for a super heliport on Pier 76.

Aircraft and Construction Noise On Rise at Calgary Airport (Apr. 24, 1997). The Calgary Herald reports expected increases in airport noise due to increased air traffic and construction projects at the Calgary Airport.

Alpharetta, Georgia Fedex Packaging Facility Raises Residential Noise Concerns (Apr. 24, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that the Alpharetta City Council is delaying approval of a proposed 88,000-square-foot Federal Express office and distribution center while it considers the noise concerns of area residents.

International Noise Awareness Day in Toronto (Apr. 24, 1997). Annette Feige and Eric Greenspoon, members of the Citizens Coalition Against Noise, said that daily life is getting noisier, the Toronto Star reports. They are trying to bring national attention to the noise issue.

Jefferson Parish Parish Council Passes Airboat Noise Regulation (Apr. 24, 1997). A new ordinance limiting airboat noise in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, has been passed by the Parish Council, The Times-Picayune reports. One boat owner plans to challenge the new rules.

Noise Limits for Automobiles May Have Little Effect (Apr. 24, 1997). The Japan Economic Newswire reports that limitations proposed by the Environment Agency to impose decibel limits on cars may have little noticeable impact on noise levels.

Toronto Citizens Coalition Working to Stop Noise (Apr. 24, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that Eric Greenspoon and Annette Feige are leading activists in Toronto's Citizens Coalition Against Noise. The activists are trying to start a noise pollution revolution in Canada, the article says. They work to raise awareness about noise pollution, and they will be handing out earplugs and informational material next Wednesday on International Noise Awareness Day.

The European Commission Outlines Airport Equity Proposal (Apr. 23, 1997). The 1997 RAPID reports that the European Commission agreed on a proposal that would create a framework to ensure fair and equitable market conditions for airports and airlines within the EC. The program includes a proposal for noise regulations.

Dayton, Ohio Passes Legislation on Car Stereo Noise (Apr. 22, 1997). Legislation proposed by Dayton Representative Tom Roberts would make it a misdemeanor to play a car stereo too loudly, the Dayton Daily News reports.

Singaporeans Modify Motorcycles to Sound More Powerful, But Pass Annual Noise Inspections (Apr. 21, 1997). The Singapore Straits Times reports that motorcycles that have been modified to make more noise are an increasing problem in Singapore. Last year, 418 motorcyclists were booked for modifying their exhaust systems illegally, the article reports. Motorcycle shops commonly make the modifications for the bikers. Meanwhile, motorcycle owners modify their bikes back to their original, quieter condition each year when the bikes must pass inspection.

Technology May Solve Chicago, O'Hare Expansion Issue (Apr. 21, 1997). According to a study by United Airlines, technological and procedural changes at O'Hare International Airport could increase the airports flight capacity by 15% to 20%, Crain's Chicago Business reports. The changes could eliminate the need for a new runway and a third regional airport.

University of Southampton Researchers Fight Noise With Soundwaves (Apr. 21, 1997). 'Noise?', an exhibition being held at the Science Museum in London, will feature sound cancellation technologies from the University of Southampton's Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, the M2 Presswire reports.

Noise Pollution (Apr. 20, 1997). The following editorial appeared in the Durham, N.C. Herald Sun:

Reconsultation Of Noise Limits At International Airports Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted (Apr. 18, 1997). M2 Presswire reports that Mr. Justice Keene has made a consent order in the cases for judicial review brought by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) against the Department of Transport's decision on noise limits and monitoring effciency.

New Zealand Airport Officials Want New Housing Restricted Around Airport (Apr. 12, 1997). The Southland Times reports that officials at the Invercargill Airport in Invercargill, New Zealand believe it will be harder for the airport to expand its international flights unless new housing is restricted in Otatara. Officials of the airport's management company Airport Ltd. said the draft district plan, which governs the city for the next 10 years, deals with airport planning too loosely. They urged city councillors to ban further residential development under the western flight path in Otatara so the runway could eventually be extended for trans-Tasman flights. The airport company also asked that noise mitigation measures, such as insulation and double-glazing, be imposed on buildings under the eastern flight path.

Island of Bali Gets Ready for Annual Religious Day of Silence (Apr. 8, 1997). Asia Pulse reports that the Indonesian tourist island of Bali celebrates the Nyepi holiday tomorrow -- the annual Hindu day of silence. Everyone on Bali is forbidden from leaving their homes or hotels, from making noise, and from using electricity for 26 hours, and local religious police patrol the island to make sure the rules are enforced.

Noise Conference to be Held in Europe (Feb. 20, 1997). The European reports that as part of the European Commission's focus on noise problems, a conference on noise issues will be held on March 24 that will gather noise experts from around Europe.

Study Finds that Cargo Development at Belgium Airport Will Bring Noise Problems (Feb. 18, 1997). The publication Airports reports that two independent studies have been done on the Bierset Airport near Liege, Belgium, and one of them has found that noise problems would result from expanding the airport into a major cargo hub.

Zeppelins Revived by Original Builder's Relative (Jan. 22, 1997). Zeppelins were a popular form of air travel prior to World War II, according to a Los Angeles Time article. At that time, zeppelins in Germany were melted down to be used as raw materials for the war, and warplanes with their engine noise replaced the quiet zeppelins.

American Entertainment Introduces Young Audiences To Hearing Damage (Sep. 25, 1996). The Pacific Sun reports that digital technology has enabled movie producers and rock bands alike to increase the quality of sound their entertainment provides, but it has also inspired them to increase the volume as well. The government has no regulation regarding the sound level of movie or musical entertainment, and the affect of excessive noise on the human ear is usually not the priority of movie producers, movie-goers, rock bands, or rock fans. According to the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, 10 million Americans suffer from noise-induced hearing loss and 20 million are exposed to potentially damaging noise levels. Hearing loss has increased by 14% since 1971. Preventative and protective measures are just starting to be taken.

Minneapolis Mayors Discuss New Runway At Twin Cities' Airport (Sep. 25, 1996). The Southwest Journal reports a committee of mayors is discussing a new runway and its noise control at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. The Legislature is directing the Metropolitan Airport Commission to spend at least $100 million by the year 2002, $50 million more than originally planned, on noise control. The MAC has already promised to spend $135 million on noise control, raised by passenger fees and federal grants. Legislature has given the mayors the power to recommend how the money should be spent. Earlier this year the Legislature voted to expand the airport and not build a new airport.

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