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State or Country Index:

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MA, Boston, "Boston's Big Dig Attempts to Keep Noise Down" (Jan. 25, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that in Boston the biggest public works project since the building the Great Pyramids continues while officials attempt to maintain a quality of life for residents. Known as the Big Dig, the project will ultimately create a complex of highways that will run through and under Boston, hopefully eliminating the city's infamous traffic congestion.

MA, Milton, "Milton, MA Selectmen Hear Complaints about Late-Night Maintenance-Truck Beeping on Golf Course" (Jun. 15, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports residents of Milton, MA are complaining to their selectmen about late-night beeping from trucks working on the Quarry Hills Gold Course.

MA, Southbridge, "Massachusetts Town Councillor Asks Residents to Support Proposed Noise Bylaw" (Aug. 19, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that Dale Johonnett, a Southbridge, Massachusetts Town Councillor, urged residents last night to let their town councillors know they support a proposed noise control bylaw or it may be defeated.

Maine area, Bangor, "Resident is Against Personal Watercraft on Maine Lakes" (Jul. 23, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Robert Siegler, a Lincoln resident, regarding noise from personal watercraft on Maine waters:

Maine, Acadia National Park, "Maine's Acadia National Park is First National Park to Ban Jet Skis" (Jul. 13, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that Acadia National Park, near Bar Harbor, Maine, has become the first national park in the country to ban personal watercraft in its lakes and ponds. The article explains that the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission and the National Park System currently are working on rules that would restrict personal watercraft on many water bodies throughout the country. According to the article, Acadia used the state's Great Ponds law to achieve its ban. Meanwhile, the National Park Service is considering banning Jet Skis at nine other national parks, including Mount Ranier in Washington and Voyageurs in Minnesota.

Maine, Augusta, "Maine Senate Enacts Watercraft-use Legislation that Bans Use of Personalwatercraft and Boat Moters on Specific Water Surfaces and Sets Decibel Noise Restrictions Where Watercraft Use is Permitted." (Apr. 8, 1998). The Bangdor Daily News reports that legislation enacted by Maine's Senate bans the use of personal watercraft (including Jet Skis) on 243 gem ponds and on specific lakes in Maine's Rangeley region.

Maine, Augusta, "Maine Passes Comprehensive Law Regulating Noise and Operators of Personal Watercraft" (Jul. 6, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reported Maine's new watercraft regulations take effect on Thursday. Years of complaints about noise and safety issues concerning the personal watercraft led to the most comprehensive law of its kind yet passed in Maine.

Maine, Augusta, "New Laws on Maine's Waters Restricting Noise and Personal Watercraft" (Jun. 28, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports as Maine's busiest boating season begins next weekend, game wardens are gearing up to enforce new boating laws - including restrictions on noise levels and the minimum age for operating personal watercraft.

Maine, Augusta, "Bath, Maine Allows Iron Works to Continue 24-Hour Work As Long As Night Noise Limits Are Maintained" (Sep. 3, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that Bath, Maine's Board of Environmental Protection voted 8-0 that Bath Iron Works (BIW) can continue constructing its $218 million shipbuilding facility around the clock. BIW must keep quiet at night and monitor its own noise. Residents were hoping for a ban on night construction, but they concede that BIW has taken positive steps towards reducing noise. Driving piles into the riverbed will be the loudest process -- which BIW likened to inserting beach umbrellas into the sand -- but BIW will be allowed to do even that at night if noise limits are observed.

Maine, Augusta, "Augusta, Maine Bar Granted Three-Month Permit to Offer Live Music" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Kennebec Journal reports that an Augusta, Maine bar will be able to offer live music three nights per week as a result of a recent City Council vote that granted the business a special amusement permit. Complaints from residents about loud music and patrons prompted city meetings to discuss the issue.

Maine, Bangor, "Unexpected Takeoffs of Fighter Jets Wake Maine Residents in Early Morning" (Aug. 27, 1997). The Bangor Daily News reports that residents in Bangor, Maine were awakened at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning by the roar of five F-16 fighter jets taking off from the Bangor International Airport. Four more jets were scheduled to take off today at 4 a.m., the article adds. The flights Tuesday prompted many residents to call the police to complain about the loud noise. Meanwhile, the take-offs are expected to continue to occur occasionally.

Maine, Bangor, "Personal Watercraft Industry Should Take Drastic Action, or Machines Could Face Restrictions on Maine Lakes" (Jul. 24, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed an editorial that discusses the ways in which the personal watercraft industry has started to respond to the irresponsible behavior of many Jet Skiers. The editorial goes on to argue that in the face of strong opposition against personal watercraft on Maine lakes, the industry needs to take more dramatic actions if it doesn't want to see their product banned or restricted on many lakes.

Maine, Bangor, "Maine Resident Says He'll Put Up With Noise From Dirt Bike Event" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Geoff Battick, a Bangor, Maine resident, about noise from events in Bass Park:

Maine, Bangor, "NASA Studies Air Pollution from Jets in Upper Atmosphere" (Nov. 12, 1997). National Public Radio reports that NASA is finishing a mission to study air pollution in the upper troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere where jets fly. NASA's research involves collecting air samples using a jet that has been turned into a flying laboratory. Researchers hope that the information they are gathering will teach them about what ozone (smog), which causes global warming, does in this level of the atmosphere.

Maine, Bangor, "Maine City Councillors Reject Residents' Bid to Restrict Leaf Blowers" (Sep. 17, 1997). The Bangor Daily News reports that City Councillors on Bangor, Maine's municipal operations committee heard complaints from three residents Tuesday about leaf blower noise in their neighborhood, and decided to contact the noise offender rather than re-write the noise ordinance at this point.

Maine, Bangor, "Maine Residents May Get Sound Barrier to Mask Traffic Noise Along Interstate Highway" (Oct. 1, 1997). The Bangor Daily News reports that the chances of getting noise barriers for residents near Interstate 95's Broadway exit in Bangor, Maine may be improving. The residents' requests of state officials for relief from the rising noise levels have not been addressed, mostly due to a lack of funding, the article says. But a recent letter from the state Department of Transportation to a Bangor legislator said the outlook for federal funding has improved since the middle of September. State transportation officials had previously said federal funds likely could not be used for building a sound barrier, but now it appears the project is eligible for funding from the Federal Highway Administration. If all goes according to plan, the article says, a noise barrier for the Broadway exit could be installed next year or soon after.

Maine, Bangor, "Neighborhood Group Succeeds in Effort to Get First Noise Barrier Built in Maine" (Sep. 4, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports residents in one of Bangor, Maine's, noisiest neighborhoods won a battle Thursday to get a noise barrier erected against increasing noise from Interstate 95. Residents worry that prolonged exposure to the noise could result in hearing loss or other health problems.

Maine, Bangor, "Maine Residents Try to Build Consensus for Noise Wall Near Interstate" (Jul. 17, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that residents living near the Interstate 95 Broadway exit in Bangor, Maine continued their work Wednesday on getting a noise wall installed along the highway. The article notes that the Maine Department of Transportation has set aside $200,000 to build a wall, but state officials say they won't build the wall unless they get consensus from the residents on the issue. Some residents, the article says, have opposed the wall, saying it would be too intrusive in their neighborhood.

Maine, Bangor, "Maine Neighborhood Near Interstate Will Get Noise Barrier" (Jun. 9, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that officials with the Maine Department of Transportation announced Monday that they will spend $200,000 for a noise barrier along the Interstate 95 Broadway exit in Bangor, Maine. The article says that the noise wall would be the first such wall in Maine. Previously, state policy didn't allow the state to construct noise mitigation projects on existing highways, the article notes.

Maine, Bangor, "Street Dances at a Bangor, Maine Nightclub Draw Noise Complaints; City Decides to Work with Establishment Before Instituting a Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 18, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that when street dances at a nightclub in Bangor, Maine drew noise complaints, the city decided to work with the establishment instead of instituting a noise ordinance. Residents complained of music and swearing that could be heard from the live band until 12:30 am. One owner said "get a decibel level you're happy with, and we will try to keep noise within that."

Maine, Bar Harbor, "Tourists Don't Like Noise, Say Business Owners who want Tough Noise Laws in Bar Harbor, Maine" (Sep. 16, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports several Bar Harbor, Maine, residents and business owners say the town is too noisy.

Maine, Bar Harbor, "Scientists Say Hearing Loss Is Partially Due to Genetic Predisposition, In Addition to Exposure to Loud Noise" (Aug. 3, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that although loud noise undoubtedly plays a role in hearing loss, scientists are discovering that genetic predisposition plays a large part as well.

Maine, Bass Harbor, "Maine Resident Finds Noise Pollution Everywhere" (Jul. 22, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Patricia Thurston, a Bass Harbor (Maine) resident, regarding the incessant noises she experiences:

Maine, Bath, "Bath, Maine Residents Thank Bath Iron Works for Quieting Noise, but Worry that Imminent Pile Driving Will Be Louder" (Aug. 7, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that Bath, Maine residents have thanked Bath Iron Works (BIW) for keeping the noise down of late, but worry that upcoming pile driving in the river will be too loud. BIW has taken many noise-reduction steps to keep nighttime noise down in the past month.

Maine, Bath, "Bath, Maine's Bath Iron Works Has Kept River-Platform Construction Quiet Recently, but Residents Plan to Ask for More at a Public Meeting This Week" (Aug. 4, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that Bath, Maine's Bath Iron Works plans to hold a public meeting this week to discuss its sometimes-noisy construction in the Kennebec River. Pile-driving scheduled for later this year has the potential to be loud, and residents want to assure quiet.

Maine, Bath, "Bath, Maine Allows Iron Works to Continue 24-Hour Work As Long As Night Noise Limits Are Maintained Between 10 PM and 6 AM" (Sep. 3, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Bath, Maine's Board of Environmental Protection Ruled that Bath Iron Works (BIW) can continue constructing its $218 million shipbuilding facility around the clock. BIW must keep quiet at night and monitor its own noise. Residents were hoping for a ban on night construction, but they concede that BIW has taken positive steps towards reducing noise. Driving piles into the riverbed will be the loudest process, but BIW will be allowed to do even that at night if noise limits are observed.

Maine, Bath, "Bath, Maine Residents Complain About Noise from Overnight Construction at Bath Iron Works Shipyard" (Jul. 21, 1999). The Portland Herald Press reports that residents are sick of noise from overnight construction at Bath, Maine's Bath Iron Works (BIW). BIW was forced to file a new permit to allow night work, and they can now legally work at night if they don't exceed a 50 decibel nighttime limit. Residents want work to stop between 10 PM and 6 AM. BIW has apologized for the noise, and notes that a nose consultant is on premises nightly, monitoring the noise. Critics question why the shipyard is allowed to take their own readings.

Maine, Bath, "Neighbors of Bath, Maine's Iron Works Protest Shipyard's Permit Request that Would Allow Nighttime Work" (Jun. 25, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that neighbors, who have already dealt with noise from unapproved nighttime construction at Bath, Maine's Iron Works Shipyard, are set against the shipyard's request for a state permit that would make the work legal. Residents say that the noise is keeping them awake, and that the shipyard has not been forthcoming with information about the construction project as they had promised. At least one resident's yard is being used to monitor noise from the construction, and that same resident has circulated a petition to nearly 70 people who oppose a nighttime construction permit.

Maine, Bath, "Maine Company Apologizes To Residents For Night Noise and Promises Solution" (Jul. 2, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that Bath Iron Works (BIW), a Navy shipbuilder, apologized to its South End Bath neighbors for construction noise at night when people were trying to sleep. Kevin Gildart, a spokesman for the company, assured residents that measures to lessen the noise were in progress, and more solutions were forthcoming.

Maine, Bath, "Maine Residents Challenge Stone Company Over Noise and Work Hours" (Jan. 11, 2000). The Bath Chronicle reported on a noise dispute between a local stone company and its neighbors over the company's planned expansion.

Maine, Belfast, "Residents of Belfast, Maine Complain About Noise from Idling Refrigerator Trucks; Official Noise Measurements Indicate Compliance with Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 26, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that Penobscot Frozen Foods has been the target of recent noise complaints in Belfast, Maine. Code enforcement officers recently tested the company's property line for noise levels, and found at most 65 decibel readings, well under the permitted 75 decibels. Fifteen years ago, when a chicken-processing plant with considerably more offensive odors left the plant, the neighborhood was made up of working class folk who complained less about noise; now, the neighborhood consists of more wealthy homeowners who have registered increasing numbers of complaints.

Maine, Benton, "Second Hearing Scheduled for Controversial Maine Motocross Track" (May 13, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports a new date for a hearing has been set to decide on a controversial proposal to build a motocross track in Benton, Maine.

Maine, Benton, "Maine Residents Oppose Proposed Motocross Track in Their Neighborhood" (May 27, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that more than 40 people attended a public hearing Tuesday night in Benton, Maine to discuss a proposed motocross track off Route 100. The article says that many residents and some members of the Planning Board raised objections to the track, and there was little middle ground at the hearing.

Maine, Blue Hill, "Proposed Long Island, Maine Salmon Farm Site Faces Opposition From Residents of Blue Hill Based On Potential Problems with Waters' Oxygen Levels, Disease, Genetics and Noise" (Nov. 1, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that a proposed salmon farm off the coast of Long Island in Maine, which would be capable of raising 400,000 Atlantic salmon at a 35-acre site, is being opposed for reasons involving water quality, potential disease outbreaks, and noise. The current proposal will be considered under certain conditions, including noise buffers for boat inboard engines, limitations of noise to only three hours on any day, and use of a drying method for cleaning nets which is quieter than pressure washing. Also, the National Park Service requested that they be consulted on noise and other issues.

Maine, Camden, "Bed and Breakfast Owner Pressures Camden, Maine to Modify Noise Ordinance After Construction Noise at 6 a.m. Wakes His Guests" (Aug. 4, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that a Camden, Maine Bed and Breakfast owner wants the town to change its noise ordinance to include early morning construction on private property. He says street work in the summer meant jackhammers as early as 6 a.m. , and meant guests leaving earlier than planned. Town officials say that disturbing noises aren't always loud enough in decibels to violate the noise ordinance, but that police responding to a complaint would have agreed that a jackhammer at 6 a.m. was unreasonable.

Maine, Camden, "Camden, Maine Selectmen May Revise Noise Ordinance to Include Construction Noise" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that when selectmen were unsure of whether their noise ordinance could be interpreted to cover construction noise, they asked the town attorney to research the question.

Maine, Camden, "Camden, Maine Residents to Decide on Skateboard Park With Quiet in Mind" (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the Bangor Daily News, residents in Camden, Maine will decide on whether to build a skateboard park for young people and where that site will be.

Maine, Cherryfield and Surry, "Maine Residents Complain About Personal Watercraft on Local Lakes" (Jul. 25, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editors from residents in Surry and Cherryfield, Maine regarding noise from personal watercraft on local lakes:

Maine, Ellsworth, "Final Hearing for Maine's Ban of Personal Watercraft Concentrates on Residents of Tunk and Donnell Lakes" (Aug. 20, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that the recent law banning personal watercraft from 245 lakes and ponds under Maine's Land Use Regulation Commission's (LURC) jurisdiction came before the Commission for a final hearing. Landowners on two of the larger Hancock County lakes turned out in force both for and against the ban on personal watercraft.

Maine, Fairbanks, "Residents Oppose Fairbanks, Maine Logyard's Proposed Expansion" (Nov. 9, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that residents are opposed to proposed expansion at a Fairbanks, Maine log yard, worrying about noise, pollution, and dust from an expanded site. The log yard owner has said he would quiet his equipment, limit operating hours, plant ten-foot trees as a buffer and cut down on dust. The planning board will decide on the request after a public hearing and a walk through of the site.

Maine, Fairfield, "Noise and Pollution Concerns Prompt Maine Town to Set Moratorium on Tire Shredding Plant" (Nov. 19, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports the Fairfield, Maine, Town Council adopted a moratorium Wednesday on "bulk recycling facilities" in order to address residents' fears of noise, traffic, and safety issues about a proposed tire shredding plant.

Maine, Farmington, "Maine Wood Chip Mill Owner Wants to Expand; Residents Already Complaining About Current Noise Levels" (Oct. 29, 1997). The Kennebec Journal reports that Jack Carrier, owner of the wood chip mill on Town Farm Road in Farmington, Maine, wants to double production and install more equipment in spite of noise complaints and the deterioration of the road leading to the mill, according to one Farmington selectmen.

Maine, Farmington, "Noise Mitigation Measures Needed in U.S. Schools to Reduce Interference with Learning" (Jun. 22, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports classroom noise and reverberation is a fundamental and little understood issue that interferes with learning at schools in Maine and across the nation, experts say.

Maine, Farmington, "Maine Paper Mill Expansion Denied Because of Neighbor Health and Welfare" (Dec. 15, 1999). According to the Central Maine Morning Sentinel, the Farmington Planning Board denied the International Paper Co., of Jay a permit the expansion of a wood-sorting operation.

Maine, Farmington, "Maine Paper Mill To Cut Hours and Offer Noise Trees As Noise Buffers" (Dec. 14, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the International Paper Company submitted plans for noise reduction as it expands one of its log sorting yards.

Maine, Farmington, "Farmington, Maine Resident Had Very Large Sign -- Protesting Log Yard Expansion -- Stolen from Lawn; Resident Says Logging Equipment Could Have Been Used to Steal Sign" (Nov. 20, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that a Farmington, Maine resident believes that logging equipment may have been used to steal a very large sign -- protesting the expansion of a neighboring log yard -- from the lawn. Officials say they didn't know who could have done it. They say that "the 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. operating hours would be enforced, wood slashing would be delayed until 6:30 a.m., and quieter equipment would be installed" if the expansion were approved.

Maine, Farmington, "International Paper Will Meet with Farmington, Maine Planning Officials to Defend Its Noise Reduction Efforts, and Push For Approval of Their Expansion Proposal" (Nov. 8, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that International Paper officials will meet with the Farmington, Maine Planning Board on Monday to discuss a proposed log-yard expansion. The company must defend its noise reduction strategies to have any chance of getting the project approved.

Maine, Farmington, "Maine Town Officials Reject Paper Mill Expansion Because of Noise" (Feb. 21, 2000). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reported that the town's Planning Board rejected International Paper Company's plans to expand its three-acre logging operation because it did not meet the board's standards.

Maine, Fort Kent, "Fort Kent Planning Board to Decide If Shooting Range is Approved in the Face of Resident Concerns" (Aug. 20, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that many residents of Fort Kent, Maine are concerned about noise and pollution from a proposed shooting range. Resident concerns include lowered property values, lead pollution from shotgun pellets, noise, and impact on wildlife. The owners of the property have measured the noise levels from gunfire and say that it is comparable to soft music, but residents say that independent consultants should take the measurements.

Maine, Fort Kent, "Fort Kent Shooting Range Approved Against Residents' Opposition, But Conditions May Make the Venture Too Expensive" (Nov. 5, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that the Fort Kent Planning Board approved a proposed shooting range on a farm in the area. The range must meet National Rifle Association and National Skeet Shooting Association standards for shooting ranges, which could make the project too expensive. Residents oppose the range because they fear noise, safety, and pollution from lead pellets.

Maine, Hallowell, "Maine Recycling Facility Threatens Neighborhood With Greater Traffic And Noise" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Kennebec Journal reports that a proposed tire recycling and truck maintenance facility in Hallowell Maine concerns area residents. Neighbors of the proposed facility worry about potential traffic and noise.

Maine, Hallowell, "Maine Town's Public Hearing on Noise Not Attended" (Dec. 16, 1999). According to the Kennebec Journal, Hallowell city council members were surprised when nobody showed up for a public hearing on a proposed ordinance regarding noise.

Maine, Island Falls, "Residents of Island Falls, Maine Vote to Recall Prohibited-Uses Portion of Zoning Ordinance" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Bangor Daily News reports that Island Falls, Maine voters recently recalled a portion of the town's zoning ordinance in order to protect the National Starch and Chemical Company factory in town. The zoning ordinance from 1974 said that the town would prohibit "all uses that are obnoxious or injurious to health or property by reason of odor, dust, smoke, refuse-matter fumes, noise, vibration or similar conditions."

Maine, Mount Vernon, "Maine Resident Decries the Noisiness of Life Outdoors" (Aug. 18, 1997). The Kennebec Journal printed an editorial from George Smith, a Mount Vernon, Maine resident, which says that quiet is an important aspect of life in Maine that is not appreciated, understood, protected or respected. The writer goes on to detail several personal experiences he has had with noise or the absence of noise in the outdoors, including noise from trains, personal watercraft, barking dogs, and loud radios, and the affect of noise on fish.

Maine, Newport, "Newport, Maine Adopts a Prohibition on Amplified Entertainment" (Aug. 13, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Newport's City Council has adopted an amendment to its existing noise ordinance to prohibit amplified entertainment after 8 p.m.

Maine, Ogunquit, "Ogunquit, Maine Police Purchase Noise Meter" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that police officers in Ogunquit, Maine can now enforce their noise ordinance using a brand new sound meter. Exceeding limits of 72 decibels between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and 62 decibels otherwise can bring fines between $100 and $1000 per day.

Maine, Old Orchard Beach, "Maine Residents Object to Noise from Salvation Army's New 1,421 Seat Pavilion" (Aug. 5, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports on opening night of The Salvation Army's new pavilion in Old Orchard Beach, the noise was already too loud for neighbors. The group received a summons from police to appear in court for violating the town's noise ordinance.

Maine, Old Orchard Beach, "New Ampitheater In Residential Maine Community Concerns Neighbors" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports that the Salvation Army is building an ampitheater in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Residents are concerned about the noise and traffic the facility may bring to the community.

Maine, Old Orchard Beach, "Maine Residents Cry "Extended Use"; Object to Concerts at Revival Site" (Mar. 17, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports a third meeting moderated by town officials failed to alleviate residents' noise and traffic concerns about a new outdoor amphitheater in Old Orchard Beach.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Neighbors of Pittsfield, Maine, Airport Object to Additional Hanger, Citing Noise, Traffic and Safety Concerns" (Sep. 5, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports Maine's Pittsfield planning board will meet Wednesday, Sept. 16, to review a conditional use application for a new hangar at the municipal airport. Neighbors are concerned about increased noise and traffic that the new structure may bring.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Pittsfield City Council Adopts Noise and Conduct Ordinance in Maine" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the Town Council passed a noise and public conduct ordinance. The ordinance is intended to discourage late-night noise and vandalism in downtown Pittsfield where, according to officers, the behavior of teen-agers and young adults has been a problem for the town for many years.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Proposed Noise and Public Conduct Ordinance in Pittsfield, Maine Revised Again" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the town's proposed noise and public conduct ordinance has been modified. Some of the original elements of the ordinance were considered unenforceable and state law already covered others so the council submitted it to a Portland law firm to be rewritten.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Noise and Public Conduct Ordinance Proposed for Maine Town" (May 16, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports Pittsfield, Maine, town officials hope to curb unwanted behavior with a new noise and public conduct ordinance.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Maine Town Rewrites Proposed Noise Ordinance to Allow Community Events" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that the Town Council in Pittsfield, Maine held a public hearing on a proposed noise ordinance Tuesday that would ban noisy behavior between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. Residents who supported and opposed the ordinance turned out for the meeting, the article says. Those who opposed the ordinance were worried that it would prohibit high school events and other community activities. In response to residents' concerns, a group of residents, police officers, and town officials reworked the proposed ordinance Wednesday night to allow community and school events to occur. The council will consider the matter again at their June 16 meeting. Meanwhile, the article says, police officers say even if an ordinance is passed, they have no way to enforce it.

Maine, Pittsfield, "Expansion of Metalworking Plant in Pittsfield, Maine Opposed By Residents On Basis of Noise" (Aug. 10, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that residents near a metal-fabrication plant in Pittsfield, Maine are opposing expansions there. The local planning board approved the expansion, which includes noise-reduction plans, but residents note that past expansions have turned a quiet, small facility into a facility with 'uncontrolled noise.' The plant hopes to keep 20 new workers on through the winter now that the extension is approved.

Maine, Portland, "Maine City Rejects Airline Maintenance Facility Development Due Partly to Noise Concerns" (Sep. 10, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that Business Express, a New Hampshire-based airline, wants to move its headquarters and maintenance operations to Portland, Maine. But city officials in Portland don't want the maintenance facility, saying it would be too noisy, too large, and wouldn't fit in with the master plan for the Portland International Jetport. Officials from the city say their decision is final, but Business Express officials and a Maine state official are trying to get them to re-consider the proposal.

Maine, Portland, "Portland Officials Concerned about Noise if Business Express Moves to Maine" (Sep. 11, 1997). The Kennebec Journal of Augusta, Maine, reports that negotiations between Portland, Maine, and New Hampshire-based Business Express, who would like to move its headquarters and maintenance operations to Maine, have reached a standstill. State officials are hoping to help the two parties come to an agreement. Portland's main objection to the move is noise pollution from the maintenance operations.

Maine, Portland, "Maine City Tries to Entice Airline to Locate Headquarters There" (Feb. 26, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports that Maine state and local officials are working on a plan to allow Business Express Airlines to locate its headquarters and maintenance facilities near the Portland International Jetport. Last fall, the city said there wasn't enough room for the airline to locate at the 636-acre airport, but the latest plan would allow the airline to locate on state-owned land near the Maine Youth Center, a juvenile detention center.

Maine, Portland, "Salvation Army In Old Orchard Beach, Maine Cited For Noise From Its Annual Meeting" (Aug. 6, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, the Salvation Army has been cited with a noise violation. The group was warned earlier this week, but noise levels from its two-week annual meeting continued to exceed local limits.

Maine, Portland, "Noise From Neighbors Disrupts Serenity in the Home; Police Say Problems Can Often Be Fixed By Going Through Proper Channels" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Portland (Maine) Press Herald printed an article in the Real Estate section about obnoxious noisy neighbors.

Maine, Readfield, "Noise Ordinance Passes in Readfield, Maine" (Jun. 13, 1998). The Kennebec Journal reports that residents went against their selectmen's recommendation and voted to pass a noise ordinance at a recent town meeting in Readfield. According to the article, the ordinance sets standards for reviewing noise complaints from new development. The selectmen felt the ordinance was unnecessary and further inhibited development in the town.

Maine, Readfield, "Readfield, Maine Planning Board Approves Wood Chipper for Transfer Station; Residents Say Noise and Dust -- Possibly Carcinogenic -- Will Affect Public Health and Wildlife" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Kennebec Journal reports that Readfield, Maine residents are upset over the Planning Board's approval of a wood chipper at the local transfer station. Residents worry that the noise and dust from the chipper could cause health problems and general disruption of the community. Station officials say that noise will be reduced by infrequent operation times, and dust will be reduced by chipping wood into a closed truck.

Maine, Rockland, "Maine County Commissioners Want Public Advisory Committee on Airport Expansion" (Dec. 16, 1999). According to the Bangor Daily News, county commissioners in Knox County, Maine have called for a public advisory committee to the master plan for the Knox County Regional Airport. Of particular interest are noise and air pollution.

Maine, Rockland, "Rockland, Maine Council Rejects Proposed Changes to Noise Ordinance that Would Have Raised the Decibel Levels Allowed Downtown" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that the city council of Rockland, Maine has rejected a proposed change to the noise ordinance that would have increased the decibel level that was allowed downtown. The deciding vote came from a council member who changed her mind when she heard that noise was audible up to 1.5 miles away from a downtown nightclub.

Maine, Rome, "Debate Over Water Scooters on Maine Waters Grows" (Jul. 5, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that the debate in Maine over what to do about water scooters is growing. Critics say the personal watercraft, known by brand names such as Jet Skis or Sea Doos, are noisy and a nuisance, while proponents say the scooters are a great way to draw families to Maine and make money. The state legislature had a chance to pass regulations governing the watercraft this year, but essentially did nothing, the article says.

Maine, Saco, "Maine Residents Voice Concerns About Noise From Proposed Gas Station Expansion" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that the Planning Board has approved Cumberland Farms' proposal to build a new store in Saco, Maine to replace its building on Route 1 and double the number of gas pumps from two to four. Area residents are concerned about the impacts that the expansion would have on the area including noise pollution at night.

Maine, Skowhegan, "Noise Regulations for Watercraft in Maine" (Jun. 30, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports new laws regulating motorboats, including limiting the noise levels of all powerboats go into effect next week in Maine.

Maine, Springvale, "Maine Residents Bothered by Noisy ATVs on Railbed" (Oct. 3, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that residents in Springvale, Maine are complaining about the all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes that gun their engines and race up and down the former Boston & Maine Railroad rail bed. Police say they can do little to curb the problem, and other local officials do not believe the problem warrants action.

Maine, Waterville, "City Councilors of Pittsfield, Maine Consider Public-Conduct Ordinance Aimed at City's Youth to Prohibit Excessive Nightime Noise" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports a public conduct ordinance was proposed to the Pittsfield, Maine city council by the ordinance committee to prohibit excessive late-night noise from the city's youth.

Maine, Wayne, "Wayne, Maine Public Hearings Propose an Ordinance Forbidding Personal Water Craft on Local Ponds and a Change in How Noise from Alleged Noise Ordinance Violators is Measured" (May 27, 1999). Kennebec Journal reports on a series of Wayne, Maine public hearings dealing with an ordinance to ban personal water craft on local ponds, and a change in measuring noise ordinance violations.

Maine, Wiscasset, "Noisy Fans at Nuclear Plant Exceeds State Decibel Limits and Prompts Maine’s DEP Investigation" (Jul. 29, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports the fans at Maine Yankee nuclear plant are generating noise that exceeds state limits in residential areas located up to two miles away. The noise has angered residents and prompted investigation by the Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Maine, Woolwich, "Judge Denies Bid for Bedrock Quarry in Maine, Upholding Town's Mining Ordinance" (Nov. 27, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that a Maine Superior Court judge Tuesday denied a mining company's request to allow a bedrock mining operation in a rural neighborhood in Woolwich on Dana Mill Road. The decision upholds the town's mining ordinance, and comes after a decade-long battle to protect the 163-acre site.

Malaysia, "Malaysian Resident Complains About Noise From Supermarket Air Conditioner" (Oct. 20, 1997). The New Straits Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Luke Teoh Ipoh, a Malaysian resident, who discusses why Asians often fail to enforce noise and other types of regulations, and complains about the inaction on solving a noise problem resulting from a supermarket air conditioner near his home:

Malaysia, "Malaysian Residents Says Noisy Cement Plant Polluting Food, Water, and Air" (Jan. 21, 1998). WorldSources Online reports residents of Kampung Satu in Malaysia want Kuala Lumpur City Hall to halt operations at a cement batching plant which they claim has caused noise pollution as well as the pollution of their food and drinking water.

Malaysia, "Noise and Its Health Effects Need Attention in Malaysia" (Jun. 29, 1998). The New Straits Times reports there is an urgent need to reduce noise pollution in Malaysia, according to the Society of Occupational Safety and Health.

Malaysia, "Malaysia's Environment Department to Submit Report on Noise and Vibration from Power Plant" (Jun. 12, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that according to an article in The New Straits Times, Malaysia's State Department of Environment has been asked to submit a detailed report on the alleged noise pollution and vibration from a power plant. Residents of Taman NLFCS in Tanjong Gemuk, Port Dickson, say the noise and vibration have caused cracks in the roads of their housing development. According to Menteri Besar Tan Sri Mohamad Isa Abdul Samad, the State Public Works Department also will conduct tests to determine the cause of the problem in the roads.

Malaysia, "Noise and Development Drives Away Turtles Laying Eggs on Beaches in Malaysia" (Mar. 30, 1998). Emerging Markets Datafile reports the beaches of Rantau Abang, Malaysia became a popular eco-tourism site for tourists who wanted to see the majestic leatherback turtles lay their eggs. But extensive development and noise to accommodate more tourists has driven away the shy turtles. Now, as the Malacca Fisheries Department makes plans to designate Pulau Upeh as a turtle sanctuary, along with promoting it as an eco-tourism site, a better model of sensitive development is needed, the article says.

Malaysia, "Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Recognizes Importance of Sticking to International Civil Aviation Organization Guidelines for Noise As it Continues to Grow" (Nov. 30, 1999). The New Straits Times reports that the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines, which is made up of airline officials from Asia Pacific, agreed at a meeting in Malaysia that noise standards set out by the International Civil Aviation Organization must be adhered to as growth continues for aviation in the region.

Malaysia, Johor Baru, "Reader Bothered By Noise From All-Night Discos" (Mar. 14, 2000). The New Straits Times published a letter to the editor from a reader who has been bothered by the noise from all-night discos. The letter is reprinted below in its entirety:

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, "New Noise Regulations Drafted in Malaysia" (Sep. 13, 1997). The New Straits Times reports that three sets of new noise regulations and a set of guidelines have been proposed by the Malaysian government to control the country's worsening noise pollution. The regulations and guidelines address a wide range of noises and vibrations, and currently are being reviewed by the government's DOE.

Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, "Trains Annoy Reader in Malaysia" (Apr. 11, 2000). The New Straits Times in Malaysia published a letter to the editor from a reader who is bothered by noise from LRT trains. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Malaysia, Singapore, "Singapore Resident Resents Construction Noise" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Straits Times published the following letter to the editor regarding noise pollution from construction:

Malaysia, Tamen, "Over 60 Families Suffering from Noise and Vibrations of Power Plant Since 1995" (Jun. 18, 1998). New Straits Times-Management Times reports that government authorities are paying attention to the noise and vibration created by a power plant in Taman NLFCS. Sixty families in Tanjung Gemok, Port Dickson have been affected by the power plant. The Negri Sembilan Governments recently requested that the State Department of Environment (DoE) to submit a detailed report on the problems faced by the surrounding residents.

March 20, Toledo, Ohio, "Owens Corning Announces Use of its Silentex (tm) Noise Control System on Many Mufflers of European-built DaimlerChrysler Automobiles" (Mar. 20, 2000). Canada Newswire reports that Owens Corning has announced that Silentex (tm), its new noise control system, has been chosen by DaimlerChrysler for use in the manufacture of muffler systems on many of its European-built vehicles. The Silentex (tm) system will be used on the mufflers of several Mercedes-Benz models.

Marshall Islands, Majuro, "Emergency Water Aid to Marshall Islands Delayed by Hawaii's Noise Regulations" (Apr. 7, 1998). The AAP Newsfeed reports that Hawaii has refused to allow a Russian-made aircraft - an Antonov 124 cargo plane - to land in Hawaii because it breeches Hawaiian noise standards. The aircraft was on an El Nino emergency aid mission in the Marshall Islands and was scheduled to arrive Tuesday, April 7, 1998. The prohibition against its landing forced it to extend the flight and refuel in Alaska, thus delaying emergency aid. Other aircraft were also due to begin arriving Tuesday, April 7, 1998 in the capital city of Majuro as a part of the first wave of the $US 6.5 million El Nino drought aid program.

Maryland, "No Peace and Quiet? In Maryland, Call Noise Cop" (Aug. 2, 1998). The Sun reports in an effort to respond to a new focus on noise, Maryland's Department of the Environment now employs a state noise cop.

Maryland area, Annapolis, "Noise and Safety Issues of Powerboats Debated in Maryland" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Capital reports that the South River, near Annapolis, Maryland, has become a battleground over restrictions on powerboats. Residents living in the area want a quieter life, and powerboaters want open waters for their fast boats. Last month, two events focused attention on the issues: a state hearing on boat noise regulations, and the death of a man thrown from a speeding high-performance boat. State officials are considering speed limits on the South River and two other rivers, the article says.

Maryland area, Annapolis, "Maryland's Waterways Should Have Speed and Noise Limits" (Jul. 23, 1997). The Capital printed an editorial which argues that speed limits on Maryland's Severn, South, and Magothy Rivers should be passed, and noise limits on the rivers also should be strictly enforced.

Maryland area, Baltimore, "Residents Near Baltimore Get Traffic Noise Barriers" (Aug. 8, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents along the northeastern edge of Interstate 695 outside Baltimore, Maryland are getting 26-foot noise barriers this summer to protect them from traffic noise. The barriers eventually are intended to provide noise relief to 1,173 homes in seven communities at a cost of $44.2 million.

Maryland area, Baltimore, "Maryland Schools Re-Think Open Classrooms Due to Noise Problems" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that a shift in educational philosophy is prompting schools in the Baltimore, Maryland area to remodel open classrooms into conventional classrooms with walls. Many teachers and parents believe open classrooms cause too much noise and distraction for effective learning, the article reports.

Maryland area, Baltimore, "Maryland Residents Angry at Noisy, Active New Neighborhood Church" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents in a Brooklyn Park neighborhood outside Baltimore, Maryland are angry with the activities of a inter-denominational Protestant church that opened recently in an old bingo hall. The church angered residents by holding a noisy event, and now some residents are suspicious that the church's activities will be undesirable.

Maryland area, Baltimore, "Maryland Developers Seek to Develop Land Near Highways, While County Officials Struggle to Protect Future Homeowners From Traffic Noise" (Jul. 13, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the counties around Baltimore, Maryland are increasingly facing a problem as developers try to build on land parcels close to major highways, and residents demand noise walls. But the State Highway Administration will not build noise barriers to protect any neighborhood that was built after the roads were constructed. State officials instead are recommending that county officials develop local policies to protect future homeowners from highway noise. As a result, counties are requiring developers to build further away from highways, build their own noise walls, or take other steps to mitigate noise.

Maryland area, Lutherville, "Fines for Helicopter Noise Made by Rich Maryland Executive Thrown Out of Court on a Technicality" (Nov. 13, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that officials in Baltimore County, Maryland have been attempting to collect $800 in zoning citations from a rich executive who lands his helicopter in Green Spring Valley, an exclusive residential neighborhood in the Lutherville area. But yesterday a hearing officer threw out the fines because county zoning inspectors listed the wrong address on the citation. Zoning officials, however, are vowing to file new complaints against Martin Grass, the Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Rite Aid Corp., who uses the helicopter for his 20-minute commute to the company's headquarters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Maryland area, South River, "Maryland Considers Permanent State Regulations for Watercraft Decibel Levels on State Waterways" (Jun. 29, 1997). The Washington Post reports that after a Maryland state law designed to quiet waterways passed last year, temporary regulations went into effect last summer that restricted noise levels on state waters and made it easier for the rules to be enforced. Now, the state Department of Natural Resources wants to make those regulations permanent, and residents and boaters are once again in conflict, the article reports. The issue is especially important for residents and boaters on South River, the article says.

Maryland, Aberdeen, "Weapons Testing In Maryland Worries Residents" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Hellfire, a helicopter-launched missile, will be tested at Abbey Point in Maryland and will be fired at a remote area of the proving ground. Area residents worry about the noise and environmental effects.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Maryland Governor Announces Bigger Budgets and Looser Rules for Highway Sound Barriers" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Washington Post reports that Maryland Governor Parris Glendening announced yesterday that the state will provide bigger budgets and looser rules for building noise barriers along highways. The governor's action was prompted by complaints from residents in noisy neighborhoods near highways.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Maryland Residents and Boaters Fight at Hearing on State Boat Noise Restrictions" (Jun. 26, 1997). The Capital reports that at a hearing on state boat noise regulations last night held by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources in Annapolis, about 60 riverside residents and power-boaters split two sides of the room and began arguing with each other rather than commenting on noise limits and inspections scheduled to become permanent in August.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Proposed New Runway at Baltimore - Washington Airport Debated in Court Proceedings to Eliminate Mobile Home Park" (May 28, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that prospects for a new runway at Baltimore-Washington International Airport were debated yesterday in Anne Arundel Circuit Court at a hearing on a lawsuit filed by the Maryland Aviation Administration to take temporary control of a nearby mobile home park and move its residents.

Maryland, Annapolis, "To Keep Noise Out, Walls to be Built in Annapolis Open Schools" (Jan. 22, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports that the city's proposal to construct walls in 25 "open space" schools would cost $17 million and still may not eliminate noise.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Maryland Councilor Calls for Police Enforcement of Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Capital reports that Alder Board member Louise Hammond of Annapolis, Maryland this week called for police to enforce the noise ordinance against traffic noise in the downtown.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Monitors Track Noise But Don't Reduce Noise from BWI Airport, Residents Say" (Jul. 4, 1998). The Capital reports the Mary land Aviation Administration monitors noise daily from BWI Airport to make sure aircraft stay within the allowed noise levels. Residents commend them for these noise abatement measures, but they say it does nothing to reduce the amount of noise they are exposed to.

Maryland, Annapolis, "BWI Airport Avoids New Environmental Restrictions" (Mar. 21, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports that three bills that supporters say would have forced BWI Airport to be a better neighbor were voted down this week by two General Assembly committees.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Residents Frustrated with Absence of Funding for Noise Barrier in Annapolis, Maryland" (Apr. 3, 1998). The Capitol reports that residents in Annapolis, Maryland are complaining of dangerous noise levels coming from Route 50 just east of the Severn River. The county rushed through zoning changes earlier this year to qualify for the money that would pay for walls, but the State Highway Administration is not planning to pay for the walls for another three to five years.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Annapolis, MD, Officials Draft Enforceable Noise Law" (Nov. 20, 1998). The Capital reports officials in Annapolis, Maryland, are revising their noise laws to make them easier for police to enforce.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Annapolis, Maryland City Council Considers Revisions to Make a New Public Nuisance Law More Specific" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Capital reports that the City Council Public Safety Committee in Annapolis, Maryland has recommended changes to a newly revised public nuisance law. Revisions were meant to specify offenses in more detail than state laws.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Annapolis, MD, Residents Want Ordinance to Protect Them Against Nighttime Noise Disturbances" (Feb. 23, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports Annapolis, Maryland, residents seek an ordinance that will provide them with peace and quiet during the night.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Annapolis, Maryland Passes New Noise Ordinance" (Sep. 14, 1999). The Capital reports on a new noise ordinance in Annapolis, Maryland. It applies to amplified music, shouting, and loud vehicles. A noise will be considered a violation if it can be heard fifty feet from the source.

Maryland, Annapolis, "Maryland Senate Committee Wants to Limit County's Authority to Set Local Noise Ordinances" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to an article in The Capital, a state Senate committee in Maryland is looking at legislation that would preclude county officials' setting their own local noise limits on regulating a Pasadena gun club. The reason: business would be at risk if legislation were enacted.

Maryland, Anne Arundel, "Maryland Communities Struggle Over Proposed Racetrack" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Washington Post reports that neighborhood activists in Anne Arundel County, Maryland find themselves staring at a $100 million, 100,000-seat auto racing track and entertainment center that would host National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing events.

Maryland, Anne Arundel, "Maryland Speedway Project Woos County Officials" (Dec. 20, 1997). The Washington Post reports that County Executive John G. Gary is behind a Speedway Project in Anne Arundel, Maryland.

Maryland, Anne Arundel, "Baltimore Area Residents Fight Auto Speedway Proposal" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Washington Post reports that homeowners in Anne Arundel, Maryland are fighting a proposal to build a $100 million auto speedway in their area.

Maryland, Anne Arundel, "Wary Residents in Arundel Will Fight Speedway" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Washington Post reports that citizens of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, are fighting a proposal to build a $100 million auto speedway near Laurel.

Maryland, Anne Arundel County, "Residents in Annapolis Area Concerned about Increasing Noise Sources" (May 11, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports Anne Arundel County residents are exposed to ever increasing sources of noise. While many believe their world is too noisy, experts say it's all in how people perceive noise. The article provides an overview of noise standards, methods by which noise is measured, and some methods of noise mitigation.

Maryland, Arundel County, "Political Push for Maryland Racetrack Unlikely in Election Year" (Jan. 18, 1998). The Baltimore Sun recently published an editorial about the questionable future of a 54,000-seat auto racetrack in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Convincing officials in an election year that auto racing should be part of their county's future may be difficult.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Maryland Community Zones Planned Employment Center" (Jan. 16, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the area Planning Board is developing a plan for a planned employment center. Area residents seek a development plan that will minimize noise and other environmental pollution.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Noise Zone Reductions at Baltimore-Washington International Airport Not Enough" (Jan. 5, 1998). The Capital reports that although noise levels near Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Airport have been reduced through the use of newer, quieter aircraft, some nearby residents think the airport could do more. The Airport Coordinating Team, a watchdog group, at a recent hearing on BWI's 1998 proposed airport noise zone, told airport officials they need to regulate the use of older, louder aircraft.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Air Conditioning Unit for Super Market Causes Tremors and Noise Disturbances for Baltimore Neighborhood" (Jun. 19, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that Cherry Hill neighborhood, located in South Baltimore, is shaking from nine industrial-strength air units erected to provide air conditioning and refrigeration for a new super market. The Super Market is the centerpiece of a major redevelopment campaign spearheaded by Catholic Charities.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Mixed Reviews for New Sound Barriers Along Baltimore's I-695" (Jun. 29, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports last week, The Intrepid Commuter column released the results of an unscientific survey of commuters' opinions on aesthetics of the new sound barriers that were erected along portions of Interstate 695. Most drivers who responded found them distasteful.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Baltimore City Council Discusses Bill to Ban Amplifiers in Lexington Market" (May 19, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports the Baltimore City Council introduced a bill yesterday to ban the use of amplifiers in the Lexington Market area after merchants complained.

Maryland, Baltimore, "Trees Deemed Insufficient Noise Abatement for Plans to Widen Busy Roadway" (Oct. 5, 1998). The Baltimore Sun published the following editorial regarding the use of trees to muffle the sound of vehicles on a heavily traveled route.

Maryland, Calvert and St. Marys Counties, "Maryland Navy Base Proposes More Flights; Public Makes Few Comments at Hearing" (Jun. 14, 1998). The Washington Post reports that the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in St. Marys County, Maryland wants to expand its flight operations. Officials at the base held the first of four public hearings on the proposal Wednesday, drawing a crowd of about 50 people. The meeting didn't provoke much comment or controversy, the article says.

Maryland, Carroll, "Maryland Residents Seek Noise Relief in Court from Popular Gun Club" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports neighbors of a gun club in Carroll County, Maryland, have filed a nuisance suit seeking court-ordered relief from the noise created at the shooting range.

Maryland, Charles County, "Residential Suburban Growth in Maryland Pits Homeowners Against Gravel Mine Owners" (Mar. 1, 1998). The Washington Post reports that residents in Charles County, Maryland are lobbying for restrictions on the entrenched gravel mining industry in the county. The article says that as homes increasingly spread across formerly rural land, homeowners' interests are at odds with the mining industry's practice of routinely strip mining for gravel.

Maryland, Columbia, "Road Noise Makes Life Unbearable in Upscale Maryland Planned Community" (Oct. 16, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports many residents in a Columbia, Maryland, planned community are subjected to unbearable noise from a four-lane highway that splits their community.

Maryland, Columbia, "Maryland Village Requests Noise Barriers; Offered Trees Instead" (Sep. 29, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports residents of a Maryland village have been offered evergreen trees to buffer noise from a four-lane highway, although officials admit the vegetation will do little to mitigate the noise.

Maryland, Crownsville, "Crownsville,Maryland Residents Debate the Ups and Downs of Rezoning" (Apr. 23, 1999). The Capital reports that residents of Crownsville, Maryland have mixed opinions over whether or not residential properties should be upzoned from rural-agriculture and one house per acre, to two houses per acre. While some residents have much to gain, others have much to lose.

Maryland, Cumberland, "The City of Cumberland, Maryland Agrees to Monitor Noise Levels of Manville Quarry in Response to Residents' Complaints" (Jun. 19, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Cumberland town officials have obtained a seismograph machine to monitor blasting at the Manville Quarry. The action is taken, as a response to quarry's neighbors who have been suffering with the repeated blasts for more than twenty years.

Maryland, Davidsonville, "Builders of Straw Houses and Buildings Say the Structures Insulate Against Noise" (Jun. 18, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that builders constructing a farm utility building made of straw in Davidsonville, Maryland, in rural Anne Arundel County, say straw buildings have many advantages, one of which is insulation against noise.

Maryland, Elkridge, "Maryland State Officials Enlarge Airport Noise Zone, Throwing a Wrench in Developer's Plans" (Jul. 23, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Aviation Administration changed the noise zone boundary, an area in which homes cannot be built, for the Baltimore-Washington International Airport in March. That move has angered developer Earl Armiger, who already had started plans for a 31-home development in Elkridge that now falls within the noise zone. Armiger has appealed to the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals, asking for permission to build in the noise zone. The board is scheduled to hear the case on October 16.

Maryland, Ellicott City, "Maryland Residents and Developer Fight Over Rezoning Land for New Strip Mall" (Jul. 24, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Howard County Zoning Board in Ellicott City, Maryland considered a request yesterday about re-zoning a parcel of land across from the Long Gate Shopping Center on Montgomery Road from residential to commercial uses. Triangle Development Corporation wants to build a five store strip mall on the site, the article says. While nine residents objected to the re-zoning, saying the area is becoming too commercial, two residents living on the site support the re-zoning because, they said, the area has become intolerable due to noise, traffic, bright lights, and restaurant odors. The board is expected to make a decision Wednesday, the article says.

Maryland, Hanover, "Judge to Decide Fate of Mobile Home Park Near Baltimore-Washington Airport" (May 29, 1997). The Capital reports that the the 72-acre Ridgewood Mobile Home Park, home to 126 families in Hanover, Maryland, is now in the hands of Circuit Court Judge Eugene Lerner after two days of technical testimony. Last year, Maryland Aviation Administration officials began condemnation proceedings against the property after trying to purchase it for 10 years. The property is less than a mile from the Baltimore-Washington International Airport, and is subject to noise levels that concern airport officials and upset many of the residents. But mobile home park owners Symcha and Joan Shpak have fought to keep the property operating as a mobile home park, saying the state has not offered them enough money and they won't be able to re-sell the land.

Maryland, Howard County, "Maryland County Board Struggles With Whether to Allow Trucking and Manufacturing Uses in Certain Zones, While Residents Worry About More Noise and Traffic" (Nov. 21, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Howard County (Maryland) Planning Board delayed a vote yesterday on whether to allow warehouses, truck terminals, and manufacturing centers in planned employment center zones. Members of the board said the proposal by the county administration to add the additional uses was too vague, and asked for clarification. Meanwhile, residents who attended the hearing opposed the changes, saying their neighborhoods would be hurt by the creation of more noise and traffic.

Maryland, Howard County, "Family's Dirt-Bike Track in Howard County, Maryland Bothers Neighbors" (Jul. 25, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports that noise from a dirt-bike track in the backyard of one Howard County, Maryland family is bothering neighbors. Zoning officials say motorbike tracks are not allowed in residential districts, but the family claims the decision would "unfairly restrict a family hobby" which includes "no commercial aspects." While in at least one instance the family has dispensed with the noise on a given day when asked, neighbors feel they shouldn't be required to 'call ahead' to use their own backyards.

Maryland, Linthicum, "Benefits of Active Noise Reduction Headsets in the Workplace" (Mar. 1, 2000). Occupational Health and Safety reports that workers who are routinely subjected to long-term, low-frequency background noise such as vehicles, machinery, engines, large compressors, and air conditioning units are suffering many adverse health effects, particularly hearing loss.

Maryland, Lutherville, "Executive's Helicopter Permitted Daily Trip Despite Maryland Residents' Complaints about Noise" (Aug. 8, 1998). The Washington Times reports Rite Aid Chairman Martin Grass has received permission from Baltimore County officials to take off and land in his company helicopter at his home in Lutherville, Maryland, despite complaints from neighbors about the noise.

Maryland, Meade Heights, "Proposed Skeet Shooting Range at Fort Meade in Maryland Is Scrapped Because Environmental Controls Would Cost Too Much" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Capital reports that a proposed trap and skeet shooting range at Fort Meade in Maryland is being scrapped because environmental controls would cost too much to implement. Residents say they're glad, and also criticize the Army for poor communication throughout the process.

Maryland, Middle River, "Auto Speedway Approved with Contingencies in Maryland as a Result of Citizen Input" (Oct. 17, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that officials in Baltimore County, Maryland said yesterday that they would support a proposed auto speedway in Middle River only if the developer helps build wide roads to handle traffic. In response, the developer warned that such restrictions might make the project impossible. Meanwhile, residents who have strongly opposed the track worked with county officials to get many of their concerns reflected in the county's offer to the developer.

Maryland, North Laurel, "North Laurel, Maryland Gas Station Owner Asks County Board of Appeals to Allow 24-Hour Operation; Some Citizens Object" (Aug. 23, 1999). The Baltimore Sun Company reports that a gas station operator in North Laurel, Maryland wants to keep his business open 24 hours each day. A petition showed local support, but the local civic association claims that residents would be adversely affected by the new hours. The business owner says "None of the four people who testified [against the new hours] can say they have the official capacity to represent the people who live next to the gas station," who have complained less since the owner planted fifteen-foot trees to block light and noise.

Maryland, Pasadena, "Maryland County Removes Obstacle to Building Motor Speedway; Residents Angry That They Had Little Voice in Decision" (Apr. 22, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) Council voted 5-2 Monday to allow "sports racing complexes" as one of the allowed activities at a site in Pasadena that has been proposed for a motor speedway. The article says the decision removes a major obstacle to the proposed project. Meanwhile, residents are angry that the decision to bring the track to their area occurred in slightly more than a month, and that their concerns have not been considered.

Maryland, Pasadena, "Detractors of Maryland Race Track Cite Noise and Traffic Concerns" (Apr. 10, 1998). The Capital reports developers of a 54,800-seat race track in Pasadena met with the public again last night, hoping to amass support for the proposal.

Maryland, Prince George's County, "Maryland County Approves Plans for Massive Development, Pending Satisfactory Noise and Traffic Mitigation Measures" (Jun. 3, 1998). The Washington Post reports that the County Council in Prince George's County, Maryland voted 8 to 1 yesterday to approve plans for National Harbor, a massive entertainment and retail development, as long as the developer first addresses noise and traffic concerns. The decision came after the County Council created special rules for the project last summer to speed up its approval process, including a provision that stipulated the developer did not have to submit a detailed site plan for the project. The $1 billion project still must be approved by the National Capital Planning Commission, the article notes, which is conducting an environmental study of the project and is not expected to vote on the issue until late 1998 or early 1999.

Maryland, Russett, "Residents Oppose Proposed Speedway in Russett, Maryland" (Jan. 14, 1998). The Capital reports that a proposed speedway just west of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Russett, Maryland has created a slew of concerns for neighbors. These concerns center around potential noise and decreased property values.

Maryland, Russett and Maryland City, "Developers of Proposed Racing Complex Plan to Offer Perks to Nearby Russett and Maryland City, Maryland Residents in Order to Win Support" (Jan. 13, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that developers of a proposed 54,800-seat auto racetrack west of Fort Meade, Maryland said yesterday they might build eight public ball fields, a skateboard park and improve road intersections to win the support of skeptical neighbors. This seems to indicate the Middle River Racing Association of Timonium developers want to be "good neighbors" to nearby Russett and Maryland City, according to Anne Arundel County Executive John G. Gary. But some community leaders reacted hostilely, saying in the article that construction of soccer fields would not ease the noise and traffic problems created by a racing complex.

Maryland, Savage, "Proposal to Convert Savage, Maryland Home into an Inn Causes Residents to Worry About Noise and Traffic" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents in a Savage, Maryland neighborhood are concerned that an historic home, which may be converted to an inn, will increase noise and traffic in the area.

Maryland, Severna Park, "Planes Flying Below Recommended Altitudes Thwart Noise Control Efforts near Baltimore Washington International Airport" (Aug. 18, 1998). The Capital reports that a state study concludes that about one-third of planes flying over Severna Park to Baltimore Washington International Airport are flying lower than the altitude recommended by the state to control noise.

Maryland, Severna Park, "BWI Airport Works to Get Pilots to Adhere to Higher Altitudes, Giving Residents More Quiet" (Mar. 3, 1998). The Capital reports the Baltimore-Washington International Airport is taking steps to reduce low-flying, loud aircraft that disturb residents. BWI will begin employing a new technique to remind pilots to fly higher and, therefore, quieter.

Maryland, Towson, "Maryland Council to Vote on Funding Noise Barriers Near Baltimore" (Sep. 2, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the County Council in Towson, Maryland, outside Baltimore, will vote tonight on whether to spend up to $2.3 million for noise barriers along a portion of Interstate 95 in Arbutus and the Beltway near Lutherville.

Maryland, Towson, "Dorm Shortage in Maryland University Town Sends Students Off-Campus, Resulting in Rising Noise Complaints" (Nov. 14, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that dormitory rooms at Towson University in Towson, Maryland are at 101% of capacity, with 150 more students waiting for rooms. As a result, more students have been moving into nearby apartments and houses, which has triggered complaints about noise, parties, and trash from residential neighborhoods.

Maryland, Towson, "Sound Barrier Prevents Deadly Wreck in Maryland" (Oct. 17, 1997). The Baltimore Sun printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Ada Schultz, a Towson, Maryland resident, regarding a noise barrier in her neighborhood that helped stop a truck accident from causing widespread damage in the neighborhood:

Maryland, Union Mills, "County Commissioners in Union Mills, Maryland Hear Public's Noise Concerns Regarding a Local Firing Range" (Jul. 13, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports that county commissioners in Union Mills, Maryland held a meeting to hear resident's concerns over a loud firing range in the community. The county has no authority to regulate the firing range, but the judge in a pending lawsuit could issue a court order requiring the business to quiet down. A noise expert said that the 100 decibels coming from the firing range is as much as 30 times worse than at other ranges; the increase results from a trend towards noisier games with moving metal targets.

Maryland, Union Mills, "Maryland County Judge Will Visit Gun Range Before Ruling on Noise Case" (Mar. 17, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports a Maryland county judge will visit the site of a gun range before ruling on the noise case.

Maryland, West County, "Maryland Residents Oppose Race Track on Noise and Traffic Grounds" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports Middle River Racing officials failed to convince West County residents opposed to a proposed speedway that it would be a good neighbor.

Maryland, Westminster, "Noise From Model Airplanes in Rural Maryland Doesn't Violate State Regulations" (Jul. 21, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Department of the Environment checked the noise level of model planes flown by the Westminster Aero Modelers on a farm north of Westminster, Maryland in response to a complaint from a neighbor, and found that while the noise is "distinctively noticeable," it does not violate state regulations.

Maryland, Westminster, "Westminster, Maryland Resident Brings Noise Case Against Gun Club" (Aug. 29, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports that a resident of Westminster, Maryland has brought a legal complaint against the Deep Run Rifle and Revolver Club. Evidence from another lawsuit has revealed that the gun club generates 90 decibels, while 45 decibels is the usual sound level in the area. Lawyers for the gun club also note that there is no evidence that there have been safety problems or damaged property values, and say that the club is exempt from noise laws because it opened before their institution.

Maryland, Woodbine, "Maryland County Board Approves Private Airstrip Over Neighbors' Objections" (Aug. 28, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Carroll County (Maryland) Board of Zoning Appeals yesterday approved an application for a private airstrip on a 208-acre property in Woodbine. The board approved construction of a 50-foot by 1,785-foot landing strip, but stipulated that the strip can only be used by the owner's two single-engine planes for 40 trips per year.

Massachusetts area, Boston, "Massachusetts Airport Noise Opponents Are Disappointed at Officials' Response to Their Noise Recommendations" (Sep. 23, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that residents and local officials in the Boston, Massachusetts area who are seeking a reduction of aircraft noise from Boston's Logan International Airport are disappointed at state and federal officials' response to noise mitigation recommendations they made earlier this year. Residents of Milton, Braintree, and Dorchester presented a list of recommendations to Massport and Federal Aviation Administration officials in July, and the agencies issued a five-page response to the recommendations this month.

Massachusetts area, Quincy, "Neighbors Near Massachusetts Rail Line Fear More Noise from Helicopters Patrolling Tracks" (Jul. 21, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that residents who live near the Old Colony rail line in the Quincy, Massachusetts area are critical of a recent decision by the MBTA, the transit authority, to patrol commuter rail lines with helicopters. MBTA officials and state police are undertaking the action to clear the track of trespassers and bands of partying teens, the article says.

Massachusetts, Arlington, "Tenant Wonders Whether Landlord Is Accountable for Noise from Neighbors Due to Inadequate Insulation; Expert Says "No, Unless Landlord Promised Silence or Knew Other Tenants Would Be Loud"" (Oct. 17, 1999). The Boston Globe prints a realty question from a tenant who says his landlord misled him in saying that noise would not be a problem in his apartment. The columnist says effective action would probably need proof that the landlord knew the other tenants would be disruptive, and an unquestionably misleading statement by the landlord. The questioner admitted the tenants were not particularly disruptive, and that the landlord's low-noise claim was ambiguous.

Massachusetts, Auburn, "Will Trees Protect High School from Mass. Highway Noise?" (Apr. 10, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports the Massachusetts Highway Department has agreed to plant fast-growing trees along the road near Auburn High School in an effort to muffle the noise from heavy traffic.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Noise Abatement Flight Paths Ignored at Boston's Airport" (Jul. 17, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that last fall, a new flight path was approved for Boston's Logan International Airport, designed to give residents in Milton and Quincy relief from airplane noise. However, local officials said this week that pilots consistently ignore the flight path during off-peak travel times, taking planes over Milton. The comments came at a meeting Tuesday between state and local officials from several South Shore towns, officials from Massport, and officials from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The meeting was called to discuss Massport's expansion plan for the airport, which includes the addition of a 5,000-foot runway, but local officials expressed frustration about continuing airplane noise and the lack of communication with Massport and the FAA.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Boston's Big Dig Highway Project Spends Millions on Noise and Other Mitigation Costs" (Sep. 17, 1997). The Washington Post reports that officials managing Boston's "Big Dig," a massive highway project to build an eight-lane highway under the downtown at a cost of nearly $11 billion, are spending about a quarter of the project money on mitigating the negative impacts of the project. Critics say Big Dig bosses give money to anyone who's smart enough to threaten a lawsuit. But the bosses say their approach simply illustrates the reality of undertaking a large public infrastructure project in the late 1990s. Their approach, the article says, is a combination of engineering, traffic management, eco-sensitivity, social work, and ward-heeling that could indicate how the U.S. will approach other road and bridge projects, which across the country need hundreds of billions of dollars worth of repair.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Weymouth Residents Complain of Increased Aircraft Noise from Logan; Massport to Investigate" (Apr. 30, 1998). The Patriot Ledger of Quincy, Massachusetts, reports state officials plan to investigate why there is an increase in aircraft noise complaints from residents in Weymouth. Several hundred people living in those areas have signed a petition complaining of increased airplane noise.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Massport asked by Resident to Quiet Skies Surrounding Logan" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports residents are seeking relief from noise made by aircraft traffic noise near Logan.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Jet Ski Operators Claimed to be the Source of Safety Problems" (Aug. 2, 1998). The Boston Herald reports that jet skis, though considered extremely dangerous by detractors, may not be as much of a threat as they have been perceived to be. The article claims that Jet Ski related accidents comprise only two of the 140 boat-related deaths in Massachusetts since 1987 even though jet ski ownership is on the rise.

Massachusetts, Boston, "MBTA Includes Whistles in T Noise Study; Neighbors Hope for Noise Mitigation" (Jul. 7, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports the MBTA has agreed to study the noise impact of the trains on Boston's Old Colony lines, including the whistles that engineers blow four times at each street crossing.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Noisy Leaf Blowers Replace Quiet Rakes in Suburban United States" (Nov. 14, 1998). The Boston Globe reports the noisy leaf blower has taken its place alongside the snow blower and ride-on lawn mover as tools of modern suburban living outside Boston, Massachusetts, and throughout the United States.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Officials of Boston's Big Dig Respond to Noise Complaints" (Nov. 12, 1998). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports it's noisy having one of the nation's largest construction projects going on in your backyard, according to residents of Boston's North End neighborhood.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Flight Paths out of Boston's Logan Airport May Stir Neighborhood Tensions" (Oct. 1, 1998). The Boston Globe reports that changed flight patterns at Logan Airport may pit Boston neighborhoods against each other.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Foes of Third Runway at Boston's Logan Airport Question Environmental Justice of Project" (Apr. 12, 1999). The Boston Globe reports opponents of a third runway at Boston's Logan Airport are wielding a new argument these days: environmental injustice.

Massachusetts, Boston, "EPA Official Tells FAA that the Proposed New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport is Not Justified" (Apr. 23, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that John P. DeVillars, the Environmental Protection Agency's regional administrator, wrote a 16-page letter to the FAA saying that a proposed new mile-long runway at Boston's Logan Airport is not justified. He discussed problems such as increased noise, pollution, and environmental injustice, and emphasized the need to encourage a more regional approach to transportation. This approach would include encouraging the use of other regional airports, and promoting the increased use of Amtrak and its soon to be introduced high-speed line between Boston and New York.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Logan Expansion Faces Legislative and Environmental Hurdles as Opponents Rally To Halt Runway Plan" (Apr. 23, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that Senator Thomas Birmingham and environmental groups are rallying the EPA to halt the construction of a runway that they say will negatively affect residents of Chelsea and surrounding communities and that a supposed increase in flights does not warrant the construction.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Third Mass. Congressman Opposes New Runway at Logan Airport" (Apr. 18, 1999). The Boston Globe reports a third Massachusetts congressman, citing noise pollution, recently joined the opposition of a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Mass. Business Leaders and Politicians Choosing Sides in New Logan Runway" (Apr. 8, 1999). The Boston Herald reports Boston business leaders last night stated their support for a new runway at Logan Airport along with Gov. Paul Cellucci and Logan Airport officials while Mayor Thomas M. Menino and some members of the state's congressional delegation strongly opposed the addition.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Since Scandal Forced Key Massachusetts Port Authority Official to Resign, Status of Fight Over New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport is Unclear" (Aug. 29, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that since a scandal forced a key official to resign, the status of a fight over a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport is unclear. Runway opponents believe that the governor -- who supports the runway -- is now more likely to put politics aside and consider more regional solutions, including a new airport.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Mass. Communities Disagree on Logan Airport Expansion; Community Advisory Group Challenges Massport on Tactics, Disclosure, and Equity" (Feb. 21, 1999). The Boston Globe reports critics ask tough questions of Massport's plans to new runway at Logan Airport. Residents on the Community Advisory Committee, who represent towns affected by Logan, want answers about airport capacity, long-range planning, equity, and value of residents' quality of life.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Noise-Burdened Mass. Neighborhoods Oppose New Runway at Logan, Look to Governor and Mayor for Support" (Mar. 2, 1999). The Boston Globe published an editorial suggesting it is time for Governor Paul Cellucci's administration, and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, to reconsider plans to build a new runway for Logan Airport.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Residents Refuse to Support Massport Plan that Shifts Logan Airport Noise from One Neighborhood to the Next" (Mar. 2, 1999). The Boston Globe reports critics contend Massport's tactic to win support for a new runway plan at Logan Airport by promising that flights will decrease over the neighborhoods hardest-hit by noise has backfired.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Editorial: Despite Political "Mumbo-Jumbo," New Logan Runway Means More Noise for "Working Stiffs"" (Feb. 13, 1999). The Boston Globe published an editorial contending that a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport is a done political deal, but only a quick fix. Meanwhile citizens who suffer from airport noise will only suffer more.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Mass. Moves Forward with Logan Runway Project Despite Objections from South Shore Residents" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports the new runway project at Boston's Logan Airport is being touted by the state as an economic boon while residents of at least one South Shore town predict increased noise pollution will be their lot.

Massachusetts, Boston, "New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport Pits Residents Against Business Leaders" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Boston Globe reports a proposed new runway at Boston's Logan Airport divides many business leaders from numerous residents who live in the city and its suburbs.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Bills in the Mass. State House Could Block Logan's Proposed New Runway" (Mar. 23, 1999). The Boston Herald reports supporters and opponents of a new runway at Logan Airport are expected to face each other this morning at a contentious Massachusetts' State House hearing on bills that would block the runway's construction.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Opposition to Logan Expansion Builds in Massachusetts" (Mar. 28, 1999). The Boston Globe reports the Massachusetts Port Authority's momentum to get a new runway built at Logan Airport is slowly being matched by the opposition of residents, activists, leaders, and politicians.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Editorial: US Rep. Criticizes Massport's Plan for New Runway at Logan Airport" (Mar. 10, 1999). The Boston Globe published an editorial by Michael Capuano, US Representative from Massachusetts's 8th District. Capuano believes a third runway at Logan Airport should not be built for a variety of reasons including the fact it will increase noise in neighborhoods and communities already burdened with aircraft noise.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Mass. Resident Criticizes Logan Expansion; Asks Massport to Consider Noise Effects on Residents" (Mar. 8, 1999). The Boston Globe published a letter from Massachusetts resident Jacques Weissgerber criticizing Massport's disregard of residents of Boston and nearby communities as it proceeds with its plan to build a third runway at Logan Airport. Weissgerber writes:

Massachusetts, Boston, "Massport Promotes New Runway at Logan; Noise Activists Charge Misuse of Funds" (Mar. 12, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire Associated Press reports the Massachusetts Port Authority is using paid advertisements to promote a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport, a move that has angered some airport and noise activists.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Boston's Logan Airport and Others Should Compenstate Neighbors" (May 18, 1999). The Boston Globe printed an Opinion piece by an MIT management and economics professor Lester Thurow suggesting that political difficulties with expanding airports, or better yet developing high-speed rail, be solved the way they are in France: financial compensation. In France, residents receive monthly checks depending on how close they live to power plants to compensate them for the risks. Thurow suggests that we pay premiums for houses that have to be torn down, compensate for train noise, and get a real high-speed rail system underway.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Boston Man Claims in Thirty Years of Living in "Problem Neighborhoods", Aircraft Noise Has Never Bothered Him" (May 8, 1999). The Patriot Ledger prints an opinion piece, claiming that jet noise from Logan airport has never been a big deal. The author has a thirty year history in the area, living in Quincy and Squantum, and frequently relaxing with friends outside in Houghs Neck, Germantown, Wollaston and Montclair. He has never had problems reading, conversing, or balancing a glass of beer through it all. While he acknowledges that air traffic could increase with a proposed new runway at Logan, he says it could be positioned to take most air traffic out over water, diminishing impact on residential areas.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Communities Surrounding Boston, Massachusetts Weigh In on Logan Airport's Proposed New Runway" (May 2, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that many of the communities affected by noise from Boston, Massachusetts' Logan Airport oppose proposed new 5,000-foot runway 14/32 , but their concerns differ slightly. Airport officials claim the new runway would reduce delays and spread noise more evenly over the area surrounding the airport; opponents believe the runway will add noise in the long run. Some opponents criticize the use of computer models instead of real noise monitors, but the airport claims that the FAA prefers computer models because there is no noise from other sources such as traffic or construction.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Massachusetts' Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office Approves Massashusetts Port Authority (Massport) Environmental Review, Insiders Say MEPA Will Ask Massport to Iron Out Details" (May 7, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that the Massachusetts' Port Authority (MassPort) has won preliminary approval of its environmental review of a new Logan Airport runway from the state's Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) office. Insiders say MEPA is asking Massport to revise pieces of the draft before it formally approves it, including specific plans to encourage use of other nearby airports and a 'peak pricing' fare plan that would charge more to airlines during prime flight times. Both revisions are aimed at reducing traffic and peak demand at Logan. MEPA also considered over 1,000 public comments, making the runway the second-most commented on review ever.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Research Suggests that a Sauna's Mild Heat Shock May Activate Genes that Protect Against Hearing Loss" (Nov. 27, 1999). The New Scientist reports that a study at Boston's Harvard Medical School suggests that a sauna -- which essentially subjects the body to mild heat shock -- may prepare the ears to better handle excessive noise. Heat-shock proteins normally serve to protect proteins from unfolding and to re-fold damaged ones; once activated by the sauna, these proteins may be protecting proteins that could normally be damaged by noise.

Massachusetts, Boston, "Housing Association in Bellingham, Massachusetts Reach Agreement with Power Company over Noise Levels" (Dec. 2, 1999). Business Wire reports that the Box Pond Association in Bellingham, Massachusetts has settled a dispute with American National Power over a proposed power plant after the company agreed to reduce pollution and noise.

Massachusetts, Braintree, "Residents Complain About Increased Noise from Commuter Train in Massachusetts" (Oct. 15, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that a meeting was held yesterday in Braintree, Massachusetts commuter-train station between residents, elected officials, and representatives from the MBTA to discuss the noise problems produced by Red Line and Old Colony trains. The meeting was arranged by State Representative Joseph Sullivan (D-Braintree), who is chair of the House Transportation Committee, and was held at the station platform so MBTA officials could hear the noise produced. Residents of Hawthorne Place condominiums, Georganna Street, and French Avenue complained that the new commuter trains are adding to noise already caused by the Red Line and freight trains.

Massachusetts, Braintree, "Braintree Company Responds to Noise Complaints" (Mar. 10, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports King Hill Road residents in Braintree have asked selectman to take action on noisy delivery trucks at a nearby business.

Massachusetts, Cambridge, "Bells in Harvard Square Strike Discord with Neighbors in Cambridge" (Jun. 14, 1998). The Boston Globe reports that the bells at St. Paul Church in Harvard Square though silent for a half-century are now refurbished and chiming every quarter hour. The sound is pleasantly reminiscent to some, but annoying to many others.

Massachusetts, Cambridge, "Resident of Boston's Cambridge Neighborhood Maintains that Curfew on 'Through-Trucks' Will Keep Local Streets Quieter" (Apr. 25, 1999). The Boston Globe prints a letter from Thomas Bracken, a member of the Truck Traffic Advisory Committee in Boston's Cambridge neighborhood. Bracken says that a proposed ban on the use of local Cambridge streets by late-night through-truckers with no local destination will quiet the streets; he holds that opponents in Belmont who believed the curfew would increase noise in their town are mistaken, and that the ban will benefit all communities within Boston.

Massachusetts, Canton, "Overnight Construction of High-Speed Rail Service Causes Sleepless Nights for Neighbors in Canton, Massachusetts Who Live Along the Track" (Apr. 1, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports complaints from sleepless residents about nighttime construction work for the high-speed rail service has prompted a response from Amtrak and town officials. The construction which began March 16 has occurred between High Street and the Canton Viaduct in Canton Massachusetts.

Massachusetts, Charlton, "Charlton, Massachusetts Planning Board Approves Old-Age Center; Businesses Insist on Guarantees that Center's Noise Complaints Would Not Limit Their Operating Hours" (Nov. 4, 1999). The Worcester Telegram and Gazette reports that the Charlton, Massachusetts Planning Board approved an old-age center on a road that is home to businesses such as loud truck and gravel operations. Business owners were concerned that residents of the center would complain about noise and force the businesses to limit their operation hours, and convinced the Board to impose conditions on the development to be determined later.

Massachusetts, Chelsea, "US Rep. Charges Massport with Environmental Injustice in Plan for Third Runway at Boston's Logan Airport" (Apr. 4, 1999). The Boston Globe reports a US Congressman representing districts near Logan Airport has objected to Massport's plan for a third runway on grounds of "environmental injustice," saying noise will be unequally distributed over poor, minority communities.

Massachusetts, Clinton, "Clinton, Massachusetts Residents Continue to Protest Warehouse Opening Due to Excessive Truck Traffic and Noise" (Apr. 3, 2000). The Worcester, Massachusetts Telegram and Gazette reports that a giant 344,000 square foot warehouse has opened in Clinton, Massachusetts, and has generated complaints from residents about excessive truck traffic and noise.

Massachusetts, Cohasset, "Appeals Board in Massachusetts Town Rejects Request for 30 Outside Dog Kennel Runs" (Apr. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that the appeals board in Cohasset, Massachusetts unanimously rejected a request Friday by John and Christine Millar of Cedar Street to build 30 dog runs on the outside of their kennel. The board rejected the request because of the noise factor, and because it would bring the building 10 feet closer to the lot line, a violation of the zoning bylaw.

Massachusetts, Concord, "Expansion Plans at Hanscom Field in Concord, Massachusetts Anger Local Politicians and Historic Preservation Groups" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Boston Globe reports that Shuttle America, a low-cost airline, would like to expand at Hanscom Field in Concord, Massachusetts. The plan has met with strong opposition. The airline has requested approval from the FAA to schedule twelve flights a day between Hanscom and LaGuardia Airport in New York.

Massachusetts, Dighton, "Neighbors Say Dighton, Massachusetts Power Plant Pre-Completion Equipment Testing is Too Loud" (Jun. 29, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that noise from equipment testing at a power-plant in Dighton, Massachusetts is too loud. The plant management -- which is performing last-minute tests of equipment before putting the plant online -- began construction on the $110-million facility in October of 1997, and had expected the plant to be finished by May 10. Due to equipment problems, they say the new scheduled completion date is July 16, and noise should stop by the end of the week.

Massachusetts, Fall River, "Community Policing Effort Reduces Traffic Noise in Fall River, Massachusetts" (Aug. 18, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin describes a community policing effort to eradicate blaring car stereos, loud mufflers, roaring motorcycles, and other traffic nuisances from a cruising strip in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts, Fall River, "Drag Racing Proposed In Fall River Massachusetts" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports two racing enthusiasts want to build a drag strip at the former municipal airport in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts, Foxboro, "New England Patriots' Coach Uses Leaf Blower to Prepare Team for Game in Noisy Stadium" (Sep. 27, 1997). The Boston Herald reports that the New England Patriots' coach, Pete Carroll, began training the team for an October 6 game against the Denver Broncos at Mile High Stadium by turning on an industrial strength leaf blower during practices. The Mile High Stadium is known for its loud crowd noise, which is a significant disadvantage for any visiting team, the article says. Coach Carroll wanted the team to practice running plays in an atmosphere where hearing signals is virtually impossible.

Massachusetts, Foxboro, "Plans for Proposed Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts Includes Access Road for Season-Ticket Traffic Which Some Residents Say Would Bring More Noise Into Their Neighborhood; Town Meeting Vote Overwhelmingly Approves the Stadium but Upcoming Vote Over the Road Is Less Assured" (Dec. 6, 1999). AP Online reports that plans for a proposed $225-million stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts includes an access road for season-ticket holders. The road would help certain fans avoid highway traffic, but residents worry it would bring increased noise to their neighborhood. At a recent town meeting the stadium was overwhelmingly approved. The access road will be the issue in a later vote, and a two-thirds majority will be required to approve it.

Massachusetts, Grafton, "Neighbors Claim Noise Increase at Firing Range in Grafton, MA" (Jul. 8, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports the Grafton, Massachusetts, Board of Selectmen last night held a hearing last night to discuss complaints from neighbors of a firing range who claim noise have dramatically increased in recent years.

Massachusetts, Halifax, "Residents in Massachusetts Town Vote to Uphold Ban on Motorcycles on Frozen Ponds" (Sep. 9, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that residents in Halifax, Massachusetts voted at last night's special town meeting to keep a ban on motorcycles on the town's frozen waterways. The ban originally was passed at the May town meeting as part of a new boating bylaw. But William Cafarelli had asked that the bylaw be amended to allow motorcycle use between 10 a.m. and dusk, the article says.

Massachusetts, Hanson, "Hanson, Massachusetts Residents Say Train Rest Stop Leaves Engine Idling at Night, Disturbing their Sleep" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that Hanson, Massachusetts residents have complained that a commuter rail engine stops its loudly idling engine near their homes and disturbing their sleep.

Massachusetts, Hingham, "South Shore Boston Town Representatives Meet to Discuss Forming Regional Task Force to Fight Logan Airport Noise" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Patriot Ledger reports that twenty-five residents from towns on the south shore of Boston harbor met at the Hingham Town Hall to discuss forming a regional task force to fight against Logan Airport jet noise. Residents complain that the airport noise continues to increase, disturbing their sleep and other activities.

Massachusetts, Hull, "Hull, Mass. Voices Grievances to Massport about Logan Air Traffic and Noise" (Apr. 14, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports town officials from Hull, Massachusetts, last night did not accept Massport's rationalization for an additional runway at Boston's Logan Airport. Instead, they voiced a list of airport-related grievances.

Massachusetts, Hull, "Town of Hull Organizes to Fight Third Runway at Massachusetts' Logan Airport" (Mar. 12, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports Massport has agreed to study the noise impact a new Logan International Airport runway would have on the Hull peninsula, a town whose residents have already had enough of airplane noise.

Massachusetts, Jamaica Plain, "The Boston Globe" (Jul. 18, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that in response to increasing noise complaints several years ago, police officers in Boston, Massachusetts' Jamaica Plain neighborhood instituted "Operation Sound-Off." Police respond to noise-hotline complaints with three decibel meters, warning first-time violators but ticketing repeat violators $100 and sometimes requiring a court appearance. Holidays, weekend cookouts and cultural celebrations are not subject to the ordinance.

Massachusetts, Jamaica Plain, "Letter: Third Runway at Logan Airport Will Only Dump More Noise on Boston's Citizens" (Mar. 21, 1999). The Boston Globe published a letter from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, resident Moira Raftery. In her letter, Raftery protests a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport where the congested city's citizens are already adversely affected by airplane noise. Raftery writes:

Massachusetts, Lancaster, "Massachusetts Zoning Board Rules that Quarry Violates Noise Bylaws" (Jun. 7, 1998). The Sunday Telegram reports that the Zoning Board of Appeals in Lancaster, Massachusetts has upheld a March ruling by the city Building Inspector that the quarry owned by P.J. Keating Co. is violating town bylaws governing noise from blasting and truck traffic, and must be closed down. A cousin of the quarry owner last year asked the Building Inspector to issue a cease and desist order for noise at the quarry, after the cousin was denied a permit to open a competing quarry in the same area due to noise issues.

Massachusetts, Lancaster, "Noise Violations All in the Family in Two Massachusetts Asphalt Plants" (Mar. 14, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Massachusetts, reports Building Inspector James J. Ford Sr. has informed the P.J. Keating Co., a blacktop plant, that it is in violation of town bylaws governing noise from blasting and truck traffic.

Massachusetts, Lancaster, "Blasting Company in Mass. Ordered to Cease and Desist, Ruled 'Noisome Use'" (Nov. 20, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports a cease and desist ordered has been issued against a quarrying operation in Lancaster, Massachusetts, after the company was found in violation of town bylaws governing noise from blasting.

Massachusetts, Milton, "Noisy Sewer Pumps Double Edged Sword for Massachusetts Residents" (Mar. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports a Milton, Massachusetts, resident appeared before town selectmen last night pleading for an end to noisy gas-operated sewer pumps located in his neighborhood.

Massachusetts, Milton, "Local Massachusetts Official Will Meet With Federal Aviation Administration About Airport Noise" (May 29, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that Richard Neely, the Select Board Chair in Milton, Massachusetts, has set up a meeting for June 29 with Jane Garvey, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration and the former director of Boston's Logan International Airport, to discuss airplane noise at Logan. The article notes that jet noise has afflicted Milton and other towns for years, but local officials have not been able to get the FAA to address their complaints.

Massachusetts, Milton, "Noise Committee Votes to Support New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport; Committee Says Runway Will Help Mitigate Certain Overburdened Communities, While Opponents Say Other Communities Will Be Hurt" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that Milton, Massachusetts' airplane noise committee voted unanimously to support a new $22-million, 5,000 foot runway at Boston's Logan Airport. They say that the new runway will help reduce the percentage of takeoffs made to the west of the airport. Many in South Boston -- traditionally a less wealthy area -- oppose the new runway which would send more flights over their communities. Projections show a 3.4 % increase in flights at Logan, regardless of whether the new runway is approved.

Massachusetts, Milton, "Milton, Massachusetts Supports New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport That Will More Evenly Spread Aircraft Noise Over Surrounding Communities" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that the selectmen of Milton, Massachusetts have decided to support a new $22 million, 5,000-foot runway at Boston's Logan Airport. The runway is intended to reduce noise over certain communities including Milton. Other communities, which will experience increased noise levels -- though still under goals that were set by the communities in the 1980s -- oppose the runway. The new runway will reduce traffic on two other runway in particular, which are currently used heavily because they can handle more traffic in certain weather conditions -- thus reducing delays.

Massachusetts, Pembroke, "Mass. Resident Says Noise Escalating from Local Gun Club" (Nov. 17, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports a Pembroke, Massachusetts, resident says the noise is escalating from a gun club on her street.

Massachusetts, Plymouth, "Plymouth, Massachusetts Residents Against Expansion of Golf Club Operations" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that a group of West Plymouth, Massachusetts residents is upset over a proposal to expand clubhouse operations and open a golf school at the Squirrel Run Country Club. The residents have asked the planning board to deny the permit unless steps are taken to improve their privacy and cut down on noise from the 18-hole golf course and clubhouse.

Massachusetts, Provincetown, "Whale Song Researcher Works With Students from the American School for the Deaf to Examine the Possibility that Whales Are Losing Their Hearing" (Jul. 11, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that a researcher from the University of Connecticut is working with two teenage students at the American School for the Deaf on the question of whether whales may be losing their hearing due to man-made noise. The students feel that hearing loss is something they may have in common with the whales. Whales need their hearing to survive, but will not leave noisy feeding grounds that is as loud and dangerous to a whale's hearing as to humans living near an airport. They will study whether whale songs match noise patterns, which would indicate that the whales may hear, and be injured by, the noise.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Noise Tests of Nightclub Along Massachusetts Coast Show Mitigation Measures May Be Working" (Jun. 2, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that residents in the Marina Bay area of Quincy, Massachusetts who complained last summer about noise from the WaterWorks seaside club may have a quieter summer this year due to new noise barriers at the club. License board Chair Joseph Shea said tests show the noise barriers are successfully blocking the loud music from the club. Shea said license officials will review the noise test results at a 10 a.m. meeting tomorrow, and because the noise problem is being curbed, the board also may vote on requests by the club owner to raise the patron capacity from to 1,250 to 1,600 and extend the 11 p.m. live music curfew until 1 a.m.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Residents Applaud Massachusetts Water Authority's Decision to Build Deep-Rock Sewage Tunnel" (Oct. 16, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority voted unanimously to build a deep-rock tunnel instead of a marine pipeline in Fore River to relieve sewage overflows in Braintree and Weymouth. The decision has pleased residents in the nearby area, who feared massive construction impacts from the marine pipeline option.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Proposed Indoor Gun Club Brings Up Noise and Safety Concerns in Massachusetts" (Oct. 22, 1997). According to The Patriot Ledger of Quincy, Massachusetts, some Brookline residents are in favor of opening an indoor gun club in Quincy Center for the training of law officers and for recreational shooters. But Sgt. Robert Perchard, chief of firearms inspections for the police department, questioned the appropriateness of the downtown location, citing safety and noise concerns.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Massachusetts Golf Course Construction Bothers Neighbors" (Feb. 14, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that noise and dust from the construction of a golf course on a former land fill in Quincy, Massachusetts has been casing problems for neighbors.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Massachusetts Residents Complain About Motorcycle Noise" (Jul. 20, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that residents on Wollaston Beach in Quincy, Massachusetts are complaining about noise from motorcycle drivers in the area. The article says that both Wollaston and Nantasket Beaches are patrolled by state troopers instead of local police, making enforcement of noise laws more difficult.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "City Officials in Quincy, MA, Act to Restore Quiet in Neighborhoods" (Sep. 10, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports city officials in Quincy, Massachusetts, are taking action to give residents relief from noise made by barges unloading oil and early morning dumpster pickups.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Noisiest Section of Expressway in Massachusetts to Get Noise Walls After Eleven Years" (Jul. 31, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that a $2 million construction of noise walls along the Expressway in Quincy, Massachusetts is scheduled to begin soon, 11 years after the highway section was rated noisiest in the state. 190,000 vehicles use the section of the Expressway every weekday. The article discusses the structure of the walls in more detail than most articles do.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Quincy, Massachusetts Residents Ask MBTA for More Noise Barriers, Better Bus Service to Stations" (Jul. 28, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that a public meeting attended by over 50 residents and the MBTA illuminated two main resident complaints: noise and insufficient bus service to railroad stations. The MBTA says it will try to speed up wall placement, and will institute a pilot program to determine if more frequent bus service is feasible and necessary.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Trash Truck Terminal in Quincy, Mass., Ordered to Keep Quiet Until 7 A.M." (Mar. 10, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports the city license board of Quincy, Massachusetts, voted to keep a trash truck terminal quiet until 7 a.m. after residents complained of losing sleep due to early morning noise made by the company.

Massachusetts, Quincy, "Quincy, Massachusetts License Board Mediates Dispute Between a Noisy, Magazine Distribution Operation and Its Neighbors" (Nov. 20, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports that the chairman of the license board -- Mr. Shea -- in Quincy, Massachusetts is voluntarily mediating a long-time dispute between a noisy magazine distribution operation and its neighbors. Mr. Shea has suggested several noise-reduction measures.

Massachusetts, Rockport, "Water Police in Massachusetts Communities Around Rockport Approach Regulation of Personal Watercraft in Several Ways" (May 2, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that complaints regarding noise, environmental impact, and safety of personal watercraft in communities near Rockport, Massachusetts is prompting responses from waterway officials and harbormasters. Injuries are increasingly common, and most officials say the best approach is regulation, coupled with education. An informal survey revealed that officials would rather educate than ban.

Massachusetts, Roxbury, "Roxbury, Mass., is Loser in Noise Turf Battle, Say Residents" (Apr. 3, 1999). The Boston Globe reports the Runway 27 Coalition in Massachusetts now has former members saying one faction benefited at the expense of another community in its battle over noise pollution from Logan Airport.

Massachusetts, Scituate, "Restoration of Commuter Rail Line in Scituate, Massachusetts Raises Noise and Environmental Concerns" (Apr. 5, 2000). The Patriot Ledger in Massachusetts reports that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is considering reinstating a rail line through the Boston suburb of Scituate. Town officials recently met with MBTA officials to discuss possible noise and air pollution that a new line would bring, as well as other environmental impacts.

Massachusetts, Seekonk, "Seekonk, Mass., Adopts New Anti-Noise Regulations" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports new anti- noise regulation are included among a package of local bylaws in Seekonk, Massachusetts, just given approval by the attorney general's office.

Massachusetts, Seekonk, "Saying, "You Can't Get Away from the Noise Problem," Seekonk, Mass. Zoning Appeals Board Denies Permit for Company" (Apr. 5, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the Zoning Board of Appeals in Seekonk, Massachusetts, agreed with residents' noise concerns and denied a permit for a parcel-distribution center in a residential neighborhood.

Massachusetts, Southbridge, "Massachusetts City Considers Detailed Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 16, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the General Government Subcommittee in Southbridge, Massachusetts will review a proposed bylaw tonight designed to prohibit unlawful noise which "annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of any reasonable person, of normal sensitivity, residing in the area." The Town Council must hold three readings on the noise bylaw before voting on its acceptance, the article says.

Massachusetts, Southbridge, "Massachusetts Town Considers Noise Bylaw" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Southbridge, Massachusetts Town Council General Government subcommittee held a meeting last night to consider a proposed noise bylaw. The subcommittee and several residents who attended the meeting were concerned about excess noise at all times of day, but especially late at night and early in the morning.

Massachusetts, Southbridge, "Massachusetts Town Passes Noise Control Ordinance With Stiff Fines" (Sep. 23, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Southbridge (Massachusetts) Town Council passed on a 9-2 vote a noise-control bylaw that sets fines for unreasonable noise levels. The fine for first-time offenders is double that of most other town infractions, the article says.

Massachusetts, Southbridge, "Second Hearing Held on Noise Ordinance in Massachusetts Town" (Sep. 9, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Town Council in Southbridge, Massachusetts held its second hearing on a proposed ordinance that would set time limits on some types of noisy activity and institute methods of punishing offenders. Councillor Mark Carron made a motion to send the proposed ordinance back to the General Government Subcommittee for further review and revision. But that motion was defeated by an 8-5 vote. The third and final hearing, at which councillors are expected to vote on the ordinance, will be held September 22.

Massachusetts, Sterling, "Freight Yard Approved Near Commercial and Residential Buildings in a Massachusetts Town; Business Owners Vow to Appeal" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Zoning Board in Sterling, Massachusetts, near Worcester, has granted a special permit to Colnon & Co. to develop a freight yard behind the Barbers Crossing North Restaurant on Route 12. Residents and business owners are angry at the decision, and some are planning to appeal.

Massachusetts, Stoughton, "Dispute Between Neighbors and Auto Body Shop Goes Unresolved" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that a year-long dispute between residents and an auto body shop in Stoughton, Massachusetts went unresolved after a recent town selectman's meeting. At the meeting, selectmen told neighbors, who are opposed to the repair shop based on noise, fumes and aesthetic grounds, that they must take their complaints to the zoning board of appeals.

Massachusetts, Sudbury, "Ice Cream Trucks Get Increasing Criticism Around the Country" (May 27, 1998). The Telegraph Herald reports that ice cream trucks are facing a growing list of communities where they are not welcome. The trucks have been blamed for noise pollution, poor nutrition, traffic hazards, and attracting pedophiles as drivers, and laws restricting ice cream truck operations have sprouted around the country. The article goes on to focus on one ice cream truck operator who runs trucks on the Massachusetts - Rhode Island border.

Massachusetts, Ware, "Mass. Residents Request Relief from Noise from 24-Hour Store" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Massachusetts, reports two residents in Ware, whose homes are close to a gas station, recently complained to selectmen of noise, bright lights and fumes that come from the 24-hour gas station and convenience store.

Massachusetts, West Boylston, "Residents Complain About Noise From Massachusetts Wal-Mart" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports that residents living near a Wal-Mart on Route 12 in West Boylston, Massachusetts have long complained about noise from the store. The dispute may be nearing resolution, the article says, but if it does not end soon, town officials are ready to take the company to court for not complying with noise regulations. Town officials say representatives from the store have made promises in the past and have not lived up to them.

Massachusetts, Weymouth, "Committee Will Consider Curfews on Business Practices in an Effort to Curb Noise in Weymouth, Massachusetts" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that Selectman are forming a seven-member committee that will recommend new town bylaws that would disallow noisy business practices early in the morning and late at night.

Massachusetts, Weymouth, "Advisory Board in Mass. Works to Protect Community from Power Plant Noise" (Apr. 1, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports Weymouth, Massachusetts, town officials are carefully considering noise and other pollution concerns at a proposed power plant.

Massachusetts, Wolfeboro, "Wolfeboro Modifies Decision on Large Concert Tent Citing Noise and Traffic" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Union Leader reports the Wolfeboro Massachusetts Planning Board recently limited the size of a an acoustic concert tent at Great Waters Music Festival citing noise, traffic, and parking concerns as well as the visual impact of the 810-person capacity tent and related equipment.

Massachusetts, Worcester, "Engineers Design Massachusetts Hospital Over Train Tracks" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Engineering News-Record reports that a project is underway to build $232-million, 730,000-sq-ft medical center in Worcester, Massachusetts on top of rail tracks. The article reports that engineers have coped with the problem by designing ways for the noise and vibrations to be absorbed, so that patients, operations, and sensitive equipment are protected. The article goes on to outline the engineering details of the project.

Mexico, Mexico City, "Mexico Plans to Reduce Noise from Aircraft" (Dec. 6, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that Mexico plans to make improvements in its commercial fleet with regards to safety and noise.

Michigan, Ada, "Residents Seek Relief from Nightly Rail Noise" (Mar. 9, 1998). The Grand Rapids Press reports Ada residents have organized to curb incessant night time train noise in their neighborhood. Their prospects for success appear dim.

Michigan, Alpine Townships, "Michigan Residents Object to Concrete Crushing in Neighborhood" (Mar. 12, 1998). The Grand Rapids Press reports Alpine Township residents will have to wait for a decision from the Planning Commission on a special use permit for an excavating company to crush concrete and process topsoil in their neighborhood.

Michigan, Dearborn, "German Company Wins PACE Award for Designing Automotive Vehicle Noise Management System" (Mar. 13, 2000). Crain Communications' Automotive News recently presented the eight winners of the "2000 Automotive News PACE Award." Rieter Automotive Systems AG of Winterthur, Switzerland, won an award for its Ultra Light Vehicle Noise Management System.

Michigan, Dearborn Heights, "Waste-to-Energy Incinerator in Dearborn Heights, Michigan Is Shut Down At Night Until It Can Quiet Its Noise" (Dec. 7, 1999). The Detroit News reports that a waste-to-energy incinerator in Dearborn Heights, near Detroit, Michigan will be shut down from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. until plant operators install a baffle that should reduce the noise. Plant operators say that the noise is different than before this summer when a new furnace was installed, but it is not "shrill" or above noise limits.

Michigan, Detroit, "Detroit Airport Develops Neighborhood Compatibility Program" (Dec. 15, 1997). The Detroit News describes the Neighborhood Compatibility Program at Detroit International Airport. The program offers noise abatement opportunities for people in specific areas around the airport.

Michigan, Detroit, "Detroit Senator Proposes Fund For Communities Effected By Airport" (Jan. 19, 1998). The Detroit News reports that Michigan state Senator, Loren Bennett is proposing a bill that would give a portion of revenues from the Detroit Metropolitan Airport's parking tax to a fund for the surrounding communities effected by noise and other consequences of the airport.

Michigan, Detroit, "Michigan Airport Plans Emergency Landing Pad" (Jan. 19, 1998). The Detroit News reports that homeowners on the west side of the Oakland International Airport in the Detroit area may be accepting offers to sell their homes for an airport safety zone.

Michigan, Detroit, "Columnist Advises Resident to Chill Out Regarding New Noisy Neighbors" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Detroit News printed a question-and-answer column in which a resident in Detroit, Michigan complains about the noisy activities of a new family in the neighborhood. The columnist advises the resident to talk to the family about their concerns, and to not expect that everyone will fit in with the view of a quiet neighborhood.

Michigan, Detroit, "Pro Air Clears Approval from the FAA for 36 Departures Daily from Detroit City Airport; City Officials Express Disappointment" (Sep. 28, 1998). Crain's Detroit Business reports that Pro Air Inc. has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly up to 36 departures a day out of Detroit City Airport, an increase of 28 flights over the former limit of eight.

Michigan, Detroit, "Michigan State Fairgrounds Development May Include Noisy Racetrack" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Detroit News reports that the Nederlander Entertainment Group in Detroit, Michigan has received approval from the Michigan State Fair advisory board to develop the state fairgrounds to a tune of $80 million. The development plan includes a race track, convention space, equestrian center, theaters, a renovated Coliseum, and a few nearby hotels. Many nearby residents have opposed the development.

Michigan, Detroit, "Oldsmobile Aurora Has Features That Make for Quiet Ride" (Mar. 1, 2000). Automotive Manufacturing and Production printed a review of the new 2001 Oldsmobile Aurora. Part of the review discusses features that make the Aurora's ride more quiet.

Michigan, Detroit, "Silencer Muffler Developed for Truck Engine "Jake" Brakes" (Mar. 1, 2000). Fleet Equipments reports on the benefits of engine brakes for the trucking industry. The Jacobs Vehicle Systems "Jake" brake is the most commonly used in the industry. Much of the article discusses the safety and technology behind "Jake" brakes. Part of the article is devoted to talking about the noise these brakes produce.

Michigan, Detroit area, "Detroit Area State Fairgrounds Redevelopment Not Supported by Everyone" (Apr. 19, 2000). The Detroit News printed these responses to a cyber survey regarding redevelopment of the state fairgrounds. The responses are printed in their entirety.

Michigan, Eagle, "Michigan Town Wants To Stop Sporting Clay Shooting" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal reports that town officials of Eagle, Michigan have asked the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to halt shooting of clay pigeons at the McMiller Sports Center.

Michigan, Elkhart, "Elkhart, Michigan Mayoral Candidate and Common Council Member Wants to Toughen Local Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 30, 1999). South Bend Tribune reports that an Elkhart, Michigan common council member and Republican mayoral candidate has proposed changes to toughen the noise ordinance; common problems in the community include motorists playing loud music and having loud exhaust systems. 154 noise violations have been written already this year. The current range for fines of $25-$100 would be raised to $100-$2500. Hours of enforcement would be changed from between 9 PM and 8 AM to around the clock. Violators could be identified with three criteria: noise audible at 50 feet from the source, noise registering 83 decibels or higher 15 feet from the source, or any inherently offensive or patently obnoxious noise. The words inherently and patently were added after complaints that the language was too vague.

Michigan, Flushing, "Police in Flushing, Michigan Use Unmarked Cars to Identify Noise Ordinance Violators" (Jul. 10, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that police in Flushing, Michigan have been cracking down on loud car stereos this summer using a 1992 noise ordinance. The ordinance includes a $500 fine or 90-day jail term for violators. Officers have been using unmarked cars to enforce the ordinance, so violators don't recognize patrol cars and lower the volume.

Michigan, Grayling, "Local Residents Annoyed by the Sounds of Soldiers at Camp Graying, Michigan" (Jun. 21, 1998). The Detroit News reports that the sounds of war games is annoying local residents living in the pristine area near Northern Michigan's Camp Grayling Site. The noise is coming from an almost 50% increase in summer training exercises at Camp Graying. Citizens and summer residents say the expanded training at the camp offends the solitude and drives away potential tourism. Military sources, however, say noise is a small price to pay for the opportunity to provide terrain that will prepare soldiers for war.

Michigan, Harrison, "Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison, Michigan Released a 10-year Study of Flight Patterns and Related Noise" (May 6, 1999). The Detroit News reports that the Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison, Michigan is releasing a study of changing flight patterns to assess noise impacts of military flights on surrounding communities. The study was conducted from 1987-97, and can help the community designate less noisy areas as residential in future zoning decisions. Twin engine fighters have been replaced with quieter single engine ones, night flights have been reduced, and engines are now tested in soundproofed 'hush houses.'

Michigan, Hazel Park, "Proposed Racetrack near Detroit Prompts Foes to Ask for Noise Study" (Apr. 20, 2000). The Detroit News reported that proposed racetrack for the State Fairgrounds has motivated 20 determined residents to challenge the plan and the county commissioner. They've called for a study on both noise and traffic.

Michigan, Lansing, "Owner of Noisy New Car Sues Ford and Dealership; Case Dismissed for Lack of Evidence" (Mar. 13, 2000). Crain Communications' Automotive News reports that a woman who owned a 1996 Mercury Sable sued Ford Motor Company and the dealership from which she bought the car because of a loud, unidentified noise that first started on the day she drove the car out of the dealership. The Michigan Court of Appeals has dismissed the lawsuit, stating there was not enough evidence to substantiate her "lemon law" complaint. The owner, Meryland Harris, claimed that the noise devalues the car and causes her not to drive it as often as she would have liked.

Michigan, New Boston, "Michigan Woman Wants Detroit Airport to Buy her Home, Claiming Health Effects from Noise" (May 4, 1998). The Detroit News reports a Michigan resident is battling with the Detroit Metropolitan Airport to buy her home, which lies beneath takeoff and landing flight path. The noise from the planes is slowly deafening her children, she claims.

Michigan, Romulus, "Airport Neighbors Fear Expansion Project Will Make Living Near Detroit Metropolitan Airport More Miserable" (Oct. 6, 1998). The Detroit News reports that more than 700 neighbors living near Detroit Metropolitan Airport want Wayne County to require the airport to take new steps to ease the noise before the airport begins its $1.6-billion airport expansion.

Michigan, Romulus, "Residents Fear Expansion at Detroit Metropolitan Airport will Increase Noise; They Insist on Noise Study" (Oct. 6, 1998). The Associated Press reports that residents fear the expansion of Detroit Metropolitan Airport will increase airport noise, despite county efforts to implement a noise abatement program.

Michigan, Romulus and Huron Township, "Federal Grant Gives $5 Million to Soundproof Homes Near Detroit Airport" (Apr. 16, 1998). The Detroit News reports that vice president Al Gore announced Wednesday that the Detroit (Michigan) Metropolitan Airport will get $5 million to soundproof 110 homes in Romulus and Huron Township, and to buy homes in the loudest areas. The article notes that this is the fourth year the airport has received the $5 million grant, which is part of the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program.

Michigan, Saginaw Township, "Michigan Town Wants to Lower Volume on Noisy Car Stereos" (Apr. 5, 1999). The Associated Press reports some residents of Saginaw Township, Michigan, want to see a change in a local noise ordinance that would focus on noisy car stereos.

Michigan, Southfield, "Michigan City Wins Fight for Noise Barrier Along Interstate" (May 6, 1997). The Detroit News reports that after a 10-year fight, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will extend a sound barrier wall on the north side of I-696 from Franklin Road to just short of Inkster Road in Southfield, Michigan. The decision comes after about 250 residents fought to have the noise barrier in their neighborhoods.

Michigan, Troy, "Jet Skis Targeted as Polluters of Michigan's Great Lakes" (Jul. 17, 1998). The Detroit News reports that scientists and others this summer are targeting personal watercraft with significantly polluting Michigan's Great Lakes. Millions of gallons of unburned fuel are being poured into the lakes from the inefficient two-stroke engines on Jet Skis and other personal watercraft, experts say. The article notes that state bills on Jet Ski restrictions have passed the House and Senate and are bound for Governor Engler's signature. The bills address issues of safety, training, and law enforcement related to personal watercraft, but don't address water pollution.

Michigan, Warren, "City Councilman and Neighbor Want Music from Noisy Ice Cream Truck Either Turned Down or Eliminated in Warren, Michigan" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Detroit News reports that the amplified music from boom box ice cream vendors peddling neighborhoods has mother, Diane Biskner, and Warren Councilman, Cecil St. Pierre, pushing for a new noise ordinance in Warren, Michigan.

Minneapolis-St. Paul, "Minnesota Twin Cities Officials Pass Compromise Plan for Jet Noise" (Feb. 15, 2000). According to the Minnesota Star Tribune, officials from Minneapolis and St. Paul voted to identify an area near the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as uninhabitable because of jet noise from a new runway expected to open in 2003.

Minnesota, Brooklyn Park, "Minnesota Orchestra Gets OK for Amphitheater, but Opponents Vow to Fight Noise Variance" (Mar. 24, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports while the Minnesota Orchestra won approval Wednesday for an outdoor concert amphitheater, it still faces a number of major hurdles, including obtaining a noise variance.

Minnesota, Brooklyn Park, "Residents in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota Oppose Minnesota Orchestra's Proposed Outdoor Amphitheater, Petition City Council to Ban Outdoor Amphitheaters in Residential Zones Entirely" (May 7, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that nearly 400 people attended a recent Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) meeting on whether to grant a noise variance to the Minnesota Orchestra's proposed outdoor amphitheater in Brooklyn Park. Most were against the project, saying the amphitheater will increase traffic, crime, and noise. 14 homes and a church would need to agree to any noise variance, but at least two are refusing to negotiate.

Minnesota, Eden Prairie, "Minn. Town Objects to Airport Expansion, Citing Noise Concerns and Charging Breach of Promise" (Aug. 7, 1998). The Star Tribune reports despite pressure from the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), officials and residents in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, object to expansion of their "reliever" airport because they fear an increase in noise and an alteration in their quality of life.

Minnesota, Mankato, "In Minnesota, Popular Personal Watercraft Bring Noise and Safety Concerns" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Associated Press reports as personal watercraft grow in popularity in Minnesota, they are attracting more scrutiny with regards to noise and safety issues.

Minnesota, Mankato, "Minnesota Competition Asks College Students to Design a Cleaner, Quieter Snowmobile" (Jan. 31, 2000). The Star Tribune reports that engineering students from seven colleges will compete in Jackson, Wyoming to have the cleanest, quietest snowmobile. The issues of air-pollution and noise in Wyoming state parks had been looming large, and the competition was conceived as a constructive way to address the issue.

Minnesota, Mankato, "US Engineering Students Compete in Nationwide Contest to Design Quieter Snowmobiles" (Feb. 1, 2000). An article in the Associated Press reported that if engineering students are successful, then a little more peace and quiet may be in store for Yellowstone National Park, and snowmobiles will have a better public image as a result.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Minnesota Gun Clubs Raise Tensions With Neighbors" (Dec. 24, 1997). The Star Tribune reports how gun clubs around the nation are under fire.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Minneapolis Plans to Rebuild Stretch of Highway 100" (Dec. 11, 1997). According to the Star Tribune, Hwy. 100 through Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Robbinsdale and Golden Valley, Minnesota will be rebuilt between 1999 and 2003 as a six-lane freeway from Glenwood Avenue to County Rd. 81 and as a four-lane freeway from there to 50th Avenue N., the Department of Transportation has announced.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Minneapolis Passes New Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 12, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that the Minneapolis (Minnesota) City Council has adopted a new noise ordinance that targets noise from almost any source, with some exemptions such as for aircraft in flight.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Re-routing Highway through Park Divides Minnesota Candidates; Noise an Issue" (Oct. 23, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that in the renewed debate over the impact of routing Highway 55 at Minnehaha Park, the potential casualties are many, city politicians as well as alleged quality of life issues including noise

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Minnesota Resident's Letter Supports Councilwoman's Stance on Noise Issues" (Oct. 29, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota printed a letter from a resident who supports City Council Member Dore Mead. He sees her support of noise reduction and abatement with regards to the Metropolitan Airports Commission as one of her most important stances.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Temporary Ban Set on Personal Watercraft in National Parks" (Sep. 18, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that federal officials announced Wednesday that a moratorium will be imposed on the use of personal watercraft in the National Park System, starting in October. The moratorium could lead to a permanent ban on the machines in many areas of the National Park System, the article says.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Company in Minnesota Relocates Due to Noise and Vibration from Metal-Shredding Plant" (Oct. 1997). Corporate Report Minnesota reports that the Japs-Olson Company has completed its move away from its office/warehouse space of about 300,000 square feet on the riverfront in North Minneapolis to escape from its neighbor, American Iron and Supply, a metal-shredding plant. Japs-Olson, a precision printing company, decided to move because the constant vibration from the metal shredder disturbed its printing equipment. Now, American Iron and Supply wants to build a five-story "Kondirator," which can handle 100 tons of metal an hour. The article says that the printing company is likely to have an extremely difficult time selling its property next to the metal-shredding company. Meanwhile, the city of Minneapolis is suing the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, saying that the agency didn't fully research environmental hazards of the Kondirator when it issued its permits.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Appellate Court Denies City its Noise Lawsuit against the Minneapolis Metropolitan Airport." (Aug. 19, 1998). The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the city of Richfield its noise lawsuit against the Metropolitan Airport. The suit contested the validity of the environmental impact statement that the airport used to win federal approval for the airport's crosswind runway.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Noise Levels Shift Back to Usual After Summer Work at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport" (Aug. 7, 1998). The Star Tribune reports on Monday about 170 daily airplane takeoffs will be shifted back to their usual runways at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, meaning quieter skies for some nearby communities and a return to the usual noise level for other areas.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Airports Commission Accuses Richfield of Using Insignificant Data to Halt New Runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport" (Nov. 17, 1998). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports the Metropolitan Airports Commission says the city of Richfield has been citing an insignificant noise study to try to stop plans for a new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Airports Commission and Town of Richfield at Standoff Over Noise from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport; Accusations Hurled from Both Sides" (Nov. 17, 1998). The Star Tribune reports the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the city of Richfield, Minnesota, are at an impasse over reports on low-frequency noise from jets on a proposed north-south runway at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Metropolitan Airports Commission and City of Minneapolis Agree to North-South Runway, Temporary Extension, and No Third Runway" (Nov. 17, 1998). PR Newswire published the following press release detailing two agreements regarding development at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport reached between the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) and the City of Minneapolis:

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Gets New Runway Despite Residents Charge of Flawed Noise Impact Findings" (Nov. 19, 1998). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports a new runway was approved for the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota International Airport despite protests from citizens criticizing the environmental impact findings of jet noise on their community.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Pilots' Strike Brings Some Quiet to Noisy World of Minneapolis, Minnesota" (Sep. 8, 1998). The Star Tribune reports an unintended consequence of the pilots' strike against Northwest Airlines: natural quiet beneath the airport flight paths in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "FAA Says Minneapolis' Metropolitan Airports Commission Can Not Use Airport Revenue for Future Noise Mitigation Because Such Money Must Be Used for Actual Costs" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the FAA has told Minneapolis, Minnesota's Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) that it can not use $30-million in airport revenue to mitigate noise because the expected work is not considered an "actual cost." The state legislature had designated the money in a law, and had thought it could fend off FAA disapproval "by including a provision that the MAC should not have to violate federal law or rules to comply with the state law."

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Insulation of Houses Around Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport -- Designed to Reduce Noise Levels -- Is Getting Expensive" (Aug. 16, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that now that noise mitigation funds at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota have been used to soundproof smaller homes nearest the airport, larger homes are next in line and will cost more to soundproof. Predictions estimate that the program may pay for work on 14,000 homes at a cost of about $435-million by the time it's completed.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Road Surface Materials Can Reduce Traffic Noise" (Mar. 21, 1999). The Star Tribune published a column in which a question was asked about the specific causes of freeway noise.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Workshops on Aircraft Noise in Minneapolis, Minnesota Will Teach Residents About Possible Noise-Abatement Changes, Including a Possible Lowering of the Qualifying Noise-Threshold for Home Insulation" (Nov. 30, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that workshops in Minneapolis, Minnesota over the next three days will teach residents about possible changes to the insulation program that may allow more homes near Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport to be insulated from noise.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Anti-Noise Group Criticizes Appointment of Northwest Airlines Official to Minneapolis, Minnesota's Planning Commission" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the anti-noise group Residents Opposed to Airport Racket (ROAR) have criticized a recent decision by Minneapolis' mayor to appoint a Northwest Airlines official to the city planning commission. The official, has background in "planning,... economic development and planning issues,", but noise activists say her "expertise [shouldn't] be turned against citizens affected by airport noise."

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "New Noise-Reducing Composite Introduced by Minneapolis, Minnesota Company" (Sep. 20, 1999). Design News reports that the Minneapolis, Minnesota company Prospec has introduced a new composite that is designed to reduce noise. The alternating layers of sound-absorbing foam and sound-containing vinyl could be placed in machinery housings to reduce noise.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "New Short-Term Leasing System to Encourage Airline Competition in Minnesota's Twin Cities Will Allow New Airlines to Opt Out of Paying for Some Noise Abatement Projects" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Star Tribune reports that a committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission for Minnesota's Twin Cities has approved a new leasing agreement which would designate up to seven gates as short-term. New airlines taking advantage of the new system can opt out of noise abatement fees for projects that are not included in the current plan.

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Richfield, Minnesota Wants to Demolish Hundreds of Houses and Apartments and Build More Residences and Office Buildings Elsewhere; Report on Low-Frequency Noise from Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Runway May Be a Barrier to Plans" (Jan. 7, 2000). The Star Tribune reports that a plan to redevelop part of Richfield, Minnesota may face an obstacle in the form of a low-frequency-noise report on Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport's new runway. The 8,000 foot runway will open in 2003. New buildings will be " built with the latest sound-stopping techniques and materials to blunt low-frequency noise."

Minnesota, Minneapolis, "Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine's "Nifty Fifty" Award Won by Donaldson Company's Silent Partner (tm) Truck Muffler" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Donaldson Company announced to the press that its Silent Partner (tm) muffler system has won a "Nifty Fifty" Award from Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine. The press release was sent over the PR Newswire and is reprinted here in its entirety:

Minnesota, Minneapolis / St. Paul, "Northwest Airlines Wants to Extend Runway in Minneapolis - St. Paul for Overseas Flights" (Jun. 4, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that airport officials of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport gave their initial support Tuesday to a plan to lengthen one runway temporarily and another permanently to allow Northwest Airlines to provide new non-stop flights between the Twin Cities and Hong Kong. A committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) said it would reserve a final decision on the issue until receiving input about the noise impacts of the decision from Minneapolis, Richfield, and Bloomington. However, the committee told Northwest Airlines it could have a decision by July.

Minnesota, Minneapolis / St. Paul, "Minnesota Airport Activist Group Gives Federal Officials a List of Requests" (May 14, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that the South Metro Airport Action Council, an airport noise activist group of Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota, gave a list of requests to the the Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise Tuesday at a public hearing on airport noise.

Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Louis Park, "Two Minnesota Neighborhoods Fight to Ensure Increased Train Traffic Isn't in Their Neighborhood" (Mar. 1, 1998). The Star Tribune reports that two neighborhoods in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area are fighting to ensure that train traffic increases, not in their own, but in the other neighborhood. The Twin Cities & Western freight trains pass through both the working class Blackstone Avenue neighborhood in St. Louis Park and the exclusive Kenwood and Cedar-Isles-Dean neighborhoods in Minneapolis, but only one of the towns will be experiencing a permanent increase in rail traffic. The next vote on the issue will occur Monday in St. Louis Park, the article reports, when the City Council will consider an agreement in which the town gets funds to clean up a contaminated Superfund site in exchange for eventually having the trains pass through their city.

Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, "Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Commission Committee Approves Regulations to Ensure Healthy Indoor Air After Homes Are Insulated Against Noise" (Apr. 9, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that the planning and environment committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), the agency which oversees the Minneapolis-St. Paul (Minnesota) International Airport, approved changes Tuesday in its noise insulation program to ensure that homes have healthy indoor air after they are insulated. The changes will require homeowners to add exhaust fans or take other corrective measures before insulation is installed if their homes have air quality problems. The proposed changes to the program will go to the full commission for approval on April 21.

Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, "Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Commission Considers Plan to Require Homeowners to Correct Air Quality Problems Before Homes Are Insulated" (Apr. 8, 1997). The Star Tribune reports that the Planning and Environment Committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), which oversees the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, will consider today a plan recommended by staff to require homeowners to pay for improvements to the air quality systems in their homes before insulation is installed to reduce jet noise. If the committee approves the recommendations, they will be taken up by the full commission on April 21.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minnesota Noise Wall Divides Residents" (Oct. 28, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that West Richfield residents will lose their view of Woodlake Nature Center in order to block the noise from Interstate Hwy. 35W.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minnesota City Near Airport Proposes Redevelopment Plan to Mitigate Noise from New Runway" (Apr. 21, 1998). The Star Tribune reports that city officials in Richfield, Minnesota are proposing a $200 million redevelopment plan to mitigate ground noise that is expected from a new north-south runway at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The redevelopment plan would destroy 1,000 homes and apartments near Cedar Avenue South and replace them with bigger buildings that would insulate against jet noise. The article notes that city officials are trying to convince the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) to pay for the plan. Meanwhile, the article says, about 50 residents attended a MAC meeting Monday hoping to discuss the matter with commissioners. But they left the meeting in anger, the article reports, after only one resident was allowed to address the Commission.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minnesota City Sues Airport Commission Over Shifting Jet Noise to Their Community" (Jun. 11, 1998). The Star Tribune reports that the city of Richfield, Minnesota is suing the Metropolitan Airports Commission in the U.S. Court of Appeals for shifting jet noise from the Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport to their community. City officials are suing to stop the daily use of the airport's crosswind runway that has shifted flights away from south Minneapolis and sent them over Richfield and Bloomington instead. The court case is expected to last at least two months, the article says.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Fearing Ground Noise Impact, Residents Ask Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport for Redevelopment Money for Mitigation" (May 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports Richfield residents and officials pleaded with airport officials Wednesday to protect their city from the negative effects of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport expansion.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Editorial: Minn. Politics and Bureaucracy Nix Citizens' Chance in Fighting New Runway at Metropolitan Airport" (Nov. 22, 1998). The Star Tribune published an editorial contending a Richfield, Illinois, couple who fought runway noise at the Metropolitan Airport, and lost, learned a bitter civics lesson involving the mixing of politics and bureaucracy.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Officials of Richfield, MN, and MAC Disagree Over Significance of Previously Unreleased Noise Study of New Runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport" (Nov. 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports the city of Richfield, Minnesota, charges the Metropolitan Airports Commission withheld a noise study report that held information favorable to Richfield's efforts to secure state and federal noise mitigation funds to address low-frequency noise from a proposed new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Can't Back Bonds for Noise Reduction Efforts with Airport Revenue Because Revenue May Only Be Used for "Actual Costs"" (Aug. 25, 1999). The Bond Buyer reports on several issues related to bonds, including an issue with bonds sought by the Minnesota Metropolitan Airports Commission. They want to back bonds -- to be used for noise reduction efforts -- with airport revenue. The FAA said that they can't, since the efforts represent "projected impact" and not "actual costs."

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minnesota's Legislature -- Which Initiated Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Expansion Plans Near Richfield -- Reluctant to Help Fund Noise Abatement" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the Minnesota Legislature -- which initiated plans for a new north-south runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport near Richfield -- does not seem willing to help pay for noise abatement that the project would necessitate. Last year, the city of Richfield almost sued the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) over lack of designated funds for noise abatement. The settlement included plans to seek funds from the Legislature, but so far there has been no success.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Richfield, Minnesota Home, Located Near Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Sells Today After the Reversal of a Decision By the U.S. Department of Housing to Deny the New Buyers' Request for Mortgage Insurance" (Sep. 21, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the sale of a home in Richfield, Minnesota went through today after the reversal of a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Originally, mortgage insurance was denied to the buyers since the house's proximity to a Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport runway made it likely that the "mortgage would outlast the house." A call from the local congressman, who was contacted by the sellers and by city officials, prompted the reversal of the decision. Some officials are worried about the implications of the original denial on future real estate deals, while others are not and say that the reversal will be the precedent.

Minnesota, Richfield, "Minnesota Airport Noise Consultants Disagree On Noise Impact Area" (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Star Tribune, a dispute between noise consultants resulted in a failure to define noise zones affected by jets using a new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Minnesota, Shakopee, "Fish and Wildlife Service Says Proposed Amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota Will Harm Neighboring Wildlife Refuge" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that the Fish and Wildlife Service has opposed an amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota that would disrupt animals and recreation at a wildlife refuge. A preliminary environmental review determined the noise wouldn't be too much, but the Fish and Wildlife Service wants further study at the 10,500 acre refuge.

Minnesota, St. Paul, "St. Paul Planning Commission Continues Suspension of New Metal Shredders" (Sep. 25, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that members of the St. Paul City Council voted on Wednesday to extend a temporary moratorium on new metal shredders in St. Paul as the city neared a decision on whether to make the ban permanent. Those in favor of the ban object not to recycling but to the noise and other types of pollution caused by operation. They say the industry should find a more appropriate site.

Minnesota, St. Paul, "St. Paul City Council To Consider Emergency Measure to Ban Late-Night Train Whistles in Minnesota" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Minneapolis Tribune reports the St. Paul City Council will be asked to consider an emergency ordinance to end late-night train whistles that are disturbing the sleep of hundreds of St. Paul residents.

Minnesota, St. Paul, "Minn. Refuge Paid $20 Million for Loss of Quiet Due to Jet Noise" (Sep. 18, 1998). The Associated Press reports that silence is worth at least $20 million, according to an appraisal of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

Minnesota, St. Paul, "MN Lawmakers Vote to Address Airport Noise Before Building New Runway" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Associated Press reports noise and pollution issues should be addressed before any more construction happens at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, a Minnesota House panel decided.

Minnesota, St. Paul, "St. Paul, Minnesota Musician/Pilot Warns that Current Site for Amphitheater Will Be Too Noisy Since It Sits Near an Important Air-Navigation Beacon" (Dec. 2, 1999). The Star Tribune prints a letter to the editor from a pilot/musician who believes the current site selected for the Minnesota Orchestra's amphitheater is too close to a crucial air-navigation landmark to avoid jet noise.

Minnesota, St.Paul, "Residents Object to University Soccer Stadium in St. Paul Neighborhood" (Jul. 1, 1998). The Star Tribune reports plans by the University of Minnesota to build a women's soccer stadium on its St. Paul campus have nearby residents and some local officials upset. They say it's inappropriate to build a soccer stadium in a residential neighborhood because of the noise, traffic and parking problems it will cause.

Minnesota, Stillwater, "Minnesota Town Gives Skateboarders a Park, but Noise Brings Complaints from Nearby Residents" (Sep. 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports while skateboarders in Stillwater, Minnesota, are excited about their new rink on the western edge of town, residents are complaining about the noise the skateboard facility brings to their neighborhood.

Minnesota, Twin Cities area, "Minnesota Appeals Court Gives Noise Variance to Amphitheater" (Mar. 22, 2000). According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the grassroots group Preserve Our Environment will take its case against a local amphitheater to the state's Supreme Court.

Mississippi, Gulfport, "Noise and Dust from Limestone Distribution Center in Gulfport, Mississippi Angers Residents" (Sep. 2, 1999). The Advocate reports that neighbors of a Gulfport, Mississippi are bothered by dust and noise from a nearby limestone distribution center. Vulcan Materials, owned by a Florida distribution company, receives bulk material by rail and sends almost 80 loaded dump trucks over local roads on their way to the Interstate each day. The Commission has said it will look into solutions, but insists that residences have "encroached on the plant", instead of the other way around, since the business predates many of the homes. Residents insist that the plant never should have been located there to begin with.

Mississippi, Gulfport, "Citizens Association for Responsible Development in Gulfport, Mississippi May Sue to Have Noisy Gravel Plant Moved" (Nov. 13, 1999). The State-Times/Morning Advocate reports that the Citizens Association for Responsible Development in Gulfport, Mississippi may sue to have a nearby gravel plant moved to another part of the county. The company has reduced it's noise, but vibrations are still bothersome. Engineers are studying the low frequency noise, and will report to county officials next month.

Mississippi, Jackson, "Mississippi House Approves Noise Pollution Immunity for Shooting Range" (Feb. 10, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports Mississippi state government endorsed civil immunity from noise pollution for a proposed firing range.

Mississippi, Southaven, "Mississippi Homeowners Renew Request for Berm to Muffle Airport Noise" (Mar. 17, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports a Mississippi homeowners association has renewed its plea for trees and berms to mitigate noise from the Memphis International Airport.

Missouri, ">Federal Aviation Administration Tentatively Approves Funding for Missouri Airport Improvement Program Projects" (Oct. 14, 1997). The publication Airports printed the following list of Airport Improvement Program projects tentatively approved for Missouri by the Federal Aviation Administration:

Missouri area, St. Louis, "Decision is Due This Summer on St. Louis Airport Expansion" (Jun. 15, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Federal Aviation Administration will rule this summer on whether the Lambert Airfield near St. Louis, Missouri can proceed with its expansion plan. By July, the FAA is expected to release a final study on the effects of expansion on the surrounding communities. As early as 30 days later, the agency will decide whether to approve or reject the expansion plan for a westward runway at the airport. The article goes on to report on all the details of the expansion plan, including the costs for the various parts of the project. A list of the country's busiest 20 airports is also given.

Missouri area, St. Louis, "Editorial Argues That Airport Expansion Plan Should Move Forward" (Nov. 30, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed an editorial that supports the W-1W expansion plan of the Lambert Airfield in the St. Louis, Missouri area. The editorial says the impact of a new, modern airport would be enormous on the development of the region in the next century. In addition, the editorial argues, the recent opening of MidAmerica Airport in St. Clair County has put the region in an excellent position to become a key player not only in air-passenger traffic, but also in air-cargo traffic.

Missouri area, St. Louis, "FAA Makes No Decision on Missouri Airport Expansion Plan; Opponents Say FAA Will Reject Plan" (Jul. 21, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials with the Federal Aviation Administration met with Leonard Griggs, the director of Lambert Field near St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday to discuss plans for Lambert's proposed expansion. However, the article says, the federal agency gave no indication on whether it intends to approve the controversial expansion plan. Meanwhile, some opponents of Lambert's expansion predicted that the FAA would soon reject the plan. A meeting between FAA Administrator Jane Garvey and a delegation of local officials on the same topic is slated for Thursday in Washington.

Missouri, Belton, "Belton, Missouri Candidates for Aldermen Discuss Opinions on Airport Expansion and Highway Widening" (Mar. 29, 2000). The Kansas City Star reports that upcoming elections for aldermen in Belton, Missouri hinge on issues that include developing an "intermodal hub" at Richards-Gebaur Memorial Airport, and widening a highway, both of which could bring increased noise to nearby neighborhoods.

Missouri, Berkeley, "Missouri Airport Agrees to Spend $35 Million to Build New Schools" (Jun. 11, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Louis (Missouri) Airport Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to spend up to $35 million to acquire land from the Ferguson-Florissant School District in Berkeley, near Lambert Field. The money will be used to purchase about 30 acres where Berkeley High School and four other district buildings are located, and will be used to build a new high school and elementary school. The article notes that the offer needs the approval of the city of St. Louis, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration, which have gone along with the proposal so far. The project is part of the airport's long-range plan to buy property because of airport noise, the article says, but is not related to the proposed airport expansion, according to Leonard Griggs, the airport director.

Missouri, Bridgeton, "Missouri Community Weighs Zoning Requests That May Cause Noise Pollution" (Dec. 8, 1997). The St. Louis Post Dispatch reports that Bridgeton (Missouri) City Council is considering two zoning requests, one from Dierbergs Markets and another from a church that wants to build an assisted-living center for the elderly. One major issue in the determination concerns the amount of noise pollution the proposals might produce.

Missouri, Clayton, "Clayton, Missouri Resident Believes Motorized Vehicles Should Stay Out of National Forests" (Jan. 5, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints a letter to the editor from a reader who believes that noisy motorized vehicles have no place in our national forests, where they can harm wildlife.

Missouri, Cool Valley, "St. Louis City Officials Criticized for Dismissing Residents' Airport Noise Concerns" (Mar. 25, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on a news conference where regional officials, clergy and neighbors of Lambert Field sharply criticized St. Louis city officials for dismissing their noise concerns regarding the construction of a new runway and other improvements.

Missouri, Creve Coeur, "Missouri Transportation Department Decides to Test Noise Levels on Interstate" (Jun. 19, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Missouri Department of Transportation is planning to conduct noise-level testing along the eastern side of Interstate 270 between St. John's Mercy Medical Center and DeSmet High School in Creve Coeur, to determine whether a sound wall should be built between the highway and neighboring homes. The agency decided to undertake the testing after receiving a letter from Sen. Betty Sims (R-Ladue) requesting the test on behalf of her constituents.

Missouri, Creve Coeur, "Missouri Zoning Commission Denies Expansion of Children's Center, Noise and Other Concerns" (May 21, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Creve Coeur, Missouri, Planning and Zoning Commission rejected the expansion plan of the Ranken Jordan Children's Rehabilitation Center. Citizens' objections ranged from the center's plan to use aluminum siding to concerns about noise.

Missouri, Creve Coeur, "Who Will Pay for Sound Walls Along Missouri's Interstate 270?" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that after the state denied their request to pay for sound walls along Interstate270, Creve Coeur, Missouri, officials are considering their financing options to mitigate noise along the interstate highway.

Missouri, Creve Coeur, "Creve Coeur, Missouri City Council Divided on Need for Sound Barrier Construction Along Interstate 270; Public Hearings to be Held" (Mar. 20, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Creve Coeur, Missouri City Council met recently to discuss the need for sound barrier construction along Interstate 270. Some members do not believe there is a need, and feel that the cost is too high. The Council discussed ways to request the state to change its funding formula in order to have the state pay more of the cost of the sound barrier construction.

Missouri, Creve Coeur, "Creve Coeur Missouri Residents Want Sound Barriers on Interstate But State Must Pay" (Mar. 23, 2000). According to the St. Louis Dispatch, residents of Creve Coeur want sound barriers around Interstate 270 among other requests to the city council as it reviews projects under the town's capital improvement plan.

Missouri, Fenton, "Fenton, Missouri Board of Aldermen Approved a Bill that Limits Noisy Construction to Roughly Daylight Hours" (May 27, 1999). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Fenton Board of Aldermen has limited the hours that construction companies can create noise to between 7 AM and sunset during the week, and between 8 AM and sunset on Saturdays and Sundays. Construction noise is defined as the work, related vehicular traffic and other noises that emanate from a construction site.

Missouri, Hazelwood, "Hazelwood, Missouri City Council Discusses Joining National Noise Organization" (Apr. 13, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Lambert Field in Hazelwood, Missouri plans to expand. At a recent City Council meeting, members discussed noise levels in the neighborhoods they represent.

Missouri, Jefferson City, "Missouri Bill Introduced to Ban "Jake Brakes"" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Associated Press reports that Roger Albright of Stewartsville, Missouri recently met with the Missouri Senate Transportation Committee to complain about loud truck "Jake Brakes" and to ask for legislation outlawing them. Albright claims that eighteen wheelers routinely engage the brakes on the road near his home, making it extremely difficult to sleep.

Missouri, Kansas City, "Kansas City Residents Want Park, Not Noisy Industry" (Jan. 22, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that residents of Coleman Highlands in Kansas City, Missouri, oppose a developer's plans to build a business in their quiet neighborhood. Concern about heavy traffic, noise, pollution and decreasing property values have prompted the group to ask the city to condemn the developer's property and turn it into a park.

Missouri, Kansas City, "Missouri Residents and Shopping Center Developers Try to Find Compromise" (Jun. 13, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that residents of the Foxridge subdivision in Kansas City, Missouri met earlier this week with developers of Olathe Station, a proposed shopping and entertainment complex at 119th Street and Strang Line Road, to discuss details of the development. The article explains that when the project was first proposed two years ago, residents and developers quickly took sides against each other. Now, they are trying to resolve their differences and mitigate potential noise pollution and other problems for residents.

Missouri, Kansas City, "Groups Disagree over Change in Kansas City Noise Ordinance" (Mar. 19, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports neighborhood leaders and abortion opponents disagreed Wednesday about a proposal to give police more power to enforce the city' s noise ordinance. Abortion opponents promised to sue if the ordinance is revised.

Missouri, Lee's Summit, "Missouri Residents Oppose Reactivation of Railroad Tracks in Their Neighborhood" (May 16, 1997). The Kansas City Star reports that the Union Pacific Railroad announced that it is planning to sell train tracks that run through Lee's Summit, Missouri to General Railway Corp., which plans to run trains from St. Louis to Kansas City. Residents in the eight subdivisions near the train tracks are frightened that the trains will bring noise and safety problems and drops in property values.

Missouri, Lee's Summit, "Missouri City Strengthens Noise Ordinance" (May 8, 1997). The Kansas City Star reports that the City Council in Lee's Summit, Missouri unanimously approved changes to its noise ordinance Tuesday. The changes include adding strict definitions of noise nuisances and giving police officers the ability to generate complaints.

Missouri, Lee's Summit, "Airport, City Officials, and Citizen's Group Reach Compromise Over Airport Expansion In Lee's Summit, Missouri" (May 5, 1999). The Kansas City Star reports that Airport officials, city officials, and the citizen's group Airport Expansion Evaluation Committee (AEEC) have reached a compromise over the expansion of an airport runway in Lee's Summit, Missouri. The proposed $20-$30 million project would extend the airport's major runway from 4,000 to 5,500 feet, but the city has agreed to hold off on the project until they learn whether Kansas City's Richards-Gebaur Memorial Airport is closing. Expansion at Lee's Summit depends on the ability to relocate pilots from the Kansas City airport closing.

Missouri, Lee's Summit, "Airport Report Goes to Missouri City Council" (May 29, 1999). The Kansas City Star reports that the Board of Aeronautical Commissioners unanimously approved a report on the environmental impacts of a proposed expansion of the Lee's Summit Municipal Airport. The report is scheduled to go before the City Council and, if approved, will go on to the Missouri Department of Transportation. Once approved by the department, the project will proceed. If it is rejected, the department will determine that a more in-dept environmental impact is needed.

Missouri, Madison County, "Workers Sue Steel Company in Missouri Over Noise Levels that Caused Hearing Damage" (Oct. 16, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a lawsuit was filed recently in Madison County (Missouri) Circuit Court against Granite City Steel Co. by 200 workers who say they have hearing loss and that the company allowed noise levels to be about 50% higher than federal safety standards permit.

Missouri, O'Fallon, "Mayor of O'Fallon, Missouri Admits He Purchased the Wrong Sound System for a Local Stadium, and Asks Aldermen to Budget for a Better, Quieter System" (Aug. 9, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the mayor of O'Fallon, Missouri admitted he purchased an inappropriately-loud sound-system for the "Little Rascals" baseball stadium. The system has caused noise complaints from residents around the stadium, and the mayor asked the aldermen to fund a new system; converting to the new system could cost $30,000-$100,000. Since the loud system was installed, the city has hired "a sound consultant, changed positions of the speakers and enacted a noise ordinance."

Missouri, O'Fallon, "O'Fallon, Missouri Enacts Emergency Noise Ordinance to Address Noise Complaints Directed At Baseball Field" (Jul. 22, 1999). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a noise ordinance was passed in O'Fallon, Missouri to address increasing noise complaints directed at a local ballfield. Noise registers in the high 90s at the field, and in the 50s outside of it; the new ordinance's limit is 93 inside the park and 50 outside. The city has hired a consultant to determine strategies for reducing noise, which may include replacing the speaker system in large part; the owner of the ballfield has said he is open to that possibility.

Missouri, Pasadena Hills, "Missouri Residents Lodge Complaints About Barking Dogs; New Noise Monitoring Stations Installed at Lambert Field" (Jul. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that residents in Pasadena Hills, Missouri have called Mayor Scott Livingston during evening hours to complain about barking dogs. Livingston said last week that there's little he can do personally about the problem. In other news, the Pasadena Hills Board of Alderman last week heard a report about new noise monitoring stations to be installed at Lambert Field.

Missouri, Pasadena Park, "New Monitoring System for St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field Airport Will Produce More Specific Information About Noise Impacts from Aircraft" (Apr. 26, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that 20 new noise-monitoring devices spread throughout communities surrounding St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field Airport will show airport officials the details of airport noise impacts. The devices determine day-night level decibels (DNLs), and will also include "aircraft types, flight times and altitude related to noise levels." The FAA's Regulation Part 150 sets noise mitigation guidelines that include the use of monitoring devices. Airport officials also hope that the increasingly-used, quieter Stage 3 aircraft will help reduce noise as well.

Missouri, Pasadena Park, "Pasadena Park, Missouri Airport to Install Monitors in Community to Monitor Noise Levels" (Apr. 26, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Lambert Field Airport will install computer-driven monitors in Pasadena Park in order to come into compliance with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines for noise mitigation. The airport also offers homes and businesses affected by the noise several compensatory options.

Missouri, Richmond Heights, "Commuter Rail to Be Expanded in Richmond Heights near St. Louis, Missouri; Noise Consideration to Be Part of Plan" (Nov. 11, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a commuter rail system will be expanded through Richmond Heights, near St. Louis Missouri. Each station along the route, a neighborhood committee will be formed to discuss concerns with the developers in charge of the project. Additional noise studies may be performed along the route to determine any problem areas. Noise walls may be placed in some areas.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Lambert Field (St. Louis) Officials Ignore Community Complaints" (Apr. 23, 1997). St. Charles, Missouri residents are circulating a petition to force its county council and Lambert Field officials to create a airport noise management program, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri Citizens Group Calls for Local Officials to Take a Stand on Pursuing Noise Agreement with Airport" (Aug. 19, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that members of St. Charles (Missouri) Citizens Against Aircraft Noise (CAAN) are urging more aggressive action by local officials in pursuing a noise agreement with city officials in St. Louis over noise from Lambert Field. CAAN opposes an airport expansion plan favored by St. Louis officials that would extend a runway two miles closer to St. Charles. CAAN members have staged a rally for September 6 and are urging officials who support the group to attend and speak at the event.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Rally Scheduled in Missouri Town to Protest Airport Noise" (Sep. 5, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the citizens group St. Charles Citizens Against Aircraft Noise will hold a rally Saturday in St. Charles, Missouri to protest airport noise at Lambert Airfield. The rally is being used to urge local officials to more aggressively pursue a noise agreement with St. Louis officials.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri City Studies Legal Options to Fight Airport Expansion" (Jun. 30, 1997). The St. Louis Business Journal reports that the St. Charles (Missouri) City Council is considering its legal options in opposing expansion plans for Lambert St. Louis International Airport. Council members are worried that the W-1W expansion plan which has been submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration for approval will send more low-flying planes over St. Charles. Although the council appears to be preparing for a legal battle, council members said they also are keeping lines of communication open and trying to reach an agreement on noise abatement with airport authorities.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri Residents Group Against Airport Expansion Pushes County Council to Work Toward Noise Abatement Agreement" (May 30, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that members of the St. Charles County Citizens Against Airport Noise (CAAN), a group opposed to westward expansion of Lambert Airfield near St. Louis, Missouri, has asked the St. Charles County Council to follow through on a resolution it passed in December to work toward a noise-abatement agreement with St. Louis, which owns the airport. At Tuesday's meeting of the County Council, CAAN members also told the council that although the group was formed to oppose the westward expansion of the airport, it was shifting its emphasis to focus on getting a noise-abatement agreement with Lambert officials.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Rally Held in Missouri Town to Protest Airport Runway Plan" (Sep. 7, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a rally was held Saturday at the St. Charles (Missouri) City Hall to protest the proposed runway west of Lambert Air Field outside St. Louis. An estimated 500 people attended the two-hour rally organized by St. Charles Citizens Against Aircraft Noise. City, county, and state elected officials also attended and spoke at the rally.

Missouri, St. Charles, "County Vows to Sue if Noise Pact not Reached with Lambert Field Airport" (Jun. 29, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri's St. Charles County will file a lawsuit to stop any expansion plan at Lambert Field unless it gets an agreement that aircraft noise will be lowered from present levels.

Missouri, St. Charles, "St. Louis Agrees to Address Airport Noise from Lambert Field" (Mar. 17, 1998). The Louis Post-Dispatch reports efforts by St. Charles to convince St. Louis to reduce aircraft noise from Lambert Field Airport has reached an important point.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri City Officials Prepare to Spend $100,000 on Public Education Campaign Opposing Airport Expansion" (Mar. 30, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials in St. Charles, Missouri are preparing to spend around $100,000 on a public awareness campaign submitted by St. Charles Citizens Against Airport Noise (CAAN) that would educate community members about the city's opposition to the W-1W expansion plan for Lambert Field, which is owned and operated by St. Louis.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri Quarry Wants to Expand, But Planning and Zoning Commission Recommends Rejection of Rezoning Request" (Apr. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Planning and Zoning Commission in St. Charles, Missouri has recommended that the City Council reject a re-zoning request by LaFarge Corporation for the St. Charles Quarry. The company wants to re-zone a 38-acre tract of land southwest of Friedens Road and west of its intersection with South River Road to expand its quarry operation. The land currently is zoned "limited industrial," and the company is asking that it be re-zoned to "general industrial." This would allow the quarry to expand closer to the residential areas that already surround it on three sides. But residents who live nearby objected to the proposed change, saying the quarry company already doesn't do enough to control dust, noise, vibrations, traffic, and debris.

Missouri, St. Charles, "County Says No Choice Left Except to Sue Over Noise from Missouri's Lambert Field Airport" (Nov. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri's St. Charles County Council decided Thursday evening to sue St. Louis over expansion plans at Lambert Field Airport, claiming the city's expansion plan is flawed and will dramatically increase noise levels.

Missouri, St. Charles, "St.Charles County, Missouri, Joins Cities in Lawsuit to Block Expansion and Noise at Lambert Field Airport" (Nov. 23, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports St. Charles County, Missouri, has joined the cities of St. Charles and Bridgeton in taking legal action against expansion at Lambert Field Airport. The lawsuit objects to increased noise among other issues.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Missouri Town Seeks Enforceable Resolution Over Noise from Lambert Field Airport" (Oct. 12, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the St. Charles County Council in Missouri is seeking a noise-reduction agreement with St. Louis regarding Lambert Field Airport. If no agreement appears to be forthcoming, St. Charles is threatening to sue the city of St. Louis.

Missouri, St. Charles, "St. Charles Will Join Bridgeton Lawsuit Against Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field" (Oct. 9, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports officials in St. Charles, Missouri, are waiting for the full release of a federal report on the expansion of Lambert Field before joining Bridgeton in federal court to challenge that expansion.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Leaders in Missouri Towns Travel to St. Louis to Voice Concerns over Airport Expansion" (Sep. 25, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports St. Charles and Bridgeton leaders are planning a major presence Monday in downtown St. Louis to express their concern over expansion plans at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport. Intolerable aircraft noise lies at the heart of their opposition.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Nearby Towns Say the Issue is Noise; Vow to Fight FAA Approval of Expansion of St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field" (Sep. 30, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports if, as expected, the Federal Aviation Administration gives the green light to the $2.6 billion W-1W plan for expanding Lambert Field, the announcement will set in motion legal actions by public officials in St. Charles County.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Residents of St. Charles, Missouri Rally to Stop Expansion of Lambert Field" (Oct. 2, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on citizen views and their efforts to stop the expansion of Lambert Field near St. Charles, Missouri.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Noise Activists Bussing Their Message Up to State Legislature Regarding Airport Expansion" (Apr. 22, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a citizen group formed to fight noise pollution emanating from Lambert Field is heading up to the Missouri Legislature en masse in order to get their point across.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Air Traffic Controllers Join Others in Opposing Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport" (Mar. 18, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a leader of a St. Charles, Missouri, group fighting the expansion of Lambert Field said more people are joining St. Charles in filing court papers opposing the expansion plan.

Missouri, St. Charles, "Airport Expansion Opponents in St. Charles, Missouri Speak to an Unmoved St. Louis Airport Commission About Increased Noise and Safety Concerns" (Jun. 4, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Louis Airport Commission was unfazed by a statement from St. Charles, Missouri's Citizens Against Aircraft Noise (CAAN). The statement said that a real-time study should be performed before a third runway -- which would be two miles closer to St. Charles and increase noise -- is approved at Lambert Field. CAAN co-chairman Pat McDonnell asked for a real-time study of the expansion plan, which would include a computer model of predicted impacts. "We need your assurances that our families and homes are not in danger," McDonnell said. "You would demand the same for your families."

Missouri, St. Charles, "Columnist Asserts that Many St. Louis Area Politicians Are Losing Support from St. Charles Residents Because of Their Denial of the Aircraft Noise Problem" (Sep. 20, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints a column that mentions a long list of politicians in the St. Louis area who are either championing the fight against aircraft noise pollution, or are ignoring it. The issue of noise is getting attention because of a proposed $2.6 billion expansion at Lambert Field.

Missouri, St. Charles County, "Local Missouri Officials Will Meet With FAA Over Airport Expansion Plan" (Jun. 11, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials in St. Charles County and Bridgeton, Missouri will meet Tuesday with Susan Kurland, the associate administrator for airports at the Federal Aviation Administration, over plans to expand Lambert Field. According to Joe Ortwerth, a St. Charles County Executive, the meeting should resolve whether the FAA will conduct a "real time" simulation study that would produce data about the noise levels of the proposed expansion.

Missouri, St. Charles County, "County Official Says Legal Hand Forced over Noise from Missouri's Lambert Field" (Nov. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Charles County Councilman believes a lawsuit could have been avoided over noise at Missouri's Lambert Field if St. Louis officials had been more cooperative.

Missouri, St. Charles County, "County Exec. Urges St. Charles to Join Lawsuit Against FAA Over New Runway Plan for Missouri's Lambert Field" (Oct. 12, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Charles County leader is advising the county to join a lawsuit to overturn the approved expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport.

Missouri, St. Charles County, "St. Charles, Missouri, Council May Join Suit Against Lambert Runway" (Oct. 15, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the St. Charles County Council is getting closer to joining in a lawsuit aimed at stopping the construction of a runway at Lambert Field, an expansion that would bring the airport two miles closer to St. Charles.

Missouri, St. Clair, "Quarry in St. Clair, Missouri May Need County Approval to Begin Operations" (Mar. 16, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Capitol Quarries of Jefferson City wishes to operate a quarry on the Suntrup Farms property on Dry Branch Road in St. Clair. Many residents oppose the quarry operation because of the noise that it will generate. Legal technicalities concerning Missouri state statutes that govern quarry operations may or may not work in the quarry's favor.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Federal Aviation Administration Completes Environmental Assessment of Airport Expansion In Missouri" (Dec. 23, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the expansion of the Missouri Airport at Lambert Field won a big endorsement from the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Missouri Community Persists In Struggle Against Airport Noise" (Dec. 23, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Charles officials and residents say they will continue to press their case for reducing aircraft noise over the county and protecting a historic commercial district as they respond to a federal agency's assessment of the environmental impact of Lambert Field.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Missouri Continues Plans For Airport Expansion At Lambert Field" (Dec. 29, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that opponents of Lambert Field's airport expansion vow to fight on, but it looks like their battle will be lost.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Noise and Air Pollution are Driving People Away from St. Louis, Residents Say" (Nov. 23, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Environmental Protection Agency held a public forum in St. Louis, Missouri Saturday to gather input on environmental problems. Residents who attended the forum told agency officials that many environmental concerns, including noise and industrial air pollution, are helping to destabilize neighborhoods and depopulate the city.

Missouri, St. Louis, "St. Louis Struggles With Proposed Development" (Jan. 19, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Louis residents are in conflict over a proposed development in Highway 141. Some residents say the proposed food shop car wash and oil change center is the best sale they can make for their land. Others fear the noise and traffic will change the residential nature of the area, and lower the surrounding land values.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Missouri Residents Meet with Airport Authority about Noise Grievances" (Mar. 3, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports of a meeting that took place last week between the St. Louis Airport Authority and area residents with noise grievances. The article details residents' concerns and an airport representative's responses.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Committee in St. Louis,Missouri Secures Noise Monitor from Airport Authority as a Response to Residents' Complaints" (Apr. 2, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the airport authority is placing monitors in residential areas in a response to residents' complaints about noisy aircraft. The monitors will be able to help pinpoint the altitude and position of the plane when a noise complaint is called into the airport.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Changes in Lambert Field's Expansion Plan Means More Noise, Critics Charge" (Sep. 13, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch of St. Louis, Missouri, reports opponents of Lambert Field's expansion plan contend that changes made in the proposal would generate more noise south of the airport than originally anticipated.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Missouri's Lambert Field to Install New Noise Monitor to Aid Residents" (Sep. 17, 1998). The Louis Post-Dispatch reports an easement was approved for a new permanent noise monitor to determine the amount of noise residents are subjected to from Missouri's Lambert Field Airport.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Bridgeton Files Suit After FAA OK's Lambert Expansion; Various Factions Speak Out" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday approved southwest expansion into Bridgeton at Missouri's Lambert Field. A few hours later, attorneys for Bridgeton filed suit in St. Louis Circuit Court to try to overturn the plan.

Missouri, St. Louis, "County Tries to Block Expansion of Lambert Field Airport in St. Louis, Missouri" (Oct. 2, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Charles County may join others in a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration to block the expansion of Lambert Field Airport.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Economic Developers See Benefits if Missouri's Lambert Field Expands" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports economic development officials predict expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field would have a wide-ranging direct and indirect impact, creating thousands of new jobs, pouring billions of dollars into the local economy, and helping Lambert compete with airport hubs across the United States.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Opponents of Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Picket in St. Louis" (Sep. 29, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports despite expected federal approval of Missouri's Lambert Field's expansion plan, three busloads of opponents picketed outside St. Louis City Hall on Monday.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Groups Picket St. Louis City Hall Over Expansion Plans for Missouri's Lambert Field Airport, Citing Noise and Safety Concerns" (Sep. 9, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports three organizations that oppose the expansion plan for Missouri's Lambert Field are scheduled today to picket the St. Louis City Hall. After the picketing, they hope to meet with St. Louis Mayor Clarence Harmon to voice their complaints.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Committee Urges Tests of Noise Controls Before Proceeding with Redevelopment Plan for Missouri, Housing Complex" (Apr. 12, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports noise is a concern of a committee overseeing expansion of a housing complex in St. Louis, Missouri.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Airlines at St. Louis' Lambert Field Airport Will Meet January 1, 1999 Deadline for Full Stage-Three Compliance" (Aug. 20, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that airlines at Lambert Field in St. Louis expect engine noise on all aircraft to meet quieter stage-three requirements by January 1, 1999. St. Louis-based TWA was well behind that deadline at 75%. TWA is now acquiring a new aircraft every ten days, and will go from being the oldest fleet in the nation to the youngest by 2004. Anti-noise activists claim that stage-three aircraft will not necessarily be quieter

Missouri, St. Louis, "Resident Warns Against Noise and Environmental Destruction In Wake of Missouri Department of Transportation Projects" (Nov. 18, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints an editorial which claims that Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) projects always result in destruction of communities. The writer asserts that MoDOT answers to no-one but a poorly defined independent council, and is not concerned with the noisy, environmentally-insensitive aftermath it leaves in a community because it doesn't have to be. The writer urges residents to sit down with their representatives to demand more accountability.

Missouri, St. Louis, "University of Missouri: St. Louis Professor Says Proposed Campus Performing Arts Center Will Be Sub-Standard Due to Noise from Overhead Jet Flights" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Riverfront Times reports that a physics professor at the University of Missouri -- St. Louis is saying that a planned campus performing arts center will be plagued with noise from jets flying overhead. The professor says the site should be moved to south campus and should be built with a thicker roof and walls that would block 10 additional decibels of outside noise.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Small St. Louis Airport Too Busy to Grow" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Spirit of St. Louis airport is the source of residents' complaints of noise and safety. The article said that the airport, once a small, recreational airport is now the third-busiest in the four-state area.

Missouri, St. Louis, "St.Louis, Missouri Ball Park Will Try to Contain Noise with New Sound System" (Apr. 5, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the city of St. Louis, Missouri is taking steps to ensure that noise from the T.R. Hughes Ballpark will be contained when the River City Rascals begin playing ball there this season.

Missouri, St. Louis, "High School Student in St. Louis Wins Prize for Hearing Research on Teenage Noise Exposure" (Apr. 10, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on a scientific research project contest for high school students. Senior Shannon Goebel won a first-place prize for her research on the actual and perceived noise levels to which teen-agers are exposed.

Missouri, St. Louis, "Increased Traffic in St. Louis Prompts Requests for Sound Barrier" (Mar. 27, 2000). An article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed an op-ed article about increased traffic in the St. Louis area, prompting some mayors from area cities to take action against the noise.

Missouri, St. Peters, "Missouri Alderman Sponsors Bill to Restrict Speedway Operations, Citing Noise Complaints" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Peters, Missouri, Alderman is pushing a bill to further restrict noise from the St. Charles Speedway.

Missouri, Sunset Hills, "Missouri Residents Want Noise Relief from Traffic but Disagree on Sound Wall" (Feb. 8, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports residents disagree about a sound wall the Missouri Department of Transportation is building between the highway and their neighborhood.

Missouri, Warren County, "Missouri County Allows Expanded Quarrying Operations Despite Residents' Objections to Increased Noise and Decreased Property Values" (Nov. 16, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Warren County, Missouri, Commission overturned a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission Friday and voted to allow a company to expand its quarrying operation. Nearby residents object to the expansion saying it will bring increased noise and decreased property values.

Missouri, Wildwood, "Missouri Residents Oppose Plan for Shopping Center in Rural Area Due to Noise and Traffic" (Jun. 8, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Planning and Zoning Commission in Wildwood, Missouri is considering a plan to re-zone 18 acres of land from residential to commercial use, paving the way for a shopping center at Highways 100 and 109. But residents attending a meeting of the commission said they opposed the project because it would increase noise and traffic, and destroy the green space and rural atmosphere of the town.

MN, Minneapolis, "Minneapolis Mayors Discuss New Runway At Twin Cities' Airport" (Sep. 25, 1996). The Southwest Journal reports a committee of mayors is discussing a new runway and its noise control at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. The Legislature is directing the Metropolitan Airport Commission to spend at least $100 million by the year 2002, $50 million more than originally planned, on noise control. The MAC has already promised to spend $135 million on noise control, raised by passenger fees and federal grants. Legislature has given the mayors the power to recommend how the money should be spent. Earlier this year the Legislature voted to expand the airport and not build a new airport.

Monaco, Gorbio, "Monte Carlo Rally Held for Electric Vehicles" (Nov. 29, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed a column reporting on the third Monte Carlo Rally for Electric Vehicles, the FIA Solar Cup, held near the village of Gorbio, Monaco.

Montana, West Yellowstone, "US Snowmobile Manufacturer Announces Quieter Machines For Testing in Yellowstone" (Jan. 14, 2000). An article from the PR Presswire reported that Arctic Cat announced that it would loan two prototypes for a quieter snowmobile to the National Park Service for use in Yellowstone National Park.

Montana, Yellowstone National Park, "'Snowmobile' is a Fighting Word in Yellowstone National Park; Man and Motor Versus Natural Quiet" (Feb. 28, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the snowmobile's noise and pollution in Yellowstone National Park is the latest topic in a larger debate of how to appreciate nature on public lands in the United States.

Montana, Yellowstone National Park, "Snowmobile Debate in US Parks Goes National with Petition from Green Groups" (Feb. 12, 1999). USA Today reports a coalition of environmental groups in the United Sates is calling for the ban of recreational snowmobiles in national parks, setting off a contentious debate covering issues from noise and pollution to local economies and civil rights.

Montreal, Pierrefonds, "Pierrefonds, Montreal Landfill Site Monitored by City Committee to Address Citizen Complaints" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Gazette reports that the community of Pierrefonds in Montreal, Canada has set up a committee to monitor a landfill facility. Citizens had complained, and the committee is there to serve as a go between. The landfill is used by a private company to dump construction debris, and the owner has been patient, "despite the lengthy delays and initial residents' mistrust of his operation." Two years ago, the project was almost rejected, but with stricter environmental restrictions were approved and changes in the board, the project was approved.

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