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Noise Control.
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Calgary Night Club Owner Promises Little Late Night Noise (Apr. 20, 2000). The Calgary Herald reported on that the owner of a new sports night club has promised neighbors that his night club will not disturb them with late-night noise problems like a previous nightclub did.
Florida Nightclub Meets Noise Complaints with Louder Music (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the St. Petersburg Times, the owners of Plant Bubba in Hernando County, vow to crank up the music more nights during the week when county commissioners strengthen existing noise ordinances.
Rhode Island Town's New Ordinance is Tougher but Will it Work? (Apr. 19, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reported that the Town Council in Bristol asked residents to identify areas in their neighborhoods and throughout the town that are noise problems.
Alaska Boom Cars Prompt Complaint (Apr. 17, 2000). The Anchorage Daily News printed this letter to the editor about boom cars and neighborhood tranquility. The letter is printed in its entirety.
Coping With Noise Involves Action (Apr. 16, 2000). The Chicago Sun-Times printed an article about resolving noise complaints. The article, while brief, listed steps to take to resolve the complaint. The article recommended first solving the problem by going to the source and conducting a reasonable discussion.
Ohio Town Writes New Noise Ordinance Because of Noisy Semi Trucks (Apr. 16, 2000). According to the Columbus Dispatch, truck traffic in downtown Delaware, Ohio has sparked a debate on whether anyone can do anything about the jarring noise, which can shake the mortar loose from the bricks.
Will Noisy Neighbors Hinder Condominium Sale? (Apr. 14, 2000). Newsday published a question and answer column about real estate issues. A reader posed a question about condominium noise, and attorney Michael Cohen answered the question.
Loud Noises Causing Increasing Rates of Hearing Loss in New York City (Apr. 14, 2000). The New York Times reports in an editorial that a citywide minute of quiet that was supposed to take place on Wednesday as part of International Noise Awareness Day was a failure in New York City. The minute of quiet is encouraged by the League for the Hard of Hearing. The writer discerned no reduction in the noise level during that time.
State of Illinois Awaits Governor's Signature on Bill Outlawing Boom Cars (Apr. 14, 2000). The Copley News Service reports that the Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill that will penalize drivers of vehicles playing stereos that can be heard at least 75 feet away from the vehicle. Police will be able to fine offenders $50 for violations. The bill will shortly be presented to Governor George Ryan for his signature.
By Court Order: Noise Ordinance Violators Must Listen to Country Music (Apr. 14, 2000). AP Online reports that cities are using innovative ways of punishing noise violators. Much of the article discusses how some college students in Connecticut were forced to attend an opera performance as punishment for breaking various campus rules. A small portion of the article deals with unique punishment for noise ordinance violations.
Washington County, Arkansas Seeks Legal Advice Before Passing Noise Ordinance Against Barking Dogs (Apr. 13, 2000). The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that some residents in Washington County, Arkansas have complained about barking dogs at a local animal shelter. A noise ordinance was proposed, but was tabled by the Animal Concerns Advisory Board because it was too vague and would be difficult to enforce.
Freehold, New Jersey Town Noise Ordinance Will Not Be Amended to Prohibit Barking Dogs During Daytime Hours (Apr. 13, 2000). The Asbury Park Press reports that Helen Doane, a resident of Freehold, New Jersey, requested that the Freehold Borough Council amend its noise ordinance to read that barking dogs may not be left outside all day while their owners are gone. The Council refused to change the ordinance.
Barrington, Rhode Island Institutes Noise, Restraint, and Waste Ordinances Against Nuisance Dogs (Apr. 12, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the town of Barrington, Rhode Island has recently instituted pet ordinances, mostly focused on problems with dogs. A restraint ordinance requires that dogs will have to be kept on leashes; a waste removal ordinance requires that owners pick up after their dogs when off the owner's property; and a noise ordinance will require that owners ensure their pets are not disturbing neighbors with barking and other noise.
Homeowners Can Build Their Own Garden Sound Berms to Block Noise from Neighbors (Apr. 12, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle publishes a gardening column. The columnist, Michele Driscoll Alioto, suggests that if readers are bothered by noise from traffic or neighbors' equipment when they are seeking peace and quiet in their gardens, they can help solve the problem by using plants and soil as a noise barrier.
Resident in Droitwich, England Fined for Violating Residential Noise Abatement Notice (Apr. 11, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail in England reports that Darryl Knight of Droitwich, Worcestershire, England was found guilty of violating a noise abatement notice that had been issued to him by Wychavon District Council's environment protection department. He was fined pounds 300 for causing a noise nuisance in his neighborhood after playing music and operating his TV at excessively high noise levels.
Riverside County, California Wrestles With Rooster Ownership Ban Because of Noise Complaints (Apr. 9, 2000). The Press-Enterprise reports that Cindy Scheirer, a resident of Pedley, California, is perpetually annoyed by the noise made by hundreds of roosters owned by her neighbors in this rural community. Scheirer estimates that there are at least eight nearby properties that each have more than fifty roosters.
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania Readers Bothered by Boom Boxes (Apr. 9, 2000). The Sunday News in Lancaster, Pennsylvania printed a letter to the editor from two readers in Elizabethtown who are concerned about car stereo noise. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Hong Kong Tenants Consider Filing Lawsuit Against Landlord Over Construction Noise (Apr. 9, 2000). The South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reports that most tenants in Kam Yuen mansions on Old Peak Road have decided to move from their apartments because of ongoing, intolerable construction noise in the buildings. During the construction, they have continued to pay $40,000 per month in rent, and some of them are now considering suing the landlord for $250,000 each for damages.
Proposed Noise Bylaw in Central Elgin County, England Difficult to Draft Because Some Residents Tolerate More Noise Than Others (Apr. 9, 2000). The London Free Press in England reports that people have varying degrees of tolerance for noise, based partly on where they live, and also on their particular personalities. This makes noise issues difficult to regulate and enforce.
Bullhead City, Arizona Rolls Out Tough New Noise Ordinance Aimed at Curbing "Boom-Box" Noise (Apr. 9, 2000). The Arizona Republic reports that the town of Bullhead City, Arizona is about to put into effect a new, strict noise ordinance that will hopefully solve the city's problems with car stereos. Resident Brian Stevens helped spearhead the effort to get the ordinance passed.
Reader in Spring Hill, Florida Asks About Legal Rights Concerning Neighborhood Noise (Apr. 6, 2000). The St. Petersburg Times recently published a letter to the editor from a reader who has legally questions about residential noise in her Spring Hill, Florida neighborhood. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
State of Oklahoma on its Way to Final Passage of Boom Car Law (Apr. 5, 2000). The Daily Oklahoman reports that the Oklahoma House of Representatives recently passed an anti-car stereo noise bill. Final language needs to be drafted on the bill, however, and it may not pass during this year's legislative session. The Senate passed the bill in March by a vote of 26-17.
Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) Residents Protest Noise From "Rave" Concerts (Apr. 3, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in Canada reports that "rave" concerts in Richmond, on the outskirts of Vancouver, have been annoying residents in Vancouver and preventing them from being able to sleep.
Vero Beach, Florida Residents Want Noise Ordinance Amended Because of Loud Music From Café (Apr. 2, 2000). The Press Journal in Vero Beach, Florida reports that residents Jim and Kathleen Norconk have had it with the loud music from the local Riverside Café. They have hired attorney James A. Taylor to help them with a petition that they hope will encourage the City Council to amend its noise ordinance. Other residents in the communities of Vero Isles, Vista Harbor, and McKee Point are supportive of the Norconks' efforts.
Residents in Bryden Canyon, Idaho Up in Arms Over New Road (Apr. 2, 2000). The Lewiston Morning Tribune in Idaho reports that a new road in Bryden Canyon, which opened in 1999, has brought nothing but noise and problems to residents who lived there before the road opened. The new road, Bryden Canyon Road, is four lanes wide and connects Southway Bridge and Snake River Avenue to the Orchards. The residents are very displeased with the lack of concern by the city and the city's refusal to follow through on promised noise mitigation.
City of Largo, Florida in Process of Amending Noise Ordinance (Apr. 2, 2000). The St. Petersburg Times reports on a noise ordinance in Largo, Florida that is in the process of being amended because the current one is too vague.
Wooden Flooring Can Be an Annoying Conductor of Sound in Apartment Buildings (Apr. 1, 2000). The Financial Times in London reports that many city apartment dwellers are at loggerheads with their neighbors over noise. An environmental health officer explains that much of the problem can be fixed with the installation of the proper type of flooring and insulation.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nightclub Considers Attracting Different Clientele in Order to Reduce Club Noise (Mar. 31, 2000). The Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida reports that the Roxy nightclub has been the target of noise complaints by area residents. Club owner Stuart Konecky has been considering changing the type of music that he offers at the club so that the current club crowd, mostly African-Americans, will go elsewhere. He claims the move is not racially motivated.
Reader Protests Preschool Noise in Vancouver, Washington Neighborhood (Mar. 31, 2000). The Columbian in Vancouver, Washington recently printed a number of letters to the editor. One of them is from a reader who is disturbed by noise from a preschool in her residential neighborhood. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Suburban High School District Near Chicago Responds to Residents' Complaints About Air Conditioner Noise (Mar. 31, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the noise from air-conditioning units on the roof of Hoffman Estates High School was annoying neighbors. Palatine-Schaumburg Township High School District 211 has responded by agreeing to install sound insulating material around the units. According to the article, the state has been dealing with noise complaints about the high school's air conditioning system ever since it was first installed one and a half years ago. Residents had complained because the air conditioning units were running seven days a week. Assistant Superintendent Robert Rozycki said that it was necessary because of community programs that take place at the school on weekends. They tried turning on the units at 9:00 AM instead of 6:00 AM in an attempt to placate residents.
North Lincolnshire, England Council Must Pay Compensation to Resident for Failing to Take Timely Action Against Noisy Club (Mar. 30, 2000). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph in England reports that the North Lincolnshire Council has been required to apologize and to pay GBP 750 to a local woman after failing to take action on a noise complaint against a working men's club located next door to her home.
Village of Long Grove, Illinois Sues Dog Owner Over Noise Ordinance Violations (Mar. 30, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that dachshund breeder Lucy Huck of Long Grove, Illinois has been continually violating the village's noise ordinance. The village board has decided to file a lawsuit against Huck, who has 25 noisy dogs in her home. This is the second lawsuit filed against Huck in two years.
Barking Dogs Are a Health Hazard in California (Mar. 26, 2000). A guest editorial in the San Francisco Times about barking dogs, health and personal responsibility is a compelling argument for anyone wishing to lodge a noise complaint and important information for anyone writing local noise ordinances.
California Residents Protest Antennas on High School Campuses Because of Noise (Mar. 26, 2000). An article in the Sacramento Bee reported that the proposal to place wireless antennas on two 85-foot-high light standards at a local high school has won support from the Carmichael Community Planning Advisory Council but not from some of the neighbors.
Live Music Outdoors Divides St. Petersburg Florida Neighborhood Residents (Mar. 26, 2000). An article in the Neighborhood section of the St. Petersburg Times addressed the loud, live music of a new neighborhood outdoor club and its impact on residents of a nearby senior citizen apartment complex. Opinion is divided over the loud live music.
Camden, Maine Residents to Decide on Skateboard Park With Quiet in Mind (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the Bangor Daily News, residents in Camden, Maine will decide on whether to build a skateboard park for young people and where that site will be.
Farmington Utah Residents Say No Sunday Pool and a Ban on Snowmobiles in Yellowtone (Mar. 24, 2000). Should swimming pools be closed on Sunday? An article from the Associated Press reported on such a dilemma in one town in Utah.
Legislator's Incessant Car Alarm Angers NYC Residents (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the New York Times, the incessant blaring of a State legislator's car alarm in TriBeCa angered residents because the police, in response to complaints, guarded the car rather than towed it. The noise lasted from morning until 7pm.
Baton Rouge City Council Tries Noise Ordinance a Second Time (Mar. 23, 2000). According to the Baton Rouge Advocate, the Metro City Council is enforcing an amended noise ordinance after much of it was declared unconstitutional in 1997.
Bullhead, Arizona City Council Passes Noise Ordinance (Mar. 23, 2000). An article from the Associated Press reported that the Bullhead City Council recently passed a new noise ordinance that restricts people from playing loud radios, musical instruments, television sets or stereos in "a reckless manner." Emergency vehicles are responding to a call are exempt.
Hume, Maryland Winery Must Decide Whether To Attract Business or Be a Better Neighbor (Mar. 23, 2000). The Washington Post reported on a public hearing regarding the Oasis Winery, in Hume and its increased noise level.
New Zealand Homeowner Moves Because of Noisy Church (Mar. 23, 2000). The Press reported that a New Zealand man sold his house and moved because the church next door was too noisy and adversely affecting his marriage.
South Carolina Noise Complaint Puts Police Against Crowd (Mar. 23, 2000). The Post and Courier reported that a police officer, in pursuit of a vehicle with a loud stereo system, attempted to arrest the driver when he stopped his car, angering a crowd of people that had gathered.
Town in South Wales Implements Faster Noise Complaint Policy (Mar. 23, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported on plans by the Swansea Council to find a newer and faster noise complaint policy.
Indiana Diner Reduces Parties and Loud Music in Response to Neighbors' Complaints (Mar. 22, 2000). The Des Moines Register reported that local residents want to impose a decrease in the number of motorcycle and classic car events at a local diner because of the noise activity.
New Noise in Papillion City, Nebraska Will Silence Boom Cars and Other Loud Noise Makers (Mar. 22, 2000). The Omaha World-Herald reported that to ensure the peace and tranquility of the town, the Papillion City Council will impose a new noise ordinance that will crack down on loud noises, boom cars in particular.
Creve Coeur, Missouri City Council Divided on Need for Sound Barrier Construction Along Interstate 270; Public Hearings to be Held (Mar. 20, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Creve Coeur, Missouri City Council met recently to discuss the need for sound barrier construction along Interstate 270. Some members do not believe there is a need, and feel that the cost is too high. The Council discussed ways to request the state to change its funding formula in order to have the state pay more of the cost of the sound barrier construction.
English Businessman Files Appeal with the English Government Against a Local Government Ban Prohibiting Him From Constructing and Using a Personal Helicopter Landing Near his Home (Mar. 20, 2000). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that Mr. Simon Farmer, a local resident and businessman, is concerned by the refusal of his local town councilors to allow him to build a helicopter pad on his property and use it to take off in and land his privately-owned helicopter. He has filed an appeal with Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who is Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. The government's Planning Inspectorate will handle the appeal.
Point Pleasant, New Jersey Beach Bar May Lose Mercantile License for Violation of Borough Noise Ordinances and May Also be Shut Down for Fifteen Days For Illegally Conducting Sports Pool Gambling. (Mar. 20, 2000). The Asbury Park Press reports that J.P. Bailey's, a Point Pleasant Beach bar and restaurant, has violated the borough noise ordinance dozens of times and has allowed sports pool gambling to take place. Two people have been arrested for the sports pool gambling.
Residents Bothered by O'Hare Airport Noise Want Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois to Address Their Concerns (Mar. 20, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the Concerned Citizens of Mount Prospect met recently to discuss airport noise with the Village of Mount Prospect. The group believes that the village should take the same measures to study and act upon airport noise as it has taken in dealing with train noise in the town.
Springfield, Oregon Residents Question Wal-Mart Site Location, Noise and Traffic Implications (Mar. 20, 2000). The Register Guard reports that residents of neighborhoods surrounding a proposed Wal-Mart site are concerned about the traffic and noise that will be generated by the retailer's operations. Some options have included requiring Wal-Mart to adequately address traffic congestion by possibly building additional interchanges along Highway 126. Springfield has no planned commercial center that would allow for development without adversely impacting residential neighborhoods.
Blount Count Commissioners Hear Complaints About Noise From Smoky Mountain Raceway (Mar. 19, 2000). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that Blount County, Tennessee commissioners held a meeting recently to discuss complaints about noise coming from the Smoky Mountain Raceway.
Proposed Amendment to Oklahoma City Ordinance, Designed to Reduce Nightclub Noise, Causes Concern Among Business Owners and Some Residents (Mar. 19, 2000). The Sunday Oklahoman reports that Oklahoma City Councilwoman Amy Brooks has drafted a proposed amendment to a city ordinance as a result of complaints from many of her Ward 2 constituents about late-night bar, nightclub, and restaurant noise in the Crown Heights neighborhood. Some other residents, and many business owners and concert promoters, strongly oppose the measure.
Suburban Houston Resident Complains About Noise from Neighbors' Automotive Machinist School (Mar. 19, 2000). The Houston Chronicle reports that Houston resident Roy Ruffin has resorted to drastic measures over the noise he hears from his neighbors' school for automotive machinists. He maintains that the noise is too loud, and that the business should not be allowed in a residential neighborhood. However, the property is now zoned commercial and city officials do not believe that the noise is loud enough to warrant action.
Causes of Interior and Exterior Noise in Multi-unit Buildings and Ways to Make Them Quieter (Mar. 17, 2000). Newsday reports that home columnist Al Ubell is concerned with the noise that tenants experience living in apartment buildings. Ubell is also a home inspector who discusses both interior and exterior noise and ways to combat it.
Musician Fined For Playing Loud Drums Late at Night (Mar. 17, 2000). The Nottingham Evening Post in Nottingham, England reports that the Broxtowe, England Borough Council has fined Daniel Bachelard GBP 100 after receiving complaints from neighbors about loud music late at night.
Norman, Oklahoma City Council Strengthens Noise Ordinance (Mar. 17, 2000). The Daily Oklahoman reports that the Norman City Council has agreed to change the city noise ordinance so that it will be enforceable twenty-four hours a day.
Stonehaven, Scotland Restaurant Owner Requests Permission to Build Apartments Above Restaurant (Mar. 17, 2000). The Aberdeen Press and Journal in Scotland reports that a restaurant owner has asked the Stonehaven council to approve his request to add apartments upstairs from his restaurant. The council has been hesitant to grant approval because of noise concerns. The restaurant owner says, however, that only he and his family will be occupying the apartments and will be unaffected by the noise from their own restaurant or surrounding areas.
Atlanta Plans Beefed-up Public Safety and Noise Ordinance Enforcement Presence in Buckhead District for St. Patrick's Day Weekend Celebrations (Mar. 16, 2000). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that Atlanta's Buckhead bar district is planning on huge crowds during the upcoming St. Patrick's Day weekend, and the city is preparing ahead of time to make sure that the area is well patrolled for safety and crowd control, and to make sure that the city noise ordinance is enforced.
Costa Mesa, California Will Allow New Target Store, But Noise Issues Must Be Addressed (Mar. 16, 2000). The Orange County Register reports that the city of Costa Mesa, California will allow Dayton Hudson Corporation to proceed with building a Target store on Harbor Boulevard. However, after residents expressed concerns about noise from the new store, the store's plans were amended somewhat. A Planning Commission meeting was held on Monday. Many residents do not feel that the changes address all of their concerns about noise, however.
Farmington, Utah Decides to Keep its Public Pool Closed on Sundays (Mar. 16, 2000). The Deseret News reports that the Farmington, Utah city council recently voted not to open the city pool on Sundays, despite some residents' opposition to the closure. Most proponents of the closure cited religious reasons, but some residents were also concerned about increased noise and traffic if the pool were allowed to open on Sundays.
Floating Nightclub Might Be Moved to Different Dock Mooring to Reduce Noise (Mar. 16, 2000). The Bristol Evening Post reports that a nightclub aboard a ship moored at the Bristol, England City Docks might be moved to a different mooring because of noise complaints from nearby residents.
New Carmel,Indiana Library Popular With Residents, Though Building's Air-Conditioner Noise Poses Problems (Mar. 16, 2000). The Indianapolis Star reports that the Carmel,Indiana Library Director, John Fuchs, is leaving his post after eight years. He was instrumental in getting the $24.5 million community library built. Library usage is up. However, there have been complaints about the noise levels outside the building due to the library's new air conditioning system.
Proposal to Convert Savage, Maryland Home into an Inn Causes Residents to Worry About Noise and Traffic (Mar. 16, 2000). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents in a Savage, Maryland neighborhood are concerned that an historic home, which may be converted to an inn, will increase noise and traffic in the area.
Quarry in St. Clair, Missouri May Need County Approval to Begin Operations (Mar. 16, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Capitol Quarries of Jefferson City wishes to operate a quarry on the Suntrup Farms property on Dry Branch Road in St. Clair. Many residents oppose the quarry operation because of the noise that it will generate. Legal technicalities concerning Missouri state statutes that govern quarry operations may or may not work in the quarry's favor.
Reader Expresses Concern Over Jet Noise at Upcoming Augusta, Georgia Skyfest 2000 (Mar. 16, 2000). The Augusta, Georgia Chronicle published reader comments on a variety of topics in its "Rants and Raves" column. One is from a reader who expresses concern about noise at Skyfest 2000. The comments are reprinted here in their entirety:
Residents Concerned About Size of Earthen Noise Shield at Gloucestershire, England Construction Site (Mar. 16, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo in England reports that the "doughnut building" construction project at the GCHQ spy center is angering area residents. It is the largest construction site in Europe, costing GBP 300 million.
Residents in Plympton, England Bothered by Noise From Nearby Industrial Park (Mar. 16, 2000). The Plymouth, England Evening Herald reports that there have been many noise complaints lodged by Plympton residents against businesses at the Valley Road Industrial Estate. Residents says that the noise has become increasingly loud over the last few years.
Noise Complaints Lodged Against Local Pub (Mar. 15, 2000). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that residents in Belper, England have lodged letters of complaint against a local pub because of excessive noise.
Proposed Dog Kennel Causes Concern by Neighbors in Aberdeenshire, Scotland (Mar. 15, 2000). The Aberdeen, Scotland Press and Journal reports that plans for a dog boarding kennel at New Pitsgligo have met with resistance from neighbors who are worried about increased traffic and noise.
Street Drummers in Bath, England Annoy Residents (Mar. 15, 2000). The Bath Chronicle in England published a letter from a reader who complained about the noise from a drumming group that was collecting for charity on the streets of Bath. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Noise From Café's Live Music Disturbs Downtown Dunedin, Florida Residents (Mar. 14, 2000). The North Pinellas Times reports that residents who have moved to downtown Dunedin, Florida as part of the city's revitalization plan are now annoyed by live music late at night at a local cafe.
Reader Bothered By Noise From All-Night Discos (Mar. 14, 2000). The New Straits Times published a letter to the editor from a reader who has been bothered by the noise from all-night discos. The letter is reprinted below in its entirety:
Residents in Bristol, England Annoyed by Noise from Local Pub (Mar. 13, 2000). The Bristol Evening Post in England reports that residents who live near to the George Pub in Chipping Sodbury are disturbed by the noise from the pub. The South Gloucestershire Council has investigated the complaints.
Belvedere, California Residents Complain About Homeowner's Chicken Coop (Mar. 12, 2000). The Los Angeles Times reports that a resident, Dr. William Rothman, in Belvedere, California has had many complaints lodged against him because of the chicken coop and chickens he keeps on his property. The case has become a controversial symbol of the fight between wealthy newcomers and longtime residents. The city invoked its noise ordinance two years ago when the complaints first started, but they did not pursue that tactic because the hens do not actually make any noise. It's the appearance of the chicken coop that is really bothering those who want the chickens to go.
Condo Owner Questions Whether Neighbor Can Legally Complain About Noisy Children in Condo Complex (Mar. 12, 2000). The San Diego Union-Tribune published a question-and-answer column for renters and landlords, written by Certified Property Manager Robert Griswold, host of Real Estate Today! (KSDO Radio, 10 a.m. Saturdays) and by attorneys Steven R. Kellman, director of the Tenants' Legal Center, and Ted Smith, principal in a law firm representing landlords. A reader posed a question about a condo owner in her association who complained about children making noise.
Big Box Store Dismisses Neighbor's Concerns Over Noise (Feb. 20, 2000). According to Newsday, Hempstead resident Ronald Lupski is fighting a losing battle over noise from Home Depot, which moved into his neighborhood in 1990 with a promise to work together with residents regarding their concerns--something residents say has not happened.
Neighbors' Complaints About Noisy South Carolina Port Prompts Investigation (Feb. 20, 2000). According to the Associated Press, the Charleston County sheriff's department is investigating a State Ports Authority storage/container yard because of neighbors' complaints about excessive noise. If the Ports Authority is found to be in violation of the county's noise ordinance, it could be forced to stop using the yard or modify its operations.
Florida Editorial Says Noise is Noise According to Who Makes It (Feb. 19, 2000). A tongue-in-cheek editorial in the Orlando Sentinel Tribune posed the question "when is noise really noise?"
Noise From Neighbors Disrupts Serenity in the Home; Police Say Problems Can Often Be Fixed By Going Through Proper Channels (Feb. 18, 2000). The Portland (Maine) Press Herald printed an article in the Real Estate section about obnoxious noisy neighbors.
Noisy New York Neighbor Source of Complaints but No Action (Feb. 18, 2000). Newsday printed a noise complaint letter in the Real Estate section. The letter and the response are printed in their entirety.
Five Resident Opinions Concerning Planned Alterations to Plymouth City, England Airport and Surrounding Roads (Feb. 17, 2000). The Evening Herald, Plymouth, England has printed letters from five residents of the Plymouth area who have varying opinions on proposed changes to Plymouth Airport and alterations to surrounding roads. The letters are printed below in their entirety:
New Zealand Resident Says Noise Caused Health Problems and Sale of Home (Feb. 17, 2000). The Nelson Mail (New Zealand) reports that John Dearden, who lives near the new coastal highway in Nelson, has been severely affected by traffic noise on the new road. Dearden, who first voiced his protests a year ago, complains of health problems and states that he now will be unable to sell his home. The stretch of road that he is concerned with runs south of Mapua, between Maisey Road and Bronte Road.
Resident Group in Exeter, England Continues to Protest Highway A30; Calls for Resurfacing of New Roadway to Reduce Noise (Feb. 17, 2000). The Exeter, England Express and Echo reports that over 2,000 people have joined the resident group Resurface The A30 (RTA30) to complain about traffic noise from the newly-opened stretch of Highway A30. The group has circulated a petition asking that the new road be relaid with a blacktop surface, which would be substantially quieter than the present brushed concrete surface.
Residents Panicked by Confusing Test of Ventura's Dam Siren Warning System (Feb. 17, 2000). The Ventura County Star published six letters to the editor complaining about the recent test by the City of Ventura of its siren warning system for a nearby dam. The letters are reprinted below in their entirety:
Residents Want to Know Just How Noisy Illinois Peaker Plant Will Be (Feb. 17, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reported on the eighth public hearing over a proposed power plant and the difficulty opponents of the plant have had in getting straight answers from the plant's noise consultants.
Solutions to Reducing Effects of Neighbor's Loud Stereo (Feb. 17, 2000). The Toronto Star reports that a reader of Ian G. Masters "Sight 'n' Sound" column wrote about a problem he has with his neighbor's noisy stereo.
Hinckley Borough Council Enforces Neighborhood Noise Abatement Legislation (Feb. 16, 2000). The Leicester Mercury in England reports that a Hinckley resident had his stereo system confiscated and was forced to pay fines and legal fees after he refused to turn down the volume on his stereo system and was reported to the authorities by annoyed neighbors.
Reader Complains About Pittsburgh Noise (Feb. 16, 2000). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a Letter to the Editor by Barbara Hays of Squirrel Hill responding to a February 9 Post-Gazette editorial by Eileen Reutzel Colianni titled "The Noise Pollution of Daily Life." Her letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
UK Bar Renovations and Night Curfews May Reduce Noise Levels (Feb. 16, 2000). According to the Grimbsby Evening Telegraph, renovations to a local bar has the support of district councilors because of noise reduction plans bar owners will implement. Council members agree the number one priority is soundproofing the building well.
Manawatu, New Zealand District Council to Begin Imposing Fines For Excessive Residential Noise (Feb. 15, 2000). The Evening Standard of Manawatu, New Zealand reports that the Manawatu District Council will begin fining people in Feilding and elsewhere in the District who refuse to comply with noise abatement notices.
Plymouth, England Planners to Conduct Noise Reduction Survey of Proposed Manufacturing Plant (Feb. 15, 2000). The Evening Herald of Plymouth, England reports that the planning council in Plymouth, England will not approve an application by West Wise Manufacturing, Limited to build a new factory at Darklake View in Estover until they inspect the building site and conduct a noise survey. Nearby residents are concerned that the new metal fabrication plant would create excessive noise.
Illinois Condo Boards Should Be Concerned About Noise (Feb. 4, 2000). The Chicago Sun-Times printed an article about condo living and noise, highlighting how to reduce it and how to deal with noisy neighbors, but remarking that noise is often defined in subjective terms and that our attitudes about it are as various as people.
Illinois Tenants Encouraged to Make Sound Improvements Against Noise (Feb. 4, 2000). The Chicago Sun-Times suggested several ways to insulate a residence against noise.
Noise is All in a Day's Work for Florida's Garbage Pick Up (Feb. 3, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News printed a satirical opinion editorial about garbage pickup and noise. The editorial was a tongue-in-cheek answer to someone's rhetorical question about why garbage collection is so noisy in the morning.
California Trains and Boom Cars Subjects of Residents' Complaints (Feb. 1, 2000). The Sacramento Bee printed these letters about train noise at night and loud car stereos. The letters are printed in their entirety.
UK Local City Council Member Objects to Noise in Neighboring Industrial Park (Feb. 1, 2000). The Evening Herald printed this letter from a City Council member in Plympton, England regarding commercial and industrial noise near residences. The letter is printed in its entirety.
Streetsweeper Too Noisy in English Town (Jan. 15, 2000). The Gloucestershire Echo printed a letter that appeared in the environmental section of the newspaper concerning noise from a local mechanical streetsweeper. The letter appears in its entirety.
Americans Urged To Increase Awareness of Hearing Hazards, Especially for Children (Jan. 14, 2000). An article from PR Newswire reported health information from The House Ear Institute, saying that if adults and children are in an environment where they must raise their voices to be heard, they are in potentially hazardous-hearing area and hearing protection is recommended.
Noise Levels in US Homes Increasing (Jan. 14, 2000). An article from the PR Newswire reported that modern technology and decreasing lot sizes mean more noise for American homeowners, and that means more stress and less sleep.
Texas City Councils Say Noise Regulation Difficult to Enforce (Jan. 13, 2000). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Southlake residents have had enough of the blower from a nearby car wash, and have lodged complaints to local officials just the city was reviewing its noise ordinance. The article explained some of the difficulties of writing an "enforceable noise ordinance," according to the city's head of code enforcement.
Noise from California Night Club Creates Neighborhood Tension (Jan. 13, 2000). The Sacramento Bee reported that Roseville residents can't enjoy their back yards, rest, read or sleep because of a neighborhood billiard business that plays live music, but the city council says the club doesn't violate the local noise ordinance.
UK Kennel Owner to Pay Town for Noise Violations (Jan. 12, 2000). According to the Leicester Mercury, the owner of a dog kennel was fined 100 and must pay 75 in costs because he failed to comply with a noise abatement order on his barking dogs.
New Jersey Wine Plant Remains Open Despite Noise Complaints (Jan. 12, 2000). The Bergen County Record reported on the decision by a Superior Court judge that gave permission to owners of a noisy wine distribution plant to stay open while they worked with Glen Rock borough officials to design an addition that "would quiet the complaints."
Maine Residents Challenge Stone Company Over Noise and Work Hours (Jan. 11, 2000). The Bath Chronicle reported on a noise dispute between a local stone company and its neighbors over the company's planned expansion.
Nebraska Ice Cream Truck Cannot Make Music (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Omaha World-Herald, the ice cream man cannot ring the bells on his truck when he's in Bellevue because it is illegal.
Florida Neighbors Don't Agree About Playground and Noise (Dec. 16, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that one Florida playground has received both complaints and positive comments from its neighbors.
Florida Riverboat Parties Too Noisy For Residents (Dec. 15, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that Highland Beach residents lodged complaints against a riverboat that hosts parties while it travels on the Intracoastal Waterway. Residents have asked the Town Commission to intervene and help bring the noise level way down. The town has a noise ordinance.
Maine Paper Mill Expansion Denied Because of Neighbor Health and Welfare (Dec. 15, 1999). According to the Central Maine Morning Sentinel, the Farmington Planning Board denied the International Paper Co., of Jay a permit the expansion of a wood-sorting operation.
Paris Cabarets Too Noisy For Public (Dec. 15, 1999). The London Times reports that French cabarets have been targeted by anti-noise groups, and will either have to close or install soundproofing. Up to 2,000 of the 3,000 French bars that stage concerts will close, according to their owners.
New York Condominium Owners and Farm Stand Co-Exist in Peace (Dec. 13, 1999). According to an editorial in Newsday, residents of a 248-unit housing development have agreed to co-exist peacefully with a neighboring farm stand.
UK Student Stabbed Over Noise Argument (Dec. 13, 1999). A Press Association Newsfile article reports that an argument over noise led to the violent death of a Plymouth University student.
Life in Downtown Austin Means Attractive Housing But Constant Noise (Dec. 11, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reported on people who live in attractive lofts in downtown Austin, and their love hate relationship with living in the middle of a city.
English Rural Life Also Plagued By Unwanted Sound (Dec. 11, 1999). The Daily Telegraph printed an article from someone who left the urban life for country life to get away from the noise, only to find unwanted sound of a completely different genre.
Londoners Cite Constant Apartment Noises Worse Than Other Noise (Dec. 11, 1999). The Daily Telegraph printed an op ed about daily noises apartment dwellers have to live with. Flushing toilets, shoes on hardwood floors, washing machines and crying babies were all examples of never ending noises that apartment dwellers are subject to.
Overland Park, Kansas City Council To Limit Volume on Car Stereos (Dec. 11, 1999). The Kansas City Star reported that the Public Safety Committee of the Overland Park City Council directed the city's legal staff to find an ordinance that will limit the noise levels on car stereos in residential areas.
Chicago Judge and Neighbors in Dispute Over Condo Noise (Dec. 10, 1999). The Chicago Sun-Times reported that sound engineers will soon settle a dispute between a Cook County judge and his neighbors over noise from the judge's granite floor.
Chicago Community Association Takes Successful Proactive Approach to Solving Noise Problems (Jul. 30, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports on a Chicago Community Association which managed to address noise complaints with none of the traditional fights and lawsuits among neighbors that often accompany noise complaints. A two-year process of surveying, consultation with experts, and the institution of new policies have helped to quiet the building. Newer tenants tend to prefer sleeker furniture and floors which don't absorb sound well, and new rules that require more carpeting on the floors of each room and prohibit or caution against inappropriate activities have quieted the building.
Two Noise Stories From Jerusalem, Israel: Woman Wins Lawsuit Over Noise at Retirement Community; Drag Club Forced to Move After Residents Complain (Jul. 30, 1999). The Jerusalem Post reports on several issues in communities surrounding Jerusalem, including a political race, new burial options, and several issues relating to noise. A woman who entered a retirement home in 1990 has won a lawsuit against the home which has changed from a peaceful, quiet place due to a nearby long-term construction project that began in 1994. Also in this article was information about a drag club that is being forced to move. Residents' complaints of noise forced the club to close first at midnight, and most recently at 11 PM. Club owners feel they must move because they will not be able to bring in enough money with such short operating hours. Club owners believe that residents' real complaints center around the club's clientele, which includes homosexual and cross-dressing people. Officials deny the allegations, saying that the club has been operating without proper permits, and that a non-drag club in the same building faces the same restrictions
Residents of Darlington, U.K. Complain of Neighbors Demolition Noise and Dirt Clouds (Jul. 29, 1999). The Northern Echo reports that residents of Darlington, U.K. are frustrated with a neighbor who is cutting up vehicles and renovating garages, causing noise and dust in the neighborhood. The owner of the property, who leases it, has said he will check into the tenant's activities.
Carmel, Indiana Residents Doubt 10-Foot-Wall Will Effectively Cut Noise From Library's Air Conditioner (Jul. 28, 1999). The Indianapolis News reports that Carmel, Indiana residents who live near the library's noisy air conditioner don't believe that the proposed ten-foot wall is high enough to effectively block the noise. The library will also apply sound-absorbing material to the wall and other surrounding walls, as well as reducing nighttime operation. Library officials maintain that moisture issues required noisy nighttime operation before now, and also say that the wall can not be built higher since the chiller needs access to a certain amount of air.
Family's Dirt-Bike Track in Howard County, Maryland Bothers Neighbors (Jul. 25, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports that noise from a dirt-bike track in the backyard of one Howard County, Maryland family is bothering neighbors. Zoning officials say motorbike tracks are not allowed in residential districts, but the family claims the decision would "unfairly restrict a family hobby" which includes "no commercial aspects." While in at least one instance the family has dispensed with the noise on a given day when asked, neighbors feel they shouldn't be required to 'call ahead' to use their own backyards.
Neighbors of New Off-Leash Dog Park in Broad Ripple, Indiana Worry About Noise, Smell, and Health Issues (Jul. 21, 1999). The Indianapolis Star reports that neighbors of a new off-leash dog park in Broad Ripple, Indiana are worried about noise, smell, and health issues that the park may create. The grassy two-acre fenced-in zone has benches and a dispenser with disposable bags for picking up after pets, and will be open from dawn until dusk. Advocates say that dogs rarely bark at a dog park because they aren't bored, lonely, or territorial. Also, dog owners tend to consistently clean up after their pets because of positive peer pressure from other owners. Park officials will be stationed at the "bark park" during peak hours, and will do periodical walk-throughs and disinfecting of waste receptacles. Owners will register their pets at the park offices, and will be barred from bringing food, alcohol, or children under 12; any problem dogs will also be banned.
UK Town Councils Provide Noise Education For Neighborhoods (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the Sentinel, borough [town] councils in the UK have received so many noise complaints during the summer, prompting local officials to provide public education programs to help neighbors prevent noise before they make it.
Caged Dogs in UK Back Yard Cause for Concern Among Neighbors (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the South Wales Evening Post, residents in one community in South Wales is taking on its own town council because of one neighbor's hobby-- raising dogs, which are kept caged in his back yard.
Will Pleas For Quiet Go Unheard? (Jul. 8, 1999). The Herald Express reports that England's National Noise Action Day may only be a good idea.
Indiana Town Council's Proposed Noise Ordinance To Curb Barking Dogs (Jul. 8, 1999). The South Bend Tribune printed letters to its action line regarding barking dogs and other loud noises.
Noise Action Day Celebrated in Smashing Ceremony (Jul. 8, 1999). An article in the Bristol United Press reports that one noisy rock fan in Gloucester lost his confiscated stereo system when it was crushed by heavy equipment in a ceremony to mark Noise Action Day.
UK Groups Say Noise Is Hazardous to Your Health (Jul. 7, 1999). According to the Times Newspapers, you can get sick from an over exposure to noise. Loud music, neighbors that fight, barking dogs and the do-it-yourselfer who uses a hammer and drill too long are all among the most emphatic noise complaints.
UK Noise Advocates Provide Education on National Noise Action Day (Jul. 7, 1999). Complaints about noise are increasing, says the Evening Herald, and the complaints come from people who live near quarreling neighbors, nightclubs and airports, just to name a few.
UK Town Councils Urge Quiet Reflection On National Noise Awareness Day (Jul. 7, 1999). According to the Derby Evening Telegraph, the North East Derbshire District Council called for day of quiet and consideration among neighbors in honor of National Noise Awareness Day.
Scotland City Gets a Noise Complaint a Day (Jul. 7, 1999). The Aberdeen Evening News reports that the Aberdeen City Council launched the third National Noise Action Awareness Day to educate residents about noise and its impact on others.
Noise Action Day Reveals Noise Complaints On the Rise (Jul. 7, 1999). According to the Press Association, politicians are campaigning on Noise Action Day, asking people to be more thoughtful of their neighbors. The article revealed that noise complaints are increasing in number, especially noise from arguing neighbors, airplanes and loud music from nearby clubs. Local authorities, however, show no signs of enforcing a national noise policy.
Police in Denver Colorado Admit July Firecracker Complaints Aren't Top Priority (Jun. 26, 1999). The Denver Post reports that while illegal firecrackers are the cause of many complaints around the Fourth of July, Denver police are unable to respond effectively to most. "It's frustrating to hear the noise because residents, myself included, want to get a good night's sleep," said Aurora police spokesman Bob Stef. "But we have to prioritize calls and can't respond if more serious calls keep the officers busy." It's difficult to catch violators anyway; most times residents don't know who did it, and if they do they may be hesitant to sign a complaint that could identify them to the violator.
Moore Township Residents Sue Couple to Ban Boisterous Birds (Jun. 17, 1999). The Morning Call reports residents of Moore Township are suing a neighboring couple, charging the couple's peacocks are a noise nuisance and requesting the birds be banned. P>According to the Morning Call, neighbors of Warren and Renate Gosdin, 399 Moorestown Drive, will request at a Northampton County Court hearing today that the Gosdins be required to remove the birds. A complaint township solicitor David M. Backenstoe filed in court last week says the Gosdins' peacocks violate the township's nuisance ordinance by emitting "intolerably loud" screeching sounds that affect the "physical and mental well-being of the residents."
Naperville, IL Seeks to Refine Its Noise Ordinances (Jun. 17, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the city of Naperville, IL has moved from tackling noisy car stereos to completely remaking all its noise-related ordinances.
Tavares, Florida City Council Postpones Passage of Noise Ordinance; More Objective Definitions Needed (Jun. 17, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports the Tavares City Council has postponed the passage of a new noise ordinance until it can create more objectives standards for the law.
New York City Enacts New, Stricter Noise Ordinance (Jun. 16, 1999). The Associated Press (through the Dessert News, Salt Lake City, UT) reports some New Yorkers are unhappy with a new, strict noise ordinance recently passed by the city council.
University Park, TX Neighborhood Battles Church over New Play Areas (Jun. 16, 1999). The Dallas Morning News reports residents of a University Park neighborhood are at odds with a local church over the latter's new playground and basketball court.
Long Grove, IL Golf Course Owners Protest Time Limits on Noisy Mowing (Jun. 15, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports golf course operators in Long Grove, IL say a proposed noise ordinance limiting hours of use for mowers and other such equipment will not allow them sufficient time for course maintenance.
Milton, MA Selectmen Hear Complaints about Late-Night Maintenance-Truck Beeping on Golf Course (Jun. 15, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports residents of Milton, MA are complaining to their selectmen about late-night beeping from trucks working on the Quarry Hills Gold Course.
Tavares, FL City Council to Vote on Stricter Noise Ordinance (Jun. 15, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports the Tavares City Council will vote on a stricter noisie ordinance.
Hot Springs, AK Police to Target Noisy Car Stereos and "Boom Boxes" in City (Jun. 14, 1999). The Associated Press reports police in Hot Springs, Arkansas will begin issuing more noise ordinance citations in the wake of increased complaints from residents about car stereos and "boom boxes."
New Tampa, FL Noise Ordinance Has Residents Asking for More Restrictions, Bar Owners for Less (Jun. 11, 1999). The St. Petersberg Times reports Tampa resident have long requested a stricter noise ordinance, but business-- particularly bar -- owners say they cannot exist under the proposed new limits.
Limited Regulation of Leaf Blowers Back in New Jersey State Legislature, Gardeners Happy (Jun. 1 1999). Bc Cycle reports that an impending bill in the California legislature, if passed, would limit cities and counties in their regulation of noisy leaf blowers. Gardeners are backing the legislation for the second time, claiming that bans and regulations on the noisy gardening tools threaten the use of the tool they say is essential in 19 New Jersey cities. (Jun. 1, 1999). SACRAMENTO - Bc Cycle reports that cities and counties would be limited in their regulation of noisy leaf blowers by an impending bill in the state Legislature.
Local Regulation of Leaf Blowers in New Jersey State Legislature Again (Jun. 1, 1999). The Associated Press reports that an impending bill in the California legislature, if passed, would limit cities and counties in their regulation of noisy leaf blowers. Gardeners are backing the legislation for the second time, claiming that bans and regulations on the noisy gardening tool will significantly curtail its use in 19 New Jersey cities.
Citizen Criticizes Noise Ordinance Amendment as Poorly Written at Batavia, New York City Council Hearing (May 25, 1999). The Buffalo News reports that a noise ordinance amendment in Batavia, New York drew mixed reviews from citizens at the City Council public hearing. The amendment, targeting mainly barking dogs and loud music from cars, is intended to strengthen vague language from the original, setting "objective standards... for violations." One speaker said it was a "legal nightmare" suggesting that even ice cream trucks would be cited. One speaker of three said he would support the amendment, or anything to quiet the streets. The amendment will be voted on June 14.
Noise: Nuisance Or Health Hazard? (May 23, 1999). The New York Times printed the following letter to the Editor arguing that noise is a pollutant and not just a nuisance.
Proposed Directive in Brussels, Belgium to Set Maximum Noise Levels for Lawn and Garden Appliances; Manufacturer Compliance May be Difficult (May 23, 1999). Times Newspapers Limited reports that a proposed directive in Brussels, Belgium will set limits on how much noise outdoor appliances can make. Manufacturers claim that a reduction of even two decibels could be disastrous for some products. A researcher at Southampton University's Institute of Sound and Vibration Studies said "To remove two decibels you have to remove half the sound energy. That would be quite an engineering achievement."
Noise From YMCA's Skateboard Park in North Attleboro, Rhode Island Bothers Neighbors (May 21, 1999). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that neighbors of North Attleboro, Rhode Island's YMCA are upset with noise from a new skateboard park ramp there. Not only is the ramp noisy, but it was also built without proper permits. Coupled with the repeated dumping of drained chlorinated pool water on property wetlands, noise issues have had YMCA representatives meeting with the Conservation Commission for nearly a year. The Y has agreed to make changes, such as holding environmental workshops on their wetlands and dechlorinating and testing their pool water before dumping it. The facility has already voluntarily insulated the skateboard ramp to reduce noise.
Consultant to Check Accuracy of Chicago O'Hare Airport Noise Monitors (May 19, 1999). Chicago Sun-Times reports that a noise consultant hired by Chicago, O'Hare's Noise Compatibility Commission will analyze the airport's 28 noise monitors for accuracy. The monitors record aircraft noise in neighborhoods and send data to the airport, so noise can be correlated with particular runways and airlines. The commission, which includes several school districts in the area, wants to use the data to help fight noise.
Bird Sanctuary Owner in La Mesa, New Mexico Told to Enclose His Unroofed Bird Sanctuary After Neighbors' Noise Complaints (May 14, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports that the owner of Albuquerque Aviaries, a bird sanctuary for 600-800 exotic birds, has been told by the city planning department that he must enclose his open-roofed business to reduce the noise. After neighbors complained last year, he was told he needed a conditional use permit, which was denied to him unless he constructs a roof which would cost up to $15,000. He plans to take his case to City Council.
La Mesa, New Mexico Man to Appeal a Permit Denial for his Noisy Aviary (May 13, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports that the owner of La Mesa, New Mexico Albuquerque Aviary will appeal the planning board's decision not to issue him a needed permit. Neighbors complained that his open-roofed aviary, housing at least 600 exotic birds, creates too much noise. He was then told to apply for a permit, which was denied.
Proposed Ordinance to Ticket Owners of Barking Dogs Voted Down in Charleston County, South Carolina (May 5, 1999). The Post and Courier reports that a proposed ordinance in Charleston County, South Carolina that would have allowed police to charge dog owners whose pets bark continually was voted down 6-2. Persons convicted under the ordinance would have received a $500 fine. Although they were sympathetic to residents who have complained of incessantly barking dogs, several council members were concerned that the ordinance was unreasonable for rural residents who "expect to have animals around them" as part of their lifestyle; they maintained that an existing nuisance ordinance would allow problem-dog owners to be prosecuted.
Fox Point, Wisconsin Considers Ordinance for Noisy, High Traffic Home Businesses (May 4, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Fox Point, Wisconsin village officials are considering a noise ordinance that would deal with noise from home-based businesses. The issue was raised after several residents complained about a landscaping/snow removal business proprietor whose traffic and long-idling vehicles are disruptive.
Neighbors Will Remain Neighbors as Louisville, Kentucky Suburb is Relocated (Apr. 25, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports that residents of Minor Lane Heights, Kentucky may have to leave their homes behind because of airport expansion, but they will be keeping their neighbors.
Charleston, South Carolina Council To Decide Whether Barking Dogs Will Face The Long Arm of the Law (Apr. 22, 1999). The Charleston Post and Courier reports that one woman is up in arms over the barking dogs that are preventing her and her children from getting sleep. She is in full support of a proposed law that would fine dog owners who do not silence their animals.
Opponents of Newsom's Proposed Nightclub-Protection Zone Speak Out Against Expected Noise, Crime and Trash (Apr. 20, 1999). San Francisco Chronicle reports that despite Supervisor Gavin Newsom's determination to make a safety zone for nightclub owners in his district, residents are speaking out in opposition to the proposed legislature which they say will create nothing but hassles. Meanwhile Newsom argues that the ordinance is necessary to preserve the feel of San Francisco's SoMa area which he says is being overrun by loft dwellers.
NH Business Loses 1st Round to Block Runway Plan; Will Return to Court to Collect Noise Damages (Apr. 17, 1999). The Union Leader reports a New Hampshire Superior Court judge yesterday refused to block a runway expansion at Manchester Airport, but the plaintiff will return to court to seek damages from noise.
Texas Residents Feel Betrayed by Reduction of Sound Wall (Apr. 17, 1999). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports the Texas Department of Transportation's decision this week to reduce a sound barrier wall between Trophy Club and the Texas 114 bypass by 420 feet is a betrayal of an agreement reached 10 years ago, residents and officials said yesterday.
Compromise Proposed over Noisy Fans at Wisconsin School (Apr. 16, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a plan that should reduce the noise from rooftop ventilating units at the high school was endorsed Thursday by the West Bend, Wisconsin, school board.
South Carolina County Considers Noisy Animal Ordinance (Apr. 16, 1999). The Post and Courier reports the Charleston, South Carolina, County Council, is working to create a fair and enforceable noise ordinance that will give relief to neighbors annoyed by animal noise.
Calif. Town Upholds Dog-Friendly Parks but says Pet Owners Need to Resolve Noise Complaints (Apr. 15, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the Encinitas, California, City Council last night upheld the status quo at a "dog-friendly" park despite noise complaints from neighbors. Pet owners, however, were reminded to take responsibility in solving noise complaints from park neighbors.
English Court of Appeals Upholds EPA Noise Nuisance Notice Regarding Barking Dogs (Apr. 14, 1999). The Times Newspapers Limited reports a Court of Appeal on March 3 in Colchester, England, upheld the serving of a noise nuisance notice established by the 1990 Environmental Protection Act.
Long Island Towns Place Restrictions on Noisy Helicopters (Apr. 11, 1999). The New York Times reports in recent years the freedom to use helicopters has been reduced on Long Island as more and more towns have passed regulations restricting where they can take off and land. And in some areas where helicopters can still operate on private property, neighbors are becoming more vocal about the noise.
Ventura, California, Resident Says Firing Range is a "Noise Generator" Spewing "Aural Graffiti" (Apr. 11, 1999). The Los Angeles Times published a letter from John W. Wagner of Ventura, California. Wagner vehemently opposes the noisy pistol range in his city. Wagner writes:
Entire Kentucky Town Relocated in Unique Airport Noise Buyout (Apr. 9, 1999). The New York Times reports a Kentucky town near the Louisville International Airport agreed to an airport buy-out only if the entire town could be moved together. FAA officials consented to the request, the first of its kind in the United States.
Entire Kentucky Town Relocates to Escape Airport Noise (Apr. 9, 1999). The New York Times reports in the wake of a relocation effort by the Louisville International Airport, a Kentucky town has made a demand so unusual that that Federal Aviation Administration officials now say it could be a model for other communities.
Contractors Educated on Installing Noise Insulation for Homes Near Indianapolis International Airport (Apr. 9, 1999). The Indianapolis Star reports work will begin soon to insulate hundreds of Hendricks County homes from the noise of jets from Indianapolis International Airport.
Noise Study of Bradley Airport Presents Dilemma for Suffield, Conn. (Apr. 5, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports the results of a mini-study show reducing noise in one part of Suffield, Connecticut, will only increase noise in another section of town.
Brochure Informs Residents of Temporary Noise Shifts at O'Hare Airport (Apr. 5, 1999). The Chicago Sun-Times reports summer maintenance projects at O'Hare Airport are expected to create noise shifts over Chicago area communities.
Judge Rules Florida Landowners Must Prove Decreased Property Value in Airport Noise Suit (Apr. 3, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports a judge's ruling may have crippled the case of Palm Beach, Florida, landowners who claim their peace of mind is shattered by the noise of 85 air flights a day over their homes from Palm Beach International Airport.
Roxbury, Mass., is Loser in Noise Turf Battle, Say Residents (Apr. 3, 1999). The Boston Globe reports the Runway 27 Coalition in Massachusetts now has former members saying one faction benefited at the expense of another community in its battle over noise pollution from Logan Airport.
New Grant Will Soundproof More Homes Affected by Noise from Burbank Airport (Apr. 2, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports a new grant of federal funds will provide sound insulation for more homes affected by noise from the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport.
Advisory Board in Mass. Works to Protect Community from Power Plant Noise (Apr. 1, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports Weymouth, Massachusetts, town officials are carefully considering noise and other pollution concerns at a proposed power plant.
Acoustic Ecology: Hearing Care and Preserving the Rare Sounds of Silence (Apr.1 1999). Cooking Light Magazine reports natural quiet in the United States is difficult to find in these modern times of more cars, more planes, more appliances, and more people. What we hear and how well we hear it is a major concern of both audiologists and a movement called acoustic ecology.
FAA Accused of Having "No Decency;" Residents of Queens, NY, Say More Flights and Noise at LaGuardia and Kennedy Unacceptable (Mar. 31, 1999). Newsday reports residents who live near New York's LaGuardia and Kennedy Airports met in Queens last night to tell FAA officials they are dead set against increased flights and the accompanying noise.
Raleigh, NC, Revises Noise Ordinance to Regulate Businesses that Feature Music; Many Homeowners Remain Dissatisfied (Mar. 27, 1999). The News and Observer reports Raleigh, North Carolina, leaders said they tried to balance concern for neighbors' peace and quiet with the needs of a lively urban life when they drafted a revised noise ordinance.
Seattle Nightclub Owners Face Stricter Noise Ordinances (Mar. 27, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports proposals to reinforce noise regulations for nightclubs in Seattle neighborhoods are not sitting well with a number of club owners.
Neighbors of Seattle's Nightclubs want Peace (Mar. 26, 1999). The Seattle Times reports as a result of increasing complaints, Seattle and Washington state regulators are considering new noise, alcohol and entertainment regulations that club owners fear could ruin their livelihood.
Indiana Residents Along 146th Seek Solutions to Noise from Four Lanes (Mar. 25, 1999). The Indianapolis News reports Indiana residents who live along 146 Street are concerned with finding a way to minimize traffic noise when the new four-lane route is complete.
Clinton, Connecticut, Drafts Noise Ordinance (Mar. 24, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports the town of Clinton, Connecticut, is writing a noise ordinance in response to residents' complaints.
Minnesota Orchestra Gets OK for Amphitheater, but Opponents Vow to Fight Noise Variance (Mar. 24, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports while the Minnesota Orchestra won approval Wednesday for an outdoor concert amphitheater, it still faces a number of major hurdles, including obtaining a noise variance.
Oklahoma City Threatens Legal Action to Stop Night Noise from Dig Operation (Mar. 24, 1999). The Daily Oklahoman reports Oklahoma City Council members said Wednesday they are willing to go to court if necessary to stop overnight dirt work near a northeast neighborhood.
Port of Seattle "Puts Kids First" and Funds Jet Noise Study at Highline Schools (Mar. 24, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports the Port of Seattle yesterday agreed to fund the noise study for Highline School District whose schools are seriously affected by noise from nearby Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Raleigh Committee Endorses Less Stringent Noise Law; Neighborhood Activists Discuss Strategy to Defeat Ordinance (Mar. 24, 1999). The News and Observer reports a Raleigh City Council subcommittee Tuesday endorsed, on a split vote, a noise ordinance that would allow music-playing businesses in neighborhoods.
Floridians Complain of Increased Jet Noise from Jacksonville Naval Air Station (Mar. 23, 1999). The Florida Times-Union reports more fighter jets have been flying training exercises from Jacksonville Naval Air Station -- a situation that has prompted complaints from Florida residents to the Navy and elected officials.
Noise Study at Louisville International Airport Makes Neighbors Key Participants (Mar. 22, 1999). The Courier-Journal reports a new noise study at Kentucky's Louisville International Airport is aimed at soothing eardrums as well as hard feelings that linger from expansion there a decade ago.
Penn. Town Passes Stiff Noise Ordinance to Preserve Quality of Life (Mar. 17, 1999). The Morning Call reports Bethlehem residents were heard Tuesday as the city council enacted one law to discourage noisy peace-breakers and started work on another to restrict BYOB clubs.
Airports Add Noise and Safety Issues to Expanding Urban Sprawl in Arizona (Mar. 16, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports safety and noise drive the airport encroachment debate in the Phoenix, Arizona, area as crowded airways rival congested freeways.
Noise in New Orleans' French Quarter Neighborhood Equal to Industrial Zone Levels (Mar. 16, 1999). The Times-Picayune published a letter written by Winnie Nichols, French Quarter resident, and Paulette R. Irons, State Senator from New Orleans. The writers urge New Orleans city officials to appreciate the toll of noise on residents and take action to protect residents of the historic French Quarter neighborhood:
Some Say Airports and Urban Sprawl on Collision Course in Arizona's Valley (Mar. 15, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports Arizona's population is growing along with air traffic, spurring noise and safety concerns.
To Wall or Not to Wall? That is the Question in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, as Noise Walls are Vehemently Opposed by Some, Praised by Others (Mar. 14, 1999). The Salt Lake Tribune reports noise walls are a contentious issue in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Some residents applaud their effectiveness against freeway noise while others decry their unsightliness.
Solid Doors Make Better Noise Barriers (Mar. 12, 1999). The Chicago Tribune published a question, in a column called "The Rehabber," asking advice about noise control for an office located in a residence.
Trash Truck Terminal in Quincy, Mass., Ordered to Keep Quiet Until 7 A.M. (Mar. 10, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports the city license board of Quincy, Massachusetts, voted to keep a trash truck terminal quiet until 7 a.m. after residents complained of losing sleep due to early morning noise made by the company.
Mass. Resident Criticizes Logan Expansion; Asks Massport to Consider Noise Effects on Residents (Mar. 8, 1999). The Boston Globe published a letter from Massachusetts resident Jacques Weissgerber criticizing Massport's disregard of residents of Boston and nearby communities as it proceeds with its plan to build a third runway at Logan Airport. Weissgerber writes:
Keep Your Music to Yourself; Colorado Town Teaches Lesson to Noise Scofflaws (Mar. 6, 1999). The Associated Press reports the town of Fort Lupton, Colorado, has devised a unique and effective penalty for those who violate the noise ordinance by blasting music from their cars.
Airport Influence Area and Noise Concern Residents Near Arizona's Williams Gateway Airport (Mar. 4, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports a federally funded noise study will be undertaken and a noise map reconfiguration to answer Arizona residents' concerns in wake of growth at Williams Gateway Airport.
Henderson, North Carolina, Establishes New Noise Ordinance using Sound Levels (Feb. 26, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports Henderson County, North Carolina, has adopted a new noise ordinance, effective July 1, 1999.
Annapolis, MD, Residents Want Ordinance to Protect Them Against Nighttime Noise Disturbances (Feb. 23, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports Annapolis, Maryland, residents seek an ordinance that will provide them with peace and quiet during the night.
Keep Your Music to Yourself; Florida County Adopts Noise Ordinance Aimed at Lowering the Volume of Boomboxes at the Beach (Feb. 23, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune published an editorial supporting the adoption of a noise ordinance to quell loud beach music in Volusia County, Florida.
Illinois Town Rejects Noise Ordinance as Too Broad and Restrictive (Feb. 22, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports late last week, the village board of Winfield, Illinois, voted to reject a proposed noise ordinance that many residents argued was unnecessary and too broad.
Neighbors Object to Noise from Dog Kennel in Spring Lake, Florida (Feb. 22, 1999). The Petersburg Times reports the noise from a dog kennel has pitted neighbors against the dogs' owner in Spring Lake, Florida.
Neighbors Say Dogs Shatter Quiet and Quality of Life in Arizona Town (Feb. 20, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports neighbors in an Arizona town say their solitude is being destroyed by the barking of eight dogs from a nearby residence.
Henderson, NC, Looks to Revise Noise Ordinance Draft by Increasing Allowable Noise Levels (Feb. 19, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports Henderson County, North Carolina, officials are considering relaxing their proposed noise ordinance by allowing increased noise levels and exempting businesses and industries.
Residents of English Town Fight to Keep Noise Restrictions on Factory (Feb. 16, 1999). The Western Morning News reports residents of Barnstaple, England, are objecting to potential noise pollution if a factory destroyed by fire is rebuilt.
California State Fair Wins Noise Suit; Bills Two Residents $3.3 Million for Legal Fees (Feb. 15, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports two Costa Mesa, California, residents who lost a noise suit to the state-run Orange County Fair have been billed $3.3 million in legal fees for prolonging the suit.
Letters: California Residents Differ on Noise from Burbank Airport (Feb. 14, 1999). The Los Angeles Times published letters from California residents expressing their views on noise from the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport. The following letter is from John Di Minico of Studio City, California. Mr. Di Minico writes:
Residents in Boca Raton, Florida, Object to Industrial-Like Sound Walls (Feb. 12, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports residents along Florida's State Road 7 object to the aesthetics of federally mandated sound walls that will soon enclose their communities.
New Runway at Boston's Logan Airport Pits Residents Against Business Leaders (Feb. 12, 1999). The Boston Globe reports a proposed new runway at Boston's Logan Airport divides many business leaders from numerous residents who live in the city and its suburbs.
Sound Specialist Tells Calif. Residents Noise from Sound and Gravel Company Can be Mitigated (Feb. 11, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports residents of Serra Mesa, California, learned from an acoustical engineer that noise from a nearby sand and gravel pit can be muffled at the source to allow them to sleep at night.
Barberton, Ohio, Passes Noise Law Targeting Boomcars; Equipment and Vehicles May be Confiscated (Nov. 23, 1998). The Plain Dealer published an editorial urging readers to move to Barberton, Ohio, to get some peace and quiet now that the town has passed a law authorizing the confiscation of car stereo equipment and vehicles from repeated noise offenders.
Penn. Town Writes Noise Ordinance in Response to Complaints about Club (Nov. 19, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports the town of Forest Hills, Pennsylvania, is on its way to passing its first noise ordinance.
Ohio City Council Considers Increasing Fines for Violators of Noise Law (Nov. 17, 1998). The State Journal Register reports the Springfield, Ohio, City Council is considering increasing fines for violators of noise law.
Growth Brings Noise to Ohio Township, Including Din from Church Gatherings (Nov. 14, 1998). The Cincinnati Enquirer reports officials and residents of Hamilton Township, Ohio, are considering the merits of a noise ordinance in the wake of complaints about late-night noise from teen gatherings at a local church.
Noise from Crematory Gets Action from Conn. Town Council (Oct. 20, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports neighbors of a crematory in Enfield, Connecticut, were successful Monday night in getting their town council to take action after they voiced complaints about noise from the operation.
Residents in England Join Forces to Limit Fireworks and Associated Noise (Oct. 20, 1998). The Evening Standard reports anti-noise protesters have recruited former education minister Sir Rhodes Boyson in an effort to restrict fireworks parties to the week of November 5, to celebrate Guy Fawkes night.
RI Town Moves Toward Drafting Enforceable Noise Ordinance (Oct. 19, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports noise problems from loud cars to early morning industrial operations prove challenging to Rhode Island residents.
Los Angeles Resident Says Noise Problems at Universal Not Limited to Late-Night Filming (Oct. 18, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published a letter to the editor from resident Richard A. Cole of Toluca Lake objecting to expansion and noise at Universal's Park. Cole writes:
NH Couple Prosecuted after Neighbors Complain of Noisy Geese (Oct. 16, 1998). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports a New Hampshire couple is being prosecuted for noise violations after neighbors complained about noisy animals.
Road Noise Makes Life Unbearable in Upscale Maryland Planned Community (Oct. 16, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports many residents in a Columbia, Maryland, planned community are subjected to unbearable noise from a four-lane highway that splits their community.
Bottling Plant in Georgia Works to Resolve its Noise Problem (Oct. 15, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports residents in the Georgia towns of Covington and Oxford soon will get relief from the noise of a nearby bottling plant.
Newport, Rhode Island, Waives Noise Ordinance for High School Football Games (Oct. 15, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports officials in Newport, Rhode Island, waived the noise ordinance for the season's remaining high school football games after neighbors complained of noise at a local field.
Residents Say Generator a Noise Nuisance in England Town (Oct. 14, 1998). The Sentinel reports residents of Stoke, England, contend noise from a generator powering temporary traffic lights is making their life hell.
Officials at Wisconsin's Waukesha County Airport Invite Residents to Discuss Noise and Expansion Concerns (Oct. 13, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Wisconsin residents will have an opportunity to meet with Waukesha County Airport officials later this month to discuss airport noise and expansion.
Making Noise Laws Clear in Moorpark, California (Oct. 12, 1998). The Ventura County Star published an article about noise written by the Senior Deputy of the Moorpark, California. The law enforcement officer, Kory Martinelli, seeks to clear up some misconceptions about noise nuisances and the law.
Tourists in Canada Find Banff Too Noisy; Business Owners Seek Solutions (Oct. 12, 1998). The article reports Bonar Hunter, Banff's senior bylaw officer, said the town's general noise bylaw does not specifically regulate or enforce bar noise and that his team of four full-time officers only works until 10 p.m. during the summer, and 6 p.m. in the off- season. Most bars close at about 2 a.m. and that's where the trouble starts, hotel and motel officials said. Hunter is investigating and will report to town council. "We want higher profile by RCMP . . ." said Lanz, adding the noise is also becoming a problem for Banff's permanent residents. Banff RCMP agree the problem of early-morning party animals is getting worse and they expect final statistics on jailed drunks this year to be up 20 per cent. "There wasn't a lot of bad weather to drive people indoors so the kids stayed out longer and seemed to party harder than they normally do," said RCMP Sgt. Bob Peterson.
Noise Sources and Solutions in Washington, DC, Area Neighborhoods (Oct. 10, 1998). The Washington Post reports that while noise may be an unavoidable part of apartment life in the Washington, DC, area, as it is elsewhere, developers, property managers, and tenants themselves can take steps to muffle their problems.
Wisconsin Residents Object to Noise from Neighborhood Swimming Lessons (Oct. 8, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a special planning commission hearing was held in Mequon, Wisconsin, to address the issue of noise from a residence where swimming lessons are given.
Noisy and Uncivil Neighbors in Los Angeles (Oct. 7, 1998). Los Angeles Times published the following editorial opinions in response to the October 1 article, which discussed private party noise in residential areas of Los Angeles.
Town Council Approves Expansion of Indoor Skateboard Facility (Oct. 6, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a skateboard facility will be expanding in spite of neighbors' complaints about noise.
Proposed Legislation Requires $300 Fine for Noisy Car Stereos and Car Alarms in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (Oct. 6, 1998). The Morning Call reports that Bethlehem Mayor Don Cunningham will propose amending the existing noise ordinance. The proposed amendment levies fines up to $300 for booming car stereos and deafening car alarms.
Police Called Repeatedly to Enforce Peace and Quiet in Los Angeles (Oct. 1, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports the calls pour in all night long to California's downtown Los Angeles police communications center from Angelenos desperate for a little peace and quiet.
Chicago Alderman Seeks to Soften City's Noise Ordinance, Claiming Ban on Loud Car Music Hurts Retailers (Sep. 30, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports a Chicago, Illinois, City Alderman has introduced an initiative to amend the city's 1996 ordinance that bans loud music in cars. Opponents of the current noise ordinance say it hurts business at car-audio retailers.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, Takes Action Against Bar after Noise Complaints (Sep. 30, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports a popular night spot in downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico, is forbidden from offering live music until the bar's owner complies with the city's noise ordinance, a city official said Tuesday.
Residents' Group in England Continues to Fight Noise from Shouting Inmates (Sep. 27, 1998). The Leicester Mail reports a community action group in Leicester, England, claims it is still fighting for some peace and quiet more than two years after voicing its concern about noise from a nearby juvenile detention center.
How Quiet are the Neighbors? European Bank Advises Finding Answer Before Buying a Home (Sep. 25, 1998). The Daily Record of Europe reports noisy neighbors are the biggest drawback to buying a new home, according to a survey out yesterday.
Large Retail Complex Brings Noise and Traffic Concerns to Idaho Residents (Sep. 25, 1998). The Idaho Statesman reports plans for a retail complex in Meridian, Idaho, continue to spark concerns over noise and traffic from some nearby residents.
Helicopter Pad at English Hotel Brings Noise Complaints from Neighbors (Sep. 24, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports a helicopter landing at a Birmingham, England, hotel is angering local residents who claim their peace and quiet is being shattered.
Home Depot Makes Noise on Long Island and Across the Country (Sep. 23, 1998). Newsday reports people across the country, including many on Long Island, New York, say Home Depot, one of the country's largest retailers, is a noisy neighbor that doesn't belong near residential neighborhoods.
Indianapolis Resident Says Police Unwilling to Enforce Noise Ordinances Downtown (Sep. 23, 1998). The Indianapolis Star published the following letter from Arthur J. Usher IV, an Indianapolis, Indiana, resident. Usher contends the city police are unwilling to enforce noise ordinances, making living in the city practically unbearable. Usher wrote:
Neighbors Accuse Wendy's Restaurant in Florida of Violating Noise Ordinance (Sep. 23, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports neighbors of a Wendy's restaurant in Pembroke Pines, Florida, say trucks making early morning deliveries are robbing them of their sleep.
Noise Complaints Rise as Tolerance for Noise Decreases in English Town (Sep. 23, 1998). The Grimsby Evening Telegraph reports noise pollution is becoming an increasing problem in East Lindsey, England, as residents become less tolerant of certain kinds of noise.
NH Residents Oppose Power Plant, Voice Noise and Safety Concerns (Sep. 22, 1998). The Union Leader reports a group opposed to a power plant in Londonderry, New Hampshire, expressed concerns last night about noise, safety, and diminished property values to the Town Council.
FAA Adds $1Million to Soundproofing Fund at RI's Green Airport (Sep. 21, 1998). The Associated Press reports T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode, Island, is getting $1 million from the Federal Aviation Administration to insulate neighboring homes against jet noise.
Richmond, British Columbia, Establishes Restrictions for "Raves" after Neighbors in Vancouver Complain (Sep. 17, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports after numerous complaints about noise from a recent rave party in Richmond, British Columbia, town officials adopt restrictions.
Noise Complaints in the United Kingdom Decreasing (Sep. 16, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports environmental health officers in the United Kingdom announced the public may be becoming more tolerant of noisy neighbors.
Minnesota Town Gives Skateboarders a Park, but Noise Brings Complaints from Nearby Residents (Sep. 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports while skateboarders in Stillwater, Minnesota, are excited about their new rink on the western edge of town, residents are complaining about the noise the skateboard facility brings to their neighborhood.
Most Residents in Chicago Suburb Object to Proposed Regulation of Lawn Mower Noise (Sep. 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald published a second set of letters from Arlington Heights, Illinois, residents responding to an article that reported the Arlington Heights Environmental Control Commission was considering imposing restrictions on homeowners' use of lawn mowers and snow blowers to regulate noise. Included as well are two letters from residents addressing other noise issues in Arlington Heights. The first letter about lawn mower noise is from resident Cathy Robertson:
Editorial Urges Gilbert, Arizona, Town Council and Citizens to do Homework on Proposed Expansion of Williams Gateway Airport (Sep. 13, 1998). The Arizona Republic published the following editorial criticizing the Gilbert, Arizona, Town Council for blindly accepting the Williams Gateway Airport Authority's recommendations for zoning without considering its citizens and the common good.
LA Planning Commission Recommends Noise Limits at Universal Studios (Sep. 12, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that resident outcry has convinced the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission to consider noise restrictions for Universal Studios.
Neighbors Complain about Nightclub Noise, Legal Action May Lead to Florida Club Shutdown (Sep. 10, 1998). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports authorities could start procedures to close a nightclub in Sarasota, Florida, after neighbors charge the club violated a noise agreement.
Citizens in Gilbert, Arizona, Demand to be Heard about Noise from Williams Gateway Airport (Sep. 10, 1998). The Arizona Republic published the following letter to the editor from Gilbert, Arizona, resident Nick Champion. In his letter, Champion challenges the town council's position on airport noise and its effects on residents' property values. Champion wrote:
City Officials in Quincy, MA, Act to Restore Quiet in Neighborhoods (Sep. 10, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports city officials in Quincy, Massachusetts, are taking action to give residents relief from noise made by barges unloading oil and early morning dumpster pickups.
Opponents Stand Ground Against Noise and Go-Carts in Louisiana Town (Sep. 10, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports Mandeville, Louisiana, residents still oppose plans for a go-cart track at a local miniature golf course, despite the owner's pitch that it will offer a positive recreational alternative for the area's teens.
Florida Commissioner Asks for Review of County's Ordinances After All-Night Concert Sparks Noise Complaints (Sep. 9, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports last weekend's all-night "rave" party in Pasco, Florida, was noisy enough to prompt one county commissioner to seek a change in the way the county permits such events.
Florida Town Considers Banning All-Night Concerts After Noise Complaints (Sep. 9, 1998). The Tampa Tribune reports Pasco, Florida, is considering a ban on all-night outdoor music shows after a recent event resulted in dozens of drug arrests and noise complaints.
Resident is Heavily Fined in England for Noise Disturbances (Sep. 8, 1998). The Nottingham Evening Post reports Richard Ramsey of Nottingham, England, has been fined for two breaches of a noise abatement notice.
Letter Asks for Equal Coverage of North Carolina Residents' Concerns about FedEx Hub (Sep. 8, 1998). The News & Record published the following letter to the editor from Jeff Johnson, a resident of Greensboro, North Carolina. In his letter Johnson contends recent articles published in the newspaper about the new FedEx hub unfairly deny equal space to citizens' concerns. Johnson writes:
Letter: Don't Neglect to Mention Noise from Santa Monica Airport in Real Estate Articles (Sep. 6, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published the following letter to the editor from two Los Angeles, California, residents who chided the newspaper for omitting the existence of airplane noise in any article about Sunset Park real estate. The Schechters wrote:
English Resident Breaks Noise Laws; Town Destroys Stereo to Deter Future Violators (Sep. 5, 1998). The Daily Telegraph reports a residents' music system was demolished in public in Grantham, England, as a warning to those who persistently defy noise laws.
Homeowner in Washington State Sues Developers, Charges They Destroyed Natural Noise Buffer and Devalued His Property (Sep. 5, 1998). The News Tribune reports Tacoma, Washington, resident Earl Petit plans to picket the Pierce County Street of Dreams custom home show on its final weekend. Petit claims the developers removed a natural noise buffer between his home and a scrap metal yard, destroying his right to peace and quiet and devaluing his property.
Texas Town Rejects Amphitheater, Noise and Preservation of Park Land Drive Decision (Sep. 5, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports Bedford, Texas, City Council members say a Park Board recommendation may prevent the chance for an amphitheater on city park land.
Who Should Enforce Noise Rules at a Florida Condominium Complex? (Sep. 5, 1998). The Tampa Tribune published the following question from F.P., a resident of Seminole, Florida, who wonders who should enforce noise rules at a condominium complex. F.P. wrote:
Albuquerque Considers Ordinance Restricting Heliports after Residents Complain of Noise from TV News Helicopters (Sep. 4, 1998). The Albuquerque Tribune reports the Albuquerque, New Mexico, Environmental Planning Commission is considering an ordinance restricting heliports after residents complained of noise from news helicopters that take off and land near their homes.
New Orleans Enacts Noise Buffer Zone for Cathedral during Services (Sep. 4, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports the New Orleans City Council on Thursday placed limits on noise levels around a city cathedral during religious services after a lengthy dispute between the church and street musicians.
Community Policing Effort Reduces Traffic Noise in Fall River, Massachusetts (Aug. 18, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin describes a community policing effort to eradicate blaring car stereos, loud mufflers, roaring motorcycles, and other traffic nuisances from a cruising strip in Fall River, Massachusetts.
Residents Distressed by Outdoor Dinner Parties Decide to Take Action (Aug. 14, 1998). Calgary Herald reports that a group of residents are upset about the late-night noise emulating from the Cross House Garden Café in Calgary, British Columbia. They say the outdoor parties are ruining the quiet tranquility of the community and are circulating a petition that requests the city to withhold permission for the garden tents to go up each summer.
Editorial: Making Providence, Rhode Island Safe for Civility (Aug. 13, 1998). And let Hizzoner memorize City Journal, which has been the Bible in New York. Every issue is a sort of Clausewitz on the war to save our cities.
Newport, Maine Adopts a Prohibition on Amplified Entertainment (Aug. 13, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Newport's City Council has adopted an amendment to its existing noise ordinance to prohibit amplified entertainment after 8 p.m.
City Council in Port Allen, Louisiana Votes Unanimously to Modify Noise Ordinance (Aug. 13, 1998). The Port Allen Advocate announced the city council's unanimous vote to revise the city's noise ordinance. The revised ordinance is an effort to reduce the loud "boom box" music and is fashioned to allow the chief of police more discretion in writing citations.
Committee Will Consider Curfews on Business Practices in an Effort to Curb Noise in Weymouth, Massachusetts (Aug. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that Selectman are forming a seven-member committee that will recommend new town bylaws that would disallow noisy business practices early in the morning and late at night.
Editorial: Loud Stereos are a Problem in Amherst, New York (Aug. 11, 1998). The Buffalo News published the following letter regarding multidecibel audio-assault vehicles. The editorialist says Amherst, New York needs to draft a new noise ordinance, use a decimeter to track noise levels, and start issuing tickets.
Two NY Residents Sue Company for Excessive Noise and Vibrations (Aug. 8, 1998). The Buffalo News reports two Forestville, New York, residents who live near a manufacturing plant have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit charging excessive noise and vibrations.
Illinois Town Adopts Ordinance to Limit Noisy Pets (Aug. 7, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports owners of animals that make excessive and continuous noise will be fined in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, in an effort to bring peace to neighborhoods.
Penn. Residents Want Noise Ordinance Enforced at Club in Neighboring Town (Aug. 6, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports residents of one Pennsylvania town are bothered by noise coming from a club just over the line in a nearby town. Forest Hills residents are pushing for Wilkinsburg to enforce its own noise ordinances.
Residents of Housing Project Near Georgia Airport to be Relocated (Aug. 6, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports residents of Lottie Miller Homes public housing project in College Park, Georgia, should soon get relief from airplane noise roaring overhead day and night, a city lawyer said this week.
Court Orders Couple to Quiet Lovemaking after Neighbors Complain of Noise in Ipswich, England (Aug. 6, 1998). The Mirror reports an Ipswich, England, man has been ordered to keep his lovemaking sessions quiet or face eviction.
Maine Residents Object to Noise from Salvation Army's New 1,421 Seat Pavilion (Aug. 5, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports on opening night of The Salvation Army's new pavilion in Old Orchard Beach, the noise was already too loud for neighbors. The group received a summons from police to appear in court for violating the town's noise ordinance.
Editorialist Decides Ice Cream Truck Noise Permissible in Spite of Its Extreme Annoyance to Young Parents (Aug. 5, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published the following editorial in which the editorialist imagines the enforcement of Pittsburgh's new noise ordinance against ice cream trucks in the suburbs. The editorialist resolves that ice cream truck noise should be tolerated despite its extreme annoyance to parents of young children.
Florida County Drops Grandfathering Clause in Proposed Noise Ordinance (Aug. 5, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports Martin County, Florida's, proposed noise rules could cost some businesses thousands of dollars to be in compliance.
Police May Be Able To Slap Fines on Drivers with Loud Car Stereos Under Bethlehems Newly Proposed City Ordinance (Aug. 3, 1998). The Morning Call reports that local police in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania may soon be in pursuit after drivers using high-wattage car stereos. The police will be able to slap hefty fines on noisemakers if the mayor is successful in getting the new city ordinance passed.
No Peace and Quiet? In Maryland, Call Noise Cop (Aug. 2, 1998). The Sun reports in an effort to respond to a new focus on noise, Maryland's Department of the Environment now employs a state noise cop.
Noise Teams Help Maintain the Quiet in Middlesbrough, England (Aug. 1, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that the fight to quieten town pubs and clubs has been a success in Middlesbrough where OUT-of-hours noise patrols are used. According to the article the patrols function as noise teams and were first put out on the towns street four years ago to crack down on weekend levels.
Car Alarms Considered a Noisy Menace (Jul. 30, 1998). The Vancouver Sun published the following editorial concerning the need to legislate against the menace of car alarms.
Proposed Noise Ordinance Targets Loud Car Stereos and Receives Initial Approval from Pittsburghs City Council (Jul. 30, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Mayor Murphy is expected to sign a noise ordinance if City Council gives its final approval August 3. The Council has already given preliminary approval to the ordinance, which provides tougher fines for noise violators and threatens repeat offenders with booting of their cars when the penalty fines are not paid.
Tenants in London Flats Say They Will Take Their Noise Battle to the House of Lords (Jul. 30, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that tenants in Londons council flats plan to take their grievance concerning inadequate soundproofing to the House of Lords. The Appeal Court recently ruled the council had no obligation to improve the soundproofing of the flats.
West City Council Approves New Noise Code; Neighbors in Fort Lauderdale Get Relief from Barking Dog (Jul. 30, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that Weston city council has approved a noise code prohibiting loud and raucous noise.
Council of Staffordshire Moor-lands will Monitor Skate Ramp Noise (Jul. 29, 1998). The Sentinel reports that noise generated by a skate ramp in Biddulph has become an irritant for nearby residents.
Kentucky Newspaper Reader Asks Columnist to Get Rid of Loud Music in Neighborhood (Jul. 27, 1998). The Courier-Journal printed a column in which a resident of Louisville, Kentucky wrote in to say that two garages in the neighborhood have become music halls for practicing bands. The resident asked the columnist to find out what can be done about the constant noise. The columnist responded by asking police officers to monitor the neighborhood, but police heard excessive noise on only one occasion. The columnist tells the reader to call the police when the music being played.
Scottish Resident Upset About Neighbor's Plan for a Pigeon Loft (Jul. 27, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports that a resident in the Aberdeen, Scotland area has applied for permission to build a loft for racing pigeons in the shared back yard of his council apartment. However, the article says, the next-door neighbor is opposing the plan, saying the pigeons will create noise and make a mess. Planning officers at the Aberdeen City Council have recommended that councilors approve the plan, and the issue will be discussed at Thursday's planning committee meeting.
The Devastating Effects of Noise Pollution and Some Ways to Ease its Impact (Jul. 27, 1998). Time Magazine reports noise pollution is increasing across Europe. While noise can damage health and destroy peace of mind, there are ways to lessen its impact.
Columnist Advises Resident to Chill Out Regarding New Noisy Neighbors (Jul. 22, 1998). The Detroit News printed a question-and-answer column in which a resident in Detroit, Michigan complains about the noisy activities of a new family in the neighborhood. The columnist advises the resident to talk to the family about their concerns, and to not expect that everyone will fit in with the view of a quiet neighborhood.
Florida City Council Rules That Resident Must Get Rid of Basketball Court (Jul. 22, 1998). The Press Journal reports that the code enforcement board in Boca Raton, Florida voted 3-2 Monday that a resident has to get rid of a concrete slab in a vacant lot used as a makeshift basketball court because she couldn't produce a permit for the slab, which was poured in 1965. The issue arose when a resident who lives near the vacant lot complained about the noise from the basketball games.
Florida Town Passes New Noise Ordinance (Jul. 21, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that city commissioners in Weston, Florida voted unanimously Monday to approve a noise ordinance that will give Broward County Sheriff's Office deputies the power to issue citations for people making "loud or raucous noise."
Missouri Residents Lodge Complaints About Barking Dogs; New Noise Monitoring Stations Installed at Lambert Field (Jul. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that residents in Pasadena Hills, Missouri have called Mayor Scott Livingston during evening hours to complain about barking dogs. Livingston said last week that there's little he can do personally about the problem. In other news, the Pasadena Hills Board of Alderman last week heard a report about new noise monitoring stations to be installed at Lambert Field.
Indiana Resident Asks How to Get Relief From Noisy Dog (Jul. 18, 1998). The Indianapolis Star reports printed a column in which a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana asked whether there is a county ordinance that protects residents from neighbors' dogs that bark incessantly. The columnist responded by outlining the law enforcement process that the resident could undertake.
New Mexico County Passes Noise Ordinance (Jul. 17, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that Grant County Commissioners in Silver City, New Mexico approved a noise ordinance Tuesday that took effect immediately.
New York Town Police Train More Police to Use Decibel Meters, Increasing Enforcement of Noise Law (Jul. 16, 1998). Newsday reports that the city of Long Beach, New York has doubled the number of police officers qualified to use decibel meters in order to enforce the city's noise ordinance. City officials said the noise ordinance and the decibel meter training has resulted in a less noisy community.
Electronic Monitoring System Used in Grimsby, England, to Combat Noise Nuisances (Jul. 14, 1998). The Grimsby Evening Telegraph reports an English town of Grimsby is using an electronic monitoring system to combat noise pollution.
Irish Man Takes Neighbor to Court for Crowing Rooster; Now Neighbor Blares TV and Radio Noise (Jul. 10, 1998). The Mirror reports that an Irish man, Mr. Masterson, took his neighbor, Mrs. Gallagher, to court to stop her rooster from crowing every morning at 4:30 a.m. in the summer. Now, the article says, Mrs. Gallagher has started to blare her radio and television at all hours of the day.
Steel Company Makes Noise Reduction Efforts to Appease Neighbors in Walsall, England (Jul. 8, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports a dispute has been resolved between residents and a Walsall, England, steel firm over alleged late night noise.
NJ Resident Cited for Noise; Neighbors Say Police Acted Too Slowly (Jul. 7, 1998). The Record reports although police issued a ticket to the hostess of a noisy Fourth of July reggae party on Saturday night, angry neighbors say the officers acted too late to save their holiday from being ruined by loud music and crowds of people overflowing onto the street.
Weston, Florida, Gets Serious About Enforcing Quiet (Jul. 7, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports several residents of Weston, Florida, urged the City Commission to approve a code limiting "loud and raucous noise." The noise code was unanimously approved.
London Case Pending on Landlords' Liability in Noise Nuisance Matters (Jul. 7, 1998). The Lawyer reports judgment is pending in a London case which will determine landlords' liability in respect to noise nuisance.
Court of Appeal Will Hear Challenge of Noise Abatement Notice Served to English Pub (Jul. 7, 1998). The Lawyer reports a Gosport, England, pub is at the center of a pending test case over procedures to be followed by courts dealing with complaints of noise nuisance.
Communities in the Buffalo, New York, Area Draft Noise Ordinance with Car Stereos in Mind (Jul. 6, 1998). The Buffalo News reports New York's Erie County Sheriff's Department and other area police agencies are trying to crackdown on drivers who blast high-powered car stereos.
Solana Beach, CA, Drum Group Cooperates with Noise Laws to Keep Meeting Place (Jul. 5, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports a drumming circle group in Solana Beach, California, will be allowed to continue to meet at a county park after they worked work out a solution to stay within the noise laws.
Busch Gardens Will Build Noise Walls After Residents Complain of Incessant Screaming from Fans on Popular Roller Coaster (Jul. 4, 1998). The Tampa Tribune reports people living near Busch Gardens are complaining about noise from a giant roller coaster, but the amusement park plans to correct the problem.
English Town Promotes Noise Awareness Day with Education (Jul. 3, 1998). The Herald Express reports the Council in Teignbridge, England, went into action to spotlight Noise Awareness Day launched by the National Society for Clean Air.
Firefighter Landlords in England Protest Station Noise (Jul. 2, 1998). The Evening Post (Wellington) reports in England two firemen are complaining that the station where they work is too noisy for tenants in apartments next door. The two firemen happen to also be the landlords of the adjacent apartments.
San Francisco Supervisor Proposes Entertainment District after Residents Make Noise Complaints (Jul. 2, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports San Francisco's Supervisor Gavin Newsom is proposing the city create an entertainment district to balance needs of clubs and residents in the South of Market section of the city.
Some Montreal Residents Say Neighborhoods and Bars Don't Mix, Citing Noise and Traffic (Jul. 2, 1998). The Gazette reports bars and restaurants in residential area of Montreal have become controversial. Residents complain about noise. West End business owners say they are working to peacefully co-exist in neighborhoods.
City in Scotland Publishes Guide for Residents with Noise Problems (Jul. 1, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports the City Council of Aberdeen, Scotland, is addressing the growing noise pollution problem by publishing noise reduction guidelines for residents.
Residents Object to University Soccer Stadium in St. Paul Neighborhood (Jul. 1, 1998). The Star Tribune reports plans by the University of Minnesota to build a women's soccer stadium on its St. Paul campus have nearby residents and some local officials upset. They say it's inappropriate to build a soccer stadium in a residential neighborhood because of the noise, traffic and parking problems it will cause.
Sounds of Silence Rare in North Lincolnshire, England; Noise Complaints Increase (Jul. 1, 1998). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph reports complaints about noise pollution are on the rise in the English towns of North Lincolnshire. But the Health and Public Protection Committee can help residents bothered by noise.
Noise Complaints Increase 20 Percent in English Towns (Jun. 29, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo reports complaints about noisy neighbors are on the increase in the English towns of Vale of Evesham and Broadway.
Jacksonville Considering New Enforceable Noise Laws (Jun. 27, 1998). The State Journal Register reports the city of Jacksonville, Florida, is looking at a new proposal to restrict noise in neighborhoods.
Columbus Resident Advocates for Preservation of Quiet Streets and Neighborhoods (Jun. 26, 1998). The Columbus Dispatch published the following editorial by Columbus resident, Joe Motil. He opposes the building of a major thoroughfare through an historic section of the city, which he says will bring noise, traffic, and the destruction of urban green space and a neighborhood. Motil writes:
German Court Rules in Favor of Neighbors; Enforces Quiet Times at Home (Jun. 26, 1998). AP Worldstream reports Germany's Constitutional Court refused Friday to hear an appeal of a controversial ruling that came from a neighbor's complaints about noise coming from a house for mentally handicapped men.
Providence Resident Wants Police to Enforce Noise Pollution Laws (Jun. 24, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following editorial from resident Edward Moncada, encouraging police enforcement of noise regulations in Providence, Rhode Island. Moncada writes:
Long Beach Township Cancels Ordinance Regulating Ice Cream Vendors (Jun. 23, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports New Jersey's Long Beach Township officials have rescinded an ordinance that had limited the days and streets on which ice cream vendors could operate. The canceled ordinance was passed last year after residents complained of noise and fumes from the ice cream trucks.
California's Kings County Passes Noisy Party Ordinance (Jun. 22, 1998). The Fresno Bee reports an ordinance was recently approved to fine hosts of noisy parties if California's Kings County Sheriff Department has to make a return visit to quiet the site.
Boise City Council Will Consider New Ordinance to Silence Barking Dogs (Jun. 21, 1998). The Idaho Statesman reports that Boise City Council will be considering a new noise ordinance aimed at barking dogs.
Pittsfield City Council Adopts Noise and Conduct Ordinance in Maine (Jun. 17, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the Town Council passed a noise and public conduct ordinance. The ordinance is intended to discourage late-night noise and vandalism in downtown Pittsfield where, according to officers, the behavior of teen-agers and young adults has been a problem for the town for many years.
The City of Woonsocket, Rhode Island Responds to Night Noises with a Police Crackdown (Jun. 17, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that 57 tickets written by police officers June 13-14 under the resuscitated noise ordinance in Woonsocket. Officers wrote the tickets to persons riding loud motorcycles, driving cars with thumping stereos and disturbing their neighbors' night peace.
City Councilors Angered at Limited Penalty Fees Required of Noise Nuisance Neighbor in Gloucester, England (Jun. 16, 1998). The Gloucester Citizen reports that angry city councilors agreed to explore new measures for dealing with people who create a noise nuisance.
Bells in Harvard Square Strike Discord with Neighbors in Cambridge (Jun. 14, 1998). The Boston Globe reports that the bells at St. Paul Church in Harvard Square though silent for a half-century are now refurbished and chiming every quarter hour. The sound is pleasantly reminiscent to some, but annoying to many others.
Newport Beach, Calif. Seeks to Restrict Noise from Bars and Restaurants (Jun. 11, 1998). The Orange County Register reports California's Newport Beach City Council on Monday voted to strengthen code enforcement to monitor noise coming from bayfront eateries, and require acoustical studies for all future bayfront restaurants.
Illinois Town Considers New Ordinance to Limit Noise (Jun. 5, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that trustees in Winfield, Illinois considered a draft noise ordinance Thursday that would levy fines for "excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noise." According to village officials, the ordinance was drawn up in response to people complaining about noisy pets.
Illinois Residents Oppose Softball Field Expansion (Jun. 3, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that village officials in Lombard, Illinois recently approved a plan for three new softball fields at Madison Meadow park. But now, residents living near the park are saying they weren't told about the project, and are objecting that it would bring more traffic, noise, and trash to their neighborhood. A meeting is scheduled for June 9 between residents and parks district officials.
Louisiana Town Council Discusses How to Control Excessive Noise From Bars (Jun. 3, 1998). The Advocate reports that the city council in Hammond, Louisiana discussed Tuesday what actions are being taken to monitor and control noise from bars and nightclubs on Nashville Avenue. The article notes that the council adopted a noise control ordinance affecting the area about eight months ago, but the ordinance has only recently started to be enforced. Meanwhile, Mayor Louis Tallo visited Nashville Avenue last Thursday night to monitor the noise level.
Church Official Visits California Neighborhood During Church Service to Experience Noise Level (Jun. 2, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that to determine how loud church services at the Christ Our Redeemer AME Church were, the vice president from Orange County's Interfaith Council stood outside for much of the service last Sunday. Residents said that the congregation was being quieter than usual because they knew that people were listening, but the council representative concluded that closing the doors seemed to contain the sound.
Illinois Town Denies Wal-Mart Expansion, Citing Noise Concerns (Jun. 2, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that village board members in Lake Zurich, Illinois voted 5 to 1 Monday to deny a request for a Wal-Mart expansion. Some board members said Wal-Mart hadn't been a good corporate citizen, while others said the proposed expansion would locate truck traffic and noise closer to residences.
Proposal to Turn Old Montreal's Main Street Into Car-Free Zone Upsets Residents (Jun. 2, 1998). The Gazette reports that city officials in Montreal, Quebec are studying a proposal to turn St. Paul Street in Old Montreal into a car-free zone on weekends. The idea has been proposed by several merchants on the street, who are fed up with traffic jams and want more tourists on the narrow street. But some residents on the street oppose the idea, saying it will turn the street into a zone of noisy late-night restaurants. The article notes that a city committee has been formed to study the proposal.
Dear Abby Column Advises Adults to Enjoy the Noise of Ice Cream Trucks (Jun. 1, 1998). The Dallas Morning News printed a "Dear Abby" column, in which Abby advises a reader to not fight the noise of ice cream trucks, because the trucks are an American institution.
Sign Warning People to Keep Quiet on Connecticut Beach is Turned Off Because it Was Too Noisy (Jun. 1, 1998). The Associated Press reports that the mayor of West Haven, Connecticut has ordered a flashing sign that warned people to keep quiet at the beach to be turned off because it was too noisy. The sign was connected to a generator to power it.
City in Kansas Considers Setting Curfew on Home Car Repairs (May 30, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that City Councilors in Overland Park, Kansas will discuss implementing a curfew that would end home-based auto repairs at its Monday meeting. The proposed ordinance is intended to curb the noise, light, and fumes that come from late-night auto repairs.
California Residents Win Noise Victory, as State Turns Down Banquet Hall's Liquor License Request (May 29, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents of condominiums in Los Angeles's Marina del Rey won a decade-old fight on May 14 when the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control rejected a request for a liquor license for the Fantasea Yacht Club, which holds banquets at the site. On Thursday, the article notes, Fantasea backers filed papers to appeal the license denial, in a process that could continue for a year or longer.
Noise and Safety Considerations for Ice Cream Trucks Are Issues for Some in Salt Lake City (May 29, 1998). The Deseret News reports that summer and ice cream season are approaching, but some in Salt Lake City, Utah are worried about noise and safety considerations. The article interviews two owners of ice cream truck companies about the issues.
Noise and Unruly Patrons at Music Hall Bother Connecticut Residents (May 28, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that residents living near Barry Square in Hartford, Connecticut are criticizing the Webster Theater music club for problems ranging from noise to litter to fist-fights. At a meeting of the Barry Square Revitalization Committee held last week, many of the 80 residents who attended asked or demanded that something be done about the concert-goers.
New Development Brings Loss of Peace and Quiet Once Enjoyed in New West County, Colorado (May 27, 1998). The Idaho Statesman published an editorial from Don Olsen contemplating the noise of crowing roosters, prairie dogs and the aspirations of subdivision developers in New West County, Colorado.
British Residents Oppose Day Nursery in their Neighborhood (May 26, 1998). The Sentinel reports that residents living near the site a proposed new 40-child day nursery in Newcastle, England are opposing the development. Residents say that traffic will increase and the peace and quiet they have in their backyards will disappear. The article notes that the Newcastle Borough Council will consider the application at an undetermined date.
Two Czech Cities Decide to Wall Off Their "Problematic" Gypsies (May 25, 1998). The International Herald Tribune reports that officials in Usti Nad Labem and Pilsen, Czech Republic have decided to wall off what they call "problematic" public housing residents, mainly low-income Gypsies, because officials say they destroy the quality-of-life of their neighbors. The walled-off areas will be guarded by round-the-clock police patrols. Some say the walled-off areas will be the equivalent of a ghetto for the residents, the article says.
Missouri Zoning Commission Denies Expansion of Children's Center, Noise and Other Concerns (May 21, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Creve Coeur, Missouri, Planning and Zoning Commission rejected the expansion plan of the Ranken Jordan Children's Rehabilitation Center. Citizens' objections ranged from the center's plan to use aluminum siding to concerns about noise.
Effective Buffer Zones Between Commercial and Residential Areas Critical in Olathe, Kansas (May 20, 1998). The Kansas City Star published an editorial about city officials response to problems plaguing Kansas' Olathe Station. It is the editor's opinion that stronger rules for development are needed to prevent future difficulties with noise and lighting between commercial and residential districts.
LAX Residential Soundproofing Program Enters Second Phase (May 20, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that as part of the soundproofing program for residents, being undertaken by Los Angeles International Airport, another contract was awarded today. It was the fourth contract awarded that will be part of the program's second stage.
Truck Noise at Chicago Motel Deprive Condo Residents of Sleep (May 20, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports semi-tractor trailers parked in the back of a Motel 6 in Villa Park, Chicago, are causing nearby residents to lose sleep.
Village Board Reprimands Inn for Noise (May 19, 1998). The Buffalo News reports the Lewiston, New York, Village Board Monday publicly admonished the general manager of a local inn for its noise levels and failure to be a good neighbor.
Noisy Post Office Disturbs Rhode Island Residents Night and Day (May 18, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports residents of Westerly, Rhode Island, complained to the Town Council that their post office is a noisy neighbor.
NY Resident Says Noise Makers Should Pay (May 17, 1998). The New York Times published the following letter to the editor from Marcia H. Lemmon of New York City's Lower East Side. Ms. Lemmon's letter addresses who should take responsibility for noise and the ensuing costs of soundproofing. She is the chairwoman of the Ludlow Block Association.
Noise and Public Conduct Ordinance Proposed for Maine Town (May 16, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports Pittsfield, Maine, town officials hope to curb unwanted behavior with a new noise and public conduct ordinance.
Hartford Residents Meet to Solve Noise Problems in Capitol Neighborhoods (May 15, 1998). The Hartford Courant of Hartford, Connecticut, reports Capitol area neighbors Thursday met and formed committees in hopes of solving parking problems and noise and other nuisances connected with a corner bar.
Calif. Town Says No to Preschool Permit Citing Health, Safety and Noise Concerns (May 14, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that in Thousand Oaks, California, a developer that wanted to build a preschool had its proposal rejected by planners who worried about noise, safety, and health problems. The developer will appeal the ruling in City Council.
Conn. Recreation Area Temporarily Closed Due to Uncontrolled Noise, Litter, and Parking (May 14, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports Southington, Connecticut, officials have temporarily closed a newly opened recreation area while they work out a plan to control parking, noise and litter.
Illinois Town Seeks to Clear Up Vagueness in Noise & Entertainment Zoning Rules (May 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports in an effort to clarify rules that govern licensed entertainment establishments, officials in Schaumburg, Illinois, proposed changes to sections of the village's zoning code that regulates entertainment and noise.
Calgary Bylaws Prevent New Noisy Businesses (May 12, 1998). The Calgary Herald in Alberta, Canada, reports the city's council approved new bylaws to regulate noise from bars and restaurants near residential areas. The article goes on to point out that the new bylaws don't govern existing facilities.
Editorial Laments Ottawa's Noisy Spring (May 12, 1998). The Ottawa Citizen published an editorial lamenting spring's double-edged sword: warmer weather and more daylight bring more noise.
Hartford Residents Push for Speedier Police Action and Penalties for Noisy Neighbors (May 8, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports police officers' response time to noise complaints were the topics of a meeting of the Southend Neighbors Action Project Wednesday night in Hartford, Connecticut.
Charleston City Council to Write More Enforceable Noise Ordinance (May 8, 1998). The Charleston Daily Mail reports Charleston's City Council's public safety committee will look into adopting a noise ordinance that is more objective and therefore, more enforceable than their current ordinance.
Shifting Commerce to Waterways May be Answer to Noise Along Northeast's I-95 (May 6, 1998). The Journal of Commerce reports incessant noise from Interstate 95 permeates the picture-perfect postcard of moneyed Southport, Connecticut. Officials are exploring ways to mitigate truck traffic as a way to dampen the noise.
Revitalization Plans Bring Noise Worries to Residents of Fort Worth Neighborhood (May 5, 1998). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports while officials and business owners celebrate the steps being made toward commercial progress in a one area of Fort Worth, Texas, some nearby residents worry about traffic and noise. the opening of a Mexican market on North Main Street,
Dubuque Targets Noise from Car Stereos and Dogs in Noise Ordinances (May 5, 1998). The Telegraph Herald reports the Dubuque, Iowa ,City Council approved two ordinances Monday night to make the city quieter.
Noise Ordinance Going Too Far in Charleston? (May 2, 1998). The Charleston Daily Mail published an editorial questioning the proposal for Charleston police to use decibel meters to enforce noise ordinances.
English Town Expands Noise Control Team as Noise Complaints Rise (May 1, 1998). The Sentinel of Stoke, England reports an extra officer is being added to the Stafford Borough Council's noise control team to help cope with the expected rise in complaints. The council faces its busiest period in the summer months.
Resident Praises Police's Efforts to Keep Greenwich Village Quiet (May 1, 1998). The New York Times published the following letter to the editor, from resident Carole Hale who praises the efforts of the police enforcing the noise ordinance. Hale wrote:
Illinois Residents Say Wal-Mart is a Noisy Neighbor (Apr. 29, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports Lake Zurich, Illinois village officials rejected a proposed 4,000-square-foot expansion to Wal-Mart, citing overdevelopment of the area in general and charging the company specifically with being a noisy neighbor.
North Carolina Residents Concerned about Night-Time Noise from Fedex Hub (Apr. 29, 1998). The News & Record reports leaders in the Greensboro, North Carolina, area are asking for more details about noise from the proposed FedEx cargo hub at the Piedmont Triad Airport.
PA Township Considers Ordinance to Control Noisy Pets (Apr. 29, 1998). The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania, reports East Rockhill Township supervisors are considering an proposed ordinance that prohibits the possession of animals that cause a public nuisance by making noise.
New Jersey Town Votes on Noise-Free Zones to Quiet the Summer (Apr. 27, 1998). The New York Times reports that the City Council in Sea Isle City, New Jersey will vote tomorrow on designating noise-free zones in order to quiet partyers. In the zones, the fines for violations would be doubled. In addition, landlords would have their permits revoked if tenants receive three noise summonses in one summer. Mayor Leonard Desiderio said that the current $180 fines for violations have not kept the noise down. The article notes that Sea Isle City, along with other shore towns like Wildwood and North Wildwood, have been known as party towns, but they are trying to change their images to attract families. Wildwood and North Wildwood have voted to close their bars two hours earlier this summer, at 3 a.m.
Resident Loses in Complaint about Noise from NJ Bar (Apr. 27, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports a Beach Haven bar and restaurant in Toms River, New Jersey, which has been fined three times for violating the borough's noise ordinance, had those violations overturned in Superior Court last week.
Parkland, Florida, Drafts Noise Ordinance (Apr. 26, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports Parkland, Florida, city administrators are drafting a law aimed at reducing "loud and raucous" noise.
Washington City to Consider Reinstating Noise Ordinance on First Weekend of School Year (Apr. 26, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that the City Council in Pullman, Washington will consider a proposal to reinstate the noise ordinance on the first Friday and Saturday nights of the school year. The council lifted the city noise ordinance last year on those nights, which caused a "hue and cry from members of the public," according to Pullman Police Chief Ted Weatherly. The noise ordinance is intended partly to curb noisy parties at Washington State University, the article notes.
Florida Columnist Gets Many Reader Complaints About Disrespectful, Noisy Neighbors (Apr. 25, 1998). The Tampa Tribune printed a column in which the columnist says one of her previous pieces on neighborhood disruptions hit a sore spot with many readers. The column says that many people agreed their lives have been worsened by disrespectful and noisy neighbors. The column goes on to discuss two popular complaints in more detail: barking dogs and early morning and late evening lawn mowing and leaf blowing.
Neighbors in Illinois Township Worry About Potential Problems From Proposed Minor League Baseball Stadium (Apr. 24, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that a 5,000-seat, $7-million minor league baseball stadium was proposed last month in Schaumburg Township, Illinois. But Mandy Hagestedt, a neighbor who said she first learned about the proposed stadium on the evening news, is organizing other residents who are concerned about the noise, traffic, and bright lights that the stadium will bring.
Kentucky Residents Told Cost Too High for Noise Wall Along I-264 (Apr. 23, 1998). The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky, published the following question and answer in its News Fact Finder column, a service to readers who have questions about public works projects. Residents John and Irene Pircock of Shively asked about erecting noise barriers on Kentucky's Interstate 264:
Columnist Lists Ways to Insulate Home Against a Noisy Neighborhood (Apr. 19, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News printed a column in which the writer responds to a question by a reader about how to dampen noise from traffic, barking dogs, kids playing, late-night parties, etc. -- the general noise from a growing neighborhood. The columnist responds by discussing types of insulation, windows, walls, and other materials that can help deaden noise.
California Residents Oppose Sports Park Plan for Their Neighborhood, Saying They Will Sue to Keep Space Open (Apr. 17, 1998). The Ventura County Star reports that residents of Westlake Canyon Oaks in Westlake Village, California don't want a sports park built on 41 undeveloped acres near their homes. The article says village officials are considering a proposal to build a $4 million sports park on 28 acres of land that is currently zoned as open space. Residents say they are prepared to bring a lawsuit over the issue.
Few Noise Complaints in North Lincolnshire Require Formal Action (Apr. 15, 1998). The Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph of England reports more than 900 complaints about excessive noise were made to North Lincolnshire council last year, but few resulted in formal action.
Appeals Board in Massachusetts Town Rejects Request for 30 Outside Dog Kennel Runs (Apr. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that the appeals board in Cohasset, Massachusetts unanimously rejected a request Friday by John and Christine Millar of Cedar Street to build 30 dog runs on the outside of their kennel. The board rejected the request because of the noise factor, and because it would bring the building 10 feet closer to the lot line, a violation of the zoning bylaw.
Chicago's Noise Law Impounds Cars Blasting Music (Apr. 13, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that in the last year thousands of Chicagoans have had their cars impounded, some for violating the city code governing Noise and Vibration Control.
Tips to Reduce the Amount of Outside Noise that Filters Inside Your Home (Apr. 13, 1998). The Copley News Service reports on ways to prevent the sounds of a noisy neighborhood-steady traffic, dogs barking, children at play, and late-night parties-from filling your home..
NJ Resident Calls Attention to Noise on Ground (Apr. 9, 1998). The Record of Bergen County, New Jersey, published the following letter about noise from a Washington Township resident:
Beijing Takes Measures to Reduce Noise Pollution from Car Alarms (Apr. 9, 1998). The China Daily reports Beijing yesterday announced new regulations designed to curb noise pollution from car alarms.
NJ Town Seeks to Include Music from Ice Cream Trucks in Ordinance, Preferring Regulation over a Ban (Apr. 8, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports Mayor Carl Block and the Stafford Township attorney will meet tomorrow with a representative of the state Department of Environmental Protection to determine if there is a way to regulate ice cream truck music without banning it.
City Councilors of Pittsfield, Maine Consider Public-Conduct Ordinance Aimed at City's Youth to Prohibit Excessive Nightime Noise (Apr. 8, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports a public conduct ordinance was proposed to the Pittsfield, Maine city council by the ordinance committee to prohibit excessive late-night noise from the city's youth.
Noise from Youth Gatherings Frustrates Neighbors in Bartlett Park, St. Petersburg, Florida. (Apr. 8, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports that the noise from thousands of youth gathered each Sunday at Bartlett Park in St. Petersburg, Florida is frustrating neighborhood residents.
The City of Sante Fe Seeks to Put a Stop to NightClub Noise. (Apr. 7, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that city officials of Sante Fe, New Mexico have been attempting for over a year to put a stop to the noise from a local nightclub.
Sound Barriers Could Be Built Along Lake Parkway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin if Neighbors Want Them (Apr. 7, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that city officials will consider whether noise barriers should be built east of the Lake Parkway in Bay View section of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A total of three noise barriers could be built -if city officials determine a majority of the residents want them.
Noise District Plan for Charlotte/Douglas Airport Discussed (Apr. 6, 1998). The Business Journal-Charlotte of North Carolina reports Charlotte/Douglas International Airport officials are asking city planners to create an airport noise district in their effort to manage the impact of noise on nearby neighborhoods.
Removed Trees along Turnpike Increase Noise for Florida Residents (Apr. 5, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports it's unclear who removed the trees along Northwest 52nd Avenue which runs parallel to Florida's Turnpike, but the result is a plague of noise and dust for residents.
Loudspeaker Announcers for Competitive Swim Races Accused of Violating Noise Ordinance in Sarasota, Florida (Apr. 5, 1998). Sarasota Herald-Tribune published the following article in their Perspectives column after two loudspeaker announcers were cited for violating a noise ordinance in Arlington Park, Sarasota, Florida. The announcers were accused of violating an ordinance designed to let city residents sleep a little later on weekends by using a loudspeaker before 10 a.m. to start competitive swim races.
Public Opinion Poll Favoring Renovation of Amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida Considered Biased (Apr. 5, 1998). The Florida Times-Union printed a column by Dave Roman on April 5, 1998 concerning a public opinion poll that found voters supported, by a 2 to 1 margin, the renovation of the Amphitheater at Metropolitan Park in Jackson, Florida.
California City Considers Changing Noise Ordinance to Allow Police to Issue Citations Without Measuring Noise (Apr. 2, 1998). The Orange County Register reports the City Council in Buena Park, California is considering changing the city's noise ordinance to allow police officers to use a "reasonable person" standard instead of a decibel measure at noise sources. The article says the new ordinance passed a first reading March 24, and City Councilors are expected to take a final vote on April 14.
Noise from Firing Range Incites the Retaliatory Noise from a County Commissioner Leading to His Citation for Disorderly Conduct (Apr. 2, 1998). The Tennessean reports about the case of a cantankerous county commissioner riled about the noise from a club of cowboy wannabes. The commissioner retaliated with noise from a siren and foghorn resulting in a citation for disorderly conduct and summons to court.
City Council Hears Noise Complaint Regarding Stadium Event in Chattanooga, Kentucky (Apr. 1, 1998). The Chattanooga Free Press reports that the question of whether a new stadium is generating too much noise came before the City Council on March 31, 1997 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Kennels in Wales Approved Without Conditions Despite Residents' Noise Fears (Apr. 1, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea farm has been given approval to build kennels despite fears about noise nuisance.
New Restaurant in Irwin, Pennsylvania Worries Neighbors Who Anticipate Loud Noise and Traffic (Apr. 1, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that persons living in the Penglyn section of Irwin, Pennsylvania are protesting the potential opening of Norwin's Ultimate Eatery fearing loud noise and increased traffic in their neighborhood. The proposed restaurant site is actually in North Huntingdon but many of the complaints are coming from residents across the street, which is in Irvin.
Noisy Neighbors Helped Drive English Man to Suicide, Coroner Finds (Apr. 1, 1998). The Daily Telegraph reports that Dr. Richard Whittington, a coroner in Birmingham, England, has ruled that noisy neighbors helped drive John Vanderstam, a 46-year-old Birmingham resident, to suicide last November. The neighbors reportedly played loud music and had domestic disputes frequently.
Noise from Engineering Workshop is the Source of a Bitter Neighborhood Dispute Before City Council in Upper Hutt, New Zealand (Mar. 30, 1998). The Evening Post of Upper Hutt, New Zealand reports that a neighborhood dispute regarding noise from an engineering workshop came before the City Council. According to the article, Sean Clancy, of Western Hutt Engineering, wants retrospective consent for a heavy industrial engineering workshop on his property at 229 Whitemans Valley Rd. But neighbor Tim O'Brien has complained to the council about the noise from industrial work being done at Clancy's workshop in their rural area.
Calif. Restaurant Served Restrictions after Noise Complaints from Residents (Mar. 26, 1998). The Orange County Register reports a new restaurant which practices "concept dining" has brought complaints from Lido Isle residents and others across the bay for its exuberant celebrations.
Florida County Commission Considers Noise Ordinance (Mar. 26, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that the Martin County (Florida) Commission agreed to consider a noise ordinance for the unincorporated parts of the county at their meeting Tuesday. The issue was brought forward by Commissioner Janet Gettig, and all the other Commissioners except for the Chair, Donna Melzer, agreed a noise ordinance should be investigated.
Washington County Judge Allows Resident to Reopen Dog Shelter Despite Neighbors Protests (Mar. 25, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that Superior Court Judge Larry Kristianson in Stevens County, Washington ruled this week after hearing testimony from a sound engineer that Joyce Tasker can reopen her Dog Patch animal shelter on her semi-rural property in Colville. The judge ruled that a new $50,000 sound-baffling dog run eliminates the noise nuisance at the shelter. The judge's order is expected to be signed this week.
Toronto Residents Protest New Bus Route Citing Noise and Fumes (Mar. 23, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that about 50 people walked in front of a Toronto Transit Commission bus along Moore Park Ave. in Toronto yesterday to protest the start of an altered route that they say will bring noise, pollution, and increased traffic to their neighborhoods.
DOT Tree Removal Infuriates Condo Resident Who is Now Exposed to Interstate Noise (Mar. 22, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that the removal of thick Florida holly trees from Interstate 95 is exposing condominium residents to interstate noise in Deerfield Beach, Florida.
Businesses in Florida Protest Noise Ordinance (Mar. 21, 1998). The Tampa Tribune reports that some Ybor City, Florida, business owners in the Latin Quarter say a proposed citywide noise ordinance would put them out of business.
Raleigh Resident Says Let More Business Come to the Airport (Mar. 21, 1998). The News and Observer published the following editorial by Raleigh resident, Marla Hicks. In her letter, Ms. Hicks gives her opinion about those who move into areas near an airport and then complain about the noise.
In Ybor City, Florida, Bar Owners Oppose Noise Ordinance (Mar. 20, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports Ybor City bar owners are opposed to the newest efforts to reduce noise in the historic Florida district.
California Residents Object to a Proposed YMCA in Their Neighborhood (Mar. 19, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that more than 300 residents attended a meeting last week in Placentia, California to protest the construction of a YMCA proposed for a vacant lot at the Placentia United Methodist Church. Residents said they were worried about the noise the YMCA would bring. Before the proposal could be built, the article notes, it must be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Gates Put Up in Lincoln State Park to Curb Night-Time Noise from Joy Riders (Mar. 19, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the state has installed two gates on the road that circles Olney Pond at Lincoln Woods State Park in an effort to cut down on evening joyriders who speed around the pond with their car radios blasting.
Groups Disagree over Change in Kansas City Noise Ordinance (Mar. 19, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports neighborhood leaders and abortion opponents disagreed Wednesday about a proposal to give police more power to enforce the city' s noise ordinance. Abortion opponents promised to sue if the ordinance is revised.
Resident's Airport Complaints Will be Heard in Waukesha (Mar. 19, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the Airport Commission Wednesday announced it will hold periodic public hearings to allow Crites Field's neighbors to voice their concerns about airplane noise.
Florida Residents Oppose CarMax; Cite Noise, Environment and Traffic Concerns (Mar. 18, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports residents who live near the site of a proposed used-car superstore in Pinellas told Largo city commissioners Tuesday that the store would increase traffic and noise in what once was a quiet neighborhood.
Glendale Buys Land as Noise Buffer between Airport and Residences (Mar. 18, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that Glendale officials will purchase a large tract of land south of Glendale Municipal Airport to prevent developers from building too close to the airport.
Will Noise Ordinance be Adjusted for New Jersey Ice Cream Vendors? (Mar. 18, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that New Jersey officials in Stafford Township are seeking a compromise in an ordinance that bans ice cream vendors from playing amplified music from their trucks.
Cincinnati Airport Brings Jobs, But Not Without Noise and Land Costs in Boone County (Mar. 16, 1998). The Cincinnati Enquirer reports Boone County, Kentucky, residents know the price for the prosperity brought by the Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky International Airport. Among the prices paid: jet aircraft noise, loss of land and homes, and now, the airport wants to close a section of road. Residents have objected to this last request.
Noisy Sewer Pumps Double Edged Sword for Massachusetts Residents (Mar. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports a Milton, Massachusetts, resident appeared before town selectmen last night pleading for an end to noisy gas-operated sewer pumps located in his neighborhood.
North London Church Fined for Noise Violations (Mar. 13, 1998). The Press Association Newsfile reports a North London church has been fined for violating noise regulations.
Community in Canada Angered by Barking Dogs (Mar. 11, 1998). The Toronto Star reports that Oshawa residents are angered by the recent City Council decision not to prosecute barking dog complaints
Opera Lover Silenced in England (Mar. 10, 1998). The Daily Mail reports that neighbors in Cardiff, England are in dispute over loud opera music.
New Jersey Ice Cream Man Banned! (Mar. 8, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that Stafford, New Jersey has banned the ice cream man from playing music.
Los Angeles Resident Speaks Out About Noise Pollution (Mar. 8, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports published the following letter to the editor:
Scotland's Environmental Health Department Should Enforce Noise Laws (Mar. 7, 1998). The Evening News of Edinburgh, Scotland, printed the following letter from a resident about which agency should enforce noise laws:
NJ Town Bans Amplified Music from Ice-Cream Vendors (Mar. 5, 1998). The Asbury Park Press published an editorial about the decision Tuesday night by the Stafford, New Jersey, Township Committee to ban amplified music from ice cream trucks.
New Jersey Town Passes Ordinance that Bans Ice Cream Truck Tunes (Mar. 4, 1998). The New York Times reports that the Town Council in Stafford Township, New Jersey passed an ordinance tonight by a vote of 4-2 to ban amplified sound on ice cream trucks. The ordinance allows ice cream vendors to use hand bells in place of musical tunes, the article notes.
New York City Mayor's Noise Pollution Prevention Program is Working (Feb. 28, 1998). The New York Post printed an editorial regarding the noise problem in New York City and progress on Mayor Giuliani's effort to target noise pollution as part of his quality-of-life initiative. The editorial argues that the mayor is right to target noise pollution, that the program has made considerable strides, and that a new initiative is giving car-alarm owners a way to quiet their car alarms before their car is towed.
Columnist Asks if New York Mayor Giuliani's "Quality-of-Life" Campaign is Really Addressing City Problems (Feb. 26, 1998). Newsday printed an editorial commenting on New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's speech yesterday on quality-of-life issues. While Giuliani called his plan a "comprehensive new strategy" to foster a more civil city, the editorial says the plan actually echoed the major themes of the mayor's first term. The writer says the speech left some wondering if the mayor was simply trying to position himself for higher office as the "man who tamed New York," while others wondered if the mayor was to some extent trying to catch up in areas in which the city had fallen behind.
Committee Created in Newport Beach to Deal with Noise Issues from Bayfront Restaurants (Feb. 26, 1998). The Orange County Register reports the Newport Beach, California, City Council voted to create an ad hoc committee of council members, residents, and business representatives to take a closer look at how sound from bayfront restaurants affects residents. The new committee was created in the wake of the Council's handling of a recent noise controversy.
Florida County Considers Pumping Sand From One Beach to Restore Another Beach; Residents Protest Plan, Citing Noise and Other Issues (Feb. 26, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that officials in Broward County, Florida want to restore one of the state's most popular beaches, at John U. Lloyd State Recreation Area in Hollywood, by pumping sand from an area in front of exclusive Point of Americas condominiums at the Port Everglades Inlet. Erosion at the state beach has become so severe, the article says, that signs have been posted to warn people of drop-offs. But residents from the condominiums are protesting the plan, saying their beach will be reduced and the noise from the sand dredging operation will be a problem.
England Restricts Boom Cars (Feb. 24, 1998). The Daily Mail reports that the British government is planning to create a specific offence outlawing "excessive" noise from in-car radios and tape and CD players.
California Ranches Protest Noisy Ostriches At Neighboring Ranch (Feb. 20, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that a herd of ostriches is creating a noise problem in Murrieta California.
California Community Debates Little League Fields (Feb. 19, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that little league baseball fields are the center of controversy in Newport Beach, California. Area residents say fields will bring greater traffic and noise.
New York City Works To Decrease Noise Pollution (Feb. 19, 1998). The Boston Globe reports that noise pollution continues to grow in New York City. The City is trying stronger measures to lower noise levels.
Vancouver To Build Sound Barrier For New Development (Feb. 19, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports that planners will make use of a "sound wall" to shelter neighbors of a proposed sports center from noise.
Pennsylvania Community Rejects Playground (Feb. 18, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that neighbors in Carnegie, Pennsylvania are fighting a playground they say would bring noise to the community.
Florida Residents Get Angry About Nightclub Noise (Feb. 13, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that the City Council in Plantation, Florida is considering a nightclub ordinance after hearing from seven residents and business owners at a recent meeting about noise and other problems at two restaurant-lounges on State Road 7.
Expansion Plan at Los Angeles Universal Studios Drags On (Feb. 12, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that the first round of hearings regarding Universal Studios proposed expansion in Los Angeles, California are drawing to completion. The Regional Planning Commission delayed formal completion, and residents opposed to the expansion were pleased.
New York City Street Screamers Wreak Havoc In Soho (Feb. 8, 1998). The New York Times reports about growing noise complaints in Soho, New York City.
Boston's Big Dig Attempts to Keep Noise Down (Jan. 25, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that in Boston the biggest public works project since the building the Great Pyramids continues while officials attempt to maintain a quality of life for residents. Known as the Big Dig, the project will ultimately create a complex of highways that will run through and under Boston, hopefully eliminating the city's infamous traffic congestion.
Dover Residents Form Group to Protest Landfill Noise and Odor (Jan. 23, 1998). The Asbury Park Press of Neptune, New Jersey, reports that a group of residents from Toms River, New Jersey, plan to meet with public officials to complain about noise and odor from the nearby Ocean County Landfill.
Oil Rigs in Brentwood, CA Neighborhood Noisy and Unsightly (Jan. 23, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that residents in a section of southern Brentwood, California, are upset about the noise coming from oil drilling in their backyards.
Day Care Centers in California Neighborhoods Bring Noise Disputes (Jan. 22, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that some Dublin, California, residents are upset about noise from a nearby daycare center. In a counterattack, the daycare center has brought a suit against two neighbors. Apparently, the contentious battle mirrors other disputes over day care centers moving into residential areas.
Barking Dog Not Music to Residents' Ears in Chicago Suburb (Jan. 21, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that residents in a Chicago suburb are willing to take dog owners to court to put a stop to incessant barking.
CA Residents Say Too Much Noise Coming from Fantasy Island Resort (Jan. 21, 1998). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports Triunfo Canyon, California, zoning laws are being reviewed after residents complained of late night noise from a banquet facility.
California Resident Says 199 Roosters Too Loud; Seeks New Ordinance Yet Willing to Compromise (Jan. 21, 1998). The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California, reports that a Pedley resident who planned to petition the Riverside County Board of Supervisors Tuesday seeking restriction on crowing fowl kept by residents in the unincorporated communities decided to delay action.
Minor CA Baseball Club Faces Lawsuit Over Noise and Traffic Concerns at College Field (Jan. 21, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Pacific Suns -- a minor league team that wants to play at Oxnard College -- will have to deal with lawsuits that say noise and traffic will be worsened by their presence. College trustees have already approved their request to play there.
Neighbors Near NC Campus Ask City Council to Close Noisy Club (Jan. 21, 1998). The News & Record (Greensboro, NC) reports that residents have complained to Greensboro City Council about the noise and disorderly patrons at a local nightclub and an all-night convenience store. The residents asked the council to close down Jokers 3 and force the Crown station to close at midnight.
Sante Fe Sanctions Noisy Car Wash (Jan. 21, 1998). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports the city of Santa Fe has asked a state district judge to sanction the owner of the Santa Fe Car Wash. City officials contend that neighbors of the business suffer noise levels comparable to airplanes taking off at an airport.
199 Birds Per Acre Ruins Peace and Quiet of Rural Living in Pedley, CA (Jan. 20, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports a Pedley resident will try for the third time to convince Riverside County officials to change the ordinance that allows property owners in unincorporated areas to keep up to 199 poultry.
Mass. Residents Request Relief from Noise from 24-Hour Store (Jan. 20, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Massachusetts, reports two residents in Ware, whose homes are close to a gas station, recently complained to selectmen of noise, bright lights and fumes that come from the 24-hour gas station and convenience store.
Fire Sirens In A New York Community Spark Controversy (Jan. 18, 1998). Newsday reports that the Port Washington, New York fire department is being questioned by a local neighborhood organization, the Willowdale Terrace Concerned Residents, concerning the department's need to blare sirens and air horns to alert the town's volunteer firefighters to the presence of a fire. Some residents have been disturbed by the noise of the sirens; others in the neighborhood recognize the need for the firefighters to be alerted in a timely manner. The fire department is willing to try other methods, although they feel that the current system of using sirens is still the most reliable.
English Protestors Battle Opera Noise (Jan. 16, 1998). The Daily Telegraph reports that neighbors of an annual open air opera festival in England are fed up with the noise of the festival.
Kennel Approved Despite Protest (Jan. 16, 1998). The Northern Echo reports that Darlington officials recently approved a controversial kennel operation. While area residents protested that noise and other nuisances from the dogs were unacceptable, the Darlington Councillors decided that a kennel was a permissible use of the rural landscape.
Lake Elsinore Passes "Noisy Animal" Ordinance (Jan. 16, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that Lake Elsinore recently passed a tough "noisy animal" ordinance.
City Council Approval Clears Way for New Highway 1 Interchange in Oxnard, California Despite Concerns About Drainage, Noise, and Traffic Problems (Jan. 15, 1998). The Ventura County Star reports that despite lingering concerns about construction noise, traffic snarls and other issues, the Oxnard City Council has approved measures that could clear the way for a new Highway 1 interchange at Pleasant Valley Road. The council voted 5-0 Tuesday to approve an environmental study and an agreement with the state Department of Transportation to build the new interchange and eventually reroute Pacific Coast Highway off Oxnard Boulevard to Rice Avenue.
Lawsuits Against Oakland Airport Expansion Plan Filed by Two Nearby California Communities (Jan. 15, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Oakland International Airport's proposed expansion has prompted two lawsuits from neighboring California communities, where residents fear they'll be stuck with more noise pollution. The city of San Leandro, California filed suit yesterday in Alameda County Superior Court, charging that Oakland Port officials' environmental review of the $600 million project did not adequately address the effects of added traffic, noise and air pollution on San Leandro residents. In addition, a lawsuit against the port is reported to have been filed today by a group of airport neighbors in Alameda.
New Jersey Shoreline Residents Oppose Parking Lot Proposal (Jan. 15, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that residents on the New Jersey Shore are fighting a zoning change that would allow a public parking lot in a residential area. Residents oppose the change because the lot would attract traffic and noise and encourage others to destroy the residential nature of the area.
Noise created by nighttime construction of Providence, Rhode Island mall keeps nearby hotel guests from sleeping (Jan. 15, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that construction of Providence Place, a new mall in Providence, Rhode Island, is keeping some Westin Hotel guests up at night. They're losing sleep listening to the pounding of piles all night long at the mall site across Memorial Boulevard from the Westin. Construction times are dictated by Amtrak, which won't allow construction crews on the railroad tracks in the daytime when trains are running. The mall is to be built over the tracks.
Citizens Advocacy Group in Las Vegas, Nevada Positively Steers Development to Reduce Noise and Other Negative Effects (Jan. 14, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that development and growth is an issue which affects all residents of Las Vegas, Nevada no matter what part of the city they reside in. A citizens advocacy group in the area, the Lone Mountain Citizens Advisory Council, is doing its part to help preserve the area from uncontrolled growth. The Advisory Council's input on two recently proposed projects have lead to changes in the projects to reduce noise and other negativeeffects on nearby residents.
Editorial Claims FedEx Proposal Will Create Night-time Noise for Residents of Orange and Durham, North Carolina Counties (Jan. 14, 1998). An editorial in the News and Observer by P. C. Murphy of Chapel Hill, North Carolina wants to make clear two things regarding FedEx's plan for a possible hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). One, the noise involved is largely night-time noise, with arrivals and departures heaviest between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and two, noise will affect many area communities, not just Cary, North Carolina.
Four French Quarter Citizen's Groups Seek State Help in Noise Battle in New Orleans, Louisiana (Jan. 14, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that State Senator Paulette Irons has stepped into the battle over noise control in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. According to the article, Senator Irons, D-New Orleans, said Tuesday she will ask the state to develop a tourism management plan for New Orleans that covers noise and other quality-of-life issues. Irons, spoke at a news conference called by four groups of Quarter residents who want tougher enforcement of noise controls in their neighborhood. The Quarter groups holding the news conference were the St. Peter Street Neighborhood Improvement Association, the French Quarter Citizens for Preservation of Residential Quality, the Friends of Jackson Square and the Vieux Carre Property Owners, Residents and Associates.
Quiet Existence of Blueberry Farms, British Columbia Residents Destroyed When Drilling Rights Sold by Province (Jan. 14, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports the idyllic existence of residents of Blueberry Farms, British Columbia, Canada ended last summer when they discovered that Calgary-based Remington Energy had purchased the rights to oil and gas reserves under their property. The news came as a shock, because residents were unaware the province retained those rights when making land sales this century and can sell them without notifying or consulting the surface dwellers.
Residents Near Greensboro, North Carolina Airport Concerned About Noise From Proposed FedEx Shipping Hub (Jan. 14, 1998). The News & Record reports that neighbors have mixed feelings about the possibility of FedEx adding 20 flights a day to Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina
Business for, Residents Against FedEx Hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (Jan. 13, 1998). The News and Observer reports that while business leaders applauded news that Federal Express might choose Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) as its fifth U.S. hub, the reaction of residents and local officials of Raleigh, Morrisville, and Cary, North Carolina was guarded. Worried about increased noise from airplanes and more traffic on already clogged roads, some said the new FedEx hub would be better suited for other locations.
Deltona, Florida Residents Say Lights in Park Will Lead to More Noise, Traffic, and Crime (Jan. 13, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that a local park became a weekend battlefield in Deltona, Florida's ongoing struggle to accommodate growth while preserving the small-town life that attracted people in the first place. Nearly 70 people jammed a meeting room Saturday at Wes Crile Park to debate a proposal to add lights to basketball courts in the park. Several area residents who opposed adding the lights said they were concerned that extended hours would lead to more noise, traffic and crime. The potential cost, estimated by the Volusia County Parks and Recreation Department at about $100,000, was also a concern.
Developers of Proposed Racing Complex Plan to Offer Perks to Nearby Russett and Maryland City, Maryland Residents in Order to Win Support (Jan. 13, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that developers of a proposed 54,800-seat auto racetrack west of Fort Meade, Maryland said yesterday they might build eight public ball fields, a skateboard park and improve road intersections to win the support of skeptical neighbors. This seems to indicate the Middle River Racing Association of Timonium developers want to be "good neighbors" to nearby Russett and Maryland City, according to Anne Arundel County Executive John G. Gary. But some community leaders reacted hostilely, saying in the article that construction of soccer fields would not ease the noise and traffic problems created by a racing complex.
FedEx Hub Project Sought by Raleigh-Durham International Airport Could Bring More Jobs and Noise for Nearby North Carolina Communities (Jan. 13, 1998). The Herald-Sun reports that Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) wants to be Federal Express' next national hub. The Memphis-based overnight delivery company has issued requests for proposals to airports in the eastern United States seeking one to be its East Coast hub. FedEx is confirming neither the names of the airports nor the number contacted, but RDU Director John Brantley confirmed Monday RDU is one.
Neighbors Afraid Proposed Senior Community Will Quiet Their Noisy Family Neighborhood (Jan. 13, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that while developers of a proposed senior citizen community in Beaumont, California work to divert neighbors' traffic concerns, others wonder if the senior residents would curb family activities in the north side of the city. The Marshall Creek housing project would sit in the middle of one of the most family-oriented sections of the city, within earshot of Beaumont High School, Mountain View Junior High and an elementary school. And the Beaumont Sports Park is under construction. Opponents fear that if enough complaints come from the 500-or-so residents expected there, the sports park would be forced to close early and noise from the high school football games would be limited.
Noise A Concern With Proposed Tiverton Power Plant in Tiverton, Rhode Island (Jan. 13, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that James Gordon told the Rhode Island State Energy Facility Siting Board at a hearing yesterday that the natural gas-fired power plant he wants to build at the Tiverton Industrial Park in Tiverton, Rhode Island would be "one of cleanest, most cost-efficient" fossil fuel facilities in New England and a boon to the community. Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Chairman James J. Malachowski said the hearings are likely the last government-related hurdle Gordon and his companies, Energy Management Inc. and Tiverton Power Associates, must clear before embarking on the multimillion-dollar project. However, during the hearings, which stretched through the morning and afternoon, concerns were raised in several areas, including the noise that might come from the plant project as well as possible effects on the water supply.
Road to Be Moved Closer to Mobile Home Park in Yucaipa, California Despite Protests (Jan. 13, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that despite protests, the Yucaipa, California City Council voted Monday to move Sunnyside Drive to within 22 feet of Lakeview Mobile Estates to make way for the construction of Community Park along Oak Glen Road in Yucaipa. Mobile home residents, angry that the heavily traveled road will be moved, presented a petition with more than 100 signatures and spoke out against the proposal at Monday's city council meeting.
Leaf Blower Ban in Los Angeles, California Pits City's Homeowners Against Workers (Jan. 12, 1998). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that from the moment the City Council voted last week to ban leaf blowers from Los Angeles, California, the city's class and ethnic divisions split open like an earthquake fault. Before the vote Tuesday, actors Julie Newmar, Peter Graves and others from posh Westside neighborhoods sat on one side of the City Council chamber demanding a ban on leaf blowers that cause air and noise pollution. On the other side sat members of the Association of Latin American Gardeners, clad in green caps and jackets, who pleaded with council members to spare them the basic tool of their trade.
An Editorial in Favor of the Rake Over the Leaf Blower (Jan. 11, 1998). An editorial in the Chicago Tribune argues against leaf blowers and for the old fashioned, quiet rake. The editorial claims that gas powered leaf blowers make bad neighbors. And while, the editorial admits, the sickening, high-pitched leaf-blower whine is only a memory in January, it is not too early to begin efforts in your city, town, village, suburb or exurb to get the damned things outlawed by the fall.
Holler Park, the 'Suburb-Within-The City' of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fears Increased Noise From Mitchell Airport Expansion (Jan. 11, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhood of Holler Park are worried about the effects of Mitchell Airport expansion on their community. Holler Park, often called 'the suburb within the city,' is an island of residential tranquility, surrounded by rivers of commerce and a sea of industry. The article reports that a runway at Mitchell, which can now handle only small propeller aircraft, is to be extended to accommodate 19-seat propeller airliners and a few private jets. The runway's flight path leads over Holler Park.
Jet Noise Problems Faced by Queens, New York Residents Look to Get Worse, Not Better (Jan. 11, 1998). The Daily News recently reported on the jet noise problem experienced by Queens, New York residents who live nearest to Kennedy International and LaGuardia airports. The article stated that their noise problem looks to get worse before it gets better as more and more airlines are being given the okay to land and take off at the borough's two airports. This, despite a federally enacted High Density Rule that places limits on the number of flights into and out of Kennedy, LaGuardia, Chicago's O'Hare and Washington National airports.
Letters to the Editor Express Differing Views on the Proposed El Toro (California) Airport. (Jan. 11, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published the following letters:
Two letters to the Editor Concerning Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena (California) Airport Noise (Jan. 11, 1998). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letters to the editor:
Cerritos, California Residents Concerned About Increased Noise, Traffic, and Lighting From Proposed Driving Range (Jan. 10, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reported that residents near Cerritos College in Cerritos, California are opposing a proposed golf driving range on the grounds that it will create noise, traffic, and lighting problems.
Noise Matters: Ban Leaf Blowers, Buy Rakes (Jan. 10, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports that noise matters. It points to the clash over leaf blowers in Los Angeles ---a battle that has drawn national attention and counts among its supporters actress Julie Newmar, a leaf-blower hater.
Sarasota, Florida's New Noise Ordinance Will Regulate Outdoor Amplified Music (Jan. 9, 1998). Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that Sarasota, Florida has adopted a new noise ordinance. The law, which was approved 4-1 by the City Commission, caps the allowable sound level at 75 decibels and requires outdoor music to stop at 10 p.m. during the week and at 11:59 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and holidays.
Residents Living Near Deltona, Florida Park Say Lights Would Mean More Noise (Jan. 9, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that Deltona, Florida City Commissioner and some city residents are in a dispute with neighbors of Wes Crile Park over lighting the park to allow for more nighttime games.
Residents Living Near Ocean County (New Jersey) Landfill Upset Over Noise and Odors (Jan. 9, 1998). Asbury Park Press reports that about 300 residents of Dover and Manchester, New Jersey townships met Wednesday to voice concerns over unpleasant odors and noise from the Ocean County Landfill. The article reports that township residents who live along the Whitesville Road, Route 571 and Route 70 corridors have formed the all-volunteer Whitesville Action Committee (WAC) to handle what they say are problems caused by the Manchester Township landfill. The group held its first meeting Wednesday night at the Pleasant Plains First Aid building.
Soundproofing of California Homes Begins as Part of Program by FAA and Los Angeles International (California) Airport (Jan. 9, 1998). The Copley News Service reports that the first of 25,000 California residences surrounding Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) have been "soundproofed" as part of a program funded by the Federal Aviation Administration and LAX. The soundproofing program is taking place in Los Angeles and three surrounding California cities, could cost $500 million and take five to seven years to complete. While residents say that the soundproofing, which includes installing airtight doors and double insulated windows, helps, it doesn't eliminate the noise from jets flying overhead.
Rowlett, Texas Seeks Solution To Noise Dispute with Industrial Park (Jan. 9, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that city officials said they may soon have a solution to the ongoing dispute over noise between southwest Rowlett, Texas neighborhoods and nearby businesses. According to the article, residents of Dexham Estates and Ridgecrest have complained for several years about noise coming from Tolar Industrial Park near Dexham Road and State Highway 66. Although the City Council passed a noise ordinance in January 1997 in response to the complaints, homeowners have said that they have seen little decrease in the noise levels. Possible solutions being discussed include building a sound wall, buying sound measuring equipment, and soundproofing homes, and lowering the decibel levels allowed in the ordinance.
Ocan Township, New Jersey Resident Complains About Noisy Trucks (Jan. 8, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that an Ocean Township, New Jersey resident is bothered by early morning noise from township trucks. Sandra Krug, of Holland Drive, told the Township Council that since an aging building was torn down in the road department yard on the corner of Beecroft Place and Larkin Place several years ago, the noise of trucks rumbling to life in the morning is amplified. The township maintains that construction of a new building has been held back by NJDEP regulations and testing.
Lisle, Illinois Residents May Unite to Lobby For Noise Barriers (Jan. 8, 1998). Chicago Daily Herald reports that Lisle, Illinois Trustee Judy Yuill has proposed forming a citizens committee to deal with tollway noise issues and, ultimately, to persuade the authority to install noise barriers. However, Toll officials say that while they welcome the input, the noise levels don't warrant building barriers.
City-Imposed Sound Limits May Limit Performances at Proposed Amphitheater (Jan. 8, 1998). The Florida Times-Union reports that Jacksonville, Florida officials have placed a 'non-negotiable' limit of 105 decibels on bands performing at a proposed amphitheater. According to The Cellar Door Cos., the promoter negotiating to run the facility, that wouldn't prevent putting topnotch acts on stage. This is despite the fact that one promoter has said acts like KISS, Boston, Alan Jackson or Sawyer Brown generally play at 110 to 130 decibels and country star Travis Tritt's show July 4 at the current pavilion at Metro Park registered highs of 117 decibels.
Flight Paths of Stage Two Planes May Change at Albuquerque, New Mexico Airport As a Result of Recent Noise Study (Jan. 8, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that Albuquerque International (New Mexico) Airport officials and a consultant conducting a noise study have been working with airlines and the FAA to change some flight patterns to reduce noise to nearby residents. As a result, some of the older, noisier planes that have plagued residents of Southeast Heights, Albuquerque may start turning south away from the city after taking off. The noisier, stage two airplanes, which include Boeing 727s, must be phased out or outfitted with "hush kits" by 2000.
Amended Noise Ordinance in Lee's Summit, Kansas Should be Easier to Enforce (Jan. 8, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that Lee's Summit, Kansas has recently amended its noise ordinance to make it easier to enforce. The police department has begun using hand-held meters to measure noise so that a signed complaint is no longer necessary. The modified ordinance also clearly defines what a noise nuisance is by setting a decibel limit as measured from a property line next to the source of the noise.
Both Sides of El Toro Airport Debate Claim Victory Over California Judge's Ruling (Jan. 8, 1998). Los Angeles Times reported that in a decision that made both sides of the debate happy, a Superior Court judge ruled that Orange County must fix its environmental review of its proposed commercial airport at El Toro Marine Base, but it doesn't have to redo the entire thing.
Tolerance of Dallas Residents Vary with Noise Sources (Jan. 6, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that today it is highly unlikely you live without being exposed to somebody else's noise. It may just be the muffled roar of traffic or music from the house next door. Or it may be wailing sirens, the thunder of a passing plane, the muffled roar of traffic.
Noise From Farmland Sludge Dumping Upsets Pennsylvania Neighbors (Jan. 3, 1998). The Morning Call reports that complaints about noise from dumping sewage sludge on farm fields in Upper Mount Bethel Township, Pennsylvania has halted the dumping until further investigation can be done as to the content of the material.
Resident And Businesses In New Orleans' French Quarter Fight Over Noise (Jan. 2, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that noise levels in New Orleans' French Quarter are sparking a sharply divided debate that may end up the subject of a federal lawsuit.
Resident Take City To Task On Noise Violations (Dec. 31, 1997). The Daily News reports that New York residents of Queens Blvd. are suing the city for violations of local noise pollution control laws.
Community In England Launches Attack On Gang Noise (Dec. 30, 1997). The Evening Post reports that Wellington City Council has launched a crackdown on Satan Slaves' noisy Berhampore headquarters.
New Yorkers Number 1 Quality Of Life Complaint Is Noise (Dec. 29, 1997). The Daily News reports that New York City is doing little to reduce noise pollution even though noise is New Yorkers' No.1 quality of life issue.
North Carolina Resident Considers The Value Of A Noise Ordinance (Dec. 27, 1997). The News and Observer published the following letter to the editor concerning a noise ordinance in Raleigh, North Carolina:
Florida Kennels Struggles To Make Peace With Neighbors (Dec. 24, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune describes how the number of dogs and the noise of their barking increases dramatically during holidays disturbing the neighborhood of one Florida kennel.
Florida School Stadium Project Settled (Dec. 19, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that the Tampa City Council approved a settlement Thursday between Tampa Catholic High School and residents of the nearby Wellswood neighborhood over the construction of a football field.
Norway Labor Laws Outlaw Church Bells (Dec. 18, 1997). AP Online reports that state noise regulations have made it illegal to ring steeple bells in Norway.
Tennessee Kennel's Permit Revoked For Noise (Dec. 18, 1997). The Commercial Appeal reports that a neighborhood kennel in Tennessee recently had its permit revoked due to noise pollution.
California Neighbors Concerned About Fairplex Entertainment Center Proposal (Dec. 15, 1997). The Business Press reports that a year-round entertainment complex proposed for the Pomona (California) Fairplex got a nod of approval from several city council members last week.
Dallas Bells Take Toll on Church Neighbors' Nerves (Dec. 14, 1997). The Washington Post reports that since the new chimes began ringing on the hour at his church in this north Dallas suburb, the Rev. Thomas Jackson has learned an odd lesson: One man's peace is another man's pest. The article describes how to Jackson and his flock at the Calvary Christian Center, the Westminster chimes sounding a familiar 16-note tune every hour, with a 10-minute medley of hymns twice a day create a few moments of serenity in a hectic day. But to neighbors Billy and Linda Dennis, and Lawrence Cumings, all of whom work at night and sleep during the day, the chimes have shattered their routine and so frazzled their nerves that they have filed complaints accusing the church of violating the city noise ordinance.
Florida City Permits Early Mowing (Dec. 14, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that residents of golf course communities may start their days a little earlier, thanks to a recent decision by the Orange City Council. Last week, the Tribune reports, council members agreed to allow golf courses to apply for an annual waiver of the city's noise ordinance, permitting early morning mowing of course greens.
Texans Say Schools Are Noisy Neighbors (Dec. 14, 1997). The Dallas Morning News published an editorial about how residents surrounding the existing Arlington High School have complained about trash, traffic, and noise resulting from school activities. Many Arlington residents don't want a school in their back yard for the same reasons, though the present school is bursting at the seams.
Barking Dogs Land North Carolina Resident In Prison (Dec. 13, 1997). The News and Observer reports how Central Prison in Littleton North Carolina has housed its share of notorious criminals over the years -killers, rapists, robbers and such. But the Big House has seldom locked up the likes of James Melvin. Melvin, who is 69, deaf, legally blind and diabetic, walked out of Central Prison a free man Friday after pulling time for violating Section 13 of the Animal Control Ordinance of the Town of Littleton. His dogs were barking too much.
Texas Neighbor Strikes Deal Over Bells in The Colony To Ring Five Times Daily Under Arrangement (Dec. 13, 1997). According to the Dallas Morning News, the Calvary Christian Center has turned down the volume of its Westminster chimes, which will now ring only five times daily instead of 13 times, under an agreement announced Friday. The article reports that church pastor Thomas Jackson and Lawrence Cumings, a neighbor who complained about the bells, said they had reached a compromise.
California's Oakland Airport Preparing to Expand (Dec. 12, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the Oakland (California) International Airport will undergo a $600 million expansion intended to capture 50 percent more passengers within three years and to triple cargo traffic by 2010, port and city officials said yesterday.
Neighbors In Illinois Town Ask University For Night-Game Ban (Dec. 12, 1997). The Chicago Times reports that residents of Evanston, Illinois are fed up with noise and lights from Northwestern University's Ryan Field. A group of Evanston residents is asking the school to ban night football games.
Michigan Town Wants To Stop Sporting Clay Shooting (Dec. 12, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal reports that town officials of Eagle, Michigan have asked the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to halt shooting of clay pigeons at the McMiller Sports Center.
Airport May Compensate Tulsa Residents For Diminished Property Values Due to Airport (Dec. 12, 1997). The Tulsa World reports that airport consultants are proposing a publicly-funded program that would assist 800 homeowners affected by excessive aircraft noise near Tulsa (Oklahoma) International Airport to sell their properties, airport officials said Thursday.
Florida Retirement Community Fights Noise From Trucks (Dec. 11, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that more than 100 people in Orange City, Florida who have taken to civic activism have a litany of complaints from loud trucks to speeding cars to the proliferation of all-terrain vehicles frolicking on vacant property nearby. This week, the Orange City Council promised to help.
Connecticut Neighbors Threaten Legal Action Against Industrial Noise (Dec. 11, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the president of the town of Deep River's landmark Piano Works condominium complex is threatening to take legal action against the town's biggest taxpayer, Uarco Inc., claiming it is violating state noise standards.
Los Angeles Considers Two Proposals to Ban Leaf Blowers (Dec. 11, 1997). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that more than a year after first moving to ban gasoline-powered leaf blowers, a city panel came up Wednesday with dueling proposals: outlaw the noisy devices next month or phase them out over five years. In both proposals, the severity of the penalty would be reduced from a misdemeanor to an infraction and the fine for any one violation would be $ 270.
Proposal for Go-Carts Upsets Rural Kansas Residents (Dec. 11, 1997). The Kansas City Star reports that the Leavenworth County Planning Commission and several county residents met last week to debate whether the county should grant a special-use permit for a go-cart track at Eisenhower Road and 20th Street Trafficway.
Noise Patrols Enforce London's Noise Act (Dec. 10, 1997). The Press Association News File reports that Christmas revelers are being targeted by 24-hour anti-noise patrols as councils get tough on noise pollution. Noisy neighbors face eviction and on-the-spot fines as several local authorities in London pursue a policy of "Silent Night, Holy Night."
Noise From Trucks Disturbs Toronto Neighborhood (Dec. 9, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that an ill-planned bypass in Toronto, Canada torments residential community with noise.
Ottawa Salvation Army Tones Down Holiday Bells (Dec. 9, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that things are a lot quieter than usual around Salvation Army kettles in Ottawa (Canada) this Christmas season, as volunteer fund-raisers seek to attract the attention of passing shoppers without irritating nearby merchants.
Ice Cream Truck Jingles Annoy Los Angeles Resident (Dec. 8, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letter to the editor concerning ice cream trucks in residential areas of Los Angeles.
New Orleans Takes Zoning Measures To Confront Noise Problems (Dec. 8, 1997). New Orleans City Business reports recent changes in permitting in New Orleans to protect residents from noise and to preserve the character of neighborhoods.
Florida Resident Shares Perspective on Commission's Denial of Bikini Contest (Dec. 7, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune printed the following letter to the editor concerning the Kissimmee (Florida) City Commission's decision to deny a bikini contest proposal.
Community Fights New York City Night Club (Dec. 7, 1997). The New York Times reports that New York City's economic development committee of Community Board 12 is pushing for rejection of licensing for a night club. The Board's essential concerns are that the club would cause excessive noise and parking congestion.
Los Angeles Negotiates Noise Standards With Universal Studios (Dec. 7, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letter to the editor concerning stricter noise standards recommended for Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California:
New York Community Cracks Down On Ice Cream Vendor Noise (Dec. 6, 1997). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Board of Commissioners in Long Beach Township, New York last night approved new restrictions on ice cream vendors, limiting the amount of noise vendors can make.
Proposed Kennel Expansion in Britain May Be Rejected Due To Noise (Dec. 6, 1997). The Northern Echo reports that a proposal to expand a dog kennel in Copley, England may be rejected due to the concern for noise pollution that would be created by the additional animals.
California Recycling Center Closed For Noise Pollution (Dec. 4, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that Los Angeles' City Council will shut down a recycling center behind a supermarket because of noise issues.
Residential Day Care Center Bothers Washington Neighbor (Dec. 4, 1997). The Spokesman-Review reports that a Spokane, Washington resident, weary of noise and traffic from a residential day care operation, is filing a lawsuit.
Army Training Exercises Bombard New Zealand Residents With Noise (Dec. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that an Army training exercise in the middle of the night in Upper Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand has angered residents.
California Judge Attempts to Resolve Dispute Between Wedding Retreat Center and Neighbors (Dec. 3, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that a hearing held by a state judge in California was intended to avoid a trail over legal arguments between a fancy retreat center in Triunfo Canyon and residents who say the resort causes noise and traffic problems.
Kentucky Residents Angry About Relocation Plan For Victims Of Airport Noise (Dec. 3, 1997). The Courier-Journal reports that residents of the Cedar Creek area of Louisville, Kentucky angrily sounded off last night about a proposal to build a 450-home subdivision nearby for people now living in a handful of neighborhoods plagued by excessive airplane noise.
Maine Residents Voice Concerns About Noise From Proposed Gas Station Expansion (Dec. 3, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that the Planning Board has approved Cumberland Farms' proposal to build a new store in Saco, Maine to replace its building on Route 1 and double the number of gas pumps from two to four. Area residents are concerned about the impacts that the expansion would have on the area including noise pollution at night.
Rhode Island Town Considers Proposal for Auto Racetrack (Dec. 1, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the final session of a public hearing regarding a zoning change that would bring an auto racetrack to Richmond, Rhode Island will take place tonight. The article notes that a noise expert has testified on behalf of the developers that noise from the racetrack will meet the town's noise limit.
Tennessee Community Worries That Bypass Road Will Bring More Traffic And Noise (Nov. 30, 1997). The Tennessean reports that residents of Mount Juliet. Tennessee are concerned that a road bypass would increase noise and traffic in the area.
California Residents Oppose Proposal to Allow Minor League Baseball Games at College (Nov. 29, 1997). The Ventura County Star reports that residents in Oxnard, California who live near Oxnard College are opposing a proposal for the Pacific Suns minor league baseball team to play games at the college. An environmental study released this week recommended 16 measures to mitigate the traffic, noise, and bright lights that would result from the games, but found that the games would not cause significant problems for residents. The City Council already approved allowing the Suns to play at the college pending the results of the environmental study, the article says, but the Ventura County Community College District has not yet approved the proposal. Their decision is expected in January, the article notes.
Florida Residents Protest Proposal for Industrial Zone Near Their Homes (Nov. 29, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that residents in Thonotosassa near Tampa, Florida are protesting that allowing a property on U.S. 301 to be rezoned to allow commercial intensive uses could cause inappropriate development in an area that has much residential development. County commissioners, meanwhile, have asked the owner of the property for a site plan for the warehouse distribution facility proposed for the site, along with a request to rezone the property.
Minority-Owned Wisconsin Bar With Noise Violations Receives Scrutiny by City, While County Supervisor Accuses City of Discrimination (Nov. 29, 1997). The Capital Times reports that the Alcohol License Review Committee in Madison, Wisconsin is considering suspending or revoking the liquor license of Taste Buds, a minority-owned bar and restaurant, due to several ordinance violations, including noise violations. Meanwhile, County Board Supervisor Regina Rhyne believes the establishment is not being treated fairly by city officials and is using her position as a minority official to play watchdog over the city.
Rhode Island Residents Disturbed by What City Officials Believe is Rumbling Sewer Line (Nov. 29, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a mysterious booming noise in the earth has been disturbing residents in the Glen Woods neighborhood of Cranston, Rhode Island. The noise caused several residents to file a collective complaint on Nov. 16 with police. City officials say they now believe the noise is emanating from a pressurized sewer line.
Public Housing Project in Pennsylvania Produces More Noise Complaints Than Crime Problems (Nov. 28, 1997). The Morning Call reports that the Cumberland Gardens housing project in Allentown, Pennsylvania, contrary to popular sentiment, currently is considerably safer than many other low-income neighborhoods in the city. Although many believe that crime is high in the area, the article says that noise complaints are the most frequent type of complaint received in the area.
Arizona Resident Advises Neighbor of High School to Put up With Early Morning Band Practice (Nov. 26, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Karen Noble, a Chandler, Arizona resident, regarding the controversy over early morning band practice at a high school in Chandler:
Arizona Resident Believes City Ordinance Should be Upheld in Early Morning High School Band Practice Controversy (Nov. 26, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Cece West, a Queen Creek, Arizona resident, regarding noise from early morning high school band practice in Chandler:
Arizona Residents Living Near High School With Early Morning Band Practice Get the Scorn of Band Member Parent (Nov. 26, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Phoenix resident Lee Ann Hopper regarding the controversy over early-morning high school band practice in Chandler, Arizona:
California County Board Doesn't Revoke Resident's Kennel License, Despite Neighbors' Complaints About Barking (Nov. 26, 1997). The Press-Enterprise reports that the Riverside (California) County Board of Supervisors Tuesday granted a resident's appeal to keep her kennel license, despite complaints by neighbors that the barking dogs are a nuisance. But, the article says, the kennel owner must return to the board before the license can be renewed in March, and the board expects to monitor conditions at the kennel.
New York City Councilors Propose Stopping Expansion of Trash Transfer Stations (Nov. 26, 1997). Newsday reports that two city councilors in New York City introduced legislation yesterday that would stop the expansion of trash transfer stations in the city due to increasing problems with odor, noise, and heavy traffic associated with the stations.
Arizona Resident Says High School Marching Band Should be Required to Abide by Noise Law (Nov. 25, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Jeff Suchard, a Phoenix resident, regarding the controversy over early morning band practice of the Mountain Pointe Marching Band:
Complaints Over Noise and Litter at a California Recycling Center May Lead to its Closure (Nov. 25, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that noise from a 400 square-foot recycling center in Los Angeles has been causing increased complaints recently. The city council is considering revocation of the center's permit to operate, and will decide after a public meeting on December 2nd. Litter has also increased at the center.
Georgia County Considers Fining Owners of Barking Dogs (Nov. 25, 1997). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that the Walton County (Georgia) Commission is proposing a new animal-control ordinance that would fine the owners of dogs that are a nuisance. The article says that specific penalties have not yet been proposed, but the commissioners are seeking to make dog-owners pay fines for dogs that bark excessively or stray too close to their neighbor's property.
Hanover, New York Residents Ask Town Board To Quiet Auto Parts Plant (Nov. 25, 1997). The Buffalo News reports that the Hanover (New York) Town Board heard from two residents Monday who complained about noise and vibrations from the Bailey Manufacturing plant on Bennett State Road, which makes auto parts. The article says that town officials visited the homes of the two residents and agree something must be done.
New Mexico Village Residents Oppose Expansion of Tortilla Factory, Citing Constant Noise from Coolers and Air Compressors (Nov. 25, 1997). The Albuquerque Journal reports that residents in the village of Los Ranchos, New Mexico are opposing the proposed expansion of the Albuquerque Tortilla Co., saying the constant noise from coolers and air compressors already is a nuisance. The tortilla factory is seeking a zone change from "commercial" to "special use" to operate a new warehouse.
Arizona Resident Who Complained About Early Morning Band Practice is Blasted by Other Residents (Nov. 24, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letters-to-the-editor from residents in Sun City West, Chandler, Glendale, Ahwatukee, and Phoenix, Arizona responding to a resident who complained about early morning noise from a high school marching band in the Chandler area:
Public Parks in India are Being Turned Into Noisy Celebration Venues, Columnist Complains (Nov. 24, 1997). Business Line printed an editorial in which the columnist argues that public parks in India are being converted into locations for one noisy personal celebration after another. The writer urges people to join the "quiet India" revolution in order to save the public parks for their intended use and protect human hearing.
Rhode Island Residents Complain About Gravel Pit Noise, But Police Say Company Hasn't Violated Noise Ordinance (Nov. 24, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that residents in Richmond, Rhode Island have been complaining about noise from the Richmond Sand Gravel's rock crusher. Nine complaints have been issued in the past few months by residents on Stilson and Buttonwood Roads, but police have not found the company to have violated the town's noise ordinance.
California Neighbors Oppose Church Expansion, Citing More Noise and Traffic (Nov. 22, 1997). The Ventura County Star reports that neighbors of the NewHeart Foursquare Church in Simi Valley, California are opposing a proposed expansion of the church, saying it would create more noise and traffic and would block their view. Officials from the church presented the expansion plan to the Planning Commission Wednesday, but commissioners postponed action and asked church officials to work with neighbors and rethink their design.
Arizona Resident Thinks Early Morning School Band Practice is Cause for Lawsuit (Nov. 21, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Bob Ederer, a Tempe, Arizona resident, regarding the controversy over early morning marching band practice at the Mountain Pointe High School:
English Boy's Complaint About Noisy Neighbor Leads to Neighbor's Eviction (Nov. 20, 1997). The Daily Mail reports that Jeanette King and her two children of Bournemouth, England have been evicted from their home after a 13-year-old neighbor complained that King's non-stop playing of Frank Sinatra and Dire Straits records were preventing him from doing his homework.
Mom of Marching Band Student Castigates Arizona Resident who Complained About Noise (Nov. 20, 1997). The Arizona Republic printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Christine Eaton, a Phoenix resident, regarding noise from early morning band practice by the Mountain Pointe High School marching band:
Univeral Studio's California Expansion Plan Moves Closer to Approval; Noise Consultant Testifies that Studio Should Provide More Data About Noise (Nov. 20, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the county Regional Planning Commission in Los Angeles, California will being studying the feasibility of a proposed on-ramp at Universal Studios for the Hollywood Freeway. The ramp has been proposed by Universal Studios, which is undertaking a $1-billion expansion of their buildings. Residents say they haven't been involved in Universal's decisions, and a noise consultant admitted that Universal didn't give enough information about how noisy there facility can be.
Alabama City Council Warns Nightclub About Noise Complaints; Club Owners Insist They Aren't Noisy (Nov. 19, 1997). The Montgomery Advertiser reports that the Montgomery (Alabama) City Council on Tuesday warned owners of the Diamonds nightclub on Narrow Lane Road that there have been noise complaints about the establishment. However, nightclub owners insist they aren't causing the noise.
Arizona Resident Wants Early Morning Marching Band to Obey Law (Nov. 18, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that a resident in the Gilbert, Arizona area is trying to quiet the noise of early morning band practice from the Mountain Pointe High School Marching Band. Resident Julie Reiter Suchard, who lives at Ray Road and 44th Street across from the school's football field, has complained to city officials, and has discovered that the band is violating a city code that regulates noise from musical instruments between 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. However, Suchard's complaint is drawing anger from band students, who say they have no other time to practice.
Fast Food Restaurant Proposal Near Residential Area is Rejected in Texas (Nov. 18, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that planning and zoning commissioners in Plano, Texas on Monday rejected a request for a new Sonic drive-in restaurant on Coit Road due to the proximity of a residential neighborhood, and complaints from residents about the noise, traffic, and trash the restaurant would bring.
New Orleans Resident Complains About Noise and Trash in Historic Quarter (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune printed the following letter-to-the-editor from William Gershuny, a New Orleans resident, regarding the noise and trash problems in the city's historic Quarter:
Florida Residents Fight with Business Owners Over Early Morning Noise (Nov. 17, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that residents in a Coral Springs, Florida neighborhood are angry about the early morning noise from businesses near their homes. Meanwhile, businesses are angry about the city ordinance that stipulates they can't open until 8 a.m. due to noise constraints, and are arguing they should be allowed to open at 7 a.m. The City Commission will discuss the ordinance at a second public hearing Tuesday evening.
California Resident Urges Others to Oppose Universal Studio's Proposed Expansion Due to Increased Noise and Traffic (Nov. 16, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Joan Luchs, a Los Angeles resident, regarding the proposed expansion of Universal Studios:
Monks in Nova Scotia Fight Loggers' Chainsaws (Nov. 16, 1997). The Record reports that Catholic monks at the Nova Nada monastery in Nova Scotia are fighting the J.D. Irving company over logging in the woods near the monastery. The monks say the chainsaws disrupt their silent meditation, and are waging a fight to keep the logging operations at least two miles away from the monastery.
Florida Residents Living Near Proposed Lakeshore Park Are Worried About Noise (Nov. 15, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that residents in Eagle Harbor, in the Jacksonville, Florida area, are worried about the county's plans to build a 3-acre recreational park on Doctors Lake off Lakeshore Drive North, because of the potential noise from loud, late-night music. The county planning commission will hold a public hearing on the matter on December 2, and will decide the matter on December 23.
California Residents Worry About Expansion of Nearby Church, Saying More Noise and Traffic Will Result (Nov. 14, 1997). The Ventura County Star reports that residents living near the Ventura Missionary Church in Ventura, California, are worried that the church's proposed 33,000-square-foot expansion will add more noise and traffic problems to their neighborhood. The Planning Commission is set to consider the church's request on Dec. 2, the article notes.
Texas Community Worries That Drag Racing Facility May Cause Noise (Nov. 14, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that Mansfield, Texas officials are concerned about noise and traffic, and are requesting information about Grand Prairie's intentions to build a drag-racing facility.
Florida Residents Hire Attorney to Ensure Dredging Project Will Be Quiet (Nov. 14, 1997). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that Martin County, Florida officials have a project planned to dredge the sand shoals in the St. Lucie Inlet near Stuart, and residents who live nearby in the Hanson's Landing condominiums have hired an attorney and are planning to sue the county for creating a public nuisance if the workers create as much noise as they did during another inlet project earlier this year.
Dorm Shortage in Maryland University Town Sends Students Off-Campus, Resulting in Rising Noise Complaints (Nov. 14, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that dormitory rooms at Towson University in Towson, Maryland are at 101% of capacity, with 150 more students waiting for rooms. As a result, more students have been moving into nearby apartments and houses, which has triggered complaints about noise, parties, and trash from residential neighborhoods.
California Wedding Retreat Site and Neighbors Continue Five-Year Feud Over Noise and Traffic (Nov. 13, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that a retreat center called Fantasy Island, located in Agoura, California, has had a long history of noise and traffic complaints. The article discusses the history of the problems at the center, owned by a sometimes-inflammatory Israeli immigrant. The article notes that problems have often stemmed from lame zoning enforcement and lack of action by local officials.
More People Have Medical Condition of Ringing in the Ears From Increasing Societal Noise (Nov. 13, 1997). The Record reports that tinnitus, the ringing, roaring, or hissing sound in the ears that often is the start of noise-induced hearing loss, is becoming more common, according to the American Tinnitus Association. The article says the cause of the increase is our increasingly loud society.
Maine Resident Says He'll Put Up With Noise From Dirt Bike Event (Nov. 12, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Geoff Battick, a Bangor, Maine resident, about noise from events in Bass Park:
Maryland Residents Angry at Noisy, Active New Neighborhood Church (Nov. 12, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents in a Brooklyn Park neighborhood outside Baltimore, Maryland are angry with the activities of a inter-denominational Protestant church that opened recently in an old bingo hall. The church angered residents by holding a noisy event, and now some residents are suspicious that the church's activities will be undesirable.
Residents in California City Battle Fraternities Over Noise (Nov. 12, 1997). The Orange County Register reports that residents in a neighborhood of Fullerton, California are angry about the noise and activities of the six fraternity houses located there. The article says the clash between the students and residents has escalated in recent months, causing police to adopt a zero-tolerance policy with the fraternities, and city officials to call for meetings with university representatives. The Fullerton Planning Commission is set to discuss the issue on November 19.
Noise Consultant Recommends Stronger Noise Restrictions for Universal Studio's Proposed Expansion in California (Nov. 11, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that according to a noise consultant, the construction that Universal Studios has proposed should follow county standards rather than the more lenient city standards. He also said that noise measurements should be taken at the studios at unannounced times.
Community Board Members in Greenwich Village, New York, Propose Selected Motorcycle Ban Due to Noise (Nov. 2, 1997). The New York Times reports that in an effort to improve the quality of life in New York City, the Greenwich Village community board is pressuring the police to strengthen noise laws with reference to loud motorcycles. Their quality-of-life campaign may even try to ban motorcycles from local streets, the article says.
Orlando Homeowners Reject Hotel Proposal from Universal Studios on Grounds of Traffic and Noise (Nov. 2, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that a group of Orlando, Florida, homeowners challenged Universal Studios Florida and won. Using increased traffic and noise pollution as issues, the residents persuaded the city's planning board to deny the theme park's application to build a hotel and golf course near their homes.
Residents in Brandon, Florida, Complain about Noise from Students in Portable Classrooms (Nov. 1, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that noise is one complaint that residents in Brandon, Florida, have about the use of portable classrooms that are parked at the McLane Middle School. Other complaints about the trailers and portables range from decreasing property values to unpleasant smells from the portable toilets to the inconvenience caused by portions of streets blocked off during school hours so that children can cross the streets safely.
Canadian Residents Protest Noisy Teen Smokers (Oct. 31, 1997). The Calgary Herald of Calgary, Alberta, reports that residents of a southeast Calgary neighborhood will seek legal advice in an effort to rid their lawns and streets of hundreds of noisy teen smokers.
Citizens Action Committee Urges Dallas Mayor to Update Love Field Noise Studies (Oct. 31, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reported that Dallas, Texas, Mayor Ron Kirk will ask the City Council to consider updating the city's noise and traffic studies of Dallas Love Field Airport. Behind the Mayor's request to update 5-year-old studies was the Love Field Citizens Action Committee. The Committee of residents have concerns about the impact of expanded airline service on their neighborhoods, specifically noise, traffic and safety issues. More flights are possible, according to this article, because Congress recently added Kansas, Mississippi and Alabama to the list of destinations allowed under the Wright amendment, which had previously limited passenger service from Love Field to destinations in Texas and its four neighboring states.
California Neighbors Complain of Noisy All-Night Religion Ceremonies (Oct. 30, 1997). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that Cathy Giorgi of Fallbrook, California, was arrested and ordered to appear in court on a noise issue. Giorgi, a follower of Delbert "Blackfox" Pomani, a Hunkpapa Dakota Indian, built a teepee in her front yard, where she and other followers worship regularly from dusk to dawn. As a member of the Native American Church, Giorgi insists she has a constitutional right to practice her religion. But some of her neighbors object, saying all-night singing, drumming and chanting are disrupting their sleep.
Florida Residents Object to Dog Kennel, Fearing Noise and Stench (Oct. 30, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times reports that residents of Stonehedge on the Hill in Tarpon Springs, Florida, are upset about the possibility of a dog kennel opening in a building north of their mobile park. Previously, this building housed a fish-packing plant that that caused residents to complain of a foul odor. Next the building housed a nightclub that residents say blared music until all hours of the night.
Foundry in New Mexico Ordered to Cease Noisy Outside Work (Oct. 30, 1997). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that neighbors of a foundry won a partial victory in their pursuit of peace and quiet . For the past five years, neighbors have complained about the noises coming from the Shidoni foundry in Tesuque, New Mexico. The foundry is located in a primarily residential area. On Tuesday night, David Dougherty, whose property borders Shidoni's, and other unhappy neighbors, won their noise battle. The city-county Extraterritorial Zoning Authority upheld an earlier ruling banning the foundry from working on its sculptures outdoors.
Noise Complaints in New Zealand Prompt Council to Rule Against Dog Owner (Oct. 30, 1997). The Evening Post of Wellington, New Zealand, reports that Lower Hutt dog owner, Michael Edney was ordered to remove all dogs from his property after numerous complaints from neighbors. After Edney's objection, he was told he could keep one dog. But Edney is not happy at having to put a collar on his dog that gives it an electric shock when it barks.
Phoenix Residents Use Political Clout to Win Noise Concessions from Developers (Oct. 30, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that after months of negotiations, developers at the Camelback Esplanade have struck a deal with neighbors and are pushing ahead to build two more office towers. Neighbors fought the project because of the noise and traffic associated with an office complex the size of the Esplanade. "It was certainly a long process, and the neighbors used all of their political clout to get what they wanted," said Tom Roberts, president of one of the developers, OpusWest. "But at the end of the day, it worked out." Opus West and other developers of the project have agreed to nearly $1million in concessions, including planting trees and building speed bumps. When the development is completed, it will have five office towers, two parking garages, two hotel towers, a 24-screen movie theater, shops and restaurants.
Noise and Safety are Issues for Virginia Residents in Navy's Relocation of Jets (Oct. 28, 1997). The Virginia-Pilot of Norfolk, Virginia, reports that a large group of residents at a public hearing in Virginia Beach opposed the Navy's plan to bring 180 jets to Oceana. While city and state officials Monday night made a strong case for the Hornets, citizens asked the Navy for: peace, quiet and safety.
Factions will Speak for and against Relocation of Navy Jets to Virginia Beach; Noise is one Issue (Oct. 27, 1997). The Virginian-Pilot of Norfork, Virginia, reports that the Navy will holds the first of two public hearings in Hampton Roads to ask residents if they want the Hornets as their new neighbors. For Virginia Beach, the proposed relocation of 180 Hornets to Oceana, raises a number of issues. For Virginia Beach, a lot is at stake: economics, noise, safety, traffic congestion and water supply.
City Council Candidates in Rhode Island Town Make Noise a Campaign Issue (Oct. 24, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that some of the candidates in the November 4 City Council election in Central Falls, Rhode Island say that reducing neighborhood noise would be a priority if they are elected. The article goes on to discuss each candidate in the three wards in which there are challenges to the incumbents, and the issues each candidate believes is important.
New Jersey Residents Sue Landfill Company over Noise and other Forms of Pollution (Oct. 23, 1997). The Solid Waste Report tells about a class-action suit brought against a Waste Management Inc. (WMI) landfill in Tullytown, Pennsylvania. According to papers filed, bird droppings, dust and noise that have made miserable the lives of New Jersey residents who live downwind from the company.
Re-routing Highway through Park Divides Minnesota Candidates; Noise an Issue (Oct. 23, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that in the renewed debate over the impact of routing Highway 55 at Minnehaha Park, the potential casualties are many, city politicians as well as alleged quality of life issues including noise
New Jersey Residents Sue Landfill Company Over Noise and Smell (Oct. 22, 1997). The Legal Intelligencer reports that residents in New Jersey's Florence Township are suing Waste Management Inc. of Bensalem, claiming the company's landfill in Tulleytown, Pennsylvania is causing noise, odor, and other problems that are damaging the enjoyment of their property.
Still No Relief from Dust and Noise for Tennessee Residents (Oct. 22, 1997). The Knoxville News-Sentinel of Knoxville, Tennessee, reports that some Lonsdale residents are seeking help from the city to force owners of a slag-processing operation to follow previously made agreements that would give residents some relief from noise and dust.
Universal Studios Loses Bid to Build Hotel and Golf Course in Orlando After Neighbors Complain About Increased Noise and Traffic (Oct. 22, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel reports that a group of residents in south Orlando, Florida opposed a project by Universal studies to build a hotel and golf course near their homes and won Tuesday when the city's planning board denied the request. The residents opposed the project based on the increased traffic and noise they believed would result.
Idaho Residents' Concerns About Proposed Party Facility Causes Entrepreneur to Withdraw Idea (Oct. 21, 1997). The Idaho Statesman reports that the Boise City Planning and Zoning Commission approved a request for a conditional-use permit for a commercial reception center in a residential neighborhood in Northwest Boise. But the prospective buyer who requested the permit said she will not go forward with plans for the facility because nearby residents are opposed to it. Residents have said they are worried that the center would create noise, congested traffic, and parking problems.
Neighbors of Sex Club in Hollywood Try to Shut it Down Due to Noise and Parking Problems (Oct. 21, 1997). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that residents in a Hollywood, California neighborhood are seeking to shut down a gay sex club that is operating without a permit because of problems with noise and parking. However, the article reports, Los Angeles Councilor Jackie Goldberg is working to keep the club open. The operators of the club are seeking a conditional use permit that would allow the club to stay open, even though it is next to a residential neighborhood and near an elementary school. The City Council's Planning and Land Use Management Committee is to consider the proposal today, the article says.
Residents in Arizona Town Oppose Potential Move of the State Fair to Their Neighborhood (Oct. 21, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that the Arizona State Fair, currently located in Phoenix, intends to relocate in a few years, and residents living near a possible new site in Gilbert are in an uproar over the possible relocation to their neighborhood. They oppose the move because they believe the fair would drive down property values, increase crime and vandalism, clog up streets, and cause too much noise, the article says. As a result of resident sentiment, the Gilbert Town Council unanimously passed a resolution last month opposing the fair's move to the area. Meanwhile, residents living near the fair's current location don't want it to leave, saying the fair has mostly been a good neighbor, and they are worried about what might locate on the land parcel if the fair isn't there.
Two California Environmental Groups File Lawsuit to Block Golf Course and Amphitheater (Oct. 21, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Environmental Defense Center and the California Native Plant Society have filed a lawsuit against the Ventura County, California to stop a golf course and a 16,000-seat amphitheater from being built at the 320-acre Camarillo Regional Park. Members of the group believe the environmental study of the project's impacts is inadequate and doesn't fully address the problems the project would cause related to air quality, noise, traffic, wetlands, and biological habitat.
California Residents Frightened Over Detonation of Old, Newly Discovered Bombs (Oct. 20, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that eight military bombs were detonated Sunday at the rail yard in Roseville, California, damaging homes and disturbing hundreds of residents. The Vietnam War-era bombs were discovered in the rail yard by workers of the Union Pacific Transportation Co.
Malaysian Resident Complains About Noise From Supermarket Air Conditioner (Oct. 20, 1997). The New Straits Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Luke Teoh Ipoh, a Malaysian resident, who discusses why Asians often fail to enforce noise and other types of regulations, and complains about the inaction on solving a noise problem resulting from a supermarket air conditioner near his home:
British Residents Seek Solutions to Deal with Noisy Neighbors (Oct. 19, 1997). The Sunday Times reports that due to poorly regulated residential property conversions in England in the 1960s, many people find themselves in the situation of being disturbed by the relatively quiet activities of their neighbors. The article goes on to interview several residents with problems, and to suggest measures that can dampen noise.
Neighbors of California's Universal Studios Mount Increasing Opposition to Noise and Expansion Plans (Oct. 19, 1997). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that neighbors of Universal Studios in the Los Angeles, California area are mounting an opposition over the studio's plans for a multi-billion-dollar expansion. Residents already have been disturbed for years by the lights, noise, and continuous action from the studios, and now they say the expansion plans are too much.
New Plans for Mall in Northern Virginia Upset Residents; County Board Postpones Decision (Oct. 19, 1997). The Washington Post reports that 950 residents in Countryside, Virginia have signed petitions opposing a proposed 1.2 million-square-foot mall at the intersection of Routes 7 and 28. Residents say they are not opposed to a mall in principle, but are alarmed at the proposed changes in the mall's plans that would cause it to be more intrusive in their rural area, bringing noise, pollution, and glaring lights. Due to resident opposition, the County Board of Supervisors has postponed a decision on the requested changes and have agreed to hold a town hall meeting on the issue early next month.
Soundproofing Measures Exist for Insulation Against Neighbor Noise (Oct. 19, 1997). The Independent reports that according to the World Health Organization, noise is probably the most widespread of pollutants in Great Britain, and noise from neighbors seems to be the most common environmental complaint. The article notes that there were 164,000 noise complaints to local authorities during 1995-96, an increase of 24% over the previous year, according to figures released by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. The article goes on to discuss technical solutions to mitigating noise from neighbors.
Virginia Citizens Like Waterfront Gathering Area; Some Residents Dislike its Noise (Oct. 19, 1997). The Virginian-Pilot printed an editorial regarding a recent "Vision 2005" meeting in Portsmouth, Virginia Thursday to discuss Portside, the downtown waterfront gathering place. The columnist said a standing-room-only crowd showed up to give both positive and negative comments on the area. While some nearby residents spoke against the gathering place on the grounds of noise, many residents gave positive comments. The columnist argues that the area provides a needed community space, and that the noise impact on the surrounding area can be mitigated.
Florida Theatre is too Disruptive for the Neighbors (Oct. 18, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel reports that residents in Lake Helen, Florida are speaking out about the nuisance of a theatre in their neighborhood. They told City Commissioners at a meeting Thursday that the theatre generates too much noise and traffic for a residential neighborhood. In response to residents and the theatre manager's comments, Commissioners decided to review about seven years' worth of records to determine whether the theater's existence is in violation of any city codes.
Neighbors of Florida Stadium Expect Increased Noise and Traffic During World Series (Oct. 17, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that residents surrounding the Pro Player Stadium in north Dade County, Florida are bracing for an onslaught of traffic and noise during the World Series between the Marlins and Cleveland Indians.
New Jersey Residents Oppose Construction of Supermarket and Accompanying Sound Wall (Oct. 17, 1997). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Planning Board in Shrewsbury, New Jersey postponed a decision on a proposal to build a 58,000-square-foot Edwards supermarket off Newman Springs Road till November 6. At a meeting Wednesday night, residents who live near the proposed site continued to protest the plan, the article says, and have hired a lawyer to help them fight the proposal. Residents object both to the presence of a supermarket and to a 14-foot sound barrier the developer has proposed building to cut down on noise from the supermarket.
Grain Elevator Near Illinois Homes Causes Many Noise and Air Pollution Problems (Oct. 16, 1997). The Pantagraph printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Dave Ellis, a rural Chenoa, Illinois resident, regarding the noise and air pollution caused by a grain elevator near his home:
Residents Applaud Massachusetts Water Authority's Decision to Build Deep-Rock Sewage Tunnel (Oct. 16, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority voted unanimously to build a deep-rock tunnel instead of a marine pipeline in Fore River to relieve sewage overflows in Braintree and Weymouth. The decision has pleased residents in the nearby area, who feared massive construction impacts from the marine pipeline option.
British Neighbors Near Auto Maintenance Shop Want Peace and Quiet on Weekends (Oct. 15, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that after a public inquiry yesterday that a bid by Kwik Fit, a tire and exhaust fitting chain, to expand its operations near a market town's conservation area would result in an unacceptable disturbance to residents. The district health officer said residents should not lose their freedom from noise on the weekends and holidays.
Arizona Town and Kennel Fight Over Noise from Barking Dogs (Oct. 1, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that city officials in Paradise Valley, Arizona, a kennel owner, and neighbors of the kennel are involved in a fight over noise from barking dogs. Last spring, the town's code enforcement committee decided that the kennel owner's barking dogs violated a town code and placed restrictions on the kennel. Last week, the committee rejected the kennel owner's motion to hold a re-hearing of the decision. Meanwhile, the kennel owner has filed two lawsuits against the town, the article says.
Florida Residents Want to Hasten Delayed Noise Wall (Oct. 1, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, reports it could be eight more months before Sunrise residents along Flamingo Road and Northwest 136th Avenue will see a wall shielding their homes from the grit and noise of traffic. Many are angry about the delay.
Anti-Noise Group Was Formed More Than 60 Years Ago in Britain (Sep. 30, 1997). The Times Newspapers Limited reports that more than 60 years ago, there was a growing feeling that action needed to be taken to reduce noise in Great Britain. The article says there were several letters written to The Times regarding noise, including the following two. The first letter announces the formation of the Anti-Noise League, formed by a group of public figures, including the physician Lord Horder.
Oregon Resident Tells Others to Move Away if They Can't Take the Noise (Sep. 19, 1997). The Bulletin printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Eva Conover, a Bend, Oregon resident, regarding residents who complained about noise at Mountain View High School:
British Residents Kept Awake by Noise from Cable Company Night Work (Sep. 18, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that residents of Darlington Borough, England, disturbed by noise from late-night work by a cable TV company brought their objections to town officials.
Long Island Town Rejects Expansion Plan for Shopping Center Due to Citizen Protests (Sep. 18, 1997). Newsday reports that the North Hempstead (New York) Town Board voted unanimously Tuesday to reject plans for expanding a shopping center on Port Washington Boulevard, near a residential area. The board voted after a public hearing that attracted more than 100 residents who opposed the expansion. Residents believed the project would increase traffic, congestion, and noise.
Rhode Island Town Council Considers Ordinance Creating Quiet-Zones (Sep. 17, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the Cumberland, Rhode Island Town Council will vote tonight on a proposed noise control ordinance that would allow noise-sensitive zones to be established in areas in which residents show that noise is hazardous to their health. The proposal was brought by two residents who say the noise in their neighborhood is bad for their health. Several city officials, however, believe the ordinance is not a good idea and will not pass.
Connecticut Town Council Tables Noise Ordinance Proposal (Sep. 16, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the South Windsor (Connecticut) Town Council voted to table a proposed noise ordinance for a month and gather more information after a public hearing on the issue Monday. The ordinance was proposed after residents complained about noise from Cupid Diaper Co. of Satellite Road.
Seattle Natural Gas Company Installs Silencing Devices on Gas Pipeline to Reduce Noise (Sep. 16, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Northwest Pipeline, a Seattle company that operates an underground natural gas pipeline, installed silencing devices on the pipeline last month to quiet sound waves resulting from compression of the gas at a station in Woodinville, Washington. Residents in the Bear Creek area had complained that the noise was constant and resembled a helicopter flying overhead. According to Grant Jensen, company spokesperson, the silencing project cost about $500,000 and should be a permanent fix.
Columnist Recommends Quiet Dishwashers (Sep. 13, 1997). The Tampa Tribune printed a question-and-answer column in which the writer answers a question about what noise-reduction features are available on new dishwashers. The columnist says the noise levels have been reduced to a whisper in the best models. He also tells readers how to get a buyer's guide of the quietest dishwashers.
British Council Uses New Powers to Quiet Noisy Neighbor (Sep. 12, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that a resident of West Cornforth, England, who held noisy, late-night parties has been ordered by a judge to stop the noise.
Frustrated by Years of Noise from Foundry, British Residents Will Fight (Sep. 9, 1997). The Northern Echo of England, reports that residents of Tow Law, England are strengthening their fight against noise from a foundry after a local man was arrested and fined for protesting at the Bonds Foundry.
Canadian Judge Orders Federal Express Courier Depot to Stop Overnight Loading (Sep. 8, 1997). The Toronto Star reports that Federal Express Canada Inc. has been ordered by a judge to stop overnight loading operations at its courier depot in North Bay, Ontario, because the noise is keeping neighbors awake. Residents living near the depot took Federal Express to court for nighttime disturbance. Justice Michael Bolan of the Ontario Court, general division, last week gave Federal Express until November 1 to relocate its operations or stop loading and unloading trucks between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., the article says.
Pennsylvania Man Kills Dirt Biker Over Noise (Sep. 8, 1997). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that John Bereznak of Beaverdale, Pennsylvania on Saturday shot and killed a young dirt biker who was biking on the mounds of coal from an abandoned strip mine about 200 yards from Bereznak's house. Bereznak had complained about noise from the dirt bikers for several years, and once had thrown a shovel at a dirt biker while ranting about noise. He also was suspected by the town's dirt bikers of installing tar paper seeded with nails around the abandoned mine area. Bereznak later killed himself.
Columnist Notices that Life in the City is Too Loud (Sep. 7, 1997). The Buffalo News printed an editorial in which the columnist concludes after his vacation in the country that everything is too loud in the city. The writer goes on to say that we shun silence, which partly explains our need to have noise everywhere.
Local Authorities Are Granted More Power to Arrest Noisy Neighbors in England and Wales (Aug. 31, 1997). The Times Newspapers Limited reports that the government of the United Kingdom has given local authorities and housing associations in England and Wales the power to seek an injunction for the arrest of rowdy tenants. The new rules allow offenders to be arrested and charged with a breach of the peace or of their tenancy agreement, and prostitutes and drug-dealers will lose their tenancies, the article says. Neighbors who are arrested could spend a night in jail and appear in court the following morning.
Salvation Army in Boise Fights Order to Build Wall to Protect Neighbors From Noise (Aug. 31, 1997). The Idaho Statesman reports that the Salvation Army in Boise, Idaho is fighting a directive from the city's Planning and Zoning Commission to build a 10-foot masonry wall at its State Street store to shield nieghbors from noise. The Salvation Army plans to take its case to the Boise City Council on Sept. 9, the article says.
Argument Over Noise Leads to Arson and Assault (Aug. 28, 1997). The Hong Kong Standard reports that a resident in Hong Kong set a building on fire and bit the ear of a fellow tenant after an argument about noise. The Court of First Instance heard the case on Wednesday, and sentencing was adjourned until September 9 pending a psychiatric report.
Hearing Problems Are Increasing From Noise Pollution (Aug. 25, 1997). Newsweek reports that research has shown that excessive exposure to noise is one of the leading causes of hearing loss and ear damage, contrary to the popular belief that hearing loss is a natural process of aging. The article goes on to discuss the risks to hearing of noise pollution, the ways in which noise damages the ear, the levels at which noise is dangerous, and practical steps people can take to protect their ears.
German Judge Rules that Couple Must Quiet Their Love-Making (Aug. 19, 1997). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that a judge ruled Tuesday that a German couple from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia will have to quiet their love-making or else risk a fine of up to 500,000 marks ($275,000). The judge ruled that failure to comply with the court order also could lead to a prison sentence. The case was brought by a neighbor tired of hearing the noise next door, the article says.
Maine Resident Decries the Noisiness of Life Outdoors (Aug. 18, 1997). The Kennebec Journal printed an editorial from George Smith, a Mount Vernon, Maine resident, which says that quiet is an important aspect of life in Maine that is not appreciated, understood, protected or respected. The writer goes on to detail several personal experiences he has had with noise or the absence of noise in the outdoors, including noise from trains, personal watercraft, barking dogs, and loud radios, and the affect of noise on fish.
Florida Library Patrons Disturbed by Noise from Kids in the Children's Section (Aug. 15, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times reports that patrons of the Countryside library branch in Clearwater, Florida have complained about children's voices carrying through the building ever since the library opened nine years ago. The children's section is not separated from the rest of the library in a separate room, and proposals for an addition to the library to solve the problem have met with funding limitations, the article explains.
Two U2 Concerts Banned in Ireland Due to Neighbors' Noise Concerns (Jul. 30, 1997). The International Herald Tribune reports that two sold-out homecoming concerts by the Irish rock group U2, scheduled to be held in Dublin, Ireland at the Lansdowne Road rugby stadium, have been banned by the High Court because of residents' concern over noise, according to reports in Irish newspapers on Tuesday. Residents living near the stadium told the court that the Irish Rugby Football Union had no legal right to subject them to loud and persistent noise, the article reports.
Indiana Man Enraged at Noisy Teen-Agers Charged for Firing a Gun (Jul. 29, 1997). The Indianapolis News reports that a man in Greenwood, Indiana has been arrested for firing a .45-caliber handgun into the ground after becoming enraged that teen-agers were using a hydraulic system to bounce a car through his neighborhood. The man told sheriff's deputies that he "just snapped."
Residents Near Noisy Gas Pipeline in Washington Will Get Some Relief, Gas Company Says (Jul. 24, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that officials for Northwest Pipeline have announced they will install two large containers around an underground gas pipeline in order to muffle the constant thumping noise that has been disturbing residents in Duvall, Washington. The fix is expected to be installed by late August, the article says.
Citizens Protest Noisy Outdoor Opera by Mowing their Lawns During Performance (Jul. 23, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that citizens in London, Ontario protested outdoor performances of the Garsington Opera by synchronizing their lawnmoving, hedge trimming, and other yard work during the opening night of the opera festival, June 9. In response to the long feud between the villagers and opera officials, the South Oxfordshire District Council has decided to prosecute the opera company.
Noise Awareness Day Highlights Pervasive Noise Problems in Scotland (Jul. 23, 1997). The Herald reports that today is Scotland's National Noise Awareness Day, with the aim of increasing understanding of noise issues and considering the effects our lifestyles, transport, and businesses have on noise pollution. The article outlines some of the ways noise pollution is on the increase, and what Scotland is doing about it.
England Town Launches Noise Exposure Survey to Encourage Quiet Neighborhoods (Jul. 22, 1997). The Northern Echo of England escalating complaints of domestic noise from barking dogs, loud music and other sources have prompted the town of Sedgefield, England, to take action.
Maine Resident Finds Noise Pollution Everywhere (Jul. 22, 1997). The Bangor Daily News printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Patricia Thurston, a Bass Harbor (Maine) resident, regarding the incessant noises she experiences:
Study in Scotland Finds Only a Small Percentage of Localities Likely to Adopt New Strict Noise Standards (Jul. 22, 1997). The Herald reports that a survey by the National Society for Clean Air in Scotland has found that only about 8% of local authorities are likely to adopt new curbs on noise between 11 pm and 7 am which come into force this week, enabling environmental health officers to seize noisy stereos, radios, and TVs. The survey was released yesterday to coincide with National Noise Awareness Day tomorrow, the article says.
Noise From Model Airplanes in Rural Maryland Doesn't Violate State Regulations (Jul. 21, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Department of the Environment checked the noise level of model planes flown by the Westminster Aero Modelers on a farm north of Westminster, Maryland in response to a complaint from a neighbor, and found that while the noise is "distinctively noticeable," it does not violate state regulations.
Why We Fill Our Lives with Constant Noise -- Some Spiritual and Psychological Explanations (Jul. 21, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that people tend to avoid silence. Several theories for why this is so include: humans are addicted to audible sensory input, we need noise to replace a lack of spiritual satisfaction, and sound can designate personal space
All Parties Should Work Together in Controversy Over PA System at L.A. Little League Field (Jul. 13, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Laura Chick, a Los Angeles City Councillor, regarding the controversy over noise from the PA system at Los Angeles's Franklin Fields baseball field:
Proposed Wind Farm Project in New Zealand Meets Opposition on Grounds of Noise (Jul. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Energy Corporation (ECNZ) wants to build a wind farm in Makara, New Zealand, and has met with opposition from residents in the area. At a Wind Energy Association and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority conference in Wellington this week, ECNZ Makara project manager Graeme Mills presented a paper on the proposed wind farm, and said the company is working to understand the potential nosie effects. He also urged Makara residents to understand and have faith in the input processes of the project.
Residents Drop Lawsuit Against Indianapolis Airport After Soundproofing Agreement Reached (Jun. 30, 1997). The Indianapolis Business Journal reports that a group of residents in Plainfield, Indiana has dropped its lawsuit over airport noise after the Indianapolis Airport Authority agreed to include the residents' homes in a new noise-reduction program. The agreement stipulates that the authority will pay to soundproof homes in the Cottonwood Court subdivision, but if residents are still bothered by the noise, the authority would purchase their homes and try to resell them.
Nuns in Colorado Move their Abbey Due to Noise and Development (Jun. 29, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that the 22 nuns at the Abbey of St. Walburga near Boulder, Colorado have decided to move their abbey because of the noise and development that now surround their once-rural home. The article says the nuns are building a new abbey on a donated plot of land near the Colorado-Wyoming border, about a two-hour drive north from their current location.
Residents in New York Town Complain About Noise From New Warning Sirens (Jun. 29, 1997). Newsday reports that two new sirens in the Bay Park area of Hempstead, New York were installed to warn residents of hurricanes or disasters at the nearby Nassau County sewage plant, but homeowners who live near the sirens say the sirens' piercing wails are too loud. Until recently, the sirens went off every noon and during fire calls in other neighborhoods.
Roosters Turn up in Upscale Neighborhood and Annoy Residents (Jun. 22, 1997). The Record reports that roosters have been returning to a neighborhood in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey for the past couple of years after swallows return to Capistrano. Some residents of the upscale neighborhood want the roosters out of their area, while others don't mind the noisy birds.
Florida City Outlaws Ice Cream Truck Noise (Jun. 20, 1997). The Palm Beach Post reports in an editorial that noise from ice cream trucks is against the law in Boca Raton, Florida. The editorial writer goes on to lament that ice cream trucks have had their friendly bells and music taken away, and to say that silent ice cream trucks are ridiculous.
Wisconsin Town Board Tells Resident They Can't Regulate Lawn Mower Noise (Jun. 19, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Village Board members in Brown Deer, Wisconsin told a resident Monday they don't believe they have the power to restrict lawn mower noise. The resident, Jerry Freidenfeld, had asked the board to help him turn down the noise on the volume of the lawn mowers used by some of his neighbors.
Homeowners Shut Down Little League PA System in California City (Jun. 18, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Army Corps of Engineers -- which is responsible for enforcing noise rules in the Sepulveda Basin in Encino, California -- temporarily prohibited the use of a public address system that has neighbors complaining. The system exceeds the local 60-decibel limit for noise.
California Little League Plays Without a PA System After Residents Complain (Jun. 17, 1997). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that the baseball leagues that use the Franklin Fields in Encino, California have had a four-week ban placed on their PA system after nearby residents complained about the noise. The ban, which began Wednesday, was imposed by the Army Corps of Engineers, which owns the land. If a league violates the ban, the Army Corps has said it will prohibit the league from using the field for two months.
Home Depot Store in Boise Takes Measures to Reduce Noise, While City Considers Revoking its Permit (Jun. 17, 1997). The Idaho Statesman reports that the Boise (Idaho) Planning and Zoning Commission discussed at its meeting Monday whether there was enough evidence to justify revoking the conditional-use permit of a Home Depot store at 1200 N. Milwaukee St., after residents complained about noise from the store. Boise Planning Director Wayne Gibbs said the store is making progress in reducing its noise levels, the article says. No decision was made on the permit, and according to Rinda Just, acting chair of the commission, no revocation would occur until the city attorney's office had studied the issue.
Residents in New Zealand to Discuss Noise From Proposed Wind Farm (Jun. 17, 1997). The Dominion reports that residents in Makara, New Zealand who are fighting to oppose a proposed wind farm, have agreed to join an Electricity Corporation working party to address ways to mitigate unwelcome noise.
German Court Asks Couple to Make Love to Test Noise Levels After Complaints From Neighbors (Jun. 12, 1997). The Mirror reports that a magistrate in Warendorf, Germany has asked a couple to make love so that officials can check how noisy they are, after complaints from neighbors about the noise levels. The article says the magistrate first asked the couple if they would move, but when they said they wouldn't, they agreed to have their noise levels monitored.
Milwaukee Church Next to Airport Offers a Seminar on Silence (Jun. 11, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the St. Stephen's Catholic Church, on Howell Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is surrounded by runways and constant noise from Mitchell Airport, but will nevertheless hold a seminar on silence tonight from 6:30 to 8:30. However, the article says, a quiet room will not be available for the seminar.
Florida Ice Cream Man Arrested for Noise Violation (Jun. 7, 1997). The Palm Beach Post reports that police in Boca Raton, Florida busted ice cream vendor Brian Calvert on May 30 for failing to have a permit to sell ice cream in the city, and playing music to draw customers, thereby violating the city noise ordinance.
What Residents Can Do About Neighborhood Noise in St. Petersburg (Jun. 6, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times printed a letter from a resident asking a columnist whether there is a noise ordinance in St. Petersburg, Florida. The resident, W. Bytautas, has a neighbor who plays the drums and the noise is unbearable. The resident asks the columnist how to get action on this problem. The columnist responds by saying there is a noise ordinance in St. Petersburg, but the code compliance officers do not get involved in residential disturbances. The columnist advises calling the police.
New, Massive Roller Coaster Causes Noise Problems for Pennsylvania Residents (Jun. 5, 1997). The Morning Call reports that a new roller coaster in Cetronia, Pennsylvania is driving residents crazy. The 200-foot tall roller coaster, called "Steel Force," is located at Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom and is billed as the tallest, fastest coaster in the East. The roller coaster went up only after a long fight by residents, and eventual agreements on noise limitations by the company. Now, about a dozen residents who live nearby have invited South Whitehall commissioners to come to their homes and backyards to hear the noise. The commissioners plan to accept the invitation, and they want officials from Dorney Park officials to do the same.
North Carolina School Board Will Reconsider Whether to Build a Wall to Screen Noise (Jun. 5, 1997). The Morning Star reports that the New Hanover County school board in Wilmington, North Carolina will reconsider whether to build a wall to shield neighbors who have complained about a noisy air handler at the new Holly Tree Elementary School, set to open this year. The board earlier removed the issue from its agenda after one board member said she didn't believe the board should spend the money on a wall. However, the board has now agreed to discuss the issue at its June 17 meeting.
Florida City Clerk Arrested for Barking Dog (Jun. 4, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times reports that Gulfport, Florida resident and St. Petersburg Beach City Clerk Pamala Prell was cited, fined, fingerprinted, booked, bailed out, and brought to court over noise from her barking Doberman pinscher.
Santa Monica Residents Protest Restaurant and Theater Development (Jun. 1, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports the Santa Monica (California) Planning Commission last week voted to recommend that the City Council allow a new theater, and the expansion of a popular restaurant, in the Ocean Park neighborhood. Commissioners promised some noise relief to upset residents, in the form of noise level measurements and noise insulation.
New York Isn't the Place to Live if You're Searching for Peace and Quiet (May 30, 1997). The New York Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Louis Kibler, a New York resident, about how noisy it is to live in New York:
North Carolina Town Sets Up Committee to Recommend Changes to the Noise Ordinance (May 29, 1997). The Chapel Hill Herald reports that the Chapel Hill (North Carolina) Town Council voted Tuesday to set up a committee to recommend changes to the town's noise ordinance. The action came in response to Westside resident complaints about the air handling system on the University of North Carolina's Thurston Bowles building. (Ed. note: Chapel Hill residents have also been complaining recently about noise from the University's Horace Williams Airport.) The Town Council said it will invite the university, business owners, and the public to participate on the noise committee, and will ask for neighborhood delegates from Westside, Northside, Chapel Hill's two historic districts, and the Horace Williams Airport vicinity.
TV of Scottish Man Confiscated Over Noise (May 28, 1997). The Herald reports that Michael McGinn of Kilmarnock, Scotland has had his television and radio confiscated because he played them too loudly. McGinn also has been fined 450 pounds by the Kilmarnock Sheriff Court.
Night on the Town in New York Assaults the Ears (May 27, 1997). The New York Times printed an editorial that outlined the noise assaults the writer experienced in one evening in New York.
North Carolina School Board Should Reconsider Being a Good Neighbor (May 26, 1997). The Morning Star printed an editorial that says the New Hanover County Board of Education, which voted to ignore neighbors' requests to quiet an air handling system and relocate a garbage container at the newly constructed Holly Tree Elementary School in the Wilmington, North Carolina area, should reconsider its decision and be a friendly neighbor.
How to Quiet Your Barking Dog (May 24, 1997). The Sacramento Bee printed an article about ways to quiet your barking dog. The writer makes recommendations about working with your dog on behavior modification and trying an anti-bark collar when all else fails.
Orchard Owner in New Zealand Must Reduce Noise Level of Wind Machine that Fights Frost (May 23, 1997). The Southland Times reports that an orchard owner in Arrowtown, New Zealand has been asked by a panel to significantly reduce noise levels from a frost-fighting wind machine, or remove it. The panel's decision came in response to neighbors angry about the noise and intrusion into the landscape of the machine.
Schools Near Airports May Debilitate Learning (May 20, 1997). The Washington Post reports that two environmental psychologists at Cornell University, Gary W. Evans and Lorraine Maxwell, have discovered that schoolchildren who are exposed to frequent airport noise do not learn to read well as schoolchildren who study in a quieter environment. Children exposed to excessive and repeated noise learn how to tune out noise, including speech. Impaired speech perception in turn hampers their ability to learn how to read.
Missouri Residents Oppose Reactivation of Railroad Tracks in Their Neighborhood (May 16, 1997). The Kansas City Star reports that the Union Pacific Railroad announced that it is planning to sell train tracks that run through Lee's Summit, Missouri to General Railway Corp., which plans to run trains from St. Louis to Kansas City. Residents in the eight subdivisions near the train tracks are frightened that the trains will bring noise and safety problems and drops in property values.
Albany Airport Authority Plans To Buy More Homes (May 15, 1997). The Times Union reports the Albany (New York) County Airport plans to buy 9 more homes north of the airport, according to airport Chief Executive Officer John Egan. More than 30 houses have already been bought in the past by either the airport authority or Albany County, which used to own and operate the airport. The 9 homes on Kelly Road, if purchased, are planned to be demolished or converted into commercial buildings, garages, or warehouses.
Northern New Jersey Sound Barrier To Be Built Next To Major Highway (May 15, 1997). The Record reports a one-mile sound barrier will be built along Route 80 in Paterson, New Jersey to make life quieter for residents adjacent to the major highway. According to John Dourgarian from the state Department of Transportation, the sound barrier will consist of three walls, 14 to 24 feet high, and will cost the state $4.2 million. The barrier should be complete by June 1998.
Leaf-Blowers on Long Island Should be Restricted (May 11, 1997). The New York Times printed an editorial in which the writer describes the noise problems with the use of leaf-blowers and advocates restrictions on them, giving examples of other municipalities that have banned or restricted them.
FAA to Place Inspectors on News Helicopters Leaving California's Van Nuys Airport (May 10, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Federal Aviation Administration will have inspectors on some news helicopters that fly over the San Fernando Valley, to address residents' concerns about noise from helicopters Van Nuys Airport.
New York Town Residents Say Airport Violates Late-Night Flight Agreement (May 9, 1997). Newsday reports that residents who live near the Long Island-MacArthur (New York) Airport are angry that airplanes have begun to fly into the airport after 11 p.m. and are claiming that airport officials and Islip town officials misled them into believing there was a late-night curfew on flights.
Noisy Dogs See a Therapist and Legal Battle Ends (May 9, 1997). Times Newspapers Limited reports that a legal fight to quiet four barking dogs in Great Britain ended after the dogs were quieted through sessions with a pet therapist.
Resident Proposes Local Oversight Committee for Noise at Connecticut Airport (May 8, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that Suffield, Connecticut resident Robert Frasco proposed creating a local oversight committee to help keep the volume in check at the Bradley International Airport at the board of selectment meeting Wednesday. In addition, Frasco asked to see a moratorium on business agreements with the airport until the noise impacts can be gauged. First Selectman Roland Dowd responded by asking the audience to call him personally with noise complaints so that he can create a log of the problem.
Aircraft Take-Offs in Florida City Get Noisier (May 8, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel printed the following letter-to-the-editor from John Hogan, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida area resident, regarding noise from jet takeoffs:
Process for Filing Noise Complaints Made Easier in North Carolina City (May 8, 1997). The News & Record reports that police in Greensboro, North Carolina have made it easier for residents to file noise complaints by permitting them to phone with their name and address rather than show up at the magistrate's office. Noise from fraternity parties is an issue in Greensboro, and administrators from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro have promised to keep closer tabs on fraternities to deal with noise problems.
Planes at Tampa Airport Rerouted Due to Runway Repair Project, Residents Unhappy with New Noise (May 7, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that neighborhoods south of the Tampa (Florida) International Airport will experience aircraft noise due to a six-month project that will repair the airport's main runway.
It's Not Always Quieter in the Country (May 7, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed an editorial in which the writer outlines why it is often noisier in the country in Great Britain than in the city, town, or suburbs.
Residents in South Carolina Town Complain About Noise from Gun Range and Water Treatment Plant (May 6, 1997). The Herald reports that two residents of York, South Carolina brought noise problems to the County Council Monday. Charles Plyler complains about noisy gunfire at a nearby police shooting range, and Bud Rushin can't sleep because of unmuffled pumping at a water treatment plant near his home. The council agreed to investigate both complaints.
North Carolina City Considers Raising the Fines for Violators of Noise Ordinance (May 6, 1997). The News & Record reports that the Greensboro (North Carolina) City Council tonight will consider a proposal that would increase penalties for violating the city's noise ordinance, and would make landlords of noisy tenants liable for penalties as well. The proposal is being considered to deal with the partying students in off-campus housing.
English Resident Insists Noise from Heathrow Airport is Growing (May 1, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed the following letter-to-the-editor from A.H. Catto regarding increasing noise from the Heathrow Airport in London:
Sacramento and Amphitheater Reach Tentative Compromise on Noise Reduction (May 1, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that the city of Sacramento (California) and the amphitheater Cal Expo have reached a tentative settlement in their dispute over concert noise problems at the amphitheater. Under the settlement, the city has agreed to drop its lawsuit against Cal Expo and allow later nighttime curfews than it set for concerts last year, while Cal Expo has agreed to accept curfews that are earlier than it would prefer and monetary penalties when the curfews are violated.
Representative Lowey Speaks To New York School About Quiet Communities Act (Apr. 29, 1997). The New York Daily News reports that Rep. Nita Lowey id proposing a bill, the Quiet Communities Act of 1997, that would provide the Environmental Protection Agency with an additional $44 million over the next five years to reopen the noise abatement office that was closed in 1981. Under this bill, the Noise Abatement and Control Office would oversee federal noise abatement activities and noise standards, promote research and education, and conduct airport noise studies examining the Federal Aviation Administration's noise measurement techniques.
Researchers Work on Furniture That Cancels Out Neighborhood Noise (Apr. 28, 1997). The Singapore Straits Times reports that an article in the Sunday Times says researchers are now applying the latest theories on active sound control to armchairs and beds, which they hope will be able to shut out noise from loud neighbors.
Long Island Sound, Connecticut Residents Concerned with Oyster Boat Noise (Apr. 27, 1997). The New York Times reports that residents along the waterfront of Long Island Sound are battling with Oyster harvesters over the proprietary rights to the water just offshore from residential neighborhoods.
Hanover, Virginia Airport Expansion Has Residents Concerned Over Noise (Apr. 24, 1997). The Hanover County Board of Supervisors voted to move ahead with plans to expand Hanover County Airport, the Richmond Times Dispatch reports. Residents are concerned about the increased noise the expansion may bring.
Jefferson Parish Parish Council Passes Airboat Noise Regulation (Apr. 24, 1997). A new ordinance limiting airboat noise in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, has been passed by the Parish Council, The Times-Picayune reports. One boat owner plans to challenge the new rules.
Airport Noise Won't Stop Las Vegas Housing Project (Apr. 23, 1997). The Las Vegas Review Journal reports that the North Las Vegas City Council approved a $100 million housing project despite concerns over airport noise raised by both residents and airport officials.
East Hungtington, Pennsylvania Residents Win Stay of Construction Project (Apr. 23, 1997). Residents of East Huntingdon, Pennsylvania have won a temporary victory against Lomac Petroleum, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. The residents are trying to halt construction of a natural-gas pumping station that would create "a life-changing noise," one resident said.
Lambert Field (St. Louis) Officials Ignore Community Complaints (Apr. 23, 1997). St. Charles, Missouri residents are circulating a petition to force its county council and Lambert Field officials to create a airport noise management program, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
35-Year-Old Knoxville Noise Ordinance May Receive Update (Apr. 22, 1997). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that a 35-year-old noise ordinance, criticized by residents for being vague and inadequate to current needs, may soon be changed.
Residents Around LAX Will Be Soundproofed (Apr. 22, 1997). Mayor Richard Riordan announced the creation of a new Airport Residential Soundproofing Bureau, with a budget of $12 million, that will soundproof 8,900 homes around Los Angeles International Airport over the next 7 years, the Daily News of Los Angeles reports.
Soundproofing Plan Accelerated for Homes Around LAX (Apr. 22, 1997). The Los Angeles Times says that a plan to soundproof residences near Los Angeles International Airport, which will be paid for by the city, will happen in nearly half of the originally projected 15 years.
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Expansion Increases Jet Traffic Over Dania Community (Apr. 19, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that as part of the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport's $1.2 billion expansion, the mile-long south runway, next to the Dania community, is to be extended to 9,000 feet within the next five to seven years. The paper reports that more than 200 large jets will eventually use the runway every day.
Canadian Officials Consider Placing Highway Through a Vancouver Park Underground (Apr. 12, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that Canadian officials are considering placing a highway that runs through Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia underground to lower noise levels and reduce air pollution in the park.
Alaska Residents Speak Out For and Against Proposed Noise Ordinance (Apr. 9, 1997). The Anchorage Daily News reports that more than 80 people attended a hearing at the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Alaska) Assembly chambers Tuesday about a proposed noise ordinance that would cover the more populated center. About two-thirds of the citizens who testified spoke against the proposed ordinance.
Florida City Considers Noise Ordinance (Feb. 25, 1997). The Stuart News / Port St. Lucie News reports that city commissioners in Stuart, Florida gave a favorable review Monday night to a draft of a noise ordinance that would help prohibit disturbing noise in the city.
California Airport Environmental Report Lacks Property Value Impacts (Feb. 21, 1997). OC Weekly printed the following editorial by Anthony Pignataro regarding the proposed conversion of the El Toro Air Base near Irvine, California to a commercial airport:
Residents Plan to Appeal Building of California Monastery (Feb. 21, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents of Yorba Linda, California will appeal the approval of a community monastery and meditation center; residents think traffic and noise will be a problem during large celebrations.
California's El Toro Airport Foes Cite Study About Falling Home Values (Feb. 13, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents near the proposed El Toro airport in Orange County, California are hoping that a federal study conducted in 1994 can help them prove that their property values will be harmed by the airport.
Koala Bears Consume Sound Buffer in Los Angeles Neighborhood (Feb. 7, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that eucalyptus trees -- which provide a noise and pollution buffer between a major road and residents residents in Los Angeles -- will be cut by the Los Angeles Zoo, who owns the trees. The cut -- which will provide eucalyptus leaves for five koalas and encourage new growth -- was opposed by neighbors, one of which stood in front of the chainsaws to try and stop the zoo from cutting anymore than the 230 they have already cut.
Potential Noise of a Proposed California Airport Already Affecting Local Residents (Dec. 14, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents near the proposed international airport at the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station -- which could be built beginning in two years -- are upset and frustrated with the potential project, they don't think there's much that can be done.
Los Angeles Leaf Blower Ban (Dec. 4, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that using a gas-fueled leafblower within 500 feet of someone's residence will now draw a $1,000 fine in Los Angeles. A rule passed July 1997 says that the penalty will apply both to users of the blowers and the person they are performing the work for. Electric blowers, and gas blowers that are quieter than 45 decibels will be allowed, although the quietest blower around still makes 65 decibels of noise.
California City Votes to Ban Fast Food Drive-Through Windows at Night (Nov. 28, 1996). The Santa Monica City Council prohibited drive-up windows at restaurants from operating at night, after residents complained about noise and traffic from patrons. The rule would only apply in residential areas.
California Residents Voice Opinions on Proposed Airport at El Toro (Nov. 17, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reported that there seems to be little consensus concerning the proposed conversion of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station to an international airport in Orange County, California, based on the following non-scientific sampling of quotes from area residents:
Gas Leafblowers Banned in Los Angeles Residential Neighborhoods (Nov. 13, 1996). The article notes that using gas-fueled leafblowers in Los Angeles will now cost gardeners a $1,000 fine, if the use occurs within 500 feet of a residence. The fine is levied under a new law passed by the city council.
Proposed California Joint Military Base/Commercial Airport a Bad Idea (Nov. 10, 1996). The Los Angeles Times recently printed the following letter to the editor by Jon Simmons of Camarillo, California:
California Residents Fight Over Who Gets Airport Noise (Oct. 6, 1996). As reported in the Los Angeles Times recently, two citizens groups are taking opposite sides in the debate over whether to reuse the El Toro Marines Base as a commercial airport. Many residents of Newport Beach -- whose community rallied for the El Toro airport to ease pressure at John Wayne Airport in the first place -- are pushing for approval of the El Toro plan. The other group doesn't want the airport plan to be approved.
Residents Asked to Give up Right to Sue for Free Soundproofing (Oct. 6, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reported that Burbank Airport plans to offer noise insulation treatment to as many as 2,300 residences if the residents agree never to sue the airport for reasons that relate to noise.
Minneapolis Mayors Discuss New Runway At Twin Cities' Airport (Sep. 25, 1996). The Southwest Journal reports a committee of mayors is discussing a new runway and its noise control at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. The Legislature is directing the Metropolitan Airport Commission to spend at least $100 million by the year 2002, $50 million more than originally planned, on noise control. The MAC has already promised to spend $135 million on noise control, raised by passenger fees and federal grants. Legislature has given the mayors the power to recommend how the money should be spent. Earlier this year the Legislature voted to expand the airport and not build a new airport.
Enforceable Noise Ordinance Makes for Quieter Neighborhoods in Vermont College Town (Sep. 22, 1996). The Burlington Free Press reports that police are enforcing Burlington, Vermont's updated noise ordinance by patrolling neighborhoods and issuing fines for violations. According to this article, violators of the noise ordinance are mostly college-age people involved in off-campus parties. Burlington's noise ordinance prohibits noise from any party or social event that "interferes with the peace or health of members of the public or is audible through walls between units within the same building, from another property or from the street." The ordinance discourages Burlington police officers from simply giving a warning if they determine a noise violation has occurred. Penalties for a first offense range from $100 to $500.
San Diego Homeowners Fight to Keep Military Helicopters Out (Sep. 8, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents in the San Diego area are increasing their efforts directed against a plan to relocate extremely loud Marine Corps helicopters to a base that affects their community.
Chicago Suburb Bans Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers (Sep.1 1996). Conscious Choice reports that the Chicago suburb of Evanston has recently passed strict regulations against gas-powered leaf blowers. As of August 1, 1996, use of gas-powered leaf blowers is banned between May 15 and September 30. The blowers may be used only between April 1 and May 14 and between October 1 and December 15. Furthermore, the city council prohibits the blowers be used before 7 a.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. on weekends. The blowers can reach a decibel reading as high as 90 or 100.
Los Angeles County Board Studying Leafblower and Lawnmower Noise Reduction (Jul. 10, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors committed to studying different ways to reduce noise from gas-powered leafblowers and other motorized lawn equipment.
Leaf Blowers Anger Californian Communities (Sep.1 1994). The Christian Science Monitor reports that communities across the country are fighting the noise pollution caused by leaf blowers. Most blowers emit around 75 decibels but can reach as high as 100 decibels. According to Robin Pendergrast, a spokesman for Echo (the largest manufacturer of leaf blowers), more than 220 cities and towns across the country have discussed restricting the use of leafblowers. Seven cities, two of them Californian, have already banned them completely.
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