EPA Document Collection

About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.

Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U W

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Title Index

Federal Noise Research in Health Effects, 1978-80
December 1, 1980

This review of federally sponsored research on the effects of noise on health updates a previous survey, and compares present trends in research in each research category and by federal agency. The following categories of research are covered: Nonauditory Physiologic Responses; Noise Effects on Sleep; Individual and Community Response; Behavioral, Social, and Performance Effects; Communication Interference; Noise Environment Determination and Exposure Characterization; and Human Response to Noise Concomitant with Vibration. Over 250 research projects were sponsored by twenty Departments, Institutes, and Agencies during the 1978-80 period. The following information is provided for each project: title; objective; description; summary of findings; where findings are published; period of performance; name and address of investigator; name, address and telephone number of agency contact person; fiscal year funding data. In comparing present research with previous recommendations made by an Interagency Panel, it was determined that overall expenditures had increased by about 15 percent (compared with the previous period) instead of the recommended 40 percent; and that in general, the Panel's recommendations have not been implemented in the priority areas.

Federal Noise Research in Noise Effects
February 14, 1978

The Federal Noise Effects Research Program was documented and reviewed. The program expanded slightly over the last few years, with more agencies participating. The program is reasonably comprehensive and in general coordinated with no unjustified overlap of efforts. Research needs to support and justify regulatory and standards requirements were identified by the Panel as being of the highest priority. Satisfaction of these relatively short term goals with present budget restrictions could jeopardize long-range basic research needs to understand basic effects mechanisms. To satisfy both requirements, the Panel on the average recommends an increase of the overall Federal noise effects research budget of 40%. The Panel recommends several specific research topics for high priority funding. Some of these recommendations are the same ones listed among the 1974 recommendations, and the Panel was concerned about the only partial responsiveness to previous findings. Among the areas requiring additional support are effects of noise on sleep, and community or collective response. The area primarily requiring additional support priority and clarification is the area of non-auditory health effects, since no major well planned program for this area was apparent.

Foreign Noise Research in Health Effects
May 1, 1981

Research from 19 countries, including 168 research projects, is described on the following topics: nonauditory physiologic response to noise; noise effects on sleep; industrial and community response to noise; noise-induced hearing loss and hearing conservation; behavioral, social and performance effects on noise; communication interference, noise environment determination and impact characterization, and effects of noise concomitant with vibration. For each project, an abstract, the name and address of the principle investigation, funding and sponsor data if available, and citations for available publications are given. It is concluded that foreign research efforts in this area have remained fairly constant over the last six years.

Fundamentals of Noise: Measurement, Rating Schemes, and Standards
December 31, 1971

This report is intended to serve as an introduction to noise, including the inter-relationship between physical measures and psychological responses. The basic principles of sound generation and propagation are discussed as well as the measurement of both the physical attributes of noise and effects of noise on people. The suitability and effectiveness of various noise exposure rating schemes, used to estimate or predict the effects of noise on man, are discussed and critiqued. Included are sample calculations of sound level, loudness level, and perceived noise level for five selected spectra. The need is stressed for inclusion of well-defined environmental and operational requirements into measurement procedures for those devices where the noise produced is dependent on the surroundings and the operation of the device. Also presented are a glossary of pertinent acoustic terminology and a compilation of existing standards related to noise, including a brief description of the intent and scope of each.