of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) 1998 Annual Report June Meeting | October Meeting | Technical Initiatives | Back to Meetings Page 1998 was a very busy year in Architectural Acoustics both in terms of papers presented as well as activity in the other areas supported by initiatives from the Technical Council The first session of the year was held jointly with the International Congress on Acoustics and the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle Washington, June 20 - 26. (back to top) Since this was a joint session there was participation from many countries around the world. A special workshop was held on Opera House Acoustics jointly with CIARM, MCHA and ASA. Also included as part of the workshop was a student design competition in Opera House design. Following is a list of topics that were covered as part of the workshop: Opera House Acoustics Workshop (joint with CIARM, MCHA)
Listed below are the other sessions held at the Seattle meeting: Room Acoustic Measurement Techniques Absorption and Diffusion
(poster session) 32 posters
Special Sessions included:
There were many sessions that were held jointly with the Noise
committee which are listed below:
A Graduate Student Reception was also held (jointly with MU/SC/P&P/AB). For those in Architectural Acoustics there was a Technical Tour of special interest: the tour of Benaroya Hall (which was nearing completion at that time). The Seattle session proved to be excellent with almost too many
choices of what paper/poster sessions to take in. There were a
total of 134 papers/posters presented in the Architectural Acoustics
The Fall meeting of the ASA was held in Norfolk, VA; October 12-16. (back to top) The Architectural Acoustics group had a number of sessions as well as a combined tour and session in Acoustics for Organ Spaces which was one of the highlights of the meeting. The following is a list of sessions that were presented at the
Norfolk meeting:
The Technical Tour mentioned above included organ concerts and demonstration at two Norfolk churches which were held in conjunction with the session on Acoustics of Organ Performance Spaces. At the conclusion of the Norfolk meeting there was a Short Course
held on Auralization.
Technical Initiatives that were sponsored by the Technical Committee included: (back to top)
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