EPA Document Index

About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.

Keyword Index: A H L M O P R S W
Title Index: A B C D E L M N P R S U

Large list of titles (no abstracts).
Most useful EPA documents.

Regulations and Proposed Regulations

Docket Analysis for the Noise Emission Regulations for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems

This document presents all comments received from the public regarding the proposed noise emission regulations for motorcycles and motorcycle exhaust systems and the Federal government's responses to each comment. The comments include written submissions received during the 90-day public comment period, and testimony received at the three public hearings. The comments and Agency responses address: health and welfare benefits of the regulation; economic effects of the regulation; noise control technology; enforcement of the regulation; test procedures; Acoustical Assurance Period and Sound Level Degradation Factor; labeling; mopeds; and general comments. The document also presents a statistical breakdown of all comments.

Environmental Impact Statement for the Noise Emission Regulations for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems

This document presents an assessment of the expected benefits and impacts of the final noise emission regulations for motorcycles and motorcycle exhaust systems. The information presented includes a description of the motorcycle and motorcycle exhaust noise problem, the statutory basis for action, a summary of the regulation, State and local programs complementary to Federal noise emission standards for motorcycles and motorcycle exhaust systems, the rationale for regulation, the expected benefits of the regulation, the potential economic effects of the regulation, public comments on the draft environmental impact statement, and conclusions.

Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Background Document

Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Background Document Appendix

Noise Emission Standards for Transportation Vehicles - Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations - Draft Environmental and Inflationary Impact Statement

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued proposed noise emission regulations for newly manufactured motorcycles and motorcycle replacement exhaust systems. These proposed regulations are intended to alleviate the problem of motorcycle noise not only in cities and on highways, but in off-road environments as well. This draft Environmental and Inflationary Impact Statement (EIS-IIS) presents in summary form benefits to be gained from the proposed motorcycle noise standards, and the economic implications of this action. Also presented are the principal regulatory options which were considered by EPA. The information contained in this document will provide an understanding of the issues involved with this proposed rulemaking, and of EPA's strategy in promoting a quieter, more livable environment for all Americans.

Noise Source Regulation in State and Local Noise Ordinances
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control Staff

This document has been prepared as a planning and reference guide for public administrators of environmental noise control programs. It presents a summary of noise source regulations encompassed in current state laws and local ordinances. Data have been extracted from only those laws and ordinances stipulating specific decibel levels. For the states, the laws summarized are grouped under the headings: motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, land use, and general. For localities, the headings are: motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, intrusive noise sources, stationary noise sources, construction noise, and miscellaneous noise regulations. Because of the many variations among local jurisdictional regulations, no attempt was made to list the specific noise level requirements for recreational vehicles, construction equipment, or land use.

Product Noise Labeling Standards - Draft - Background Document for Product Noise Labeling General Provisions

This Background Document has been prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency in support of the Proposed Product Noise Labeling Standards - General Provisions. The proposed regulation will be promulgated under the authority of sections 8, 10, 11, and 13 of the Noise Control Act of 1972.

Product Noise Labeling Standards - Draft - Background Document for the Labeling of Hearing Protectors

This Background Document has been prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency in support of the Proposed Noise Labeling Standards for Hearing Protectors. The proposed regulation will be promulgated under the authority of sections 8, 10, 11, and 13 of the Noise COntrol Act of 1972.

Regulatory Analysis Appendices for the Noise Emission Regulations for Motorcycles and Motorcycle Exhaust Systems

This document includes detail information that supplements section 1 through 8 of the regulatory analysis. In addition it includes an analysis of State, local, and foreign motorcycle noise regulations and a summary of the motorcycle national emphasis plan.