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Technical Committee on Noise
of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

145th Meeting Minutes - April 30, 2003

ASA Technical Committee on Noise Meeting Wednesday, 30 April 2003 7:30 pm
Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, Tennessee - Room 209-210

1. Open
WELCOME - Members, Guests, Students
2. Introduction of those present and attendance list
3. Additions or corrections to the agenda
4. Minutes approved - Cancun, December 2002
5. Announcements
Congratulations -- Mike Stinson - New TCN Chair
-- Dick Lyon - Gold Medal !!
-- New Fellows
  • Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
  • Scott Sommerfeldt
  • Ron McKay
  • Floyd Toole
  • David Walsh
-- Outstanding Young Presenters - Thais Morata, Beatriz Pinto

special thanks to:
- Meeting Chair -- D. Wesley Grantham
- Technical Program Chair - Ralph Ohde
- Program organizer for Noise - Ken Cunefare
- Session chairs:
NS sessions - John Seiler, Mary Prince, Court Burroughs, Bennett Brooks,
Ed Walsh, Lou Sutherland, Dave Lubman
Joint sessions - Bill Cavanaugh (AA), Richard Raspet (PA), Rendell Torres (AA)
- All paper presenters
6. Program Planning
6.1. Austin 2003 Fall November 10 - 14
TPOM rep - Brandon Tinianov - July 18-19 - thanks!
1 - Forensic Acoustics session and workshop (SP, NS, AA, PP) - Jack Randorff
(session on Wednesday, presenting case histories; workshop on Friday, how to prepare for giving evidence $275)
2 - Sound Quality, 3 sessions:
  • Products for which sound is essential (AA, MU) - Dick Lyon
  • Products for which sound quality is important (EA, NS) - Pat Davies
  • Products where sound is not in control of user (NS) - Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Klaus Genuit
3 - New Technologies in Active Control (w/ EA, SP) - Jiri Tichy
4 - Acoustics of Medical Facilities - Kerrie Standlee
5 - Elmer Hixson Review (w/ AA) - Brandon Tinianov
6 - Distinguished Lecture on Contributions of Ted Schultz (w/ AA) - by Sandy Fidell
7 - Acoustical Considerations for Adaptive Re-use Projects - Jesse Ehnert
8 - Building Code Noise Compliance - Dan Raichel
6.2. New York 2004 Spring May 24 - 28 - 75th anniversary
TPOM Rep - Bennett Brooks - Feb 2004
1 - Leo Beranek 90th Birthday - Tony Embleton
2 - Noise Impact Evaluation - Old and New - Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
3 - Noise in Large Cities - Dan Raichel
(12 invited papers so far, may fill two sessions)
4 - Noise Control Enforcement in NYC - Finegold, Brooks, Erdreich
5 - School Acoustics - John Erdreich [subsequently: will move to San Diego 2004]
6 - Noise and Society - Nancy Nadler
7 - Distinguished Lecture on the History of Noise -- by Laymon Miller
6.3. San Diego 2004 Fall November 15 - 19
1 - Memorial Session for Bob Young (w/ EA) - George Wong
6.4. Vancouver 2005 Spring (joint w/CAA & IEC TC29 & ISO/TC43)
6.5. Open 2005 Fall (joint w/ INCE - possible Wash. DC or Minneapolis)
(Paul Schomer: trying for nearly all sessions to be joint INCE/TCN)
6.6. Providence 2006 Spring
6.7. Hawaii 2006 Fall (Tues - Sat followed by INTER-NOISE, w/ INCE-USA, AS-Japan, INCE-Japan)
6.8. Salt Lake City 2007 Spring
6.9. Paris 2008 Spring June 23 - 27 (joint with EAA)
7. Reports
7.1. Ex-officio
- Publications - JASA Associate Editors for Noise (Keith Wilson, Ken Cunefare)
· Keith Wilson reports an increase in number of papers being submitted; JASA will be using Peer XPress soon to handle manuscripts
- ASACOS (Bennett Brooks)
· Paul Schomer wants a special session in NY in which TCs report on what standards can do for them
· The ARI has lost their appeal of the ANSI standard on Classroom
- Medals and Awards (Nancy Timmerman)
- Women in Acoustics (Nancy Timmerman)
· study of JASA indicates that there is no gender bias in getting papers published
- Membership (John Erdreich) - please nominate fellows
- Public policy (Larry Finegold)
· Larry and Les Blomberg report that there is a bill in Congress to re-establish the Office of Noise Abatement & Control in the Environmental Protection Agency. The ASA Panel on Public Policy (POPP) would like feedback. Concern expressed by those present that it should not be the same as before. Of those present, 7 wanted to respond to POPP now, 20 wanted time to first read over the bill.
- On-line education - need representative
- Tutorial
- Books+ (Brandon Tinianov)
- Young Presenters Awards (Bennett Brooks)
· half of the 18 candidates in Cancun were actually ineligible
- Student Council (Jennifer Cooper)
- Technical Council (Bennett Brooks)
· New York meeting expected to be large. If too many papers, will have poster sessions. Suggest that we keep number of special sessions to a minimum.
· Exec Council wants to know if paper version of JASA Cumulative Index is useful. Motion to get rid of paper version and have it replaced with something electronic, passed unanimously.
7.2. Last meeting - Cancun - great meeting !!
7.3. This meeting comments
  • TCN 4 sessions 22 papers
  • TCN co-sponsored 3 sessions 33 papers
8. Technical initiatives - 2003
- Young presenter awards (Nashville & Austin) $ 500
- Student receptions (Nashville & Austin) $ 600
- Web page maintenance - $ 300
- Noise online library ( - $ 500
- Forensic Acoustics Workshop - $2000 (with TC-AA and NCAC)
9. Old business
10. New business
· Leo Beranek described the ceremonies being prepared for Wednesday of the New York meeting. He proposes to leave Wednesday afternoon open, with no technical sessions, so people can tour New York. Motion to this effect passed unanimously.
· George Wong reports that the wife of Bob Young would like donations to go to ASA Foundation. Similarly, for Dan Johnson.
11. Next meeting - Thursday, 13 November 2003 - Austin 7:30 PM
My heartfelt thanks to TCN for a great 3 years !!!
Good Luck, Mike !!!
12. Adjourn

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