Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics
of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Columbus, OH
(back to meetings
November 3,1999
Chair: Ron Freiheit
Secretary: Tony Hoover
138th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
November 3,1999 Columbus, Ohio
Chair: Ron Freiheit
Secretary: Tony Hoover
Thanks to:
- Paper sorter: Angelo Campanella
- Session chairs: Dick Campbell, Tony Hoover, Richard Godfrey,
David Lubman, Scott Pfeiffer
- Tribute Session for Daniel Martin: Dan Clayton & Douglas OKeefe
- Tribute Session for Buzz Towne: Angelo Campanella & Bill
- Distinguished Lecture: Malcolm Crocker
- Knudsen Lecture: Larry Kirkegaard
- Special Session- Organ Concert: Dan Clayton
- Special Session- Tour of Southern Theater: David Kahn
- Workshop- Themed Entertainment: Dana Hougland
- Workshop- Concert Hall Acoustics(at Tanglewood): Bill Cavanaugh
- All paper presenters
On behalf of TCAA, Ron Freiheit will send:
- A card of condolences to Bill Cavanaugh on the passing of his
- A get-well card to George Winzer after bypass surgery
From the Technical Committees meeting (report by Ron Freiheit):
- Student Council, an experiment for the Atlanta meeting:
- Dorie Najolia is the student (from Penn State) who will
attend the Student Council meeting, selected by random drawing
from the students present at the TCAA meeting. Dorie will
receive $500 for travel expenses.
- Students will meet with ASA President, Pat Kuhl, to discuss
further student involvement.
- Standards Committee has a goal to break even or become profitable
by 2004. Hard copies of standards are available at this ASA meeting.
Dan Johnson reported that the trend is to phase out hard copies in
favor of on-line service.
- A new issue of CD-ROMs of JASA from 1929 to 1996 is expected to
be available at the Atlanta meeting. The new package will consist of
ten CDs.
- The CD-ROMs will be in a new format, not the currently-used
Adobe format.
- Neil Shaw reported that the projected price for a new
package would be $200.
- A new member status, Affiliate Member, will
be established by ASA, with a lower fee (estimated to be $60 to
$80), aimed at members of other societies and in other countries.
- Affiliate members will receive JASA-Online, ARLO,
announcements via e-mail, and calls-for-papers via e-mail, but
they will not be able to hold offices or to vote.
- Lou Sutherland suggested that benefits of full membership be
advertised, and that there be a transitional fee toward full
- Greg Tocci reported from the Membership Committee that the
details for qualification are to be determined.
- ARLO (Acoustic Research Letters Online) is up and working. ARLO
is a fast-track method for exchanging new information.
- 25 articles have been done over the past six months.
- Authors and reviewers are still needed. Reviewers are
entered into a drawing for a laptop computer.
- ASA Foundation currently has $312,753 with another $170,000 in
pledges, and is looking for more donors, especially in the area of uncommitted
funding. Lou Sutherland advised that corporate contacts should be
directed to the Foundation.
- Consider writing research and presentations for publication in
JASA. David Quirt should be contacted for helpful advice on meeting
JASAs standards. David advised that JASA is searching for
articles on Applied Acoustics, and that any articles should be
delivered early for maximum efficiency.
Congratulations to New Fellows of ASA:
- Bob Hellweg
- Larry Kirkegaard
- Ken Roy
- Nancy Timmerman
Motion to approve by Neil Shaw, seconded by Dick Campbell. Approved
Classroom Acoustics: Report from Lou Sutherland.
- The third meeting of the Classroom Acoustics committee will be
held on Friday and Saturday.
- Lou invited anyone to actively participate and comment.
- The committees goal is to finish an ANSI standard by May
Classroom Acoustics presentation materials: Report from Bob
- Bob and his student, Robin Glosemeyer, passed out copies of the
newly completed booklet, for overall review and comment. Note that
Lou Sutherland and David Lubman have already favorably reviewed the
booklet in detail.
- The booklet uses simple terminology, primarily intended for
- PowerPoint presentations and overhead slides should be
TCAA Webpage: Report from Les Blomberg.
- Les Blomberg, Angelo Campanella, Ron Freiheit, and Tony Hoover
met Monday morning for a final review of the webpage. A complete
demo will be available for review in one week, with revisions and
additions anticipated for a final version by the Atlanta meeting.
- The ASA Webpage will link to the TCAA Webpage, which is expected
to be the primary access path.
- TCAA members who wish to be listed on the webpage should send to
Tony Hoover (thoover@cavtocci.com) the following:
Member name, address, firm/company/association name, and e-mail
One-sentence firm description, to be objective and
relatively free of overt commercialism.
Concert Hall Research Group. Dick Campbell reported that the project
is lacking personnel, but not funding. The data release date is
Atlanta (May 30 June 3, 2000)
- TPOM representative will be Scott Pfeiffer.
- Book Fair.
- Any ASA author may bring and sell their books.
- Bill Cavanaugh volunteered to generate and chair a panel
discussion/session of authors.
- Scott Pfeiffer motioned, Neil Shaw seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Electronic Reverberation/Enhancement Session. Scott Pfeiffer
will chair, unanimously approved at the Berlin meeting.
- Poster Session on Learning Spaces:
- Poster abstracts are needed by January 26,2000. Contact
Brandon Tinianow (303/978-3767).
- Session is co-sponsored by the Committee on Noise.
- Posters from this session will be collected into a book, as
in past sessions. The Books Committee has approved this book.
- Methods for electronic submission will be in the call for
- Session on various aspects of learning spaces.
- Brandon Tinianow volunteered to chair.
- Brandon Tinianow motioned, David Lubman seconded, approved
by unanimous consent.
- Stadium Acoustics Session.
- Jack Randorff and Bob Coffeen volunteered to chair at the
Berlin meeting.
- Bob Coffeen expects 7 or 8 papers.
- Loudspeaker Design Competition
- Neil Shaw will arrange and chair the session.
- Neil is looking for help, suggestions on criteria, method of
competition, and judges.
- The session will be a poster competition, with awards based
on the posters, lab notebooks, and prototypes. Awards will be
roughly $500, with final amounts and criteria to be determined.
Brandon Tinianow motioned, Angelo Campanella seconded, approved
by unanimous consent.
- Invite/inform architectural schools.
- Brandon Tinianow motioned, Bob Coffeen seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Joe Pope noted the success of the social immediately
preceding the TCAA meeting.
- Committee on Noise, NCAC (National Council of Acoustical
Consultants), and TCAA will host a student reception social at
each future meeting. Ron Freiheit reported that the Executive
Council has preapproved moneys for these socials.
- Joe Pope motioned that we institutionalize a student
reception social, Dick Campbell seconded, approved by unanimous
Newport Beach (December 3-8, 2000)
- IEC and ISO will meet before and after the Newport Beach
- Session on Building Standards.
- Ken Roy and Brandon Tinianow volunteered to chair.
- Neil Shaw motioned, Steve Brown seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Session on Outdoor Amphitheaters and Outdoor Noise.
- Dana Hougland and Scott Pfeiffer volunteered to chair.
- Scott Pfeiffer motioned, Neil Shaw seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Session on Speech Privacy and Intelligibility.
- Ken Roy volunteered to chair.
- This session could be held jointly with Noisecon.
- Neil Shaw motioned, Bob Coffeen seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Session on Integration of Synthesized and Acoustical Music.
- Dick Campbell and Tony Hoover volunteered to chair.
- Neil Shaw motioned, Bob Coffeen seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- This would be a follow-up to the Themed Entertainment
- A chairperson is needed.
Election of a new TCAA chairperson. Ron Freiheit will form a
nominating committee.
Chicago(June 4-8, 2001)
- Possible session on Chicago-related acoustics was discussed.
- Possible session on automobile-related acoustics was discussed.
- Bob Coffeen reported on estimated costs to print the
brochure, roughly $2,500.
- Neil Shaw motioned for $2,500, Angelo Campanella seconded,
approved by unanimous consent.
- AIA certification: Report by Ron Freiheit.
- Proposed $500 for each year.
- Ron Freiheit motioned, Scott Pfeiffer seconded, approved by
unanimous consent.
- Concert Hall Research Group: Dick Campbell reported that none of
the $2,000 has been spent this year, and the CD-ROM is still in
- TCAA Website: Les Blomberg reported that the $500 allotted would
be spent.
- Standard for data format/protocol for Classroom Acoustics: Rich
Peppin reported that the format requires a protocol that is being
done elsewhere, so no progress to date. Rich suggested returning the
$500 previously allotted. No funds are requested or spent
- 1999 Summer Institute on Concert Hall Acoustics: Tony Hoover
reported for Bill Cavanaugh and Tim Foulkes (Assoc. Directors). The
previously allotted $5,000 was neither requested nor needed. (The
Tanglewood 99 Institute was financially self-sustaining.) A
report has been submitted to JASA for publication in the Soundings
section of a future issue.
- Student Design Competition (Atlanta)
- Dana Hougland proposed $250 for seed money for the
competition. Ron Freiheit motioned, Scott Pfeiffer seconded,
approved with one opposed.
- Bob Coffeen reported that the $750 award money is not
necessary, because he can get donations for awards from other
- Travel for Students (Atlanta): $500 was proposed, motioned by
Scott Pfeiffer, seconded by David Kahn, approved by unanimous
- Standard IEC TC29/ISO TC43 Meetings (Newport): $2,000 previously
allotted. No discussion.
- Website Maintenance: $300 has been preapproved. Dana Hougland
motioned, Bob Coffeen seconded, approved by unanimous consent.
- Student travel to Columbus: Ron Freiheit will request $500 from
the Executive Committee. Dana Hougland motioned, Scott Pfeiffer
seconded, approved by unanimous consent.
"Another 20 Years of Music Hall Experience," a book
similar to the ASA publication comprised of posters at the Chicago ASA
meeting in 1982.
- Tony Hoover reported for Bill Cavanaugh that the time is right
to do a follow-up book in this series. A logical time for a poster
session with book publication thereafter would be the Chicago 2001
- Volunteers for a TCAA subcommittee to organize this effort are
An ASA Registry of Acoustical Places, which would be
organized and maintained along the lines of the National Registry of
Historic Places.
- Proposed by Tony Hoover on behalf of Bill Cavanaugh.
- Bill Cavanaugh has volunteered to chair this effort.
- Motion to proceed approved unanimously.
Members of TCAA: Persons who want to become members should see Ron
Freiheit after the meeting.
No Reports.
No Reports.
Dan Clayton moved to adjourn, seconded by Angelo Campanella,
approved by unanimous consent.