Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics
of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
March 15,1999
Berlin, Germany
(back to meetings
Chair: Ron Freiheit
Secretary: Tony Hoover
- Thanks to:
- Paper sorters: Angelo Campanella Dick Campbell
- Session chairs and all paper presenters
- Dan Martin passed away. His obituary will appear in JASA. A
tribute session will be held at the upcoming ASA meeting in
- Alan Pierce is the new JASA editor.
- Student Awards: Bob Coffeen reported there were 21 entries from 5
schools, with a $1,000 first award and four $500 awards.
- ASA is looking for a treasurer. Paul Ostergaard is serving
temporarily as ASA Treasurer.
- Motion to approve by Neil Shaw, seconded by Dick Campbell.
Approved by general consensus.
- Classroom Acoustics: Report from Lou Sutherland.
- There are no automatic links to the TCAA list server, but work is
- The Access Board has approved $10,000 for development of a
- There may be another workshop in Washington DC in May.
- A/V equipment remains an appropriate subject for discussion at
technical meetings. Unanimous vote against charging presenters and
against increasing registration fees for A/V equipment usage.
- ASA socials: The local organizer should decide whether there
should be one or two socials, with budget as a primary
- Financial report: None available at this meeting.
- Web page: General agreement that TCAA needs to generate a web
page. Neil Shaw may be able to find a webpage designer.
- Themed entertainment: A two-day workshop will be held in San
Luis, Obispo on April 23 Anyone interested in participating should
contact Dana Hougland.
- Columbus meeting (November 1Ð 5, 1999)
- Archeological acoustics session. Dave Lubman summarized several
- TPOM will be June 18 19 in Columbus. Angelo Campanella
- Tribute session for Daniel Martin
- Co-hosted with Musical Acoustics.
- Doug Keefe and Bill Cavanaugh volunteered to chair.
- Special session on classroom acoustics will be dedicated to Buzz
Towne. Bill Cavanaugh and Angelo Campanella volunteered to chair.
- A Distinguished Lecture by Malcolm Crocker has been approved by
the Executive Council.
- NCAC will not meet in Columbus, but will sponsor a reception.
- Other possible sessions for Columbus:
- Virtual orchestras, or addition of electric instruments to
orchestras. Dick Campbell and Tony Hoover volunteered to chair.
- Noise impact, legislation, and monitoring systems for
entertainment venues session should be delayed to a joint meeting
with INCE.
- Acoustic design for historic preservation. Scott Pfeiffer
volunteered to chair.
- Deadline for Columbus papers is May 24, 1999.
- The Vern Knudsen Lecture will be given by Larry Kirkegaard.
- Atlanta (May 30 ÐJune 3, 2000)
- Electronic reverberation/enhancement. Scott Pfeiffer volunteered
to chair.
- Poster session on Learning Spaces:
- Help is needed. Contact Brandon Tinianow (303/978-3767).
- Session is co-sponsored by the Committee on Noise.
- Poster session:
- A social will be held. Invite/inform architectural schools. Note
that Yves Berthelot is active at Georgia Tech.
- Posters from this session will be collected into a book, as in
past sessions.
- The Books Committee has approved this book.
- Methods for electronic submission are to be discussed in Atlanta.
- Stadium acoustics. Jack Randorff volunteered to chair.
- Possible student competition on loudspeaker design was described
by Neil Shaw.
- ASA meetings in Newport Beach (December 3-8, 2000) and Chicago
(June 4-8, 2000) are upcoming.
- 1998
- Classroom acoustics:
- Presentation materials. $3,000 has been approved. Bob Coffeen
reported that this $3,000 was not used in 1998, and was rolled over
to 1999. Four students are developing presentation materials.
- East Coast Workgroup. John Erdreich reported that this was held
two weeks ago with 50 attendees (most of whom were acousticians,
with only 4 architects and several audiologists).
- Concert Hall Research Group. Dick Campbell reported that data is
being compiled.
- TCAA website. $300 has been carried over to 1999. Les Blomberg
and Angelo Campanella will develop the site together.
- 1999
- Summer Institute. Leo Beranek reported that planning is underway
for last weekend in August 1999 at Tanglewood. Applications due by
April 15,1999. Selections will be made by May 15,1999. $5,000 seed
money has been approved.
- TCAA website. $500 is preapproved for its development.
- Classroom Acoustics:
- Rich Peppin and Dave Fagen will spearhead development of a
standardized data protocol.
- $500 to collect data approved by unanimous vote in Norfolk. Data
to include octave-band noise levels reverberation times.
- Request for $750 for joint funding for the Tribute Session to
Daniel Martin was motioned by Dick Campbell, and unanimously
- Request for $750 for student design competition in 2000 was
motioned by Bob Coffeen, and accepted with two opposed.
- Request to reimburse Bob Coffeen $196 for student design
competition expenses from Classroom Acoustics Workshop funds was
unanimously approved.
- Ken Roy reported that ASHRAE will soon publish their Systems
- Immediately after this meeting, TCAA will meet with DEGA (German
Acoustical Society) and EEA (European Acoustics Association).