Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics
of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
(back to meetings
June 5, 2001 -- 7:30PM -- Chicago, IL
Chair: K. Anthony Hoover -- Secretary: Scott D. Pfieiffer
- Program Chair: Scott Pfeiffer
- Technical Program Co-chairs: Paul Calamia and John Kopec
- Paper Sorters: Brandon Tinianov, Robin S. Glosemeyer
- Session Chairs: J. Christopher Jaffee, Jerald R. Hyde, Chistopher A. Storch, Timothy J. Foulkes,
Ian B. Hoffman, Charles T. Moritz, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Daniel Raichel, Robert C. Coffeen,
Lily M. Wang, Robin S. Glosemeyer, Neil A. Shaw, Brandon Tinianov, David Lubman, and Joseph
- All paper presenters
- Student Design Competition: Robert C. Coffeen, Lily M. Wang, Robin S. Glosemeyer
- Review/Approval of TCAA meeting minutes from Newport Beach Fall 2000 meeting. Approved unanimously
- Introduction and welcome of K. Anthony Hoover as TCAA Chair
- Classroom Acoustics:
- Robin Glosemeyer reported that a downloadable version in PowerPoint will reside on the TCAA
Website and will be available soon.
- Suggestions for advertising were discussed, including delivering copies to teacher’s unions, showing
copies at technical committee meetings. No action was determined.
- Brochure will be published in the next Acoustica in Mexico
- Classroom Acoustics Working Group
- Dave Lubman reported that an ANSI standard is developed, thanks to Lou Southerland. It was
accepted with only a couple of objections. It will be accepted on its tenth revision. Also, Information
TV will produce a film on improving our schools with a 10-minute spin-off on classroom acoustics. It
was ASA (TCAA) and NCAC supported. It should air this fall.
- Neil Shaw suggested that ASA should see the script before it is shot using ASA money.
- Dave Lubman assured the review opportunity would be available.
- TCAA Web Page Update - Les Blomberg
- Classroom acoustics materials are being made available from the TCAA site. Minutes of the meetings
continue to be posted there as well.
- Brandon Tinianov questioned whether metatags were strong enough for it to be found within the first
10 hits.
- TCAA website links to regional chapters.
- Student Council Update - Dorie Najolia
- Dorie Najolia asked for volunteers to build the web page. It will be hosted at the Penn State server.
Suggested that the Web Page could help students with travel sharing and finding cheap hotels for
students at conferences. No immediate takers. Student council is pursuing an award for scholarship and
a mentor program.
- Neil Shaw pointed out the AES student chapter association as a model.
- TCAA needs a new student for student council. No immediate takers.
- Concert Hall Research Group
- Paul Calamia - More CDs are available. There has been little response from the draft from the
previous meeting.
Bob Coffeen declined his elected position as secretary. Scott D. Pfeiffer was elected agreed to serve as secretary.
- New member names to be submitted at the start of this calendar year:
- Jim West reported on the Cancun meeting:
- There is a desire for our South/Central American neighbors to learn as quickly as possible. In order to make the meeting more affordable, we are replacing the short course with 3 tutorials with three speakers.
This proposal was well received. Recommendations for the Tutorials were:
- Rick Talaske - Large Room Acoustics
- Neil Shaw/Brandon Tinianov - Fundamentals of Architectural Acoustics
- Recommendations were made that these programs be offered via internet, with possible Spanish
- Jim West identified the sessions as three-hour sessions. Reiterated that they must be interesting enough to hold attendees attention.
- Paul Ostergaard suggested that TCAA support the acknowledgement of Miguel Junger by attending the
fundraising dinner. All agreed to support the fundraising dinner, no dissenters.
- The Newman Award
- The Newman Award management will be transferred from the ASA to the TCAA
- Dave Egan will be chair of this subcommittee, approved unanimously.
- Neil Shaw reported that the books committee is waiting to spend the money previously approved for the
printing of the CD.
- An ASA "Registry of Acoustical Places", which would be organized and maintained along the lines of the
National Registry of Historic Places - Bill Cavanaugh
- Bill Cavanaugh has a list of Atlanta places, Red Wetherill has a list of Southern California places
- See Bill Cavanaugh to help develop guidelines. Robin Glosemeyer suggested that she might assist in
developing criteria.
- New Fellows recognized:
- Angelo Campenella
- Soren Beck
- New book will be published based on the poster session on "Halls for Music Performance…Another Two Decades of Experience 1982-2002." Decisions regarding black & white vs. color, and what to do about submissions of new halls after the meeting are being taken under advisement. Those interested in submitting posters for the book that were not in the session should contact Chistopher A. Storch, Timothy J. Foulkes, or Ian B. Hoffman.
Planning Suggestions for future meetings - Courtney Burroughs
Ft. Lauderdale (December 3-7)
- Abstracts (with PACS numbers) due by deadline August 3, 2001 - Deadlines will be enforced.
- Paper sorters (Lily Wang and David Marsh) will meet in Ft. Lauderdale for the meeting.
- Sessions for Pittsburgh and Cancun must be planned at this meeting
- Cruise Ship Acoustics (High Seas Acoustical Adventures) - Joint w/ Noise
Russ Cooper and Neil Shaw
- Integration of synthesis techniques with “acoustic” music - Joint w/ Musical Acoustics
K. Anthony Hoover
- Speech intelligibility and the metrics used for its evaluation - Joint w/ Speech Communication
Kenneth P. Roy, Ph.D.
- Speech privacy design in office spaces - Kenneth P. Roy, Ph.D.
- Vern O. Knudsen lecture - Acoustics of the mosques of Sinan
David Lubman
Pittsburgh (June 3-7, 2002) TPOM TBD
- Vaudeville Theaters (Heinz Hall)
- Post-production facilities (large mill buildings converted to sound spaces)
Cancun, Mexico (December 2-6, 2002) - Kevin Shepherd
- Counterparts for this joint meeting for this joint conference
- TPOM scheduled for July 19th - 21st . Location TBD.
- Nested set of tours - Dave Lubman
- Website Maintenance ($300.00) pre-approved
- Student Paper Award. Use for Student Design Competition: ($250.00 per award, $750.00 max./year)
- Student Receptions ($600.00) pre-approved
- Tour Seed Money $300.00
- AIA Certification for Classroom Acoustics Presentations ($500.00) )(proposed)
- Speaker travel Funds ($500.00 each/$1500.00max.)
- Video production for classroom acoustics $1500 .00 to $2500.00 (joint with Noise and Speech)