Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics
of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
140th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
(back to meetings
December 7, 2000 -- 7:30PM -- Newport Beach, CA
Chair: Ron Freiheit -- Secretary: Tony Hoover
- Thanks to:
- Paper Sorters: Lily Wang & Angelo Campanella
- Session Chairs: Dana Hougland, Les Blomberg, Courtney Burroughs, Dick Campbell, Tony Hoover, David Marsh, Ken Roy, Angelo Campanella.
- All paper presenters
- Student Design Competition: Neil Shaw, Allan Devantier
- Publication of TCAA related research, the need for papers: Allan Pierce reported for Bob Apfel
- AA may not be generating our fairshare.
- AA might increase its publication by collaborating, getting support from foundations, and using ARLO.
- Guidelines for publishing are in the meeting program.
- Best Paper Award - 12 in favor 2 opposed- no volunteers to chair a subcommittee.
- TC/EC Meeting notes
- JASA online-388 CDROM set sold today, will have paid for itself in two weeks at current sales levels.
- CD Rom - No reimbursement for old CD Roms, but new version is as inexpensive as possible.
- Present JASA cover is acceptable as-is.
- New Book "The Making of Symphony Hall Boston" (see your program page A44 for more details).
- Review/Approval of TCAA meeting minutes from Atlanta 2000 meeting. Approved unanimously
- Report on ASA committee on Standards by George Winzer
- Meeting held December 5, 2000.
- Avril Brenig, Standards Manager, is retiring to be succeeded by Susan Blaeser.
- ISO/TC108
- ASA has had secretariat responsibility for TC108 (Mechanical Vibration and Shock). At the ISO meeting, George Winzer expressed the opinion that the US and the ASA should continue to maintain the secretariat, and seek funding from industries that would benefit.
- George Winzer motioned, Bennett Brooks seconded, voted unanimously for TCAA to propose to the ASA Executive Council that the Executive Council continue its support of this activity.
- Classroom Acoustics:
- Success story for Technical Initiative: - Ben Seep/Robin Glosemeyer/Bob Coffeen. Reported that 4,500 copies of the Classroom Acoustics booklet have been printed, and they are being distributed.
Robin Glosemeyer reported that a downloadable version in PowerPoint will reside on the TCAA Website.
- Classroom Acoustics Working Group
- Dave Lubman - sending draft to S.12 for comments
- TCAA Web Page Update - Les Blomberg
- Members email addresses will be dropped, otherwise lots of junkmail.
- TCAA website links to regional chapters.
- Student Council Update - Dorie Najola
- Council is now operating
- Attempting website, development ongoing.
- Developing a mentoring award
- Echoes had a student page.
- Concert Hall Research Group - Paul Calamia - CD Rom is now available for review (only)
- An ASA "Registry of Acoustical Places", which would be organized and maintained along the lines of the National Registry of Historic Places - Bill Cavanaugh
- Bill Cavanaugh has a list of Atlanta places, Red Wetherill has a list of Southern California places
- See Bill Cavanaugh to help develop guidelines.
- Names from the Nominating Committee (Dana Hougland, Steve Brown, Ron Freiheit) for the new TCAA chairperson. - Next chair will take over in Chicago. Tony Hoover and Bob Coffeen were nominated for chair.
- Tony Hoover was elected TCAA Chair by acclamation.
- Membership Committee: Fellow nominations - Greg Tocci
- Statistics - ASA higher percentage of fellows than many other societies
- TCAA below average with society.
- Written Acclamation (papers, publications, etc.,) very helpful.
- Members of TCAA (these are submitted at the beginning of each calendar year for three year terms):
Persons who want to become members should see Ron Freiheit or Tony Hoover after the meeting.
- Jim Candy recommended that "Digital Signal Processing" become a technical committee. Motion that TCAA recommend to the Executive Council a technical committee on Digital Signal Processing was approved unanimously.
- Neil Shaw: a book on Electromechanical Transducers might be reprinted - 6 were interested and reported that the Education Committee was happy with the loudspeaker competition.
- Bill Cavanaugh on Newman Fund - Transfer of funds and management to ASA under TCAA - Dave Eagan will be chair of this subcommittee, approved unanimously.
- Chicago (June 4-8, 2001) Tpom Feb 16 & 17 (Paul Calamia & John Kopec)
- Abstracts deadline Feb. 2, 2001 - No Exceptions
- Paper sorters (will meet at 2/16-2/17 in Chicago) for Chicago meeting.
- Classroom acoustics (w/noise) - Louis Sutherland
- Soundscapes - Brigitte Schulte-Fort kamp
- Hot Topics Participation - Chicago- Joe Pope - Brandon Tinianow - New Acoustical Materials
- Student Design Competition - (Robin Glosemeyer) - 800 seat performance hall & rehearsal
- Proposed session on Chicago-related acoustics - Scott Pfeiffer
- Baseball acoustics - Joe Pope
- Proposed session on automobile-related acoustics - Dan Raichel, session on Auto Interiors, possibly with noise.
- Proposed special session with Noise and Engineering Acoustics on Acoustical Test Facilities, possibly with noise (poster session) - Chair - Charles Moritz
- Concert hall measurements - Chris Jaffee
- Proposed session on "The First 80 Milliseconds" - Hank Medwin/Rendel Torres
- Proposed "General Session" on the latest research - suggested by some of the members
- Another 20 Years of Music Hall Experience, a book similar to the ASA publication compromised of posters at the Chicago ASA meeting in 1982. Bill Cavanaugh suggested a follow-up book in this series. A logical time for a poster session with book publication thereafter would be the Chicago 2001 meeting. -Tim Foulkes, organizer of poster session.
- Theater Crawl - Scott Pfeiffer
- Ft. Lauderdale (December 3-7, 2001)
- Cruise ship acoustics
- Speech intelligibility
- Speech privacy
- Condo/multi-family dwellings
- Suggested sessions or sessions moved from Chicago
- Sessions for Pittsburgh and Cancun must be planned at this meeting
- Pittsburgh, PA (June 307, 2002)
- Vaudeville Theaters (Heinz Hall)
- Post-production facilities (large mill buildings converted to sound spaces)
- Cancun, Mexico (December 2-6, 2002) - Kevin Shepherd
- Counterparts for this joint meeting for this joint conference
- Nested set of tours - Dave Lubman
- 2000
- Student award money (pre-approved) $750.00 Reuse for student design competition - Steve Neil
- Improving our schools/video - Dave Lubman
- Broadcast on CNBC
- Coordinated effort overall, need $5K more 4 committees noise has committed $1500-$2500
- Pledge of support from TCAA $1500-$2500 - Bill Cavanaugh motioned, Neil Shaw 2nd, unanimously approved
- Classroom Acoustics Presentation Materials $4,000.00
- Travel for Students (Atlanta): $500.00
- Student Reception with Noise (Atlanta): $600.00
- Standard IEC TC29/ISO TC43 Meetings (Newport): $1000.00
- Student Reception (Newport Beach): $300.00
- VOK Lecture((Newport Beach), equipment shipment expense: $600.00
- AIA Certification for Classroom Acoustics Presentations: $550.00 unanimously approved
- 2001
- Website Maintenance ($300.00) pre-approved
- Student Paper Award. Use for Student Design Competition: ($250.00 per award, $750.00 max./year) pre-approved
- Student Receptions ($600.00) pre-approved
- Tour Seed Money $300.00
- AIA Certification for Classroom Acoustics Presentations ($500.00) )(proposed)
- Speaker travel Funds ($500.00 each/$1500.00max.)
- Video production for classroom acoustics $1500 .00 to $2500.00 (joint with Noise and Speech)