The Classroom Acoustics Coalition provides important background on the
nature and scope of the problems caused by bad acoustics in classrooms,
and offers practical planning strategies and methods to avoid or correct
bad acoustics in existing or planned educational facilities.
Our booklet Classroom Acoustics is now online. It is an excellent resource for "creating learning environments with desirable listening conditions."
The Classroom Acoustic Coalition brings together people
engaged in planning, development or use of educational facilities,
Educators |
Speech Pathologists |
Administrators |
Acousticians |
Architects |
Government Officials |
Audiologists |
Concerned Parents |
Poor classroom acoustics (high noise level or
- Create a major barrier to individual learning
- Place additional burdens on teachers
- Cause low student achievement
- Result in poor classroom discipline
- Lead to teacher burnout
- Are detrimental to all students and teachers but especially to those
with a hearing, learning or language disability
Noisy classrooms can be avoided by design and corrected in
a cost effective manner.