[Laws in effect as of January 16, 1996]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 16, 1996 and August 28, 1996]
[CITE: 49USC47508]

                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION



                           CHAPTER 475--NOISE

                      SUBCHAPTER I--NOISE ABATEMENT

Sec. 47508. Noise standards for air carriers and foreign air 

        carriers providing foreign air transportation


    (a) General Requirements.--The Secretary of Transportation shall 

require each air carrier and foreign air carrier providing foreign air 

transportation to comply with noise standards--

        (1) the Secretary prescribed for new subsonic aircraft in 

    regulations of the Secretary in effect on January 1, 1977; or

        (2) of the International Civil Aviation Organization that are 

    substantially compatible with standards of the Secretary for new 

    subsonic aircraft in regulations of the Secretary at parts 36 and 91 

    of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, prescribed between January 

    2, 1977, and January 1, 1982.

    (b) Compliance at Phased Rate.--The Secretary shall require each air 

carrier and foreign air carrier providing foreign air transportation to 

comply with the noise standards at a phased rate similar to the rate for 

aircraft registered in the United States.

    (c) Nondiscrimination.--The requirement for air carriers providing 

foreign air transportation may not be more stringent than the 

requirement for foreign air carriers.

(Pub. L. 103-272, Sec. 1(e), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1287.)

                                          Historical and Revision Notes                                         


            Revised Section                    Source (U.S. Code)               Source (Statutes at Large)      


47508(a)..............................  49 App.:2122(a) (1st sentence    Feb. 18, 1980, Pub. L. 96-193, Sec.    

                                         words before last comma, last    302(a), 94 Stat. 56.                  


47508(b)..............................  49 App.:2122(a) (1st sentence                                           

                                         words after last comma).                                               

47508(c)..............................  49 App.:2122(a) (2d sentence).                                          


    In this section, the word ``providing'' is substituted for 

``engaging in'' for consistency in the revised title.

    In subsection (a), the words ``acting through the Administrator'' 

and ``acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation 

Administration (14 CFR part 36)'' are omitted for consistency. Section 

6(c)(1) of the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89-670, 80 

Stat. 938) transferred all duties and powers of the Federal Aviation 

Agency and the Administrator to the Secretary of Transportation. 

However, the Secretary was to carry out certain provisions through the 

Administrator. In addition, various laws enacted since then have vested 

duties and powers in the Administrator. All provisions of law the 

Secretary is required to carry out through the Administrator are 

included in 49:106(g). Before clause (1), the words ``If, by January 1, 

1980, the International Civil Aviation Organization (hereafter referred 

to as `ICAO') does not reach an agreement'' and ``commence a rulemaking 

to'' and 49 App.:2122(a) (last sentence) are omitted as executed. In 

clause (1), the words ``as such regulations were'' are omitted as 

surplus. In clause (2), the words ``on noise standards and an 

international schedule'' and ``(annex 16)'' are omitted as surplus. The 

words ``of the Secretary for new subsonic aircraft in regulations of the 

Secretary at parts 36 and 91 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, 

prescribed between January 2, 1977, and January 1, 1982'' are 

substituted for ``set forth in such regulations issued by the Secretary 

(14 CFR parts 36 and 91) during the 5-year period thereafter'' for 

clarity and consistency.

    In subsection (b), the words ``in effect'' are omitted as surplus.

                     Aircraft Noise Research Program

    Pub. L. 102-581, title III, Sec. 304, Oct. 31, 1992, 106 Stat. 4896, 

provided that:

    ``(a) Establishment.--The Administrator of the Federal Aviation 

Administration and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and 

Space Administration shall jointly conduct a research program to develop 

new technologies for quieter subsonic jet aircraft engines and 


    ``(b) Goal.--The goal of the research program established by 

subsection (a) is to develop by the year 2000 technologies for subsonic 

jet aircraft engines and airframes which would permit a subsonic jet 

aircraft to operate at reduced noise levels.

    ``(c) Participation.--In carrying out the program established by 

subsection (a), the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration 

and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space 

Administration shall encourage the participation of representatives of 

the aviation industry and academia.

    ``(d) Report to Congress.--The Administrator of the Federal Aviation 

Administration and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and 

Space Administration shall jointly submit to Congress, on an annual 

basis during the term of the program established by subsection (a), a 

report on the progress being made under the program toward meeting the 

goal described in subsection (b).''

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in section 106 of this title.

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