[Laws in effect as of January 16, 1996]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 16, 1996 and August 28, 1996]


                        CHAPTER 65--NOISE CONTROL


4901.         Congressional findings and statement of policy.

4902.         Definitions.

4903.         Federal programs.

       (a)    Furtherance of Congressional policy.

       (b)    Presidential authority to exempt activities or facilities 

                  from compliance requirements.

       (c)    Coordination of programs of Federal agencies; standards 

                  and regulations; status reports.

4904.         Identification of major noise sources.

       (a)    Development and publication of criteria.

       (b)    Compilation and publication of reports on noise sources 

                  and control technology.

       (c)    Supplemental criteria and reports.

       (d)    Publication in Federal Register.

4905.         Noise emission standards for products distributed in 


       (a)    Proposed regulations.

       (b)    Authority to publish regulations not otherwise required.

       (c)    Contents of regulations; appropriate consideration of 

                  other standards; participation by interested persons; 


       (d)    Warranty by manufacturer of conformity of product with 

                  regulations; transfer of cost obligation from 

                  manufacturer to dealer prohibited.

       (e)    State and local regulations.

       (f)    Publication of notice of receipt of revision petitions and 

                  proposed revised regulations.

4906.         Omitted.

4907.         Labeling.

       (a)    Regulations.

       (b)    Manner of notice; form; methods and units of measurement.

       (c)    State regulation of product labeling.

4908.         Imports.

4909.         Prohibited acts.

4910.         Enforcement.

       (a)    Criminal penalties.

       (b)    Separate violations.

       (c)    Actions to restrain violations.

       (d)    Orders issued to protect public health and welfare; 

                  notice; opportunity for hearing.

       (e)    ``Person'' defined.

4911.         Citizen suits.

       (a)    Authority to commence suits.

       (b)    Notice.

       (c)    Intervention.

       (d)    Litigation costs.

       (e)    Other common law or statutory rights of action.

       (f)    ``Noise control requirement'' defined.

4912.         Records, reports, and information.

       (a)    Duties of manufacturers of products.

       (b)    Confidential information; disclosure.

       (c)    Violations and penalties.

4913.         Quiet communities, research, and public information.

4914.         Development of low-noise-emission products.

       (a)    Definitions.

       (b)    Certification of products; Low-Noise-Emission Product 

                  Advisory Committee.

       (c)    Federal procurement of low-noise-emission products.

       (d)    Product selection.

       (e)    Waiver of statutory price limitations.

       (f)    Tests of noise emissions from products purchased by 

                  Federal Government.

       (g)    Authorization of appropriations.

       (h)    Promulgation of procedures.

4915.         Judicial review.

       (a)    Petition for review.

       (b)    Additional evidence.

       (c)    Stay of agency action.

       (d)    Subpenas.

4916.         Railroad noise emission standards.

       (a)    Regulations; standards; consultation with Secretary of 


       (b)    Regulations to insure compliance with noise emission 


       (c)    State and local standards and controls.

       (d)    ``Carrier'' and ``railroad'' defined.

4917.         Motor carrier noise emission standards.

       (a)    Regulations; standards; consultation with Secretary of 


       (b)    Regulations to insure compliance with noise emission 


       (c)    State and local standards and controls.

       (d)    ``Motor carrier'' defined.

4918.         Authorization of appropriations.

                  Chapter Referred to in Other Sections

    This chapter is referred to in section 4365 of this title; title 15 

section 2706; title 16 section 228g.


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