[NPC Clearinghouse]

"Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves."

House Air Noise Caucus Membership List

Below you will find the names and districts of the twenty members of the United States House of Representatives Air Noise Caucus. The Noise Caucus concentrates on bills that limit aircraft operations that unreasonably impact residents, advancing noise reduction technology, and relevant appropriations. This list was updated in June 2000.

Ackerman, Gary (New York - 5th)
Capuano, Michael (Massachusetts - 8th)
Crowley, Joseph (New York - 7th)
Franks, Bob (New Jersey - 7th)
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (New Jersey - 11th)
Hinchey, Maurice (New York - 26th)
Holt, Rush (New Jersey - 12th)
Hyde, Henry (Illinois - 6th)
Kaptur, Marcy (Ohio - 9th)
Kucinich, Dennis (Ohio - 10th)
Lantos, Tom (California - 12th)
Lowey, Nita (New York - 18th)
Martinez, Matthew (California - 31st)
Morella, Connie (Maryland - 8th)
Norton, Eleanor (District of Columbia)
Pallone, Frank (New Jersey - 6th)
Pascrell, Bill (New Jersey - 8th)
Rothman, Steve (New Jersey - 9th)
Roukema, Marge (New Jersey - 5th)
Shays, Chris (Connecticut-- 4th)
Stark, Pete (California - 13th)
Talent, James (Missouri - 2nd)
Towns, Edolphus (New York - 10th)
Weiner, Anthony (New York - 9th)

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