[NPC Clearinghouse]

"Good Neighbors Keep Their Noise to Themselves"

Roselle Park, NJ Nuisance Ordinance
(NPC posted this May 2004)

Chapter 159


§ 159-1. Prohibitions

§ 159-2. Violations and penalties

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Roselle Park 10-11-79 as Ord. No. 1083.1 Amendments noted where applicable.]

1 Editors's Note: Section 1 of this ordinance provided that "Ordinance No. 437, entitled 'An Ordinance to Promote Peace, Quiet and Good Order in the Borough of Roselle Park, New Jersey,' and the amendments thereto, are hereby repealed."

§ 159-1. Prohibitions

No person shall, within the limits of the Borough of Roselle Park:

A. Play, operate or use any television, radio, phonograph or tape equipment or other sound-producing instrument, device or apparatus in such a manner that the sound thereof shall annoy any person or persons or disturb the comfort, rest or repose of any person or persons.

B. Permit, make or continue or cause to be permitted, made or continued any unnecessary noise, produced by human or mechanical means, which shall disturb the comfort, rest and repose of any person or persons being in his or their place of abode or at any public or private meeting or at church services.

C. Keep of harbor any dog or other animal which shall disturb the neighborhood by excessive barking, whining or howling.

D. Throw or discard any cans, bottles, refuse or garbage of any kind whatsoever into the waters of any pond, stream, lake or river, or upon a public street or public place, or discharge any sewage or waste into said waters or places, or any of them, or pollute said waters in any manner whatsoever.

E. Throw any papers, sticks, glass, metal or any hard, dangerous or offensive substances upon any sidewalk, street, highway or public place or at any automobile, vehicle, house, building, fence or person.

F. Participate in any practice, sport or exercise in such a manner so as to annoy, disturb or frighten any person or persons on any sidewalk, street, road, park or other private or public place.

G. Disrupt or disturb the exercises of any public school or any lawful assembly therein, or interfere with or annoy any child attending such school or any teacher therein.

H. Intentionally, willfully or maliciously destroy or injure any of the wires, posts, machines, bells, signs, boxes, box or any other apparatus of any fire alarm system or intentionally, willfully or maliciously interfere with the same or any part thereof or hinder or impede any of the operations intended to be accomplished thereby.

I. Hinder, prevent or deter by any device whatsoever any fireman or any person from rendering lawful assistance in abating or quenching a fire, or hinder or interfere with any fireman going to or returning from any fire or place from which a fire alarm proceeds, or hinder or obstruct any fire engine, hook and ladder truck, hose cart or other fire apparatus going to or from any place from which a fire alarm proceeds or where any building or property may be burning.

J. Interfere with or obstruct a police officer (whether a regular police officer or special police officer), a member of the auxiliary police of the Civil Defense - Disaster Control Bureau or a member of the First Aid Squad of the Borough of Roselle Park, whether in uniform or not, in the carrying out of his duties or functions. [Amended 11-8-79 by Ord. No. 1096]

K. Enter or remain upon the land or property of any person without lawful permission to do so.

§ 159-2. Violations and Penalties.

Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.) or by imprisonment for a term in the county jail not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both.

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