[NPC Clearinghouse]

"Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves."

Noise Organizations Outside the U.S. and Canada

Acoustics Centre
BRE, Garston, Watford WD2 7JR
United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 1923 664344
Fax: 0044 1923 664607

National Noise Association
c/o Noise Network
45 Constitution Road
Chatham, Kent

The Noise Abatement Society
44 Grand Parade
Brighton, BN2 9QA, England
Email: nas@noiseabatementsociety.fsnet.co.uk

Noise Network
PO BOX 327
Chatham, Kent ME5 8JU
Email: quietcampaigner@yahoo.co.uk

Noise Network UK
Valerie Weedon
P.O. Box 968
London, SE2 9RL (UK)
Tel: (011) 081-312-9997

Right to Peace and Quiet Campaign
P.O. Box 968
London, England SE2 9RL
Tel: (011) 081-312-9997

UK Noise Association
1st Floor, Middle Block,
Sir John Lyon House
5 High Timber Street
London EC4V 3NS
Tel: 020 7329 0774 or 01634 819975
Email: mailto:uknauk@yahoo.co.uk


Airport Environment Federation (AEF)
Tim Johnson
5 High Timber Street
EC4V3NS London, England
Tel: +44-171-3298159
Fax: +44-171-3298160

ClearSkies - Against Aircraft Noise
John Stewart
13 Stockwell Road
London SW9 9AU
Tel/Fax: 0171 737 6641

Coalition Against Runway Two (Manchester)
6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS
Tel: 0161-834-8221
Fax: 0161-834-8187

Federation of Heathrow Anti-Noise Groups
65A Walton Road, East Molesby, Surrey KT8 0DR
Tel: 081-941 2344
Fax: 081-941 8239

Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise (London)
PO Box 339 Richmond Surrey TW9 3RB UK
Tel: 0181-876 0455
Fax: 0181-878 0881
Email: info@hacan.org.uk